Andy Weir Interview: “PROJECT HAIL MARY” I The Synthesis Season Finale

THE Andy Weir, author of “The Martian”, joins us to talk about his NEW BOOK, “Project Hail Mary”. It’s our Season 1 Finale, so like NBD. He tells Lacey she’s pretty and Alex that he likes TerraGenesis (!!!). We all try to keep our cool… uhmm sort of. We geek out over books, film and of course, Andy’s dog, Coco. Pick up a copy of Andy Weir’s new book “Project Hail Mary” today!

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕪𝕟𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕤 is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.


Hey folks, this is Alexander Winn. And I am Lacey Hannan. 


And we are here with the latest episode of The Synthesis, the show where we talk about real science in entertainment. This week we are talking about “Project Hail Mary”, the new book by Andy Weir who wrote the Martian, which we went through chapter by chapter as well as Artemis. This is an awesome book, I sat down with the intention of reading it over the course of a week, and I read it in about 18 hours. And, yeah, this week, the cool thing that we have is, 


we have in the interview with Andy Weir, yes. And we talked about Hail Mary, we talked about some of his past projects, we talked about some of his future projects. So if you’re keen to know all things Andy, we’re and the entertainment he puts out for us, then tune in to the rest of this because we have a good time. It’s fun, it’s casual. 


That being said, there are a few spoilers for the story. We don’t give away everything. We don’t give away any of the major plot twists. But we do talk about things that are revealed halfway through the book or that sort of thing. So if you are really intense about avoiding spoilers, and you’re really looking forward to this book, maybe go grab it, it should be on shelves now. And come back and check it out. Once you’re done reading. 


I hope you guys enjoy it as much as we did, because we thoroughly we thoroughly loved this book. I mean, I would say that it’s quite a bit different than then his past work. And that was fun. And it was interesting to see him. Take a new 


Yeah, it’s got everything that you like about the Martian and Artemis, but it’s got some new elements that he hasn’t played around with in his stories yet, which is, which is fun. 


So take a gander, you guys. 


All right. We are here with Andy, we’re author of project Hail Mary, which we have right here, which is an excellent book that Lacey and I read over the last week, I expected to read it over the course of about five days. And I ended up reading it in just under 24 hours. ended up really cutting into what I was planning to do that day, but I have no regrets. So joining us as Andy Weir, the author, thank you so much for being here. 


Thanks for having me. 


The first question that I have is, you know, I’ve seen other interviews that you’ve done for the Martian. And for Artemis, I’m a huge fan of both books. And I noticed, you know, when when you were talking about the Martian, you talked about how that story really began as just sort of Andy we’re got curious about how a Mars mission would work, and started working out the details. And then you’ve mentioned that Artemis sort of began as Andy Weir got curious about lunar economics and how a city on the moon network, or really more about like, what will humanity’s first city that’s not on earth be? Yeah, what will it be like? 


So I’m wondering, is it safe to say that project Hail Mary basically began as Andy Weir got curious about how alien biology might work? Or was there something else that led you to this particular story? 


So is there an issue with the dog being here? Just checking. Okay. 


I love that. Yes. 


Your audience will be like, why is Andy Weir hugging a mop? Um, no. So, actually, like project Hail Mary came from a bunch of different ideas, I had four different stories that didn’t really flesh out each on their own. But somehow, in a series of shower epiphanies, they really fit well together as a single cohesive story. Now it looks like when you read it, it seems like oh, yeah, everything leads logically. But like, these were all chunks that I put together from other stories, strangely enough, astrophysics itself was came from a story that I was working on, that I never published, where they had a spacecraft fuel, that could do mass conversion and turn it into light. propulsion. And, you know, I never got anywhere with that story, but it’s, it’s in Project Hail Mary. Then there’s another one where a character that I lifted directly from one of my other stories, was a woman who had just this massive amount of secret authority. Like she can just basically tell governments what to do. And they do it. And but nobody knew who she was or that, you know, or, you know, stuff like that. And she was working toward a, you know, a non selfish goal. And so, okay, so she’s in the book, that’s the character of strap. And then also, I had an unrelated idea of a guy waking up aboard a spaceship with amnesia, you know? Yeah. And then yeah, and then we’ve had our spoiler warning already. Yes. And then also the notion of a first context. Yeah, so all those things ended up dovetailing together really nicely. 


Yeah, well, they like you said they came together seamlessly. 


They did. I would be curious. You know, in talking in what you said about the guy waking up on a spaceship with amnesia, this narrative breaks the mold of your other ones. How was it writing something that was more of a mystery than your last two books? 


It felt great. I love it. Because I’ve learned while I’m writing it, because when I’m writing,
I’m always reading what I wrote, and putting myself in the mindset of like, okay, now I’m a reader who doesn’t know anything other than what I’ve read so far in the story. And what I found is that there’s nothing for pulling a reader along, like as unfolding mystery, like making the reader wonder, okay, what’s going on here, and then giving them a little bit of information. And then they’re like, oh, okay, another clue. And they like that. The biggest challenge for me was that, if I told the story linearly, if I just told it, like, from the beginning of all the events that happened to the end of all the events that happen, it would be a very weird story. It would be like, all the characters in the first act, you’d never see them again. You know, once they launched the ship, and then the one of the most important characters you wouldn’t see until the middle of the book. Yeah, like Rocky. Yeah. And, and then so it just be like, there were two books that were glued together. And it wouldn’t make a lot of it would not be enjoyable. So I hate flashbacks. I’m the first person to tell everybody when they’re asking for writing advice. One of the things I say is don’t do flashbacks. So here I am a massive hypocrite. But it was really the only way I could tell the story without having a really weird disjoint sequence of events. So I figure I tried to think of, well, what what is it that bugs me so much about flashbacks? And what bugs me is I’m usually really invested in the primary plot. And then the flashback is used to show me some expositional crap I didn’t care about like, oh, okay, you know, here’s, here’s like this, you know, amazing events that are going on, or shattering events. And now we’re gonna go back and spend 10 minutes of like, if it’s a TV show, 10 minutes of screen time, showing you how the protagonist met his wife. Like, I don’t give a crap about that. Go back to the main plot, you know? Yeah. So I think your flashbacks are, it’s kind of like, you’re out playing with your friends, and your mom tells you to come in and clean your room. Right? It’s like that. And so I figure Well, it’s alright, if you’re out playing with your friends, and your mom tells you to come in and have pie. You know, it’s okay, if the flashbacks themselves are just as entertaining and compelling. I guess a lot of writers like to use flashbacks as a easy way of putting exposition into a story. But I used it to be part of the unfolding mystery, and also the flashback sequences coincide with the main sequence and stuff like that. So hopefully, hopefully, when when you get to a flashback, you’re not disappointed, but you’re like excited because you’re gonna get more information. 


I think that is how it plays out. 


Yeah, that that was the goal. Thank you. 


I will support that. 


That was definitely my reaction. Yeah, I was very fascinated by what was unfolding on Earth as well as the spaceship storyline. So one of the things that obviously jumps out when you read project Hail Mary, as opposed to the Martian and Artemis is there are a lot more sort of five parts of the sci fi there’s there’s aliens, there’s, there’s more stuff that is just sort of not grounded in specific reality. Whereas Artemis in the Martian, you have the sense that no, this exact story might happen. This is exactly how it might play out. So I’m wondering, you know, you’ve you’ve built this sort of brand. And obviously it’s a it’s a personal interest of yours of having everything grounded in realism. So when you did approach this story that was a little bit more fantastical. How did you decide where to allow for convenient fictions? Like, when is it okay to just make it up and say, This is how it works? Because it does. 


Well, my goal was to make like this, you know, there’s alien life forms in this book. Yeah. Two different species. And, and, well, three, I guess, three. And and I wanted to make sure that I, I figured it would be nice to have like, a story, a hard sci fi story that involves alien life. I’m not the first person to do that. But the idea of like, okay, all the previous my previous books, these are things that you could conceivably see happening. All the characters are humans, it’s not that super far into the future. There’s nothing really fantastical, but I wanted this to at least be physically possible. So you know, there’s, there’s, there are basically three biospheres involved in the book there’s earth. And then there’s arid, you know, Rockies Homeworld, and then there’s, well, what they ended up naming Adrian, that planet and tell SETI, what that tells SETI system has a biosphere as well, right? That’s the homeworld of the astrophysics and stuff. And so the main thing I was like, it’s like, okay, I want this to be as plausible as possible. So I decided, like, here’s the thing it’s like, if it seems really unlikely that life would independently evolved in all three of those stars, mainly because they’re very, very close together in the grand scheme of things. Tell SETI is like 11 light years from here. 40 or Adani, which is where Rocky’s home system is, is like 16 light years from here, and the Milky Way galaxy is 100,000 light years across. So that’s that’s just way too close to for it to be reasonable that life evolved separately, you know, so I decided there had to be a panspermia event. Well, fortunately, we’ve already demonstrated that the towel city biosphere has life forms that can travel interstellar distances. So I decided that some ancestor of Astra phage was the 

panspermia so life only evolved once and it evolved on planet Adrian. Right and earth and arid were both basically seeded by panspermia, it’s all just natural. It’s not any intelligent life or anything like that. Just the same way that you know, there’s life on, on on all seven continents of Earth, even though it really only evolved once, right? So how to get to the other continents? Well, it’s spread out. So that’s like one thing I wanted to do. And also the idea that you know, Rockies biosphere, is I kind of think of first contact stories that involve everybody’s like, super comfortable in the exact same environment. And, you know, in Star Trek style, where it’s just like, some forehead bumps are the difference between Don’t get me wrong, I’m not throwing shade at Star Trek. I’m a total Trekkie nerd. Absolutely. Like I’ve seen literally every episode of every trek related anything. But But yeah, I mean, I didn’t want to be alien to be some hot, blue skinned woman who wants to learn more about this earth thing called love making cry, want to be like a genuinely, really, really as alien as possible, like, completely incompatible with Earth’s biosphere? Even the way their language works is something you cannot make the sounds that their language makes, they can’t make the sounds that are make we you need interpretation in the way and so on. Yeah. 


Well, and that kind of leads me to one of my questions is, you know, you talk about grace. At one point, you establish this pretty early on his he writes this paper about how not all life is going to need water. And then we go on to meet Rocky, who does. And I’m wondering, oh, this is wrong. 


I’m wondering like, yeah, okay, so maybe that just answers my question. I was kind of wondering, what camp Do you fall in? of? Does it have to have water or not? I 


actually, I actually believe that you don’t need water for life. I don’t buy into the idea that water is required for any form of life. However, within the context of the story, it was a panspermia event, we’re all descended from a single common ancestor. Right? So the life that well, in the real in reality, it’s life that evolved on Earth, right. But within the story, it’s the life that evolved on planet Adrian evolved to require water, so all of its descendants require water. Yeah, the fundamental cellular mechanisms, everything you can, there’s no getting around it. So all the life that that he encountered does require water, which I thought would be a funny thing. Because usually, if you have a main character, who’s the sole voice saying one thing, and everyone’s telling him he’s wrong, it’s almost a guarantee that that guy is gonna turn out to be right. Yeah, I thought it’d be neat for 170 characters just wrong. 


I loved that. Because we, you know, again, we just have done an in depth, like a deep dive on the Martian. And we love how, you know, intelligent and yet not a superhero, that what he is, yeah. And his capacity for knowing lots of things or being able to pick up on things really quickly is awesome. And then you’ve got grace, who’s also incredibly intelligent, but is wrong on something that’s pretty big is 


Yeah. To be fair, he was kind of partially right. One of the things his paper said was that the Goldilocks zone is how do you feel about scoring on your show? 


You’re all good. 


I do it. Okay. That’s the Goldilocks zone is bullshit, right? Yeah, this is this is the thing that I do believe that this notion of the Goldilocks zone is like, what? It’s like, Oh, this is the range where liquid water can happen. I’m like, no The range is much larger than that. Yeah, all you need to have liquid water at a temperature above 100 degrees Celsius is to have more than one atmosphere of pressure. Yeah. And so like Rockies Homeworld, the the, the surface, atmospheric pressure is, like 29 atmospheres, and the temperature is 210 degrees Celsius. And water is a liquid. Yeah. Even though it’s like 210 degrees Celsius, like 450 degrees Fahrenheit. But water is a liquid because the atmospheric pressure is so high. So now you have liquid water, way outside what they call the Goldilocks zone. 


Yeah, playing with with atmospheric pressure and the boiling temperature of water is, has been fascinating since you played with it in artemus. And the idea that you can’t have hot food 


can’t have can’t have really hot food. Yeah. 


That is, you know, that’s one of the things when we, when we hear at Edwards talk about, you know, the the future cultures that will exist on other planets, one of the first things I always reach for is different planets might have different cuisine, because for example, you can’t have soup on this world, because the atmospheric pressure is too low, it just tastes tepid and gross. So yeah, it’s, that’s a, that’s a very fun thing to play with. So as, as you are, as you’re working on these things, you know, the the impression for the reader is there’s a problem, and the hero works on it and finds a solution and then moves forward. And my understanding is that for the Martian, that kind of has to be true, because you were releasing a chapter by chapter, yeah. But for subsequent books, you as the author do actually have the opportunity to hit something and then go back and be like, Ah, this would actually be a lot easier. If you had 20 solar panels, instead of 15 solar panels, I’m just gonna go back and change the number of solar panels he had. So I’m wondering, how often does that kind of thing happened? Do you present yourself with a problem? And then just force yourself to fix it with what you got? Or do you change? 


I will change things for sure. I’ll change things to make it solvable. I won’t necessarily make it easy on the protagonists, but I’ll make it solvable. But also, I did do that on the Martian, I would go back and change chapters that I’d already posted. Oh, yeah, it was sort of a disclaimer on my site. At the time when I was reading it. I’m like, Okay, this is a serial, but it’s a book that I’m writing. And you’re seeing a chapter at a time. So I might go back and change chapters you’ve already read. And when I did that, I saw at the time, I had a mailing list of regular readers and stuff like that. And when I change things that I already posted a while ago, I would alert the readers I would say, Hey, everybody, chapter seven, I’ve made changes. Okay? Oh, you can either go read chapter seven again, or here’s a recap of the changes that I made. 


It’s like patch notes for software now. 


It’s exactly that well, I’m a I’m a software engineer, right. So I was And so yeah, I really was release notes or patch notes. Yeah. 


That’s love. I love that there’s the the transparency there is rather than hurt. Oh, that’s awesome. Yeah. So this kind of goes off in a slightly different direction. But you have this character that I just was so heartbroken for. And there’s like a lot of heartbreak I about lost my mind. I’m not Rocky, I assume. Well, I that one about broke me. But there’s I’m not going to give away that spoiler. But there is another character. Leclerc le cleric. 


Oh, yeah, first of all occurred. 


So I’m wondering, is there one scientist or one person that you’ve written in this story that you have the most empathy or something for? 


I mean, the obvious answer would be grace, you know? But I don’t know I mean, Leclerc. It’s, it’s it’s sad. But that’s the guy doing the opposite of everything he’s stood for, for the good of all mankind. Right? all humanity. One person I actually sympathize with that may surprise you is strat. She’s in charge of literally saving all of humanity. And she has to make some hard decisions. Yeah, yeah. And he’s not a monster. She’s not a robot. She has emotion. She has feelings. But she she’s also ruthless in making this thing happen because she has to be and so whatever, whatever columns or issues she has, she has to set aside to do this stuff and she makes it look easy. But at the end, you find out that you 


know, she is she does feel bad about some of the things that she’s been forced to do. That being said, we know about Andy we’re writing a villain because he wrote the Moriarty stories. Did Mitch I adore? Yes. Yeah, we, I have always been fast. I actually wrote my own sort of version of Moriarty stories A while back. And when I found yours, I was like, Oh, this is awesome. And then I saw Andy Weir. And I was like, seriously? 


Well, thank you. Yeah, I had a lot of fun writing those. And I would love for that to be a TV show. I even pitched it at one point. But the people who were slightly interested in it then heard about like, somebody else is doing somebody else at I don’t know if it ever got green lighted, but somebody else at the time was also making some sort of Moriarty based thing. Okay. Gonna be kind of supernatural or weird. I don’t know. It’s gonna be completely different than mine. And it was some big name person that you don’t want to be perceived as being in competition with. I don’t remember who Well, it wrong for not having it again. Yeah, pitch it again. Or just or just keep writing the last as 


I was writing those before I wrote the Martian, right. So I intended for them to be a serial as well. And he was going to slowly build up his cadra. of if that’s how it’s pronounced of criminals like so bit by bit. You know, the first story is just him and Captain Moran. Yeah, yeah. Who in the books is Colonel Moran, right? Yeah. Captain ran. But now he’s got a powerful ally in violet Sutcliffe. Yeah, is the arsonist. Yeah, she’s very good at it. So that was gonna be another one. And then bit by bit he was going to accumulate, you would see him building up his syndicate. 






I’m here for it. 




So the next question I have is, you know, when we when we did the Martian on our show, we did sort of a chapter by chapter analysis of the book. And then the ending episode of that miniseries was, we talked about the movie. And we are both huge fans of the book and huge fans of the movie. But you naturally start getting into, you know, how do they differ and that sort of thing. And one of the things that we realized was, because it’s a movie, you obviously don’t have as much time. And so there’s an interesting distinction where the book of the Martian is the story of someone coming up with solutions. And the movie of the Martian is the story of someone implementing solutions. You don’t actually see him doing the math, he just talks into the camera, he says, here’s what I’m going to do. Yeah, there’s a similar dichotomy. In project Hail Mary, where when we’re on in sort of the present day on the spaceship, he’s figuring out solutions. And then in the flashbacks on Earth, it’s much more of just Hey, the Russians have figured out how to do this, or, hey, we, we are going to do this in Antarctica, because it will have this effect. And so I was wondering, was there a choice to establish that dichotomy? Was there ever a version where you got more into the figuring it out on on earth side? 


Interesting, you point that out? No, that that there was no point where I consciously thought about that. I guess the thing is, with the earth segments, they’re largely expositional, they’re there to bring the reader up to speed and hopefully a fun and unfolding mystery way of why all this is going on in the first place. Right. And so I didn’t want to, I want to spend not too much time there. Because it’s fun for a while, but not forever, right. And so I wanted I you know, I liked the idea of skipping and skimming over time to just the highlights, you know, this is interesting. They, they’re, you know, nuking a big chunk of an Antarctic ice shelf to deliberately massively increase global warming. Yeah, it’s interesting. Yeah, that’s that’s quite a moment in engineering. Yeah. Leclerc. seat of your pants terraforming your own planet. 


Yeah. And Leclerc, a lifelong environmentalist climatologist everything he can to prevent this exact stuff from happening is now the agent of it. 


It’s always so so sad when a character that you like you sort of look into the future. And you’re like, Yeah, I don’t think things are gonna end up well for him. 


You know, what law clerks long term goal was to was to work towards saving Earth’s environment. That’s true. And that’s what he was doing. No, it’s true. It’s true. It’s not the way he expected it. 


Yeah. And if you’re feeling bad for Leclerc, just imagine after it, you know, after Earth gets the cure for Astrophysics and stuff like that. astrophysics is now a perfect clean, renewable energy resource. True. 


Yeah. And what I loved in I believe it was about that scene that you mentioned that, that climate change and climatology like all of that is really a science that’s in its infancy, and I thought that was kind of I thought that was lovely. Have you point out because we tend to think of, oh, every six months, technology has advanced again and again and again. And we tend to forget that a lot of stuff that we know, has taken centuries. And you’re, and you’re right, we, we don’t give a lot of benefit to the fact that it is so young. 


Well, also, planets are large. So predicting what’s going to happen across a system of that size is very difficult. And so that’s why I set the clerk up in the novel of being, you know, one of the biggest issues with climatology and why we, frankly, one of the main reasons we end up with climate denial, in my opinion, well, there’s always going to be one. There’s always going to be a demographic who just whatever. But I think there’s a middle demographic that’s kind of in climate denial, because climatologists are consistently wrong in their predictions. It happens all the time. I mean, you can dig up as many climate predictions as you want from the 1980s forward, and they’re pretty much all wrong, like or, or wrong to varying degrees that are like, Okay, this is not, I mean, this is like, almost like, you chose randomly what was gonna happen? So I set Leclerc up as being like a climatologist, who’s whose models correctly predicted the future climate, not super accurate, you know, not like, Oh, it’s gonna rain on Wednesday, but like, Oh, this is the amount of polar cap melt, you can expect. And this is the amount of oceanic rise you can expect. And this is the amount of like, average oceanic temperature, you can expect that sort of stuff. And his models were correct. Most others weren’t. So I wanted to introduce the scientist who’s like, I mean, I think there’s a general public understanding that climatology is really difficult and, and vague and the predictive aspects of it aren’t. We’re not very good at yet. So I wanted to introduce a character who is good at it. Yeah. 


And by then it won’t be quite as young as it is today. So you only takes place modern day. I mean, 


okay. Okay. I was thinking. I was I think I just because the Martian, we’ve got just around the corner, and then we’ve got like, what the 27 days? For 2018? Yeah. 


This is now 


Yeah, yeah, 


I suppose that’s a that’s true. Right? Well, um, yes. So it ties into that, what? Then I recognize that this could come off as ego testicle. So I’m gonna try. And 


Sandy, why am I beautiful? Right? You can’t explain this. 


Look, yeah, that doesn’t just happen. Right? 


So okay, so you have you are so great at doing real science and entertainment. And I just, it’s, I’ve always loved the historical in in books, and movies, and all of that. And I’ve only recently learned that I enjoy science, that was not something that I knew could be true, through at least college. And so it’s like, between him and between your books. And the Martian movie that I’ve really come to discover, oh, I can a understand this. And be I might not retain all of it. But I can be reminded, oh, yeah, you know, like, I got I got that. What is it that draws you to doing real science in all of your, in all of your entertainment? And and do you want to see more of that in the world from other people? 


I guess the first part, I would say, I’m drawn to it, because I just I like it, you know, everybody has things that they’re interested in and passionate about, and that happens
to be mine. And so you know, you write the stuff that you’re interested in. But um, yeah, so I guess that’s just, it’s, it’s important to me. Yes, I know you want attention. But as for the other thing, yes. I would love there to be more hard sci fi, because that’s my favorite type of science fiction to read. After the Martian became a success. I thought, Oh, this will be great. Now, a bunch of, you know, hard sci fi Oh, come out. I can read it and enjoy it. And it didn’t happen. Yeah, nobody did that. And so I was like, well, the bad news is I don’t have anything fun to read. You know, it’s right in my wheelhouse. The good news is, I guess I own this market niche. 


You do. We are also disappointed that other people haven’t been like, I feel like everyone’s relying on you to do it. And I’m so sorry. I also congratulate you. 


Yeah, we actually, you know, with our show the synthesis. It’s all about a Examining real science in entertainment, and we, we started the show and we did you know, Apollo 13. And we checked out gravity, we checked out the Martian. And then there was a point at which we were like, there’s actually not that many things that we can talk about on this show like that. Eventually, you just start doing historical movies like The Right Stuff in October sky and those sorts of things where you start getting into more yellow, like, based on Yeah, exactly. Because stories like the Martian stories. Yeah, yeah, but but you sort of it’s it’s amazing how quickly you run out of hard sci fi movies and TV shows. 


Coming soon to edgeworth nebula. Welcome. 


Do you have my sword, a token podcast hosted by me? Christy pride. You have my sword as a comedic, historical deep dive on different topics from Tolkien’s work, spanning the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, the silmarillion and beyond. We’ll talk about things like new Missourians. You don’t even deserve rights. Tom bombadil, the ultimate white guy, Baron and Lucien a better love story than Twilight. And, yes, I’ll tell you why the Eagles couldn’t fly the goddamn ring to Mordor. You can find you have my sword on Instagram and Twitter at YHS podcast. Or you can visit us at you have my sword podcast calm. I do the research. You did listening. Everybody wins. Except Saren. fuck that guy. catch y’all soon. And remember, you have my sword. 


fun thing you may or may not know, you guys are really into the subsidiary, you know, but one of the so they you know, for films, they always show them to preview audiences right beforehand and get feedback and then maybe even make changes. So it’s like they, they they do market testing and stuff like that. And for Apollo 13. They showed it to a bunch of people, and they got their feedback from it. And one of the pieces of feedback was, well, it was a cool movie, but it just seem to reel it to unrealistic. If that really happened. There’s no way the astronauts would survive. Yeah. Well, 


in that same vein, and perhaps even more horrifying, I’m sure you saw I certainly did all the people and yeah, all the people who read the Martian or watch the Martian and then said, This is incredible. I can’t believe they didn’t cover this in our history class. Why didn’t our teachers tell us about this? There were like, 


really disturbingly large number of people who thought the Martian was like, based on a true story. Yeah. Well, I guess congratulations. Yeah. A compliment. I’m pretty sure. 


Yeah. You wrote something that’s so believable. It’s more believable than Apollo 13? 


I guess so. 


You know, that real science will do it 


for you more realistic than Apollo 13? Yeah. Yeah. 


So I want to I want to circle back to something you said a few minutes ago, which is, you talked about how you’re you change things to make solutions possible. Yeah. I’m curious. In in project, Hail Mary, or in your other books. Can you give us some examples of times where the story led you to a place that you just sort of hit a brick wall, and you’re like, oh, he would just die? Like there is no solution to this? 


Yeah. I had. So in the Martian. Now, this is something that is more in the book than in the movies. So in the movie, when he goes from the area three landing site to the area for landing site, it’s just sort of a montage in the book, the dust on? Yeah, in the book, he come. He runs into a lot of issues. Yeah. So one of the ideas I had, among other things in the book, he rolls the rover. Yeah, yeah, rolling it down a hill, like, you know, sight overside and brakes, and edit, there’s all sorts of issues with that I was going to make him in that instance, he was also going to breach the RTG. So the radio thermo generator, anyway, RTG, it has a bunch of it is literally in a thing. It’s a bunch of material inside that is so incredibly radioactive, that it generates constant heat. And then that heat is used to create electricity. So that’s fine. And that’s that’s a real technology. That’s what’s powering curiosity and now and now perseverance. But I was going to have him break it and then there’d be Oh, God, radiation. Oh, okay. Well, I’ll put on my eeba suit, because it offers a lot of radiation protection, and I’ll throw the RTG away and then or something, right. Okay, so that was going to be one of the challenges he faced. But from then on, he would have to be without that RTG he wouldn’t have the heat source in his rover, he wouldn’t have the RTG helping recharge the rover and stuff like that. And all the numbers just told me there’s no way that he would survive that he would be consuming power. Just to keep warm, he would be consuming power fascinate faster than you can possibly acquire it. And so he would have died. Yeah, I just, I could not find any solution to that problem. And so I didn’t have that problem happened 


to you. Just based on that alone? Do you have a lot of numbers that you run? Like you have to you have to do spreadsheets to just make sure. Are you like a spreadsheet King at this point for you? Right? I am, I am quite the king, I am the monarch of Excel. Well, 


yeah, tons of spreadsheets, I do lots of math, I want everything to be accurate. And so I mean, the reader only encounters like, 5% of all the stuff that I do. And I just want it to be right so that I can feel warm, knowing it’s right. Also, the cool thing is, if you stick to real science, I mean, the universe is internally consistent. Yeah, if you make up physics, then you end up having to make up more physics to cover the edge cases of the physics you’ve already made up, and so on, but the you but if you just stick with reality, then it’s really cool. Because first off, you don’t have to make stuff up, you just calculate it. Second off, you’ll run into problems that you wouldn’t have thought of. So for instance, in the Martian, our hero, Mark Watney grows potatoes, as I’m sure you know, to survive. And originally, I was like, you know, okay, researching how to grow potatoes. And one little tidbit I saw was like, Oh, the moisture content of the soil needs to be at least this percent. And I’d never thought of that. Well, I was like, of course, you need to water them. But it’s more than that they need to be in a soil that is at least a given percent moisture, or the soil itself will Leach all the water out of the plant and kill it. I’d never thought of that. I’m like, wait a minute, how much water does he need to make that moisture. And I’m like, wait a minute, that’s a lot more more water than is likely for a Mars mission to bring with it. So he’s going to need water. And at the time I wrote it, it was believed that Mars was completely dry and arid. And so he had to manufacture water. So that whole subplot of him creating water was because I was going down a rabbit hole on how to grow potatoes. 

And I wouldn’t have thought of it otherwise. Now, and that little footnote to that is, so curiosity landed after I wrote the Martian, one of the first things it did was scoop up some soil and say, Hey, guys, there’s a shitload of water in here was irrelevant and inaccurate. But I can counter that by saying, curiosity is that is that Mount Sharp, which is nowhere near as adelia Phoenicia, which is where Mars Mark was. And so I say acid la punishes a desert, you know, I say that it, it has a different water content until somebody sends a probe there, they can’t prove me wrong. 


That’s right. And it’s you know, it’s a it’s a big planet, and they’re not going to hit every spot, it might take a while. 


That actually was going to be my next question. I’m sorry. Sorry to interrupt. Oh, there’s one thing you know. So after with the Martian was very popular. And of course, it was very popular with NASA and JPL, folks, right. And so, in the book, I say, the exact latitude and longitude in accidentally play the exact location of the areas three landing site. And Mark describes it. It’s like a featureless plane with like rocks here and there, and maybe a few craters, but other than that, there’s nothing going on. So JPL pointed Mars Global Surveyor, at that location, took a really super high resolution photograph where every pixel is a square foot. Oh, wow. 


On the surface of Mars, yeah. And then said, Hey, everybody, this is where Mark Watney his landing site is. It doesn’t look anything like described in the book. You guys. 


Scientist wasn’t expecting anybody to point a billion dollars satellite, Mars, terrify. 


Maybe that’s what scares people from writing hard sci fi. Yeah. 


Well, that it’s funny that you say that, because that was actually going to be my next question. You know, I’m a big fan of the Mars trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson. And one of the things he has said is, you know, he wrote that book, and I think the 80s. And we obviously know a lot more about Mars now. And he has said things about the I don’t know how to spin out but perchlorates in the soil, great rates in the soil, things like that, that would have radically changed how the Mars trilogy would have gone down if he’d known at the time. Are there other examples of sort of future proofing your stories? Do you do anything to try to like, anticipate what might be discovered, but we don’t know. Yeah, 


I really don’t. Because it’s kind of pointless, you know, to try to predict. I just focus on trying to make a novel that’s fun to read at the time that it’s released. If you’re writing speculative fiction about the future, you’re going to be wrong. Yeah, like it’s only a matter of time before your story is out of date. Like and another whatever. We’re in 14 years, we will reach the date that the Martian takes place. And when it doesn’t happen, my book will then be inaccurate. Right, right. Or Yeah. Yeah. So I don’t feel bad about that. 


Yeah, that makes sense. 


I mean, I, I’ll say, fine. 


Okay. I’ve got one more question. Which is, you know, you are, I think undeniably known in the popular imagination. As a scientist, like I’ve seen you interviewing I’m not a scientist. Well, I mean, I guess but 


yeah. But I mean, like, you know, for example, we did National Geographics. Mars, and you were one of the experts interviewed as in that. So, you know, people imagine you as someone heavily associated with science. That being said, You have also written you know, the Moriarty stories and things that are unrelated to science. I was one of the 5 billion people who read the Martian and fell in love with it. And when and then later went, wait, this is the guy who wrote the egg. I, everybody loved the egg. And then yeah, oh, yeah. So what I was wondering is, because you have, you know, what could be described as two natures, the storytelling, and then the science, but obviously, our one nature because you’re one guy. The Martian started out as figuring out the science that you wanted to figure out how this would work. And so you told the story to do that. Is that how you generally approach stories like Artemis and project Hail Mary, or do you start more from a story standpoint, hey, I want to tell a heist about this, you know, plucky girl on the moon, and then you come up with the engineering challenges that would arise from that? 


No, I almost always, I mean, I always thus far start with the science. Like I’m like, here’s a neat thing that I want to think about. And then I start working out like I had. So for artemus, for instance, I designed and explained the economy of the entire city of Artemis, before he came up with any characters or story. 




Like I’m like, Okay, now, I put a huge amount of work into a setting. Okay, now I need stuff to happen. And I actually, it took me a while to come up with a story to take place in there. Like I went through a lot of different Okay, what if this is the story and then I work on it for a while, and I it’s kind of down? How about this? You know, I had to go through a lot of revs before I came up with a plot that I like, interesting. 


So are we go now I have heard you say that you have have considered writing multiple stories in Artemis. Is that still a plan? 


I mean, for now, I think No, because it wasn’t as popular as I’d hoped. People are debases Andy wares other book, right. And I really, I really hoped it would be more popular than it is. I think jazz was such a self destructive person that a lot of people had a tough time rooting for her, because she really was the agent of her own problems. Yeah, no, I was trying to make a more nuanced main character with flaws and a story arc and maturing and personal growth. But I think I went a little too far. Also, what’s funny is Mark and jazz are both based on my own personality. Mark is the idealized version of me all the aspects of myself that I like, and none of my flaws, whereas jazz is as much of a fuckup as I was when I was her age. And turns out, I guess people will have a hard time rooting for a guy who is as much of a fuckup as I was at 26. People think jazz is some sort of masturbation fantasy of mine, but she’s really just me. I guess he really is. I mean, yes, she’s a woman and she’s Saudi and stuff like that. But her personality and most importantly, her flaws are the ones that I had when I was that age. Interesting. 


I feel like people that need to go listen to the audio book. Yeah, 


Rosario Dawson did a great job, no doubt about it. But if a book is only entertaining as an audio book, then that just means Rosario Dawson did a good job. Doesn’t mean I did a good job, right? So I need to make entertaining stories that that are good, even if you don’t have an A list actor reading them. 


I mean, I suppose I hear that I have. I have rebuttals because I like it so much. 


I’m glad you like it. I’m glad you like it. I got one thing that kind of sucked for me and I didn’t like is that if you’re a male author and you write a female lead, there’s a whole subsection of people who are just going to hyper focus on that. Yeah, like, let’s talk about how realistic this portrayal of a woman is yay or nay or whatever. And nobody questions. My you know how realistic my nail characters are, you know, frankly, it’s not realistic that Mark Watney would go, like so long on Mars alone in a day In a situation without ever, like without ever really losing his mind or succumbing to crippling loneliness or stuff like that, but everybody just kind of accepts that. But if you write the other gender, and then people, and suddenly, instead of like, you can write strat who’s the side character and nobody’s gonna question that. But the moment 


we’ll see, I mean, I may get some on that. Although, yeah, I mean, yeah, so, and I do think that it’s a little asymmetrical. like nobody gets on JK Rowling for Harry Potter being unrealistic. Right? And I’m sorry, he’s a teenage guy who has this incredibly hot female friend never tries anything. And I’m sorry. Yeah, JK Rowling does not know what teenage boys are like. On the inside. She just doesn’t know how degenerate we are when we’re that age. Back me up on this, Alexander. 




I’m sorry, a teenage boy who is not a pervert, that’s just female fantasy. 


I agree with that. Yeah. I find a lot of them. I have a lot of. 


Well, we well, we are huge fans of Artemis around here. Yes, we are. 


Thank you. I’m glad to hear it. I did have ideas for Artemis sequels. I had an idea what I really wanted to do was make my follow up. I even pitched it. But the publisher said I wanted to make a murder mystery set in Artemis. And the main character is Rudy the Mountie, the car. Oh, yeah. That’d be the main character. Jazz would be secondary like she. So I had the idea of having different main characters within us. But, you know, my editor said, Yeah, that’s a neat concept. But this particular story is not that good. Oh, wow. It’s probably right. And he also said, like, Look, you’re a science guy. You, you know, you’re really good at that. 


So if you write a murder mystery, and you could put a lot of work into writing a decent murder mystery, or you could write another really cool Brown, groundbreaking science thing. Right? 


Now, I feel like you just need to send them the Moriarty stories again. And yet, like, here, allow me to be a scientist and disprove you. 


Thank you very much. That’s nice. But I guess he didn’t much care for the story that I had in mind. But he’s open. They’re open to it. And of course, I mean, I could bully my way into it. I could just say, Well, this is the next book I’m writing. Yeah, publish it, because someone else probably will. Right. Yeah, but, but I didn’t want to do that. My editor is very good at this. And it’s wise of me to pay attention to what he has to say. Yeah, of course. Well, 


maybe someday we’re just gonna have to see if we can’t find someone who can do like a hard science, hard sight, sci fi Anthology, and you can do short stories and want good sci fi mysteries. I mean, the the robots. The robots stuff from like, the caves of dawn series from Asimov is really good. Yeah, those are like science fiction, murder mysteries. And they’re good at both of those things. Make it okay. And I say robots, and I meant caves of steel. Robots of Dawn is the name of the third book in that. heaves of steel is the first book. Wow.


I’m gonna anyway, that recommendation. Yeah. 


By Asimov. Who’s my favorite author of all time side note. But anyway, I do have ideas for project Hail Marys sequel. 


Oh, very cool. 


It lends itself to a sequel, you know? Yes. 


There’s definitely a string setting, you know? 




Oh, I’m so happy to hear you say that? Because I was like, I you know, you haven’t really done sequels yet. And so I didn’t want to get my hopes up too high. But now they’re high. So just know that so you’re so I think what she’s saying is you’re committed. We’re now  to be seen, but yeah, I will be writing your letters. 


That’s not what I’m working on. Right now. I’m working on another standalone story, but okay. 


All right. 


I’m not not not really talking about it. Because I don’t know if that’s for sure what I’m going to do next. I want to get at least far enough into it that I feel like okay, yeah, this is working. This is what I’m gonna do. Good. 


We we heard we heard an interview with you previously, where you talked about the value of writers not talking about their ideas. Yes. That’s all heartedly agree. As somebody who who has written and also makes games there’s definitely a loss of momentum that comes from telling people about them satisfies your need for an audience. And you’re like, Okay, I got that need next magic. 


Need to get a movie and get like Andy Serkis in here to bring bring rocky to life. nothing 


going on. Oh, really? Yeah. No Ryan Gosling is attached to play Grace. Okay, and we have Phil Lord and Chris Miller attached to direct drew Goddard’s working on the screen. Play right now. He wrote the adaptation for the Martian. Excellent. Oh, he’s good at what he does for sure. Yeah, Lord Miller, Phil Lord Chris Miller, they directed the 21 Jump Street movies out Lego movies into the spider verse. 


MGM who’s doing it? They bought the rights for me outright. Not an option, not just a purchase. And that usually means you’re taking it seriously, but you never know. 




Oh my god is gratulations. Yeah. And also congrats to us. We get to watch an amazing, awesome. Oh, wonderful. Well, thank you for joining us. This has been for having most excellent. Yes, it has. 


We’ve enjoyed this thoroughly. Yes. 


And thank you for writing project Hail Mary. 


It was reading project. 


Good luck with the launch of the book. Thank you. All right. Thank you, Andy. 

October Sky – “We didn’t start the FIRE” | The Synthesis

Lacey and Alex put a telescope up to the film “October Sky” starring Tobey Maguire. Based on a true story, did filmmakers do this tale justice?? Or will we have a lot of heavy sighs this episode? Billy Joel said it best, “we didn’t start the fire”, no but for real, the rocket boys didn’t start the fire. (spoiler?)

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕪𝕟𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕤 is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.


Hey folks, this is Alexander Winn and I am Lacey Hannan and you are here watching The

Synthesis, the show where we discuss real science being used in entertainment. This week

we are talking about the movie “October Sky” based on the book “Rocket Boys.” Yeah, it’s

it’s a good time. Yeah, I love this movie. This is this is one from my, like teenage years that

was sort of helped chart the course of who I wanted to be as a person this. Yeah, October

sky was big for for Alexander. Yep, a little bit a little bit. It’s the story of a group of high

school kids in West Virginia and West Virginia mining town who start making homemade

rockets and ended up going higher than any of them ever thought they could. And it’s



It’s based on let’s see how long I can make him talk. That’s what’s happening over here. So

that’s a dangerous game, because I’m just gonna take over the whole show. He can talk

forever. That’s true. So a couple of things that were interesting that I found sort of behind

the scenes before we actually start talking about the movie. Let’s talk about talking about

the movie. So first off, it’s based on the book rocket boys. But it’s not called rocket boys

because the marketing team at the at the film studio when they were making the movie,

did some focus testing and found out that women over 30 would never go see a movie

called rocket boys. So they renamed it October sky based on the October skies a Sputnik

flew over. But interestingly, October sky is an anagram of rocket boys. And I was not able

to find anywhere. Anybody saying if that’s a coincidence, or did somebody like Alright, we

can’t do rocket boys. I guess I’ll make an anagram like, was that the thought? I don’t know.

But anyway, October sky anagram of rocket boys. That’s interesting. A little weird, right?

It’d be weird for it to be a coincidence, but I can somehow still see it being a coincidence.

Yeah, exactly.


I looked up to see you know how much money it made and all that kind of stuff. I I found

out that it made $34.7 million. And I was like, Oh, no. was October sky a flop? No.

Welcome to the 90s the whole movie only cost 25 million. So it was quite successful. I’m

just so used to like Marvel movie budgets. And and what we know right now is that


producers have told me this frequently that we don’t have midsize movies anymore, right?

And the audiences can see that we have all these indie movies that are made for under 5



If they’re under three, it’s even better. And then big tentpole movies, right. And that’s your

your Marvel stuff or anything. That’s your blockbuster. And that’s what keeps all of the

other movies funded. But they don’t do the mid size movies are not very often right. And

which is unfortunate. Even when the stories could be a mid size budget, they often get

inflated. Yeah. So


yep. So a couple of interesting things. You know, as always, when you’ve got a story that is

being twice adapted from from real life to book and then from book to movie, obviously

things are going to change. There are a bunch of things like that, that we don’t need to go

into. Apparently, there were six rocket boys instead of four. Homer Hickam was a junior his

father’s name was also Homer. So in the movie, they changed it to john so people wouldn’t

get confused. You know, things like that. But a couple of interesting things that I found. In

terms of the legacy of this movie, I didn’t realize that this movie had like a legacy. I

thought it was just like a good movie from the 90s that if you’ve seen it, you probably

enjoyed it. But a couple of interesting things came out of this movie. First off, there are not

one but two festivals honoring the rocket boys. Yeah, annual festivals that are held every

year. One of them is in West Virginia, and it actually honors the rocket boys. It’s a thing

that they do every year. And then the other is in Tennessee, there is an annual gathering

about the movie. They filmed it in Tennessee instead of in West Virginia. And it’s like it’s

like when you go to New Zealand and you visit all the Lord of the Rings filming locations

there’s like tours and stuff of October sky filming locations, which I love that yeah, it’s

awesome. Like I was I didn’t realize that this movie was that big. We’ve talked not not us

with you guys. But Alex and I have talked a lot about the the different mechas that Yeah,

crop up, you know, like, okay, so people know that. The original Star Wars movies. There

were parts of them that were filmed in Tunisia, but there’s really no place to go. Yeah, I’ve

been to Tunisia. It was pointed out to me. Hey, that’s where that part was filmed. Well

okay, but


There’s like nothing there. It’s not like a Star Wars site in the same way that like when you

go to New Zealand, there is hobbiton, you can visit hobbiton. It’s got a visitor center with

a gift shop and they’ve got tours. And that’s like not the only thing like there’s there, you

can go to Mount Sunday, which is address address, but you also have all the tours that

take you there and one when we went on the tour anyway, the the bus driver had been a

sound guy on the movie, and he just liked to do the tours. Yeah. And so he was he was not

only talking about, you know, this is where they filmed such and such. He was like, this is

where we filmed this. And he’d like walk you through, he talks about like going to the

Oscars and stuff like that. I mean, it was so cool, right? And you’ve got a couple of

different places like that in New Zealand.


hobbiton is obviously like the big one. But you know, every so often we look up and we’re

like, Where are the rest of them? Because there’s so much fun. Yeah. And of course, you’ve

got, you know, backlots that you can see tours of Yeah, you know, and there are and there

are like locations again, like like Tunisia where there’s sort of no pomp and circumstance,

you know, you can go visit the Ghostbusters building in New York, you can go visit the

friend’s apartment building in New York, things like that. You can just sort of point out and

be like, Oh, look, that’s the that’s where they shot the thing. But there’s nothing there.

Yeah. And it’s so surprising it. It seems like if somebody I mean, I don’t actually know what

the the Ghostbusters building in New York is right now. It was supposedly a fire station. I

don’t know if it’s actually a fire station. But whatever it is. I feel like somebody could buy

that movie or buy that building and make bank. I mean, you’d have to get the you’d have

to get some sort of rights. But I don’t know why someone hasn’t. Maybe they’ve tried but I

don’t know why there isn’t a central park like that just doesn’t Yeah, make a lot of sense to

me. And he is in Turkey. Somebody started a central perk of love cafes in Turkey. Well, I mean, that’s one way to do it. Yeah. But so what I’m, what I’m saying is, it’s really cool that there is one for this movie, right? All things. Yeah. Amber cool, that it’s a science movie. And it’s based on a true story. I love I love that fact. Yeah, tell me more. So the other thing that really jumped out at me, there’s just, it’s just crazy

how history unfolds. It’s, you know, they’re just weird little wrinkles in how things happen.


October sky came out, I believe in 1999. And in the audience, there was a guy who saw the movie and was super moved by it and was really sort of powerfully motivated by the message of this film. And that person who was Jeff Bezos, and apparently, when he left the theater and went to go talk about it after the

screening, he was talking to a


he was talking to sci fi author, Neil Stevenson. And he mentioned that he had always

wanted to start a space company. And Neil Stevenson was like, Well, why don’t you? And

now Jeff Bezos has Blue Origin, which is a SpaceX competitor. So like, October Sky is the

reason that Blue Origin exists. I guess. That is That’s bizarre. Like I mean, it’s not bizarre. I

shouldn’t say that. It’s just Jeff Bezos being inspired by I don’t know, I guess I shouldn’t say

that either. Because he’s the one who who, quote unquote, saved the expanse. Yep. That

guy is a is a sci fi nerd. He is. Well, I mean, I’m glad he brings us a couple of good things.


I one of the other things that I will say just that we, that we think we’re right on is Laura

Dern is the one who plays Miss Riley. And what’s wonderful actress Yeah, Jurassic Park

and Star Wars and a whole bunch of great stuff. Um, she was the one who played Ellen

DeGeneres, his girlfriend on the episode, where Ellen DeGeneres came out on TV. And

because of that episode, Laura Dern was black listed from Hollywood for quite some time

and had to get security guards to go with her she was being threatened a lot. And this was

her first movie that she got after after all of that, and it took her she lost a lot of roles

because of that took her a couple of years to get back into Hollywood yeah after this and

so strange but man what a comeback role like this is such a great always said that she’s

never regretted doing the doing the roll in that episode of Ellen and she’s very proud of it,

which I think is wonderful and lovely. It’s amazing how much in


In some ways, how much Hollywood has changed, because that today would not be the

reason Hollywood would black. Hollywood will still blacklist you for things. Yeah, this is just

not one of those reasons. So well, and you know, it’s just it’s especially crazy because she’s

not like she played a gay character on a TV show and people from Hollywood who ought

to know how actors playing characters works. blacklisted, or it’s very strange. Yeah, yeah.

Very strange. So but what a great comeback roll October sky. Yeah, sorry, shall we get

into it jumping into I want to do a synopsis up front.


I think I think we handled it up top group of group of kids in a coal mining town in West

Virginia, start developing homemade rockets and eventually use it as a vehicle to get out

to go to college get out of the, the really crushing cycle of being locked into this company

town. For a man who likes to use 10 words when he could use one. He actually just did the

thing where he just used one. That was like, one long sentence. Look at me, I’m growing.

Oh, my God, it’s happening.


Okay, let’s. So let’s just kind of start with the scholarship conversation. I, you know, they

talk about how jocks are the only ones who get out of the town. They’re the only ones who

get girlfriends, and are the only ones who get scholarships. Yeah. And I will say that being

from a very small Midwestern town, that was an experience. Now, it wasn’t quite this bad.

But it’s not like, it’s not like the 60s and a coal town, like, but there was a lot of people

trying to get, you know, there, make sure that they have the best grades or, you know, all

of these all of these big accomplishments that people could do with music and, and whatnot. And

scholarships were just hard to come by, or you get like 1000 bucks. And it’s like, how far is

that really going to get you. But the jocks would go on to get full rides. And so hearing

that it just kind of broke my heart, it resonated, because that was absolutely a thing that

people struggled with. It broke my heart, too, because it didn’t resonate. I grew up in a big

city. And I you know, it was a reasonably well off neighborhood. And I actually have

written in my notes, I am so glad that I didn’t grow up in a town where the whole local

culture was oriented toward escaping. Like that. I grew up in sort of the opposite. I grew up

in the town that you didn’t want to leave people referred to it as the bubble, because

everybody just sort of stayed in and then you know, did their thing in this neighborhood.

And the idea that I wanted to move to LA was strange. See, whereas I came from a town

where pretty much everyone wanted to leave, except the the college or university that

most people ended up at, was we I’m from Yankton, South Dakota. So I went to Yankton.

High, there’s only one high school, and we called it Yankton. High, take two, because it

was 23 minutes, if you were speeding five minutes, or five miles per hour over the speed

limit. That’s how long it took you to get to the university. And anyway, there was a lot of

there were a lot of people trying to escape. Who that next town over was, as far as they

got. I actually didn’t want to escape. I just always knew that my career wouldn’t allow me

to stay as much as I can love South Dakota so much. But I can’t do acting work there. So

gotta go. So that one, that one, it broke my heart. But yeah, well, this movie does an

incredible job of justifying why this scholarship is so important, like the, the slow grind of

lifestyle in coal, wood, and just the sort of, there’s a quote that is, you know, quite famous,

but that I thought of a lot during this movie, which is it’s from Henry David Thoreau, which

is the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. And that is exactly what this movie is.

This movie is quiet desperation. Yeah. And


even like the happiest minor. Yeah. Which is Jake. We see him pretty early on. Yeah. And

then we see him a couple times throughout. He’s the one who, when Homer ends up

working in the mines, Jake is his manager. Jake is also the one that’s at the strike.


All right.


The Union meeting and then is a part of the strike.


I he even was like he was the happiest of Yeah.


Yeah. And even then it just still felt like run ragged, I guess.


I think I for not being from coal country, I felt like they did a great job of really delving into

the culture and the, the lives and the pride that goes into this world.


It and it wasn’t beautiful. But there it was a nice, it was really nice to get that glimpse to be

that fly on the wall for Staffordshire. Speaking of the setting, by the way, the very first

thing that jumped out at me about this movie is something that I really enjoy, which is that

it portrayed something that was very real, but that doesn’t really get committed to film

very often, which is that America was getting its ass kicked in the space race. Yeah, like,

you know, Americans love to sort of when the point just before the buzzer declare victory

and then retroactively be like we won that game and not mentioned the fact that you

were losing most of the time. But that is exactly what happened with the space race. If

you go through the history of the space race between the United States and the Soviet

Union, the Soviet Union had the first object in space, the first animal in space, the first

man in space, the first woman in space, the first space station, the first probe on Venus,

the first probe on Mars, you know, like, it just goes on, and on and on, and on and on. And

then Americans had landing on the moon. And we were like, done, victory finished moving

on. And so these days, a lot of people look back on the space race as Americans won it.

But this story is set at a point where there’s sort of a big question mark about whether we are ever going to catch up to the Soviets in space. And there’s a lot of incidental dialogue where people are talking about Sputnik and they’re talking about how their cameras up on that thing, or they’re probably bombs up on that thing. Spoiler alert, Sputnik was a hunk of metal that beeped Sputnik did nothing. It was an achievement that we got a beeping piece of metal up into space. It did not have cameras, it did not have missiles. It had nothing It reminded some of that dialogue reminded me of so one of the lines was,


yeah, they’re not going to why would they bomb us? Like Yeah, why stuff a bomb? Yeah,

exactly. And I remember after 911 there were, you know, all of these conspiracies. I mean,

theories of just like assumptions. Yeah. Where bombs would be dropped. And I remember

my town is right on a dam on one of the biggest rivers in the US. And people were like, it

could happen here. And I was like, yeah, nobody’s gonna, nobody’s gonna get that far into

American airspace. And no one wants to put in that time and effort guy. Yeah, that’s why

they are the targets of al Qaeda are going to be the biggest symbol of the American

military, the biggest symbol of the American government, the biggest symbol of the

American economy, and the dam in Yankton, South Dakota, it’s like, okay, so after 911,

they, they took Bush to Omaha, Nebraska, which is like two and a half hours south of

Yankton. And they told everybody where he was because I’m sorry, nobody’s gonna get

and nobody’s gonna get to the middle America. That’s just not how it works. And so they

don’t care. Yeah. And so that’s what that made me think of it was just like, they did a great

job with small town America.


And I, I loved that. The thing that I really liked about seeing Sputnik for the first time is you

have to, this isn’t something that would happen for us today. But looking up there and

seeing Sputnik would probably be scary for a multitude of reasons. But that’s probably the

fastest I’ve ever seen anything go through space? Oh, yes. You know, can you imagine

looking? I mean, we see it all the time. We see airplanes all the time, we see different, you

know, we see the space station and satellites. This isn’t going to be something that occurs

to us, but for the first time ever, seeing there’s an artificial satellite up there. There’s a new

star in the sky. Yeah, yeah. And it doesn’t blink. It just moves really fast. Oh my gosh, I think

that would be I think that would be legitimately frightening. Well and just awe inspiring,

you know, like depending on how you look at it I totally by Homer Hickam his response

which is just all he’s looking up and there’s there’s a new light in the sky. How amazing is

that? Is that not that to me? That’s like childlike. That’s the childlike wonder of it. Yeah. If

you’re an adult living in a time and you’re really frightened by the the Russians. Yeah, that

would be scary. You’ve lived Yeah, no, it just think of your life. Yeah, it just it comes down to


What is more important to you the fear of what that thing might do? Or the all of the fact

that it happened at all? Yeah, like, you can be terrified of the Nazis and still be like, wow,

they made a really good plains, you know, and I get that. I’m just saying, like, if you’re

someone in your 40s, or 50s, you’ve lived, you know, a good portion of that century. And,

and you’ve never seen anything like this, you’ve lived a good portion of your adult hood,

and never seen anything like this. And all of the context around it of the Russians versus

the US. And oh, my God, I just think that there’s, and then of course, then there are these

kids who are like, this is dope. Yeah. This is dope. I want to do that. Yeah. And which is, I

think, I think it’s so cool that it’s inspiring to that. So


it’s, I have exactly the same thing, just that that moment is, is so great.


There was an interesting little callback to something we’ve discussed earlier on the

synthesis here, which is pretty early, he starts writing letters to Verner von Braun.


And it reminded me of the conversation that we had during the national the natgeo, Mars

episodes about how these days SpaceX is the big sort of pioneer in space. And the guy we

know from SpaceX is a businessman. And nobody knows the scientists at SpaceX. But

back then, obviously, it wouldn’t be a businessman because NASA isn’t a company. It’s an

agency. But even so, he’s not writing letters to the President. He’s not right, even writing

letters to like, the administrative head of NASA. He’s writing letters to the scientist to the

guy who is making these rockets who’s doing the math behind these rockets? Because

that’s the hero. Yeah. And I feel like that’s an important difference between how it went

then and how it’s going now, you know, now that I really think about it, I feel like this

movie didn’t touch on real science so much as it touched on real history. That’s where we

get so much more of the detail. Yeah. And it’s just little nuggets that they put in there.

You’ve got von Braun, but and then you’ve got Sputnik, obviously, like, these are a couple

of obvious ones. But we hear about the Red Tails from World War Two, excuse me, airman.

And you also, you know, you get I don’t remember his last name Ike, the guy who’s the first

machinist who helps them and then go ends up in the mines.


You know, he’s talking about his family back home and in Europe, and what, presumably

behind the Iron Curtain? Yeah, exactly. And so I don’t know, they’re just these, these little

things that felt, you know, they, when they take apart the railroads, and the kid is like,

Yeah, because mines die out, and then they don’t need the trains. And so we, of course, we

can take these,


which is, I did not like that, that sequence at all, it was a little terrifying for me, but I think

they did a really good job. What I’m saying is that they did a great job of dealing with the

history of the time, giving us a lot of a lot of context, and giving us a really good reference

of where we are. And when we are, you can always put, hey, this is cold wood and the sick,

you know, I don’t know where these 1950s. And that doesn’t necessarily route you to that

until you have characters like and I don’t remember what the man’s name is. But the black

man who says that he’s he was in the Red Tails and World War Two, and you’re like, oh,

man, you’re not even very old. Like, I don’t know, there’s just something really lovely about

it creates these roots for the story that really placed it in an in an era and a time. And I

loved that. Yeah, yeah, historical accuracy. For sure. The other thing that this movie does,

which I agree, it doesn’t do a lot of real science in the sense of the nitty gritty of how it all

works. The closest that we get is a few montage is working on rockets, and then the

trigonometry sequence where he’s actually like walking you through. But even then, he

doesn’t describe the math too much. He just describes the conclusions of the math. But

the other thing that this movie does, which I really, I feel like makes it fit within the

synthesis is it is all about the attitude towards science. It’s about how people think about

science. And it’s even back to what we were just talking about that a town full of people

are looking up at this light in the sky and thinking threat. And one guy is looking up in the

sky and thinking achievement. And that is the scientist distinction. You know, he’s focusing

on the how not the the end result and there’s, you know, you were talking earlier about

capturing sort of the pride of small towns big


They there is definitely this culture in very small towns of like, we don’t need those big city

folk. And there’s a great moment where, where Homer is talking to his dad, and the dad

just dismisses Verner von Braun, like it’s a fad. It’ll move, you know, they’ll move on as soon

as they’re done. He even says, maybe then they’ll have to get a real job.


And then, shortly thereafter, he gives his own justification for why his life is important. He

says, this, the coal we mined, make steel, and if steel fails, this country fails. And I just felt

like that is such a great representation of how everybody has pride, everybody finds a way

to justify how their life is sort of the most important effort being made right now. And, you

know, yeah, yeah, you need steel for the 1950s. It’s, he’s not wrong, but at the same time,

like, You’re seriously gonna say that, like your job in the coal mine is the only important

thing that Verner von Braun has just needs to get a real job. Yeah, it really feels like the

way that at least in America, we look at CEOs. And we’re like, well, without them, we

wouldn’t have any jobs. Yeah, you know, and but then you have the working class going.

Without us, you wouldn’t have a company. Yeah, exactly.


You know, in some ways, both are correct.


So, you have, you have to have both, and both are being able to run a company and also

being a part of the working class. Both are worthy of praise and recognition and

recognition. And have you get to have pride about either one of those. And I so but that

stubborn need to, to diminish the others importance is just that’s very real. And I mean,

I’ve heard it, I have heard that exact line about like, when I’ll get a real job. I have never

forgiven that person. It’s like one of the few grudges that I am willing to hold. Yeah,

because Screw you, man. I’m working three jobs. Well, and that’s one of the things that I’m

very grateful to my parents that I never did hear that like, my, my pretty much my whole

family is lawyers. And I decided that I wanted to go to film school. And then I didn’t end up

making movies, but I did make video games and nowhere along the way that I did

anybody say like, Oh, well, you know, give it a few years, but then you should really think

about going to law school. like nobody ever gave me that speech. And I’m, you know, now

here I am with That’s awesome. Right? Yeah, very grateful. Yeah. I have to say real quick

on the science front, that montage where they’re just shooting off rockets and failing. Yes.

Oh my god. It’s one of the longest montages I’ve ever seen. Because like, oftentimes a

montage will tell you a story, right? It’s okay. They did this. And then they it’s like one step

after another. Yeah. No, no, no, this is not that. This is just failures. Yeah. And I like you

know how sometimes in comedy like, okay, the there’s the rule of three, you do it three

times. That’s the funniest. But then some people are really good. And they can take it past

that. And you can do something 10 times, and it’s hysterical every time. That’s what was

progressive. Yeah. funnier, because of how many times it’s happening. Exactly. Yeah. And

so that’s what this was, for me. I was like, this, it, there was a moment where I was like, Oh,

this is about this is going on too long. And then you saw the next one, and the next one.

And it just, I don’t know, there was Glee and the fact that they didn’t get it right the first

time. And they kept going. And it’s kind of funny how, like, how dedicated these kids are,

yeah, and obsessive. And I love it. There’s just something about it that I was like, oh, man, I

hope. I hope I have kids that do. Like, they don’t have to build rockets, but like, fail that

many times and keep going just try it. Well, you know, the other thing that that scene

does, that is sort of subtle, because this is a this is a type of montage that exists in a lot of

movies is like the the hero trying to do the thing and failing. He hasn’t figured it out, you

know, there’s, there’s a montage like that in the first Iron Man movie where he’s trying to

build the suit. And he keeps like, thrown himself up against the ceiling. And you know, he

keeps failing and all that.


But because this sequence is so long, I feel like a subtle but important message gets

communicated, which is not just, oh, they’re new at this. They’re figuring it out. It keeps

going. And what you walk away with is a sense that, Oh, this is hard. Yeah, this is not easy.

This is not something that you just do a few times and figure out No, you’re going to do it

again. And again and again and again and again, and you’re going to keep failing. And by

the time we come out the other end of that montage. We’re buying into the idea that he

really does need to go learn trigonometry.


Get a totally new kind of steel. And like all the decisions that the rocket boys are making

in this movie, they now carry the weight of expertise, they have figured out that this is

actually necessary. They’re not just playing with toys. I had a, a rocket section and a tech

class. Yeah. And I think that so I had seen an October sky before this, and did not enjoy it.


And why is that? Because it made me cry. And I don’t like to cry in public. Thank you, I’m,

I’m working on it. Crying is allowed for men and women, we should all be allowed. But I

did not have that mentality in high school. And I used my long hair to my advantage to

create a curtain because nobody wants to cry in front of their peers and so that’s, that’s part of why I didn’t like this movie. And so I didn’t really remember much going into it. But another reason why I think I wasn’t stoked about this is because I didn’t understand why rockets were so cool. I took I took the tech class, we all had to take and I took the rocket module that sometimes you just ended up taking because you didn’t get your first or second or fifth choice. And the rocket module is so lame and so boring. And

this movie made me go Oh, it could have not been Now it could not have been this. Like,

that’s just not how it could have. They’re not gonna let you blow yourself up. Yeah, exactly.


But simultaneously, this movie made it made me understand why these kids were

interested and intrigued and inspired and all of that. All of the eyes. Yeah. Speaking of

blowing themselves up, I really like at the beginning, the mom says, Just don’t blow

yourself up. And then he turns around, and nearly blows himself up. That’s when the fence

gets blown up. And I was just like, oh, kiddo, please don’t hurt yourself. did not tell you not

to blow yourself up. Yeah. And then they go on to not wear goggles. There’s a moment

where they you know, like through that entire montage and I was going oh my god, can

you just can someone put on goggles please. Like, I’m so terrified for your eye.


I am not telling you to not blow the things up. I’m just just yourselves and your eyes, just

the vulnerable bits. I will say I love his mom. I love his mom. Very sweet.


She’s She’s got through her mural. And her preoccupation with Myrtle Beach. I feel like she

is one of these characters that that you talk about in writing classes where she’s got her

own story that’s unfolding and this movie isn’t about her but she’s definitely got a thing

about Myrtle Beach and her relationship with her husband and wanting to go off. And so

at the end of the movie when they’re doing the sort of where are they now and it says that

she retired to Myrtle Beach. It’s not just trivia, it feels like the conclusion of some you

know, it feels like the culmination of her arc. And now is great.


We do we need to we need to talk about john, we need to talk about homers dad. Yeah.


I had actually filed him in my memory as worse than he was somehow. Chris Cooper.

Obviously, this is his brand. Like this is the kind of character that Chris Cooper does. And

he does it so well. which kind of sucks. I feel like for Chris Cooper, like, I don’t know what it

would be like to be a guy in the world whose whole job is like you get hired to be the

asshole abusive dad. And that’s just a look. It’s another script where I’m like punching my

son. Yeah, like that. I feel like that would be a bummer. But that being said, Chris Cooper

does an incredible job with these roles. And I feel like this is the ultimate one. This is so

that I think it felt very real. He couldn’t. It could have been taken in multiple directions, it could have

been far more abusive, or he could have been more of an alcoholic, and they still would

have lived in reality. But what I liked about this is he was just an asshole for so much. The

first thing we see is, hey, a guy nearly gets himself killed. And everybody is gathered.

Because people are coming up from the mind and something has obviously happened.

JOHN has saved his life personally. Yeah. And so they call him a hero and Homer says

that’s my dad. And then john yells at the man who who’s obviously hurt and nearly died

and it’s like you’re fired because I told you not to like screw up your screw up. And then

homers, like, that’s my dad. Yeah. And


you. I love that the first way we get introduced him is


That he does have good qualities, but he’s gonna follow it up with being an asshole. And that’s just the way it is, you know, there’s a thing that I have been I have become interested in in

the last few years, I am not an angry person, I actually struggle a lot to express my anger

like I, I err on the side of jovial too much. You may notice my wife sitting next to me

nodding gently and behind the camera is our producer also nodding gently.


But there are certain characters in fiction that I’ve become kind of fascinated by because,

at first, I didn’t like them. I categorically just wrote them off as assholes. These are

characters like john in October sky, but also like Roy, in the TV show, Ted lasso, if you’ve

seen that show. Also, you should, you should watch that last Oh, but Roy and Ted lassa,

also vorenus in the HBO and BBC series Rome. These are characters who are sort of only

angry, they only operate in the world through anger, but they’re not bad guys. They’re

assholes. But they’re not bad guys. And it’s fascinating to watch them struggle with their

anger, when they don’t want to be angry, you know, like, there’s a whole arc where

verbenas is trying to reconnect with his wife, who he hasn’t seen in like 10 years, because

he was off at war. And he’s an angry guy. But she’s his wife. And how do I do this? You

know, and, again, Roy in Ted lasso, dealing with his anger, but also trying to turn it into a

constructive force. And there’s actually a moment in the show where somebody calls him

out and is like, you’re not letting yourself get angry. And we need you to. And now with

john, the thing that I found interesting about john is a surface reading of October sky is

he’s an abusive father. But really, he’s not an abusive, like, he doesn’t beat up Homer, I’d

still say his visa. Well, I mean, he is cruel in a lot of ways. He’s emotionally abusive in a lot

of ways. But what he does is, it’s like he only has one emotion. And that’s anger. And he

will express it at you.


When you do something that makes him angry, he will get angry at you. But then we also

have scenes of him expressing love. And it’s in the language of anger, he, how does he

respond to,


to his son and his friends getting arrested, he bails him out, and he lectures him and he

gets up in his son’s face. And then he immediately turns around and protects one of the

other kids from his physically abusive father by getting angry. And he barely says

anything kind to the child, but you can tell he’s trying to be kind to the child by getting

angry at his abuser. And I’m just fascinated by this character who is trying to use anger

constructively. I so I have lots of feelings about john. I don’t have a lot of good feelings

about john, to be honest, like, he’s emotionally and


he’s emotionally abusive. He’s verbally abusive. And I have to be clear, I’m not forgiving,

john, I’m saying he’s an interesting character. And I don’t put him on the level of Roy. No,

no, because Roy has a lot more going for him in terms of good attributes.


Whereas this guy is willing to sit in his anger. And we see the difference, the way he treats

his sons, because I don’t remember what the oldest son’s name is. But he, that son does

not get in trouble. That son is clearly the golden child, clearly, and john is proud of him

and all of that stuff. Whereas he’s got this incredibly and you know, what? A child’s

athletic ability ability is totally worth being proud of. But having another son who’s

incredibly gifted at I won’t, I shouldn’t even say gifted. He is working so hard to be good at

something. And is.


I mean, we know from Miss Riley, that Homer is not good at math. Right. But he’s, this is

not the story of a wunderkind. Yeah, this is the story of a dedicated person. Exactly. And I

think that there’s should Why isn’t there pride for that? Yeah. And I, like I get it the the

moment that he pulls that stepdad off of one of the kids, and says, you know, he’ll beat

him. If he sees this happen again, and says to the kid, you know, your dad was one of the

best people I knew. I was like,


That is good and that it’s great that we’re seeing that we’re seeing it really far into the

movie. This is this is his save the cat moment. Yeah. But it’s like, at least halfway through

the movie. Yeah. And


I think although I would say, really has saved the cat moment is the scene that you

described because our introduction to this character is not. He’s yelling at our hero and

getting up in his face and all that our introduction to this guy as he saves people’s lives,

and then screams at them and appropriately. I don’t know that that’s a save the cat

moment, though. Because you’re not emotionally invested in it doesn’t make you

emotionally invested in him. Yeah, that’s right. I think that the point of a save the cat

moment is to be emotionally invested and root for someone, even if it’s just a little bit and

yeah, if it’s if it’s not literally a save the cat moment, I feel like it is a deliberate way of

introducing us to this character. And he’s, he’s being presented simultaneously as scary

and helpful. And that’s exactly like, that’s what I was saying when I was in when I was

talking about his introduction. Yeah, I appreciate that. We get both sides of him. But I

don’t think that we care about him at that point. And it you know, it takes until middle of

the movie, and then we kind of go back to Okay, he’s not as bad as he could be. Right.

Which is not how I feel about ROI, or vorenus. Yeah, where I, that is very much how I feel

about barinas. That’s not how I feel about ROI. No, I would put vorenus as sort of worse

than john. I mean, I don’t really remember Rome as well as you did. But there you do. But

yeah, I. And then at the end, you know, we see this, this moment where he mocks his son

for not recognizing his hero. And I was just like, excuse my language, but I’m gonna say

this, you shut the fuck up, man. Like, this kid is in shock that he won, like, and you couldn’t

just say something nice about being proud of him. You had to mock him for not



his hero that it’s it’s not like today where you see these people on Instagram and TV. And

all of a sudden, no, he had a picture that was stolen from him. I was so so angry. Yeah. And

so I don’t I don’t think that that to me read as vulnerable, though it is. And therefore a little

more sympathetic. It’s still a dick move. But I didn’t hate him for it. Because I saw that he,

he was just he didn’t know how to process feeling like his son hated him. Sure, I get that I

think, I think this character really reminds me of a guy I went to college with who was a

year younger than me, who grew up on a farm. And his dad never once told them, I love

you, or I’m proud of you. And the way that it really,


it really messed with this guy’s life to feel like he wasn’t worthy of his father’s affection.

And I and you know, being in theater, you kind of get a little bit more into each other’s

backstories personal lives and emotional lives and all this stuff and how much in some

ways it like fucked him up to just not here and so I don’t have a lot of forgiveness for

someone who treats their kid like this. And like I said, I don’t have forgiveness for him

either. If this was a real person that I knew in real life, I think he was a fucking asshole, and

I would not want to associate with him. But as a, as a fictional character, I find it an

interesting way to go to take this fundamentally unlikable character and present them as

trying, you know, like, like, it’s, it’s an interesting arc for someone to start from a place that

is essentially a villain and then show how can they you know, this is not the story of

somebody who doesn’t want to connect with his son This is the story of somebody who

apparently really wants to connect with his son and simply doesn’t know how he himself

was raised by somebody like this so I don’t


know No, no I cuz I don’t think he’s trying so much as he’s got like these moral parameters

that you do not cross. You do not hit kids. You do not get anybody else on like any other

miners killed you, like people shouldn’t die in the mines. Like, these are the things that he

cares about. And that’s it so long as you don’t cross those lines. He’s gonna be an asshole.

Well, but you have to at least give that he struggles in this movie that like there are you

know, it’s not just


Homer who is unhappy with how these conversations go down, he, there are multiple

scenes where the dad is trying to, to,


like, like he’ll sort of start to do something conciliatory and then kind of recoil from it. And

you know, it’s not he’s not just sort of brushing it aside, ag Be a man and move on. This is

somebody who is looking for a way to connect, and


I can I can’t help you here. I can just I can see the chain of fathers stretching back. I know,

and I get it, there’s a there’s a history that has that really leans heavily on this man, and I

get that. But that doesn’t mean I going to be particularly sympathetic to his, his traumas.

It’s it’s a vicious cycle. Yeah. And we know that, that we know that that’s how this sort of

abuse works. But yeah, I, it doesn’t mean that I, I can just check that box and be like, that’s who you are, man. And I good on you. I’m not sayin that’s what you’re doing. Okay. Just, but I, I cannot just give him any sort of passes. And he’s sort of like extra sympathy or anything. I can’t give him anything. Yeah. So that’s, that’s where I’m with him.


Not wild about him. In In a similar vein of this movie, capturing how people really work. I

had to chuckle there are a lot of movies every year, there are a lot of movies that depict

some version of the awkward teen. But I feel like this movie speaking as someone who was

an awkward teenage boy, this movie did a really good job of capturing what it’s like to be

a genuinely clueless teenage boy. Like, it’s not just that he doesn’t know how to talk to the

pretty girl, it’s that he didn’t even realize that the pretty girl was talking to him. You know,

like, there’s there multiple scenes in this where there are, you know, girls that are flirting

with him or somebody trying to get his attention that he just doesn’t even clock that that’s

what’s happening. I feel like that is a subtly different thing. But that, yeah, that spoke to my experience. One of the other things that I kind of liked. So recently, I saw something about how clicks are

changing clicks and like high schools and middle schools and and in some ways for the better word, a lot of groups are intermingling in a way that in this movie you don’t see in my high school you saw a little bit of


and it you know, there’s a moment in here where


you remember, one of the kids is shooting his car? Because it’s dead again. And he’s mad.

Right? And they’re talking love that scene. Yeah, it’s a great scene. And they’re talking

about getting out of the town. And one of them says, you know, we’re never gonna get out

of this town route. We’re all hillbillies. Well, except for Quintin. Yeah. And then what you

see is that of all of them. quittin is the most hillbilly in terms of where he comes from

external variables. Yeah. And I loved I love getting that glimpse into his life. And the fact

that Homer didn’t make a meal out of it. The movie didn’t make a meal out of it. I was

wondering why Homer was talking to a prostitute. And then suddenly, we’re going


to the woods to the shack. Yeah. And, and Homer doesn’t care. He’s like, This guy has

become my friend. I, you know, he sat down at this table, and everyone was like, in shock,

which they did make a meal of that totally. But that was less important.


They’re not making a meal of where Quintin came from. And I loved that they did that. I

thought it was it was a nice touch on the director’s part that they did that and, and the

writers part for putting it in there.


Because quitting was obviously determined to at least try to not stay in town. Not that he

was probably going to get out of town. But right. Yeah, yeah. There were a lot of things in

this movie that were delightfully understated. They’d never made a meal about the fact

that Oh, della has a bad leg. Yeah, that’s a thing that that character has. And for all I

know, it was just a decision that the actor made because it was nowhere in the script. So

yeah, maybe it’s something that the actor has. And because there were times where it was

worse than others. No, and it was just a part of it. I feel like I don’t think it’s something the

actor has, because I’ve seen him in other stuff. So if it is, then it’s something that he knows

how to hide when he wants to.


But yeah, that there are a lot of things like that that were just very nice. Do you remember

the scene and the lab


Where they are mixing up something and then they pour it down? And do you know

exactly what happened? Yeah, so because I need, I need a little bit more play by play.

Yeah. So they’re, they’re sitting there as sort of a classic scene in in high school movies

about smart people, you get these in these scenes in Spider Man movies and stuff is the

the kids are in the back of the room. And they’re doing their own science experiment that’s

so much more advanced than what they’re being taught. In particular, it’s Quinten,

showing off a formula for essentially rocket fuel. It’s, it’s his version of what they’re going

to put in the rocket to make it blast off. And they’re working on it, and and examining it,

and then the teacher starts coming their way. So they very quickly, they pour it into the

sink, and then they run the water and wash it down the drain. Now you have to imagine,

all those desks have sinks, and they’re all going to feed into one pipe. So somewhere down

under the floor, all of those things are connected. And so they, they watch this rocket fuel

down the drain, and then they go back to their experiment. And a couple of minutes later,

one of the girls in the class strikes a match to starter Bunsen burner tosses the match into

the sink, and the fumes from the rocket fuel that they’ve made just explode up out of every

sink. Yeah. And I, I guess, really what I’m asking because that all made sense. And I caught

all of that is what did Do you remember what the chemical composition was of it? I don’t

remember the specific composition. That’s fine. I didn’t ask you before the show. But I, I

was sitting there going Wait, what? What is? What’s there? Yeah, that water wouldn’t

affect that it would still light up like that. Yeah. But it’s fine. It’s I did, I did appreciate in the

world of rocket fuel, I did appreciate that. They made the shift from solid fuel to liquid fuel.

That is the thing that they really use liquid fuel and rockets. And so it was cool. That was

one of the few moments where we get told a specific scientific principle that is executed

on screen sort of in the style of the Martian. And I really appreciated that, especially

because it had to do with Roy Lee saving the day with moonshine, which was one of the

most charming shots of the entire movie. Another example of using science and this is just


probably my favorite scene in the entire movie.


And the most synthesis moment in this movie is finding och 13. Yes, I’ve loved that

moment. That whole sequence of doing the math, learning the trigonometry, doing the

math, figuring out how far it could have gone, and then measuring it out. With the rope is

and the music. I listened to that I have the October sky soundtrack, and I’ve listened to

that song 400 times. Listen, I think my favorite part about it is they do the math. And then

they and then you know, they have to do the boring human part. Yeah. Which is alright,

one, two, like we’re gonna we’re gonna take the rope from here to here. All right, let’s,

alright, now you move. Oh, that’s two. This is three. Like, oh my god. That is. It’s it’s just it

felt so human it felt. So


I feel like probably what a lot of scientists feel like we get, we often see the cool stuff that

the scientists do in movies and TV and stuff like that. And, and kids are going to often be

inspired by how awesome it is. But then there’s the mundane that you have to do. And it’s

honestly a good portion of what you do. And that’s what we see here. And then I love

seeing the moment of like, what, what how did we go wrong? Yeah, the math is right.

What didn’t we consider? Yeah. And then they figure it out? And? And that just felt so real

to actual science as well. I don’t know. There’s, that was one of my favorite parts of the

movie. Well, I feel like, you know, we made an interesting distinction back when we’re

talking about the film, The Martian. And that is that the book of the Martian is the story of

someone coming up with solutions. And the movie is the story of someone presenting

solutions that we don’t actually see Matt Damon come up with the answer on screen the

way that in the book, we do see Mark working through the problem. And obviously, it’s just

a matter of screen time, you know, whatever. But most of October sky is presenting the

science Hey, look, they figured out how to make our rocket. But I feel like the search for

rock 13 is the one moment in this movie that really celebrates the process of science that

it’s not just about finding the answer. It’s about how do


Did you find the answer? And what led you to that? And once that is solid, you know, the

answer is going to be solid, you know, if you if you did the process, right, that is the

promise of science, the promise of math is if you did the process, right, your conclusion will

be solid. And it was, yeah.


I have to talk a little bit about the educators. Okay. Yeah, movie.


The principal is a villain.


He made me exceptionally angry. Yeah. So my grandfather was a principal for many,

many years. And you know, I know, I lived with him for for a good while. And I know what it’s like to be

around someone who is, you know, can be harsh, and who’s an educator and rigid and

can be rigid rate, but my grandfather would never, ever keep anybody from trying to learn

something. Yeah. And I, I,


the fact that this principle is so entitled, because he can, he’s allowed to go off to college,

and he’s allowed to get out of whatever city he grew up in, and be a principal here, but

everybody else, unless you’re a jock, everybody else, you’re gonna, you’re, you’re poor, and

you’re going to the mines. And that’s just the way it is. And you should, like, it’s, it’s fine. If

you drop out of school.


I was horrified by all of this, and it was, I really, really struggled watching him and Miss

Riley, not be on the same page. And like, thank God for the Riley’s of the world.


I think I hope everybody has had, like, Has everybody had a teacher like that? I hope that

you have, please tell me that you have. I was lucky enough to have a couple. I had a

wonderful English teacher, I had two incredible debate coaches, who also for the most

part, were in the English department that were phenomenal. And they never, they never

let you slip. But they always had they it always felt supportive. Right? Yeah. And this

principle is like, Oh, no, these kids are our bad kids, because they’re making rockets and

learning math and science. Shame on you. Also, I’m going to let the cops arrest you at

school. Anytime, anytime. Anything else happens. He’s like, What’s happening here? You

can’t make a scene and he lets the scene happen. He lets these boys be completely

humiliated. And so anyway, I wanted to drop kick him. Yeah, to the to me. So I am

frustrated by him. I don’t think I hated him as much as you did. But the biggest, most

damning thing that the principal does that I just, it makes me bear my teeth. Every time I

watch this movie, is when they have found Doc 13. And Homer is showing off the

trigonometry that proves that they couldn’t do it.


It very quickly becomes obvious that Homer is right. There is not a long time in that scene

where the where the principal is like holding his ground and insisting that Homer did it. No,

it’s like, oh, okay, well, you found the rocket, I guess you didn’t do it. But as soon as Homer

starts presenting the math, the principal makes a crack about how you learned more in

the coal mine than you did in high school. And that, to me, is just the most petty, like that

is the thing that makes me decide this is not somebody that I care to sympathize with,

because he knows he’s wrong. And he’s still lashing out at the kid for being smart for

having knowledge. That’s the crime that he’s ridiculing right now is that this kid learn to

something. And that is just inexcusable for an educator. Like That would be bad from

somebody who worked at the mine, but at least with that, I could write it off as like, Oh,

well, he’s like, sort of, he doesn’t have an education. And so he’s threatened by people that

he thinks feel superior or whatever, but like, this guy’s clearly educated. He’s clearly pretty

well off. He should be celebrating kids who go out and learn trigonometry on their own.

Yeah, you know, this scene also reminds me of I don’t remember what the statistic is, and I

don’t remember where it’s from, but I’m going to tell you about it anyway. So join me for the ride which is a How we talk about how the cops close a lot more cases than they used to. And we should

be proud of them for that, and all of this stuff. And I’m sitting here going, Well, that’s

because of science. And also because the work didn’t have to be done. If anybody had

showed those kids, the rocket that the cops had found,


when they found where the fire had started, the kids would have been like, we don’t know

how to make that, that has spring loaded fins. Like, that’s insane. This is so cool. We know,

we should have thought of that. And by the way, the principal was the one who took one

look at it was like, that’s not their rocket. That’s like, I know exactly what that is. That guy

probably served in World War Two. And he Yeah, yeah, like the lack of work that went into

things and the assumptions made, and the stereotypes that were used to, to convict I

don’t know, if it’ll, if it makes you feel better. One of the things that they changed in the

movie, that is not how it went down in real life, is exactly that. Apparently, in the real story

that actually happened in the 1950s with the rocket boys. The cop showed up. And they

were like, hey, somebody started a forest fire. And we heard about your rocket, and we

think it was you. And it was like, a couple of minutes before everybody was like, wait a

minute, you couldn’t have made this rocket. And they they were they never like, got

expelled or anything like that doesn’t make me actually feel a little bit better. But yeah,

yeah. Sort of.


Within the context of the film, it’s still frustrating. I was I, you know, there was a moment in

the movie where I was, you know, we learned that right? Miss Riley has Hodgkin’s

lymphoma. And I was sitting here going, Oh, man, was this just for the movie? Was this

true to life, because we know that this is based on a true story. But true stories always

have something that’s embellished, as seen by your example. And it broke my heart when

we saw at the end that she died at 30. And she died at 31. And I was just like, Oh, fuck no,

like the amount of kids that are losing out on a light in the school.


But by the way, I’m older than 31. And that’s weird, somewhere, like I didn’t notice. But

somewhere along the way, I passed the age at which people can die young and still have

like, done things with their lives. I’m still in the mindset of like a teenager where if

somebody died younger than me, then they like sort of didn’t get to live at all. It’s very

strange that somebody can be several years younger than me and the Billy Joel song.

Only the good die young no longer applies to us. I know. Right?


Who What have we done? Yeah, seriously. weird shit people, demonstrably. So. Obviously.


I, I, I don’t have a lot more to say. But bringing it home, I will. I will say I would like to talk

about a couple of the shots that we see that again, they don’t make a meal out of


I’ve got three of them, go for it. The first one is when Homer is going down into the mineshaft for the first time, and he’s on night shift, you can tell he looks up through the grate in the elevator and we see Sputnik go over Yes. And somehow it did not feel on the nose to me. And I was like, how did they do that? And I

think it’s this maybe the setup? Or the fact that it’s not commented on? I don’t The setup is

we’re going to they’re going to see it every night after sundown. And you’re going to be

able to see it like the hour before dawn. Yeah, something like that. Right. And we we’ve

already established that. And I don’t know, I think part of it is that they don’t do it a lot.

There’s the scene at the very beginning where they look up and they see Sputnik and then

the next time they do it is that scene two thirds the way through the movie. If it had been

like this recurring theme that like every night he’s looking at the sky and watching Sputnik

or something, then it would have felt more heavy handed when he’s going down into the

mind and he’s still looking up at the sky. But the fact that it just it’s played more casually

than that, like, yeah, that was the day that everybody was looking at it and then it was just

part of the sky. Yeah. But it’s still up there. It’s still up there. It was, it was a beautiful

moment like this. This sinking into his own personal hell and watching what has inspired

him further away, again, further out of reach.


It was beautifully done and a very literal hell, the whole mind sequence was just that as a

terrifying environment, not into that at all.


The number 723 that’s Ike Ike’s number when he gets sent to the mine. And we see that

they they show us an insert of of that and then we


He pulls it out later. Yeah, completely forgotten about that medallion. And he pulls it out.



At the science fair? Yeah. And, you know, he has a moment within I was just like, Oh damn.


off day. I’m like, we haven’t seen him playing with it. I as an audience member forgot it.

And then you’re gonna do this. And I just like,


I loved it. It was so lovely. Yeah. And then my last one is, they’re going, they’re doing that

final launch. Right?


And, yeah, it’s cool that his parents show up.


They set off the rocket. And it’s, it’s me. But then when they pull out, and they do all of



super wides, and you see it from all of these other people’s points of view, yeah. And

getting and Miss Riley getting to see it through her hospital window and knowing what it

was. That was a shot, Okay, I’m gonna cry, I’m absolutely gonna cry. I didn’t, I teared up. 

But I did that last

scene, every time that I see that, like, I can watch that clip on YouTube. And I tear up that

whole last launch with the dad. And you know, counting down it is by the way, I lost track

at a certain point, but I’m pretty sure that that is the only launch in the film that actually

happens after one. The entire film there like 543 I think Yeah, there. There were a couple. I

noticed that too, that there there were not very many. It’s actually it’s it’s relevant to

another thing that I really liked, which again, in the understated, they never really make a

meal of it thing is they’re increasing infrastructure. Over the course of the film, they’re, you

know, at the very beginning, they’re like lighting the match and then running away. And

then a little bit later, they have like an erector set with a match and a string. And then a

little bit later, they have like a electrical sort of switch that they throw. And then at the

very end, it’s this very nice like wooden box with a light and I really appreciated that their

infrastructure improved over time. You got the sense that they aren’t just making rockets,

they’re refining their whole process.


Another thing that I broke my heart, but I liked how they played it off was him meeting

von Braun and shaking his hand and not even realizing that that was von Braun until he

was gone. Apparently, even that is wish fulfillment on the part of Homer Hickam who

wrote the book rocket boys by the way.


He never met him apparently, apparently in the real story. He went out to find Verner von

Braun at this conference because somebody told him that at the science fair Verner von

Braun was attending and that moment that he went out to go find Verner von Braun and

try to shake his hand was the moment that Verner von Braun decided to visit his exhibit.

Oh, no. And I hate that story. I could have I could have done without that.


very heartbreaking that you are leaving us with that. Well, no. Well, so the last scene with

the rocket launch, that is something that just gets me every time the music, we I could do

a whole nother episode of the sentences just talking about the soundtrack to October sky.

But there’s something


this is one of those things where I feel like I’m putting something on the film. I don’t know

that this is necessarily what they were going for with the shot. But it’s what I took from the

shot. This the scene that you were talking about with the the rocket being viewed from far

away and watching it go go up. And I just that shot gets me for a very specific reason.


That is a much better way to end this episode. All right.


So that is it for us on The Synthesis tonight. Tune in next week. We have a very special

episode. We’ve got one more episode this season on the synthesis. And we have a special

surprise. We are going to be interviewing Wait, wait, wait, are we actually telling people? Is

this how we’re telling people? I think we should we’re Yeah, we got it. We got to build hype

Right. I mean, yeah, I suppose. Guys. Yeah. I don’t know. You guys. This is a big deal. Yeah,

we worked hard to get this this and I don’t know it’s like it’s like a surprise party. I feel like

we’re supposed to be really quiet about it until it’s but that you’re right. We should. All

right. We should tell everybody so that they can get excited. But all right. So after reading

the Martian for weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks, we reached out to Andy weird to

have him on our show. And we got him but we’re not talking about


The Martian. Oh no. Andy Weir’s next book. His third novel is coming out next week. It’s

called “Project Hail Mary”. And they sent us a copy. We read it. I read it in like 18 hours. And

it’s an awesome book. And we have Andy Weir next week for an interview discussing his

new book “Project Hail Mary”. So here’s the deal. If you there are spoilers in it. Yep. So if

you light spoilers, we don’t go through every single twist and turn. But there are things that

you don’t get from the back of the box. Yes. And so I just want to put it out there that I

would say that there are some lights and some midsize spoilers. So be careful if you are if

you are a big reader of, of Andy Weir, go on buy it. It’s a great book. It will be on shelves. I

think the day that our interview airs next week. So So get excited to, to me, Andy Weir and

his adorable dog. Yes. By the way, for those just to underline, this is a pre recorded

interview. So we’re not going to be taking questions from the audience or anything like

that we need to work around a year’s schedule, but we’re going to be releasing it at the

usual time. 5:30 pacific time on Thursday next week. I believe that’s may 6. So tune in and

check out The Synthesis interviewing Andy Weir. We talked about “Project Hail Mary” we

talked about his second book Artemus and we talked about the Martian. So tune in next

week. Bye, guys.

Ad Astra – more like BRAD Astra, am I right?! | The Synthesis

This week, “Ad Astra” starring Brad Pitt. Wowie Wow Wow. Space cowboys and Brad’s awareness for humans being wasteful. Not too shabby. BUT will Alex point out some major flaws? Will Lacey freak about the abyss of space or the lack of emotional availability!? TUNE IN.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕪𝕟𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕤 is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.


Hey, folks, 


this is Alexander Winn. And I am Lacey Hannan. 


And you are watching The Synthesis, the show where we examine how real science is used in entertainment. Tonight we are talking about Ad Astra the Brad Pitt film from a few years ago. 


Yes, we’ll give you a little bit of a rundown. It’s a, it’s kind of a domestic drama, played out in space, we have a almost like an EMP happening that comes from around Neptune. And it’s causing a lot of problems and the rest of the solar system, especially on Earth where you know, it super matters because people live there. And they’re thinking that it’s anti matter is that something along those lines is causing it. And there’s a ship out there that they’ve had some problems with. And so they bring in Brad Pitt, because his dad was the captain of that ship. So Brad Pitt is part of Space Command, which I will say is better named then space force. But he is what? He’s not a captain. He’s a major. Is that right? And yeah, so he he’s working on the space elevator, EMP hits. 


They’re like, Okay, 


we got to do something about this. And so they call him in, and they’re going to get him to Mars so that he can be in contact with his dad. And then the whole thing kind of spiraled out of control from there, as he takes off in a ship and kind of accidentally kills the entire crew. And then wanders out to Neptune to go get in contact with this dead person face to face. Yes, indeed. So that’s, that’s those are the basics. Yep. And we’ll just kind of go through it. 


Yeah. So this is very much a Heart of Darkness story. That’s the vibe that I was getting very much. All throughout Heart of Darkness. For those who haven’t read it is a book from the late 1800s, about a guy who is trying to find one particular person who has disappeared into Africa. And this is back when Africa was, you know, the dark continent, it was just a big blank space on the map. And so this person is going into the wilderness of activity going beyond what is known to find one particular person out there. It was famously adapted as Apocalypse Now, a story about someone during the Vietnam War, who’s going off into Vietnam to find a commander who has disappeared into Vietnam. And it’s exactly the story. It’s apparently it’s not like officially an adaptation of Heart of Darkness. But I don’t know why. Because it’s literally the same story. So yeah, it’s, it’s interesting. I figured. So this was a film that neither Lacey nor I had seen before we before last night. And I added it to the list of things that we wanted to do for the synthesis. First off, because it’s a sci fi astronaut, movie. And that’s kind of what we’ve been doing. But also specifically, because, you know, the synthesis is all about examining scientific realism, in entertainment. You know, we’re not doing the Star Wars and the Star Trek, that sort of thing. We’re doing stuff like the Martian that at least bills itself as being plausible. And the writer, director of this film, James gray, said, specifically that he wanted to make, and I quote, the most realistic depiction of space travel that’s ever been put in a movie. And to basically say, space is awfully hostile to us. And so that was a that was a flag that I could not ignore. That is exactly what we want to talk about on the show is the most realistic depiction of space travel ever put to film. And let’s talk about how he did. 


I’m not wild about it. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, listen, I didn’t hate this. In comparison to some of the things that we’ve seen and in a vacuum, my might hate it. I don’t know. I don’t want to. I don’t I don’t like hating things. Yeah. But I just felt like, there. There was a lot in terms of the space travel specifically that just felt wild wildly. Wrong, like basic basic is, how did his dad was there the McBride’s right? Yeah. Okay. How did commander McBride stay alive on a ship? For decades? Yeah, he’s out there for like 30 years. 30 years. Yeah. And it was not. It was supposed to be half that long. How did he How did he manage that? We don’t we don’t have any Yeah, way of creating food and water for an oxygen for that long. 


Yeah, we are, we are left to assume that they had some sort of like algae tank or something that they could grow their own food in perpetuity, but it’s never commented on. Yeah, yeah, that’s that’s something that I have had to make up what I just said, to explain 


Yeah, you have to fill in some plot holes for them. And I just felt like I wanted them to tell us. Yeah, like, how does this work? Because it’s cool. 


Yeah. Is that surviving alone in space is the entire premise of the Martian? Like there’s, there’s a whole movie there that that you could have gone into for Tommy Lee Jones? Yeah, I think. So I had a funny little realization, where I was like, Oh, I think I, I have a good point. And then I realized that it was not a good point. The thing that I that I was thinking, after I saw this movie was I felt like that quote, from the director about how he wanted to make the most realistic science fiction film, the real, most realistic depiction of space travel that had ever been put to film. My my gut feeling was that he sort of told the art department that and nobody else like he didn’t tell the writer that he didn’t tell, you know, that sort of stuff. Because there is so much that is beautiful. In this movie, I love the art direction. I love the cinematography, I love some of the set pieces, like visually, this probably is the most scientifically accurate thing that I’ve ever seen put to film. But then the story is so not scientifically accurate. That I was I was left thinking, Okay, this guy must have like, been brought on to the project with a pre written script, read it and said, I, the director want to make this the most scientifically realistic thing ever. But I still have to deal with the script that was handed to me. It seemed like a perfectly reasonable explanation. And then I got on Wikipedia, and I realized that the director was the writer. So I guess that wasn’t it. He if he wanted to do it scientifically, accurately, he missed the mark. That being said, like I said, there are definitely a lot of things about this movie that I I really enjoyed in that. In that vein in the scientific realism side, 


listen, like, let me point out one other thing that I really struggled with, but then I will follow it up with something that I liked. And I know you liked it, too. Yeah. Okay. So one of the other things is Mars to Neptune, in 79 days is impossible, and ridiculous and cannot happen. So why, why? Why do that? And I recognize that the story kind of calls for it. Oh, my gosh, there’s this uncontrolled release of anti-matter and it’s going to kill everybody. We don’t have a year or two to get out to Neptune. Yeah, 


exactly. But you, you made this, like, you wrote the story and 70 they said, as he says when he lands on Mars, it’s been seven weeks since he’s had oxygen and sunlight and something else. And I’m thinking that seven weeks from Earth, and then there was this moment that he is on the moon for a while before they head off to Mars, and I’m also sitting there going wait seven weeks, seven weeks to get from from to do all of that. You know, I don’t believe you. Oh, 


yes, seven weeks is a little more realistic like in other universes, like if they had said seven weeks to get to Mars in the expanse universe. Yeah, I buy that. Like they’ve got these crazy Epstein drives that can burn it, you know, high g for the entire duration of the trip. Yes. I completely believe that you could get to Mars in seven weeks. I don’t even think it would be that hard. But if it takes you seven weeks to get from Earth to Mars, how the hell are you getting from Mars to Neptune? In 79 days, math doesn’t work. Yeah. 


And speaking of math, by the way, I actually did the math, I looked it up from Mars to Neptune is on average, about 2,654,820,000 miles. And on in that distance to get there in 79 days, you would have to be averaging 1.4 million miles an hour. Now obviously, Brad Pitt’s fragile human body cannot just put the pedal to the metal and get up to 1.4 million miles an hour. So in order to do that, you would have to have a long period of acceleration and then a long period of deceleration. But if you spend a long period accelerating a long period decelerating, then you by definition have to go even faster in the middle part. So it’s just the math does not work. Like if he has an engine that can get in from Mars to Neptune in 79 days, then you don’t need to be searching for extraterrestrial life, which is what Tommy Lee Jones his whole mission was about was trying to contact alien life. That’s not a problem and Because you can just go there. Yeah, like, if you can go that fast and Neptune, then you can just get to Alpha Centauri without it being that big a deal. 


And so I just, I feel like the director did not accomplish what he set out to accomplish. And he failed me. And I don’t approve of that. Generally, but what I will say I really enjoyed Mars or the moon, when they when they get to the moon, and we see how things, you know, the the gravity change. And you know, there’s that chase with the pirates. That’s like, that was cool. I had one minor problem with it, it doesn’t even matter. Yeah, it’s the, the whole thing that that going off the side of the crater, and just kind of 


spinning out into nothingness. 


And then landing. Like, we talked about this earlier, landing in the shadow. And of course, the shadows on the moon are so dark, because there’s no atmosphere to diffuse the light. So you get it’s like it was, it was awesome to see someone do that and, and get it right. Yeah. So I enjoyed parts of the space travel, it was just so few and far between that it barely 


I feel like the biggest strength of this movie. And I really, it never got to like the whole movie, this is the part that I was just really loving, was, they did an incredible job of making sci fi stuff seem mundane, that like this is just Yeah, you’re just we’re going to send you the Mars, you’re going to stop by on the moon on the way we’re going to take a commercial flight to the moon to keep a low cover. And, and then they just move on. And like they really a lot of time, filmmakers sort of can’t resist the urge to be like, Oh, he’s going to the moon, you know, like, like, they sort of make a meal about it. And they really the actors and the editing and, and the writing, everything really led to, like the guy said, we’re going to send you to Mars by way of the moon. And it really felt like he was saying we’re gonna send you to Oregon by way of Kansas. And that’s just how this goes like, that’s, it’s no big deal. It’s not like a crazy top secret, you know, insane mission. It’s like, no, we’re just, we’re gonna send you to Mars, 


we’re gonna set you to Mars. So that it, it feels a little bit so that it’s not as noticeable. It’s 


exactly like we’re gonna stop by on the moon because it’s convenient for for, you know, keeping your cover, it’s not a big deal to go to the moon. And there were just so many things like that, in this. In this world, there were so many things that were just sort of casually, futuristic, you know, the whole opening sequence on the space elevator, which, by the way, is the coolest, and maybe the only representation of a space elevator that I’ve ever seen in a big budget thing. But also not a space elevator. I guess it’s they describe it as the International Space antenna. Yeah. Which is weird, because if you’re building something that high, and that thin. That doesn’t work, unless it’s tethered to something in space. Like if it’s a space elevator, it makes sense, because it’s a cable running between the Earth and a counterweight. But if it’s just a tower that he was like, at the top of the night, that’s weird. So I wish that they had just called it the space elevator because way cooler. So tell me tell me more about this. Tell me why it’s weird. 


So you know, with anything that you know, in, in the world of just sort of like kindergarten physics, okay. If you have an object that is going back really far, guys, yeah, if you have an object that’s taller than it is wide, there’s always going to be a tipping point. And the tipping point is, as you tilt it, the point at which its center of gravity is no longer over itself, the point at which its center of gravity is over air, it will start to fall. And so the thing about building really tall things like skyscrapers and antennas, and that sort of stuff, is that you need to widen it to make it taller. That’s the fundamental concept behind a pyramid. You know, like, if you’re gonna build a really big a really tall thing, you need it to be really wide. And, you know, you can you can fudge it as your materials get better. You know, it’s, it’s no, it’s no coincidence that skyscrapers happened at the beginning of the 20th century, right when like, really strong steel was developed because steel can hold it, but the taller you get, the less wiggle room there is, you know, like if you if you picture a radio antenna, that’s like, you know, 20 storys tall. If you’re off by half a degree, you’re already leaning so much that your center of gravity is off the base, which is why if you’re, you know, driving across country and you see a radio tower, they often have cables hold holding them

Because those, if it ever starts to lean in one direction, the other, the cable will pull it back, you know, that’s why they they’re designed that way. So if you have something like what we saw at the beginning about Astra that is ginormous, heaven tall. Yeah, that is space tall. But you know that that thing is not like the whole complex that he’s working on isn’t really any wider than like an office building, you know. And, and this, most of it is just hanging off of these quite thin tubes, that are the actual structure that is reaching down toward the ground. And so the idea is that if you have something that tall, you either have made it out of a manner of a metal that is infinitely strong, that can just handle any kind of force, the atmosphere and wind and you know, like everything is putting on it. If we assume that they don’t have God metal, then then it needs those cables that radio tower has, or, and here’s the big thing, or it needs to be tethered to the sky. And that’s how a rate that’s how a space elevator works is a space elevator is a real thing. You can really build it. It’s perfectly valid science, and it shows up in a lot of science fiction. And what you do is you have a counterweight, you have a big thing like a moon or an asteroid or a really big space station in orbit, and then you do a cable down to the earth. And the cable wants to fall, the cable is not supporting it’s on wait. It’s just taught, it’s pulled between the Earth and this counterweight. And you can imagine like somebody swinging like a bolo, the force of that orbiting object is pulling the cable taut so it stays upright. And so you know, when when the movie started, and he’s out on this incredibly tall thing, and he’s like doing maintenance operations on and I’m like, Oh my god, this is so cool. It’s a space elevator clearly, like the only way something could be this tall. Is it the space elevator? And then later, they refer to it as the International Space antenna. And I was like, what, what? 

What? That’s, that’s weird. Like, why not just call it a space? That’s clearly what you have is a space elevator. And it’s so much cooler than an antenna. Right? It was a it was an odd choice. But either way, in my head cannon, it was a space elevator. And that’s awesome. For sure. Presumably there was an elevator in the antenna. That’s how we got up there in the first place. 


Oh, right. Yeah, cuz they didn’t just climb. 


Yeah. That was not, that was not literally a stairway to heaven, built into this, like a spiral staircase with 15 billion steps. Yeah. 


Is it Stairway to Heaven, like a song about to his little girl that died? So that might get really sad. And really, I mean, it’s also just a phrase. But yeah, but that’s okay, whatever. 


But yeah, like, you know, that was an example of that was a super cool representation of the thing. And what what I was talking about earlier, this mundane sci fi, it’s like this incredibly awesome set piece of sci fi storytelling. And he’s like a repair guy. You know, like, he’s just going out. And he’s licking himself onto it. And he’s going down, and he’s doing stuff. And he’s, he seems to be functionally the equivalent of like, a window washer on an office building. And I just I loved that. There are so many things in his movies where they took this incredibly cool sci fi thing. And then they were just like, yeah, that’s how the world works. 


I will say that this is the first time that I’ve ever cared about commercial spaceflight. Oh, yeah. The way they showed it. I was like, Oh, yeah, no, this just feels this feels the most realistic. Yeah. You know, we’ve seen spaceflight in the expanse. We’ve seen it in other areas. And it always feels really kind of grim. Yeah, to me, and this just felt like, oh, you’re getting on a Delta flight, you’re getting on a United Airlines Flight, whatever it is. And, and, you know, you’re, I guess paying for your blankets and pillows by then which is a crock. But, you know, there was there was something about it that just felt like okay, this makes sense to me. And it’s cool. The only thing that I really didn’t like, and this is just my, I mean, I think it’s actually a big deal. I’m I shouldn’t downplay it. But the tree hugger comes out in me. The the moment those huge fuel stages just come off and you’re sitting here going, how many commercial flights go up every day? And what about those fuel tanks that just land in the ocean? 


I guess it’s especially interesting because that’s old tech. That’s how it worked in the 60s. But that’s not what SpaceX is doing these days. They they’ve got reusable rockets that you don’t need to just jettison things off into nothingness. So that was an odd choice. It 


was an odd choice. They had some they had some old stuff happening. Yeah, there was something that felt that was clearly in the future. Because they can get, yeah. So Neptune in 79 days, 


it almost it almost seemed like, you know, there were enough throwbacks to sort of the Space Age tech and design and stuff that it almost you could do a reasonable headcanon with this movie, that it’s sort of like a sequel to for for all mankind This is like it’s an alternative universe an alternative history of a world where the space race never ended. And so they do still kind of do it like they did in the 60s, because they never stopped doing 


it that way. I guess there’s, there’s something kind of interesting about that. I’m not usually one for filling in potholes, like, my, my thing is that I want to take things at face value, like, oh, look for the symbolism, I will do all of that. But it didn’t. It doesn’t, it doesn’t always work. And so in this case, I’m happy. Like, I’m not happy to but I’m willing to fill in a couple of the plot holes. And one of the things that they talk about is the amount of war that’s happening. He says that he spent three years over the Arctic Circle, or what the fuck is happening over the Arctic Circle do and the moon has turned into the Wild West. Like, this is all worse than it’s turned into, like, you know, in Mogadishu like, yeah, it’s 


and then and Mars is the same way they talk about, you know, the the outpost that they go to is the American one. And it doesn’t seem like you want to go to the other ones. If you’re an American, like, what is happening? We have not we apparently went to space without coming up with some treaties first, which I think is problematic. 


Yeah, it’s almost like this movie is set during world war three. And they sort of forgot to tell us, you know, that, like, there are all these military installations everywhere. And everybody’s fighting everywhere. And they just kind of like it’s not relevant to this story. So we’re not going to get into it. But like, you set up a really book world. 


Yeah. And but believably so like, it wasn’t post apocalyptic. It was just, this is the futuristic version of the 1930s of the 1940s. Not the 1990s. You know, it’s not a perfectly prosperous time. Are you? Me? It made me sad. 


Yeah, it was. 


I don’t know. It was hard before we move on from the moon, by the way, in the world of odd choices. And I it’s not a criticism. Exactly. It’s just sort of a dot dot dot question mark moment when I was watching. You know, Richard Branson, has a SpaceX competitor. There’s a company called Virgin Galactic that is trying to do private spaceflight, and that sort of thing. And they sold some tickets. Famously, they offered William Shatner a ticket to go into space. And he was like, No, like, No way and for him. But it was, it’s an interesting choice when they take a commercial flight to the moon. It’s Virgin Atlantic. It’s not Virgin Galactic. It’s, it’s Virgin Atlantic, which is the company that really exists that you can like fly to London. 


We did Virgin Atlantic go under. I think 


they were sold and like it was consumed by another airline. But yeah, and they kept the aesthetic. The whole room is lit in sort of pink and purple, which is like if you’ve ever been on a virgin flight, that’s actually how they decorate and stuff. Yeah, well, I’m 


so close even says like, she loves that, that there’s DHL on the moon. And it’s I do appreciate that some of these corporations have stuck around. Yeah, 


I just I wonder what kind of behind the scenes licensing deals had to be struck to get virgin but it wasn’t Virgin Galactic. Yeah, it was the what was the specific legal delineation there because you know, they wanted it to be Virgin Galactic. But yeah, that that whole sequence go on to the moon. It’s all great. I loved on an art direction level. I don’t know why this I got such a kick out of this. I think it was just because I wasn’t expecting it. In one of the very early scenes after he’s fallen off the space elevator. I was admiring their uniforms. I liked the it was it was green, but it had a black shirt and a black tie. It was just kind of like looked all gray. It looks pretty green to me. 


Maybe I’m wrong because it was kind of dimly lit, but it it read to me as army green jacket with a black shirt and a black tie. And it was just one of those things that Yeah, I believe that as a future fashion choice that they wouldn’t do right now. But it’s not so different that I couldn’t see them doing it in a few decades. But and so I was like, okay, that’s kind of cool costuming. And then they went to the moon and I noticed that all the soldiers had lunar cammo they had this like camo pattern that was white and gray and black, but it wasn’t Arctic camo. It was like, sort of futuristic and had all these straight lines that were sort of breaking up the profile. And then when they went to Mars, those same kind of guys were wearing, like tan and gray and orange camo, and that’s Martian camo. And they never talk about it. Like they never address it. They never make a meal of it. They just, that’s what the soldiers look like at this base. And I love that that is exactly the kind of world building that I Appreciate where they just thought about it a little bit, you know, their soldiers aren’t wearing green camo because you wouldn’t wear green camo on Mars. Right does. Putting aside from the fact that you, when you go on the surface of Mars, you’re wearing a spacesuit. Like they’re never gonna wear that camel outfit on the surface anyway, but it’s the army. You got to give them something to wear. And yeah, it’s gonna be Martian camel. I just I love it. Yeah, 


I wasn’t entirely sure why it was green. But okay. What? The Space Command? 


Oh, the Space Command. dress uniforms. Yeah, that they were beautiful. I thought they were nice looking. But they they fell. Oh, hold on. I was like, What? What is? What is what the green? 


I’ll tell you what is up with the girl? And it pisses me off? Oh, no, it’s realistic in a way that makes me mad. Because spaceforce which came out after this movie was made, but this movie was pressured. Us space force the new division of the armed forces. I know where this is going. Uses army ranks. Come on, guys, they don’t use Navy ranks. You haven’t watched enough science fiction to know that the person who’s in charge of a ship is supposed to be a captain. Come on. Space Command is supposed to use Navy ranks. That’s how this is supposed to work. Everybody knows that there was even a bill in Congress that was going to force space force to use Navy ranks. And it got voted out because Congress is garbage. And it makes me mad. And so the the answer to your question of why is their uniform green? For the same reason that he’s a major? It’s because the US Army ranks? You guys, I have heard this rant multiple times. I think it may have even already happened on this show once. So, you know, I can’t get into it much. 


I’m just saying Congress needs me. Like, this is us. Congress needs to get your shit in here for a number of reasons. But one of them is you gave us space force army ranks. And that’s stupid. And anyway, they have army ranks in this too. And I’m sure that’s why their uniforms are green is because their army guys not Navy guys. So yeah, we will wait. Okay, 


that’s our show tonight, folks. Thanks for watching. We’re done. 


So I I need to talk about the character. 


Yeah, look for a little bit get some film stuff in we have more science to get back to but let’s Yeah, I entertainment side. 


Yeah. Let’s talk about the part where we get into the fact that Lacey didn’t super enjoy the movie, and I kind of did enjoy the movie. 


So Brad Pitt and so here’s the deal. I think Brad Pitt is a great actor. I think he’s interesting to watch. But I thought that the words they put in his mouth were stupid. Oh, I’m sorry. Not necessarily the words they put in his mouth. The words they put in his head because all we heard was freaking voiceovers. Okay, so his initials, 


this is going to be Lacey’s army ranks rant. 


Listen, the initial monologue that he has is like he’s, he won’t be vulnerable to mistakes and he calls his relationship unimportant. And I’m sitting here going, dude, you’re putting so much pressure on yourself. And he talks about how good he is at compartmentalizing. I was like, oh, man, dude, you’re setting yourself up to fail. This is not how EQ works. This is not how mental resiliency works. Who gave you How did you get to be a major 


you use your 


ability to handle stress is bullshit superhero stuff. Like this is not real. And and I’m not the only one who thinks that because I found a whole article on inverse calm Hold on, I have to Who is it? I don’t freaking know. It’s a NASA psychologist on Ad Astra and, and combating stress. And he talks about how AI is really not going to cut it. And he’s like, I’m not trying to be defensive. I was impressed. Because you know, I have harped on this multiple times you guys about the psyche vows or the lack thereof, as seen in 


the one of the interstellar graphic smart like basically everything that we’ve done on the show except for the Martian. It’s got a really bad psychological screening. 


And he talks about like, I’m not trying to be defensive, but it’s going to take a very long time to get to a point where AI could do what psychologists do, because you’re first looking for. You’re looking for people that are good at handling stress, but then you’re also looking for being able to to train people to handle stress, and you okay over there got a cable, like, tangled in my chair. 


I’m sorry, all I’m seeing is the top of your boss 


on me. I’m just being weird. 


Okay. Bye. But, 


you know, stress, there was a there was an astronaut that came back to Earth. And then because of the psychological stress she like, attempted to kidnap somebody. I 


mean, the straw. Yeah, got real weird. She wore diapers so she could stock people longer. And yeah, I got real weird. 


Yeah. So I’m just saying, like, the idea that psych evals could be done. The way that they do them in this movie, like, I appreciate the amount of them. I don’t appreciate how they did them. Because I think it’s BS. I don’t think like, I know that this movie is not set in the next 10 years. But it seems like it’s set. Not that far in the distant future. And I don’t believe that neural networks are going to be great for psychology and psychological evaluations, because there’s no trust there. Humans don’t just trust machines. And one of the things that this NASA psychologist says is, humans don’t like to give up agency to machines, we are practically unwilling to do it. And now, that’s going to be with like super private things and, and things like that. And so the amount of work that they have to do to build up enough trust to get astronauts to actually talk to them, is huge. And he just says that you can’t like, it’s it’s not that it will never happen. But it’s unlikely to happen anytime in the near future. And I appreciated that because it it fed into what I was feeling I was sitting there going, I’m sorry, this guy, you remember, there’s a James Bond scene, and I think it’s with Oh, I don’t remember which James Bond where they open the they open the movie with him pretending he’s dead. And he has like, slowed his heart rate down to zero. And he’s in the hospital. And so they declare him dead. And then they leave the room and he gets up and walks out. I think it’s a Pierce Brosnan one. And I felt like it was like this. It’s just so it’s so not real, that a man would never have his heart rate go over 80 know, when he’s falling from the sky, you know? 


Yeah, there’s a certain there’s a certain amount of it’s not about tough. You’re, you know, there’s a I think it’s in the Dresden Files, books. There’s some book that I’ve been that I read recently, where the main character talks about how, when something is flying at your face with the intent to kill you, you get scared. And that’s not a matter of toughness or cowardice. It’s not a matter of training, it’s not a matter of anything. If you have bilateral symmetry, you’re going to be scared. Like, that’s just how this works. And that is to me. Yeah, like there’s no such thing as a guy who’s whose heart rate never goes above 80 when he’s in the military. 


And one of the things that this guy says, I’m going to read a quote from this article, it’s, it’s, it’s really interesting. And of course, you know, at one point, he talks about the Martian, which we love, so the only makes it better. But he says, as humans, agency is so important to us having our self determination that I think it might be a source of information. And it might have a high degree of predictive probability on things, but human decision making will always be in the loop. And there will be a myriad of factors that determine an individual’s readiness to perform a mission regardless of what the psychological status and I just think that’s interesting, because my whole thought on those cycles is they’re not taking in there are too many variables that I, I think that they didn’t look at, and also the variables that they did look at felt like BS. Yeah. So anyway, I could go on about it for the rest of the time that we have, but I won’t, 


I will overflow agrees with you. Because soflo stated that he’s got the emotional range of a pet rock. 


Yes. Yeah. And you can even hear it in the, in the in the voiceovers. Because, you know, a lot of the language is very philosophical, but it’s not deep. at all It feels like it feels like a freshman. Like poetry slash philosophy major, like talking about his mental state. I have very specific people in mind for this. And I’m sure all I think we all do, right. And that’s just it feels so emo. Yeah, totally, totally Alex. But I really struggled with the voiceovers because they, they felt very shallow, even with the vocabulary that they use. One of the other things is he’s like they’re using me. They’re using me. So you know, he’s on. He’s on Mars. And he’s been given the script to call out to his dad. And then they put him in a calming room, which is like one of the least calming 


Yeah, we’ve ever seen. 


You ever need to stress me out? You put me in that calming room was horrifying. 


And he’s just like pacing. Right? And definitely not calming down punching the wall. Yeah. And he’s like, they’re just using me. God damn them. And I’m like, Yeah, man, they’re trying to save humanity. You do what you have to do. Like, who gives a shit if they’re using you? 


Well, and also they told you, yeah, we’re gonna use you. Well, that’s that’s the mission is to be used by the army to make contact with us and you agree 


to it. So if you have a problem with it, lay out your argument. I want to know what it is. I’m sure you have one. Even if I don’t agree with it. Just lay out the argument. But you can’t just say they’re using me and think I’m gonna feel bad for you. Like I had zero empathy for this guy the entire time. I just didn’t care. I didn’t care if he found his dad. I didn’t care if he went back to his wife. He said his relationship to her was unimportant. Like that as one of his very first line. So for her sake, I hope she never goes back to him because he’s toxic. And it just like, I don’t know, I felt like the main character had zero emotional depth. 


Yeah, well, there were a lot of things for it throughout the story. There are a lot of things were the human side was weird. Like, I mean, the biggest one for me, isn’t even Brad Pitt’s character. It’s that the professionally trained spacepilot freezes up at the landing. Yeah, like, this is your whole job, man. Like, what? What is the problem? Exactly? And they never say like, there’s no, there’s no indication in the storyline of what exactly is the problem, they get hit by a surge. So they they’re not going to land on autopilot. And I mean, the only thing that I can think of is that we’re living in a world where autopilot is so universal, that he just actually doesn’t know how to land without it. Like, you know, yeah, sure. If all of the automatic transmissions in all of the cars and all of the worlds suddenly stopped working, a lot of people wouldn’t be able to drive a manual, you know, like a stick shift. Yeah, sure. But you’re a pilot man. Like, even if you don’t know how you should be figuring it out. You should be grabbing the stick and punching buttons and figuring out what to do. You shouldn’t just be sitting there and then glancing with a four lawn look over at the guy next to you like what the fuck is your job? And then at the end, Brad Pitt is like, I will not report what you did to space calm, and I’m sitting there going okay, but like, you should. Yeah, like, for the for the betterment of everybody that’s ever going to be on the sky ship. You should report this is exactly what you need to 


crew at the very least would have died. Had it not been for Brad Pitt’s character. Yeah. And, and not to mention the people at the landing site. Yeah, it just what the hell 


yeah. When a pilot responsible when a pilot can’t land his plane, you report that shit to space calm? Yeah, it was it was very strange. There were a lot of things like that, that were just okay. 


Yeah. And I kept going, you know, they’d have you, you’d, you’d have trained for all of this. And then, you know, my mom’s a dental hygienist. And she has to go to a certain amount of training every year, and it’s rather a lot. And pilots get refresher courses 


all the time. Yeah. And so what the hell is your problem, man? And, you know, we’re totally skipping over the first time that we see this guy, lose his cool, and it’s just a touch. But that’s when there’s the Mayday and what the what the hell was the point of that Mayday? I don’t, what what did it do for the story, to have these deranged, poor animals, lose it on their scientists and then kill the captain of this pilot that was checking on the Mayday? Like, what the hell was that and why? 


Yeah, it’s I mean, to me, it was interesting. Yeah, like doing animal testing out there and one of them gets loose and there’s a crazy like, how do you how do you deal With that, that’s an interesting premise. But what did it do for this story? Like if you had cut that scene, what would you have lost? 


Nothing, literally nothing. Yeah. So all you just get is this weird gore fest for a minute. Yeah. 


And, you know, there was a point with the with the sound or the music earlier on in the film that I was like, Okay, wait, did we just step into a thriller? Or is there going to be like pops of horror in this movie? Because the music kind of set that up? But the trailer did not. And so I was confused. And I, I didn’t. I didn’t know. I don’t know what they were trying to do with this movie. I felt like they were trying to mesh too many genres. And they didn’t do a good job of it. 


Yeah. Well, so segwaying back to some stuff. That was really cool. The Lunar Chase was really cool. That was a really cool action scene. And, again, from the from the sort of art design side, I felt like that scene had a lot of really cool, subtle things to it. So for example, when you’ve got a bunch of people in white spacesuits on white rovers, driving across a white plane, it’d be really easy to lose track of who is who, you know, that’s, that would be a real concern. And I feel like they did a great job of not letting you there were there were little cues like the the good guys had gold visors, and the bad guys had black visors. The rovers had subtly different designs and that sort of thing. But they were Yeah, like that whole thing and worth mentioning. This movie was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Sound Mixing. And it was that scene, I’m sure that got it for him. Because the the sound mixing in that scene of there is no sound in space. But there is sound of stuff hitting you. When you drive into a rock. You can hear it because it’s coming up through the rover. And, you know, that sort of stuff is that is that was really well done. I thought that it was exceptionally well done. And I and I will say that there, there were things that were totally beautiful the cinematography of this movie. I often love to not always I felt like some of the trippy stuff got really distracting. But there were times that it was just gorgeous. And you know, it’s the same cinematographer I believe who did and that did Interstellar. Yeah. So you know, the the planets were stunning, just like it. It was one of those things are just kind of makes you drool over where we where we get to live, 


right? Yeah, 


it’s so beautiful. 


I want to go to there like, Oh, 


yeah, yeah. 


There is. 


I don’t Did you did you just just just 


just went out of my brain. There was the thing. And then there wasn’t. 


I’m sorry, I interrupted your whole thing about the sound mixing and the the the chase on the moon with cinematography work, because it was something I could compliment. Oh, so I had to interrupt you just to say something nice. 


Yeah, no, you’re you’re, you’re good. Yeah, the the lunar Chase was awesome. There were there were a lot of things that we haven’t seen before. You know, like, these days, for those of you who are watching it for all mankind is an Apple TV plus show that is dealing with the idea of combat in space. It’s alternative history where the United States and the Soviet Union continue the space race. And so they have they each have lunar bases and their conflicts on the moon. And they’ve made a lot of hay out of the fact that season two sees the first actual combat on the moon and they’re all the press material have these astronauts carrying like white and sixteens and all that. And so you know, that is starting to do it. But Ad Astra obviously been out for a little while. That’s the first time I think I’ve ever seen a realistic depiction of a battle on the moon. You know, that’s, that isn’t just like Star Trek, you know, that. That was astronauts fighting and I believed it that seemed like about how it would go down. Which is to say quick and really, really deadly. 


Yeah. Which I Oh, tell me about your take on the fight when he gets when he gets on the shuttle that he’s not supposed to be on? 


Yeah. So that I thought was interesting. I feel like again, from a storytelling standpoint, I sort of have some issues with it because you just slaughtered three people and took over, essentially an Air Force jet. And you know, like that was Whoa. But I did really appreciate That, you know, 03 combat is weird. You know, like, that’s, that’s not what humans were meant for. And I feel like they really captured the elegance of it. You know, Hey, he’s like, don’t, don’t worry, I’m not here to do anything. And they’re like coming out and one, one woman pulls out a gun and, and then all of a sudden the rocket kicks on. And you forget that, Oh, you don’t just float in space, you float in space, if your ship is floating in space, and then as soon as your ship starts moving, and you’re not strapped in, it’s effectively gravity. And she just gets squished. And it’s, it’s painful to watch. But it is a good reminder that like, you can’t treat this stuff as a given in space. And then, you know, the other guy and Brad Pitt are wrestling and they’re sort of spinning end over end as, as they’re fighting. And it just, I feel like, you know, one of the things that people talk about is, when you see a bar fight in a movie, it’s, it’s easy to follow. It’s like a boxing match. And they’re, they’re pounding each other and they’re taking, you know, they’re, they’re trading blows. And if you ever see a bar fight in real life, it’s like, it looks more like deer just locking antlers, it’s like two guys just run at each other. And they just sort of like grab each other. 

And it just looks like a really angry hook. But let me tell you, as someone who worked in a sports bar for a very long time, those bar fights tend to turn into many people. Yeah, they tend to end up on the street. And it is not elegant, it’s totally hard to follow, and you don’t know who you’re fighting or why Yeah, and then and I’m not part of it, I’m just saying I’ve seen 16 people stop traffic because of this. And it’s 


absurd. And the the the thing that I’m sort of leaning into right now is it’s not you don’t keep your distance, you know, it’s not to boxers, they’re like, you know, reaching out with their arm to punch the other guy. For the most part, they sort of smash their faces into each other’s shoulders, and they’ve got their arms like trying to hit each other in the back and they’re like me and each other, like, it’s just this sort of dog pile of, it really looks like an angry hug. And it that I feel like what’s captured in this scene is like, two people are trying to kill each other in space and it just looks kind of dumb, like, like they’re just kind of spinning it over and and try to get at each other and it’s just inelegant. Does 


anybody know what was in that canister? That got loose? And then it just like killed the captain? Or the pilot, whatever? Because that makes no sense. And why didn’t the captain who was an arm’s reach of of oxygen put on his own oxygen mask? This man that pilot had zeros like serve to make his survival skills are zero and he should not have been in this position? Obviously, and the psyche, Val’s would have told us that, listen, I will try not to come back to the psyche. Val’s repeatedly, 


but the psyche valid, you want to believe you 


told us to this? And Alex was like, I take you know this. Do you think the military really has good psyche veils? And I was like, I don’t know. I mean, they’re probably not great. 


Don’t get me to actually give the backstory on that comment. 


Would you like to know, because it’s, the whole thing is like, these are all military people. And we like to think that the military has does good psyche. Val’s. But my question that, and Alex said that he you know, like he takes you were saying that you, you could handle the psyche vows. And that you took that at face value, which is, you know, the military is not great at everything. 


Yeah, that basically Lacy was arguing that the the psyche vows were so bad that they were unrealistic. And the way that I read the film was that the psyche, vows are really bad, because the army kind of doesn’t care that much. They care if you can continue the mission, and they don’t actually care that much about your well being and as long as you can continue the mission, then they’ll, they’ll just sort of rubber stamp it. And that seems like exactly the sort of thing that the military would do. I just, 


I couldn’t I can’t handle that. Like that just is so heart. Like it’s not heartbreaking. It just like it’s heart crushing. Yeah. And it’s, it is in itself crushing. And so I just, oh, I couldn’t I couldn’t handle it. And I kept saying like, they’re all of these people in these positions, that you’re asking me to take it at face value that at face value, that they should be here and that they should be in these positions, but I can’t take it at face value because I don’t value its face, and that the pilot is one of them. And also you can’t handle the edge cases which are both of the McBride men come on. And Ruth Megas character also probably shouldn’t be in the position that she should be on on Mars. So anyway, I’m just saying every last one of them had they’ve been promoted beyond 


their capabilities. And I don’t like it. You don’t like to see it? Well, the way we got off on this was talking about the canister that gets shot that is that yeah, that is something that like, I really wish that they had just like thrown in a line of dialogue that that was like some kind of super toxic gas or something. And because I don’t think they mentioned it at all. But there was one thing that Brad Pitt says sort of like in passing, which it sounds like he says it was oxygen. And that doesn’t make sense. So yeah, I just have to assume that it was some kind of like nerve agent that God, 


why would it just be sitting there on the wall like that? Yeah, 


it’s, I mean, it seemed like it was maybe close to where they were keeping the nukes. So maybe it was some sort of like, super radioactive gas? I don’t know. It’s like, you can sort of fill in the blanks and come up with something that kind of makes sense. But I wish that they just thrown in a line and been like, yeah, that’s what, oh, no, you released the nerve gas that we were going to use to kill everybody on the ship that you know, whatever. Yeah, that was kind of odd. 


Should we? Should we talk about the climax of the movie? Yeah, 


I was about to say, let’s, let’s get to Neptune. So he’s so our hero arrives at Neptune. He’s there to to sort of reconnect with his father recontact his father and bring him home, and then also to destroy the ship because it’s been established that the the surge, the problem in this movie is coming from this ship. And I kind of misunderstood. I thought that this movie was a mystery about what is the surge? I thought that we were trying to get to Neptune so that we could figure out what is Tommy Lee Jones doing to create this phenomenon? And then it turned I guess that’s, I guess that was a misunderstanding. That was not what this movie was about. It’s just his ship is broken. And it’s causing this and there’s no like, 


and his his thing is that he says that the crew mutiny, the mutiny, the last bit of the crew mutinied, and things went wrong, and that’s what started this. 


Which, by the way, we’ve already established that the crew mutinied earlier and he killed them all. And so if these are his last loyal crew mutinied against him, these people suck and mutinying man, like this guy already killed everyone who rose up against him. If you’re going to rise up against him, you kill him in his sleep. I mean, come on, like you don’t just tell him, Hey, we’re going home and there’s nothing you can do to stop us. Like, there is a thing you can do to stop you. So like, you should really do a thing. Yeah, take take precaution. 


They leaned into the creep factor. And a way that I felt was forced. 


I appreciated seeing it from Tommy Lee Jones. This is an unusual role for Tommy Lee Jones and he he crazy this, 


I mean, like, sure, but yeah, I’m talking about kind of the environmental stuff like Brad Pitt gets into the ship. And the first thing we like, the first thing we see is someone dead, with their head in a bag, like a plastic bag, and then you start to see more dead bodies in implying by the way that he was killed like by hand like this is not a guy who was killed because he got locked in an airlock. 


This is someone who was murdered, face to face. 


Yeah. And in the background is a TV playing at Black and White musical number 


in the creepiest way possible in 


the creepiest way possible, though, I would love to know what that film was because I want to see that. I’ve never seen that clip before. So if it’s a real clip, I need to know what it is. 


Sure it is. 


But it was just like it felt like creepy for creepiness sake and not actually for to move the 


sense in the universe. Just a storytelling. I kind of 


felt like they between that and the monkeys and some of the way that no drowning. 


You can die in space for monkeys, but you can’t drown 


this. Listen, 


I like it not true. He goes underwater. He goes through an underground Lake it does. There is actually the risk of drowning in that asteroid. 


I did not enjoy that part. But I didn’t hate it because there he wasn’t. 


Yeah, there’s no actual problem. But I felt like the director slash writer was like I want to see these things and it was like walking into a convenience store. And just being like, I’m at 711 or while I’m here I’m going to get pick up my reasons and my cheese. It’s on my Coca Cola, and it was just like it was just like a grab bag of random shit. And I I couldn’t handle it because it just Felt pointless oftentimes? Yeah. So 


we do have a few scientific things that happen around Neptune, which are interesting, including one doesn’t happen very often. That was more scientifically accurate. Then I realized I called it out. And then I realized that I was wrong. Okay. And that is he gets, you know, he, there’s a whole thing with his dad, where’s that basically commit suicide. And then he plans to do and he goes to go back to his ship. And he essentially peels off a piece of the hole to use as a shield. And then he rockets himself up through the rings of Neptune to his ship. Yeah. And I wrote down in my notes, flight through the ring was too smooth and too short. But still cool. That’s actually not true. I ended up I ended up looking it up after the it seemed like you know, this is space, like the rings of Neptune, the rings of Saturn, these are going to be huge. It’s going to take you hours to get through the the space that constitutes those rings. And I actually looked it up. Spaces weird, you guys, those rings of Saturn that you can see from Earth, you know, I think they are 30 feet, or 30 feet thick. That is razor thin, compared to the circumference of them. That is insane. If anything, the depiction of them in this movie, he’s in them for too long. Like it’s actually erring on the side of being too thick in this movie, he should have just kind of shot straight through. But that being said, it was too smooth. He was just yet right. He didn’t course 


I didn’t understand why the rocks hitting him didn’t change the knocking projectory. Yeah, 


or at least spin him like that really more than changing what direction he’s going in. They should have he should have been spinning like a top when he came out. They should have been hitting him at oblique angles. And 


yeah, also, they were very blue from the inside. And I felt like that would be true. From the outside. You’re getting you know, from far away, you’re getting like the reflection and the ice, which is what a lot of what those rings are made up of. You’d be getting reflection from the planet or whatever. So that’s what you know, okay, we see them as blue. Cool, but I think inside of it, you wouldn’t. And it really looked like they had like a blue carpet with rocks on it. 


Yeah, there, it didn’t look good. 


There are so right here at the end, we get several things that are not scientifically accurate, which is unfortunate, because again, like there was a bunch of things that I really enjoyed. One of them was that another was this was one of those. So one of the things that I get so frustrated by in, in these sorts of things is like, why did you even put that line in? Like why do it if you’re not going to do it accurately? You know, and we’ve talked about this in in previous stories, where they’ll throw in some line or some picture that isn’t real. When they didn’t need that line. You know, in interstellar, there are lines about how Oh, it’s such and such it breeds nitrogen. That’s not a thing. And it doesn’t need to be. And I had to laugh. There’s this beautiful moment where Brad Pitt is talking about how you know his father is obsessed with the search for extraterrestrial life. And they’ve come out here beyond the edge of the heliosphere, which by the way is not Neptune. the heliosphere is 123 astronomical units wide Neptune is only 30 astronomical units out it’s way further out the Neptune but whatever. They’ve come out beyond the heliosphere to detect alien life. And he’s been working on detecting alien life. And there’s this beautiful scene where Brad Pitt is sort of looking through his data. And he’s looking through and he says he captured strange new worlds in greater detail than ever before. And there’s this montage of all these alien planets that he’s been photographing, right? Those aren’t alien planets. Those are the moons of Jupiter. They’re literally using photos of like Callisto and stuff. Like there’s a picture of Venus that they use. And it’s not even touched up. I know this because I used the textures of Venus in TerraGenesis. There are portions of Venus that haven’t been fully mapped. So if you look at a map of Venus, it’s sort of stripy, there, there are portions that are at higher resolution than others. And it’s frigging stripy. Like they didn’t even give it to a graphic designer to touch up the picture of Venus, this Callisto and there’s Europa and there’s like, over and over and over. They’re all these pictures of worlds from our solar system. Are you making a speech about strange alien worlds? And then using these like, Oh, my God, you could Get on any sci fi forum and find 20 graphic designers who would love to do pictures of alien worlds for Hollywood blockbuster, or, and here’s a radical notion. Just don’t show them. Just have him talk about it. 


But that Okay, so here’s I didn’t know that you guys I did not know that that’s what I was looking at. And I was like, Whoa, Wow, those are really beautiful. My goodness, like, what a cool universe we live in, that there could ever be planets or whatever out there that look like this. Those images are what got me through that scene. And it takes me back to what I said earlier today about how how we’re so lucky to live in our solar system. It’s just so beautiful. And oh, that’s so sad. That makes me really sad. Like, 


I’m not joking you guys. I have looked up Photoshop tutorials for how to make photorealistic images of alien planets with like procedural landmasses and all that kind of stuff. It takes like 20 minutes. Like, what was the art department thinking? Like, come on, just show us some cool alien planets don’t take the NASA archive of pictures of moons that people have been looking at for 500 years. Like this is literally the Galilean moons. Galileo saw these things. This is not new. If they didn’t even use pictures of Pluto. Come on. It was crazy. And then, so hold on, hold on. 


I’m so sorry. You guys. So flow is you. I’m giving you like hero points today because 


first of all, soflo is winning the chat on this but the movie was orchestra wives and I am so here for knowing that. No. And the next time we do a classic movie night, that’s what we’re watching. 


I see. And I watch old movies on the regular 


and it’s just so much fun. I wasn’t raised on them. So I know. I do not know my classic movies and I was on all of them. 


Yes. And all. And then I just got a quote. What was said Vice soflo in in the chat. Helio pause for a moment you’re telling me they budget to the science on the heliosphere? Okay, I don’t generally enjoy putting that one. I am here for 


guys. She always enjoys ponds. Lacey loves bonds. She doesn’t think she loves bonds, but she loves bonds. She’s mad because I called her out. I telling the truth, just so. So the takeaway here is if you have any really good bonds, be sure to send them to Lacey hunt, 


oh, my God, we’re going to be a dead man. 


That’s just your opinion. So the last little bit of scientific realism that we have to talk about is the very last moment in this movie. And I giving the benefit of the doubt because again, there were a lot of things that I really liked scientifically about this movie. The quote from the director that I gave at the very beginning, he did not actually say that he wanted to do the most realistic depiction of space. He said he wanted to do the most realistic depiction of space travel. So I guess that’s, you know, that could be read as just the getting from A to B, except that theory breaks down at the very end, because he tries to ride a nuclear slash anti matter explosion as what he himself describes as using the explosion as my primary propellant. Which is not a thing. You don’t just get to put a nuke at your back and surf the wave. That’s not how nukes work. But also, I just had to laugh. Because normally in space movies, you don’t know exactly where the spaceships are relative to each other. Like it’s just it’s an empty vacuum, you don’t you know, they might actually be tilted at 90 degrees relative to the sun or whatever. In fact, oftentimes they are in Star Trek if you really think about it, because they’re lit from above, which means that they would have to be like this and the sun is that way. But you know the space is very amorphous, there’s no upper down it’s tricky to know but in an Astra we have a rare moment where we know exactly where we are relative to both ships and to the planet because he went from one ship to another ship and he had to do it by going through the rings. So we know that his ship is on one side of the rings. The other ship is on the other side of the rings. So relative to Neptune they are north south from each other. Right there is a there’s a vertical axis here. Neptune does not have a particularly intense tilt the way for example, Uranus does. If this if this had been set on Uranus, it would have been Right, it actually would have been like, weirdly accurate in kind of a way if you could write a nukes, Shockwave or whatever. But with Neptune, we know that if one ship is here, and one ship is here, and he’s going to ride the explosion, that means that the vector of his travel is going to be the line from the first ship to the second ship, it’s going to send him straight up out of the plane of the ecliptic, and earth is that way. 


And by that way, he’s going in 90 degrees. Like, yeah, that’s not a thing. 


He really and also, I had this moment of, dude, you’re doing it wrong, because he was like, staring at back at the at the his dad ship that was about to explode. And I’m sitting here going, Man, you can’t look at a nuclear explosion. You, you are going you will be blind for the rest of your life. 


And hope you enjoyed those eyes. Yeah, exactly. 


I was I was actually panicked. It was like the only time that I cared about his well being for the irony of the movie. It was this moment of going. Don’t be stupid now. 


Why up here chiming in in the comments, I on sale, not something you can make from trash. Yes, exactly. If you had a ship that was specifically designed to capture the force of an explosion in space, sure, whatever. But oh my god, you can’t just take a rocket and be like, I’m going to set up a nuke behind me. By the way, an anti matter nuke. Remember that this whole movie is powered by the anti matter reactions going on. And anti matter is way more powerful than a nuclear explosion. And then just like write it and be okay. 




Come on. You got Oh, 


I’m just gonna put it out there. For all of those people. Who similar to to Roy McBride. And yours truly, Lacey Hannon. Who have father problems. Let me tell you, it is a it is a lot easier to just go to therapy than to travel billions of miles into space to deal with it, 


especially to travel billions of miles into space to find a man whose opening line is, I never loved you or your mother. As soon as they gave me an opportunity to leave. I took it. 


And Brad Pitt’s character even said something about like how we kind of knew that. Yeah, and I’m sitting here going, dude, then why are you Why are you here? Yeah. You were told multiple times your dad’s bad dude, 


when people tell you who they are. Listen, 


yeah, yeah. So anyway, therapy, I, you know, I’m just gonna harp on it every single episode therapy. It’s so so. 


So you know, there are a lot of things. There’s actually there’s more that we haven’t even talked about. We didn’t even address the fact that he sent a message to his dad from Mars to Neptune. And then they waited for a response. And when they didn’t want to get one in a couple of minutes. You guys, the light delay from Mars to Neptune is over four hours. And that’s when they’re at their closest point. Once it’s an eight hour round trip to hear a message back, you can’t just sit in a room and wait for a response. There’s more. But fundamentally, Ad Astra gets high marks for scientific realism for the art department. It’s beautiful. It’s beautiful. And it’s well designed. And it’s it’s great world building. And it just everything that you see with your eyes is great. If the problem only comes when that information reaches your brain. 


I will tell you my favorite image before we sign out. Yeah. That moment on the moon when he reaches what is what is it called that that moon sand. Like there’s a word for it. regolith regolith, there’s a moment where they’re driving along. And he sticks his hand up into the regolith as because it’s just kind 


of dust suspended. And yeah, and it’s like, it’s like when you see in a movie, someone puts their hand out the window and they kind of do that wave thing with the air that streaming by right. And it was really, it was beautiful. And there was just like this lovely contented feeling that you get right before they start getting shot at. 


But that was beautiful. Also not scientifically accurate. 


I don’t. Okay, listen, this is the one time that I will give it to them. Because I it because I loved it and I needed the beauty. So anyway, there were some things that were fun and interesting. Brad Pitt. I didn’t love this. I didn’t like this. I hated this character. But Brad Pitt is fantastic. Yep. The roof Ruth negga is always great, always great and somehow always terrifying. I never know what I’m supposed to expect from her and this movie. Didn’t Let me expect anything from anybody at any point, because I didn’t know what was happening. But I still enjoyed her. There were some there were some great actors, given some weird stuff. And it was beautiful. 


Yeah. So I think that’s it for this week. Tune in next week, Thursday 530. Pacific, we are going to be talking about October sky. We’re going to be going back to our roots Episode One was Apollo 13. We’re going to be doing another historical movie. 


Yeah, I’m interested in this because we’ve had a couple of weeks of me not enjoying the things that we’re watching and i don’t like that I love to love things. And I’ve seen this movie once in my in my time, I don’t remember it because because it made me cry and i and i don’t like crying. And so I put it out of my memory. So we’ll see how I feel about it. But it’s there is definitely continuity. Here. We are continuing the theme of oh my god terrible fathers. That is who Oh, yeah, yeah, that’s, that’s gonna be fun. But check out October sky. It is based on a true story of the childhood of someone who grew up to be a rocket scientist at NASA. And for my money, it is beautiful. I’m really excited to be doing October sky because when I was a kid, October sky was like, like, if you had asked 14 year old Alexander when what he wanted to do with his life, he would have just handed you a copy of October Sky 


to make the movie or to be a person on the movie on it. 


It was just it was like the summation of everything that I love. It’s it’s film it’s space. It’s passos. It’s just yeah, I so love October Sky, 


essentially what I’m saying is, I hope for all of our sake, that we can go watch this movie, and just love the ever loving shit out of it. Yes. And then we can just celebrate. And yes, and say good, warm, loving things about it. So that’s my hope, because this hasn’t been been. 


Alright, so that is going to be next week on The Synthesis. In the meantime, be sure to subscribe on YouTube or subscribe to the podcast, whichever you prefer. If you’re on YouTube, be sure to hit the bell. So you’re notified about new episodes. And if you’re listening to us on a podcast, we just recently released the synthesis as a podcast and we could really use your ratings and reviews. So be sure to leave us those. 


It is a huge deal. Please, please, please do that for us. Yes, we also have a Patreon page at Edgeworks entertainment. Nope. slash Edgeworks entertainment. You can get a whole bunch of cool bonuses and rewards both from podcast and then also for TerraGenesis. And yeah, I think that’s it. 


We’ll see you guys later. See ya. 

NatGeo: Mars Ep. 4-6 – OK, WE GET IT. DRAMA | The Synthesis

Lacey and Alex discuss the National Geographic series, MARS, episodes 4-6. A dude obsessed with plants, a giant dust storm, someone killing themselves by opening an airlock, someone being electrocuted, and discovering microbes on Mars. You get the jist, let’s have Lace and Alex break. it. DOWN.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕪𝕟𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕤 is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken. Join us!


Hey, folks, this is Alexander Winn and I am Lacey Hannan, And you are watching The Synthesis, podcast or show where we talk about using real science in entertainment. This episode, we are talking about episodes four through six of National Geographic’s Mars. 


why don’t you sound a little bit more excited about it? Cuz it’s 


National Geographics. Mars, you know, as we went into last week, this is a show that I desperately wanted to like. And I will say this, I don’t know if I actually know if you’re going to agree with me on this. But I will say that I think that these three episodes are stronger than the first three episodes. Partially, I think that that’s because we just have more characters. And you just spread it out a little bit. You know, when you’re restricted to just 

those crew members, you’re sort of stuck with like, oh, the captain is injured. And that’s kind of all that’s going on. Whereas now you’ve got more people. And it’s a sort of a broader story. But the other thing that I enjoy a little bit more about the second half of the season is, in a weird way, for all the sort of conversation that goes on in popular culture, about building cities on Mars, building outposts on Mars, building scientific stations on Mars, and all that kind of stuff. You don’t really see it. Like you, we have some movies like The Martian, and then, you know, sort of lesser versions of that like mission to Mars, or red planet, or, you know, movies about the first landing on Mars, the first people when they’re only like two or three people on the planet. And then we’ve got movies, like, you know, Ad Astra or the expanse where there are cities on Mars, and there are 1000s, or millions of people on Mars. But I can’t actually think of pretty much any other story. Live Action. That is, like 50 people on Mars? 


Well, but I don’t think they get credit just for being the first No, 


but what I’m saying is that I enjoy it a little bit more, because it’s unique, because this is a thing that I have yet to see. Yeah, 


my my thing is, is that I wanted to see that, yeah, but they skipped over so much of the engineering and the like, how it would work. And they jumped straight from this crew of, you know, five people to a larger group. And we didn’t actually see, you know, at one point, they talk about the stages, and the documentary aspect of what we might do on Mars, and they say, we’ll do exploration, and then some sort of research station, and then we’ll do resupply from Earth and rope, rotate people in and out like Antarctica. And they use McMurdo as an analogue, which is the the place down on Antarctica. But then they don’t take the stages any further than that. Yeah. Which I thought was a little bit weird. But there’s a reason for that. Yeah. Keep going. We’ll get to McMurdo I’ve got a bone to pick with McMurdo. 


Oh, okay. Well, so, you know, they, they don’t take the stages of what they’re going to do on Mars, they don’t go beyond those three, the exploration Research Station, and then the resupply from earthen, and switching people in and out. And I was just like, Wait, how are we going? Like, are we going to get to see any of the engineering or the policy? Or the politics come together? Or even just the people? Yeah. Because, you know, one of the quotes is, how does policy, engineering and politics come together to produce great science? Well, we don’t see any of that happen. And science has done so yeah, I’ve just like I was really frustrated, because I wanted to see what you’re talking about. And we don’t really get to see it, 


we get it in a montage, which I think is probably my favorite moment in the entire show. It’s at the beginning of Episode Four. Because remember, Episode Three ended with like, hey, we’ve made a base, we have a place now to stay. We’re here we have a home, we can start really getting to work. And then Episode Four starts. And there’s this really cool montage where you can see them like building new things, and more people are arriving and rockets are coming and going and they’re building up the infrastructure. And literally, the first note that I have here written down is Episode Four, Time Lapse, finally some momentum because you do start to get that energy of you know, the the frontier town, and it was so cool. And they’re introducing new characters and now we’ve got you know, these people coming in, and then just before too long, we’re just back to back to those low gazes and mournful looks. And it’s just like, Guys, you had it like you did it. We know you can do it. Come on. 


Well, I felt like part of part of the problem that we had is, you know, we see that the hab is being turned over. To expert scientists. Well, what were the people that were already there? Yeah. Because Marta, is the only scientists doing what she’s doing is seemingly, yeah, of looking for life on Mars, which seems like she would not be the only one doing that. 


Right. When we met, it made sense with the crew of six, that shouldn’t be the only one. But you think that you’d have like an assistant or something now?  


Yeah, exactly. So I don’t know. So I think it’s kind of weird that they turned, what they what they talk about is by handing over the hab to these expert scientists, it means that the crew that we’re following are the administrators. That doesn’t feel right, either. They are also expert scientists. So I don’t really know what distinction they’re trying to make, other than trying to set up this like, conflict and conflict of wills, a battle of wills, you know, and I just, and it just felt forced. 


Well, and they didn’t, for me, at least, they weren’t ever even really clear about what the chain of command is. Because when Dr. Richardson arrives, she definitely starts throwing your weight around like she’s in charge. You know, like, there’s even a moment where somebody asks, did Hannah approve that? And she says, I told her Yes. Which means I don’t answer to her. But then, as soon as things start going wrong, she has to answer to Hannah like that’s, that’s what happens is, she’s chagrined. And Hannah is putting her foot down. So who is in charge here? Is this is, is one of them in charge of construction, and the other is in charge of emergency response? Or like, it was never clear to me what exactly was the handoff of power? 


Well, and I think that part of the problem is they don’t explain a lot of things. You know, they kind of touch on what Dr. Richardson does. And they touch on what Paul does. Before you see him being obsessive, the plant guy. 


Yeah. But they talk about his work and phosphorus something and, you know, they and then they talk about this conflict between Hannah and the scientists, but we don’t really know what the conflict is about. And I and he was excited to meet this Doc, like this scientist. Yeah, everybody there has read her work and all of these things. So 


it doesn’t seem like they have a pre existing beef, which seems like it probably would have made more sense if these two kind of hated each other from back on Earth, and like they’re putting put together because they are the two biggest experts. But being the two biggest experts, they kind of butt heads a lot. Yeah, 


I don’t know, I just felt like the the explanation for the science. And even the story is just lacking. And I’m like, Well, okay, first of all, we want to see, we want to see this story being told, and the science being shown in a way that we’re going to follow and we’re going to enjoy and, and get to kind of get into, you know, make it a little crunchy for us. I think the only people who are watching the show, want it to get a little crunchy. Talk about the science, but they don’t do any of it. Well, the science but also, you know, I 


I’ve been thinking a lot about sort of where exactly did this show lose me. And there are a few points you know, like it definitely leans too heavily into the dramatic looks and the the long pauses like it’s it’s very slow and that sort of thing. But honestly, I feel like they missed. You know, every show, whether it’s educational or scientific or not, always needs to know its audience. And I feel like they missed an important part of their audience with this show. And interestingly, it’s something that I also feel like the Star Trek franchise has lost recently, which, if you’re a Star Trek fan, you may or may not be watching Star Trek discovery, which is current, the current show that is running in the Star Trek franchise, and it’s, I am not really into Star Trek discovery. And I’ve been wrestling with why and ultimately, what I decided was, it’s because Star Trek discovery is an adventure Star Trek discovery is fundamentally about going out and kind of kicking ass like saving the day. And that was kind of true of the 60s show, to whatever extent a TV show in the 1960s could kick ass but it was it was an adventure. But the Star Trek that I fell in love with was Star Trek The Next Generation and the 90 shows, which seem like an adventure. But if you really think about it, if you really go back and watch those shows now, what they are workplace shows, they belong alongside the West Wing, those are shows about people just doing their jobs. And as much as there is like saving the galaxy stuff. There’s also a lot of just like, yeah, I’m working the night shift this week. It’s been pretty rough. Like they just kind of talk about what it’s like to live on a spaceship. And they have whole episodes that are just about like, sort of keeping up morale and entire episodes that are about like, hey, the lights are going out and jordiz got to go fix the lights. 

What’s wrong with the lights, man? Like why can’t you figure out the power grid that kind of stuff is what brings that Star Trek world to life. And I feel like that’s what was missing from this show. Anybody who’s going to watch a National Geographic show about an outpost on Mars doesn’t just want action and drama. What they want is, what would it be like to live on Mars? And they skipped that part. they skipped the mundane day to day just kind of like sitting around eating your breakfast talking about Mars. And that should have been there. That’s what I wanted. 


Can I Can we just talk about Paul for a second? Because we must. So I had on here that, that the AI is the new Ben because I hate the AI. And then I realized the AI is not the new Captain Ben. There, there are people on the show that I hate far more than Captain Ben, which, according to Alex, I got very red face last week in talking about this, and I should you know, No, he didn’t tell me to tone it. I did. But he No, he would not do that. But also he was like, yeah, you were a little intense about it. There are people I hate more than that. But um, and I will say that Paul is one of them. I don’t know why his wife gets called doctor and their last name and he gets called Paul. My guess is that he he has a doctor is gonna break like, whatever. I just think it’s a weird choice. 


Just maybe she comes across as more professional than he does. And so he’s just naturally Yeah, so listen, you guys, I, I just like, he comes off as inept, like not not inept, intellectually, but physically, and mentally incapable of being here. from the get go. And I’m sitting here going, this guy is so intense, and they do call him intense. At one point, they call that out, they lampshade it or whatever. But he seems like the kind of intense that is not healthy. From the moment we meet him. And I’m sitting here going, why? Why is he allowed to be here? 


Yeah, this is this is not somebody who cracked under the pressure. This is somebody who was clearly unhappy to be here at all. Literally, the first shot that we ever get of him, is him kind of freaking out in the rocket landing. He’s He’s like, kind of hyperventilating and she reaches over and grabs his hand. He’s like, I’m okay. I’m okay. It’s like, if you’re stressed out about a rocket landing. What are you doing going to Mars? Yeah. Like, you shouldn’t be working back from Earth and just telling them what to do. Yeah, 


the whole, like, if we’re at the point where we’re going to start, you know, doing the rotating people in and out. Your wife did not need you here. And you could have done this work from from Earth. 


And it seems like you would have preferred it. 


And he’s like, loudly, creepy. Yeah. Because the way that he talks about things, like talks about his plants is obsessive. And I find it disturbing. Like it’s disturbed from the get go. And I thought it was very weird that Javier was like, finally I don’t have to do everything on my own. And I’m sitting here going, dude, watch out. This guy might murder you in your sleep. 


Yeah, you snip the wrong leaf. And he’s gonna freak out in a jealous rage. Yeah, 


so I don’t know, I just, I mean, there’s a lot more about him as we move through these episodes. But I just need to put it out there now that he freaks me out from the very beginning. And I don’t know why he’s allowed to be here, where the psychologists,  


I did think there was an interesting thing in the writing. Which is, and I may be bringing something to this because this definitely has echoes of the expanse in my mind. But you know, a lot of hard sci fi, that features a Mars with its own population, there quickly becomes this sense that they are no longer beings of Earth, they are Martians, they have their own identity and that sort of stuff. And so there’s language that develops around, you know, calling, calling people from Earth earthers. And there’s kind of an us versus them thing that happens. And I wonder if this was conscious in the writers mind, but Dr. Richardson keeps referring to the Mars base as up here. She keeps talking about, you know, how things are done up here. And what you guys have done up here, and it establishes her as not being of here. It’s it establishes her as having an earth based perspective on what’s going on here. Right and everybody else is just talking about here. It’s just the place that we live. It’s what we need to do. It’s how we’re going to survive and she keeps Talking about what we’re going to do up here. Like it’s not? 


Well, and I think that that, yeah, I think that there’s something really insightful about that. Because what I think one of the ways that I know we are good travelers too, especially together is because every time we go somewhere, it could be for a weekend, it happened this weekend, we celebrated our anniversary. So we took a little road trip. And the first night we’re out to dinner, and at the end, he said, was it time to go home? Everything becomes home, wherever we are together is home, it’s fine. It doesn’t need to be our place. Yeah, in LA. And I think that there’s something important about being able to feel comfortable wherever. And she obviously doesn’t. 


Yeah, I will say this in in, not in defense of the show, but you know, sort of advocating for the show. I do appreciate that. While there’s too much drama in this show. I do recognize that. Like, I wish that this kind of clash of egos, you know, pulling rank kind of stuff wasn’t realistic, but it is realistic. And I will say, I don’t think that in a realistic scenario that Paul would be sent because I don’t think he would have passed the psychological screening. But I do think that Dr. Richardson is exactly the kind of person who’s going to make her way into a Martian outpost before too long, and she’s going to start pissing people off. And that is very realistic. And similarly, later in the episode, we realize that two of the original crew members have started a romantic relationship. And again, it’s kind of soapy. But at the same time, that’s very realistic, you can’t send three, three men and three women who are presumably mostly heterosexual, and not expect some of them to hook up at some point over the years and years and years that they’re going to be there. And so I did appreciate that from a realism standpoint. So 


I want to jump back to something you’ve said, because we’ve hit the the narrative portion of Episode Four. A lot. Yeah. So tell me what your beef is with the Antarctic stuff. Antarctica stuff. 


Alright. So for those of you who follow our YouTube channel, you may have seen I have a video on that channel called Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson are wrong. And it’s basically a half hour rant that I will summarize now, because it’s about McMurdo Station, and you can 100% tell that they talked to Neil deGrasse Tyson, and probably Bill Nye as they were making this show. And they told them something that informed this episode of the show, and it drives me nuts. Andy, Andy Weir actually says the same thing. A lot of these people wait, he 


says the same thing as those two 


as those two? Yeah. Okay. A lot of these people who hold themselves up as sort of the the arbiters of how it would really work, argue that any city on Mars is going to be fundamentally similar to McMurdo Station. That’s like their talking point. If you ask, you know, it’s it’s kind of weird, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye two of the biggest futurists around, neither of them believe that there are going to be cities on Mars. They just don’t think that humans will ever live on Mars, the way we live on Earth. They think that all humans on Mars forever, will be like McMurdo Station. It’ll just be a scientific outpost that a few weeks ago. So. So here’s why that’s ridiculous. Because McMurdo Station is like an hour’s flight from South America. And if you get appendicitis, they don’t treat you there. They met a vacu. And if you run out of food, or if a building burns down, they bring you supplies. And whatever goes wrong, you don’t address it there. You get flown somewhere true, because you can’t get in and out of there all year round. 


But for most of the year, it is depopulated. There are a couple of people who live there year round, but for most for a significant portion of the year, all the scientists go home, because it’s not safe. And they don’t have a big permanent presence there. Whereas on Mars, you are at least nine months away from Earth. Like if the crisis happens right at exactly the right time, you are nine months away from Earth, if it happens at exactly the wrong time. You’re like three years away from Earth. So whatever happens, you have to fix it there. If you have a medical emergency, it needs to be addressed. On Mars. If a woman gets pregnant, she’s too far away from Earth to come home. She’s having that baby on Mars. If something breaks, you have to be able to fix it on Mars. Whatever happens, it happens on Mars. What that means is and I actually talked about this in the episode, you have to aim for self sufficiency. You cannot rely on Earth, because if something goes wrong, you have to be able to to address it. There. But here’s the key. As soon as you have a situation where people don’t have to come back to Earth, people won’t, there will be people who will want to come back to earth and they won’t have to come back to Earth. So they will stay on Mars. And as soon as you have people who stay on Mars forever, as soon as you have medical facilities, and entertainment and food and every, you know, industrial production and everything that you need for a community on Mars, that’s a city. That is a population that is going to grow, the people who don’t leave Mars are going to have kids and those kids are going to grow up on Mars. And then it just keeps growing. You have the industrial capacity to repair a hab, which means you by definition, had the industrial capacity to build a hab. So why wouldn’t you build a new hab for your new family? It will automatically grow? 


I think I think that having kids there is like pretty far off. I think that the likelihood is a woman gets pregnant, and however you feel about it doesn’t really matter. There would be an abortion, because like you just could be Yeah, I mean, because they are not ready to deal with that medically. 


Yeah, so but it’s also one of those things where, you know, unless she’s Catholic, like, you’re certainly not going to force it on her. Now, to be fair, a lot of proposals of Martian outposts have required, sort of you don’t have the option. But to be on the pill, like men and women, you get a vasectomy, before you go to Mars kind of thing. So that might be a factor. But even aside from the childbirth thing, as soon as you have a situation where medical where you know, medical emergencies, industrial emergencies, agricultural emergencies can all be handled locally, which they would have to be, some people won’t want to leave, and then more people will come and they might not want to leave. And that’s not McMurdo, that’s not the reality of McMurdo, you won’t have a McMurdo Station, if it is self sufficient. And it has to be self sufficient. So that’s why I always kind of chafe at the idea of these people talking about how McMurdo Station is how it’s going to be, because it can’t be. It’s either going to be a city on Mars before too long, obviously, they’re not going to be self sufficient immediately. It’s going to be McMurdo Station for a little bit. But as soon as they reach self sufficiency, it’s either going to be a city on Mars that is effectively permanent. Or it’s going to be like the Martian, where they just land and then they’re there. And then they leave, and there is no permanent, like installation. 


I really like him. I really, really like my husband. 


I appreciate that. 


So my thoughts on the Antarctic stuff. Yeah, I whatever. I like the landscapes. I mean, I know it’s just it’s such a basic thing. But I’ve never really seen the landscapes of Antarctica and the rock, you see the ice all the time, just flat plains of ice, but they went to really cool places, 


I was really surprised by all of it. I loved seeing them do the work. And I, you know, was wishing that we got to see that a little bit more and the story. The seeing lacrosse, really put me off, there’s a moment where you get this shot of like, you know how, in the US, at least, you’ll just see like, in someone in some ones, farmland. They’re just like, there’s a cross or three crosses, and you’re just driving down the highway and you’re like over there. Right? Okay, there it is. And that happens in a shot and Antarctica. And it it just kind of took me out of the show. Interesting. And I surprising considering you’re a Christian. 


Right. But that doesn’t mean I think it needs to be everywhere, right? I feel like Antarctica is such a global community that I don’t want to if if I’m going to see something that’s faith based I want to see more than just one faith rather represented. However, it took me a minute because I guess it’s you know, they they kind of talked about how the hunt for life is like, believing in God. It’s a type of faith. And I was like yeah, okay, so I guess I understand why you put it the shot in there. It just I harbored a little bit of I don’t know this taste for seeing it there because I just kind of bumped on it well, because I think it’s because it’s such a hard difference between what everything else we’ve seen there which is so this is the science and then just seeing that pop of faith next to it that is that is specifically not based on science. 

Um Well, speaking of faith and sort of pilgrims, I did have to chuckle because we get some shots of isn’t Marta, is the scientist searching for life, I am terrible at picking up character names. That is the there’s a shot of her in Episode Four. That is cool. And it’s sort of carried through five and six of her searching for life. And she’s out on the surface in these very desert scenarios, and I was getting strong echoes of Anne Claiborne from the Mars trilogy. 

This is the the character who represents the Reds in the Mars trilogy, who don’t believe in terraforming because she has fallen in love with Mars itself as it exists right now. And she’s often out on the surface going on these long hikes. And it was just funny because it’s this very and Claiborne image, but it’s the exact opposite of an Claiborne’s. She’s looking for life, instead of enjoying the barren sort of environment. So we get to episode five, and they’re having a power crisis because Richardson is a dumb ass. Well, and 


because we have the fakest storm I’ve ever seen. 


Yeah. Very happy. Oh, my goodness, the art. 


Yeah, I 


didn’t like it. It looked like something out of like a Percy Jackson film or something, you know, just like, 


more mythological than scientific. Yeah. 


It was like, yeah, this is the storm that happened before Noah’s Ark. Like, 


I don’t know. It’s just it’s not a dust storm on Mars. This is you have angered Zeus. 


I mean, it was it was beautiful. It was just so ridiculous. Yeah, 


that’s not what dust storms look. Yeah. I mean, of course, both the Martian and this, you got to play up the drama of a dust storm because dust storms are fundamentally super boring, especially on Mars, because the The atmosphere is so thin that it can’t actually hold a ton of dust. So if you were on a, if you were in a Martian dust storm in real life, it would not be like, you know, sort of pushing your way through the fog. And you can’t see the rover that you just left a couple of minutes ago that it would be like a slightly foggy day, like you would be able to see the thing clearly it would not be pushing you around. I mean, it would just be the horizon that fuzzes 


right. And now, you said that dust storms are boring, and I will tell you that they are not. And so well one of them. I mean, on Mars, yes. 


But well, that’s what I mean on Mars. They’re there. 


I don’t know if any of you guys have ever been in like a true dust storm. When I was in Malta, studying abroad. There you guys this? One of the coolest things and most terrifying was a dust storm came up from Northern Africa and came across the Mediterranean. And it rained through the dust storm. It was raining mud. It felt like revelations, it was biblical weather. 


Oh my god, I was standing at a bus stop going, oh my god. Like, is this Are these the end times like what is happening? I had a mean it. But it was it was a phenomenal experience. And one of the you know, one of the scientists talks about it, how I don’t remember where he’s from in Africa. But he talks about the dust storms and how people would get very lost. Yeah. And they bring that to this show. And I don’t think that they needed to. I think that it could have to me it would be really cool to see it played out the way that it would actually look. Because it gives us a sense of the real danger rather than this. heightened. 


Yeah, in a way it would almost feel more hopeless. Because it would instead of like huddling in the dark against the storm raging outside, which we’ve seen plenty of times in stories set on Earth. It would be like you walk outside and everything kind of looks okay. Except you look up and it’s just dark. It’s just like the night that wouldn’t end. 


And that would be more depressing. Yeah. Really hard on people mentally. 


Yeah. Because it’s like there’s nothing to fight against. It’s just dark. And it’s so simple. And yet so unsolvable. Yeah, I feel like that would be better drama. 


And what it does is they talk about how they are one complication away from total power, like, failure and stuff. Yeah. And I’m sitting here going, Oh, my God. You let a woman come in here and make some decisions that put you in this position to have zero redundancies. This is insane, terrible plan then, immediately after we hear that because we know that the full storm protocol like the it takes five to nine weeks for the storm to pass. And so we learn all of this stuff, and then we get Paul being like, about his plants. They were only babies. Yeah, and I’m sitting here going. He’s such a creep. The way that he has anthropomorphized his lab is just 


Yeah, he’s, I mean, clearly this is this guy is not neurotypical like he’s clearly, you know, they don’t go into exactly what he’s got, but he’s got a and that’s and that’s fine. 


That doesn’t mean you can’t be mentally resilient but exact guy isn’t that 


that’s the problem to me is that they equate he’s weird with He’s scary. And those two things should not be equated like. Like, for example, if they had just swapped his storyline with his wife storyline, and you had somebody who like, came in all full of piss and vinegar, and she’s gonna throw her weight around. And then when everything started going wrong, she just started started kind of gripping harder and harder, and she wasn’t handling it that well. And eventually, she snapped. That would make sense. And then Meanwhile, her husband, who is, you know, a little weird, and a little too attached to his plants just gets depressed the way she does, that would have made way more sense. But instead, we have frickin Dolores Umbridge coming into this to this out. And just making everybody mad do making every wrong decision. She’s never shown to do the right thing. Never in the show, is she shown doing something that is just unequivocally clearly right. And then going on these bitter rants about how nobody could have expected this even though she was warned by everybody to expect this. And like I did everything right? No, you clearly did not like it’s just a weirdly sort of polarized character. Yeah. And then we cut to her husband, the plant guy ranting Shakespeare quotes at his plants, 


that the writers really like to use the biblical and the Shakespearean, and the philosophical, like they go overboard and a way that I just, you know, Alex and I bonded over Shakespeare, 


yeah, we love what we love, good Shakespeare quote. 


And we do not just toss them around, toss those quotes around all the time, 


especially not in dramatic moments. Like, we’ll toss those quotes around when it’s funny, but when, when the shit is hitting the fan, when lives are in danger, you get to work, you don’t quote Shakespeare, 


and I, you know, I went to theater school, and the theater nerds didn’t do this. And listen, I went to school with a gal who had a tattoo that said, untimely ripped, from what from his mother’s family ripped. 


Thank you. And I mean, it was a huge tattoo, and she’s not quoting this stuff. And yet here is a whole group of people that all they do is like, quote, philosophy, and will heiresses and Shakespeare in each other. And it just like, it kind of drove me crazy. Because it took me out. I was like, No, this is not how normal people talk. 


Yeah, let’s bring some scientific realism into the human interactions here, something bring it in somewhere. 


But of course, the way this world is written, this is how people talk. Because even when they’re not quoting things, they use phrases like, finally, when we thought it could only get darker, there was light. That’s not a quote, that’s just Hannah talking. Like, that’s not how people talk. That’s not these kind of things. You know, one of the things that jumped out at me in the first few episodes, and I, if I talked about this in the last episode, forgive me, I don’t think I did. But there are these sort of categories of stories, right? They’re often represented as man versus something or humanity versus something. So it’ll be like, you know, man versus man is a story where two people are fighting. You know, man versus man versus God is somebody struggling against fate? You know, they’re all these things. One of the oldest and most core narratives is man versus nature. And that’s what a lot of the things we’ve talked about the synthesis are that’s what I think, actually, probably everything we’ve talked about the synthesis is, is it fighting against your environment, Apollo 13, gravity, the Martian Mars, like all of these things are fighting against the environment. But here’s what a lot of these writers didn’t get the memo on, is that man versus nature stories don’t need deeply flawed characters. Man versus nature stories are best paired with not like perfect Paragons, but people who are fundamentally capable and optimistic things like Apollo 13 things like the Martian. These stories work best when the hero is doing everything that the audience wishes they would try. You know, it’s it’s like in horror movies where everybody’s sitting there going don’t go beyond the closet like you know, don’t die. Tom Hanks is so good in those movies. Exactly. Because he seems like somebody who is trying everything that you would want him to try and isn’t making stupid, he’s capable 


and he’s cheerful and he’s optimistic. I mean, 


Exactly the one with Wilson. Castaway, 


Castaway. Like. He’s He’s perfect for those kinds of roles because he has that. That buoyant personality 


the way it is, it’s not all of these depressing characters. And here’s the thing, when you 

don’t have leads like that, it actually works against you, when you try to do the stereotypical screenwriter thing of having deeply flawed characters who had to grow over a journey. The audience ends up feeling cheated. Because why would I care about this person, they’re an idiot, you know, like, you watch gravity, you watch these shows where the person is freaking out. And whether or not that’s realistic. Spoiler alert, we would all be freaking out if we were in gravity. But even though it’s realistic, we, as an audience are looking at these characters going, why are you doing that? And it pulls us out of the story, it makes the story less impactful than it would have been if they were sort of unrealistically perfect. And that is something that Mars keeps getting hit with over and over and over, because like, I don’t care about Richardson, cuz she’s doing everything wrong. She’s a very realistic person. I’ve known many Dr. Richardson’s in my life. But she’s doing everything wrong. And so I don’t care. You know, 


I’m with you. Yeah, one of the things that I do like about this episode are they talk, they do a couple of things that it’s not many. Okay. But you know, they talk about how dust storms can go global. And they’re not just regional, which I had never really considered that that could happen, and then they can get charged, and then there can be lightning on top of it. And all of that was just kind of fascinating to hear for, you know, my perspective is the regional that’s what it is here. Right. So like, why would it be any different elsewhere, the fact that it can cover an entire planet, it’s why it’s why you don’t have to make these dust storms, more like crazier than then they actually already are, if they can go global and 


be 30 kilometers high. And, and and have 


lightning, you’re, it’s you don’t have to work any harder for it. 


It’s been handed to you just do that. 


Exactly. And then the fact that it’s like talcum powder, it’s so fine. It’s not even like sand. That means that it can get in anywhere. And that’s terrifying. And they tell us, you know, you can’t get this stuff in your lungs. Of course, then they turn around and they show it as being in the cafeteria, like on the tables. And 


I was like gentle dusting over a pile of books. And it’s like, everybody’s dead. Right? Yeah. That’s how that works. We just we were just told that if you get this stuff in your lungs, you die. Yeah, yeah. So at the end of Episode Five, we do get the very dramatic moment of Paul having his hallucination, which plays out over the course of about half an hour, 


we have completely skipped so much of this episode, go for it. We’ve got the high seas is, and I want to talk about it. Because they talk they talk about this, like, okay, so NASA has its outpost where they send people to, you know, essentially pretend like it’s Mars. 


Yeah. And they in Hawaii, 


then they turn around, and they talk about how Russia did this. And they put people in his space craft. And they, they simulated all of this. And they had to shut it down because people went crazy. And like only two of the people like, you know, after all of the psychological review, two of the nine, or was it seven, whatever? Well, I don’t know total number Oh, nine or seven. But what I’m is that only two of them managed to not mentally break. And then they do this awful thing where they show all of the men coming out of the simulation, and everyone’s smiling and waving and it feels like super awkward because you just heard what went down in there, like someone’s wandering around in a spacesuit acting like a dog or a cow. And then if you look into it more, someone tried stabbing somebody else in their fistfights all the time. Like, this is insane. Yeah. And so that’s why that’s why it’s so bizarre to me that Paul is on this show, this character is written this way, because that person would have been not allowed from the get go because they can’t actually tell who’s going to be resilient enough to handle this. Yeah. And there are markers for it. You know, Emotional markers and all of that stuff. But they can’t promise anything. 

And I, I loved seeing the bits and pieces of that when we get to the documentary side, and we talk about high seas, 


yeah. And just not representing it in the narrative. This, it’s kind of a repeated theme in the show is talking about a really cool thing, and then not integrating it into the narrative. 


And they talk about how if you talk to people about the stress of prison, it’s a pretty good analogy, because they don’t get to make any of their own choices about what they do, when they do it. They don’t get to have their own schedule, like, 


cannot leave 


cannot leave that the stress of present. I mean, I have always thought that sounds like the loss of freedom, I think it would totally, completely mentally change you and rewire you. And a way that, you know, there are people that go back on purpose, because they can’t make it in the real world anymore, because they don’t have the support to do it. Because their brains have changed. 


They know how to live in this world. 


Yeah. And so I thought it was really cool that they talk about how mental resiliency is the biggest risk to the mission is that human aspect, and that you’d have to talk to people about the stress of prison. And as I thought, I thought that the documentary aspects of these episodes were the most fun, like, and I like I actively enjoyed them. 


Yeah, it’s you know, it’s funny that we’re coming right off of the Martian because they talk in the Martian about how Mark Watney was a catalyst for this in his crew that he, the role he filled in the Aries three team was that he sort of kept everyone’s spirits up, even in stressful times. And obviously, he was very capable. But they they sort of hint a little bit in the book that like, this is why he got the job, you know, that like we had other botanists, but he’s such a good effect on morale, that that was the deciding factor. And one of the things that was, again, just another sort of symbol of how the narrative side of this show kind of doesn’t match up to what the documentary side is talking about. In Episode Five, when they’re trying to conserve power, there are so many things that they don’t do, like it’ll cut to an exterior shot of the of the outpost, and there are all these lights on, on the exterior of the building. Why do those lights even exist? But especially if they exist? Why are they on right now, when you’re trying to conserve power? You know, they show everybody kind of huddled up and freezing and very clearly, like the heater isn’t working, but they’re all alone in separate rooms. They’re not like huddling up. And most importantly, nobody is trying to keep anybody’s spirits up. And that, to me is sort of the most damning thing in this episode is it’s a whole episode about your mental state, and what you have to do to get along in this environment, and nobody is saying, Hey, guys, let’s break out the vodka like, this sucks. Let’s tell stories. Let’s get a fire going or whatever, you know, like, just Hey, I brought a guitar, let’s sing some songs. Just all that kind of campfire stuff that people do to get along. nobody’s doing. And 


Hannah’s not doing quite specifically, which is weird. I yeah, we see in this episode, specifically, the number of ways she fails. But 


I you think it would be a mandate like you think that the Elan musk guy back on Earth would be like getting on the radio being like, I don’t care if you don’t want to sing, you’re gonna sing. Yeah, that’s what we’re doing today. It’s on the schedule, 


right. Um, one of the things that I noticed about this, so you know, the two guys go out in the rover, they’re going to try and fix the reactor. And this is one of my favorite moments. And they have this, this moment where they say, one of them says we’re gonna be okay. 

And the other one says, Well, you know, I hope so. And then they laugh, and it’s a little bit hysterical, they’re starting to crack just a little bit together. And I feel like that’s what really close friends are going to do. And it when they’re going through trauma together, and it felt very real. It felt I was like, Oh, this is like, I want to live in this moment. But um, 


I will say all of the original crew did a good job of feeling like they’ve known each other for years now. And there was this subtle sense of we’re the sort of the originals and then there are these new people. 


So one of the things that I really like is you know, the guy goes out he tethers himself to the rover, he untethered himself, which I don’t enjoy, but and then doesn’t communicate like doesn’t even attempt to communicate with Javier, which just drives me crazy. It’s like the lack of communication as well. But what I want to know is what’s, what is the difference between the risks that Watney takes, and the risks that these people take? Because when Watney took risks, I enjoyed it. And when these people take risks, I get really mad. 


Oh, I think it’s I think it’s a very simple and straightforward thing, which is our trust in His capability. That when Mark Watney takes risks, we have already established at this point that whatever happens, he’ll deal with it. And he has probably already tried every other option other than this, and done the math on why it’s not going to work. But if he does this, if it goes wrong, here’s what I’ll do. We know like the story of Mark Watney is handling problems, whereas this gang, it’s just not like this. The story of these astronauts is stuff going wrong and then being bummed puzzled. Yeah, like it’s just any any crisis is met with long worried looks, which is exactly what happens in the next scene. They get the reactor up. And then you have Paul, clearly clearly out going crazy. 


And he full on hallucination, like yeah, just stressed. He’s actually having a psychotic break. 


And Hannah does nothing. She watches it from a screen they call Dr. Richardson down. But yeah, nobody goes in there to check on him to restrain him. There’s no announcement over the PA of Hey, everybody get out of that wing. And apparently that 


they do try to evacuate the wing. But it’s after this has already happened. That’s what I’m saying 


is it takes a long time for them to do that. Yeah, she doesn’t make any choices to start with 


the hurt Richards and literally stands in the doorway with the evidence of what is about to happen and a grief stricken look on her face, and then turns and runs away without conveying the critical information of what is about to happen. Well, and but the thing is, is even without her knowledge, Hannah should have done something. Yeah. And she does nothing. And that’s absolutely bizarre to me. And what’s even more bizarre is that this entire portion of the hab is itself an air lock, there’s a wide open, there’s a door straight to the outside. 


If I can’t open a door on a passenger airline, that door should not be able to open like First off, it should be like welded, shut. Second, it should be locked. And third, it should be remotely controlled from the room that Hannah is in. Even if somebody wanted to open it and could open it, she ought to be able to hit one button that just locks it down. Yeah. And it’s bizarre that they that that isn’t a thing. Like that’s probably the single least realistic thing. And his entire show is the idea that the guy who is who is exhibiting mental stress, like clear signs of mental distress is in the room with an exterior door that he can just open. 


Yeah, why? 


And there are no other you know, like you were saying it’s that whole like wing of the outpost that gets depressurized, it’s not just his room. That’s 


totally bizarre. And I and I can’t stand it and it makes me very angry. And so when I talk about hating someone more than commander Ben, I’m talking about Dr. Richardson. And so anyway, 


I will say this before we move on to episode six because it’s, you know, we’re time is moving on, but I will say this about the end of Episode Five. One thing I really liked about the depressurization sequence is it’s finally what depressurization would look like. I’ve talked before on this show about the problem that I have with depressurization in science fiction is often depicted as a hurricane. And like you open a thing and all of a sudden this air is whooshing out over the course of minutes. And people are like holding on to a steel beam as they get blown like a flag in the wind and the air just keeps flying out. You’re like where’s all this air coming from? And I think the analogy that I used in an earlier episode is if you had a if you had a depressurization like that, it wouldn’t feel like a hurricane, it would feel like you were inside a balloon that popped. And all of a sudden, everything would just go boom, straight toward the exit. And then it would be over all the air would be gone. There would just be a blast that direction and everything would get sucked out. 


Exactly. And so that is what we see in this moment. He opens the door and the instant that it is even like a crack open, it flies open his body is sucked out all the furniture in the room moves toward the door, and then it settles. And we’re done. 


Yeah, yeah. 


I really appreciate it. 


I so there’s something in here that I mean, we’ve completely skipped over the CEO and how just terrible He is weirdly reckless he is. Yeah, 


again, sort of upsettingly realistic, but still dumb. 


So but I’m going to continue skipping over him because I could I could probably speak to most of an episode on all of the things he does wrong. 


Yeah, as as business owners, we have a unique take on him. And everything else. 


Yeah. Yes, in addition to everything else, but um, I, I have. This is like more of a philosophical thing rather than to the episode specifically. So we see that, uh, you know, I’m going to kind of jump to the end. Is that okay? Yeah. Okay. So like, Brandon commented, you know, the convenient plot devices, they’re going to be, they’re going to be brought back home. And because people have died, there, there is loss of, of political will to continue being on Mars. Again, this 


is one of those upsettingly realistic things. Yes. I 100% believe that if somebody killed themselves on Mars, that people would want to shut down the whole program. It’s stupid as hell but yes, 


it is. It’s very, it’s very dumb, because like the Hannah character, she has, she has made her peace with dying on Mars, but her sister can’t handle it. And I just like, and so she’s like, bring them home. So anyway, I feel like there’s another convenient plot device is Oh, Marta finds life, 


just in the neck just in the nick of time. And we keep seeing this just in the nick of time stuff. Except for when people die. But I hate this. I hate that she finds life on Mars. And I think to me, and I’d love to hear what you guys have to say about it. But to me, finding life is not the point of going into space. There are so many good reasons to go into space. And this is not high on my priority list. 


Yeah, it would be an incredible discovery but reducing it down to the Savior moment. This is the pivot point. This is the binary world where as soon as you find life Everything is fine. misses the point. Yeah, like there’s so much else to do on the lesson. 


NASA brings so much back for us I mean, I think I think most people know that cat the fact that CAT scans exist that’s because of NASA but like insulin Patil much more dust busters. Like the the soles on your tennis shoes, fire fire fighters, and their and their insulation, the insulation of those insulation in your homes like all of this is because of NASA, all of it. There are so many reasons to go into space, we do so much work to be able to stay there and to learn new things. And they bring so much back for us. It propels our society forward in a way that we would otherwise be a little bit slower about or maybe not come up with ever because, listen, if we’re not willing to bring down the prices of insulin, who say that we would have ever come up with insulin pumps, like there are all of these capitalism makes a lot of makes us fail a lot. And I this is not like a political rant. It’s just the fact that science is so important to progress. Yeah. And why is it that life is the only thing that would keep us on Mars? Yeah. And I would even just 


even just within the context of the show, like Paul was a creep and ultimately not well adjusted on Mars, but he was developing super crops. Like, why is that on its own not worth continuing to fund. 


Exactly. I would be very interested in what everybody else thinks of like, what their if you’re interested in, in humans being a spacefaring civilization. Why, what what is your number one priority? If you if you were part of a Martian outpost? Would you put the search for life at the top? Or would you put scientific advancement at the top or would you put economic investment? 


And I’m not saying that, if your priority is finding life that that’s, you know, wrong. That’s wrong. I’m not I’m saying it’s wrong for this story. Yeah. I just felt like it was it was an odd. I mean, it’s not an odd choice because it’s highly melodramatic TV. So I guess it’s predictable, but Me, I just felt like it was, it was an overblown choice. 


Yeah, I did think within the context of the story, I thought this was what they needed to save the day they did it, they did a decent job of like, everything’s gone wrong, of course, they’re going to end it. I genuinely bought the fact that it was going to be over. And that the show was going to end with sort of like, Don’t let this happen. We have to go to Mars Don’t let it fail. And then this turned and then all of a sudden Of course, yes. Now they’re going to stay that Yeah, that was the the turn that they needed. 


And you know that the that the CEO guy, I don’t know what his neither know what his name nor his actual title is The Ilan musk analogy, analog sorry. He, like they do in the documentary side of this show, you know that that guy is going to get the credit for launching a new civilization and it? Yeah, that bothers. I had like a whole rant about this. Because at one point, someone says, you know, Elon Musk is going to to launch a new civilization. And I was like, No, he’s not. June, Space X might be you want to know what SpaceX encompasses all of the scientists who work to get everybody there. I’m sorry. It’s not just the money that launches a new civilization. It’s the engineers. It’s Oh, oh, yeah. This is the part where I get a little red because I just I am so tired of seeing the credit given to one person, 


and especially the financier. Yeah, like, at least in the space race with the Soviets. The rock stars were often the scientists, you know, Verner von Braun. And, and these sorts of people were front and center, but like, Can you name a single scientist at SpaceX chime chime in, in the comments if you can name one scientist who works at SpaceX on on these reusable   

rockets that are going to take us to Mars? I can’t. I’m a pretty big space nerd and I can’t name any Okay. What it’s it’s it’s this dichotomy that you know, back in the day, people knew names like Verner von Braun. These days, we only know the financier. We know Elan musk. That’s 


and I get it. He has a vision and the his vision people have latched on to and that’s important that has done great things that helps us propel the program, I get it. And I don’t want to diminish that. However, it is I the idea that he would get sole credit for starting a new civilization made me want to rip my hair out. And, you know, but 


and by the way, up there in the least realistic things in this entire show, is the fact that June gets to make the announcement that there’s life on Mars, the Elon Musk analog was standing quietly to the side on the podium, like on the stage, it was her at the podium and him like six feet away from her just looking down with his hands crossed. Bull shit. Yeah, that guy is absolutely grabbing the microphone. Yeah, they’ve established that. 


I do have to say that watching the success of the, in the documentary side, watching the success of the rocket returning and landing on the launch pad had me seriously choked up. I 


that was some really powerful stuff. 


It was a I just I think that it’s amazing that humans can do something that incredible it is, you know, we could diminish it by thinking of it as like reversing a car. No, absolutely not. It’s a whole other thing. It’s not like flying a plane. It’s none of it’s, it’s nothing we’ve ever seen before. And again, you see a room full of people who have been working on it. And and that’s not even the number. There are so many more people who have been working on it. And I just I loved it for them for humans in general. Yeah, but I loved it for them as well. And yeah, inspiring. 


I will say to like, you know, Ilan musk should not get the exclusive credit for taking us to Mars. But he does. He has done things that nobody else has done before. He definitely gets some credit. And I will say part of that SpaceX sequence that really got to me was his personal elation. He starts shouting it standing up and standing up. Like he’s personally freaking out. Well, I want to I kind 


of wanted to know, because you know, he’s watching it come in, and he’s like, Oh, that looks this looks bad. This looks bad. Yeah. And I want to know what they thought was going wrong. 


I think my read of the scene was that he thought that it should be burning already. Because there’s a while that it just falls. It’s just falling from the sky and Everybody’s freaking out and he goes, something’s wrong, something’s wrong and it cuts to the people inside and they’re all kind of like getting tense. And then finally fire shoots out the bottom of it and it starts decelerating and everybody freaks out so I think it was that it was supposed to fire off earlier. Yeah, well, but yeah, very powerful sequence. It was a powerful 


sequence and I and I enjoyed watching it. I know that we kind of jumped all over with this episode. 


But it’s it’s this episode. To be honest, I don’t have as many notes about this episode. It doesn’t have as much going on. Well, everybody’s just kind of getting ready to go home and sad about it. 


I mean, that’s true. I have a lot kind of notes on the on the documentary side because it’s the part that I enjoyed so much. I really like this quote from Verner von Braun, where he says, if something blows up in your face, you have to try again try again try again. And as like that’s that’s the that’s why this man specifically managed so much is he has the perseverance to make this to make space programs work. And I 


and it’s worth mentioning Verner von Braun does not have like he is not clean. He did some terrible things. Now, a lot of people hate Verner von Braun and they’re not wrong. Yeah. Absolutely. Verner von Braun is actually one of the examples that I often reach for when talking about the difference between immoral and amoral. I would characterize Verner von Braun as pretty much the definition of amoral Verner von Braun wanted to land on Mars. And he didn’t really care if that meant helping Hitler to do it. Like he he wasn’t out to do evil things. He just didn’t care if his work was used for evil things as long as it was advancing the mission. And that’s kind of messed up. Like that’s pretty much just kind of Yeah, that’s that is quite messed up, he made the v2 rockets that reigned fear on on England, there’s actually a quote, when when the first v1 rocket, I think, was first used to kill people, because that was not his original intention. He wanted to build a space program from the Nazis. But the the quote is, the rocket performed perfectly. It just landed on the wrong planet. Which I feel like there’s something kind of heartbreaking about that quote, because you can hear in that sentiment, that even he feels like this is being perverted. You know, this is not what he wanted to be building. But he kept building it. You know, he just was that obsessed with rockets. And with getting to space, he’s not a perfect guy. But at the same time, he is representative of this drive to explore this absolute refusal to stay put on one world. And that is not just evil, you know, like there is there is value in that as well. And, yeah, he’s you know, there’s a there’s a thing that happens in this episode, where they talk about Apollo 13. And Apollo 13 was very clearly the inspiration for this episode. Because what happened with Apollo 13 was everything went wrong, it scared a whole bunch of people specifically, it scared Nixon, and then they kind of said, No more space. Let’s not do that anymore. Like we don’t want to really, which is freaking bizarre, which is stupid, I don’t know. Go ahead, 


well, just just to wrap up for anybody who hasn’t seen. So what they did instead was they invested in the space shuttle, and the space shuttle is great for getting to orbit and coming back. It’s a space plane and you can go up and you can repair Hubble and you can visit the International Space Station and nothing else, the space station, the space shuttle will not take you to the moon, it will not take you to Mars, it was a commitment to go as far as we had gone and no further. And so even though the space shuttle is held up as this sort of great symbol of space exploration, a lot of space exploration, people hate it, because it’s the symbol of the death of the space program. 


And my thing, ultimately, is I don’t know why the lives of the astronauts are more important than other lives, we are constantly putting lives at risk for various reasons. And why are astronauts the exception to the rule? Well, especially because you know, there’s so Lacey and I, along with anybody in popular culture these days, watch a lot of superhero stuff. And I in particular, really enjoy superhero stuff. But 


there are several things that if you watch a lot of superhero stuff you get tired of and one of them is my God. Everybody needs to stop saying don’t put yourself at risk. I will. That’s like every superhero and every single TV show every single episode, they’re saying, No, no, no, you don’t do this. I’ll do it. And then the other person will respond. You don’t have to do that. I’ll take care of it. And it’s like what somebody just do it like it’s okay. Everybody’s willing to risk their lives. Let’s go risk our lives together and save the day and That’s how I feel about these astronauts. They’re willing to risk their lives, 


let them and CEO guy does that. He says that, you know, they they knew what they were getting into. They’ve made their peace with this. We all 


knew what they were getting into. And that’s surprising. Yeah, you could die on Mars. And you know what, if you have regrets, that sucks. 


But you signed up for it. Yeah. And, you know, if there’s a chance that you can go home, and that can be made to happen, you’ll be on the you’ll be on the list. Yeah. But for everybody else. They know what the hell they’re doing and what they’re getting into. I’m sorry, but it’s like saying, I’m going to go be in the military. Yeah, 


we don’t, you don’t get to join the army, and then raise objections because you might die. That’s what the army is man. And like you do trust that they won’t waste your life, that there is a certain assumption that if you die for the cause, that that will be necessary. But at the same time, you might die for the cause. So like, he 


doesn’t feel callous to say, they knew what they were getting into. Yeah. 


And yes, you don’t want to waste and they’re Heroes for it. Like, there’s a certain point at which if you saved every soldier, in all sorts, in every circumstance, if you prevented anybody from ever dying for the country, and you gave up whatever it took to keep them from dying, you’re actually preventing their heroism, like they are willing to sacrifice themselves for their country. And we should let them because the fight needs to agree. Like we don’t want to we don’t want to over blow No, but like, that’s an overblown argument, because but if the choice is lose a bunch of American soldiers to defeat the Nazis, or don’t defeat the Nazis, right, the answer is, you let some of them die to defeat the Nazis, because it’s worth it. And that’s just that’s what this feels like, yeah, you’re going to lose people because of the science and they want to be a part of it. 


They’re volunteers. And I don’t I don’t know why we don’t have the political will to handle that. It’s, it’s the, it’s the downside of humanism is we as a society have decided that the most important thing is human lives, which is generally good, we won’t trade lives for, you know, resources, or for equipment or whatever, that’s a good thing. But what that means is that anything that threatens human life is bad. There’s nothing in this world that causes death. That is good. And you know what, there just are sometimes, like, sometimes it’s worth dying for people’s lives for a lot less. Yeah. And in earlier eras, when exploration was still a thing on this planet. I actually have written in my notes, no one cried for the Cowboys. You know, if you went west, in America, you might die. And nobody, like, wrung their hands over the great tragedy that was all the people dying on the frontier. No, that’s just what happens on the frontier and like, you might survive, or you might not, and if you survive, you might not live as long as you had, as you might have if you lived in New York, but that’s what it means to live on the frontier. And it’s it, it is especially, I feel like it is a betrayal that June is the one arguing that they need to shut us down. I feel on that infuriated. I feel like Hannah would kick your ass. Yeah, you know, your sister would beat the shit out of you if she knew what was happening in these meetings. Yeah, 


absolutely. There would be a rift when she gets home. 


Absolutely. I mean, there I feel like they’re kind of already is one brewing and the episode, she talks about how, you know, I was crying when I woke up because the dream was over. Do you hear me? You know? Yeah. Yeah. So that I will say, unless you have just kind of wrap up. Okay. I have a moment that spoke to me, on the documentary side spoke to me more than probably anything else in the show. And I don’t really know why it wasn’t a new sentiment. But I think it was just the passion with which it was delivered. And it came from Robert Zubrin, who is, you know, he does good work, he advances the cause of Mars. He’s a little bit of a kook. And sometimes I feel like he kind of needs to step out of the spotlight because you’re giving space people a bad name. Because you’re just a little weird. 

But Lord knows he’s devoted his life to the pursuit of getting humans to Mars. And a lot of what he says is sort of cheesy, or it’s sort of cliche, he definitely leans into that just sort of spirit of discovery that is too abstract to really motivate a lot of people. But he has a quote in this episode that really kind of got me which is, look up, look up. There’s everything out there. And I feel like that is so broad, that it kind of comes back around to being specific. There’s everything out there. And of course, you could take that literally to mean there are planets and stars. There’s the whole rest To the universe. But to me what it what it made me think of is potential. Like there’s, there’s music out there, they’re stories out there, their families out there, there’s history out there, there are going to be wars out there. But then there are going to be peace treaties out there, there’s going to be discovery, yes, on a scientific level. But there’s also going to be, you know, parties among friends who love each other they’re going to be, there’s everything that is life out there. And that’s why we go to space, we don’t go to space to discover if there are microbes under rocks, and we don’t go to space to refine equations, we go to space, because there’s everything out there. And it just, it just got me. 


Yeah, it did not do all of that for me. But I love what it inspired. any of that is very sweet. I think ultimately, what we can say is that we enjoyed the documentary side of this show that the narrative aspect was a trash fire. And hey, 


very well intentioned, trash fire. They were aiming for the right thing. They just didn’t hit the mark. 


But I think that there, there was value to just, I would like to just see this as a straight up documentary. Yeah. And I, you know, I’m interested in seeing someone else pick up this, this way of storytelling. Yeah, it’s documentary and a narrative and not just documentary and recreation.    


Yeah, the sound is hybrid storytelling is cool. I’d like to see more of it in different contexts. I like to see a version of this for like ancient Rome. Yeah. 


So I mean, they’ve they’ve hit on something interesting. I don’t think it was perfected the first time out of the gate. But I’m, I’m curious to see. I’m not curious to see where this show goes. But I’m curious to see where another show goes that similar to this. So hopefully, we will enjoy the next thing more than our last couple of weeks. Because we love to enjoy things. Yes. 


So it is not our mode to criticize. Yeah. So 


I think that’s it. 


I think that’s it. 


So before we wrap up, be sure to you know, thank you for watching. This has been fun to go through National Geographics Mars, and it’ll be fun to move on to the next thing. Be sure to more fun, move on to the next thing. Be sure to check out our Patreon page at patreon slash edge works entertainment, where you can get tons of cool extras and rewards for supporting us both for the show and for our other shows. And then also for terrigenesis you can get some cool in game rewards. And a special thank you to everybody who already supports us. Seriously, it makes this possible. We are we are growing our podcast network and the support of people who are here now are making that possible. 


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NatGeo: Mars – WHY SO SERIOUS?! | The Synthesis

Lacey and Alex discuss the National Geographic series, MARS, episodes 1-3. Why so serious ?! A somber show that clearly Lacey and Alex just LOVE….. ish…

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕪𝕟𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕤 is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.


Hey folks, this is Alexander Winn Lacey Hannan, who I think set me up when the video started here with the latest episode of The Synthesis. This week, we are talking about National Geographic’s “MARS” episodes one through three. And I have a question to start us off, do you? 


It’s not a nice question. 


Oh God, 


who was your least favorite character? And why? Oh, all right. Good tone. 


You can pick from the people on documentary side as well. Okay. 




tipping your hand. They’re a little lace. 


You know what, let’s just let’s just be transparent about who we are and how we feel. 


Yeah, yep. Yep. And who are you? And how do you feel? 


I hate Captain but I hate him. 


I hate him. 


All right, so National Geographics. Mars is a show that came out a few years ago. And it is an interesting thing because it it jumps back and forth between documentary and narrative. So you know, obviously, like the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, National Geographic, they do a lot of documentary shows. Recently, these kind of networks like History Channel have been getting into narrative shows, like Vikings and  that sort of thing. But this is both. And that is interesting. They’re taking a nonfiction book and adapting it with a fiction story, which was, you know, ambitious. And I 


mean, usually it’s a, it’s nonfiction with reenactment, right? 


So this, this feels like the first I don’t know if it’s actually the first of its kind with documentary and the narrative. 


Yeah, the completely original story. Yeah. 


So anyway, 


but yeah, it was it ran for one season of six episodes, and then was renewed for another season of six episodes, 


we’re doing episodes one through three of season, not that anybody knows why it was allowed to come back. 


So yeah, what do you think Lace? 


Let’s start. We’ll just start with the narrative stuff. Yeah. Okay. Because I listen, I don’t have terrible things to say about all of it. So let’s just, let’s start with the bad and then move on. Okay. Get it out of the way. Okay. Yeah. I do not enjoy the narrative aspect at all, unfortunately, um, I think that we, we have a bunch of characters that are mostly uninteresting, often illogical. One example of that is, we we this is, this is kind of, in Second, the second episode, which they are trudging towards their, the outpost from where they landed their ship. And there, they’ve got alarms going off saying, you know, your co2 is going up and all of this stuff running out of oxygen. Yeah. And the doctor 


keeps talking, the doctor who is presumably the one who best understands the need for air. 


Yeah. And she just won’t shut up. Like, I’m sorry. Captain Ben is passing out. You don’t need to keep talking to him. Like you’re not. Your job right now is not to keep him awake. Your job is to get him to the outpost to safety so that you can work on him. Yeah. And if you can’t work on him, because you’ve run out of air. He’s worked. Sorry, excuse my language. This, I’m gonna try and keep it down. We’ll see how well that goes. So it But anyway, it’s just like, there are all of these little things that are just super illogical. Some of it’s within the character, some of it is within the writing. Another one is while they’re trudging along, someone notes that they’re moving too slowly. And then immediately, the doctor says to Ben, who’s awake at this point. She says, you know, we can slow down. And he said, No, you know, we have we have to go faster. And it’s like, someone just said, we’re not going to make it. We’re going to slow and choose we can slow down. 


No, no, you literally, you literally cannot, you will die. So please don’t be stupid. 


Yeah, I think so. Lacey and I had a lot of conversations after watching these episodes about the show and specifically the narrative side and sort of what what was the problem because I feel like there was a problem and I wanted to love this show so much when it first came out, you know that this is exactly up my alley. This is the hard 


siphon joy enjoying thing. 


Yeah, we love to love things and we dislike disliking things. And but at the end of the day, I feel like really most of the sort of narrative Sins of, of Mars, come back to one thing, which is they’re trying so hard to make it dramatic. And so they lean in to all this stuff about like, hey, what if the what if something went wrong? Just as they were landing? Hey, what if they landed in the wrong place? Hey, what if one of them was injured? Hey, what if you know, it’s like over and over? And hey, what if there was a fire? What if all this stuff and then they start getting in each other’s throats. And it’s like, they just, they kind of reach for every opportunity to heighten the drama. And there’s so many scenes where people are standing around looking, shaken, and looking scared and looking worried. And it’s like, at the end of the day, going to Mars is inherently dramatic, it is inherently scary, you don’t mean to make it scary. And that I feel like it’s sort of this is the story that it’s like they needed to have watched the Martian, which I think this actually came out, either just before the Martian or just after the Martian. But whenever it was, they weren’t able to have watched the Martian when they were making it. But I feel like they really needed to because the Martian is a great demonstration of how your character can be upbeat and optimistic. And you can be listening to the frickin disco music while he works. And it’s still scary, because he’s trying to survive on Mars. And there’s a there’s a line from a show called Studio 60 that I think about a lot in a lot of different contexts. But it also applies to this, which is Studio 60 is a show it’s kind of like 30 rockets behind the scenes of a show like Saturday live. And there’s a moment where one of the performers goes up to one of the show runners. And she says, I got a laugh at the table read when I asked for the butter in the dinner sketch. I didn’t get it at the dress rehearsal, what did I do wrong? And he says you asked for the laugh. And she said, What did I do at the table read. And he says you asked for the butter. And it’s just this great, simple expression of the line is funny when she asks for the butter. It’s funny, you don’t have to make it funny. If you try to make it funny, it won’t be funny. All you have to do is do it straight, do it real and it will be funny. And I feel like that’s what the creators of this show needed to learn is you don’t need to make it scary. It is scary. And there are just so many times through the show that they try to 


they try so hard and like I mean, the bright flashing light of too dramatic is Captain but yeah. And, you know, the whole time his he’s got one mode. And I feel like the writers and the director failed him. And then his acting. I can’t. I can’t say exactly. I think I think it’s probably everyone’s fault. But it’s he was Loki tense the entire time. And you know, I didn’t mind that his first like his monologue to the crew 


about before they even launched. Yeah. 


You know, if you’re not ready for this go like that was kind of a funny line. Because like at this point, 


you’re probably committed at this point. 


Yeah, but the rest of it, I was okay with it being not this big, big pep talk. Like, that’s fine. And I liked it felt grounded. But then that serious tone was his entire character. And I I don’t understand why a leader. I say that with a smidge of sarcasm, would do what he does to his crew, 


which is he doesn’t tell them things. He doesn’t communicate with them. And to me, that doesn’t he doesn’t allow them to save the day. Yeah, he’s so busy trying to save the day that he doesn’t let his team Yeah, save the day by by hiding from them what they absolutely need to know he is failing them. And that’s not what leaders do. Leaders are supposed to be communicative. And we see later that the team is falling apart because he died, which, 


like understandable, but to the same degree. They were never a team. They always felt like a group of individuals. And the Martian doesn’t feel like that. I would say in our stellar felt that way. Apollo 13 


they definitely well, Apollo 13. them not being a team as a plot point. Yeah, exactly. One of them are a team and one of them is the new guy. Yeah. 


But they, but they still managed to end up working as a team. Yeah. So it’s like, these people felt so quickly into sniping at each other or not working together. Or, you know, the, it was another example of how it just felt. The whole thing kind of felt like it was shifting under my feet, was when we find out that the captain is hurt. The women are the only ones who seem to care. And the guys are treated as pack animals 


like the the men carry the heavy stuff and beast, the beast of burden. 


Yeah, the the women are, are fretting over their sick captain and the men are there to carry stuff. 


Yeah. And it’s just like, it’s so it’s so bizarre, to me how they set up this team and I get it, there’s going to be like, when something that wrong happens. Or goes that wrong? Yes, the team is going to be affected. And things might fracture for a moment. But they’re all going to rise up to the challenge of making this work. Because we 


have to, which I think is sort of the the biggest thing that was missing is there are no triumphs. Well, actually, there is one at the end of Episode Three, we finally get a win, which is when they set up the city, in the lava in the lava tube. And it’s great, there’s upbeat music, and people are smiling and like, this is what you want. Like it’s it’s a real win. But it’s it’s three episodes of just grim kind of, like, even the documentary side, they’re talking about how like, everything is everything is trying to kill you. And Mars is a graveyard and like, they’re all these quotes about how awful it is and how dangerous it is and how just What a nightmare it is. And then people are like, it’s gonna be the greatest journey in the history of humanity. And you’re sitting there going, why it sounds like hell. And you know, the no moment exemplifies this better than at the end of episode one. They’ve had a hell of a time landing, you know, like they it was, it’s a wild ride down onto the surface, and they finally land, they realize they’re in the wrong place, like everything’s going wrong. And then finally, at the end of Episode One, they step out onto the surface, and they’re all standing together in their spaces. And they’re in sort of a, like, an elevator kind of thing, and it lowers them down. And they, they open the gate. And the captain is standing in the front, and he steps out onto the surface of Mars. And this is the first time that a human has ever stepped on another planet. And he says nothing. He doesn’t say a word, he just walks forward. And then the next person steps out. And then the next person steps out and the whole thing is silent. And then just in case you thought that it was a mistake. There is a narration line that says there was no speech, no theater. Like it’s this Reverend moment, and I’m sitting here going okay, but like, there should have been, you know, like, Where, where is my one small step for man. Like, you got to have the first words on Mars. Literally, the first words on Mars in this universe, our mission control confirms the rover is 2000 pounds over payload with all of us on board. Those are the first words that humans spoke on Mars, like, Are you kidding me? Come on. This is you’re not going to give us a triumphant moment of the first words on Mars when you’re depicting the first words on Mars, and you’re 


going to tell me that you’re not filming the entire thing, or it’s not being recorded for people back home because everybody wants to be a part of this. This is this is not just SpaceX doing this. No, no, are the SpaceX analog. This is the what is the International Space Agency. This is for all of humanity. Yeah. And it’s bizarre. Yeah, totally bizarre that they just decided to make it about them. Yeah, there’s himselves Yeah, 


it’s it’s very weird, storytelling choice to, to just have no sort of ceremony around any of this. There’s no moment where they’re like, holy crap, guys. We’re on Mars. Yeah, yeah. I feel like it just they were just leaning so hard into making it dramatic, that they missed the parts. 


I’m one of the other things that really kind of drives me crazy through the whole thing is outside of the interviews with the astronauts, we don’t really see anybody smile. And, and even then, it’s not very often. And like, Hannah, the actress who played Hannah has an incredible smile. 


And we find out in Episode Three. Yeah, yeah. 


And it’s like, it doesn’t have to be huge. It doesn’t have to be a big celebration ever. Episode but something that that kind of, like brings us in, so that we’re not just watching them be traumatized over and over. We, we want to see people win. That’s what we want.

And we get zero wins until the end of Episode Three. And it’s horrifying. And like we we see the captain died and you want to know what my reaction was? He’s dead. Good. 


That’s not what will stop getting in the way. 


Yeah, like, like I was sitting there going, we wave who gets their spleen taken out, puts on a heavy ass like, shoot, and then goes, you know, mountaineering? Yeah. And it makes it and then you realize, Oh, no, this is like, his final fantasy. And he died. And I was just like, cool. We don’t have to deal with him anymore. Which I don’t want to say as an audience member, this is a guy that I’m supposed to be rooting for. And they didn’t pull me into his character. They didn’t give me any reason to trust Him, which I’m now realizing, through this show that I need. I desperately need things to latch on to, to trust our leaders. And it, I get it, that’s that’s gonna be true of everybody. You know, we want to trust the people that are leading us. But I didn’t realize how much it mattered to me and entertainment. Yeah, you know, I don’t I don’t deal well with the corruption side. Like I’ve recently learned that through d&d, like I don’t corruption stories super bother me. 


And this isn’t 


when the leader is an obstacle when you’re sort of wishing that this guy would cut the crap. It just takes away. 


How did he get here? Like, why would? Why would anybody make him the leader at all? And then there’s, you know, his backup is Hannah, who’s the pilot, and someone back at Houston says something along the lines, and we’ve got this pilot leading the crew. And I’m like, Yeah, man, you picked her first of all, and second. Yes, the pilot, like pilots often work together with a co pilot, just in case something bad happens. And the copilot takes over. Because that’s what they’re trained to do. It’s they’re trained to lead and they’re trained to handle this. And I was just, I was, oh, I was so mad. I was you guys. I was so mad. Anyway, I, I struggled. Yeah. So I I, let’s see, is there anything else that we need to touch base on the characters? Not great. too serious all of the time. 


I will say this for the narrative portion, which is that the production values are awesome. Yeah, this looks like a movie. It does. It’s beautiful. And it’s, you know, again, it kind of makes it more tragic that I didn’t care more about the story because it looks great. This is this could be a pier to the Martian. It’s honestly like you could sort of view it as the midpoint of the Martian and gravity This is what would happen if if the gravity rules applied to the Martian story where everything goes wrong all the time. Yeah. But they do a great job with you know, the rover looks very convincing. The rocket looks very convincing the hab like they Yeah, it’s, it’s and especially in in Episode Three, when they start exploring this giant cave. There were several moments where I’ve literally like sort of stopped the video and turned to Lacey. I was like, look at that shot, just you know, her dangling by this tiny, thin rope as she descends into this massive environment. Very cool. cinematography, 


I love I love watching people AB sail in film. I don’t know why. And it’s always right before something terrifying happens. So and I don’t do horror. So it’s it’s weird that I enjoy it. But nonetheless, I do. Yeah. But yeah, I think that I think that there are just, you know, one of the last, one of the last things I’ll say about the narrative portion, is it really felt like a lot of the acting was not meant for the show. It felt like it was meant for the HBO or something, you know, it felt like they were in the wrong. They were on a TV show. That was for National Geographic. And it felt like at minimum and needed to be an HBO show for them to be in, or it was a film. There’s different kinds of acting and it didn’t jive well for me at all. So there’s just like, they just they had some odd, they made a lot of odd choices, and they didn’t make things very clear and there weren’t the redundancies that we expect a multi billion dollar mission to have. So and you know, the redundancy, we talked about this in our stellar that there weren’t enough plans and stuff like that. So I just feel like we keep being let down and I don’t want to keep being let down. So I, I don’t have high expert, high hopes for the rest of this season. But it’s kind of where I’m at at the moment, anyway. 


Well, there’s an interesting thing that I found myself noticing throughout the show, but especially after episode one, which is that they kind of so you know, the whole show is, is, is designed around this sort of two sided structure. So we cut to the narrative side in 2033. And then we cut back to the modern day in I think, 2016. And they’re talking mostly about SpaceX. It’s a little bit of an ad for SpaceX, which, you know, is fine, because SpaceX is our best chance to get to Mars. But the odd thing is that they don’t really parallel each other that much. They’ll talk about stuff in the documentary side, and then the narrative side doesn’t represent that, like they’ll talk, you know, the the first time that I think I really sort of bumped on it is, in Episode Two, there’s this big period where on the documentary side, they’re talking about how, you know, on the journey to Mars, you’re going to be in zero G. And they talk about the toll that that takes on your body, and they talk about modern astronauts, and some of the things that they have to deal with, and how, you know, we may not know for years, what they’re sacrificing because of the radiation, and you know, all this stuff. And especially, they talk about how you’ll be really weak when you get to Mars, because you’ve spent so many months in zero G, that you won’t have the muscle mass. But then the characters in the narrative side aren’t weak, that they’re not representing what the documentary is describing, which I thought was odd. Like, I kind of want to learn more about, you know, like, did they shoot all the narrative stuff? And then do these interviews? What was it that led them to highlight these really big things? And then not do that? In the I 


mean, I think that it’s because it’s specifically made to be a a new form of storytelling, because otherwise, it would just be like all of those crime shows where it’s like, we’re going to interview the investigator, and then we’re going to recreate it. Yeah. And I think I think it’s interesting that they weren’t recreating what they’re talking about. 


Yeah. I mean, it doesn’t need to be one to one. But it just, it seems like when you’re when the whole point of a show, is to depict realistically how something would work, you would do that, you know, like you would take the thing that you’re pitching as being an element and make it an element of the story. 


I hear that but I don’t know that the narration is really all that realistic. 


I feel like that was what we were sort of build with a show. Like I agree. What I’m saying is, I think that it isn’t really but it’s odd, because that seems to be the whole point of this show is documentary match with narrative that the implication is that we’re going to be showing you in the narrative what we’re doing in the documentary, but 


that would just but to me, again, that it just comes back to trying to tell a story, while telling the true story of what it’s going to look like to get to Mars rather than recreating the true story. Because that’s, that’s like the true crime stuff. Yeah. And so I imagine that they were trying to figure out how to navigate that. And I wouldn’t mind it if some of it overlapped a little bit more. But I, I, I hear you. Yeah. Just a response to imana economist. So in talking about like, the different styles of acting, 


your mom economist, by the way, asked in the comments, I’d love to hear more about these different types of acting for different media. 


Oh, yeah. Sorry, guys. So they’re, they’re like, you can kind of think of it as breaking it down for different levels. When you’ve got that really, really simple. Simplified acting. You’re talking about something that’s going to be on HBO, you’re going to we’re looking at suddenly, I’m not coming up with any of my what’s the one that recently Oh, shoot, I’m gonna look it up. I’m gonna look it up while we’re sitting here. The the actor from Arrested Development, What is his name? You’re not gonna whatever. But he’s got this really like dramatic TV show that’s in like, the third or fourth season. And that is, it’s really pulled back. The show with Yeah, Jason Bateman. And I We’ll figure out the title of it. But then you’ve got something. So like a couple steps up, you’ve got the CW, which is melodramatic. So you know that’s going to be Riverdale, it’s going to be your DC shows, it’s going to be your vampire shows, where it’s teen drama is really the audience 


heightened emotion. 


And then the next step is going to be your comedies that are over a little bit more over the top, even, you know, even when you’ve got characters who play a lot smaller, like, you’ve got the office, you’ve got Michael Scott. And then you’ve got Jim Wright, and they still live in, they still inhabit the same world. But there’s really big, and then Jim is playing to the camera. And then you’ve got the next step, which would be like Nickelodeon, and Disney and, and things like that. So that’s kind of that’s, that’s what I mean when you’re talking about different styles of acting. And the Jason Bateman show is Ozark on Netflix. And now you know, that’s even Handmaid’s Tale, it’s really pulled back. So you’ve got a couple different levels that you’re talking about. And I felt like this played a lot more in the was the tone of this was a lot more in the three, where it’s it was very melodramatic writing and all of that stuff. But all of the actors were in Ozark. And it was pulled back so much that it made it even more dramatic, in a way that it was like, let us tell you how high the stakes are, without, without really the story owning up to how they would have prepared for this. 


And I guess I guess that’s a good way of putting it for a lot of the things that we watch on the synthesis is, there’s a there’s an asymmetry in the quote unquote, realism that they tried to attribute to the consequences. And the realism that they tried to attribute to the actions of our heroes that like in you know, Mars is trying to sell us the same thing that gravity tried to sell us, which is the stakes are high, but the prep was low. You know that like, in the Martian, the stakes are really high, and things go wrong a lot. But they also prepped for a lot of them, you know, our hero is capable of responding to them. And so there’s a symmetry because the the danger is really high. But the capability is also really high. Apollo 13 was the same way. Everything is going wrong. But our heroes are smart. And they’ve got NASA behind them, and they can handle it. Gravity and the Martian are in this weird zone where they’re trying to sell us on stakes, not the Martian, or Yeah, gravity and Mars are trying to sell us on stakes, that are sort of Apollo 13 caliber. But with people that are not the crew of Apollo 13 caliber, you know, the the it just doesn’t match up. And I think that’s where a lot of this sort of friction comes from here. Yeah. We do have a question from another listener, which is, who should be campaigning planetary exploration corporations or governments? is probably one of the biggest questions in space exploration right now, thanks to SpaceX leading the way, honestly. So Elon Musk has said a number of things that are contradictory over the years about what exactly he plans to do, because on the one hand, he’ll say stuff like we’re planning to build a city on Mars, we want to build a city of a million people by so by by such and such year, there was also that very weird thing where apparently every person who uses every person who buys a Tesla now has to sign a contract, which includes a clause recognizing Mars as an independent planet. This came out like six months ago, and everybody was like, that’s not a thing. Like that’s not gonna hold up in court. That’s not a thing. Yeah. But yeah, I get that I get the impulse. You have the option to do it. You might as well give it a shot. But but you kind of have to ask why, like, does that mean that Elon Musk is already planning on doing some shady stuff on Mars? And he doesn’t want to answer two laws on earth like what is the what is the thought behind this anyway? But on the other side, Elan Musk has also said some stuff about how they don’t want to build cities on Mars. SpaceX is not in the business of building cities on Mars, but SpaceX is not in the business of settling or colonizing Mars. What SpaceX wants to be. He made it very clear, SpaceX is a transport company. SpaceX wants to get you to Mars so that you can build a city on Mars like whoever Are you are you can hire SpaceX to take you to Mars, and then you can do what you want. And so, to me, the the answer to who should be doing planetary exploration is corporations or governments. Governments are, I am not the kind of anti government person that a lot of people are these days, I think that there is a place for, you know, government funding and government action. But one thing that it is hard to argue with is that governments have a lot of waste, whereas corporations are often very tightly controlling their revenue and their expenses. And so to me, the best answer is both. The best answer is SpaceX takes NASA to Mars, that SpaceX failed to Yeah, SpaceX is gonna run the numbers and keep it inexpensive, and keep it affordable and keep those ships moving. And then NASA can do the work on the plane. Well, 


and NASA isn’t going to be as you know, there’s not gonna be as much exploitation. Yeah, exactly. planet that or would do more of the people. 


You know, like you. You don’t have to be some flagwaving socialists to recognize that a lot of corporations really screw over their people. Yeah. And if you are going to Mars and you can’t come home, like there are so many stories of corporations, even with just like bases, you know, in remote areas, where, you know, they basically charge you your entire paycheck just in random, because where else are you going to stay? Yeah, and that kind of thing is just too easy to do on Mars, especially if you have all of the people driving your cars signing waivers that declare Mars to be an independent planet. Yeah, so I trust NASA way more than I trust SpaceX. I guess, I guess that’s the best way to put it. I trust NASA more than I trust SpaceX, but I trust SpaceX as accountants more than I trust NASA’s accountants. Yeah. 


I mean, I think that’s, that, that’s pretty reasonable. I also expect that government governments would clash over who does this belong to? Yeah, in a way that would move the conversation forward? In terms of who should it belong to? Because I think it belongs to Earth until it doesn’t. But maybe, maybe that’s not true. You know, like, it really is going to take a lot of conversations, to figure out the best way forward, and, and actually looking forward long term. And a lot of corporations, they’re going to look long term in in terms of their company and their profits, not in terms of their people. And, you know, again, it just comes back to exploitation of resources. And I think that the government, governments would be a little bit more wary of doing that. 


Yeah, I think that, you know, at its core, again, regardless of where you are on the political spectrum, at their core, a corporation operates on property. That is the thing that a corporation exists to do as it exists to acquire and produce property, and then sell that property to someone else, at which point it becomes their property. Like, the whole thing is about property, whereas a government fundamentally, right, or like good government, or bad government, a government is about rights. A government is about what people are allowed to do. It’s more focused on the people than the stuff. And at the end of the day, I would like the conversation around Mars to be more about people than about stuff. 


Yeah. And I mean, of course, this is a pretty big generalization because we can look at some very specific countries in this world, rather large ones who burn through resources like nobody’s business. Yeah. However, when you’ve got scientists leading the charge on what happens with resources, and then you’ve got governments and politicians arguing over the laws, and who does this belong to I feel like what you’re going to end up getting is something that is better than just any one of those three groups, the scientists versus the politicians versus the corporation’s any one of them, I think, would be doing it for their own powerful reasons. And by working together, it’s it’s a lot more likely that we’re going to get somewhere that’s healthy for a planet. We’re all of those. For those who don’t know, I very much believe in planetary rights. 


I was I was about to say, I keep talking about the the sort of the systems and you keep pivoting it back to environmentalism. 


I mean, I can’t help myself I’m I, I truly believe that a planet has rights on its own. Which we we absolutely believe in because otherwise We wouldn’t have national parks and we wouldn’t have a UNESCO sites. And we we totally believe that as as a collective that the Earth has, to some degree, right. So it’s on whether or not people want to admit it. Otherwise we wouldn’t have these things. 




I will, you sort of you bounced off one more good point, I think, which is that really, you know, if you imagine, like, if you sort of, if you take the extreme of both side, the extreme corporate and the extreme governmental, on the extreme corporate, the people who are going to be going, are the corporate people, like they’re going to be going to set up mining outposts, and, you know, profits, profit generation centers, and like everything in that in that Martian outpost is going to be revenue driven, because that’s how the corporation works. Whereas if you imagined the pure governmental side, they’re not going to be sending politicians, like politicians don’t want to go to Mars, politicians want to be in Washington, they’re going to be sending scientists, you know, the US government doesn’t have a space program, the US government has NASA. And NASA is good. And so I think there’s there’s also an asymmetry in just sort of the on the ground experience between a corporate and a governmental outpost, the corporate is going to be focused on doing corporate things, the governmental is not going to be focused on doing governmental things, they’re gonna be focused on doing science things. 


And here’s the deal, the government can’t do it by itself, because the power power changes too often. So yes, it depending depending on, you know, because we are, we live in the US and we are both American. We talk about it about Washington, but it’s going to be a global effort more, most likely, to some degree, right? One can only have one can only hope. But I feel like the Oh, no, I think it just slipped right out of my mind. Just, oh, what I was gonna say, Sorry, I got there, I got there, I found it. The government would have such a problem. Because every you know, depending on where you you’re living, every for eight years, whatever, you’re going to have politicians going, we’re not making any money. We’re losing money on this. And one of the nice things about corporations is I’m gonna, I’m gonna say its name. Amazon lost money for what, 20 years. And people were still like, this is going somewhere. Yeah, we’re gonna let it It might be in the red now. But the whole point is that it’s not going to stay there. 


Ironically, corporations which come and go are better at long term planning than governments, which can last for 1000 years. 


So you know, this. What do you think actually just kind of contradicts what I said, like five minutes ago, but I think we’re talking about two different things. So you know, don’t don’t question the internal logic we’ve got going here, guys. Does that answer the question? We should move on to the documentary stuff? Yeah, so on the documentary side, and I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry. I know. I just said that. Listen, the reason we can talk about this forever, is because of terrigenesis. Like, these are the conversations we have in the office. These are the the arguments that I’ve had with friends over too much wine. And my stances
have changed. I think I’m in a stance now that’s not going to change anytime soon. But we could have this conversation found your local minimum, you’ve 


worked your way down to the point. Yeah. to the to the base point of your beliefs. 


Yes. Yeah. So anyway, I want you to know that we could do this forever. 


Oh, yeah. We could just have the show about that. Like, we could just talk about the ethics of space exploration and just 


Yeah, and 


it’s 200 episodes, and each one is eight hours long 


as we’re all yelling at each other because 


we’re just getting madder and madder you’ll be able to watch you know, I was about to say you’ll be able to watch our divorce in real time. Except I think that you and I are pretty much on the same page about most of this stuff. So yeah, you’ll be able to watch our murder by our employees. 


Yeah. Listen, for any for those of you who play terrigenesis I am I have a question. Yeah, just I mean not through through it’s like 90 and then maybe 10% something else but do you have you ever settled on faction? 


I love them all. I if I had to pick one I would if I had to pick one I would probably say USA just because I love the the human experience I love the the exploration the sort of that that James T Kirk kind of thing. 


And then we’ve got we have an absolute through and through guy and 


100% raging guy in in the US. 


I don’t know that we have anybody who’s totally horizon. 


Oh, yes, we do. He just works at our publisher. Is is 100% horizon. Yeah, yeah. Are we we’ve got all the TerraGenesis factions represented, and we 


could absolutely just talk your ear off about it. So I wanted I want, I know, we took like 20 minutes to have that conversation. But 


I think it’s almost got out and you have pulled us back. Yeah, 


I know. But I thought it was a really it was really interesting question. Yes. And 


no, it is very relevant to this episode. Yeah. You know, it is the that is one of the things because, you know, I was talking earlier about how there are things that they talked about in the documentary side, and then they don’t do it in the narrative side. One of those that I sort of appreciate is that it’s not SpaceX. They keep talking like the documentary side, don’t get me wrong. I really enjoyed the documentary, but I don’t Yes, the narrative side, I’ve got a lot of problems with the documentary side is super cool. That being said, it’s hard to argue that this isn’t just like an ad for SpaceX, like all they do is talk about how great SpaceX is and how they’re pushing us into the future. And they’re showing like all these, you know, heroic moments and heartbreaking moments and all this stuff, and it’s, it’s an ad for SpaceX, but I appreciated the fact that it’s not SpaceX in the narrative. They made up their own Ilan musk and their own sort of SpaceX equivalent is way easier to look at. 


And not to body shame. I’m 


sorry, that was that was incredibly rude. Sorry. 


But yeah, so getting into the documentary side. Yeah, I think it had a lot of good info, and I really appreciated that it. I liked the fact that they showed SpaceX failing. Like that was Yeah, I mean, they framed it in a very sort of martyr tragic what you know, like it wasn’t framed so much as a failure as just like a tragedy. But But still, 


I noticed there was it What was interesting for me was it’s humans, all I care about are humans. We see at one point, this rocket exploded, we’ve been watching them prep for this launch and all of this stuff, right? And then it takes off. And then it explodes. And it’s, you know, that sucks. But later, we see. Another one must explode, something goes wrong. And they’re focusing on the people. And it’s just this crowd, in some room watching. And you see this woman who’s middle aged, just completely lose it. I’m like, getting choked up, because it was so heartbreaking to watch her. Watch this rocket. And I had, you know, seeing the first rocket exploded. I was like, God, that sucks, man. And then watching another one explode. But seeing the reactions of the people, I was just like, Oh, my God, your life’s work. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. Yeah. And I there’s they brought me into the, the experience, I think more than the narrative side by quite a lot. Yeah. So I, I’m all about the documentary side. I’m all about it. 


Yeah, I did think it was kind of funny that they had Andy Weir, author of The Martian as one of their experts. They didn’t lean on him too hard. You know, like, he wasn’t dominating the conversation or anything. But he was definitely in there multiple times. Just sort of talking about Mars. It wasn’t even, you know, his points weren’t even like, this is why I wrote it. In my book. He was just talking about Mars, he could have just been a guy from NASA. Yeah. Which was cool. 


I, you know, there were there were little things that I really enjoyed. There’s this point where they’re talking about launch pad, she’s like, she’s trying to remember where she wrote this down. And she slides her way through pages and pages and pages of notes. And I’m just like, I’ve just got it like, centered on my screen. I’m just there. Those are my notes. 


Shut up. Anyway. So there’s Launchpad 39. A, and this is, so it’s, you know, this piece of space history is what this launch pad is. 


This is the launch pad of Apollo 11. Space Shuttle and 


SpaceX gets 


to use it. And I all I could think of was how in is it what every Pixar movie, they somehow get a room? There’s a room number like 136? a, no, yeah, that is in its Cal Arts. And this is where you This is the room that you take intro to animation or something that everybody has to take. And so in every movie, you’re going to find this little easter egg because it’s their little, you know, a module. 


Yeah. And I’m just saying you’re going where is 39? A and all of my space movies. Yeah. Because that’s just so cool. And if you’re not going to do that one, then it needs to be what is it by core, which is the Lord Just one that’s the one that was in Russia or the Ukraine. 


Which I Baikonur something. 


Yeah, Baikonur. I didn’t know how to spell it. So I misspelled it is what I did. But yeah, I was I was fascinated. It was so cool to watch people talk about the, you know, the twin, the twins, the guy going into space, and they are studying his twin here on Earth just to help see, as much as they can the differences. I don’t understand. There was a there was a line about, we will probably never know, what, 12 years, 12 years, 12 months in space does did to him, 


like what he sacrificed? 


And I don’t completely understand that. So I need you to explain to me, why is it that we can know so much about the body and anatomy and physiology and your mental space? Like we can know so much about it? And there’s a control in his brother? Yeah. And they won’t probably know. 


Well, it’s I don’t think the quote was, we’ll never know, I think the quote was, we won’t know for years. 


No, they said, We will likely never know just how much Oh, fair like, and I can’t quite wrap my I mean, basically, it’s because zero G is weird. Like, there’s just there’s sort of no equivalent to it. And so who knows, like, you know, we can make estimates about what that would do. The list of things that happened to your body and zero G is, is strange. There are a lot of things that are not what you would expect. You know, your eyes change shapely your bones lose mass, like, there’s their weird stuff. It’s not just like you get weak because you don’t have to stand up, which you would sort of expect. But there’s a very strange phenomenon that has happened to the body. And of course, nobody’s been in space for that long, like 12 months is I don’t know if it’s still the record, but it was up there. You know, there’s there’s never been anybody that stayed in space for five years, let alone 40 years. Right. So it’s just this sort of dot dot dot question mark around what is that going to do long term? And how quickly do you bounce back from it? 


I guess it kind of I guess it not kind of, but it does make sense. There. There are enough things that they’ve been like, yeah, this is true about pregnancy. But we don’t know why. And I’m sitting here going, but how we’ve gotten this far, and it’s been, you know, 1000s upon 1000s of years of pregnancies. Yeah. So well, I guess. Yeah. 


So one thing that I often find useful in that, in those sorts of instances where you you ask how have we not figured this out after, you know, 200,000 years of Homo sapiens of modern Homo sapiens existing? There’s a point that I’m pretty sure. It was made in the book sapiens, which, by the way, if you haven’t read sapiens, read sapiens, it’s incredible. And it will literally change how you view humanity. But there’s a point that they that he makes in that book, which, again, changed the way I view the world, which is that we haven’t been working on this for 200,000 years, we’ve been working on this for like, 400 years, we’ve been working on it since the beginning of the scientific revolution. And before that, people just thought it was ghosts, you know, like they did, there was no, like, people would find their way to sort of herbal solutions, because they just noticed that, hey, I put this spice in my stew, and it helped my acid reflux. So I guess maybe the spice has something to do with it. But there was no kind of systemic approach to the problem, no, real growing of knowledge, in the sense of trying to separate what is true from what is just suspected. And so oftentimes, there are these questions around like, Yeah, what how does this work during pregnancy? Or, or that sort of stuff? Where? How have we not figured that out? Well, it’s because we haven’t actually been looking for that long. You know, you can trace back a lot of things that are just fundamental about our world that, like, they didn’t know about that in World War Two, you know, like, plate tectonics? Well, they didn’t know about in World War Two. And that’s not that long ago, 


even just say, like, people will talk about how there’s been this rise in autism. Well, no, the definition of autism has changed. And if the scope had been the same as when they first decided this, you know, like, yeah, oh, we have a name for this. Then the numbers would have been higher. Yeah. And you have to disseminate the information and you have to get the information to doctors who are going to be able to diagnose this. So like, I guess, yeah, okay. No, I can I retract my question so that we can move on. 


And one last point is just that. The thing about Kelly, that was so cool was that they did have a control group in the form of his brother because they were twins. But even then, I don’t know the exact numbers on how many people have been to space like total, since you know, Eureka garden, but it’s probably less than 100. That’s probably a lot less than 100. It’s, it’s not that many. And with a sample size that small, it’s hard to say, what is the effect of zero G on the human body? And just what is the effect of zero G on him? You know, yeah, like, there are a lot of things that like, if I go to, to high altitude, I’ll be fine. But if you go to low out the high altitude, it’s going to kick your ass because whatever is different in your biology, you know, that sort of stuff. And so it can be hard to figure out exactly what is consistent with that few people to look at. Yeah, so 


just as a for our listeners soflo commented about is there is it they’re drowning. And I want to put this out there that if they can find a way they’re gonna do it to probably do it. 


There is ice. 


Yeah, they got ice. 


I mean, that drama. 


You could argue they did say that the captain’s punctured his lung. So that guy was drowning in his own blood. That that is the thing did comment on how much blood there was. It’s but it’s about the same thing is not my fear. It’s not the way the cliche, so we’ll see if they get there. Yeah, they, 


they might over terraform 


Yeah, exactly. I mean, Lord knows if terrigenesis is any indication flooding your world is a real danger. So my God, also slow soflo calling me out for being in love with my nerdy wife. And yes, I am. 


Hey, I lived with an animator for a while. And it was a weird ride. I mean, I like him, but it was a weird ride. 


So I think just for the last few minutes of the show tonight, you know, we’re we’re here to talk about scientific realism. And that is one area that I think for the most part, the show does really well, which you know, you have to sort of assume because that was kind of the whole point of this shows National Geographic but but at the end of the day, yes, they did a good job with with you know, depicting the landing depicting some of the challenges, it is kind of a highlight reel, you know, like, this is not a normal mission to Mars, this is kind of an What if everything went wrong mission to Mars. That being said, it is a tour de force of all the things that can go wrong on a mission to Mars, you know, you get everything from landing in the wrong place, you know, the really big stuff like landing in the wrong place, or somebody dying all the way to down to the little stuff like, Hey, you forgot to put the cover back on this thing. And now it’s covered in dust and it’s gummed up the works or, you know, the the littler kind of complications that you would have to factor in 


which as we know, if you’re going to take the cover, and you need it for something. You just need duct tape. 


Yeah. You follow Mark Watney? Yeah. Get some tarp? Yeah, 


yeah. That’s, that’s 


how. So yeah, it’s I think, for the most part, they do a really good job. And what I’m excited for is with the introduction of the lava tubes, we are finally starting to get to something new. This is something that even even Mark Watney didn’t do. You know, I, to my knowledge, this is the only sci fi thing that has ever been made, that talks about building habitats in lava tubes, which is something that people at NASA talk about all the time. And that I really appreciate. We are we are finally starting to break new ground in scientific accuracy. At the end of Episode Three. 


Yeah, I, you know, I think that they, they brought up a lot of interesting tidbits in the documentary side. And then we didn’t, we often didn’t get an expansion on those topics, like, you know, what is this going to do to the body? What is gravity going to do the body? What about you’ve got all of this time and zero G? And then suddenly, you’re landing on another planet that that landing? What does that sudden gravity change going to do to you? You know, and then you’ve got the historical things, like I said, about this launch sites. And I really appreciate it getting the I I don’t always understand the science stuff. I really appreciate getting the history, because I feel like I feel like we I have never heard of Baikonur, like, tell me more, man. It’s the it’s the largest one in the world. I would not have guessed that. I would have said the largest one of the world is probably somewhere in Florida. You know, and 


the Soviets go big. I mean, I know the kind of their move. 


I mean, when you’ve got that much land Yeah, 


why not? Yeah. 


It makes me think of the difference between New York and LA, where New York is like we’re on this island and everything has to go up and LA is like, spread it. Don’t get so close to But you know, just talking them talking about the cardiovascular system and the immune system and the muscular system of the twins. And, you know, they talk about how, if you’re going to go up in space, you, you have to be willing to give up your I don’t remember what the word was that they use, but you have to be willing to give up your connection to other people. And just these little tidbits that are just so real, that I, and I know that that’s not science based, but 


sort of like, if you’re going to Mars, you’re going to be alone with these people for a really, really long time. And, you know, there’s not the rest of your life, like, you know, very likely for the rest of your life, these are the only people you’re going to interact with. 


Yeah. And you know, they, they have a quote that actually comes from Captain Ben. I don’t know what his last name is. So he’s Captain bed, where he talks about how we have migrated, we’ve built settlements, we’ve built cities, and you know, will is a double edged sword. And are we pushing too far by going to Mars? And I feel like, narratively, it’s a little too late to ask man, but it’s worth, it’s worth actually saying out loud, you know, the way he kind of glosses over what migrating and building settlements and cities and other countries has done to those countries. And by kind of glossing over I mean, he completely, the dialogue completely glosses over it, what colonization has done and stuff like that. And what does that mean, when we take it to a new planet? But I, they, they bring up good questions, which I, I appreciate it, you know. And so, again, it’s not hyper scientific, but it kind of goes back to that question that weichen asked about, let me know if I mispronounce your name. Was that asked about, you know, who should lead the planetary exploration corporations with the government? And these are the kinds of questions we’re gonna have to talk about? These are the philosophies, we’re going to have to talk a lot about philosophy. Yeah, before we do this. So 


it’s, you know, there’s a, there’s a big thing that gets talked about when it comes to space exploration, which is the opening of a new frontier, and the fact that humanity has been without a frontier for, you know, about 100 years, maybe 150 years, for the first time ever, like human history, there’s always been a frontier, some wild forest, that you don’t know what is in it, and then we ran out. And now we’re going into space, and there’s going to be a frontier again. And I think that it’s going to be interesting to watch humanity, figure the frontier out, again, because we’re so used to a world where everything is controlled, and everything is managed, and everything is connected. That I mean, there’s sort of the obvious stuff like supply lines, and just the psychological effects of going out onto the frontier. But there’s also the cultural effects of going out onto the frontier. Because if there’s one thing that history has shown us every single time, people have left the mother country to go to the frontier, it is always that they have different ideas of the goal. The mother country is always trying to reproduce. And the people who go to the frontier are always trying to get away. And America did not become Britain. and Mexico did not become Spain, and Britain did not become France, and Europe did not become Rome. And like you can go back further and further and further and Iran did not become Greece. And like every time a country has spread into a new area, they were trying to spread what they are, and they ended up either creating something new, or blending into something new. And that was just assumed for human history. You know, like when people went to America, it was America, it was new. But I feel like we’ve fallen into this idea now that when we go to Mars, we’re going to build cities, and they’re going to be fundamentally American, or they’re going to be fundamentally, you know, familiar, and they’re just not and it’s gonna be interesting to see society wrestle with that, as Martian identity starts to coalesce. Yeah, 


because I mean, there’s a there’s a good argument to be made for it will probably be very Western To start with, and that will have 


very Western or very Chinese. Yeah, one of those two, I mean, yeah. 


And there’s a place for it to really not be that forever. I mean, I just think of like little things. Remember that image. In this show, when they’re I think it’s when they’re, they’re walking to the outpost, and you get to see the Milky Way and look all of its glory. Yeah, I have seen the Milky Way, in a lot of glory. And very rarely like that. And I, you know, think of all of the galaxy things that you’ll see in terms of fashion in terms of, like home decor, the the amount of star stuff, and galaxy, backgrounds on things. And that might not be a thing on Mars, because they get to see it every single day. That’s special. Yeah, I mean, it’s, it’s still gonna be beautiful, but it’s not going to be something that a majority of them don’t get to see on a regular basis. And so even just little things like that, I think are going to be really fascinating. 


Whereas on the other hand, a park is going to be the most exotic thing ever. 


And so what what is that? What does that do to a culture? What do you have that? I, you know, I remember, even just like, crying when we went to the southern hemisphere, and we were, we were at one of those dark sky reserves. In New Zealand. 


This is like tech. Oh, my God, 


I love Oh, my God, you guys. 


Go to Lake Tahoe. 


First of all, go to Lake tekapo. Second of all, do a tour. There. There are now four. We’re very lucky in the US. We are now there now for gold star, I think gold level dark sky reserves in the world. And let’s see here. We’ve got I think it’s Ireland, Nigeria, New Zealand. And now there’s one in Utah, 


I believe was in Nigeria. I thought it was in Namibia. 


It might be Yeah, I haven’t looked it up in a long time. So excuse me for not knowing. But I, when we were down there, and we saw it, you know, you get they, they take you. We were there in the middle of summer. And it was still we were in parkas it was for reason cold. And which is great for watching the stars. And they had all their telescopes pointed at different constellations. And of course, they’re ones I’ve never seen before. 


And not constellations, but like things like they’re well under the planets and Nebula and like, Yeah, but there was that constellation that looks like someone had dropped a purse of diamonds. Oh, that’s just like, Yeah, I know something about the Well, I don’t know, eemaan if you know what I’m talking about, feel free to speak up. 


But I, I cried when I saw that one specifically, it just it literally looked like I you know, when you go to fountains, and you throw in a penny, and make a wish, it kind of looked like that. But I’m diamonds and it was phenomenal. And we have nothing, nothing like that in the Northern Hemisphere. And so it’ll be fascinating to see what, what stories we tell about, about that sort of thing. Because at one point, at the very beginning of Episode One, we taught someone talks about how we’re taking our place among amongst the gods, we named our planets after gods and gave them power to dictate our lives. You know, which is a Mars is there, and Saturn is there. And this means this thing versus that thing. And now you’re going to have Mars, which is going to be a community that is mostly scientists. So it’s probably not going to be astrology, but still there’s going to be a culture that comes up around the stars that they see versus what we see. And I it’s just, it’s just little things like that, that make me so I’m so excited to see what the scientific community does with going to Mars. And I think we get a taste of it in this show. I’m more interested in what humanity does with it. It gets me very bright eyed and bushy tailed, 


you and me both. That that is the the number one thing that I love about the idea of space exploration is the development of new cultures and new stories and new mythologies, and just future history. And what people do like I just I love thinking about what are people going to do not not what are what are governments and corporations going to do? But just like people like what urban myths are going to exist on? What cuisine is going to exist on Mars. It’s all what dance is going like, 


yeah, if you’re living in 1/3 gravity, there are going to be different kinds of dance. Like I’m not just talking about different steps. I’m talking about different genres of dance that are not even possible on Earth. Yeah. And yeah, I 


think of once once we get to a city of a million people Think of what happens 400 years later, when they’re, you know, they’ve got a whole story around us, the people who were looking to even get there. Yeah. And you know, that’s hundreds of years in the future, there’s going to be mythology that is what history is. There, there’s going to be, you know, history, the way we look at it. Now, we hope that we have reliable narrators, when we’re talking about ancient history, and it doesn’t even have to be super anxious to talk, you know, Hamilton, the musical you have, there are different takes on all of these people, because who knows who the reliable narrator is. And now, because we have media, the way that it is, his machine and the and the machine of social social media as well, you’re going to have a lot more to dig through and a lot more to work with. But that doesn’t mean that there’s not going to still be mythology and still be people who float to the top of who, who do we care about when we tell these stories and people that get forgotten. 


And we’re sure George Washington was not as important to the American Revolution, as elementary school education would have you believe they sort of attribute everything to George Washington, whereas he was really just one guy. And it’ll be interesting to see as time goes on, if maybe like Neil Armstrong starts to become a bigger and bigger figure in the American space program, just in the way it’s told. Yeah.


So anyway, I again, I feel like it’s gonna be, it’s gonna be fun. And the the documentary side of this, I think we’ll talk more, 


we’ll try and talk more about the science next week. Because that is, that is the fun part of the documentary side and the science side are kind of are definitely the more fun part of this show. Yeah. So we’ll try and hit that more. But this is these are conversations, Alex and I can like we can just do whole 24 hour road trips talking about this stuff. Oh, yeah. So this gets into the detail of what we love. 


Yes. So next week, we’re going to be talking about episodes four through six of National Geographics Mars season one. So be sure in the meantime, be sure to check out our Patreon slash Edgeworks entertainment, where you can grab it, tons of cool extras and rewards for supporting us. And thank you to everybody who’s already doing so you really do make this kind of thing possible. You can also find merch and a bunch of other stuff on our website. Edgeworks entertainment calm, we’ve got terrigenesis merch, we’ve got Edgeworks merch, we got a whole bunch of really cool stuff 


working on new stuff. 


Yep, we’re working on some cool new stuff. And in the meantime, just be sure to subscribe for more episodes. And if you’re watching us on YouTube, be sure to hit the bell so you’re notified when we come up with new stuff. 


I’m going to leave you with perhaps my favorite quote from the show. 


Yeah. Are you ready? 


This is just something for you to mull and chew on for the next week. “Making humans interplanetary is just another engineering problem.” 


Excellent. See you next week. 


Bye, guys. 

Interstellar: SPAGHETIFICATION BABAAAYYY | The Synthesis

Lacey and Alex explore HOW MUCH THEY LOVE THE MOVIE INTERSTELLAR… or do they?!

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕪𝕟𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕤 is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.


Hey, folks, this is Alexander Winn. 


Hey, I’m Lacey Hannan. 


And we are watching the latest episode of The Synthesis which started a couple of seconds. sooner than we thought it would. Welcome to the show. This week we are talking about Interstellar, the 2014 film by Chris Nolan. But before we get to that, we have a an exciting announcement, which is that all of you who have been watching the synthesis on YouTube, and especially who have been watching it on YouTube Live, you are going to have a new way to listen to the synthesis, which is that we are releasing it as a podcast. Starting to starting tonight, basically tomorrow, we will be releasing episodes of the synthesis three each week, as we catch back up to where we are now on iTunes and Spotify and all the places that you get your podcasts. So be sure to check it out. If you are listening to this as a podcast, know that we are talking to you from the past. And we hope that the future is working out well. like it did in interstellar. 


My my Notes app is just not killing it today. So we’re gonna see how this goes guys. I know I’m I’m killing it 


to do a bit of backstory for this particular movie, just so everybody knows the journey that we’ve been on. Lacey and I really wanted to see Interstellar in theaters when it when it came out. We were both really excited. And we kept deciding, oh, we’re gonna go this weekend, and then something would come up and then we’re gonna go next week, and then something would come up. And then finally it wasn’t in theaters anymore. And then it came out on, you know, iTunes and all that. And we were like, Oh, we should print that and 


and part of it was really like this. This really seems like a movie we should watch on like the big screen. Yeah. So like, we have to figure out how to watch it on a bigger screen than our TV at home. 


And I think they even like rereleased it in theaters a couple of times. We’re like, Oh, great. We can finally watch it on the big screen. And then we didn’t do that. And 


everybody’s like, you guys are gonna love this movie. Yeah. So this movie was super hyped for us. 


Yeah, it’s I mean, it’s been seven years. Wow. Yeah, that’s crazy. 


And then we started getting to a point where we didn’t really want to watch it because I’d been hyped. Yeah. And, you know, we’d seen some reviews. 


Yeah, yeah, there was there was a little bit of there was curiosity, but a little bit of fear, a little trepidation. The other thing to note, as we talk about this, of course, the synthesis is a show where we not only talk about entertainment, we talk about how scientifically accurate it is. And after we watched Interstellar, I was doing some research on some of the science. And I discovered that there’s a guy out there who was the scientific consultant on Interstellar, and who has subsequently written a book called The science of interstellar, in which he sort of justifies a lot of stuff that people a lot that people generally say was unscientific and explain some things they might not realize they’re scientific. And anyway, he has apparently responded to a lot of reviews about it, talking about the scientific accuracy. So if anybody finds our bodies, dead with a Nobel Prize sticking out of our corpse know that it was Kip Thorne, Caltech physicist and Interstellar consultant, who, by the way, three years after Interstellar, came out won a Nobel Prize, along with ranier, Vice or Weiss and Barry C. bearish and I love the name Barry c bearish for and I quote, decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves. So rock on Kip Thorne, congratulations on your Nobel Prize, and I’m sorry if I say anything that makes you mad. 


I’m surprised that Interstellar had a consultant. So that’s where we’re starting from we we are going to do our best to not just hate on this movie. There. There are things that there there are things that I will point out some of the stuff that I loved, but it’s not the science, so buckle up. 


Yeah. If you’re watching this live, be sure to chime in in the comments and let us know Are you an interstellar super fan? Or do you think that Interstellar was super overrated? Have you not seen it? Where do you stand on Interstellar cars? Yeah, Lacey and I we had decisive opinions.


Wait before we do and I think that we would love to answer what do we think of JJ Abrams? But because this podcast this this episode could go so quickly down the we hate everything. Yeah, rabbit hole. We should not answer. That question. 


Yeah, I went on a bit of a rant yesterday during the terrigenesis q&a about JJ Abrams, which I assume is where this question is coming from. Because in an hour long q&a, I think I spent about 20 minutes of it just ranting about how much I hate JJ Abrams. So if that wasn’t where this question came from, then you are you are really on the ball. But yeah, 


I’ve worked with them. 


What’s not my favorite JJ Abrams? Yeah, Lacey Lacey worked with him as a as an actress. 


So that was my summer. No, it was fine. Yeah. 


Okay, let’s talk about Interstellar. Yes. Okay. So right off the top. I love I really thought that I was gonna love this movie, because I love how many questions that they just like they bring up for the audience. Okay, so we’ve got the some of these quotes. He was a farmer like everyone else. Excuse me what this is not this is not a job that most people do let alone everyone. 


Well, especially because he was a farmer, like everyone else back then, is the full line which is, which is sets up this interesting dichotomy because on the one hand, it this movie opens in a fairly, like, not quite apocalyptic, but sort of, like, bordering on post apocalyptic world, but at the same time, the first line of the film implies that things get better. Yeah, so we’re not actually supposed to think that the world is ending because clearly, this old person survived it and is speaking of it in the past tense, 


right? And like, he, he is he’s farming corn, like the rest of us. What does that mean? The the airforce drone, who just takes off after an Air Force drone like that to the point of ruining crops, and probably your truck, when we’re in a in a world that these are, your truck is going to be highly important. This is this is a valuable, valuable thing to own right. So I found, I felt like I found all of the questions to be fun and interesting, because in our world, if you were to attempt to take down an Airforce drone, the Air Force would come look for you. And so I’m sitting here going, what did they think they’re going to? He thinks he’s going to do something 


and hack it. And especially because of the Indian Air Force, it’s not even the American Air Force. This is clearly something that like they just the airspace is not particularly well patrolled. Right. 


So the fact that we’ve got all of these questions that are just, hey, here’s the thing about this world. I love being thrown into a world I think that is I think that’s one of my favorite things is when people are like, I will help you understand this. But you we’re going to drop you into the world page one. And there’s something about being wrapped up in it that is just really fun. And I don’t I have an escapist so like, give me give me the ability to escape. And this is one great way of doing it. And so I got really excited. Also, I want to know where the film was. Filmed. Yeah. Because it was beautiful. This is not this is not the the corn state that I am used to. Nebraska is flat and boring. Iowa somehow is greener, and so it’s a little less boring. I don’t know. There’s just like it’s you can love the prairie and I do and still think that every so often driving down I 80 through all of the cornfields it can get a little boring right but this was not the mountains of the background. Oh, stunning. Well, 


I mean the visuals in the whole movie are incredible. You know, the the cornfield is is gorgeous, but also is sort of the least of the gorgeous scenes. And it’s like you know, the the ice planet, presumably filmed in like Greenland or something was incredible. The probably the most famous image from this movie is the black hole, which was done using crazy scientific calculations to render what a black hole would actually look like. And it was gorgeous wormhole. 


The images of Saturn I think that was probably my favorite. I almost cried. Yeah, we went by Saturn because it was just stunning. Gorgeous. 


So you know, there, there are some things that I love, but they pretty much show up at the beginning, or they’re the imagery. So you know, there’s that I just from of film thing I am really sick of and I feel like sci fi does this a lot because a rival does it too. But Christopher Nolan did it in Dunkirk, which is the dialogue is so quiet and the action scenes are so loud Yeah. So you’re constantly playing with the remote trying to not like blow out your speakers. 


The audio compression is the I feel like people are sort of not doing audio compression anymore. Like a lot of movies these days, the the loud is really loud and the quiet is really quiet. And I guess it’s supposed to make it feel more epic and real, I guess. But it’s more intimate and the dialogue scenes but for me, I mean, I know that I don’t have perfect hearing, but I want to be able to hear the movie. Yeah. And I mean, I guess I I’ll turn on subtitles. But there’s a certain amount to which we did 


actually watching this movie, like two thirds of the way in, we finally were just like, I guess we just need to turn on subtitles because some of these scenes. Well, I understand that. But you know, we talked about Michael Cera being like the king of mumblecore. But I would like to nominate Matthew McConaughey because oh my god, speak up, enunciate. Like you’re an actor, we are taught how to do these things. And I get it. It’s supposed to be we’re not living in the time of Stanislavski we are living in a time of Hyper Realism in terms of acting and the stories that we tell and stuff like that. So but, you know, we’re also taught by our mothers to speak up. Unless it’s just my mom. I don’t know. But I there. So there were a couple of just like film problems. Script wise. I, I read I skipped the science part four now. 


Yeah, we’re gonna circle back around to the science later in the show. 


But I found that the dialogue was hybrid melodramatic. And I struggled with that because it was just felt unnecessary. That you know that. So we’re not going to do this in chronological order. There’s no point. that argument with Matt Damon, Dr. Ma’am, that his name. Come on. Like, I feel like that was. I don’t I’m trying to find the right word. It’s sort of too hard. 


They tried too hard. And it’s sort of the, you know, people make fun of movies in general, especially sort of spy films and superhero films for bad guys who monologue. And that’s what that was like. It was literally just the bad guy pontificating on his his worldview about instinct and survival ism. And it was practically a soliloquy. 


Like, it was. It was Matthew McConaughey. His character didn’t need to be there. And it just it felt it felt forced and I was not into it. And it’s that’s just one of many melodramatic moments.


I didn’t really know what to do with Anne Hathaway’s speech about how love is the only thing that can transcend time and space and that like we didn’t invent love, it must be an artifact of a higher dimension. 


I mean, I, I get that not everybody’s as into like neuro chemistry as I am. But no, we did invent love, like love is a thing that happens in the brain. It’s you can you can reproduce it chemically. It’s not the the artifact of a higher dimension. And the the one that really just lost me was when the computer tells him that’s not possible. And Cooper responds, no, it’s necessary. And I just wanted the computer to be like, I don’t think you know what possible, man, I don’t care if it’s necessary. That’s not the you you still can’t do it even if it’s necessary, right? 


Yeah, I just there, there were, you know, and there were these arguments that were so like about the poetry that it didn’t really feel like they ever got to their point in a way that made sense. I don’t know how many of you have seen the very old movie Adam’s Rib, which they should someday make a remake retitle it, it’s it’s a men versus women. 


battle of the sexes battle 


of the sexes. It’s a husband and wife were lawyers and are on opposite sides of the same case. And it’s fun. My biggest problem with it is the the woman’s arguments are not well executed. And I feel like this movie continually doesn’t execute its arguments. And I which means that, I guess what people are trying to say, and I think I’m right. But you could have done better, you know, and I just, I wanted it to be elevated and I didn’t feel like I felt like they tried to elevate it by making it. Like really hyper intellectual without actually when you’re when you’re doing that and not making your point. That then you’re you’re failing, and it’s okay. It’s frustrating, 


you know, it’s okay to just be poetic you know, the the thing of speech from Anne Hathaway about love being an artifact of a higher dimension, you didn’t need to frame it in the language of science, like just have have it be a speech about the power of love to motivate people that we are social animals. And love will always be the most powerful driving force in our behavior. That’s all you need. You don’t need to frame it in the language of quantum physics to make it profound. And I just I found that there were, there were a bunch of moments in this that, that they tried to draw profound meaning from things that didn’t mean that, you know, starting with, for example, there’s a very powerful scene very early in the film that used it in pretty much every trailer for this movie, where his daughter is sort of pouting and she asked, why did you name me after something bad and he said Murphy’s law doesn’t mean that something bad will happen. It just means that whatever can happen will happen. That’s not what Murphy’s Law. Murphy’s law means. If something can go wrong, it will. You can’t change the meaning of a thing, and then draw a profound message from the meaning of that thing, like, make up a new phrase. Don’t make it Murphy’s Law. Yeah. 


I have to say, when it comes to the daughter, I loved all of the actresses who play the Dodgers. They’re incredible. I thought, so apparently, it was supposed to be a boy. Really? Yeah, the way that so Christopher Nolan’s brother, john, who has since passed away, he wrote it as, as a son. And when Nolan came in to direct it, which apparently wasn’t just a given, he changed it. Because his thought was, we’ve seen a lot of men and are like, fathers and the way they shaped their sons lives. But we don’t have a lot of fathers and daughters, and you expect to be protected, and then suddenly, they’re gone. And I had a little bit of a problem with that, quote, yeah, but you know, whatever. And so I, you know, I liked this, this relationship that they had built up. A, it’s interesting, especially when in in comparison to the brother and his relationship to his son. I did not grow up with any siblings in the household, and neither did he. So the concept of like, he’s playing favorites pretty, pretty heavily. Which, you know, it’s a movie, whatever. But I was really taken aback by that. And I, I, I had a moment of Oh, my God, like, I’ve heard of this happening, but like, does it really happen? Do people really do that? So, you know, I’m curious if anybody has, if anybody wants to tell me about their trauma, sorry. 


But well, I mean, all the performances in this movie were awesome. You know, the, of course, the scene. Almost all the performances in this movie, were awesome. Of course, the scene of Matthew McConaughey watching 23 years worth of his children’s lives, that is heartbreaking, heartbreaking and perfect. And he just nails it. In fact, I actually turned to Lacey afterward. And I said, I bet and I don’t I have no way of proving this. But my spidey sense tells me that that was the scene that this movie was based on that like somebody had an idea of this guy watching the home videos of the kids, he didn’t get to watch grow up. And they built a movie about that. 


And I would, I would have said that that has to be true, because it’s such an incredible scene, except for we learned that it’s the scientist. What’s his name? Kip Thorne. Kip Thorne, who pitched to the idea he was the one who had the idea first, so 


it’s not actually the case. But it really feels that way as it’s just sort of the emotional pivot point of the whole film. Matthew McConaughey does a great job. I mean, Jessica 

Chastain is great in this movie. Anne Hathaway like they’re all they do good jobs with their characters. 


I just just I don’t like a lot of their characters. I don’t think a lot of their characters are very well done. But I love the Poltergeist stuff. I love that this the daughter is like I have a poltergeist. I mean, I’ve had a poltergeist True story. Our producer knows she witnessed it. I’m not lying. Not terrifying. A little disconcerting. And it happened for I would, I would say, seven, eight years, something like that. So I was really into the idea that that we were going to have a little bit of not not like true sci fi, like horror, sci fi, but just to have a juxtaposition and they pretty quickly took that away. Yeah. Which is fine. You know, it’s fine. I will tell that story someday. Now, it’s not really time. Yeah, but one of the other things that I, I found, just like on a personal note, in watching this movie, it was so bizarre to watch this movie during the pandemic for the first time, because you see them putting on their masks and all of this stuff. And I know it’s because of the dust storms. But it’s a different cause a very familiar behavior. 


Yeah. And it felt really, like, weird. And I felt seen by a movie that was made in the past. And it just kind of, I don’t know, it made me really uncomfortable, but in kind of a fun way. And that’s nothing that the movie could have predicted, obviously. But just a matter of timing, 


I suppose. Well, you know, the Poltergeist, this is one of those things that again, I don’t like saying bad things about movies, I actually struggle with criticizing movies a lot. I like to like things and I don’t like talking people out of it. But like, one of the things that I was just left kind of shaking my head about is they established that she thinks she’s got a ghost. And, and the dad is just not believing it. Because you know, he’s a man of science and all that. And then there’s a gravitational anomaly in that room, that he gets really fascinated by and realizes that its coordinates and he follows those coordinates. And it turns out to be a real place. And so clearly, like, something’s up like there, there is a thing that is happening in that room, some kind of gravitational anomaly with an actual message that leads to an actual place, this is a real thing. And then he comes back, and she says, my culture, my Poulter goat. Poltergeist sent me another message, and he just like, rolls his eyes, and then moves on. And it’s like, what? Like, you already decoded the last message from this ghost, you don’t think that it’s possible that he sent a follow up? Like, how is that that just doesn’t track for me? Like, I want to know how a gravitational pull happens specifically in this room and not in the room below it. Yeah, it’s not that you know. 


I really struggled with a lot of that stuff. Like the the gravitational pull thing because what we get at the end is okay, are there two answers to what’s happening in her room? Is it is it that he is doing a bunch of the stuff he’s, he’s doing the books and whatnot. I guess he’s doing the dust as well. But it sounds like this has been going on for a while. And like other things have been falling off and breaking 


that’s actually an interesting point. He she specifically says this ghost has been happening for a little while at the beginning of the film, and the only things that we see him do in the film are the stuff that we saw on camera we didn’t see him create any effects that she was already he doesn’t do anything to the combines with the combine is common. Supposedly, it’s because of a gravitational pole.  


I guess maybe we’re supposed to assume that it’s, it’s the, the aliens the future humans, like sort of setting up this experiment that they they created the bridge, and so it created some weird stuff. And then he used the bridge to send a message. I don’t know. It’s not explained. 


It feels like we’re reaching. Yeah, yeah. I don’t know. There’s okay. 


I don’t know which one of these four I will say first of all, I do like that they they touched on some real honest to goodness, what we do today science, which we know about firsthand, the the GPS workings of a combine. We have a friend who is a farmer and Denmark and he is a he’s got like his master’s in agriculture, where we were high tech farmer. Yeah. And it’s incredible. We were down in New Zealand and he came down to work on some farms and look at management’s and all of that stuff. And one day he was showing us like how he could hop on to this software. And from 


space like he essentially he could see where these carbines were in Denmark, and he could plan a route for them, then, and he could base that on what he’s seeing from the satellite images, not just what he’s seeing. They had a system where you could tell the computer what is being grown, and the computer knows what shade of green, that plant is from space, and then it would map out the path of the machine to go through the field. And it could put different amounts of fertilizer in different portions of the field based on the green pattern, and where different plants needed different amounts of 


fertilizer and Do you see like a glimpse of that in this because they’re not manned. They, he says that he was able to, like reboot their all of their GPS systems and like, whatever, which is cool. So like, there was this moment of Oh, that exists in the world. And we don’t, you know, I don’t think you see as much of it, at least where I’m from in the US of unmanned combines, but, you know, they’re coming, you know, in 15 years, it’s gonna be 


Oh, that’s gonna just be the norm. Anybody actually in the combine is going to be like, quirky old. Yeah, guy hadn’t updated with the times. 


Doesn’t want to do it. But okay, I have to tell you something I’m really mad about. I know. There’s something every time But listen, you guys, how is it that in every, every fucking space movie, there’s a drowning scene? 


How was this possible? 


I don’t, I don’t, I don’t understand. And I would really like, I want to start calling it a cliche, so that people feel bad when they do it. In movies. I need to get this out there. 


That is just not a fan of drowning. 


I mean, who is 


i? i? 


I am terrified of drowning. Thus, the scuba certification, which I think we’ve talked about when we talked about gravity. I can’t handle it. And I’m, I’m done with it. So if anybody would like to be out there on Twitter with me, mocking the movies that come out with this. Let’s just say we could tag team maybe and just make people feel stupid for putting it in their movies. 


Yeah. No more sci fi movies with drowning? No, loud. 


Crystal Mighty No. 


Guys, I can’t I cannot. They did. Can I, I can I tell you they did something to me that flabbergasted me and I, you know, I kind of appreciate it. And I also totally love it. Which is for the first time ever. I understood the, the how anti science people feel. Like, actively and with great Nxd I had a reaction of like, you guys, oh, this none of the science is believable. So I think you’re full of bullshit. And I, I hate you. 


And to be clear, I think what what Lacey saying is, I don’t buy it. And therefore I think it’s objectively untrue. Yes, that’s, which is what anti vaxxers do. Like, it’s something you know, at a certain point, I don’t believe in ghosts. And therefore, I think your ghost sighting isn’t true. that’s reasonable. But there is a point at which it doesn’t matter. If you don’t find it believable. It might still be true, like vaccines don’t cause autism, right? climate change is real. These are things that are objectively true, they can be proven with evidence and the fact that you personally don’t believe it is irrelevant. But Lacey was saying after this movie, that was her sort of takeaway was a lot of the science in this movie. I don’t believe it. And therefore, I’m just assuming it’s not true. 


And and what I realized, what separates me from people that are anti science is, in the real world, people have built we have built up lots of trusts, the scientific community has, has done their due diligence to prove that they are not full of shit. Nolan did not do that. Yeah. And my, my trust wasn’t there. There was no reason to trust any of the science of this movie. And I am so I’m mad that I understood the anti science people for a brief second before I logic my way out of feeling like I’m a part of that group at all. Well, that is a perfect segue into talking about the science of the Martian. But first, I want to address a comment from one of our viewers, Rylan chimed in that there was no drowning in the Martian. And I just have to correct you there. Actually, there wasn’t in the film. But in the book of the Martian, there is actually a scene where he talks about making the bathtub and taking a bunch of Vicodin to help with his back and he had he expressed his worry that he might pass out in his bathtub and drown on Mars. So he says 


Mark Watney almost drowned space. 


He says, re to drowning. No drowning in the Martian. Okay. Yeah, maybe I misinterpreted if you were saying that. There is a drowning in the Martian then you you go for it. But yeah, this is the fourth thing that we’ve talked about on the synthesis. We did Apollo 13. We did gravity, we did the Martian, and now we’re doing Interstellar. And yeah, there actually is in the book of the Martian, a reference to the potential for drowning on Mars. So that’s three out of four so far. Please is not a fan. Not I can’t watch people. 


But that being said, so when it comes to I have one question for you. Yes. Be so This. This. This is I this is a big question, I think. Before you get into the science, okay, this is philosophy of humans. Okay. There’s this quote, now our brand at edge works is that we are explorers. And we think that it’s innate to, to the human experience. But there’s a quote, that is we’re explorers and pioneers, not caretakers. Cooper says that to his father in law, Father, father in law, whatever, in law, 


I think, when they’re sitting on the porch, I think it’s saying it to his father in law. What do you think of that? 


Yeah, I completely disagree. I think that a big part of the reason humans are explorers, is because we are caretakers, because we are always looking for ways to provide for our family, we, you know, when we say humans are explorers, we don’t just mean that guy wandered off into the forest and was never seen, again, what we mean is that guy wandered off into the forest, and then came back five years later, with all these stories and resources, and, you know, whatever it was that he went off to find, he found it and he brought it back, coming back is a necessary part of being an explorer. Otherwise, you’re just a wanderer. And to me, that is an act of caretaking, you’re bringing things back to society. You know, there’s another quote in interstellar that that dovetails with that nicely, which is, I think it’s Cooper is talking about how, you know, people are empathetic, but he says that empathy rarely extends beyond our line of sight, man, and I just thought, that is Yeah, was that man. So that is the absolute antithesis of the Martian, we actually talked about how the, the ending of the Martian the book, The final thing, on the last page of that book is about how people will come to each other’s aid, people have a natural instinct to look out for each other. And every human is at least a little bit invested in the well being of total strangers. And it’s this incredibly hopeful and optimistic statement about humanity. And I think, born out of objectively by human history, you know, people have looked out for strangers all the time, you can look up any number of stories about like, you know, Native Americans raising $1,000, to send to Ireland during the Irish potato famine, and like all these stories of people looking out for complete strangers. And so I found that, yeah, the the philosophy behind Interstellar was surprisingly cynical. It was like, and it doesn’t, it’s not. 


It’s not truthful to the story itself. Why does he do this? Why does he go into space? He’s not doing it for himself. He’s not doing it to sate his own curiosity. Right now he’s doing it because he wants better for his family. 


Yeah. And for everyone, like, clearly somebody who’s not just looking out for his family and looking out for the world, he keeps talking about how we have to go back and save everybody back on Earth. And that is being a caretaker. Yes, that’s what that is. 


Yeah. So I just, I needed to, I needed to hear you talk about it, but launch into the science. 


So on the science, you know, at edge works, and here at the synthesis, we have this interesting dichotomy where, or not even that interesting, we have what was previously a clear dichotomy between things that are scientifically accurate and things that are not. And obviously there’s a spectrum, you know, there are things that are kind of scientifically accurate, we talked about how on the Martian, it’s mostly scientifically accurate, but the dust storm at the beginning was not, but generally, if you pick out any one thing, it’ll fall somewhere on a spectrum of scientifically accurate or not, and man, Interstellar is kind of all over the place. Like it, this movie is often held up as a very grounded realistic take. It’s got a lot of things that it holds up as being very scientific. And of course, Kip Thorne, out there, Nobel Prize winning scientist, worked on the movie came up with part of the idea for the movie. There’s actually a funny story out there about how the, the image of the black hole in interstellar was the most accurate image that anyone had ever generated of a black hole. Because film studios have more money than universities. And so they were able to get like the computing power necessary to generate this incredibly realistic image that no university had ever had the resources to do. 

That’s awesome. You know, the images of Saturn were gorgeous. Like, there were so many things in this, apparently I don’t know, quantum physics and associated calculations, but apparently the image of the wormhole is pretty much exactly what a wormhole would look like. On the visual level. There are so many things about this movie that are dead on just perfect. And then they do this other stuff that’s just so out of left field wrong. Like, even Kip Thorne I did have to chuckle Kip Thorne. If you read interviews I’ve read like just today I read like eight interviews with Kip Thorne about Interstellar. And you can tell this guy has both professional and emotional investment in interstellar being scientifically accurate. And even Kip Thorne said that he cringes every time he sees the the spaceship brush up against a frozen cloud. 


You guys, you know what happens when water freezes in the sky? It snows. Like this is not an alien phenomenon. This is what happens when when ice forms in the sky. It falls down. Like how did you what is that seriously a thing that is in a in a movie that people are expected to watch and buy into? Like their things? It you keep going back and forth? Apparently so you know, giving credit where credit is due? There is actually the possibility of a planet orbiting so close to a black hole that one minute on. What is it one one minute on the on the nose? One hour on the planet is seven years back on Earth. Apparently, when the movie first came out, a lot of people came out and said, hey, that’s not possible that amount of time dilation is not possible. And Kip Thorne actually came back and said, yes, it is here’s the math, I did the math, and everybody kind of had to retract that. 

So when you read interviews about Interstellar, that is actually a thing you’ll see retractions about the fact that that planet couldn’t exist. But what that’s brushing past is, no one could stand on that planet. If you’re orbiting that close to a black hole, you would die so fast, you would be covered in so many x rays, and the amount of gravity that your body would be just absolutely torn apart. There’s actually, in the world of funny English words, there’s a word called spaghettification, which people talk about relevant to black holes. And what that is, the idea is that gravity gets weaker by distance, right, we all sort of intuitively know that the further you get away from a star, the less the stars, gravity is affecting you, right? Specifically, gravity grows weaker by the inverse square of distance. 

So what that means is that if you double the distance, the amount of gravity goes down to a quarter of what it would be, right? Now generally, that’s not a negligible, you know, amount of change, you know, the, the amount of distance between your feet and the sun and your head and the sun is point 0000000, on and on and on and on and on 1%, who cares. But the amount of gravity that’s put out by a black hole is so huge, that you actually get to a point where the amount of distance between your head and the black hole and your feet and the black hole is actually significant that your head is experiencing a lot more gravity than your feet. And what happens when your head is experiencing more gravity than your feet while your head starts to get pulled toward the black hole. But what happens when your head gets pulled toward the black hole, it’s now even closer to the black hole, which means even more gravity is being exerted on your head that isn’t being exerted on your feet. And so any object that gets within a certain range of a black hole starts to get stretched out. And they literally call it spaghettification because like Slender Man, they look like Slender Man. Yeah, like whatever the object is, you can literally imagine getting stretched out by the by the force of gravity. And of course, people don’t stretch real well. People are not very stretchy. And so what would actually happen is that you would just get ripped apart. That’s what would happen if you stand on this planet. If you go to a planet where the time dilation is so intense because you’re so close to a black hole, which is possible. Thank you for the Kip Thorne. You would die. So that is sort of the weird Lacey’s over here literally crying with laughter I think and how it worked up I’m getting 


No, it’s it’s combination of that and so flow totally seeing right through me. 


Ah, yes. soflo trash panda in the comment says I can see I love this nerd on Lacey’s face it yep, that’s, that’s what that look is. 


Yeah. And also I’m totally laughing at him. So it’s a combination of things, but that’s absolutely good. Get 


I just I found myself bouncing back and forth and having this really weird reaction to this movie because on the one hand, it presents itself as a peer of the Martian. Like, it presents itself as a very grounded, very realistic science fiction story. But then on a really regular basis, it’s throwing stuff at us that is sort of like, I could have told you, that’s not a thing in middle school. Like, that’s not how that works. Everybody knows that if you get close to a black hole, you die. And you know, those sorts of things. And so yeah, and so I was doing research into the scientific aspects. And I’m, I’m, I’m gonna rain in my rant here and address some of the more specific things. I recognize that I am deep nerd. And that is not a standard that I hold a lot of people. Like I recognize whenever I watch a sci fi movie that I am bringing more to it, than the filmmakers mean for me to Yes. And oftentimes, that’s fine. You know, when I watched Stargate, the science in Stargate is a joke. But that’s fine, because that’s not what they were going for. They were going for an epic adventure. And it’s fun, and it’s awesome. But this movie does seem to present itself as a scientifically grounded story. So for example, one of the first things that I bumped on in this movie is the blight. And this is actually an interesting choice. And I feel like part of it was minus understanding, or at least the misunderstanding of people who talked about this movie to me, because I had always been under the impression that Interstellar was set in a world in which climate change had ruined the world. And that’s actually not true. 

They don’t talk about climate change in this movie, the the the dire ecological straits that Earth is in has nothing to do with climate change, or carbon emissions are rising temperatures are rising sea levels, or any of that those things that we all sort of expect to lead to a world like this are pretty much absent. The reason that the world is like this is because of the blight. They don’t go into a lot of detail on what the blight is, but it seems to be some kind of infection or microbe, maybe some pest like a small insect or something like that. But whatever it is, it is systematically killing off entire species of crops. Wheat has been eradicated. okra has been eradicated. Now it’s coming for corn. I did have to sort of chuckle that wheat, okra and corn were the the three big crops that they held up and I don’t know maybe I’m weird for not thinking that okra, like sort of wheat and corn. I would have said peanuts. 


Yeah, something. Yeah. I mean, honestly, because like that’s a huge grab. 


Yeah, like beans or something. I didn’t realize that okra was sort of the linchpin of world hunger, but, but maybe it is maybe I’m just, maybe it’s not where I grew up. But the blight is actually the big bad of this film. It’s not anything that humans did to our world. The blight is specifically described as killing crops, but also, it breeds nitrogen. Michael Caine has this scene where he’s talking about how humans breathe oxygen, which is only 21% of Earth’s atmosphere. This is accurate. Nitrogen makes up almost 80% of Earth’s atmosphere again, accurate, and the blight breeds nitrogen. 




A lot of organisms do interact with nitrogen, and they they use nitrogen nitrates are important for plant life. nitrogen fixing into the soil is an important part of, you know, the lifecycle of many ecosystems. But I know enough chemistry to know that nitrogen is not nearly as reactive as oxygen, you can’t really breathe nitrogen for any useful any useful chemistry because oxygen has a lot of free electrons. Essentially, oxygen wants to bond with things and give away its electrons. Nitrogen is very stable. So the kind of chemistry that goes on in the lungs of any number of creatures on this planet. You can’t really do that with nitrogen. That’s the it’s not interchangeable with oxygen. This is an example of something that I don’t really blame the filmmakers for not integrating because who cares? it breeds nitrogen. Sure, it is a little weird that they tossed that in when they could have just had it be the blight is like a locust plague. Like why did it have to be breathing nitrogen? It seems like if you’re gonna throw in a scientific fact like that, then it should be right. And if it’s not right, then just don’t include that line. But whatever. I didn’t really know what it was supposed to me and like okay, braise nitrogen. So what the implication for Michael Caine’s character is that it is therefore somehow better suited to life on Earth than we are. So it’s going to breed, breed and breed and breed and And then Murphy’s generation, there’s not going to be any more oxygen left. Which again, 


I think it’s just that they’re not enough food basically says, stuff. Yeah, there’s a line where he says the first generation to start or the the, the first generation to starve is going to be the last generation. No, I had it backwards, the last generation to starve is going to be the first generation to suffocate. And that Murphy’s generation, there’s not going to be enough oxygen in the air for them to breathe, which again, I’m not sure how them breathing nitrogen means that we’re running out of oxygen, it seems like if they breathed the oxygen, it would be like if there was some crazy microbe that was using up all the oxygen and the plants couldn’t replace it fast enough, then that would lead to that problem. So that that was sort of the first thing that I bumped on was the nature of the blight. And then, you know, you get into these things around like, NASA is being hidden from the public, because they wouldn’t fund it, despite the fact that it is humanity’s only hope for saving the world. So it seems like everybody would want to fund it. And how do you fund multiple missions out to Saturn with astronauts and keep that seat? You know, it’s like line item budget in Congress $72 trillion for r&d? Like, that’s not really something. 


I do have to say that, that, that takes me back to that scene where the teacher is talking about how the Apollo missions were just propaganda. Yeah. And raise your hand if that was just horrifying. Yeah, like I that made my stomach turn so much to just, you know, to hear it with to hear it as something that is a that it’s this is true, and my lived experiences that that’s 


Yeah, it’s it’s it’s not just believed, it’s, you don’t believe that? Like, it’s, it’s a problem that his daughter doesn’t believe? Yeah, it’s so commonly accepted that anybody who doesn’t accept it is weird. 


And he just, it’s, it’s things like this that make you look back in history at our different misconceptions. The different beliefs that have cropped up over time that have been later quashed or whatnot, that it just kind of freaks you out this mindset that we can get into that. There’s a word for it when we all just kind of follow what’s not mass psychosis? 


Well, I’m sure someone will come up with it, but it’s just like, it’s a psychology term. And anyway, I love hated that. 


I did it. I mean, in a in a world of save the cat, which, for those of you who aren’t screenwriters, save the cat is a phrase about how to get the audience to align with your hero. You know, if you take a character, like, for example, Tony Stark, who’s kind of fundamentally unlikable, like he’s, he’s kind of a jerk and a womanizer, and not in any way, someone that you would actually approve of in real life. How do you make the audience get on his side? Well, you do what’s called saving the cat, which is that you show him doing something good, so that the audience can kind of pin everything on that. Yeah, in a save the cat way. That was probably the moment that I fell in love with Cooper was when he got super pissed off at her. And then she asked, how are you going to discipline your daughter? And his response was, I think I’m going to take her to a baseball game. Yes, that is good parenting. Yeah, that is excellent. Yeah, yeah. And so you know, for example, in this in this dichotomy that Interstellar strikes between scientifically realistic and not, you know, again, if you read interviews, if you read articles about Interstellar from 2014, when it was first coming out, apparently, a lot of people were still unfamiliar with the idea of gravity can slow down time. That was, that was an idea that I guess I’m just nerd enough not to realize that not everybody knew that. But yeah, the idea that you can get so close to a black hole, that times actually slows down. And so there’s this planet where time flows differently than it is back on Earth. That was like this revolutionary idea that a lot of people really responded to. And I, I love that, you know, like, that is exactly the kind of thing that we tried to do here at edge works is introducing people to scientific ideas. 


But if that’s true on the ground, it’s going to be true in orbit too. So like, how did they experience a couple hours, and then they go up to orbit and their buddy has experienced 23 years. It’s not just Earth, that experience point like that would make sense because they’re all near the black hole, but Earth isn’t. But they are literally in orbit. Like the atmosphere is like experiencing time differently than orbit did. And these are the things that I was just looking around going How is anybody describing this movie scientifically accurate, you can’t try You know, 10 miles up and suddenly experience a 60,000% increase in time dilation? Like that’s not, that’s not at all how this works. And, you know, yeah, I love that they introduced time dilation. But you would die on that planet. And and by the way, you wouldn’t be able to catch it. In order to experience that kind of time dilation, you would have to be so close to the black hole, that you’re that the planet would be orbiting, like a hummingbird, like it would just be around the around the black hole. 

And so that, which, frankly, would have made an amazing scene in this movie is how do we catch up to this planet, you know, like we’re coming up, the planet is just blurring past and they have to sort of slingshot around the black hole just to pick up enough speed to land on the planet at all. That would have been cool. And it would have solved several of the issues with the film. It was Yeah, it was just a very strange thing. Another perfectly good example is, I actually loved the representation of the inside of the black hole, and the way it represented time. So there’s a thing that you can look up that is, if you ever want to just bend your mind and really just kind of break your understanding of the universe. 

Look up what a Tesseract is. A Tesseract is a word that gets tossed around in science fiction a lot. It was used in the in the Marvel movies early on. But it is also a very specific thing. And that is if you go in dimensions, and by dimensions here, we’re not using the sci fi term of like parallel universes, like go into another dimension, we’re using it in the geometric turn, like the first dimension, second dimension, that’s a two dimensional image. So the first dimension would be a line. The second dimension is a flat plane. So you can imagine a shape in two dimensions would be like a square, right? And then the third dimension is height. So if you imagine a square on a piece of paper, now imagine it sort of turning into a hologram and it like the square rises up off the paper, and now it’s a cube, right? So you can say that a two dimensional square and a three dimensional cube are the same object in different dimensions.

Okay, right. Yep. If you take that one step further, a four dimensional cube is called a Tesseract. So it’s from square, two cube to Tesseract, those are all the same object in a different number of dimensions. And if you were to ask someone who does geometry for a living, the way they would define this is a square is a set of points where each one is at 90 degrees to the two adjacent, right. A cube is a set of points where each one is at 90 degrees to the three adjacent and three dimensions. A Tesseract is a shape, where each point is at right angles to four other points. You can look up images of tests or acts on the internet, and they will absolutely melt your brain. It’s crazy to look at these things. But the only time I’ve ever seen somebody represent something other than a cube as a Tesseract is Interstellar, the representation of that little girl’s room. In the third act of interstellar looks like a Tesseract, the way it sort of breaks out into these sort of infinite recursive representations of geometry. It’s this, it sort of reads as a cube. Despite having hallways going off in every direction. Your brain wants to say this is a box even though it’s clearly not like it looks like a Tesseract. It’s brilliant. It’s the coolest representation of four dimensional geometry I’ve ever seen. And the way they got there was Matthew McConaughey throwing himself into a black hole. We want not 


No no, not just throwing himself into he flew into it and then ejected himself. Yes, spaceships have rejection buttons, 


like they have ejector seats, like stepping aside from the black hole of it all. What is step two, on a spaceship with an ejector seat? Like if your spaceship is about to blow up, and you hit the ejector seat, and that thing flies off like a fighter pilot and you throws you up into space? Now what man you’re in space, like, you’re, nobody’s gonna come get you, especially if you’re flying away at 60 miles an hour or whatever that was like you would have been better off just blowing up with the ship. And so they fitted this thing with an ejector seat. Why? I don’t know. He flew around a black hole and didn’t get spaghettified Why? I don’t know. He also didn’t get fried by x rays. He also didn’t get burned up with all the ejecta that’s flying around the black hole and falling into it. He flies into the black hole. He’s perfectly fine. He finds himself in a representation of his daughter’s bedroom. And by the way, never questions it. Like there’s no point at which Cooper looks around and goes, What? This is so weird. Am I losing my mind? Am I dead? Doesn’t question things? Exactly. It’s bizarre. And it’s it’s this weirdly frustrating mix of really insightful visuals really beautiful representations of science paired with just what the hell kind of presentation of it. Can I 


tell you? is now a good time for me to tell them about some people’s beliefs about the ending? Feel free? Yeah, I mean, we can always come back to the science if I if I just want to rant some more. 


Listen, I’m not taking part in the science stuff, because I mostly wrote this is bullshit science 100 times next to these are not scientists, and these are not astronauts. So like, there’s just there’s not a lot. I wasn’t concise, because I was so upset. Yeah. But okay, so I did, I had to figure out the ending of this movie. I wasn’t wild about it. And I found some reviewers that posit. I’m not saying this is how you should interpret it. But this is how some people interpreted it. Because, you know, Christopher Nolan doesn’t necessarily insist that you take his work, literally. 


Yeah. He’s He’s a storyteller who enjoys differing interpretations of his work. 


Yeah. And, you know, one of the nice things is he’s he says during an interview with maybe The Daily Beast, that he doesn’t want to tell anybody his interpretation of it, because he doesn’t want that to be held up as like, essentially the be all end all 


be official story. Yeah. 


So what I that is a good thing I can say about Christopher Nolan. Okay, so some reviewers posit that Cooper actually dies after ejecting himself from his craft. And what happens? There are a couple of different versions, but I’ll give you the gist is that weird fight that happens between him and man that doesn’t feel like it belongs in this film. And the soliloquy, queer monologues that man does, about survival and how we we think of our children’s faces, you know, all of that stuff, and how our bodies instinctually Hang on, for as long as they can. For various rebond reasons, I guess. That’s what happens here. And so Cooper is ejected from his craft, he is we’re seeing the embodiment of this conversation. And, and he, his instincts take over, so he lasts a little bit longer. And either he dies, and then in the moment after death, he’s able to interact with this Tesseract or interact in some capacity to communicate with his daughter. Or he’s able to use this higher dimension because we’re told that the day the humans of the future have fifth dimensional beings, yes. 


And we cannot perceive that current living beings cannot perceive this dimension. So in his death throes, essentially he is able to access that because in death, time has no meaning. And it’s not really quantifiable. It stops being linear. So he is able to access that fifth dimension communicate with his daughter, right before dying. So right before or right after his his death. And people say because like, there’s no way that Anne Hathaway’s character is still alive. He’s told to go be with her, we see that, you know, there are these symbolism, these moments of symbolism that we see around his daughter, the baseball field right outside of her hospital door window, which is kind of weird. Anyway, so his body pushes him to survive just long enough so that this can all happen. And and you know, a lot of people really believe that this is actually the story. Yeah, yeah. Which, you know, I can’t really say one way or the other what I’d prefer because I mean, I guess everybody, every most people want a happy ending. I just wanted an ending that I found to make sense. And I and I’m not the only one who thinks that this movie doesn’t make sense because Jessica Chastain said, Yes. When I watched the film now, I still don’t understand everything in it, but the main Part of this film isn’t about science. It’s about love. You have to feel it. If you go into the movie, even though the scope is large with space travel, at its core, it’s a story about a father and a daughter. If you let that wash over you, that is enough. And I’m like, Speak for yourself, lady. Not enough for me. 


Yeah. And I mean, like, that part was good, you know, the part with the his connection to his daughter and his, his daughter growing up bitter and angry, and then ultimately, finding catharsis and then her and her relationship with her brother. And like, all of that stuff was good. I just have no idea why they felt the need to do half scientifically accurate. And well. And even on the human side, like, you know, there, there are a bunch of things that we haven’t gone into, because this isn’t going to turn into a three hour just sort of nitpick, but you know, things like, man, they’ve got some really bad psychological screening processes that this NASA facility like, they don’t know how to pick astronauts anymore, do they? They really, 


they stop. And he doesn’t need to be trained again. 

Yeah, exactly. Like, like, he just shows up. And they’re like, cool. We’re launching tomorrow. You don’t need training. And then there are several scenes in the movie where he’s like, interesting. What’s that? And he’s like, it’s the wormhole. We’re here to go through. And he’s like, what’s a wormhole? And it’s like, you didn’t read the training manual or something. 


There’s a moment where like, he’s mad at his daughter. He’s like, Don’t make me leave like this, because she doesn’t want to talk to him. And I’m like, dude, you don’t get to put this on her. You’re making the decision. Like, and I get why you’re making the decision. But this is not her fault. Yeah, you know, and I. Yeah. I just, I really tired of Chris Nolan. And his time obsession. 


It is it is an interesting thing. I every movie Chris Nolan makes is about time. And except for the Batman movies, even even though I mean, the second and third weren’t about time. But the first one was very noted for the fact that it had a nonlinear story structure. If you if you watch Batman Begins it kind of is about time. It’s about moments in Batman’s life that are parallel to happening sequentially in film order that we’re not sequential in, in story order. 


So he’s playing with the this, the storytelling in terms of time, but the theme is not. 


Yeah, the theme is not time he basically Batman Begins as the same as Dunkirk where it’s it’s a linear story, but it’s represented in a nonlinear way. So he still gets to play with time as a as a storyteller. But yeah, I mean, Dunkirk Tennant. Interstellar momento, Batman Begins, it’s like, time? Yeah, 


I am with Imani economist on this, I think that Alex, you have to produce the interstellar remake. 


I would love to produce the I mean, it’s gonna be different. But I mean, honestly, it might not even be that different. That’s, that’s the thing that I kept getting hooked on was that so many of the scientifically inaccurate things in this movie didn’t need to be like, you could have done this very easily. You know, like, why did they need to hit a frozen cloud? Just cut that line? That’s not you don’t need that. That’s fine, too. Why did blight need to breathe? nitrogen? It doesn’t need to. It’s just a crazy super past. You know, it’s it’s the the planetary version of antibiotic resistant bacteria sold done that is entirely plausible. And it carries exactly the same narrative, you know, storytelling potential as as this version 


when this remake happens, because obviously it just kind of past you now you deal with the science and I’m going to fix some of the some of the character stuff that I couldn’t handle. One of which, Well, okay, first, I will say, Doctor man crying into their arms when he comes out of his cryo, oh, my God, it was so lovely. 


This is what I’m talking about with like, even the characters that I didn’t like as characters, the performances were great. 


Yeah, well, and you know, that was very likely written into the script. So that was like, there were some great things. 


But like, also, 


Murph lights, her brother’s farm fields on fire, and then goes back into the house and like, and also is going to take his family, which is reasonable because his family is obviously being abused by him. And so I’m here for her like taking off with the family. But she hugs him when he comes back out and I’m like, dude, you are taking this man’s life away from him. You don’t get to hug him. Even if he’s in the wrong You don’t get to hug him and be this man is not gonna let you hook him. Yeah, he’s an abusive asshole. 


he’s a he’s an abusive asshole. You’re taking his family, you burned his crops, literally everything of value in his life. You’re taking away from And then you want to hug him because like, you realized your dad’s still alive as sort of. 


Yeah. And as if he’s gonna believe you. Yeah, I don’t know, there was just like that moment I was I gasped out loud. I was just like, How How did this get put into this film? It’s so it doesn’t make any sense. any sense. I think from any point of view to have that moment happen, it was just it was too weird. 


Well, listen, we’ve got a lot more thoughts that we could share. But I think we’ve we’ve made our thoughts known for the most part, and I do love to end on hope. I like to end on an upbeat. And so I adore the fact that our listeners right now in the chat are all starting to chime in. Let’s make it happen. Edge works remake of interstellar TV series Interstellar meets terrigenesis. When can we start talking Kickstarter? Yes. I love it. 


I think we are here for it. Yes. 


We will not use organ music or we will not use organ music. No. No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring it down. What’s one, what’s 


one more thing that we can say about it? A good thing. One. One more good thing that I will say about it is okay. I’ll say this, that it is one more thing, pushing forward. The value that we celebrate at the synthesis. It had a lot of flaws. It didn’t do all the science perfectly right. But the fact of the matter is that a lot of people saw this movie and walked away saying that was an excellent movie that used realistic science. Or so they thought and that is of value. Yes, people walked away from Interstellar saying more movies should have realistic science. You know, 


I think that is a great note to end on a good job for coming up with that I was drawing a huge blank. So well done, honey. 


Thank you. So yeah, that is it for this episode of The Synthesis. Be sure to tune in next week on YouTube live to watch us recording this live or if you’re I think we’re doing National Geographics. Mars, I think we’re doing the first three episodes of National Geographics Mars. So check it out. and tune in next week for the live taping on YouTube Live. Otherwise, you can check it out on our YouTube channel. slash edge works entertainment. Be sure to subscribe and hit the bell and leave us some comments. We are lacking in the engagement. So share it if you would like it. Comment it tell us why you think we’re wrong about Interstellar. Tell us why you write about Interstellar. However you feel that understand. 


Tell us where Right. I mean, obviously, it’s obviously better if if you need to tell us we’re wrong. I suppose we can handle that. 


I guess the best way to put it is if you feel like being wrong. Tell us why we’re wrong. 


But just a gauge. 


That’s all we’re asking. And if you like to listen to podcasts on iTunes or Spotify or Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts, check out the synthesis by antworks Entertainment and be sure to leave a review because we want to get it out as good as we can as fast as we can. 


That would be fabulous. Thank you, you guys. 


Yes, thank you for watching and we will see you next week. Bye. 

The Martian: Matt Damon is SO sunburned! l The Synthesis

We finally unpack our spaceship and the Ridley Scott film, “The Martian”. Will this film live up to the expectations of Alexander Winn & Lacey Hannan or will they too feel deserted in space as the air escapes their spacesuits, eating potatoes growing from their own poop?!

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕪𝕟𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕤 is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.


Hey guys, it’s Lacey, Alexander. And we are doing The Synthesis. welcome back today. And next week actually, we are going to be talking about the Martian the movie instead of the book, which we’ve been doing for weeks. Yep, it is exciting to move into a new medium. So this week, we’re going to be talking about the film as a film, we’re just going to be sort of responding to it the way we would if there was no book. We are also going to be talking about how it compares to the book. And then next week, we’re going to dive into more of the sort of nitty gritty details of the science of the production. We’re all going to we’re going to be talking about the movie as if there wasn’t a book, but we’re also going to be comparing it to the book. It’s exactly how he put it. 


So next week, we’re going to be getting into the production details and the science details and all of that sort of more, more nitty gritty stuff. Yes. So let’s be like the movie and just jump right into the story. I know. Right? Yeah. Which is the first point of distinction between the movie and the book is we pick up in real time. We don’t flashback to the areas three crew, we pick up and they are doing their thing. And you’ve got Martinez, and Watney, just like joshing around, they are obviously the class clowns. Yes, this is it’s like it’s one of those things where it’s funny for the audience, but I imagine that for the rest of the crew, it’s a little obnoxious because like I was always that I was always that person that I could handle the class clowns for a good while, and then I’d get really annoyed. I feel like so so quite clearly. You are commander Lewis on this on this crew. There’s there’s no, I’m the redhead. Yeah, well, that’s part of it. Yeah, but but now I really I feel like the area’s three crew sort of breaks into three neat groups. 

Okay, there’s what me and Martine is are the class clowns? Yes. And then back and your Hanson are the ones who sort of wish that they could be the class clowns who like laugh at the class clowns, but can’t actually keep up with the jokes as much. Okay. And then Lewis and Vogel are the ones that are like, Would you shut up or trying to work? Yeah, yeah. One of my favorite things right off the top is when Louis apologizes to Vogel for her country, man. Yeah. And I was just, and he accepts her apology. Like there’s like it’s not Oh, don’t worry. I think it’s funny. He’s like, yes, it’s, it’s fine. 


Which, you know, this whole sequence just does an incredibly good job of establishing the characters and their camaraderie like yeah, I feel like you’re 30 seconds into the movie and you get the area’s three crew you do. I will say just a little off topic. I I would love to see more female class clowns just in the world. So if anybody is out there writing something just consider it. I don’t you don’t see that very often. I think if there are any female students out in the audience what she’s saying is you have edge works entertainments permission to get on your teachers nerves. That’s no no it’s that’s different to make your classmates laugh. And get on your teachers nerves. Yes. Okay, great. Not tonight. No, yes, it’s Yeah. 


But I will say so then they turn off the radio, which this is a little bit you know, this is a little bit different from what happens in the book but your Hanson just likely turns off Martinez and yeah, she she says, I can do that. And lewis is like, Yes, please. Yeah. 


So yes, I get it.


Yeah. Oh eemaan economist asks if Lacey is commander Lewis then which one is Alex? Oh, God. 


Probably back. Yeah. Why? Because like, he’s super smart. And capable. And and he gets the girl. 


He does get the girl but you’re just not the class clown. Yeah, and you’re also not Vogel? Yeah. Your vocals a little too? Yeah. I’ll take back Yeah, I’m sorry I’m he’s not the most intro he’s not as interesting as Louis but 


sorry guys. Um, so pretty quickly because we’re, we’re moving right along through this movie. The storm happens. And as in the book, this is 


unrealistic. This is not a storm that could possibly exist on Mars. There’s just not enough air. We’ve already been over this but it was spectacular. You know, this sequence in the in the movie I thought did an incredibly good job of establishing a scary storm. Like this goes for everybody laughing and joking to Whoa, scary really fast and the music everything really builds the tension. Well, and one of the other things is and I did not expect this is that Watney pressures Louis tonight 


Leave. Yeah. And like right at the beginning of the storm when they’re talking about, okay, we have to go into emergency procedures or whatever. And we see Watney talking back and pressuring in. I, I wasn’t in love with this choice, because we don’t see this happen anywhere in the book. You know, in the book, the first thing that we see with the storm is Watney go being the solution guy. He’s like, Okay, well, if we do this, which, which you could argue is roughly the same. He’s he’s trying to figure out ways for them to stay on Mars. He’s the voice of we don’t have to leave yet. We can fix this, we can stay. 


And you know that that moment in the movie where he says, Commander Lewis, please, let’s let’s not abort. That’s not in the book. But I feel like it’s in the same spirit of what he did in the book of trying to find a way for them to not abort. Yeah, I don’t know. I kind of disagree. I feel like he was too pushy for that. This is why you don’t make the class clown a leader. But you’re not putting it out there. Yeah. I wasn’t in love with the moment because to me, it felt too much. It was it was too much second guessing it didn’t feel like solution making. You know, there is actually although you know, giving, giving Watney his credit, I don’t think it’s fair to categorize it as second guessing because she hadn’t made a decision yet. 

He was advocating his position. But as soon as she says we’re scrubbed, he got he got to work just like everybody. I don’t know, I felt it felt aggressive to me, or it was like, aggressive is not exactly the right word. But there’s something about aggressive or pushy, kind of not whining, because that that has a certain like, tone, but like the what pleading Yeah, questioning her that I didn’t think was appropriate to his character. Yeah, I feel. I mean, I definitely got a sense that he was pleading to stay like he was definitely making a case with passion. But I feel like, I never got the sense that he was going against her. She when he was making that case, she was still crossed arms thinking about options. And technically they were beyond the level at which she should abort. But she hadn’t said we’re going to yet so I think he was he was making he was advocating for what he wanted. But when she said abort, right, he went for it. Well, I mean, yeah, there is an interesting thing that we haven’t actually discussed, I think in this entire show about the Martian, which just occurred to me, which is in the end. 


Well, no, I guess the math would have tipped, if they had stayed. What I was thinking was the hab wasn’t destroyed, they could have stayed in the hab, and they would have been fine. Except now because I’ve mapped poorly what I’ve typed because the only reason the map didn’t tip is because of Martinez. Yeah, that’s right. Okay. I didn’t notice an interesting thing about the storm as it is portrayed in the movie and also sort of in the book, but especially in the movie, which is that it was a surprisingly, not spacey sequence. 

Like usually, well, usually in things like gravity, when they want to play up how scary space is. It’s all about like, running out of air, and like your hose gets ripped out. And, you know, you can look at sequences in the expanse where there are sequences where there are scenes, you know, in a battle where someone’s air hose gets ripped out, and they’re like, running out of air and all that kind of stuff. The sequence in the storm could have happened on Earth. Like they were all in spacesuits. But that’s that scene would have played out exactly the same way. If they had been 


on like, in a hurricane in Louisiana, you know, it wasn’t a particularly spacey terrifying sequence. It was just a scary storm. The emergency was a rather normal emergency as compared to a space specific emergency. Exactly that like it’s not like a meteor storm or you know, a gamma cloud or anything like it’s just a storm. It’s it’s something that they could have experienced anywhere. And I think that the way that it’s framed in the movie is interesting in how that plays out. Right? Yeah. 


I was a lot less annoyed with Louis for looking up. For what me? Yeah. And I don’t know why I can’t decide. It’s if I think it must be because everybody knows the stakes here. But we’re not, you know, it was pages of her looking for him. And I don’t mean like 10 pages, but two or three, it was still two or three, which takes a little while it takes longer to read it than to watch it and they couldn’t have dragged it out a whole lot longer. But it didn’t feel as long. So I think that I don’t know, there was something about it where I wasn’t upset with Louis and now that might be because of how I know the story ends because of the book. And the a lot of the leeway that I gave, you know, like when you learned, you know, what do you like don’t like somebody 


Or you don’t like the decisions they make? And then you learn something new about them and you, like, sort of can’t hate them anymore. Yeah, like you kind of forgive everything that they’ve done because you’re like, Oh, I get it, you’re actually like a fully fleshed human being a villain. Yeah, that’s kind of how I feel. I mean, without her being an actual villain, that’s kind of how I feel about her is, I now that I see the amount of work she does, by the end to save him. That helps me feel better about the fact that she put the rest of our team in jeopardy up front. So it was a nice journey, it also seeing it in a movie really underlines the chaos that like, it’s, it’s easy to sort of, you know, say, Oh, she should have stuck to protocol when you’re reading it at your own pace. 

Whereas when you’re watching it in a movie, and there’s like dust swirling around, and everybody’s kind of shouting over each other, and she’s, you know, she’s still sort of like right next to the map, she can go back whenever she wants. It’s not like she’s a long way away, but at the same time, she really wants to go find, you know, Mark and all this stuff it, it makes it a lot more sort of palpable and you kind of lose the ability to say you would have done otherwise. Yeah, absolutely. I will say that. You’re Hanson. Now. Okay, hold on. Johansen are yo Hanson? We’ve been saying Johansen from the book, but in the movie, I’m pretty sure they say Yo, handsome. Okay, fine. 


So your Hanson looking at Watney seat that’s empty, is the first moment that it really hits that Oh, fit. He’s got Yeah. And it’s it’s just interesting to see two different mediums and how that moment how those moments differ. 


And we don’t get that moment. Not really. I think we we know that your hands and cries. Yeah. And gently sobbing, I think. Yeah. And I remember that, like really getting to me. But then in the movie, she doesn’t gently cry. She just has this moment of, Oh, my God, you know, that happens. 1000 yard stare. Yeah. And I, I equally loved it. And it’s the first time that we’re really getting the full. Hey, guys, my phone is on. Sorry about that. 


It’s the first time we get that. 


That, like that hit of how it feels. In a similar vein, there’s a line that I really liked from the book, and it made it into the movie and it was delivered perfectly and it could have not been. It’s from back. And it’s when he tells commander Lewis, listen, I know you don’t want to hear this. But Mark is dead. You need to come in. And we need to go. And Martinez sort of worlds on him. It goes, man, what the hell are you doing? Are you know, what, what are you doing? 


And Beck’s responses, my best friend just or my friend just died, I don’t want my commander to die to. And that is something that I’ve heard referred to before as an actor dependent line like that in the hands of another actor. That could have been a really bad line. But it was such a good line because he delivered it with professionalism. Yeah, it wasn’t he didn’t turn it into sort of a testosterone. Like don’t question me, kind of thing. It was, I’m trying to be rational. Louis isn’t being rational. We have to face facts. Let’s go. Yeah, you can tell that this is. This is one of those kids. That’s like the straight A’s takes all the AP classes kind of kid because to me, that’s what like that’s like a personality 


facet of a lot of those people where it’s like, you just start to get that. 


We we have we have things to do. And it’s not that I am being emotionally bereft, or something like that, you know? Yeah. But he’s also a doctor. So he’s sort of the one who’s used to calling it Yeah, yeah. Then we go on to NASA. Yeah. And we get Jeff Daniels Who? Perfect Oh, my God, Jeff Daniels as Teddy, who heads up NASA. Right. Well, he’s the director of the the director of NASA. Yeah, okay. He can do any part whenever he wants. Like, I’m pretty sure the Hollywood can cast him forever. And I will. He is one of the only people that I would accept Hollywood being like, Hey, 


we know he’s dead. But we’re just going to recreate him forever. Please do because you want infinite Jeff Daniels? Yes, absolutely. Otherwise, I’m like no, give other artists a chance. Like there are other talented people. We don’t need to see Audrey Hepburn up there for the rest of everybody’s lives. But Jeff Daniels is an exception to that rule. Yeah, he just exudes command like he’s that 


He’s so perfect in this role, because he’s never sort of loud. He never gets anybody’s face, but he just owns every room he walks into, he’s in charge. And nobody ever doubts that. Yeah. Which is I, I’m gonna say that about a bunch of the actors in this movie because they, they have such an extraordinary cast. It’s, it’s, it’s kind of weird. How extraordinary it is, because it’s definitely, you know, Matt Damon is the lead, but otherwise, it’s an ensemble piece. And when it’s when has Jessica chasteen not been front and center, you know, you’ve got all of these people that are just phenomenal. So anyway, I will be saying it a lot, because I could watch a lot of these actors. For forever. Yeah. 


So then we get back to Mars. And Matt Damon, does an incredible job of portraying pain. Yeah, we’ve got a long sequence, he tries to stand up while he’s still impaled. And he lets out this shriek that is utterly just believable. And then he screams, he does this sort of quick breathing thing. And then he rips the piece out of his side. When he gets inside. He’s covered in cold sweat and pale and shaking and like just the whole sequence, a couple of things are a little bit different. It he was impaled by something that was attached to its its original piece, like whatever that communication satellite was, or whatever. And that’s different from the book. And so which I thought was really interesting, because to me, 


if you’re going to if you’re still attached to the satellite, you probably did a lot more damage to your body. 


It might also explain why he went flying, that he didn’t just get knocked. He got prey. Yeah, I mean, that’s true. 


But did it seem like Watney was out longer in the movie than he was in the book? Like, I mean, we only see a short part of it. But I think that I don’t think there’s any reason to think that that is actually true. But that impression comes across because we cut away we cut to earth. And then we cut back and he acts up so it sort of implies that he was there for you know, a day and I suppose that it feels like we we went from night to day and we did it. It was daytime just on heads. Yeah, it gets really dark because of the dust storm. 

And then we wake up to it having passed and it’s bright outside again. So it’s just later that afternoon. Yeah, okay. Okay. Okay. 


So we get to the hab, which is interesting. This is one of those subtle things that differs from the book because this hab is definitely a building. Not attempt. This is not this is not a structure made of Canvas. No. This is Yeah. Oh, hold on. Before we go to that, I just want to say, I missed like, I, I will struggle like I loved this movie. upfront. I had not read the book. 


Until this read through with you guys. But I loved the movie. And then this time, after reading the book, I don’t love the movie as much and it kind of it kind of bums me out. It’s a bummer. Because it’s it’s not because of the the acting or anything like that. No, no, or the directing. It’s purely because I love Andy Weir’s writing so much. And so, you know, one of the, they have to find different ways to up the stakes of the story. They have to, they have to play with different events to make things feel real to the audience or you know, whatever. But, you know, I feel like that’s probably why they attached 


whatever, impaled him to the satellite. It’s another way to up the stakes. So 


there’s that. But we’re not the big thing for me is we’re losing a lot of the science. Yeah, we don’t get to hear about his suit. back. What is it? What is it? What does he call it when 


he like pressurizes. with nitrogen it he says backfilling. backfilling, like we don’t get all of the alarms and stuff like that, and we don’t get his thought processes. And so 


I that’s going to be something that I try, I’m not going to I’m going to try not to harp on it too much. Because, you know, we all know that that’s how this is going to be we’re not going to be in his head. But part of the problem with that is we don’t get to see him dealing with it. We don’t get to see him later being a solution maker. any of that because, yeah, the movie is definitely still a celebration of science and of capability. But one of the first things that Lacey and I sort of noticed when we finished watching the movie 


He was that this is a movie about someone implementing solutions, whereas the book is the story of someone coming up with solutions. And that is a fine distinction but an important distinction. And it is kind of a shame. You know, you never actually see Watney pretty much at any point in the movie, figuring out how to fix this. He just turns on the GoPro and says, This is what I’m doing. Or and sometimes I succeeded. Sometimes he fails. Like he does blow himself up, like in the book, but he’s never doing the math. He’s never, you know, I think I think I guess the one time in the movie that we do see that is the hexadecimal sequence. We see him coming up with how are we going to communicate with this camera. But in the meantime, we get this great moment where Damon comes into the airlock. This is when he’s been hit. He’s hurt. He’s going to deal with all of this stuff. We get to watch him do surgery on himself. loose, so gross. I mean, it’s not the glorious thing I’ve ever seen or anything like that. But it’s still like, yeah, I actually, I really like the restraint. I feel like that scene does a really good job of portraying this is a situation that sucks. He is in pain. He is bleeding. This is awful. But it’s also not a Tarantino film, like Yeah, he’s bleeding a little like he’s gonna you know, he’s in a lot of pain. Yeah, he’s in a lot of pain. But he’s not like passing out every two seconds. You know? Like, this is an amount of pain that you could handle. He’s he’s essentially been shot with an arrow. And that sucks. But you know, people who have been shot with arrows can like walk to go get help. He’s not just knocked on his ass. He’s, he’s handling it. So when he comes in through that airlock, and he starts taking off his suit, because he has to I David has some pretty sexy arms, you guys. 

Yeah, that guy’s strong. Like we don’t see it. Like you know that the clients over the rest of the movie. This is the moment where we’re supposed to see sexy Matt Damon it’s right off the top and then they kind of let that go through the rest of the movie. You only need the one shot of the the act. Yeah, the action hero shot you only need at once and every movie. Thank God for those actors. But this is this is where we get it and I’m super into his arms. It is also it’s something that I was wondering is I wonder if he beefed up for the Martian just to get the contrast of strong mark to emaciated mark. Or if that’s just Matt Damon’s physique. Like I wonder if they just kept cast Matt Damon, and that’s where he keeps himself as a as an actor. And so that’s what he looks like, right? Or if he went out of his way to be strong at the beginning of this movie. And then they they phased him into it emaciated later. Well, I mean, there, we’ll get to that. I have some thoughts on it. But one, one of the first word he says after being left as fuck, yeah. And it’s who can blame the man? 


The thing is, it’s like that first instance, that we really get into his personality of him alone. Yes. Which I that is going to also be something that I try not to harp on too much. 


Which the the writers are definitely trying to give us his personality. And this is one of the ways is the profanity. Yeah. There is one very important distinction between the book and the movie that happens here. Not terribly consequential, but it does bear mentioning. He’s doing vlogs. Yeah, he’s not writing. In the book, we are told very specifically that these are written journals. He mentions, for example, when he rolls the rover, he says, I’m reaching up to the keyboard to type this. 


And, you know, this was probably the easiest choice in the history of cinema. He’s not going to be writing, he’s going to be talking to the camera because of course he is. Well, and they don’t want to do voiceovers the entire time. Right. I mean, it’s one of the rules of, of writing a script is you want to keep those voiceovers to a minimum. And if you’re going to use them, you better use them better than other people have. They’re often considered a cliche, and they, I mean, that’s the way they come across. It’s not just script writers being jerks to each other. It truly often doesn’t work. So they do this the video logs but did you notice the interesting like, I wouldn’t, I don’t know if you want to call it pixelation. It’s more like a jumper pattern? No, no, the pattern filter that they put over his video blogs 


versus the film itself? Yes, they definitely distinguish these are two different mediums that we’re watching. Yeah. And it was kind of weird, because that’s not how GoPros look. Yeah. 


Although this is the 2030s maybe it will be. I mean, it could be but it’s not as No, it’s it’s like it’s not as good 


Yeah, so But I mean, I get it, they have to, they have to find a way to differentiate and make it look like he’s not just looking straight into the camera, cuz that would get real like fourth wall. Weird. And that’s not the he the thing he’s not doing is breaking the fourth wall. Yeah, he is looking straight into the camera, but it’s not breaking the fourth wall. He is looking into a camera. He’s not talking to us. He’s talking to his Earth audience. And that’s as much as we are all on Earth. That’s not us. Yep. By the way, interesting acting challenge. Like, I don’t know how many of the people watching this or listening to this are actors. But I’ve done enough acting to know that it’s not the easiest thing in the world to just sit at a desk and act a scene. Like with no other actors with no anything, he has to convey a whole range of emotions, without reacting to anything. It’s all coming from him. And without reacting to other people. I mean, he’s got plenty to react to. I just mean, in the scene, like he’s got storybook story beats to react to but in the shot, it’s just him sitting at a desk, there’s nothing happening. I will admit that actually can be super hard. But I think this is a little bit easier. Because the the point isn’t that he’s 


the How do I put this The point is specifically that he is talking to someone he just doesn’t know who it is which helps. 


But not a whole lot. I mean, you’re right, it just doesn’t. It’s not quite the same. I think there is a line right here at this point in the film, that is a flub of Matt Damon’s I am. I am 99% sure that this was not a mistake in the script. This was a mistake of maths. And that is because I remember this line because it didn’t make sense in the movie. And I keep what I’ve watched the movie so many times. And every time I always bump on this line. And so when we were reading it, I watched out for it. And in the book, it’s correct. So I have a feeling that Matt Damon just memorized it wrong. And that is he’s talking about all the different ways that he could die, he could run out of food, the oxygenator could break. And then he says if the hat breaches I’m just gonna kind of implode. 


And in the book, it says explode because if he were underwater, he would implode because the rushing water would crush him. But on Mars, the lack of atmosphere that hab is going to explode outward his body he wouldn’t actually explode in like a, you know, Halloween movie sense. But the pressure would be going out not in so the word would be explode like in the book rather than implode, which is what he says in the film. Wow. Yeah. 


Also here, he says, I’m not going to die here. Yeah, I made a note of that. That is not a beat that we get in the book. No. And I I love that he 


that we see him say that because, again, we’re getting so little of his personality, because a, the vlogs are just, at least to start with. Don’t show off his personality, the way that the logs in the book did. And so by saying I’m not going to die here we learn. 


Like a lot about this guy. He’s, he is determined. He’s optimistic he is setting a goal for himself. Like I feel like there’s a lot to be said and confident. Yeah, like, it’s not just I don’t want to die here. It’s a declarative statement. I’m not gonna die here. This isn’t gonna happen. Yeah. And, you know, 


in the book, this moment does happen. But it happens between chapters. If you remember, chapter one starts with I’m fucked. That’s my carefully considered opinion fucked, and it ends with, I’m really fucked. And then the next chapter starts and he goes, Okay, so I had I had a good night’s sleep, and I had some food and things aren’t looking as bad. And he goes off. So clearly he had that moment of shifting from fatalism to hope. But it’s so great to actually see it in on screen. That is a that is a beat that is good to have. I I wish that they had kept some of those lines like that that very first line that you’ve just said that we get of the I’m fucked. Yeah, that’s my carefully considered opinion. Yeah, that I wish that that stuff that they had brought a little bit more of those lines into the vlogs. Because this is, this is one area where you and I disagree. I feel like they do capture Mark’s personality. We don’t get as much of it. But it I think they do a really good job of capturing the same character. There’s so there’s a there’s sort of a, an ongoing conversation among anybody who gets really into movies, which is do deleted scenes count. Like when you when you cut a scene from the movie, did that scene happen in the story? Like not not does it count as part of the film but like if there was a scene where Mark 


You know, did something, and then they cut it from the film. Did that happen in the story? And some people think, yes that it wasn’t portrayed, but you know, it still happened. And some people say no, if it’s not in the film, it didn’t happen. Another a great example of this for me as a Lord of the Rings fan is Tom bombadil. So Tom bombadil is a beloved character from Lord of the Rings the book, he does not appear in the movie, and everybody was really sad, but they didn’t change anything. Frodo and Sam could still have met Tom bombadil. In The Fellowship of the Ring, the film, it’s just not portrayed. There’s nothing in the film that says that that couldn’t have happened. Okay, so what I feel about Mark Watney is we don’t get a lot of the lines in the book that show his personality. But they didn’t change his personality like they did, he is still the same character, we just don’t get as much of it because it’s only two, I feel like it’s okay.

I need you to back me up here. Essentially, what I’m saying is take my side. But, but seriously, I want to know who you guys agree with, because I really like Mark Watney, his character in the movie, I just feel like it’s a muted version of what we get in the books, because he’s just so much funnier. And let’s see, he has those more. You know, the very next note that I have here about the movie is Mars will come to fear my botany powers, like he has those moments that are his character. He’s just doesn’t have pages and pages and pages and pages of monologue the way he does in the book to pepper them in i but i think that you can, there’s sort of, there’s like a economy that you work within when you’re writing, which is like, I have this many words that I can put into the scene before the timing and the pacing of the scene. no longer works. And you Okay, like, it’s not, obviously, it’s not a specific number. But go with me here, you’ve got an economy of words, and you have to put the words together to give as much meaning and to give as much personality, specificity specificity as possible. And I feel like that was just a little bit off here. And I feel like they got the story. That’s true. They, they just didn’t capture quite as much of 


Watney is optimism, because we see a lot of his like, his fun and his The reason we talk about it in the book, The reason that you see Mark Watney here and not Martinez, or, or back or somebody else is because one he is the guy who can mentally handle this. And that’s the character we want to see. Go through it. You know, we don’t want us to see someone die. Sadly, because it got overwhelming. We want to see the guy who can manage it, who can who can keep his head above water, and we’re not 


like this guy isn’t specific enough. As as specific as the guy in the book to me, just to me, I I still like Watney, this is not me getting down on Matt Damon’s performance. It’s not even me totally getting down on the writers little bit. But I really feel like they could have used a lot of a lot of the dialogue a little bit better to show him off. I leave it there. This is I think this is one thing that you and I are just going to do. 


That being said, you know he he gets to work. And we pretty quickly move into you know, what is pretty undeniably the most famous sequence of the Martian, the book and the film, which is making water and planting potatoes. And we come to one of just a few 


changes for the worse, changed like actual straight up mistakes, straight up things that they didn’t do right? In the movie, which is marks explosion. Mark Watney blows himself up in both the book and the movie, but it doesn’t make sense. In the movie, they changed the story, so that the reason he blew himself up is no longer a thing. So I have to explain that. Yeah. So in the book, when he’s making water, what he accidentally does is he realizes he’s been releasing a massive amount of hydrogen into the atmosphere. And so he sort of looks around and realizes I’m in a bomb. And the whole chapter starts when he’s in the rover because he’s freaking out because if he goes back into the airlock, a single Static Shock and blow up the whole hab, what he ultimately realizes is he can remove all the oxygen from the hab, and start slowly burning it off by releasing little bits of oxygen into the hab and burning it, and the hydrogen will burn with the oxygen but then it will use 


Stop the oxygen and it’ll stop, because you can’t have an explosion without oxygen. And so he does that. And he’s it’s starting to work. And then all of a sudden the whole hab kind of blows up like it doesn’t pop, but it blows up. And his explanation after the fact is he’s wearing an oxygen mask. And he wasn’t accounting for the oxygen that he was breathing out that he had a little oxygen tank that he was releasing and burning, but he was also pouring oxygen into the room from his face, right? But that only makes sense. If he had removed all the oxygen from the room. And what happens in the movie is, he’s just making hype. He just making water from hydrogen in a room filled with oxygen. Yeah. And then it blows up. And he says, Oh, I forgot to account for the oxygen. I was exhaling. And it’s like, you were exhaling the room like that? You weren’t adding anything to the room that the oxygen was already in the room. Right? So that’s, that’s here, like you’re breathing in. you’re breathing in the air and you’re releasing more carbon dioxide. Yeah, you’re you’re a net negative into the sea, not a net positive. That’s true. It’s, you know, it’s one of those things that only the deep nerds are going to care about. But it is funny that they, they sort of they kept the story beat, but they changed the science and the story beat doesn’t make sense, right? I think that I didn’t like is that when we go to the blog, he’s still smoking. Oh, really? I loved that. Oh, that annoyed me. I was like, this is a little bit like he’s not is not like a muppet. But is there a little wisps of smoke? Yeah, it just felt. Yeah, if it felt a little much. And it, it felt like 


they’re leaning on physical comedy, in a way that I didn’t think was necessary in that moment. But you know, whatever. 


The other thing that we see here, as he’s putting together the potato farm, is, we see that the the packets of human waste are and analyzed. Oh, my God, it’s so weird. Oh, yeah. Why? Like, no, seriously? Why? It’s the 

they weren’t going to get back in there. They weren’t going to get into those containers that wasn’t a part of their mission. No, good. 


There are plenty of reasons to do that. I mean, first of all, so I only noticed it on this watch through but it it, it doesn’t just label them. When he when he uses the toilet, he reaches over and touches a panel. And when he touches what is effectively the flush button, the screen flashes up and it does a medical analysis. So it’s it’s not that fast, seriously, yeah. You know, takes a sample packages to the rest and starts processing the sample. 


So that is part of it is it’s it’s not just packaging it up. It’s also analyzing it for any kind of danger signs. But the other reason, you know, remember, they’re only the third group of people to ever land on Mars. And so there are any number of reasons why you might want to go back, you know, for example, let’s find out let’s let’s say that maybe something in the Martian atmosphere starts causing liver failure. And they you know, one of one of the one of the crew starts getting really sick or something like that maybe the the finds the Martian dust get into their lungs, and it starts causing problems, you might want to go back and check what is effectively a stool sample archive, and see when did those symptoms first start showing up, I will tell you that my husband is is the very best at doing exactly what you just saw, which is something 


someone points out either a flaw or a weird detail that you know, plot hole, whatever. And it kind of drives I had to learn how to get used to it. It drives a lot of our friends crazy. Because he’s not the guy that you watch bad movies with. He doesn’t want to hate movies. No, no, no. He doesn’t want there to be plot holes. So he’ll fill them in for like he’s the directors favorite kind of audience because if the director screws up, this guy’s got to help them out. I will just fill in any gap. If there if there is a reason why something doesn’t make sense. I will point out why Well, I mean, it could make sense like they did this two seasons ago. And so now they’re doing this it makes perfect sense. So long as so long as the director has gotten Alex on his side. That’s going to happen. There are a couple of directors out there that Alex is not going to put in the effort. But this so it’s not for everybody. But yeah, mostly I don’t like not liking movies, right. So I just just putting that out there. I don’t do that as much. I mean, unless I super love the movie. I feel like you know I was the person who was I really did that for the Harley Quinn movie. That’s fine. I was I loved it. I’m here to pray you defended the hell out I did. I really did. Don’t start with me. 


But anyway, 




is the moment where we have to take a moment to appreciate Harry Gregson Williams score for the Martian. This is one of my favorite movie scores of all time and this is coming from a guy who listens to basically nothing but movie scores. So, yeah. 


Harry Gregson Williams score for the Martian. I have probably listened to 


two or 300 times, like just on repeat. Eyes. Why make him wear headphones? Yes, yes, I will often start on the song making water, which is I think the third song in the album and I’ll just set it on repeat. It’s great music to work to. It’s very sort of like quietly upbeat, it’s not gonna, it’s not gonna wear you out, but it’s still, you know, makes you want to work. Also, this is all I’ll say because Lacey is already rolling her eyes at me. But one more thing I will say is, if you ever go read Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars trilogy, listen to the soundtrack to the Martian, as you do it, they pair perfectly. They are exactly the same vibe of sort of beautiful and fascinating and majestic, but also lonesome and solitary. I will say that on long drives, like when we drive cross country something the Martian is definitely on pretty frequently. And I enjoy it too. It’s like it’s a good thinking music. Yeah. And if we can just get a little bit of reaction from the audience. J Patel has weighed in and said, this is Jay gray has weighed in and said that he too basically only listens to movie scores. And I’ve got no I’ve got a I’ve got to say I think you need to stop giving Jay grapes such a hard time. Okay, like I just I he’s one of our dedicated listeners. I think you just need to stop hating on j grape. quite deep. J grape is good people like good taste in music. I think you just need to get off Jay grapes case. Anyway, so mango on Earth. 


We you are in so much trouble. Listen. 


I know you know. Oh, oh, yeah, we Alright, Lacey is gonna go away. I’m gonna finish this episode. And she’ll be back next week. I hope he won’t be. 


So yeah, we then we finally cut back to Earth. And I’ve just got to say, I’m not sure that Lacey is with me. Oh, same thing. Oh, we have a thing you guys. We miss something. We, we, your Hanson’s poop her very odiferous poop. I’m going to murder you 


don’t say that I’ve had 


the the crops we get to see. Oh, yeah, the moment that well, it’s the first time you see green and the movie. Yeah. And I mean, seriously. And we’ll talk about that. We’ll talk more about the coloring of this movie at another time. But 


this movie is bookended by green plants. I mean, little sprout? Yes. And so I just it to me, I think it’s a really important thing. Because I mean, a it’s important to him. But seeing that green I was I was a little shocked. Yeah, this, this movie is overwhelmingly orange, white and blue. Those are the colors of this movie. And then that shock of green is which is funny because like you don’t think of shock of something as ever being green. I mean, I guess maybe if you live in a desert, maybe you might, but coming up over the dune and seeing in a waste. Probably a shock of green imana economist tell us like living in Western Australia, right. Like there, there are some major. I mean, ochre is, I think of ochre. When I think of Australia, specifically because of a book that talks about colors, and what they mean to different groups and the dreaming and all of that stuff. So tell me, 


I want to know what a shock of color would be to you as someone. And you know, I don’t know exactly where you live. You don’t have to tell us but 


i think you know, like blue is can be a shock of color. We think of Oasis or something like that. But I guess it just depends on by on where you live, right? Just context. Yeah. So it was just kind of funny when he said it that I was like, green is not usually the thing that I think is shock of, but so unless you have anything else from ours, now we can move on. Alright, so we get back to Earth. And, you know, so there’s a conversation that we’re going to need to have today or next time about some of the characters are a little bit different. I still think that mark is pretty much Mark Watney. But there are a few characters specifically on earth that have shifted a little bit from their characterization in the book that being said, they’re all awesome. Like, you know, Mandy, Annie Vincent Teddy Bruce 


long suffering Bruce. They’re they’re all done. So Well, they’ve got it’s it really is just sort of an all star cast. And it’s whoever is the the casting director for this movie. Just I think it’s Amina gold who, if I remember correctly, Nina gold does like Star Wars movies. I mean, she just I think she’s based out of the UK and she does some of the biggest stuff out there. Yeah. And she, if you know, if you enjoy Ray, you know, she’s the one who has who found all of these people from Star Wars. And I think she’s brilliant. So, and just, you know, it’s not it doesn’t feel like a movie, like these actors are all so good. It just it feels like a bunch of people working on NASA. And they’re just every one of these characters is so individualized. And they just, even when they change them, you know, Mindy is not quite as meek at the beginning. And she’s not quite as strong at the moment. She’s a little more of just sort of, kind of meek and snarky throughout the whole film. But even then, I feel like she still is Mindy, you know, like they they captured the spirit of most of these characters are really well, even if it’s sort of an alternative universe. Mindy. I disagree. 

On the Monday front, I think I mean, I think the actress does a great job. I just don’t think that they capture it, because there’s no point at which she talks back to her superiors, which is absolutely what happens in the book. And I don’t mean and like, getting really angry or bitchy sort of way. No, no, we’re just pushing back pushing back or, you know, kind of telling her truth about being Papa Razzi, you know, that sort of thing. And I enjoyed that. And she, you know, there’s a point at which she could push back we get we get a moment later in the movie between her and Ben cat. And she just agrees with him because she’s supposed to because he’s her boss. Yeah. And I was just like, dang it, they had the opportunity to let her let her be this fully fleshed out character, and they held her back and that bummed me out. 


But we also get, you know, we get Sean Bean. And he is awesome. He’s Mitch angry, angry, Mitch. Except, and this is one of those things that I would argue that Mitch is probably the biggest departure from book to movie. Because Mitch in the book is a just a bull in a china shop. He is he is alienating everyone, he is stubborn. He is angry. He is like, you know, they go to they go to China. And there may have been an eyeball in the soup because they hate you. Like he just nobody likes Mitch because he’s so just pigheaded and just yeah. And, man, I have never seen Sean Bean play a character this meek. Before he is just every scene he’s drawn in and his shoulders are kind of hunched. And he’s just, he’s very soft spoken. And even. Even when he is putting his foot down. He’s kind of 


it’s like, he’s kind of bad at it. You know, there’s, there’s a moment where Teddy says, You’re saying this because Vincent isn’t here to defend himself and Sean beans. delivery is like, I shouldn’t have to argue with fincen like you’d like he’s kind of petulant, you know, but that’s kind of that’s kind of the Sean Bean thing. Because like, if you think of Game of Thrones, he gets pulled back to King’s Landing specifically, because he’s asked to and his wife is sitting there going up, please don’t like let’s not do this. And he’s like, Well, I have to put the kingdom Well, he’s usually sort of the honorable man, you know, he’s, he’s the, he’s the, you know, again, boromir. And Lord of the Rings. He’s, he’s, he’s never, you know, sort of angry, but he’s usually he just sort of projects a little more. He’s, he’s more of a leader, more of an authority figure a little more like Teddy in this movie, frankly. Whereas this character is very soft spoken. And just, I mean, I guess to me, it feels like a different facet of some of something that he plays relatively frequently, which is kind of the the quiet. The like, thinks before he speaks sort of, sort of character. Yes. I just I think that the the main difference is most of Sean Bean’s characters choose to be that way. Whereas I get the sense that Mitch from the Martian the film, 


he’s the kind of guy who wishes that he could speak up more, right? Like he seems like the kind of guy who kind of hates how quiet he is and gets mad at himself. I should have said that in the in that meeting. I mean, I guess it’d probably be really hard for the director to pit Shawn being against Jeff Daniels and not just have every one of those scenes be a shouting match. You probably you have to give different levels. Which one of the things about reading a book is that you are already you are automatically doing it that your brain your brain pitches you ideas on how 


Each character sound like the tone of voice and, and the emotional range and all of that. And so, but a movie takes away all of that imagination and gives it to you on a platter. So the director has to decide who has the power each time. And who gets to hold all of the energy. Yeah. And actors. You know, you have to go with it you have in and oftentimes you kind of figure it out. And Jeff Daniels is going to hold all of the power. I do wonder if this was a choice of Shawn beans or if this was a 


choice of the directors or, you know, like, where in the process was it decided that Mitch was going to be quiet instead of loud? mangry? Right, right. Right. That would be an interesting thing to ask someone. Yeah. 


We get. We get this moment here. Where they? We’ve got Let’s see here. It’s the ven cat. Right? 


Yes, he talks about how it I think it’s him right, that says, you know, we, we have to get the money now for all of this because people forget, you know, we can’t ask for money from Congress and a year. We need it now. Like he’s when he’s asking for satellite images. Yeah. And Teddy’s like no, we’re not going to get satellite images of Marc’s body. Right. And it’s one of those moments that is just kind of horrifyingly true. In this movie, where we, we get Ben Katz, saying, like, hey, 


this, this, there’s a major thing in human history is going to pass us by like, we should at least use it while we have it. Because humans are so desensitized things are changing so quickly, that like we’re living in the 1600s, and a thing happens. And that’s all anybody talks about for an entire year. That’s not the world we live in. As we can see by current events, like the number, people would roll out lists of like, Oh, this guy said all of these horrible things in the past couple of years. And you’re like, holy shit, I forgot about all of these. Because it’s already. Yeah. And so I it was one of those things that when I watched as just like, God, that is a compelling argument about how quickly people stop giving a shit. And it makes me really sad. And it’s not like we can hold it all in. Like we can’t hold everything at all times. We can’t be emotional about everything at all times. Like we have a limit. It makes sense. But it’s also simultaneously really sad. I thought it was great. It was it was a poignant moment, for sure. One thing that is worth mentioning, by the way, is we have changed Vin cat’s race. Yeah, as as you just indicated, the character from the book is Venkat. couture. The character in the book is Vincent couture. They did not cast an Indian character. And 


then cat the entire time. Yeah, so bear with me, because, and notably, they did keep part of his heritage. He does mention in toward the second half of the film, he mentions that I think his mother was Hindu and his father was Baptists. Yeah. And so it explains Okay, clearly this guy has, has an Indian parent and, and a black parent. ciutadella. g4 is perfect in this movie as he is in most movies. So I don’t I doubt anyone can fault him. But it is interesting that they changed his race. And this might be on me. But the first time I read this book, Mindy Park was Asian in my head. I don’t know if that was the intention. But yeah, I mean, as we all know, she’s just Mindy, what’s her name from the office and my head? So bear, she’s Indian. 


So pretty quickly, we move up to trying to figure out where is Mark going in the rover. Yeah. And they have this great moment, just like they do in the book where he where Vincent figures out where he’s going using the map in the in the cafeteria. It’s fun, and it’s fun. It’s so much fun. 


And he does a good job by the way of sidestepping the tired old movie trope of not telling his scene partner what he’s thinking until the grand reveal. That’s something movies often do. And it’s often a little cliche, but he does a really good job of portraying like, No, he’s thinking it’s not that he’s like waiting for the grand reveal 


about it. He’s He’s busy looking for a map and like, Where Where is this? So to me, it still felt like it was part of that cliche, poor communication as a way that directors like ratchet up tension. Yeah. And for all the great communicators out there, it’s like really frustrating but let’s be honest, if everybody on screen always had 


Communication, we would not get decent stories. We would just get happiness all the time on screen. And how boring is that? 


But I, you know, to me, it’s it’s one of those things again, where short, he might be thinking but you, you still people often still try to communicate even if they’re poorly do Oh, I agree he could have communicated it What I’m saying is the actor I thought did a really good job of portraying someone who was so busy trying to remember the exact topography of this region on Mars that he sort of couldn’t bring himself to talk, you know, like, there were even some lines along the way that he sort of didn’t finish the sentence because he was trying to think through this. And, and he just kept saying to himself, yeah, I know where he’s going, I know where he’s going. And so he finally reveals it, I say, there’s a, there needs to be a shout out to the editor. With this Pathfinder part, yeah, because I love that we see, we don’t know what most of us aren’t going to know what it is, when he goes to when they go to JPL. And they take the tarp off of the replica of Pathfinder. 

And meanwhile, Mark is digging through the dust looking for he picks up a parachute. And he sort of follows the line forward. And then what we end up seeing is, we see the closed up pristine version of Pathfinder. And then we cut back to Mars, and we see it all laid out. And we see it in a different position. And it’s not as it’s not pristine, right. And so we get to see it’s two different, like in these two different phases or stages. And I don’t know, I thought it was a, it was super lovely. Because we, I think that it’s a great way of communicating without telling us exactly what’s happening. These are the same items, which they do, say, but it’s it would have been something easy to miss. And getting to see that it was like the flower in its open stage. You know, and I don’t know, there’s just something really pretty about it. There’s also a very beautiful moment from sort of a filmmaking and storytelling standpoint, finding Pathfinder is one of my favorite moments in any movie. And it’s kind of goofy to say, because it’s not that big a moment, you know, it’s not like, you know, everybody’s showing up at the end of Avengers, endgame or anything. But it’s really beautiful, the way the the music and the editing and these two characters come together. And the thing that is especially interesting from sort of a subliminal standpoint, is, 


Pathfinder is how mark is going to communicate to Earth. and discovering Pathfinder is the first moment of connection that he has with someone on earth, He and Venkat. He and Vincent are sharing this moment. And it’s probably not happening at exactly the same moment in real life. But in the story in the editing of the film, he’s uncovering this machine, Vincent uncovers this machine. And then he gazes at it and says Pathfinder, and then it cuts to Vincent, gazing at it. And he says, Pathfinder, and it’s this great moment of, it’s like Mars and Earth have finally been bridged. Vincent and Mark are connected. They just haven’t sort of realized it. Yeah, they are sharing a moment, even though they haven’t gotten the radio working. And it’s just beautiful storytelling. We also get Nate the great hair. We did Nate the great. And if you guys haven’t seen Teddy lasso, Ted, Ted last, I don’t know why. Why don’t I just whatever, who cares? If you haven’t seen it, just go watch it find a way. It’s phenomenal. And there’s a character in it. called Nate the great. Yeah. And an actor plays Tim. He does play Tim, who, not because of the actor. I mean, probably a little bit, but it’s, again, the difference between your imagination and then seeing someone else do their version of the same thing. And it’s a lot easier in your imagination to give 


a little bit of charm to someone who wasn’t necessarily written that way are supposed to be like, it’s easier to find someone charming. That is a noxious. And like, I mean, an example of this is okay, there’s Tim who is is an asshole. 


And then you’ve got house and you get to see so much of obviously not in this movie house like the TV show, you get so much of his character, that if you only got a slice of it, you’d be like, this guy is just an asshole. But you get to see the charming funny parts of him too, even though he’s still kind of being an asshole almost the entire time. So you’re just just getting a slice of Tim. And you don’t get to see as much of him as you do in the book and you don’t get like the kind of funny lines so it’s 


Not entirely on the actor. Again, it has a lot to do with what you can do with your imagination that can’t be put out on screen. Well, and I’m, I’m pretty sure he has one line in the entire movie. I think the only thing that Nate says aside from like, we’re getting a signal. I think the only real line he has is when he says, 


you know, 26 minute round trip. This isn’t going to be an Algonquin Round Table of snappy wrap party. And then Vincent snaps at him. And then we just move on. So there is like, that’s, yeah, he we don’t get enough time. This good accent though. Yep. That is true. 


Yeah, so 


I say so we are coming up on the hexadecimal sequence, which is probably going to have a fair bit of commentary. So I just as part of that. 


I mean, yes, we do. We could, we could pause now. Do you want to? I think that’s probably a good stopping place. By my by my notes. We’ve gone about a third of the way through the movies so bad at this way. Yeah. Listen, we have words, we have lots of words, we really, we really enjoy stories. And we have a hard time not discussing every single detail. Believe it or not, this is us rushing. Yeah, we were skipping notes here to keep the time down. So we’re still working on our pacing, we will get there. 

So next time, we’ll see we’ll see if we just go through more of the movie. Or if we do a little bit more of the Deep Dive stuff that we talked about. Because I want to get to that. Yes. Because we’re from the film industry. And this is like, he went to film school and I am a theater kid. There’s so much that we can talk about that is not just the science. Exactly. So I think it’s worth Yeah, worth using. Let’s use our degrees that we paid a lot for them. So those of you who are watching this or listening to this in the future, you can probably look at the episode list and see the 17 part series that is Lacey and Alex talk about the Martian the film, we will do better. We are not on this movie. I was so I was going to say at this rate, it’s probably going to be three episodes, but I feel like that’s a trap. because inevitably it’s gonna be nine. We’re just not gonna we’re just gonna say Tune in next week for the next installment of the Martian the film here on the synthesis. If you have questions about anything film industry wise or whatever, yes. Shout it out to us. We will find it eemaan economist I’m sorry. I got what part of Australia you are from incorrect. I cannot say that. I know Australian geography very well. And that was noted. 


But yes, if you have any questions if you have anything you want us to talk about, in terms of filmmaking, in terms of adapting the book in terms of science? post in the comments and let us know and we will try to address it in the future. Yeah, we can do we can do a little bit of research. Why? Why make you do it? Right. Yeah. Okay, thank you guys. Have a good weekend. Oh, subscribe, but do all of the things. Yep. subscribe and hit the bell if you’re watching us on YouTube. And be sure to check out our slash edge works entertainment, which helps us make this show and everything else we do. And it works. And, you know, you can follow us on Twitter or Instagram. So Alexander for the win, or Alex for the wins. Sorry, Alex for the win on Twitter, and I’m just plain old lacey hannan. And or you can find us settle the stars or edge works entertainment or edge works. We’re all gonna make this we gotta make this a little bit more streamlined, easier. Whatever. We’ll see you guys next week. Thanks for watching. 

The Martian Ch. 7-10: THE KING OF MARS DOESN’T TAKE A DAY OFF | The Synthesis

Alexander Winn and Lacey Hannan talk about chapters 7 – 10 of Andy Weir’s The Martian; Mark Watney is the King of Mars, BD Wong is Sadness from Inside Out, and the poop potatoes are safe babies while everyone’s favorite botanist becomes the second sojourner across the Red Planet.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕪𝕟𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕤 is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.

Lacey [00:00:00] Oh, my God. 

Alex [00:00:03] Hey, folks, this is Alexander Winn. 

Lacey [00:00:05] I’m Lacey Hannan. 

Alex [00:00:07] And we’re here to talk about the next four chapters of The Martian, we’re on Episode three of our read through of The Martian by Andy Weir. 

Alex [00:00:16] And tonight, we are covering chapters seven through 10,. 

Lacey [00:00:20] Only because 10 was really boring. 

Alex [00:00:23] So Lacey has strong opinions about Chapter 10. We’ll get there at the end. So get ready for a bloodbath. But like, my God, in the meantime, I have a question for the audience, which is, if you had to pick a genre for the Martian, what would it be? 

Alex [00:00:44] The answer might surprise you. 

Lacey [00:00:47] I said. 

[00:00:50] said epic drama, epic drama. Yeah, which sounds about right to make that drive adventure drama. Yes, it’s like that. Some variant of drama. Right. What is this to you? 

Lacey [00:01:00] Yeah. More specifically, what is the movie to you? 

Alex [00:01:07] Yeah, I think I mean, I think they’re basically the same. But if you. Yes. Specifically the movie, what genre would you call the movie. Because someone in the world is wrong and it’s either me or someone else. So there is a wrong answer to this question is the wrong answer. This is what we call a loyalty test. But in the meantime, we’re jumping into Chapter seven of the mission. For those who’ve been following along, Mark Watney is stranded on Mars. He is he’s been working on making water and growing potatoes and all sorts of fun stuff. And he’s stranded on Mars. We pick up Chapter seven and he is preparing the rover for a long voyage or serious something for for the serious miles. 

Lacey [00:01:53] Yeah, we’ll see. We’ll see which. We’ll see which mission. Yeah. Gets him there. OK, well, so what do you got? 

Alex [00:02:01] You’ve got ninety five pages, as usual, so let’s start with you. 

Lacey [00:02:06] OK, so this man is very loud. I’m sorry. This man is keep it rolling. 

Lacey [00:02:15] So optimistic. So the AC4 math is only thirty two hundred kilometers and it could have been 10000 kilometers. Yes. 

Lacey [00:02:27] He says this better for you anyway. So I just want to put it out there that like I love how optimistic that little thought process is. 

Alex [00:02:38] It’s only three thousand kilometers. 

Lacey [00:02:40] Yeah. And just just for all of us. Thirty two hundred kilometers is almost two thousand miles, which is approximately going the length of New Zealand and back the whole thing, like starting in Auckland, going to Invercargill and then going back. 

Lacey [00:02:57] Or it’s a one way trip from Los Angeles to New Orleans about. Yeah. 

[00:03:03] So so it’s a long haul. It’s been a long haul. And this is a place where, you know, his rover can drive for like an hour before it has to recharge. 

Lacey [00:03:12] I mean, that’s your you are it’s not that’s not true for for scientific accuracy. You can’t. What is it it’s it’s about three and a half. 

Alex [00:03:26] Well, it’s important that’s after he solves the heating issue, right. Which is what this chapter deals. OK, fine. So the big problem that he deals, so the big problem that he’s dealing with in this chapter is how does he get his Rovere to go farther on a charge? Because what he realizes is that over half the battery gets used just on the heater inside because Mars is very cold. So he tries a test run without using the heater and just hoping that he can put on blankets and stuff. 

Alex [00:03:54] And that very much does not work because he does he does three layers thinking that. But what he does is he takes the battery from Rover one. Yes. 

Alex [00:04:02] And he strings that together. And then he needs to find a way to not use the heater so that these two batteries can get him farther. 

Lacey [00:04:10] I love how he picks which rover he’s going to use. OK, so one of the things that makes Mark Watney a fully fleshed out character is he uses logic brain to know that he can trick out this rover. He’s he is capable of doing this. He’s smart enough. He’s got all the available information that he needs. But then his emotional center says that he’s bonded to Rover two because of the nights he stayed in it during what does he call it, the great hydrogen crisis scare. 

Alex [00:04:45] Yeah, great hydrogen scare of soul. Thirty seven. So that’s when he almost blew himself up in the hab trying to make water. Yeah. So I just I liked that. I like that. 

Lacey [00:04:57] You know, I’ve talked about how part of what makes him fully fleshed out for me is the way that he talks. But this is really about the writer deciding the way that he thinks. Yes. And I just I, I found it. It’s another way in which he feels whole to me is that he’s not totally logical. 

Alex [00:05:19] Yeah. 

Alex [00:05:20] There would have been a strong in like a strong impulse to take this character and make them basically Sherlock Holmes, like just ultra logic guy, perfectly practical, you know, really sort of drive home the idea that this is about survival and you have to do whatever it takes and instead it’s about survival. 

Alex [00:05:36] And he’s going to have to do a lot. And he’s really smart. But he’s also like, I like this rover more. 

Lacey [00:05:41] Well, and and then the other thing is, is he talks about how the problem that he has in front of him is really overwhelming. 

Lacey [00:05:49] So he breaks it down to its component parts and he’s like, OK, the first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to focus on power. How am I going to get that? And this I mean, Alex and my therapist, both are always like, you get overwhelmed. You just if you break it down, break down a project to smaller parts, you can do this. And I love how it like this man just has a stress mechanism. Yeah. 

Alex [00:06:15] You know, well, and it’s it’s not just stress, like, obviously, yes. That’s a part of it, but it’s also and I love that in a later chapter we are going to get the psychological profile of Mark Watney and the psychologist talks about why he’s kind of the perfect guy for this to happen to. But it’s also, you know, Andy Weir described this book one time as a religious novel for someone without a religion, as a religious novel for scientists, because he said what you what you get whenever you watch like a Christian film is the character constantly has to reinvest themselves in God. And that is sort of the path to the solution for whatever problem the story is about is that you give yourself over to God and that will see you through. And this is the same story. But for a scientist and every time he’s presented with a problem, what has he does? He turns back to science. He turns back to solving the problem. And this first step in solving any problem, the first step of science is break it down into questions. It’s not just a looming obstacle. It is a series of problems to be solved. And that is I think, you know, it’s exactly what you’re saying and it is exactly what makes him so capable in this situation, because he has internalized that every problem has a solution. It’s just a matter of finding it well. 

Lacey [00:07:43] And he’s got he’s got his tools that he’s learned, but he’s also got his tools that are kind of built in, again, you know, nature versus nurture. Did he just already have some of these tools that, again, the psychologist talked about in a later chapter? But he’s got all of these tools and some of it is is about the science of it. So I love that he’s we’re we’re getting to watch a character have the tools for long term and short term stress and how to handle it. And he doesn’t always handle it perfectly, like there are moments where he gets kind of depressing. Yeah. Which we haven’t really had a lot of. We’ve had, like tension and scares and things like that, but it’s sort of comedic overwhelm. 

Alex [00:08:27] Oh, I am so fucked like yeah, but not in any kind of actual sort of dark night of the soul kind of way. 

Lacey [00:08:33] Yeah, exactly. And this is the first time that I think that we really get it. And I think that the the moment that it happens is great. But I feel like we’ve got a couple more things before we get there. 

Alex [00:08:42] Also worth mentioning, we’ve got a few responses. Imam Emon Economist says the genre is Mars and I like that. I think there should be a is it up. Yeah, it’s it’s uplifting. It’s hopeful. It’s got science and competent characters. It’s Mars genre with fun. Yeah. I’m, I’m here for it. Jay grap my nemesis respond. Oh no this is a thing. No. Oh DJ Grape Arlott J. Grape and I are locked in an epic battle for the future of mankind. 

Lacey [00:09:15] Started last week and I don’t even remember the inciting incident. So that’s on me. 

Alex [00:09:19] It was something about him being a better son in law than I am. Oh that’s right. That’s true for your mom would like it more than that’s just me and your mom likes me a lot. So that means that J. 

Alex [00:09:30] Grape is evil. So J. Grape says the genre is science fiction. Jacob also says, Alex, I am coming for you. Bring it on Grape. Oh, my God. And in the meantime, one thing that I did notice and is worth mentioning for anybody who has seen the movie The Martian, but maybe not read the book or is maybe reading along with us, which, by the way, if you’re reading along with us, tell us, because that’s super cool. They make a big deal in the movie about how the basically the only entertainment he has is 70s disco music. It is worth mentioning that in the book he has a little bit more than that. He talks about how he has some TV shows from the 20th century, but he also has some Agatha Christie novels, which is fun. Hercule Poirot specifically. Yes. 

Alex [00:10:20] Hercule Poirot, for those who don’t know, is sort of a Sherlock Holmes kind of character written by Agatha Christie, who saw the movie that came out a couple of years ago with her on the Orient Express with Martin. 

Lacey [00:10:32] What’s his name? Kenneth Branagh. 

Lacey [00:10:36] No, I thought pyro was played by the guy who plays Watson and Sherlock no. 

Lacey [00:10:42] Oh, well. Oh, OK. 

Lacey [00:10:46] Listen, I don’t ever remember the names of musicians, actors, movies, songs, album titles, none of it. Like I I as an actor, I feel like I should care more, but I don’t. So I just I just this is going forward. I’m not going to remember any of this, but I’m going to reference it like ideal. Excellent. It’s a great thing. It’s great. 

Alex [00:11:08] So worth mentioning, by the way, Mark Watney is embarking on what he calls the serious missions. And charmingly, he says that that’s a reference. And if you don’t get it, fuck you and get it. Dogs. Yeah. If you don’t do the rover. And specifically, I learned a thing about serious when I was looking this up, which is if you’ve ever heard the phrase dog days of summer, I did not realize that that is related to these star serious. Serious is the brightest star in the sky and it is part of the constellation Canis Major, the dog. The big dog. I take it this is in the northern hemisphere. Yeah, OK. And serious, right? A star in the sky. Part of Canis Major is referred to as the dog star because it’s part of Canis Major and the dog days of summer are supposedly the hottest, most oppressive days of the summer are when Sirius is especially prominent in the sky. That’s why it’s called the dog days of summer. 

Alex [00:12:12] It’s because the dog stops instating. Yeah, nice little tidbit. I think they’re wrong about it for LA because it’s like September and October, the worst. But so there are a couple of things that we jumped that I really enjoy. OK, go for it. So what I like is his breakdown of the math. So first he’s like, how can I conserve energy? OK, I can wear layers, which the first thing I thought of was he sounds like my mother in winter when she won’t turn the heat up past like sixty eight and my grandma and I just like have to pitch into the void because we’re freezing. But my mom will have none of it. And that’s what he reminds me of my mom. 

Lacey [00:12:49] But then he pulvers the battery from Rover one and he talks about it being a saddle bag for his rover and this just suddenly turned into a goddamn Western and I am totally here for it. And then it made me think of Firefly and I want to know where all of my Firefly fans are because Westerns for the win. Yes. 

Alex [00:13:07] More Firefly fans coming. It was just announced or rumored at least I think that Disney is rebooting Firefly. What you did tell me that I wanted to save it for the air. Also, by the way, I’m an economist. Just weighed in. She says that’s how serious a black got his name, you know, the bug connection. 

Lacey [00:13:25] I wondered that. So thank you for pointing that out because. Thank you. I immediately that was my thought when reading this was Harry Potter. But yeah, I, I think, you know, one of the things about J.K. Rowling is she’s pretty on the nose with her naming. Yeah. 

Alex [00:13:42] She’s got that James Bond naming. Yes. Yeah. So I guess the real takeaway here is Emon economist is great. And Jay why can’t you be like her. 

Lacey [00:13:52] I want my God to just what if I left and right. 

Alex [00:13:56] Hey, I didn’t start this jury started this. 

Lacey [00:13:59] This is a man who was like always wanted fights to happen around him because he was big and he figured that he could like make bully stop. 

Alex [00:14:06] I topped out at six four in eighth grade and and now here he is, like picking them. You are being the bully group started this. 

Alex [00:14:12] I’m just saying I’m going to finish it. 

Lacey [00:14:14] What is so more of the math? Taking the solar paneling from the hab. He says that he has one hundred square meters. His boring, his words, not mine math says he needs to bring twenty eight square meters, which is fourteen panels. And I just like I don’t know, I liked all of the different options that he kind of provided in enacting. 

Lacey [00:14:35] We called this tactics and it’s the different ways that characters come at a problem and try and get what they want. And for me it was just fun to see all of the different ways in which he could. Get more energy, conserve energy, you know, so I just thought it was fun before he came to his ultimate decision and his ultimate decision is that he’s going to go dig up the RTG. 

Alex [00:15:01] The RTG is basically a big ol box of radioactivity that will absolutely kill you dead if it breaches. But if it doesn’t breach, it just provides electricity and heat. And so he can put this thing in his rover and it will generate all the heat he needs so he can leave the heater off and problem solved. And this is just I feel like we’re going to be saying this like four times every episode for the entire duration that we’re reading this book. But I love how Andy Weir keeps coming back to the little stuff. 

Alex [00:15:35] It’s not just how do you survive on Mars. You grow crops and you, you know, whatever. It’s also like how do you heat the rover? Like, you know, like it’s cold. Well, how do you do this? It’s got insulation. If you bring the RTG in, it’s actually going to get too hot. So now you have to cut out some of the insulation, put the RTG and then when it gets too cold, you put the insulation back in and like he walks you through every single step. 

Alex [00:15:57] And it really makes you feel like this is somebody dealing with problems, not just sort of a science superhero, like in Gravity, where they were trying to make her into just this. Like one person can do it all kind of thing. No, this is a real problem with a real solution. But it’s you got to go through every step. 

Lacey [00:16:15] I do have to say log entry. So sixty seven is my favorite one by far. And that’s where he does that serious one test and he got too cold and all of that stuff. 

Alex [00:16:27] And it’s also where we get this little nugget of wit, which is all my brilliant plans foiled by thermodynamics, damu entropy. And I just I like I cackled. I cackled. I’m like cackling through most of this book. 

Alex [00:16:42] And I just yeah, it’s really just great. We do also get an awesome Apollo 13 reference in this chapter. We’ve been talking about how Apollo 13 is a huge inspiration for The Martian and for our show we started Episode one talking about the movie Apollo 13. 

Alex [00:17:00] And in this he talks about how they have the same carbon dioxide filters in the rover that they had in the spacesuits in the HAB because Apollo 13 did teach us some stuff. 

Lacey [00:17:13] I totally missed two different. Yes, filter. That’s funny. I somehow just skipped right over it. Yeah, but the other thing we skipped right over is you guys, I have this moment. 

Lacey [00:17:24] And listen, I’ve got a couple of opinions about the chapters we’re encountering tonight that people might not like. And you’re just going to have to bear with me because I’m the one with the microphone. 

Lacey [00:17:38] So they graps going to start coming after you wasn’t. 

Lacey [00:17:43] So there was this moment where he calls Johannsson an Anglophile, and it made me so happy. I don’t really know why, but it’s it’s it’s not like a wounding thing to say. It’s just like this underhanded commentary that her that her taste is a little, you know, mundane and riskless and ubiquitous. Like, I don’t know, it’s just like, yeah, this this woman’s a little bit boring. And I was like, I’m not a gatekeeper. I don’t know pop culture well enough to be a gatekeeper. I can’t I reference things like I know stuff and I don’t. So I just I it just wasn’t particularly complimentary and it made me laugh like way harder than it should have. 

[00:18:29] So I just had to put that out there. 

[00:18:32] So the last thing that I thought was interesting in this chapter, and undoubtedly you have more, but the thing that that again, I just said we’re going to be mentioning this a lot is every little detail. And, you know, he’s leaving the hab for a couple of weeks and the potatoes won’t survive without the CO2 that he’s been exhaling. And so he has to go out and get CO2 from the from the Mavie fuel plant and turn off the oxygen later and release it into the hab so that his potatoes have enough carbon dioxide to breathe, to survive while he’s gone because he’s the only source. It’s just like this. Every little detail, every detail thought through. We just love it. 

[00:19:19] And I think that one of the other things is when he talks about the radioisotope thermoelectric generator, I said that in one tank, I’m so proud of my size as if we were going to cut and dry again. This is why they pay the big box set up and how it’s holding the plutonium to thirty eight. 

[00:19:35] And I just like I liked that. He explained to us that this is an incredibly unstable isotope and it burns red hot on its own because it’s. Because it’s unstable and it’s hot and it can fry an egg by itself, and I was just like those little details, you know, there’s another point where he talks about where they are. And I don’t remember. Oh, the I don’t I’m going to completely mispronounce this. Mm hmm. OK, he provides us with a little geography, the. 

[00:20:10] As Sedalia, Polynesia one take really acid Sedalia Planche. 

[00:20:17] I’m so good, I’m so good, listen, I love it because to me, it feels like he says that it’s, you know, a big old great plane and I’m like, Oh, the Great Plains. I love those. Now, I didn’t want to go look it up on a map because I just like that the details provided I don’t actually care beyond him naming it. I don’t need to I don’t need to go look it up. It’s just one of those it’s one of those details that we keep talking about, really just bring the science to life. Yeah. 

Alex [00:20:48] Unsurprisingly, for a book this based in real science, the Aries three landing site is a very specific place on Mars. You can look up where it is on Mars and where he has to go when he references passing by certain craters. Those are actual craters on Mars. You can look up maps of Whatley’s path wherever he drives. For those of you who have played Terra Genesis and know the surface of Mars maybe better than the average bear, Sedalia Polynesia is the very soft, smooth northern hemisphere area that eventually becomes the Northern Ocean when you tariff on Mars. So it is you know, if you look at the elevation map in the game, it’s the darker areas in the Northern Hemisphere and it’s incredibly featureless as opposed to the southern hemisphere, which is pockmarked by craters, because basically the long and short of it is Mars had its head blown off billions of years ago. And the entire northern hemisphere is one giant impact crater. So it’s a lot younger than the southern hemisphere. 

Lacey [00:21:48] Listen, I’m just saying that you can know the geography of Mars without putting water there, because why would you put water there? The planet has rights. 

Alex [00:21:56] Lacey is a deep hyphestian. 

Lacey [00:22:00] And I’m like, I’m in the minority. Yes, I’ll buy a lot. Yeah. 

Alex [00:22:05] So, yes, I am a hyphestian and through. Yeah. Anti-terraforming. 

Alex [00:22:10] All right. What else you got for Chapter seven. Um. 

Lacey [00:22:13] Oh, uh. Two things I the moment he leaves the house behind for the first time, his anxiety starts to rise. In the moment, he says that it’s the first time he’s letting the hab out of his sight. I just like I like, choked a little. 

Lacey [00:22:32] Yeah, because why? 

Lacey [00:22:35] I mean, I know why. I know why. You need to you need to get your heat source. Yeah, I get it makes it feel a little bit like a video game now that I’m saying it out loud. But I the the anxiety was really there in that kind of leads into the rest of the chapters we have for the evening. Yeah. Which brings in like that really depressive tone. Um, yeah. 

Alex [00:22:57] They don’t really go into too much what this is going to like, what impact this experience is going to have on Mark when he gets back to Earth, because obviously we’re all wrapped up in is he going to get back to Earth? But you do have to wonder if this guy is going to be like an agoraphobe for a while, because if you spend your entire life fearing the outside, fearing that any tiny hole in the wall is going to kill you, and every time you go out the door, you have to suit up. Outside is danger. Outside is death. Outside is barren. It really, I think, would promote a sense of agoraphobia. And then if you suddenly find yourself having to go out, having to go out into the world, that would be terrifying after three months. 

Lacey [00:23:39] This is also the place where he gives us a really good context for how old Mars is, because he says it’s a desert so old it’s literally rusting. And I was just like, I don’t know, there’s something about that that totally blows my mind. 

Alex [00:23:55] I don’t for those of you don’t know, the Mars is the Red Planet specifically because iron oxide covers it. The entire planet is rust colored because of the iron in the soil, has oxidized and is literally rusty. 

Lacey [00:24:09] So which is just I guess I knew that. But the phrasing of it just really gives you a new perspective. 

Lacey [00:24:18] It gives you a better frame for contextualizing the whole thing. So I loved that. But my last thing on Chapter seven is someone tell me what a slide rule is, because I don’t feel like Googling it, but he’s talking about how the NASA scientists are probably hiding under their desks with their slide rules. 

Alex [00:24:37] It’s a it’s a tool for I actually don’t know how to use a slide rule myself, but basically picture a ruler, but with another ruler that’s attached to it that sort of slides to different configurations. And it’s a tool used for conversions and calculation. 

Lacey [00:24:54] What they were using an Apollo 13 when they were all sitting at their desks like each person had kind of their own. Oh, yeah. 

Alex [00:25:00] It was it’s it’s used for calculations and conversions. And especially in the pre computer era when you needed to do pretty complex conversions, you would have a slide rule. And so it’s sort of a it it sort of goes alongside the pocket protector. 

Alex [00:25:14]  It’s sort of the gear of the deep nerd. 

Lacey [00:25:17] I was like, he’s kind of taking the pocket protector to a new level. But the slide rule is essentially what he’s doing. Example, rude. 

Alex [00:25:25] I love it, but OK, so Chapter eight picks back up on Earth. We’ve started to establish this every other chapter thing where we get one chapter from Mark and then one chapter on. It’s not quite that and not quite, but it we get this alternating pattern and specifically we pick up with Mark or with with Earth and a newscast, which I think is a great way of showing and not telling something they tell writers and screenwriters all the time is show, don’t tell, don’t just tell the audience that somebody is really good at sports, show them playing sports. And so in this way, we get the sense that the news is out. You know, everybody knows the mark is alive, almost everybody. And the way we are sort of introduced to that fact is it’s a news broadcast. It’s the, you know, tonight’s coverage. It’s a daily segment. And they’re talking about, you know, they’re obviously kind of looking for any morsel of news that they can give the audience. 

Alex [00:26:22] And it really helps set the stage that this is a global phenomenon, even though we never really leave the fairly tight circle of characters. You know, we do get the sense that everyone in the world is watching. Right. 

Lacey [00:26:34] Um, I skipped over the like I mean, I read the news part, but I just kind of skipped over it because it was fun. But and I like Annie because we get to see the professional part of her and the super unprofessional part of her like that is not how you talk to your coworkers, but it’s very funny from an audience point of view. Yeah, but it’s the sitting at the tables they’re waiting on. I don’t remember who they’re waiting on, like Bruce, Teddy, Teddy, you know, Bruce is there and Mitch is there and then Kate and Mindy and Annie are all sitting there. Right. And I’m I’m not used to this. I have I have a deep belief in names. There are some names that you just shouldn’t name your kid because they’re going to just be assholes. And I’m not used to Mitchs sucking Mitchs categorical. 

Lacey [00:27:32] Yeah, they’re like they’re generally good guys and or gals. 

Lacey [00:27:36] I’ve heard that it’s a female name, too, which is rather cool. But I, I this guy, this guy, he’s the flight director of Aries three. And I figure he shouldn’t be allowed to talk to people until he learns like a minimum, like a skill level at human decency. This guy’s a dick. 

Alex [00:27:55] Yeah. There’s there again for four screenwriters and writers out there, there’s something that people say which is Save the Cat, which is when you’re introducing a new character, you should immediately have them do a thing that indicates their character. And so if you watch closely in your favorite movies, especially if you if there’s a movie with like a badass, like sort of a John Wick or some kind of really scary list, you’ll notice that in their first scene they will almost always sort of, you know, kill a bunch of guys and then help someone or and then they will do something to indicate that their aggression, which takes it to the they may get very on the nose. 

Lacey [00:28:35] And that’s the fun of it, is he’s got this dog. The dog gets killed and screw you guys. I’m going to murder all of you. 

Alex [00:28:40] Exactly. But specifically in the first scene, oftentimes the character will be shown doing something to indicate that they’re a good guy just so the audience can start to internalize that despite any other terrible things they do, like murder. And he actually has one. Yes, but Mitch is the anti save the cat. Mitch is sort of the opposite of that. 

Alex [00:29:01] He’s he is established and he immediately just sort of I mean, I felt that way, but I, I reversed on it because my first thought was, don’t fuck with Mindy. Mindy is my favorite. I like her too much. Not too much. I like her just enough. Yeah. It’s a lot. And you don’t mess with her because I say so. Yeah. And. 

Lacey [00:29:22] Then I was like, OK, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, is Mitch the only one sitting here going, No, we need to tell the crew because for me, like we agree on something and there’s enough tribalism in me and enough of like I mean, we are in America where a binary polarization is kind of what we do right now. So I am he is on my team and he’s on probation, but he’s on my team right now and I will take him back. If he agrees with me, they should tell the freaking crew. I’m I’m like I’m I’m legitimately upset about it. Yeah. 

Alex [00:29:57] I you know, one thing that I liked about this and it definitely ties into what you’re saying, is that he really, you know, in a story that’s about Mark and then and then he introduced all these other characters on Earth. He really I think he’s doing himself a great service by keeping each of the characters very specific and focused. It’s almost like inside out. 

Alex [00:30:18] It’s almost like each character sort of represents one emotion, because we’ve got Mindy, who, you know, we go to this newscast and we’re doing all this stuff and then it cuts back. And I think it’s in the first sentence. It’s like Mindy sat at the table nervously fidgeting and it’s like, yep, that’s Mindy. And then, you know, Annie blows in and she’s like, not even looking where she’s going as she’s typing on her phone. 

Alex [00:30:37] And she just definitely navigates the entire room and sits down our spot. 

Lacey [00:30:40] And that’s like one of the first things she says is swearing at somebody. 

Alex [00:30:43] Yeah, exactly. And it’s like every character in the room can be summed up by one sort of theme. And Mitch is confrontation. 

Alex [00:30:51] And sometimes it’s good confrontation and sometimes it’s bad confrontation. But he’s the guy who’s going to get in your face. And then Bruce ING is just longsuffering. He in the inside, out of The Martian. 

Alex [00:31:03] He is sadness. He’s the one who’s just always you just JPL guy, right? Yeah. You just imagine that he’s like always got a bottle of Pepto Bismullah in his hand because he’s just like just everything anybody says to this guy is just stressful. 

Lacey [00:31:20] And it’s so he was kind of a dick in this too. 

Alex [00:31:22] I don’t remember what it was, but I was like, yeah, he’s not the nicest, but he’s just the in the movie they cast DB Wong and DB Wong is fantastic in the little role that he’s given and he just he’s just like in every scene so yeah. We can get it done. I like it’s just so specific. 

Lacey [00:31:48] Um I like that we finally meet the flight psychologist, we get introduced to Dr Irene Shields and she says at one point, you know, they’re live there on air. They’re talking about how um, it’s how the crew doesn’t know that Mark Watney is alive. And she says, yeah, I think I’m sure it was a hard decision for the for the upper management. And I’m sitting there going, They didn’t consult you. Mm. Why. Mm. Why she’s the flight psychologist. It doesn’t make any sense to me and I am going to be mad about it forever until they give me a really good reason not to be. But I like that she doesn’t sugarcoat everything. Yeah. That was she was willing to kind of go deep which. 

Lacey [00:32:40] Is cool for a character and also makes me feel really bad for Mark’s community at home, because you know that they’re there, they’re getting insights on their son or their friend that they don’t really get to see on the day to day like they know him for what they know, you know, as as family or friend or whatever. But you don’t always you don’t really get insight into how somebody is at work and how they are with their team unless you’re part of the crisis. Yeah, exactly. Oftentimes you don’t really get to see these things. And so they’re watching somebody else describe they’re a person of their community in a way that’s just like devastating, really rough. And then, of course, the first thing, the the first thing I’m thinking is like, oh, my gosh, what about like when that one person who has no filter or zero empathy says something of like. Oh, yeah. 

Lacey [00:33:35] When Dr. Irene Shields says said this and says it to his parents, like, this is where my brain goes as it goes off and all of these different, like, tangential storylines of like, oh, no, his parents. 

Alex [00:33:51] And then of course, I went and you do get the sense that maybe this this psychologist was sort of going off script. Oh, yeah. They should not want to the stuff that was I feel like maybe off camera that psychologists got ripped a new one because it got really quiet and they’re like and OK, see, I think she won’t be doing any more press interviews. 

Lacey [00:34:10] Yeah. The and then the other thing I was thinking of is, you know, that there that there are people out there taking bets on whether or not this guy is going to come back alive like there are bookies. There are like there’s a whole thing happening around this. And it skived me out really bad. But simultaneously, I was like, what? What I place a bet, I mean, no, the answer is no, but if I did, what would I bet? I’m not a betting person. I don’t like to take that risk. So it would never happen. But it was it was another place where you just sit there and wonder as an audience member, he’s he’s filled up this world so well that you get to continue expanding on it. 

Alex [00:34:51] But you get to go to, like, all of the nooks and crannies because he’s filled it up so much nooks and crannies all the way to the post office, which is one of the most charming little asides in maybe this whole book, which is that they started printing Mark Watney commemorative stamps and then they realized he was alive. And you don’t print stamps of people who are alive, which I always forget is true. 

Lacey [00:35:13] Yeah, like, I’ve known that off and on throughout the years, but I always forget it’s true. And so it was kind of fun to see. It’s just another way that Andy Weir brings in reality to his writing. And I just love that weird little ways. 

Alex [00:35:29] You know, it’s not just the science, it’s the friggin post of it. 

Alex [00:35:32] Like, who thinks of that stuff? Yeah, exactly. 

Alex [00:35:35] Because, of course, there would have been a Mark Watney stamp, the first person to die on Mars. Are you kidding? Yes. They would have immediately done stamps and then she’s not dead. We do also get another example, yet another example of thinking through all the details, which is the green ribbons they’re talking about. How are they? So OK, so we’re going to send supplies to Mark because, again, they don’t know that he’s growing crops yet. They think he’s only got like 100 days of food. So we’re going to we’re going to launch a thing. We’re going to try to to land it. And I don’t know, we’ll get it as close as we can to him. 

Alex [00:36:11] But how is he going to know that it’s there, which again, is like, you know, a lesser author would have been like, oh, we’re going to land at nearby and he’ll see it. But you don’t know that. You’re going to you know, like if you’re off by even a couple of kilometers, you might not see it and it might just sit there uselessly because you can’t tell and it’s there. So they come up with this plan to airburst thousands of little green ribbons, all of which have a message written on it. And in the red Martian landscape, a whole bunch of fluttering green ribbons are going to be very visible. And that’s just another example of just thinking and every aspect. 

Lacey [00:36:44] And what I love about it is it’s not a highly technical solution. Yeah, this is analog in the world of NASA. And I love that. I love that not all solutions can even be high tech. Yeah. And I was a little surprised that they assumed that the biologist hadn’t figured out a way. And I get that to me. There’s I you would think that maybe Mitch or even the psychologist would have brought up we sent potatoes, guys. Hopefully he’s working on it. And I, I was just I thought it was interesting that they made that assumption. 

Alex [00:37:26] I think it’s believable because, A, they don’t always send potatoes. It was only because they were going to be their own. 

Lacey [00:37:32] Right. But that’s why I’m saying Mitch or or doctor, why do I keep forgetting her name? I don’t want to call her read Dr. Fields. 

Alex [00:37:39] Yeah, but the other reason, I think, is because most food was freeze dried and those potatoes specifically weren’t. And so it’s easy to forget that, like, oh, in addition to the food that we always send, there’s also this one thing. And it is I know and you know, just all the things that he had to go through. He had to make the water. He had to make the soil. He had to make like all this stuff, if you like. Even if it had occurred to someone, they would have been like, well, I mean, what’s it going to do with the potatoes? He doesn’t have water. You don’t have soil. 

Lacey [00:38:04] You know, like we don’t want to think about him trying to make water. Yeah, exactly. Like I said. All right. Yeah. 

Alex [00:38:12] So the yeah. So one of the things that’s been going on sort of in the background of this chapter is he’s driving somewhere. 

Lacey [00:38:24] And of course, for us, as the audience Mark has been talking about driving to for you. 

[00:38:33] And so but what is he like doing that he’s he’s talked about how it’s going to be while it’s going to be for years, like, why would you go now? 

Alex [00:38:40] And we even get this kind of ominous thing from the psychologist that, like, maybe he’s going to areas for because he’s already given up and he just wants to kind of broadcast a goodbye message. That’s not good. 

Alex [00:38:51] It doesn’t sound like the guy we know, but he’s been talking about going areas for. And then we get this great scene where Mandy and Venkat are talking about where could he be going? How could he be getting there? And all of a sudden they realize, I think I know where he’s going. They rushed down to the cafeteria where there is a gift shop map of Mars, which is just so charming. 

Lacey [00:39:12] And I was the one that I can write on. Yeah. 

Alex [00:39:15] And I love the fact that there’s a tech in the cafeteria. 

[00:39:18] It’s like, hey, what the hell are you going to buy you another one? Yeah. 

Alex [00:39:23] The you know, just another opportunity to sort of inject some some inelegant realism that there’s like you can’t just go. Rip something off the wall at NASA and not have anybody say anything. There’s a guy eating dinner. That’s our thing. Screw you, man. Like, but he grabs it, he draws a line. He actually grabs that guy’s book to use as a straight edge and he realizes where Mark is going. 

Alex [00:39:47] Mark is heading to Pathfinder and Pathfinder as a mission from the 90s that landed on Mars successfully. Yep, very, very famous mission. It had a sort of a base module that stayed in place, which had the radios and that sort of thing. 

Alex [00:40:02] And then it had the Sojourner rover, which would go out little flat top thing you’ve probably seen pictures of and. It has a radio and it stopped working, but it has a radio and that is how he’s going to talk to Earth, this this scene actually made me tear up because. 

Lacey [00:40:24] Then Katz excitement just like poured off the page in a way that I it felt very visceral to me and I like I’m getting a little choked up now just because I I love watching people get excited. I can see people get excited about a discovery or something that they know really well. It’s just like one of my very favorite things. And he does it and it’s written so well. And I was just like, oh, like everyone can breathe easier for just a second. 

Alex [00:40:53] Infectious enthusiasm. 

Alex [00:40:55] And and, you know, again and we’ll be talking about the movie in a separate episode, but the movie does this moment really well because you you’ve got your intercutting between Brincat and Mark and they each discover it at the same moment in the editing, Venkat realizes Pathfinder and Mark Watney reveal. He pulls aside the thing and he’s looking at it Pathfinder. And it’s like this meeting of the minds between two planets. It’s perfectly executed. 

Lacey [00:41:27] And, you know, you have to give a lot to the editor. Yes. Of the movie, which at some point I will bring in his name. 

Alex [00:41:34] But when we talk about the movie, we’ll be talking about the crew because every single person who contributed to that movie did a great job. 

Alex [00:41:40] So it does raise an interesting question, which they never actually address in this story. And I, I keep waffling back and forth, trying to decide if it was a decision not to discuss it or if it was just sort of never came up, which is when is this story set? Is this set in? It seems to be vaguely modern times, like there’s no element of science fiction aside from landing on Mars, and yet. We’re not landing on Mars right now. So is it the 20 30s and the reason that I ask this is because they assemble the Pathfinder team, they say, go get all those guys who worked on Pathfinder. So clearly, this isn’t the twenty sixties. 

Alex [00:42:21] This is relatively, you know, I mean, I feel like it’s pretty it’s pretty modern and and. Right. We’re not quite there yet. But you know what, the back to the future thought that 20, 20 would bring hoverboard. So like, you know where we can we can pretty easily say that technology, what they say that technology jumps forward like there’s a like a six month. What are talking about? Moore’s Law. 

Lacey [00:42:51] Yeah, yeah, yeah, I you’ll have to explain it, because I couldn’t it’s it’s the number of transistors doubles and the cost halves every six months or something like that. It’s a way of projecting how good computers are going to be in the future. And it’s famously been incredibly accurate. 

Lacey [00:43:08] So because of that, I can I could say that this is pretty modern because, yeah, we’re going to get that. We’re going to get to Mars very quickly. I don’t know how quickly we’re going to get to really putting people right on Mars, but I certainly hope so. 

Alex [00:43:22] I said, yeah, and that rounds up Chapter eight. 

Lacey [00:43:26] And in Chapter nine, we meet the king of Mars again. 

Lacey [00:43:29] Yes, we do. We go back to the king of France. I just love that he calls himself that. I’m like, you know what? You’re the only one here. I guess you can do it. You can call yourself whatever you want. Madisen, we’re going to agree with you. 

Alex [00:43:40] There is something interesting that jumped out at me in Chapter nine, which is, you know, we’ve got this sort of split story we’ve got on on the one hand, we’ve got the story of a of a single person doing everything they can to survive, and in particular in this moment, trying to contact Earth. And then on the other hand, we have the people on Earth watching him, trying to figure out what he’s doing, trying to figure out how they can help, trying to figure out all this stuff. And we never actually address. 

Alex [00:44:09] The the earth side of the story, from Mark’s perspective, we never discussed the possibility that they might be watching him or they might have realized he’s alive, he always grants the premise that they think he’s dead. And I’m kind of surprised by that. I’m kind of surprised that he isn’t like going out and and. Doing donuts outside the have just to sort of let the satellites look at him and realize he’s alive, there’s no attempt to just do a big broad, hey, I’m still here to the sky just in case it’s like and I hear that. 

Lacey [00:44:44] But the work ahead of him is so daunting. He’s got so much to do and he doesn’t take a day off. This man does not get weekends. No. So like, when does he have the time to do like time to waste because he doesn’t know when the satellites are pointed at him. Right. You know, so I feel like that would be a waste of time and energy and resources. 

Alex [00:45:03] Right. I’m just surprised that he never floats the notion like he never says. I wonder if they’ve realized yet that I’m alive, you know, like he’s going to dig up Pathfinder. And even he says that nobody’s listening for that. Like, I’m going to fire up this thing. And the people who are listening for Pathfinder signal are long gone. So I hope the Deep Space Network picks up. You know, I hope Setti picks up my tickets. 

Lacey [00:45:25] I mean, to me, it’s a defense mechanism. You think? Yeah, because there’s. I think that if you went in with the hope. 

Lacey [00:45:36] And belief that people are going to be able to hear you and and know that you’re alive, I think that would be devastating if it turned out that you were wrong. Right. Like that would be the point at which you’re like, all right, let’s go get the let’s go to the med station and I’m going to get that morphine. 

Lacey [00:45:55] Yeah, exactly. And so to me, I think that it’s really neat that we’re seeing this sort of defense mechanism, which is I am not going to make the assumption that anybody is aware yet because there’s nothing I can do about it and there’s nothing they can do about it right now like we can or anybody else. 

Alex [00:46:15] I’m working the problem. I will continue working the problem. If they hear me, great. If not, I’ll continue working the brain. 

Lacey [00:46:20] Yeah. And, you know, if they know I’m alive, they are either working the problem or they’re not, but I can’t possibly know. So it’s just like I think it’s better for his mental health that and this guy has to to like hold on to whatever good mental health he has for as long as he possibly can because he’s got four years. So I don’t know. 

Alex [00:46:42] I know you told me, I will say traveling in the rover. Sounds like a nightmare. It’s just he talks about, you know, the interior of the rover is about the about the size of a van, which seems really spacious until you start thinking about living in a van for weeks. He literally talks about peeing in a box and shitting in bags because, of course, both of those things are valuable resources. When he gets back to the hab, he needs them for his soil. And it’s just that just sounds just awful. 

Lacey [00:47:16] There is like a part of me that just went straight to. At thoughts of Instagram and hashtag camper van, life is what came to my mind, I was like, these people love it, like he cannot live that life and apparently neither could you. And I want a camper van so bad. 

Alex [00:47:33] So to be fair, you can leave the camper van. I don’t know how many people are going hashtag camper van life when they can’t exit. Well, I mean, he can suit up every time. 

Lacey [00:47:45] I know. I know. It’s not the same. It’s not the same. But that is where my that’s where my ad I like it made me chuckle because I thought of all of the people who are like, I’m I sold my house and I’m just going to drive around and work out of my camper van and I’m going to see the world. And I’m like, dude, that’s awesome. I don’t think I could do it for the rest of my life, but I could do it for a couple minutes. So get on board, Markwayne. I mean, at least we had a house for those for those who don’t know. 

Alex [00:48:14] When Lacey and I were releasing Terror Genesis, we were living in New Zealand for seven months and just road tripping around the country. 

Lacey [00:48:22] They have these they have these funny camper vans that are called that the brand is juicy and they’re like lime green. And they have this up redhead who I always thought I should go as her for Halloween and nobody in the US is going to get it. 

Alex [00:48:37] But apparently they would. Apparently, Jussie, vans exist in the US. They’re not as they’re not as ubiquitous as they are in New Zealand, but that is everywhere. 

Lacey [00:48:44] They were everywhere. And you always you could tell what it was coming down the road because it’s like lime green. Anyway, off topic. Off topic. 

Alex [00:48:54] So he does mention and this is one of those things where, you know, he anywhere has said that the one thing that he gave himself license in this book for scientific inaccuracy is the storm at the beginning. The thing that kicks the whole thing off a storm like that could not actually exist on Mars. The air pressure is too thin. He does also I wonder if it’s sort of one and a half because he does mention that, oh, the Sojourner rover is a lot closer to the base station than it was when it lost power. 

Alex [00:49:25] I haven’t looked up where Sojourner was, but I wonder if it wasn’t a long way away. And when he was writing this, he was like now. 

Alex [00:49:31] And then it returned to the base station before it ran out of power. Because Markwayne needs to find this thing. I mean, we we can look it up. Yeah, we can look it up. 

Alex [00:49:41] But yeah, he finds I mean, not right now. I’m just saying, like, it’s at some point we can look it up and then we can tell you what we found or you can look it up and you can tell us what you found. 

Alex [00:49:51] Yes. So he finds Pathfinder, he gets gets a little rough with it to detach it and get it up onto the rover. He does mention, by the way, that, by the way, we’re getting comments in the chat saying that Juicy is all over the place for us. 

Lacey [00:50:10] Sally, I’m blintz. Maybe L.A. just has too many people for me to notice. 

Alex [00:50:16] Yeah, he does mention, by the way, that 200 kg is heavy even in Mars gravity. I did go ahead and look it up. Apparently, two hundred kilograms on Mars is about seventy six kilograms on Earth. Or if you live in America, that’s about one hundred and sixty seven pounds. Oh that’s not nothing. Yeah, that’s not nothing. A hundred and sixty seven. 

Lacey [00:50:37]  But I mean, you know there are, there are monster weightlifters who could just be like yeah yeah. 

Lacey [00:50:43] But uh for the average everyday non muscle person, especially for someone who spent nine months in zero G and then landed on Mars and has been in Martian gravity for the last four months, I’m sure his muscle mass has decreased. 

Lacey [00:50:59] Um, I. I also want to know, why does he not have his own entertainment? Why is Johannsson the only one who brought entertainment? 

Alex [00:51:10] Well, she’s not so in the book. Several people do. He’s got Lewis’s disco music. He’s got Johanson’s novels. That’s right. OK, I know I didn’t see this, but apparently I saw a comment on a Reddit thread about the Martian. And apparently there’s some reference to the fact that Martinez and Watani both left their entertainment drives up on the Hermès because they were only going to be on the surface for 30 days or something like that. And they just didn’t bother to bring them down to the surface with them. Oh, I never saw them. I missed that. So maybe that person was just making it up. 

Lacey [00:51:42] But that’s I mean, because we we do we don’t hear anything about Martinez’s stuff except for the wooden cross. 

Alex [00:51:50] Exactly. So maybe that’s the answer. And we both just missed it. Or maybe it hasn’t come up in the book yet. And they mentioned at the very end. 

Lacey [00:51:57] Yeah. I have this moment of like this guy, he keeps mentioning how much he misses his crew. Like this is where it really hits him, that he misses these people. Um, and the moment that he names Luis Valley, like, I was just like, oh, that’s really sweet. I am so sad for you. I feel so sad that this is this is what you have is to, like, make fun of their taste, to think about them and miss them and then name stuff after them. And I was just like, I don’t know, that kind of got me. 

Alex [00:52:35] For those who are curious, by the way, as you play TerraGenesis on Mars, specifically, you may find a city name suggestion wapi crater, a little Martian Easter egg in Genesis. 

Lacey [00:52:46] You just giving those away now. So it’s only been out for three and a half years, for three and a half. Yeah. That was twenty, sixteen and a half. 

Alex [00:52:59] TerraGenesis, it’s been four and a half years. 

Lacey [00:53:01]  That’s weird. That means we’ve been married for almost five. That was a big year. Yeah. OK, so one of the other things I really like is he gets a little melodramatic in his philosophizing because he says Ferbos is the God of fear and I’m letting it be my guide. And I just like your hit man like that. It’s a little melodramatic. I, I like that he points out that that and that he knows that ferbos is the God of fear. But there’s just something really chilling about that. Yeah. And a little melodramatic and full of it. Yeah. Are you reading my notes. I am. Get out of here Cheeta. 

Alex [00:53:42] Are you. So that’s all I’ve got for Chapter nine. 

Lacey [00:53:45] Well, tell me about the Lighthouse of Alexandria, because I, I could guess what it is, but I, I have to assume that there’s more to it than, than what it sounds like. 

Alex [00:53:57] So the Lighthouse of Alexandria, also known as the Pharaoh’s Lighthouse, was a lighthouse in Alexandria. That’s it. No, it was a my God lighthouse, absolutely colossal lighthouse at the Port of Alexandria, which was probably the economic hub of the Mediterranean throughout the entire ancient period of history. And they would burn wood and manure and all sorts of stuff. You could see it apparently for like hundreds of miles. 

Lacey [00:54:28] I bet this is what when when Ben GM did that game for us that we were like essentially in the Mediterranean. This was the lighthouse. Yeah. 

Alex [00:54:37] Oh, what was it stood for like a couple thousand years, I think. And then it was taken down by an earthquake relatively recently in history, if I remember correctly, it was like the fifteen hundreds or something. The lighthouse fell. It’s interesting. But yeah, we, we know what it looked like. It’s been very thoroughly described by ancient ancient accounts. And there are stories, obviously hyperbolic stories that it could be used like a death ray that like it was so bright that it could be focused and like burn ships and stuff. 

Lacey [00:55:10] I think he did put this in his game. And I suddenly I love that friend of ours just a little bit more for being even more of a nerd than I thought he was. That’s so dorky. Great. OK, I don’t remember what game we were playing, but it was at Savage Worlds Munza Mastermind’s. 

Alex [00:55:28] Oh, yeah. OK, so I think that’s the end of Chapter nine, which brings us to SLE. 

Lacey [00:55:35] Yeah. He says that he builds a ramp out of rocks and sand like the Egyptians. Awful. It does sound awful, but I was like. I don’t know, again, he’s got all of these just like little references to ancient history, that because he’s a nerd. 

Alex [00:55:51] He’s like all the good people are. So that rounds out Chapter nine, which brings us to the absolute catastrophe, the death knell of entertainment. That is Chapter 10 of The Martian. Lacey, you you want to tell us about the crime against humanity that Andy Weir has unleashed upon the world? It was boring. 

Alex [00:56:20] So that’s all, folks. 

Lacey [00:56:25] Listen, listen, he’s just. 

Alex [00:56:28] He’s just saying he just wanted it to be funner, is what you’re saying. 

Lacey [00:56:32] Listen, Jay, Grapes and my mom are right, I don’t love the word, but they’re right, it should be a word. Yeah, OK, this is this is where it started. That’s right. Good gracious. OK, no, it’s just it’s just a chapter about him fixing up the Sojourner and and the Pathfinder and, you know, like, just OK, cool. And like, we know how this is going to go. And I think that’s why I don’t enjoy it is because. We’re just waiting for the last sentence, and he’s just I think that’s why I don’t like it, is I’m just waiting for it to end. I know how it’s going to end, but yet it really does feel like. 

Lacey [00:57:23] No, I’ll tell you, when you talk about Chapter seven, I’ll end one of the one of the things that I really enjoyed is the Chapter 10 opens with something very near and dear to our hearts, which is Mark. In his own episode of The Synthesis, he starts picking apart an old movie about a probe that was sent to Venus that landed on Earth. And he starts sort of ripping it apart for its scientific inaccuracies. And I felt very close to Mark Watney in that moment because that’s what we do here, is talk about movies and how they represent science. He does it with more sarcasm, though, for sure. But I should really appreciate the fact that he sort of echoed our own show. He did it to us. 

Lacey [00:58:07] You know what? I totally missed that one point for Chapter Ten. All right. 

Alex [00:58:11] Next up, I really appreciated the return to the HAB in the same way that leaving the have felt really scary. I really bought into returning to the have felt joyous. He had talked about how awful it is to stay on in the rover and how cramped it was and how smelly it was. And all this kind of stuff he talks about as soon as he gets into the hab, he starts doing laps and just waving his arms around in the air because he literally hasn’t been able to wave his arms around inside for, you know, a couple of weeks. 

Alex [00:58:42] And it just it really sort of captured the joy of coming home to mother. 

Alex [00:58:47] OK, when did I say I’d like Dan? Yes, OK, but he’s not wrong. 

Lacey [00:58:57] That does sound rough. And it’s it sounds pretty awful and like, you know, you’re back. Being screwed up is no joke when you don’t get to quit. But simultaneously, I was just like, OK, I’m glad for you that you’re back. I’m here for the joy. Let’s get to the end of the chapter. Yeah. 

Alex [00:59:15] And the end of the chapter has what I thought, because I don’t know, maybe you didn’t feel the same way, but I thought it was the most emotionally impactful data log I’ve ever read, which is he gets the Pathfinder system up and running. He gets a charged, he gets it all good to go. He boosts it up and he makes a big deal about how I’m not going to really like there’s sort of nothing for me to do. I just have to wait for this thing to try to contact Earth and we’ll see if it does, because nobody’s listening for this anymore. Like he knows this is a long shot. The Pathfinder system is decades old. 

Alex [00:59:53] You know, I hope somebody hears me and he’ll know that they did if the whole system reorients toward Earth because it has no way of knowing where Earth is. 

Alex [01:00:04] So the only way it can triangulate its position is if it gets a signal from Earth and then it can point its dish and it ends. He ends the chapter with a log of internal systems diagnostics for the Pathfinder system, and it starts going through like solar panels non-operative and goes through all this kind of stuff. And it says attempting to acquire a signal waiting. Waiting, waiting. Signal acquired. And I’m I am listening to the audio books narrated by Wil Wheaton, Lacey’s reading the physical book, I’m listening to the audio books. And even though I’ve watched the movie a dozen times, I I’m just more efficient with my time, really. But even though I’ve watched the movie a dozen times and I’ve read the book a couple of times, that signal, a quiet moment gave me chills. It’s in everything in this story is in that moment I was like, I’m practically dead here. 

Lacey [01:01:03] And we’re like, this is so boring, so boring, so boring. And then it was just like everything came back to life. I just like I there was like a squeal that happened inside of me. 

Lacey [01:01:10] I was like, yes, yes, yes, yes. I kind of like because we’re not doing next week because it’s Christmas Eve and the week after, because it’s New Year’s Eve. I felt like I was like, oh man, we’re kind of assholes because we’re leaving on the season finale. Like, that’s what this is. 

Alex [01:01:25] Mark Watney can finally talk to Earth, but you know who’s not going to be talking us to you? Wait until twenty, twenty one. Yep. 

Lacey [01:01:33] So I my thing about it was just like there is there was this jolt because this is what I’ve been waiting for, this is what I knew was coming and yet. And yet. And can you imagine being those scientists who worked on the Pathfinder mission and you’re being called to help to help bring Mark home. 

Lacey [01:01:55] And I was just like, oh, I choked up. Oh, I was. 

Lacey [01:01:58] So I was just like, I mean, if we if we consider that this is, what, 30 years later, maybe. 

Lacey [01:02:04] Right. How big of a deal would that be to you to have maybe the thing that you consider your life’s work is actually going to is it’s going to be salvaged and made into something bigger than you life saving. 

Lacey [01:02:19] Oh, my. 

Alex [01:02:22] Yeah, I’m just like absolutely fantastic moment and so perfectly delivered through a system diagnostic. Like, again, he just he keeps returning to the the competence. You know, it’s not the these moments are not even done in particularly emotional ways. They’re done through success. You know, he he achieved his goal and that is impactful. We don’t need to see him thrusting his fist into the air to know how important that is. 

Lacey [01:02:55] And we as the audience get to know that on the other side of it before, like, this is the first time that we know something really before Mark Watney does. 

Lacey [01:03:04] I mean, we were seeing what’s happening on Earth. Yeah. But, you know, they haven’t come up with issues yet and they haven’t really come up with any big solutions yet. There’s they’re still arguing about what the best thing is to do while they’re all working together, which again, I don’t totally foresee happening. But they you know, they are supposedly they’re all working together and and. They still don’t have answers and they’re trying and this is this is the moment that we get to see. The work that they’ve put in, the work of following his trajectories and what he’s doing, I don’t know, there’s just something so beautiful about that. Thing’s starting to click, you know, and finally getting traction. 

Lacey [01:03:54] Yeah, I just love it so much. And that’s it for this week on the Synthesis. 

Lacey [01:03:59] We know it’s not know, first of all, first of all, I there are a couple of other things in here that I I’m with J great here that the Saturn five does need a stamp is not wrong. Definitely not wrong. I’m going to assume, uh, Jay Grap is a guy because you’re driving with my husband. But if that’s not true, let me know. I will use the correct pronouns. 

Alex [01:04:31] Jay grap not a good person but not wrong. 

Lacey [01:04:35] Oh oh my God I but you also have to tell people what the genre is. Oh yeah. You guys. 

Lacey [01:04:44] So guys I think you know so we agree it’s, it’s Mars genre, it’s, it’s epic drama, it’s sci fi, all of that. 

Alex [01:04:53] I was, I was researching The Martian, the film and this is bullshit among other things. I noticed that while it received several accolades, all of which were deserved, it did also win the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture, musical or comedy. 

Lacey [01:05:10] What? That’s not right. I mean, it’s funny, don’t get me wrong. 

Alex [01:05:16] Yeah, there’s humor, but like, there’s humor in a lot of stuff. There’s humor in Titanic like this. 

Alex [01:05:23] This is not a comedy. And I mean, obviously, it’s not a musical, but it’s not a disco jukebox music. Exactly. 

Alex [01:05:32] This is not, you know, the disco version of Jersey Boys. Yeah, right. This is the musical. So I’m I’m very blown away and I don’t like it. And I would like to go back in time and tell them to get it right. No, no. OK, wait, wait. Look up. Who actually got a best, um, I don’t know, drama that year or whatever, whatever the other one is, uh, whoever they didn’t want to go up against because you know, they get to submit themselves for whatever category they want. So really this is on the producers. 

Lacey [01:06:06] So, uh, 20 then everybody had to vote for them. So maybe, you know what, there’s a lot of blame to go around and I’m willing to hand it out. 

Alex [01:06:15] Yeah. Um, let me see her best music, best motion picture drama. In what year was this? Uh, they were up against The Revenant, I think. The Revenant. 

Lacey [01:06:28] I don’t remember that one. Yeah. Is that the is that the the Leonardo DiCaprio one. OK, ok. OK, let’s, let’s do this you guys. I’m not so we’ve talked about uh nope. I have to have this little rant. I just. I do, I do. I need to look up his name real quick because this is important and everybody here needs to know about this. 

Alex [01:06:51] Um, what is living on Mars is harder than surviving a bear. 

Lacey [01:06:56] I’m just saying, OK, um, so. 

Lacey [01:07:01] There’s a book called Lord Grizzly, and it was written by Frederick Manfred, and it’s about Hugh Glass and it’s freaking incredible. It is. 

Lacey [01:07:14] I am you know this. I’ve talked about it. Survival stories are not my jam. But I read this book in high school and. I to this day, it’s one of my favorite books, I told my grandfather, yes, this is morbid, but I told him when he dies, the only thing I want from him is his signed copy of Lord Grizzly now. Now, Manfred’s family multiple times optioned the story. And you want to know what got made. The Revenant, The Revenant that is supposed to take this is supposed to take place in South Dakota, my home state, and Frederick Frederick Manfred’s home state, I do believe. And they film it in the Rockies, in Canada, because it’s prettier. No, it’s not. And I mean, those are beautiful, too. It’s not a it’s not a competition. 

Lacey [01:08:04] But you guys, The Revenant is a made up story based on an incredible story that’s told better in Lord Grizzly. 

Lacey [01:08:14] And why didn’t they do it? Why why didn’t Manfred’s family not get they worked so hard and this author was so much better. 

Lacey [01:08:21] And I’m just I am still so mad about it. I’m so mad about it. 

Lacey [01:08:26] I’m so mad about it. And then they beat out the Martian for best drama and kicked them to best comedy. Adding insult to injury. 

Lacey [01:08:34] This is not I am so unhappy. The Revenant can. Yeah, but it’s it was beautifully shot. I will put that out there. Yeah. I with that movie, very, very strong opinions in this one. 

Lacey [01:08:51] I don’t feel bad. 

Alex [01:08:52] That is it for the synthesis this week. We are going to be off for the next couple of weeks for the holiday. So enjoy your January 7th. Yeah. I think January 7th is the next time we’re going to be Horth is a Monday. 

Lacey [01:09:07] Yes. OK, so we will see on the 7th. Yeah. Which means that we super hope you have have found a great way to celebrate your holidays to stay safe. Um Happy Hanukkah. 

Alex [01:09:19] Merry Christmas. Happy Boxing Day and Kwanzaa and happy New Year and everything else that happens in the season because it’s yes. 

Lacey [01:09:27] A lot of good stuff that happens this season. And we hope all of the good stuff happens for you. Yes. Our people. 

Alex [01:09:34] So tune in in three weeks to the synthesis when we’ll be talking about the next few chapters of The Martian. In the meantime, be sure to subscribe and follow us. We have a patriot on page four networks entertainment. 

Alex [01:09:49] We are on Twitter and Facebook and read it and everything you can imagine. Be sure to hit the bell so you get updates for future episodes. And thank you for watching. We’ll see you in twenty, twenty one. It has to be better than this year. 


Alexander Winn and Lacey Hannan continue to discuss Andy Weir’s The Martian, in which Mark Watney almost blows himself up and Lacey firmly believes Mindy Kaling would make an excellent NASA employee.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕪𝕟𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕤 is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.

[00:00:03] Hey, folks, this is Alexander Winn, Lacey Hannan, and we’re here to talk about chapters four through six of the Martian picking up from last week, Lacey is putting the finishing touches on her read through right now. And that’s what you were going to be laughing is freaking love this book, right? So we did the first three chapters last week and we’re doing the next three chapters today. So first off, general impressions, what do you think of this section? 

[00:00:38] OK, yeah, I still love Mark Watney. Yes, he’s still my favorite. And and we get to we get to meet new characters. Yes. And big development. Yes. And of course, then we see a narration change. Yes. Which is fun. Yeah. Yeah. I’m I’m really excited about about the mixing it up and changing it, because I even pointed out in my notes that there’s some things that I could see getting a little old. So I’m excited to dove in to the other side of this story. 

[00:01:08] Yes, indeed. But first we start off with Chapter four. And I did actually notice something that doesn’t get mentioned in the book unless I just glossed right over it, which is Chapter four starts log entry SOL thirty two, which means he has officially been on Mars longer than he was supposed to. This was a thirty one day mission and chapter four starts on day thirty two or SOL thirty to solving the term for a day on Mars. Yeah. So I just thought that was a funny little thing that they just kind of glossed over. He’s too busy. Yes he’s got, he’s got to do. That’s certainly true. So a bit of behind the scenes for you. I have one line here in my notes that says starting off with deep chemistry, but still a still approachable but definitely taking the gloves off with the science. What I put in one line, I get the impression that you have more than that. 

[00:02:00] Oh, yeah. So you guys, I have like pages and pages and pages and pages on on my. Well, listen to that long list, mine or not. Listen, if you think my husband can be verbose. Oh, I can be to know. I guess it’s a lot of it has to do with. I want to walk through his water. Yes. Yeah. OK, can we do that. Yes. 

[00:02:30] Do you want me to just launch into it or do you have. No. Oh no. OK, I’m going to be here for a while. 

The martian

[00:02:35] So before we even get there, I really like how he approaches this because he like lays some some information out and then he’s like, I really like how he approaches. 

[00:02:46] This is like the tagline for this book, like that’s all this book is. I really like how he approaches this. 

[00:02:52] So he lays out some information for us and then he lays out his plan. And, you know, OK, you can follow it. Yeah, of course. But then he says, as you can see and I’m sitting here going, oh, that’s so nice of you. I really appreciate you. Like I this is this is exactly the thing that I that I want to see from entertainment is believing that the audience is smart enough to follow along. And it’s we don’t see entertainment like this very often that believes in the intelligence of its audience, for example, like it’s not that a lot of movies or TV shows or anything like that actually like specifically condescend to their audience. They find new and interesting ways to condescend to us, like gravity. Were they just like remove all of the details and they gloss over everything and it’s like this is boring because I don’t you’re only making the story about the character’s emotional reactions then you are to what? Why are they here? 

[00:03:55] Yeah, it’s the lowest it’s it’s literally the lowest common denominator in the sense that if there’s anybody in the audience who isn’t going to get it, we’re not going to do it at all. 

[00:04:02] Yeah, and it makes the characters so much more interesting when they know their stuff, like everybody in the world has something that they know a lot about. And I mean, you might not be an expert. You might not have, you know, even a bachelors. And you don’t have to, like, go to college to know a lot of things about the things you’re interested in. 

[00:04:22] Yeah. And it’s not always science, like some people know a lot about Star Wars, and that’s cool. But if you’re then making a Star Wars product, you want to appeal to those people, to you can’t just make everything for the people who don’t know. 

[00:04:37] Yeah, yeah, exactly. And so I, I really appreciated this and I actually read that line, like just that first phrase, as you can see, like multiple times, because it just charmed me that we were like, oh, he thinks we’re following along. And I sort of am. Yeah, but the whole the, the whole line is, as you can see, this plan provides many opportunities for for me to die in a fiery explosion. And my thought process was, no, I can’t see that. Not really. I could see I could see one way. One way was pretty obvious. Yes. But many I was like, that’s a lot of confidence in me. I appreciate you. That’s more confidence than any of my science teacher has had in me. So you’re very kind man. So but both funny and heartbreaking. Welcome to being a woman. Yeah, but but for the sake of the story, I’m I’m glad that he goes on to actually outline all of it. But that doesn’t mean I totally understand all of it. So I would like to step through. Step through it. Yeah. OK, so I’m going to say what I think is happening and then you tell me what’s actually happening, OK? Yeah. Yeah, OK. I don’t think I’m an idiot, you guys. I just think that like. 

[00:05:55] No, it’s this is complex. It’s complex. And like I said, the still approachable, but definitely taking the gloves off. Yeah. This is. 

[00:06:02] Yeah. And it’s OK. So just to most people have never heard of hydrazine. So just to be really clear, Alex, while knowing a lot about science and happily being willing to talk about it a lot is not actually an expert. So we’re going to give us all like a lot of room to make mistakes. And if we do feel free to play out because you’re intelligent and you can do that. Yes. And you can do it with kindness. 

[00:06:28] If we can be here having studied like film and stuff, talking about real science, we invite you to join in as well. Yeah, that’s the to me, like, honestly not to like, veer off too much, but that’s the fun part of science for me, is that it’s not just about being wrong, it’s about learning what’s right. And so if we say something on air that is wrong, then, hey, jump in the comments and tell us what we missed, because, you know, that’s cool. 

[00:06:55] That’s fine, I. I want to learn it. That’s why I’m asking. OK, so step one. Yes, the MAV, which is the Mars ascent vehicle, I’m going to figure out what all vehicles are here because I keep getting really confused. OK, let’s go. Hold on. Let’s just go through them real quick. We’ve got the movie. So the Mars ascent vehicle, the MTV, the ascent vehicle, which is. Which one? 

[00:07:21] Wait. So they so they came in from the Hermes, the Hermes is the interplanetary ship that they were on, OK? The really big sort of space station looking thing from the movie, the MTV is a ship that they took from the Hermes down to the surface of Mars. The AUV was there waiting for them. Right. So they do their thing on Mars for a while and then a dust storm hits and they have to evacuate. So they get in the way of Mars ascent vehicle. 

[00:07:46] They go back to all that’s left. There is like the the essentially like launch pad aspect of it, like the there’s a portion that does not go up with it. 

[00:07:55] Yeah. The Navy landed like a couple of years ago in preparation for this mission with essentially like a launch pad, like you were saying that that launch pad portion includes something that can create fuel. But it’s a very slow process, which is why it’s been here for so long. Exactly. So well, that and also just sort of prep. They want to make sure that it’s there and ready before they send any. So it’s it lands and starts making fuel. They blast off, but it leaves the fuel plant behind. 

[00:08:26] And then there’s also the MTV, which he’s been stripping for. And there are two rovers and there are two rivers and a hab. And yeah, that’s that’s all the structures in the area. Yeah. I mean, unless you count the solar panels, which are, you know. Well OK, but these are the big things. Yeah. The things that you can get inside Mavie MTV have two rovers. 

[00:08:49] OK, but the movie is mostly gone. Got it. OK, so from that, from what’s left over of the maybe the here is pulling out the fuel plant which has CO2 in it and he’ll release that CO2 into the air in the in the hab and the Habs oxygenation system or oxygen will turn it into oxygen at its normal rate. 

[00:09:14] Yeah. So. So just to start out with the the the challenge here is make water. Yes. That’s what we’re trying to do. We’re trying to make water and pretty much everybody knows water is H2O, two hydrogen atoms, one oxygen atom. So basically the problem that we are trying to solve here is how do we get those ingredients? How do we get oxygen? How do we get hydrogen? And so his solution for the oxygen is, hey, this thing over here has been collecting CO2 from the Martian atmosphere. And inside the hab, I have a tool that’s supposed to take my CO2 and recycle it back into oxygen. So if I just go take this tank of CO2, take it into the lab and just open it and it just vents all this CO2 into the atmosphere, into the atmosphere of the habit, the oxygen later kicks in and goes, whoa, there’s way too much CO2 in here, starts pulling it out and making oxygen. So now he has the O for his H2O. Great. 

[00:10:09] Yeah. OK, so step two. Yes, he’s he’s also pulling hydrazine. And how do I pronounce this the catalyst. The Iridium. Yeah, iridium. Oh look at that gomi. OK, so. He gets that from the end of both of those things, right? And he says that a hydrazine is super toxic and it will burn him so he doesn’t want to breathe it and he doesn’t want it to spill on him because then he’ll have chemical burns because of his life. 

[00:10:40] This is rocket fuel. You don’t want it to touch you. Right. Anyway, he also refers to the iridium. 

[00:10:47] Catalyst as a reaction chamber, it’s the same thing is he using these he’s putting Iridium in a reaction chamber. So basically a catalyst in chemistry, a catalyst is a thing that starts a chemical process but does not actually participate in the chemical process. So in this case, he’s got a bowl because hydrogen hydrazine is a liquid. He’s got a bowl. He puts a radium in the bowl. Iridium is just like it’s like a metal like in the picture rocks. And then he pours hydrazine into the bowl. The iridium makes the hydrazine react, but it doesn’t actually use iridium in that reaction. So the iridium is still left behind and he can keep using it. And in the meantime, hydrazine, which the the chemical formula for hydrazine is Enta H for. And what happens when so what happens when hydrazine meets Iridium is it starts a reaction that splits it in from end to age four into one molecule of N two and two molecules of H to. So he’s already got the O for his water and now he’s going to take that that hydrazine hydrazine and for every molecule of hydrazine, the iridium will split it into two molecules of H two. 

[00:12:05] And so what he’s done is he’s taken all of the bags and he’s put it over his little lab setup. He’s got going and he’s duct taped everything. And then he took what it was some sort of air hose, I think, from someone from one of the spacesuits. Yeah. Which I really like how he refers to it, because he says that he is murdering a space suit. And just like I just really enjoyed that. It’s hyperbole can be really fun. Yes. 

[00:12:33] So anyway, so he he makes this tent, he puts the air hose at the top, um, and kind of hangs it essentially. And so that hydrogen is really hot after this. 

[00:12:47] Yeah. The reaction that Iridium causes releases a lot of heat and it rises. 

[00:12:51] So it goes the chimney. And what he’s doing is he’s essentially standing on the outside of it with splinters of cross turned and torch. Yeah. 

[00:13:01] And he’s he’s burning out the top of a chimney. You can literally picture like a chimney, like a house. There’s a bowl with liquid coming in and iridium and it’s creating hydrogen. And the hydrogen is being funneled up through this chimney. And then at the top of the chimney, there’s a flame. 

[00:13:15] Yeah. Yeah. OK, great. Um, so. 

[00:13:22] That what is exothermic again, so reactions, chemical reactions have two different types, endothermic is a reaction that takes more heat than it generates, and so it creates cold. Basically, this is like reactions used to make refrigerators and that sort of thing. Chemical reactions can actually reduce the heat around. And then there’s exothermic, which is like burning wood. The chemical reaction that happens when you burn wood releases more heat than it takes to make the reaction happen. So it produces heat and that heat heats up the wood even more, which produces more heat. And that’s why fire is a self-sustaining thing. So what he’s saying is that this reaction with the iridium and the hydrazine is very exothermic. Yeah, it releases a lot of heat. And so. 

[00:14:11] Right. I’m going to learn so much just from this book. Right. It’s so much fun. So much fun. What? Well, the other thing the thing that kind of made me laugh is he talked about how it’s going to make the have really hot. And he mentions that it’s 30 degrees Celsius in there at one point. And he’s from Chicago. And I get it, he’s a scientist. 

[00:14:33] He he is not using Fahrenheit. Like, that’s just not what’s going to happen. But I like that he’s. 

[00:14:41] Talking to his audience, which obviously for the sake of suspension of disbelief, he’s not talking to us, the audience, he’s talking to NASA scientists. But I still like it’s still made me giggle that he use Celsius instead of Fahrenheit as an American. 

[00:14:57] And one can only hope that by the time we’re landing people on Mars that maybe will we will have actually, I’m sure I’d be I’d be fine with that. 

[00:15:04] But I was just like way not to the or cater to me, man, you jerk. Now, I think if I remember correctly, like from our time in New Zealand, I think that’s like high eighties. Don’t quote me on that. 

[00:15:13] But it’s a little hard. It’s harder than that. 30 degrees I think is a hot day, but not. 

[00:15:20] Yes, but hot is not the same thing in New Zealand as it is here. Like it doesn’t ever really hit 100 degrees Fahrenheit in New Zealand. You look it up. 

[00:15:28] Thirty degrees. Oh, look at that sea. You’re smarter than anybody thinks you are. Thirty degrees is do you. Eighty six degrees Fahrenheit. Yes, I would have pegged it. I thought thirty degrees would be fine. I’m so proud of myself, so proud of myself. Silly Americans and not knowing Celsius. 

[00:15:48] I remembered, um, I just, I just remember that the peninsula is the northern peninsula would get to like the highest of like thirty four degrees Celsius and that’s still, I don’t believe, one hundred degrees Fahrenheit. So, um, anyway, the other thing that gets mentioned here is Martian vampires, and I’m really intrigued. So I if anybody out there is just like I need a writing prompt, I’m really stuck. If you would do a scientifically accurate vampire fantasy on Mars, I would read it. And I don’t like vampire stories. I mean, Buffy’s great. And and the Dresden Files has some great vampire storylines, but I, I’m not really into them and I would absolutely read that. 

[00:16:34] So if you do it, there is so much potential for fantasy stories on Mars. Just putting it out there. You could tell a werewolf story on a planet with two moons. Seems like it just it goes on and on and on. There’s so many different, like, sort of tropes to play with on other planets. 

[00:16:52] I would absolutely read it. So, you know, send it to me if you ever do it. Yes. 

[00:16:56] But yeah. So then at some point. Mm hmm. Um. 

[00:17:03] Where where where are we we’ve we’ve got we’ve got we’ve got our oxygen from the CO2, we’ve got our hydrogen from the hydrazine, and the plan is I’m just going to burn it at the top of this chimney and it’ll basically just get really humid in here. And it’s going to it’s going to create water, but it’s going to create water just in the atmosphere. And then the water reclaimer, which is another tool of the also will pull the water out of the air and put it in tanks so that now and really it’s not going to be the tanks aren’t going to be big enough. 

[00:17:33] So he uses yet another spaces that he laid later calls the system. 

[00:17:39] Yeah. Which just great. I really like that. 

[00:17:42] So I do absolutely love just on sort of the the fun side. He’s burning hydrogen. He’s he’s making water. Things are going great. And there’s this hilariously optimistic moment where he’s just like, I’m feeling good, everything’s going to plan. I really think I’m going to be able to pull this off. And it’s like log entry the next day. And he’s like, I am absolutely going to die. 

[00:18:06] And this is such a perfect just jinxing of his whole situation was like that was one of the things that I pointed out is I this is you know, I kind of said before that he likes to end up on that really high note and then take us down like a couple of pegs. The contrast is just so funny. And this and this is the biggest contrast he’s done so far. And it made me laugh. But simultaneously, like jokes get kind of overdone very quickly for me. So I when we get to Chapter six and we start seeing new people, I was like, oh, good, because I don’t want his jokes to wear out. Yeah. And, you know, he’s a great writer, so maybe they wouldn’t maybe he’d keep finding new ways of surprising us and having fun. But it’s good that he didn’t have to. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. 

[00:18:50] And it is a great way of raising the stakes we cut to the next day. And he is not only sure that he’s going to die, he is hiding in the rover and does not want to go back to the lab like that is a big deal. Yeah, that is a great way of just like instantly raising the stakes. 

[00:19:04] I love that he is like NASA specifically prepares in every way for things to not get on fire. And I’m bringing fire into the hab. Yeah. And I just it’s another way of making it really apparent that this is a hobby. Like you said, it’s a terrible, dangerous idea, but it’s the one he has. Um, there is a line in there that I want to know if it’s a reference. OK, so he says, dammit, Jim, I’m a botanist, not a chemist. 

[00:19:34] It rings familiar, but I don’t Star Trek, that’s there’s a there’s a running joke in the original Star Trek from the Sixties that McCoy keeps getting asked to do things. And he’d be like, damn it, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a lawyer or dammit, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a whatever, whatever. 

[00:19:50] OK, yes, OK. I knew I heard that somewhere. Thank you. 

[00:19:56] So we we catch up the next day and he’s hiding in the rover because and this is one of the notes that I have is I love how he makes plausible mistakes. This is not the story of a superhero who just knows how to handle every single situation perfectly. This is a guy who comes up with really smart plans and is really proud of himself and then misses something and then has to deal with it. And it’s so much fun to watch him do that. And in this case, he made the mistake of assuming that he was burning all the hydrogen that was coming out, and he ended up realizing that there was way too much hydrogen in this area. 

[00:20:38] And this is not the first time he makes this mistake. I mean. Yeah, well, OK. Now what what I really mean is in an upcoming chapter, he makes another similar sort of mistake. Yeah. So it it is interesting to to watch him be human. Yeah. And, you know, this is overwhelming. Like the amount of plans that this guy has had to come up with to stay alive is like, I’m sorry, The Revenant does not compare. No, sorry. 

[00:21:05] Leonardo DiCaprio just putting it out there. Yeah. Uh, um, so yeah. This is he. Oh, I like his ending line of this chapter. OK, are you there. 

[00:21:19] Are you ready. I was just going to say this is one of those moments that every once in a while in this story, I like to take a moment and imagine he could have died here like this could have been. The story is that they they come back and they recover his logs and he’s like, hey, I’m going to try to make water. And apparently he blew himself up and everybody kind of like wonders what went wrong, but he didn’t. Well, that’s just sort of a parallel universe of the Martian is like, oh, yeah, could he have? 

[00:21:47] And he’s trying to kind of stop that from happening. One of the things you said on the last episode is we’re always seeing things after he’s done them. Yeah. And here we’re not. This is he interrupts himself well, but he says I’m going to do this. So in case I die like everyone knows. But this is not something that he’s written in there because he missed it, missed it, so people would still wonder why it’s just kind of this neat little like I’m going to tell you what stupid thing I’m going to do. So in case I die, you know, why it happened? And he was just thinking about, like bringing fire into the hab and making an explosion happen just in case I make the Watney Memorial crater. 

[00:22:26] Yeah. Which is so good. Macabre but hilarious. Oh my. 

[00:22:32] I really liked the the ending line. Yeah. Which was. The hab is now a bomb, and I was just like, it’s so succinct, yeah, it’s so. 

[00:22:44] Yes, it’s so true and I don’t know. I was just delighted by I was delighted apparently Eman Economists’ has has a has a book, no series for us. The Genuine Bastards is a fantasy. Stories that on Mars. So really. Thank you. Thanks. I’m putting that on my list. 

[00:23:04] Yes, exactly. Yes. Thank you. I barely get through this book. So Alex is going to be like, oh, why are you reading? We are here. You’re supposed to be done with, you know, who knows? Maybe we’ll do that next time. Well, yeah. See how scientifically accurate it. Yeah, it is. I like it. Like vampires and stuff. 

[00:23:26] Um, all right. So Chapter five. 

[00:23:29] Yes. So the first thing that I have noted here for Chapter five is I really enjoy that there’s this sort of repeated cycle of presented with a problem. And then he gives us like an index of his assets, like this is what I have. This is what I can work with. This is everything I have at hand. And that is to me, the strength of this story, because so often solutions are presented just as kind of like a fait accompli, like Sherlock Holmes walks into the room, he looks around and he says, I know who did it. And maybe he walks you back through his logic after the fact. But it’s really about him having the answer, whereas this is a story about someone finding the answer. And the first step to that is what do I have? What can I play with? What can I use? Right. Sort of the central tenet of science. And it’s the central tenet of this story, and that is the strength of this whole book. 

[00:24:28] That’s a good way to delineate the two things. I like that. Yeah, I’m going to be honest. 

[00:24:36] My brain stopped working while I was reading Chapter five, so most of my notes are not actually about the science. So I hope you enjoyed Chapter Four’s discussion, because for me, Chapter five does not have as much. 

[00:24:47] Did you did you get what you were looking for? I mean, yeah, you’re you’re fully there. 

[00:24:53] What is hydrazine though. Like what is it used for? It’s rocket fuel. Oh that’s ok. OK then. Yes I’m good. Yeah. I will say that for this chapter I probably can’t regurgitate any of the science. However, I wrote down a lot about the writing and the voice because I loved it. 

[00:25:10] So, you know, well I’ve got a few things about the science, so I’ll show it up. But before we get to that, I will have to say the one of the most important elements of this story gets introduced in Chapter five, and that’s Desco. And I’m so happy because Desco has become like this big part of The Martian, especially thanks to the movie, because they lean on it pretty hard. And we finally got there. 

[00:25:36] And I just it makes me funny thinking that Jessica Chastain likes disco. 

[00:25:41] She just doesn’t smile much. So it just doesn’t sit right with me. 

[00:25:45] I really love it. We’ll get to this when we do the movie at the end of this. But I really love not only do they have, you know, her liking disco the way they do, but like are moments in the movie that aren’t from the book where at the very end her or her husband or boyfriend presents her with like a new record that he found at some, like, record shop. And she gets like really excited. And like even when they’re on their way back to Earth, he’s he’s video chatting with her and he’s like showing her this disco record that he found. And she’s like, really into it. And it becomes this sort of part of her character beyond just the guy. 

[00:26:22] I have to really watch it because I really don’t remember that. And I’d love to see Jessica Chastain. Oh, yeah. That she lights up about a new find. It’s charming as hell. That’s I mean, it sounds like it. I now listen, I will tell you when we’re kind of jumping to the disco, but it’s fine. Whatever I will say. If you were like me, I did not like disco until recently. And I will tell you what did it you learn about the history of disco and you are going to be way more into it. Go find the podcast you’re wrong about and go find the episode titled Something along the lines of Hold on, I’ve got it, I’ve got it. Just Disco Demolition, Demolition, Disco Derby. Those three words are in it. Disco Demolition Derby. Go find that one. It’s from sometime this summer and it’s most excellent. Um it’s, it’s, I love, I love that podcast and it’s news flash. 

[00:27:17] One of the founders of Hedrick’s Entertainment gets more enjoyment out of something by learning about how it works. One film at 11 shut up. Oh, my God. So this chapter is basically about who I diffuse the bomb that is the hab and what he comes up with is there’s too much hydrogen in the air. So he’s going to remove the oxygen for the most part and just sort of burn it off in little bursts. And that sounds like the scariest thing ever, sitting in a giant bubble of hydrogen with a little bit of oxygen and burning it a little bit at a time to try to wear it down. 

[00:27:54] But what did he mean or what did he mean by that? What are you burning it off? 

[00:27:59] So basically, he wanted to make water. Right, and he needed to get rid of the hydrogen because, yeah, that’s too much. And so what? So his solution is. You can’t just burn all the hydrogen away because it will explode, but hydrogen can’t burn without oxygen. So he actually gives the numbers. The atmosphere in the lab is 64 percent hydrogen and nine percent oxygen. So what he does is he removes the oxygen from the air. And so that way the hydrogen just can’t burn like at all. Like you could you could light up, you know, a flame or whatever, and it just wouldn’t burn. But he can then take an oxygen tank and basically do the exact opposite of what he was doing originally instead of an atmosphere of oxygen. And he’s got a little bit of hydrogen that he’s burning. He’s got an atmosphere of hydrogen and he’s got a little bit of oxygen that he’s burning. So it won’t explode because there isn’t enough oxygen to sustain burning the oxygen. I mean, they burn together like that. Right, right. Right. But what he’s got is he’s got a little bottle of oxygen that he’s releasing and he’s got a flame in front of it as he burns a little bit of the hydrogen away, each little burst of oxygen that he’s releasing. And so the the the plan is just over time. Every time he does it, a little bit of hydrogen gets turned into water. And if he just keeps doing that, he can get the hydrogen levels down to the point where it’s no longer an exploding hazard. Right. Which brings us to his next mistake. And I know you have a lot of lines that you specifically quote in your notes. I’ve got one here. Everything went great right up until the explosion. And this is actually this so this is a great moment in the book, but it was also really nice for me because I read The Martian years ago and then I watched the movie and I’ve watched the movie probably 20 times since then. 

[00:29:58] And there was a moment in the movie that I never really got. I never understood it never quite made sense, which is in the movie. 

[00:30:05] They skip this part about the hab filling up with hydrogen and becoming a bomb and he just burns. He does his thing with the chimney and he’s burning hydrogen and he lights the fire and he celebrates and goes, woo! And it explodes. 

[00:30:22] And he’s thrown backward and then he’s later talking into the camera and talking about how I didn’t account for the oxygen that I was breathing, and I was like, what does that even mean? 

[00:30:34] Like the oxygen that you were breathing is the oxygen in the room. 

[00:30:36] There’s no extra oxygen just because it’s coming out of your lungs. It’s just the oxygen that is in. Of course, you accounted for that. That’s the oxygen that you have, man. And he never really made sense to me. And so I was so gratified when I was reading this chapter for this episode, because that’s not what happened in my book. So he wasn’t accounting for the oxygen that he was breathing because he had removed the oxygen from the atmosphere. And so he had his little bottle of oxygen sort of squirting out little bits of oxygen and burning it. But he forgot that there’s a big source of oxygen right here in front of his face. And every time he exhaled, he was releasing more oxygen this way. And so he had his flame here. But there’s a whole bunch of oxygen coming out of his head and it filled up to the point where the whole room exploded. 

[00:31:20] It’s you know, it’s one of those things where the conversation can come back to that age old question, not ages, because movies really only. Yeah, I mean, they’ve only been centuries old tradition. Yeah. Yeah. As is the book. Better than the movie. Yeah. And in this in this way I’m not going to say it’s I’m not going to say one thing’s better than the other. I will just say one things more scientifically accurate. 

[00:31:43] Well yeah, the adaptation was flawed. They wanted to keep the moment of Mark Watney blowing himself up, but they removed the reason that he blew himself up. And they just sort of hope to the nobody would notice. And to their credit, even I didn’t notice, really. I knew that something was wrong, but I didn’t know what was going on until the book. 

[00:32:00] So but, you know, experts would know, but the rest of the world would be in the dark. 

[00:32:04] Exactly. OK, so, yeah, he forgot to account for the accident. He was breathing, but luckily he got enough of the hydrogen burned away that by the time the oxygen built up to the point that it caused the explosion, there wasn’t enough hydrogen to blow up the hab. 

[00:32:19] It just sort of flashed banged in his face and. 

[00:32:24] Yeah, what I like about this part is he plans and he explains to you exactly who is going to do it. He’s going to take out all of the potatoes. They have started rooting, but not sprouting. Yes. And he needs them to not be in the hab because he needs to turn the temperature the whole way down. And so he puts them in the rover. And there’s a moment where he says that he jimmied it so that the heat would stay on. And I loved that freezing again. For me, everything’s about the voice in this chapter. To Jimmy, something is to MacGyver something. And I know a lot of people who use the word MacGyver out here or or different takes on that. But to me, to Jimmy, something I feel so Midwestern to me and I love it. 

[00:33:10] And this guy is from Illinois. He’s like, I don’t know. I’m just like, this is my tribe. This is my Midwestern tribe. And I loved it. 

[00:33:18] Well, and really I mean, to me, to McGyver, something is complex. It’s like you’re you’re creating this thing out of, you know, paper clips and baling water. 

[00:33:27] But it’s like it. Did MacGyver know what he’s tricking NASA? 

[00:33:30] What I’m saying is to MacGyver is a big, complex thing. But what he was saying was specifically that it was like pretty like he kind of the equivalent of hit it with a wrench, like he was kind of hacking it to to stay. You don’t know what you’re on. You don’t know what he did. And in that same spirit, I I have a note here that I really appreciate. When he’s trying to trick the oxygenates into pulling the oxygen out, he tries all these sophisticated things. He’s going to, like, pry it open and hack the operating system or, you know, all these things. And finally, he just has to like tape bags over the sensors like it’s not you know, the solution here is not some big complicated thing I love. Again, just like the fact that Indiewire resisted the urge to make Mark Watney a super hero who knew everything. He also resisted the urge to make every solution brilliant. Sometimes you just need a bag over the sensor. And, you know, there’s a moment in the in the BBC Sherlock series where Sherlock gets tricked by Moriarty specifically because Sherlock always expects everything to have a clever solution. And this wasn’t clever, and so it was like a blind spot for Sherlock, because this is a very simple thing and Sherlock was looking for some big, complex thing. And so I really appreciate that, Andy. We are gives us that. He gives us that. Like, you know what? This is a guy who is really smart in science, but he’s not head in the clouds. Sometimes you just got to hit it with a wrench and that’s good enough. 

[00:34:58] OK, so I’ve read a couple of things about the voice of this that I’d like to add that. So at one point he says there are four different safety interlocks that prevent the regulator from letting the oxygen content get too low. But they’re designed to work against technical faults, not deliberate sabotage. BWA ha ha. End quote. Yes, and. His spelling of wahaha is not normal because he put spaces in it, yeah, well, like when you when are you texting people, those who aren’t aware? 

[00:35:30] Lacey’s reading the book with her eyes. And I’m doing the audio books. Yes. 

[00:35:34] So, you know, I just I love how people have different ways of messing with the written word, especially because we text all the time like we have a friend who when he sends you something that he’s laughing, he doesn’t write lol. He doesn’t do hahaha without spaces. No, no this man does ha space ha space ha. And it drives me crazy because it sounds really condescending. It sounds like ha ha true. You know like and I just, I’m like if I’m watching this stop it. You know who you are. But like I just this is like my mom loves the word funner. I hate it. It drives me crazy. I know. I know now. Yeah. We can talk anymore. Know you have to pretend not to notice. But she thinks that should be a real word. She has decided this to be fair. I don’t actually disagree. Right, exactly. That ought to just be a word. I know it’s not. But why not. Why not? And and that’s her take on. It is like this is a stupid rule that we have. So I’m making my own. Yeah. Which is very much my mother. And what I’m my mother’s daughter and and we all have our little hills that we will either die on or not realize. Our our our hills like mine is in quotation marks. 

[00:36:55] I like when you’re quoting something, if if your ending with a period Vandeweghe grap for saying funner is great. I’ll see. 

[00:37:04] Jay Grave has your mom’s back. He does. Unlike you. Unlike me. Thank you Jay. If you would be a better son in law than I am. 

[00:37:17] We don’t know this man. We just know that funner is excuse me, we don’t know this group. We don’t. That’s right. That’s right. Yeah. 

[00:37:25] So like my the hell, I will die on if when things are in quotes. I like the the punctuation to be on the outside of the quote, unless it’s part of the quote. And I have my marketing director who we will get into arguments about this. She’s just wrong and so are the rest of Americans who do this incorrectly. 

[00:37:44] Agreed, Heather. Also, if you’re watching Iran. 

[00:37:47] Oh, you agree with me on this? Yeah, I didn’t know that. 

[00:37:51] Yeah, I just fell in love with you a little bit more. Sorry. Great. So anyway, this is Jacob’s attempt to steal. My marriage is finally coming apart. Found my nemesis. Anyway, so anyway, I just like the little quirk here. Yeah. The the Bahat and the Jimmi and yes they’re just. They’re good. 

[00:38:18] There are good moments of voice in this, and I just keep looking to Andy Weir and saying I’m feeling like he does such an excellent job of doing it, which is it’s going to be interesting to watch the other side of the story and seeing if everybody or specific people get really good voices if their voices. You have a note about that. You you won’t they won’t be quite as strong because it’s not first person. Yeah. And I feel like that is just different. 

[00:38:47] But we’ll see on that same sort of note. My last note here for Chapter five is I really like this thing that he does over the course of the book where he, you know, he’s very careful with his rations and he’s giving himself like half rations. You know, you have to remember that this entire story is taking place and he’s literally starving. You know, he’s eating like half as much as was allotted for him each day. He’s desperately trying to grow food. You know, later in the story, they’re going to be desperately trying to get him more food. It’s all about this. But you know what? Every once in a while, he’s like, I’m having a full portion, like, you know, I earned it today. I just I’m having more food than I am allotted. And I know that that’s not great. But I earned it. And I just it just it keeps tying back to I love that he’s not a superhero. He’s not just this is exactly what I need to do to survive. And so that’s what I’m going to do to survive. It’s like every once in a while and I blew myself up today. I’m having some extra food. 

[00:39:49] But we all he is like I came up with a really all I did today was come up with a plan that’s likely to kill me. I am doing a portion which is a quarter portion. Yeah. So, you know, he he balances it out in a way that feels very real. Yeah. 

[00:40:03] And and very human. Like very sort of forgiving of his, of his flawed nature. Yes. Yeah. 

[00:40:11] Um I like where he ends with this as usual. I like how the chapter ends. Yeah. Which is to say he says that he says I’m reluctant to hang out and I have that has a history of exploding for no good reason. It exploded for a very good reason. You just don’t know what it is. 

[00:40:29] You were the reason, Mark, it exploded because of you. It exploded from watching you. 

[00:40:37] So, yeah. Chapter six we have I don’t know what the word was. I learned it from watching you like a teenager slams the door. Yeah. Anyway, uh, so chapter six, we have a major shift in perspective. Yes. We are no longer following Marwan. We are no longer on Mars at all. All of a sudden, this is a third person novel about a whole bunch of different people living on Earth. And Mindy Kaling. Uh, well, but in my head, it’s about Mindy Kaling. Before that, it’s about, uh, then I think, uh, but one of the things that I really I really hope I can find or maybe one day when we meet Andy, where I can ask him is I wonder how hard this was? Because you have to remember that this book was written as a blog. He was releasing a chapter by chapter and he had established a pattern that we are reading the diary of our main character. And then all of a sudden. We’re not anymore, and we’re following these characters that nobody’s ever met a lot, most of them nobody’s ever heard of. We’ve heard about the crew of the Aries three, but we had never heard about the administrators back at Mass. So we don’t know these characters. We haven’t we haven’t built up to them at all. And it’s a total shift in not just the story, but in the structure of the story. We’re shifting from a first person narrative to a third person narrative. And I just a part of me wonders if this is something that Andy Weir was like wrestling with for a while, trying to figure out like, was there any way to tell this story that I can stick to my format? And then this was like a big compromise, or was this something that he was, like, really looking forward to, like getting out of Mark Whatley’s head for, like you were talking about just to keep it from getting stale? Yeah, I just there’s something I’m curious how this happened, because it is such a sudden and stark change. 

[00:42:20] It’s not like Game of Thrones where every chapter you’re just somebody else said, yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s a good question. Um, we’ll have maybe we’ll have to see if it’s in an interview somewhere, because I’m sure somebody asked him. It’s been out for years. 

[00:42:32] Exactly. Or maybe we can get him on this show. Um, it is we are pivoting suddenly from science to PR. We are immediately the first conversation is, you know, I don’t want to take photos of the Aries three landing site because there’s going to be Mark Watney is dead body and we don’t want to broadcast that to the world, all of this kind of stuff. But it’s still so smart. You know, we’re not talking about science anymore. We’re talking about PR. But it’s still very clever how these different characters are interacting and what each of them is working towards and the different things that you might not immediately think of. Yeah, we want to take a picture of of the areas three site, except. Oh, how would that play? And, you know, oh, well, OK. If it plays badly then maybe we can make it about bringing his body back and you know, the different jockeying for different and developing tech, because this is why you’ve been keeping me from the satellites for months. 

[00:43:26] Like this is for a month. I guess it would be. But this is so unacceptable. You know, I’m surprised he didn’t think of it himself. It seems like a pretty brilliant man. 

[00:43:37] So I was. But but he’s a scientist, not an administrator. And I think that’s the difference in perspective here. And that’s actually a running theme, I think, in this whole chapter is we’re introduced to four new characters and each one of them has a very different perspective and a very different take. One of them is a is an administrator. He’s basically a white collar, you know, like a government employee. One of them is a project lead from Mars operations. So he’s a leader. But in a science way, Mendi is so that deep science. Yeah, she’s she’s there with his hands on the keyboard. 

[00:44:11] She’s a mechanical engineer who regrets taking this job because it’s boring. 

[00:44:16] Exactly. And then, lady, later we get introduced to Annie Montreaux, who is marketing. She’s from a completely different perspectives, public relations. 

[00:44:24] And she can’t stop swearing. And it makes me so happy. 

[00:44:27] And that’s one of the things that I have noted here, is I love how each of these characters is differentiated. You know, we’ve been given this one lead who is so charming and so smart and so upbeat, but still human and so sort of perfectly rounded out that it would be easy to imagine that Andy Weir might be sort of like another Aaron Sorkin. And don’t get me wrong, I adore Aaron Sorkin. But Aaron Sorkin’s characters don’t live on this planet. They are. They’re all from some other world where everybody is perfectly eloquent and perfectly smart and perfectly everything, perfectly loyal. And like, you know, he has a very distinct voice. I remember somebody when I was in high school, my theater teacher talking about Shakespeare and how he’s this incredible writer. But he doesn’t do everything right. He doesn’t do time. Write characters will say, hey, this is going to happen tomorrow and then it’ll happen in like an hour. And he doesn’t write women. Well, all of his female characters talk like dudes like Juliet is a fourteen year old girl and she talks like a forty five year old man. And, you know, and that’s fine. Like, you know, he didn’t happen to have that one tool in his belt. That’s fine. But I so appreciate that. Andy Weir, does each one of these characters talks differently? They think differently. They have a completely different perspective. 

[00:45:44] And just the way they relate to each other is also well in the middle sized two of the characters, because we’re not introduced to just four characters. We’re introduced to six because we also meet Chuck and Maurice. Oh, yes. Chuck and Maurice are two scientists who are absolutely straight out from the two peas in a pod. Scientists in better off Ted. Yes, they like. And I’m there. I’m sure that there are plenty of other examples that we could come up with of the two in the pod. But just like bickering all the time, bickering and correcting each other. Oh, my God. Yes, it’s charming. It’s charming. It’s I’m also like. I follow their managers train of thought, which is you guys are annoying the shit out of me, like just get to the point, like, I understand 14, 17 doesn’t matter. Just get to the point. 

[00:46:35] Yeah, but we are getting a little ahead of ourselves. Mindy, Mindy. So we have this conversation between the administrators and then all of a sudden we cut to Mindy. And the note that I, I jotted down was somehow demystifying NASA makes it even cooler that she’s sitting here and she’s like, why did I take this job? Like, this is so boring? 

[00:46:56] I’m just sitting here handling satellites and the satellites handle themselves and I’m really just emailing people when satellite images come in. Yeah. And yet somehow it’s still cool. Yeah. I feel like I imagine a very meek Mindy Kaling and I enjoy it. And if anybody tries to take this away from me, I will beat you because I figure if Martinez can be played by the actor who’s a thief and man, that my Mindy can be Mindy Kaling, just putting it out there because. 

[00:47:28] Well, I’ll be interested to see how you feel about Mindy in the movie, because she’s definitely not that meek. They make her a little bit. I mean, she’s still like an underling. She’s not going to get in anybody’s face, but she’s a little more assertive. I don’t I actually really enjoyed the character in the book because she’s kind of like she kind of goes from bored to intimidated by her boss to holding back tears in a way that is not at all condescending to her character. Like she discovered something that is overwhelming and she is overwhelmed by it. 

[00:47:58] And also like this. I mean, I would cry, too. Yeah, I mean, personally, because this is this is the moment that they discover that Mark Watney is alive and they you know, the day before they had his memorial and all of the all of the crew members gave their eulogies. And like, the only person who didn’t give one was Vinnick. 

[00:48:22] And he just he was like, why? Why what, Venkat? Oh, well, Indian guy Venkat Kapoor. 

[00:48:28] Oh, I did not write his name down. I apologize for getting that wrong. Uh, OK. 

[00:48:33] Well, and for those of you who may have only watched the movies, Venkat Kapoor was adapted by Chiwetel Ajay for As Vincent Kapoor and they actually reference at one point they ask a character, asks him if he’s religious, and he says that his mother was Hindu and his father was Baptist. I think which is just a little indication of the fact that they’ve cast a black guy to play an Indian character. So that’s where Venkat Kapoor became Vincent Kapoor. 

[00:49:01] Well, I. I mean, that actor can pretty much do no wrong, in my opinion. Yeah. 

[00:49:06] Um, but anyway, I think this is the point at which we discover that he’s alive. And what I’m what I’m interested to hear is how do you feel about their initial decision to not tell the crew? 

[00:49:22] To be honest, I wrestle with it, I don’t really I mean, like on the one hand, it’s kind of weird to say, but I feel like if I had been in the room, I would have disagreed with whoever spoke first. Like like if you if you if somebody says we need to not tell them, I would have been like, are you kidding me? We have to tell them. And if somebody had said, well, we should tell them immediately, I would have been like, well, hold on a minute, let’s talk this through, because it is such a big deal. It is such a big these these these people are going to be devastated by the fact that they left him behind. 

[00:49:53] I want to know what the what the therapist said, what the you know, because there’s there’s someone there who has looked at all of this crew and has voiced and through like, what’s the what’s what’s that person have to say about it? Because it doesn’t feel like that person has been asked. And I think it’s really important that they do get out. 

[00:50:15] You know, at the end of the day, I feel like the distinguishing factor is sort of along the lines of when Captain America Civil War first came out, there was this huge conversation around, are you on Team Iron Man or are you on Team Cap? Do you agree that superheroes should have should be like regulated or not? And some people argued passionately on one side and some people argued passionately on the other. And the way I always saw it was it sort of depends on how you see this universe, because if this is a comic book universe, then obviously you trust Captain America. He’s going to do no wrong. Like he’s Captain America. He’s perfect. Of course, you just listen to him and you get out of his way. But if this is a realistic universe, there’s no way on this planet that somebody from the 1930s should be trusted to do whatever he wants and not even have to explain why. And so it all just comes down to, do you view this as a comic book universe or as a realistic universe? And that’s kind of how I think this question gets answered for me, is if this is a book where I expect that the hero is going to get rescued by the end, you tell them. But if this is real life and he’s probably going to starve to death, you don’t want those five people locked in a tin can for 10 months while their best friend is slowly dying because they left him there like that would just be so awful, looking down the barrel of not only did he die, he’s dying now. 

[00:51:44] He’s dying slowly. I mean, like that’s so something about there’s something about not letting people be responsible for their own feelings and emotional reactions that I’m like that. Really? Oh yeah. It’s like freaks me out. Yeah, it’s bad. It’s just it’s a tough call. 

[00:52:02] One of the one of the arguments here is, you know, space is dangerous and we need them to be focused. And there’s a part of me that’s like these are still professionals. These and and yes, emotions can cloud their judgment. There’s no denying that. But you take care of them and you do the best for them and you allow them to have an emotional reaction, because I think it would be devastating. And I don’t know, I just feel like there would be trauma and not being told while the literally the rest of the world would know. 

[00:52:37] So I don’t know. I just feel like let people be responsible for their own emotions. 

[00:52:43] We do have a comment here from Soulis. 

[00:52:48] So let’s say I apologize for not pronounce your name correctly because I’m quite confident I did not pronounce your name correctly. But what Alex and Lisa be bored working at NASA. No, no, no, for me, it depends entirely on what my job is, if I had Mindy’s job, I would absolutely sure like if I get to be Venkat, if I get to basically be Elon Musk or, you know, whoever is sort of leading the charge, then no way I would take that job in a second. 

[00:53:19] But I mean, there are a lot of people at NASA whose whole job is just working spreadsheets. 

[00:53:24] I mean, yes, that’s true. But like, give me the job of being an astronaut. And I would I would listen, the adventure would be overwhelming. Tell me I’m going to Mars and all of my work would be about not showing my superiors that I’m terrified. And so I would not be allowed to be bored because I would be so emotionally engaged, just like this woman is really uptight. Yeah, well, she didn’t seem this uptight when we when we took her on. Oh. 

[00:53:54] Speaking of funny reactions at NASA, by the way, I think it’s time that we bring onto the stage any mantras with the funniest just opening line ever. Like for me right up there with Mark Watney is opening line of the book, which is I’m absolutely fucked. 

[00:54:14] And she just you know, we’ve been given the administrator who’s very practical. We’ve been given Venkat, who’s very sort of aspirational. We’ve given Mendi who’s just sort of trying to deal with what’s going on. And then we’re given Annie, who’s just like, I love you fucking kidding me. Just like, do you understand the shit storm that is coming toward us right now and just so absolutely relatable in her own unique way. 

[00:54:41] So can I can I have a downer moment, you guys? I’m a really, really big optimist and I love humans. I’m not one of those people who generally walks around and is like people are stupid. Yes. Yes. Every so often. But it’s kind of rare for me because I really like people. 

[00:54:57] OK, but. But at one point. 

[00:55:03] We we hear that everybody’s coming together and offering all of you know, we’re all of their support and and I’m I’m sitting here going one man, one is stuck alive on Mars. And NASA is getting support from all sectors. And I’m like, B.S., look at 2020. No way there is a McConnell or a Lindsay out there that is pulling strings because they have some nefarious plot to screw everyone over. And absolutely this does not happen. 20/20 has burned this belief to the ground. 

[00:55:40] I will I will pick up the baton of defending the world from really loud. Yes. It is not cause because Apollo 13 like this is clearly the inspiration appeal anymore. 

[00:55:55] I said it, you know, are you being optimistic and bring back. 

[00:56:01] So one of the things in this we jumped ahead of one note that I have, which is I really appreciated the fact that even among these people sitting at NASA. 

[00:56:14] There being scientific, it’s you get this whole conversation, I actually get two consecutive conversations where somebody sits down in front of a monitor and says, OK, prove it to me like you think he’s alive. Prove it. Walk me through. Here’s where the rover was. Maybe they didn’t mention that they moved it here. You know, the solar panels are clean. They could have been cleaned by wind. And it just walks you through how to answer the question. 

[00:56:38] And it’s just I love that this top keeps bringing about tents and there’s no body, and yet they prove it. 

[00:56:44] Don’t tell me what you think. Don’t tell me what you guess. Don’t tell me what you hope. Prove it. Yeah. And that is the strength. 

[00:56:51] That was one of my questions is how how did you feel about I loved that moment of someone putting together it’s a little Sherlock moment of. Well, one of the rovers is like facing the wrong direction for the hose to get to it or whatever cable to get to it. And it’s like, oh, that would never have been done on purpose. Yeah. And except for we have all of these other little nuggets of information and none, none of them are individually a smoking gun. 

[00:57:22] But taken together, the likelihood that he’s not alive is getting smaller and smaller. 

[00:57:26] And and I love that. I love that. One of the things that is said here is we’ve got four different ways of communicating. Why can’t we communicate? Like, how did all four get taken away from us? And they’re like, well, all four are funneled through the map. Yeah. And it’s like, oh, so we don’t actually have four different ways of communicating. We have one. Yeah. And and it broke. And it broke. Well no it’s gone. 

[00:57:51] Well that what three of them were through the MAV and one of them was on the hab and the one on the hab broke so. 

[00:57:57] Right. OK, so um yeah. Because they, they even give the odds of like what are the odds of that happening. And someone says, well based on empirical evidence it’s one in three. 

[00:58:08] Yeah. Because it’s Aries one, two and three and it happened on one of them. So three tests and one at one time it happened. Well I guess you know, yeah. I do love those two scientists arguing among themselves and I absolutely love they’re trying to describe how strong a radio would have to be to get a signal to Mark. And they they describe it as melting pigeons strong, which is just gross. 

[00:58:34] You get this image of like a giant death ray from a from a James Bond film, like trying to beam a message to Mars and just burning everything in its path. 

[00:58:44] Uh, new hole in the ozone layer. 

[00:58:47] Yeah, exactly. I will say, I mean, this whole series of episodes is basically just praising anywhere. But I really am impressed by somebody who is smart enough not only to come up with how do you solve this problem? How do you keep this character alive? How do you get him back home step by step in every way. But Andy Weir is actually like six or seven times because he keeps coming up with other ways that he could have saved him. You know, in this chapter where given this like well, I mean, the Aries four crew could land at the Aries three site and then use the MTV to kind of hop over to their landing site. And it’s really risky, but it could work and it’s like. You just solved the problem again, like as a writer, you just wrote a whole other book of how this could have gone and God, what a genius it takes to not only solve the problem, but solve it nine different ways, nine different ways, but then to also poke holes. 

[00:59:45] And in his own theory. Yeah. Um, I, I love this guy. 

[00:59:51] Yes, you can you can write a lot more. You know, we had Joss Whedon for a long time of going like, oh this is this ah. Nerd guy that we love and you know, we still do. But, you know, he’s got his problematic things and so we need more anywhere’s. Yeah, please. I’m here for it. Like if more sci fi was written by Andy Weir, I’d read more sci fi drama. 

[01:00:13] So, um, so my next note is about the last line of the chapter one. I’m good. I’m ready to go. Right. I love the ending of this chapter. It’s my single favorite moment in the entire book. And I was so crushed that they didn’t put it in the movie, but they did put it in one of the when they released The Martian, they they also made a series of short films that were about the astronaut training program before the Aries three mission. And it was like these sort of NASA documentaries of like Meet the Crew of the area’s three. And they they worked this line into one of those which I really appreciated, which is Venkat Kapoor is sitting at NASA, sort of looking up at the sky. 

[01:00:58] And just talking about, like, how alone Mark Watney must feel and how overwhelmed and how stressful and just what is what does it do to somebody to be that alone? What must be thinking right now? And in the last line of the chapter is a log entry Soul 61. How come Aquaman can control whales, they’re mammals, it doesn’t make sense. 

[01:01:24] End of chapter, and it’s just such a perfect summation of Mark Watney as a character, because not only is it funny, it’s also like kind of a good point, you know, like like it’s kind of a smart question in a funny way. And it just perfectly sums up who this guy is and why he’s the one that is actually going to make it through this. Yes. Well done. Well, though, so excellent. So that is it for this week. That is chapters four through six. We’re going to be picking up a Chapter seven next week. And Chapter seven brings us back to Mars. So we’ve introduced these characters on Earth and we’re leaving them behind and then we’re leaving them behind. We’re getting back to Mark Watney and starting to do some long term planning. We’ve been flying by the seat of our pants for a while, just trying to figure out how we’re going to make food and water. But now that we’ve got that locked down, let’s start talking about the long term plan. 

[01:02:17] The potatoes are sprouting and the potatoes are sprouting, which is very exciting. It’s very exciting. 

[01:02:22] So, yeah, that is going to be next week. We are going to be talking about chapters seven through nine or ten, probably. We’ll see how long they are. And yeah, I think that’s it for this episode. Any final thoughts? 

[01:02:35] No, no. All right, you guys have a great night. Thank you for being with us. We will see you next week. 

[01:02:42] There’s so much fun. Thanks for watching. Be sure to subscribe and hit the bell and everything so you can get our future episodes. 

The Synthesis: Apollo 13 (Episode 1)

Today we’ll be dicussing Apollo 13 in our first episode of The Synthesis. 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕪𝕟𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕤 is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.

In the inaugural episode of The Synthesis, TerraGenesis creators Alexander Winn and Lacey Hannan discuss the science behind the Apollo 13 movie, how close the Apollo 13 movie got to the real life mission, and how the entire ordeal shaped the future of space travel.

Transcript below if you’d prefer to read through this episode of The Synthesis.


Hey, folks, this is Alexander Winn. Hi, I’m Lacey Hannan, and we are the co-founders of Edgeworks Entertainment and the creators of the video game Terra Genesis. And we’re here with our new show called The Synthesis, where we investigate pop culture like movies and TV shows and video games and how they portray realistic science and realistic history.


And books, he forgot books were going to do those, too, I like to read, so I can’t let you forget that we’re going to be talking about both the quality of the product, what did we like, what did we not like?


And we’re also going to be talking about how did it portray events that really happened or realistic scientific principles and integrate them to the story being told.


And now our credentials are mostly that, well, hey, we have a video game company, so we end it. We do science here.


Lacey and I both came up in Hollywood, though. Yes, we both studied film and acting in different ways, and we both worked in Hollywood and we kind of fell sideways into video games. So this is sort of getting back to our roots.


Yes. So I just recognize we will be talking about the acting, the writing, the lighting, that all of it, and the real science, the real history, all that they work together.


Yeah. What’s anything else that we need to tell them about?


It doesn’t know. We’re married.


You need to know that I don’t know if that is a warning or if that is something that you are going to celebrate alongside us, but just recognize that that is the relationship here. So if it gets awkward or awesome, that why. That’s why.


So today we’re going to be talking about Apollo 13, which I had never seen before. I had never seen before. So with that in mind, would you like to give us a quick back of the box recap?


Well, I will start with this movie is not about the challenger.

The Synthesis


It’s true, we’ve got we’ve got real facts here, so I get excited because there isn’t a teacher on board and it doesn’t explode.


So it’s worth mentioning Lacey has a thing about disasters in space. Don’t like them, don’t like them. So she has always avoided Apollo 13. I so she didn’t really know much.


I don’t really know my space or my NASA history, which I really should learn sometime.



And I would have picked it up by osmosis at this point, you’d think.


But like, I really came into this going man, it’s so early and Tom Hanks career for him to die like this is going to be weird to watch. Have we ever seen that? So anyway, that’s not what this movie is. This movie is what year?


What year is it? Movie came out in nineteen ninety nine. What does Apollo 13 take off. I don’t know. OK, well then we’re, we’re doing great.


So anyway, it’s a it’s based on a true story about Apollo 13. They were supposed to be the they were supposed to do the second third moon.


Well OK. But as we know, only one part, one group did it. So, um. Anyway, they were supposed to do that, didn’t work out so well, everything went wrong, like everything, that’s the log line, everything went wrong.


Apollo 13. Everything went wrong. But anyway, I don’t really think you have to know much more about it. I mean, you should probably watch it. It’s pretty good. I can actually tell you that it’s worth watching despite it being about a space disaster.


Yes. All right. So some quick facts released in nineteen ninety five, directed by Ron Howard, written by Bill Broyles and Al Reiner Reiner, and based on a book written partially by Jim Lovell.


So this was semiautobiographical, an incredible cast, incredible cast.


We’ve got Tom Hanks, Ed Harris, Bill Paxton, Kevin Bacon, Gary Sinise and Kathleen Quinlan.


And they’re all awesome. Uh, we it was nominated for a whole bunch of Academy Awards. I think it won two of them. It won best editing and best sound design. But there were some acting. It was it was up for best picture, lost out to Braveheart and yeah.


Budget of fifty two million and made three hundred and fifty five million. So definitely they did all right. Yeah. Yeah.


One interesting thing before we get into it that I read as I was doing some research is apparently it was written with Kevin Costner in mind for the Tom Hanks role, apparently because he is he physically resembles Jim Lovell so much. And do we know why that switch happened? I don’t know why he didn’t get it, but apparently the studio was more interested in somebody else.


And there’s a quote that I found that I couldn’t find any more information on, but I was so intrigued, which is ultimately Hanks was cast instead in that role because of his knowledge of Apollo and space history. So he’s a nerd, too, so apparently, I mean, I knew he was a huge World War Two nerd, but apparently he might also be a space nerd and apparently it might have gotten him the role, which is just so charming.


Well, he’s charming, so that makes sense.


Yes. Also worth mentioning, Gary Sinise was invited by Ron Howard to read for any of the characters he wanted, and he picked the character of Madingley.


So he did a. Awesome job, excellent job. All right, shall we start?


So, yeah, so first off, what did you think overall before we start getting into the nitty gritty, like you, I had seen this movie several times and I knew what I was getting into.


What what’s your I had a whole top sheet taking that a whole journey around this movie. So do you want do you want the final thought or like do you want the little the overall thought.


The like what’s what’s the general. Thumbs up. Thumbs down.


Uh, definite thumbs up. Yeah. I actually give it two thumbs up for the entirety of the movie and I give it a one thumbs sideways for the first 30 minutes.


All right. Which I found real boring. Well then let’s talk about the first 30 minutes, OK? OK, so one of the first things you see is they go through what was Apollo, which one? Apollo one that had everybody burned alive, which is horrifying.


Yeah, that’s actually the first note that I had, too, which was interesting that they’re starting with stuff goes wrong at NASA sometimes is literally the first beat of the film.


And one of the first images you see is like this inverse Titanic shot where instead of like this beautiful, sexy and handprints on a condensed way. No, no. It is a an astronaut’s glove inside of the shuttle. And and there is fire behind them and they can’t get out.


And it is horrifying. It’s like, what is this? What are we going to get do? So at that point, I knew I’d cry at some point.


So for those of you who don’t know, interesting little history tidbit, Apollo one. The astronauts actually died in the in the training simulator. It wasn’t even in the thing they were they were simulating the flight and the console caught fire. And Apollo one was back in the day when NASA was experimenting with using pure oxygen environments. And because because the thought was humans can survive perfectly well. Earth’s air is twenty one percent oxygen and the rest is basically just filler. It’s nitrogen, which does nothing. And so the NASA was experimenting with the idea of instead of having full pressure with twenty one percent oxygen, you could have twenty one percent pressor, one hundred percent oxygen. And it’s just as good for the human body. But when that happened, when Apollo one happened, that fire spread so quickly in an all oxygen environment that they didn’t have time to react and all of the astronauts died. And that’s why NASA stopped doing all oxygen.


So why did Apollo 13 lie to us or did the movie lie to us? Because I was under the impression that. The astronauts died right before liftoff. They were on the launch pad.


It didn’t lie. It was just kind of ambiguous. They don’t. It’s the whole thing is under like music and voice over. And it just shows a bunch of astronauts in a capsule pressing buttons and then a fire. And so they don’t sort of comment one way or another whether it was an actual flight or a simulator flight. It was a.


Well, I feel like they lied to me and I feel like like Tom Hanks lied to his son later in the movie.


We will get it, because now I have feelings about it. OK, so, I mean, the.


Two things that I got right off the bat, um, is that Tom Hanks is a terrible driver.


He doesn’t multiple times. And for someone who’s supposed to be able to pilot really well, he rides like a jerk. Astronauts are kind of famous for, you know, but Tom Hanks does not play the arrogant astronaut in this movie whatsoever.


But the US also Kevin Bacon has the least subtle like. Sexual innuendo joke I have ever heard, like it wasn’t it wasn’t even innuendo.


No, it was just like it was just an illustration. It was like here’s a diagram of what I want to do later tonight.


Oh, it was yeah. There was so much like male seeping off the screen.


That being said, I do think that the very beginning, those first few scenes, they did a really good job of setting up the yearning of establishing just how much these guys want to go to space. And they really kind of established the the stakes of going to the moon. Guys, this isn’t some intellectual exercise or even a matter of patriotism. This is like their life’s dream and you’ve got that within a couple of minutes, which was awesome.


It’s it is always awesome seeing people be passionate about something. Right. And like, even in that sexual reference, like or illustration, whatever you want to call it, like, he is obviously incredibly intelligent and incredibly passionate. And yes, he wants to have sex with this woman, but he’s using the space.


Yeah, exactly. It’s kind of telling that he’s not just giving her a pick up where he’s describing a docking procedure, why it’s so dorky.


But like I mean, you guys in any like anything we want, this is going to be true for me. I love watching people be really passionate about things, even if it’s incredibly nerdy and dorky, which is a big reason. I think I got married.


Yeah. Love me, those nerds.


Ok, I will say before we move on from this, because it happened in the same scene, I did not remember. There’s a there’s a certain line when when Lovell and his wife are sitting on in the backyard and looking up at the moon, there’s a line that he says, which just sort of captured my heart because I feel like it’s sort of the mission statement, not only of Apollo 13, but of the entire space race. And even Terra Genesis and even EDG Works is sort of our tagline. He’s talking about landing on the moon. He’s talking about Neil Armstrong. He’s up there right now. They’re looking up at the moon. And he says it’s not a miracle.

Apollo 13


We just decided to go. Yeah. And that is such a perfect line for science, like it’s not some magical thing, we just decided to do it. I wrote it down to, um. So the full quote is, from now on, we live in a world where we’ve gone to the moon. It’s not a miracle. We just decided to go. Yeah. And I just. Oh, I loved it. It was it was really powerful to me because I feel like that is always how innovation works. Yes, innovation is rarely accidental. I mean, obviously, science can have big accidents, but some so much of what even takes it takes to get to those accidents are there’s so much purpose behind it. And so I thought it was really beautiful.


I thought that was an incredible line. It’s also sort of a commentary on what you’re about to see in Apollo 13, because the whole point of this movie is solving problems.


And at no point in this movie do they just kind of throw up their hands and say, we’ll see what happens. They are always coming back to this sort of focused, determined work. The problem, figure out how we’re going to do this, make your own luck. It’s really sort of the mantra of NASA throughout the entire film.


One of the other things that I liked from the beginning of this was, OK, first of all, footage of us walking on the moon will never get old for me. It will always make me tear up like my I’m choking up right now. I, I will always love it. Yeah. Um, but the other thing that I really liked, uh, you know, we understand that the. Wives of these astronauts and the families go through so much like I mean, you think of it with military families, like all of the people who are at home are having, like, nervous breakdowns or they’re, you know, worried all the time or whatever. Stressful and how I love how they expressed hers. It wasn’t cliched at all. She says something along the lines of I just vacuumed over and over again. And I was like, it’s funny, but you can totally see it as like she needed to do something. Yeah. And I thought it was just a real clever way of showing her character not nominated for best supporting actress, by the way. Well, she did a great job. Those redheads, they’re great.


She did a great job.


And worth mentioning, she did a great job in a role that you sort of didn’t have to do a great job like that, that with a lesser actress, that could have just been hand-wringing for two hours. But she really had some great moments, even in scenes where she’s just sitting on the floor. She’s she’s conveying along. Yeah.


So then we kind of move into this area where he’s giving a tour to politicians and whatever. And really the only thing that I have to. To say about the scene is those damn politicians, they’re such jerks like the like he said, he says something about, you know, Tom Hanks, his character level. Is that what his name is? Yeah. He is supposed to be on Apollo 14. He’s not even supposed to be on this mission. And this politician says if there is an Apollo 14 and I was like, dude, this is his dream.


Keep your mouth shut. Why are you a jackass? I just sorry.


I was I was so floored that anybody would be like, I’m going to try and wreck your dreams.


Fun fact. By the way, that politician is played by horror director Roger Corman, who was something of a mentor to Ron Howard and

all throughout the film industry. And he sort of had kind of an Alfred Hitchcock thing where he would show up in cameos in various movies. Really? Yeah. So Roger Corman, have you ever seen a Roger Corman film?


He’s that jerk politician from that 13. Fascinating and weird. Yeah, I don’t know. Half.


So we do.


I found myself absolutely marveling at the simulator that they use because it’s all analog. And obviously this is, you know, the early 70s. It’s not they would not have digital simulations or anything like that. But I just as somebody who has spent a lot of hours designing simulations of space, I was watching them like carefully moving joysticks. And then it cuts to this tiny little lipstick camera moving toward a wooden model. And it just blew my mind. You know, people talk all the time about the fact that we landed on the moon with, you know, computers that had less processing power than a graphing calculator. And it just kind of reminded me of that, that you’re sitting in this incredibly sophisticated system that’s got like wooden models.


He says at one point during the tour, computers that fit in one room. And we both kind of giggled because, like, it’s just so far removed from our reality. Exactly. So, yeah.


So I’ve got a question for you. And I would go to your launch. Would you come to my launch?


I would go to your launch now, say it gets better because his wife does, in fact, go to the launch.


But there’s a scene in there in their car where she talks about not wanting to go to launch. And it’s so heartbreaking because you see his face fall and it’s just, oh, now see, here’s the deal.


I totally understand her. And, you know, apparently she is one of the few that goes to has gone to all of the launches. And I. I get it. It would be so there would be so much anxiety that I just I don’t know, I, I get it. But that’s the one where he was supposed to go to the moon. So I. You got to be there. Yeah, I would I would go.


There is another in the world of sort of background research. Funny thing that I learned. There’s a particularly memorable scene where all the astronauts are standing on one side of a street and all of their families are standing on the other side of the street because they don’t want to get them sick. And apparently that is a NASA tradition, but it started after Apollo 13. So that’s a little bit of an anachronism. It started with the space shuttle era.


So, yeah, it’s Roback, I. I do have to say, I was getting a little annoyed that they hit 13 over and over and over again. So everyone’s commenting on how it’s Apollo 13 and why they have to name it Apollo 13. And I think he even says because it comes after 12. Yeah. Which it was a funny line, but for whatever reason, it really felt like in a lot of ways they weren’t giving away the story except for in the writing, but not in the lighting of it, not in the sound design of it. Like not in the editing of it. There were lots of things that were going, OK, maybe this movie’s not going to just be terrifying in trouble.


And so, yeah, I think they were definitely expecting that most people in the audience knew where this was going, at least a little.


Listen, I don’t like disaster movies and I don’t like disaster in space movies.


So next time I will look up, I will go to Wikipedia and find out what things are about. I’ve only done this once before and I actually vowed I would never do it again. I don’t know why I went into this blind because nobody would have expected me to be blind.


I do have a little bit of good news for you, which is there’s a scene early in the film where there’s a nightmare where he gets sucked out into space. There’s his wife. Yeah. There’s also a scene where she loses her wedding ring in the shower. Good news. Both of those happened, but she got her ring back. She was able to fish the fish, the ring out of the drain just a little bit now.


Ok, it’s a bit of good news. I think that would have they should have added that. Yeah, because that would have actually set up what happens because when he says she almost loses him. Yeah, it does, because he says to her, you can’t live without me. And then she goes back to the hotel and loses her wedding ring. And I’m sitting here going, oh, no, he’s going to die, Tom. They’re going to kill off Tom Hanks. And then she’s not going to have, like, the wedding ring, the the symbol that most people want to have and keep forever if their spouse dies, like, oh, this is horrible. So her having gotten it back, would have maybe put me at ease just a little bit. But

then again, putting lives was not their goal. But they weren’t trying to terrify me like, say, gravity or some of the other movies like space disaster movies. So they could have. I think so, too.


Danny, Ron Howard. So do you have anything else before the launch? Um, let’s see here.


Oh. Yes, I do, I do. Oh, I thought Henkes made some really great points about switching out the crew. Um, I, I decided in watching all of this that I really want more team movies. I, I loved this not because there was one genius and they were the he was the only person who could pull it off. No, no, no. I love that everybody in the room knows what they’re doing and it’s redundant and like there’s competence porn in teams.


Yes. It’s that same West Wing, that same West Wing kind of thing, like really everything Aaron Sorkin writes. But yeah.


Yes. And so, like for me, when he was here, when he said, you know, we know each other’s voices. We know we know like every little detail and body language. Yeah. And I’m sitting here going, he’s right.


And then they do a really good job of setting it up. As soon as Kevin Bacon’s in the chair, it feels awkward. Yeah. Like it does not feel like they’re in sync.


Mm hmm. Um, so there was that part. And then the other thing was when they when they have like the stressful moments, their calm voices that everyone does, which they use proficiently throughout this movie, the calm voices are both terrifying. And incredible like I there’s the amount of training you would have to have to be able to manage your stress so well, to be able to keep your voice at that level at all times. And like, no matter what’s happening, I don’t know. I was. I was just I was blown away and it kind of freaked me out. Yeah. So that’s what I have to say. Before the before that.


Before the launch. Before the launch. Yeah. All right. So half an hour into the movie, The Rocket takes off and we are officially starting the story of Apollo 13, as Lacey and I were watching it. The Apple TV freezes at that point and has to buffer. And Lacy, who thought that this was a movie about the Challenger disaster, looks at the timeline and goes, wait, how are we only this far into the moon?


I also didn’t understand how everyone could think this movie was incredible at this point because it was so slow. Yeah. And so I was I was having issues and I had maybe a little bit of an outburst. I’m sorry that you won’t be seeing today.


Too bad. So they get into space.


And one of the things that I remember the best about this entire film is the zero G sequences. This is by far the best zero G stuff from any movie ever. And it’s because they did it for real. Apparently, Ron Howard was really worried about having his guys on wires because it always just looks awkward. And it like if you if you watch the movie, you can tell they’re moving sort of from their center of mass because that’s where the harness is connecting. They don’t sort of tumble and do all the things that you do. And apparently his friend Steven Spielberg suggested that he get the KC 135, which is a jet plane, which goes it basically does like a roller coaster. You get in this jet plane and it’s got a huge fuselage that’s just empty. And they take the plane up and up and up and up and up like a roller coaster.


And then they just nose dive toward the ground and you’re inside this plane. And from an external reference, the plane is flying straight toward the ground. But from inside, compared to the walls, it’s zero g and you can just float around and bounce off the walls. And Lacey’s having a panic attack. Oh, my God. And so that’s how they were able to simulate zero G. But here’s the funny thing, and I can distract you by tapping into your actress for a moment. It only works for 23 seconds at a time. So all of those sequences, because otherwise you hit the ground.

Apollo 13


Yes, because Earth comes up fast. Exactly.


Ok, so every scene throughout the film that you see of those three guys in the capsule where they’re floating around and stuff is drifting around, that’s not computer generated. That is actually like when they’re drinking juice, the juice is actually flying up and getting on Kevin Bacon space, but they’re doing it 23 seconds at a time.


There were no long takes, everything had to be choppy, which is why they probably did it as the broadcast stuff, because then they don’t have to have it be one like attempt to make it look like one tape.


True. But I mean, through the film, like to the very end, everything they do in the capsule, they have those kind of things.


So they filmed it all. Twenty three seconds at a time.


I’m sure there were some scenes where nobody was floating and so they were able to film it on the ground. But any time you see anybody floating around or zero G.


So my thought was. As soon as as soon as liftoff happened. If anything goes wrong, I’m blaming Kevin Bacon, and I was she said it out loud. Yeah, yeah, I it wasn’t his fault.


It seemed like it was his fault. But in the final analysis, in the in the thing that they did, they they ultimately revealed that it was he was the rookie. Yeah.


So I’m blaming her for in the name of hazing. We’re going to blame Kevin Bacon because, you know, he’s just connected to too many people. That’s that’s really the problem with with Kevin Bacon. He’s connected to too many.


I will say that one of my other thoughts when as soon as we saw Ed Harris was, man, this dude always gives me the creeps and there’s no way around it. And you want to know what? By the end of this movie, he stopped giving me the creeps.


Hey, I know you’re not afraid of it, Harris, anymore. It’s amazing, right?


So that was hey, if nothing else, Apollo 13 will help you get over your Ed Harris phobias.


Phobias. Yeah. Oh.


The other thing is this movie is just here to reinforce superstitions. What do you mean? The 13 oh, yes, they hit it, they hit it so hard, and so I just had I just had to get that in there.


I will say this. So we so we go up into space and we’re floating around and they do this great scene where they’re making a broadcast.


And I have to say they do a really good job of making you sort of righteously indignant that the news broadcasts aren’t even covering it anymore. At one point, they say going to the moon is as exciting as going to Pittsburgh. And I was like, I’m sitting here, you know, 50 years later and I’m still disagree with that shit with old.


And you skipped a thing for me. OK, so before they even get to the broadcast part, there’s a moment where there’s an alarm that’s going off. And it was just driving me bonkers. And Hanks says we’ve had our glitch for the mission. And this dude like chuckles to himself, like under his breath, it was very ominous.


And I was like, yeah, like, see, who doesn’t know what’s coming is like, wait, did they just did they not just have their glitch for the mission was like I mean, I recognized drama has to happen.


That is storytelling. Duh. But like the. He just had to scare me, it just didn’t even mean to, but but, yes, I’m good at that. The Cancela, like all of the stations canceling their broadcasts. Yeah. It was just like humiliating. Yeah. And depressing.


Sort of set them up as underdogs, which like, how do you make a NASA astronaut going on his way to land on the moon, an underdog, but somehow they did. And then all of a sudden these guys are, you know, the the ones to root for. I will say as soon as the chaos breaks out. That movie did a surprisingly good job of balancing chaos without disorientation like they were.


They were doing fast cuts and swiping across panels and lights were turning on and we were cutting down to mission control and they were all freaking out. But I never felt like what is happening, right? Like I never got lost. I was following, oh, this guy is over here doing this. This guy’s checking a clipboard. They’re all reporting things. I was I was tracking everything. And it sort of it leaned into that competence porn like you were talking about the sense that everybody in the room is really good at what they do. And so this is urgent, but it’s not uncontrolled. It’s just working the problem really fast.


One of the other things that I noticed with this movie is I never felt like the science was lost. And I think it’s because they often cut to people who are explaining it really well. So it’s I don’t feel like we’re going to have a lot to. I’m not going to have a lot to say about the real science of this, because they do such a good job of explaining it as they’re going. That I was I was really impressed.


And that’s actually the next note I have on my list is it’s amazing how they made watching gages and doing math riveting, like even more than The Martian, which I usually hold up as sort of the gold standard of how to make science cool. This movie, you know, with The Martian, he’s usually describing something he has just done. He’s he’s just explaining it to you. But this movie, you’re just sitting there watching a dial.


Yes, slowly drop and then it stops dropping and you’re like or and then it keeps dropping and you’re like, oh, and it’s so exciting.


Or you’re watching Tom Hanks freeze to death and he’s doing math and he’s erasing it.


And you’re like, no, Donna, you’ve got to figure it out. And like, I got to go faster. Exactly. Like you’re literally just watching a guy do his homework and it’s so exciting.


And then he he asks for everybody else on. Yeah. You know, math leads team to double check his work.


And I would like to go and I was like, great panning shot of the camera going down a counter as like six guys are all jotting down what he’s saying and doing the math to double and triple or quadruple and quintuple check his work. Yeah, yeah.


I, I had like I kind of said this earlier, but I have to say it again. Watching the redundancy that happened there was phenomenal when they were like, you know, normally it takes three hours to do to put up the LEM. Yeah. Yeah. And you have fifteen minutes to do it. There was something incredibly sexy about the idea that they were going to actually manage to do it, because usually it takes three hours because there’s so much redundancy, there’s so much double checking, there’s so much of all of that. But these are professionals who are going to actually move out of their comfort zone and manage to do it at the top of their game. Right. Just I was just like, awesome. It floored me to watch. But it’s on both sides of it’s the guys up in space and it’s actually it’s also the guys in control and mission control. And I was just like, dang, just watching all of them be there working as a team again. Like, I just want more team films because it’s so cool to watch.


People work together and figure things out and not agree on things, the yelling that they did at each other, oh my God, and I was solving problems like there’s so much, you know, so many movies, even movies that are ostensibly science movies are actually about interpersonal conflict. Like if you were to really boil this story down, this is a story about two guys who hate each other. It’s a story about a love triangle. It’s, you know, whatever. And there’s you know, when you live in Hollywood, like we do when you work in Hollywood, you go to these writing classes and they talk about how everything is about human relationships. You have to base everything in human relationships. And that’s one of those things that’s mostly true. But I desperately want more movies like Apollo 13, like The Martian, like like, you know, there are a few stories out there that are about solving the problem. Yeah. And about these people coming together and working the problem. And obviously, in individual scenes, there are moments where two characters are butting heads. But the central through line of the story is here’s a series of crises, fix them.

Apollo 13


I will say with The Martian that they actually do it a little bit differently, because in The Martian, everybody is like there’s one genius they can fix. Yeah, like the Martian is a story of specialists. Yeah. And I don’t love that story as much in comparison to the story of a team who the only way that they got through this is there are so many people that know all of the same information, but they’re also tired. So it’s all about like who remembers what at any given moment?


And they do a great job of interweaving little personal details. You know, like everybody is a professional. Everybody’s here. They’re kind of all clones in the sense that they’re all wearing the short sleeve button up shirt with the black tie. But this guy over here won’t shut up about sort of covering his ass to make sure everybody knows that the engines weren’t designed for this because he’s clearly

a little bit of a coward when it comes to his career. And then over here is the doctor who is just a little bit off, I guess, and doesn’t get the fact that this is a crisis and they can’t work exactly to the manual. And all the different characters had their own little twist and they were professionals.


Yes. And one of the I think one of the awesome things that whenever we’ve gotten to have a larger team of like multiple devs is the only way to have something work super smoothly is when you have more than one idea as the input. You’ve got multiple heads working on the same problem. And that’s what we got to see in this. And I love that.


You know, that’s an interesting thing. I think I never thought about this before, but I think you’re right. I think I probably enjoyed Apollo 13 differently before you and I started Imageworks, because before we started EDG Works, this was a story about astronauts and, you know, all that kind of stuff. But since then, I have a feeling that I am subconsciously connecting with Ed Harris a little bit more because we have a team and we have had, you know, bugs that we have to immediately jump on and fix.


And obviously, it’s nothing on the scale of Apollo.


The stakes are a little bit lower. Yeah, but the I would agree with you, right, again, if you’re watching.


But it’s one of those things that, like you said, the the sort of the camaraderie of problem solving is something that has I mean, when you start a company and you’ve got employees, that is your life. And that’s a big part of the story.


So, yeah, one of my favorite moments was when the when they were all in the little room arguing down at Mission Control and. One of the guys says we have to have this under, you know, we have to have everything running on 12, we’ve got 12 volts or 12 amps. Well, that’s right. Yeah, that’s what it is. And. And everyone is like, what? No, no, no. And he goes, No, I’ve been looking at this for an hour. And again, it comes back to you have all these incredibly intelligent human beings, but it’s there’s so much happening. You have to have so many eyes on the problem. And he has his eye on this problem.


And and as soon as he says, I’ve been working on this for an hour, everybody kind of shuts up. Yeah. Like there’s not it’s it’s similar to something that I say about Star Trek a lot, which is especially Star Trek, The Next Generation, which is sort of my home base. There are so many opportunities where another show would have had characters kind of backbiting or like going behind each other’s backs or talking to the captain, being like, do you think he’s really up for this? Or, you know, anything like that? But in Star Trek, everybody kind of respects everybody else’s professionalism. And even if this episode is about somebody screwing up, it’s not held against them forever. Yeah, and the same way in this in this movie, like, there is one moment where the astronauts kind of start to doubt that maybe mission control might not have their back. But for the most part, when the expert says, I’ve done the math, Ed Harris nods and goes, OK, what do we do next? And there’s no back biting or or any of that kind of stuff.


Yeah, I it was it was super awesome. And going back to the the flight surgeon, I just have to I just have to call this out real quick. You guys, we love Christian Clemson. He is the one who plays Dr. Chuck, but he was also on Boston Legal and he he is incredible actor. This guy is phenomenal. And I could I could watch him all day, but his voice, I could pick it out, like as soon as I heard the voice, I knew it was him. And I could listen to that voice all day, every day, you know, got a beautiful voice.


People use the phrase or use the term underrated a lot. And, you know, people say things like, oh, Star Wars is so underrated, you know, no, it’s not like Star Wars is popular and it deserves to be popular. Everybody knows how popular it is. He is one actor who I genuinely think is underrated. That guy is not doing as much as he deserves to be doing.


We have a pense fly. We do. Give us a second. All right. All right.


Yes, that guy is awesome. And yeah.


Yeah, he’s so again, his name is Christian Clemson. Go look him up on IMDB and then watch everything he’s ever done and then tell me that you agree with me, because if you don’t agree with me, we’re going to fight and I’m going to win. You’re wrong. Yeah.


Ok, just so we’ve made that very clear.


Speaking of characters that are awesome and hilarious and kind of steal the spotlight for a minute, let’s talk about the grandma who grandma that that actress has played the grandma and basically everything you’ve ever seen.


And she’s so good at being kind of dotty and kind of, you know, just out of touch, little old lady. And then one moment in this movie, she has this moment of clarity that is so badass. And I just love that this little old lady who is so typecast gets to have her one kind of hero moment.


I wrote, OK, so the quote is, if they could get a washing machine to fly, my Jimmy could land it. And I just really feel like everybody needs a mom or dad to be that supportive just to believe in you, do you know how far we would probably be in this world if everybody says society like that lady?

Tom Hanks


Oh, my God. So, yeah, that was I loved that.


And on a similar note, we have a moment that is an absolute knife to the heart, which is early in the film. Tom Hanks is talking to his little boy who is nervous about the flight and specifically nervous about Apollo one, the astronauts who burned to death. And Tom Hanks walks him through. You know, a whole bunch of stuff had to go wrong. And, you know, we fixed that stuff. And the example that he uses is the door or the hatch that they couldn’t get open and so they couldn’t get out. And then when things start going wrong, the mom comes in and she very specifically says a bunch of things went wrong with your daddy’s spaceship. And this little boy just looks at her and says, was at the door and oh, my God, it was just so good.


I immediately started crying. Yeah.


And I’m that there are a lot of kids that age who could not have delivered that line that well, like, there’s a lot of there are a lot of bad child actors out there and that kid is not one of them.


Yeah, it was it was excellent. Yeah. Um, there was. Another moment where it’s. Paxton’s family, I don’t remember their names, but, you know, his wife is pregnant and they’re sitting with their family and it’s before they know, like how this all ends. And the little one of the boys who plays her, one of her kids, he, as the little actor, obviously forgot where he was and what he was supposed to be doing because they’re all gathered around the TV listening to you just like this awful news. And he turns and looks at the woman playing the mom and smiles this big, bright smile. And the way she reacts to him was just like heartbreaking because she still stays in it and she gives him a reassuring smile. But you can see in her eyes that’s not at all how she feels. And I was just like, I don’t I don’t know. It just kind of took my breath away because that wasn’t the scene or that wasn’t the big an organic moment. Yeah. They would not have, like, meant for that take to happen. And it totally just did and it worked. And I love it so good. Oh, going back to that voice, that calm voice that they use. Hanks does such a good job of masking in this movie, and that’s like a that’s a term that gets thrown around by actors all the time, which is like when you’ve got this big feeling over here and you’re and you’re pretending you don’t you’ve got this mask on. It’s the it’s the part that’s about to boil over and you’re trying to keep it under wraps. And his ability to go from totally panicked to his calm voice. He just turned on a dime. And I was like, oh, my God.


Yeah. There’s one scene where they’re they’re all yelling at each other. And there’s this term, are we on Vox? Which means just sort of an open mic. Can can mission control here. Everything we’re saying, they’re all yelling at each other and all of a sudden they get a broadcast from mission control. And he says, are we on Vox? And it turns out they’re not. And he reaches down, presses a button and goes, yeah, mission control. We’re reading it. And it’s just this absolute pivot on a dime from high energy, stressed out, yelling at each other to super professional lockdown. Mm hmm.


So it was I loved it. I loved it. The I have to say that when they finally get a hold of cities. Mm hmm. Uh. And get them out of bed and bring him to mission control is like one of my favorite things.


I was like, he’s going to save the day.


And I loved watching him save the day. If they don’t sleep, I don’t sleep like the whole lot. I don’t know. It was just so in it. And I love that towards the end, you see the thing.


So you see.


Tom Hanks as character, there’s an old interview of when has he felt fear and he was lost over the sea near Japan and everything was going wrong and his lights went out in his cockpit and. Because of that, he was able to see the bioluminescence in the water, which allowed him to land on the ship, the aircraft carrier, and he said it’s you never know what it’s going to be that gets you home. And it’s the measles.


It’s purely the measles because like, God bless Kevin Bacon, but he wasn’t going to be the guy who would have gotten them all figured that out. Yes, he would. And Denise wouldn’t have been able to do that up in space. Right. He would have been able to do that work. A good point. I thought about that. Measles saves the day. Yeah, exactly. So it’s essentially measles. Are the lights going out and sneeze becomes the bioluminescence. And I was just like, oh, that was powerful. And I don’t need that in my life. I did. I did.


But like, it kills me for Cleveland. Yeah. You don’t like strong emotions.


I do. I like strong emotions. Just not when I don’t want them.


Like everybody, I will say we would be remiss if we went through this entire episode without talking about the greatest homage to Apollo 13 that has ever been done, which is an episode of community called Basic Rocket Science.


And in that episode, Abed plays the Gary Sinise role and does it absolutely perfectly. And apparently there are a ton of shots in that episode that mirror shots from the movie. They go deep, dive into recreating Apollo 13 specific mannerisms and things I love.


Yeah, that was such a great character. My goodness. Yes, indeed. And we’re kind of jumping all over the place. And I think that’s a lot my fault.


I’m I don’t actually have anything, any notes until the ending and then a few sort of after things. Well, take us through the second act.


Well, I don’t really I’m going to continue being all over the place because I don’t know where we are in the story.


But I’m just going to point out a couple of things that I loved. First of all, I love the little medical muny.


Yes. And like, I guess really mutiny is against the captain and the captain is Tom Hanks. And he starts that. So I don’t know that you’d actually call it mutiny, but whatever it is, I loved it. It made me really happy. And that Cawdor scene where they’re having to figure out how to get into position to enter the atmosphere. So they are there to shallow and they need to manually put themselves in a place where they can come in a little bit at a sharper angle, but not too sharp. And the newscasters use the if if Earth is the basketball and the moon is the softball and the area the corridor that they have thinner than a piece of paper. Yeah, I was just like, again, it comes back to the real science they did, while to me I would have loved to have seen more of it. Um, what we did see was so well done. Yeah. That I, I was still happy with it.


And you know, one of the things that’s nice about using real science is that oftentimes using something real prevents you from going too far in either direction. Because I feel like if this was a fictional movie that somebody was writing, they would have been really tempted to either make the necessary thing that they had to do.


So ludicrously impossible that there’s like a point zero zero one percent chance that they could pull this off and then they do or they would have hedge their bets and they would have been like, I mean, you know, here here’s a baseball. Here’s a softball. In the area that they have to get into is like this big, you know, and it’s not something that seems totally impossible because we needed to be believable. But the fact that this is real means that you don’t have to convince people it’s believable. It actually happened. Yeah. And you can just lean into that. And it sort of veers you away from some of the more cartoony options that a writer could have taken.


And one of the other real science things is they go to the weight. They finally figure out why all of their their calculations are off. And it’s because they expected to have a couple hundred pounds of moon rocks.


Yeah, there’s this sort of running thread throughout the second half of the movie that they keep veering a little bit off course and they can’t tell why do they keep coming in shallow? And oh, it’s because we were supposed to have all these moon rocks and so they end up having to get ballast for the last. Yeah. So they pull apart is that they pull a bunch of stuff off of the LEM. Yeah. Right into, just into the into the command module to just help weigh it down a little more.


And I love that they gave it, they gave that to us, they didn’t go into as much detail and you know, they didn’t spell it out too much. But we got a little taste of that, which I thought was that was really nice because I had forgotten that they were having Calkin. Problems are so much going wrong because you know what, they have a quadruple failure, which is. Yeah, well, I mean, that’s what they say at the top of the at the top is that there’s a quadruple failure. But one of the other things, two of the other things that I just have to say is

Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks just holds our hearts in his hand. He, like, just mush them all together and he holds them and he plays with our heartstrings. And I, for one, never gave him permission to do that. But he does it all the time without reservation. And I would like to admonish him in person while I hug him and cry. I love him. And I don’t know.


Is that clear enough? I love him, OK? In a very angry way.


Very angry way. Yes. OK, last thing before I will let you speak to no. Go for that little moment where they are gathering to watch the reentry. Hmm. And his wife is taking to to the audience. We have no idea who these two men are, but she’s telling them you need to distract his mom while they’re talking about the likelihood of of the crew living. And it turns out to be Armstrong and Aldrin.


And and the lady says, who are you boys in the space program to?


Oh, my God. And they both kind of they have this, like, little hesitation as they kind of look at each other like, is she for real? She is for real.


Yes. Which I just like I don’t know if that happened in real life, but I really hope it did. Oh, God, that’s amazing. Yeah.


Which brings us to heading in for the final landing. Couldn’t let it be too easy because they’ve gotten off so easy this whole time. You’re heading into a typhoon because it’s breaking eye of the storm.


Yeah, incredible shot as this ship flies toward the earth and there’s this swirling vortex like right below them and lightning flashes.


Incredible. If one thing can go wrong, apparently everything can go wrong so that we’re going to be talking about gravity next week.


And gravity, I think, is one of these movies that can be retile. I forgot we were watching the movie and I was like, excuse me, what?


Or just I read Straight Gravity and Gravity, I’ve always joked should be retitled The Story of a woman who just can’t catch a break. And that is very much in the spirit of Apollo 13.


I guys who could not catch a break, I don’t remember much about it except for the oh, you’re going to have a grand old. I’m not. You’re not. And even a little I mostly remember her in the fetal position in front of that weird light. And I was just like.

Apollo 13


All right, yeah. Oh, no, you’re you’re you’re going to be so mad by the end of this month. I know. I remember feeling that way before.


So and in that same spirit as they’re coming down, it starts kind of raining in their faces.


There’s a shot of the dew that has been gathering on the console before we get there, right before we get there, can I say I was so glad when there was finally a body heat hug?


Yes, I was I had been waiting for that because these men are freezing and they’re not touching each other. And like, I know they’ve got a lot to do.


Yeah, but one of them is very sick. Yes. So I was I was pleasantly surprised when I happened because I was desperate for it to happen. But I had kind of gotten to a point of they said this is like a man’s man sort of world and they’re not going to touch.


And I was just like, but Tom Hanks doesn’t live in that world very well.


So I was just, oh, it was a relief. I needed I needed to put that out there. Yes, indeed.


So they re-enter.


And as with any ship entering the atmosphere, there’s always a period of communications blackout where the radio signals can’t get through the ionization happening around the ship. And they they say it’s going to be between three and four minutes. It’s generally three. And the countdown starts happening and they get to three minutes and there’s nothing and it just keeps going. They end up hitting three and a half. They end up hitting four. And it’s just like this slow twisting of tension, as you think. Maybe they actually didn’t make it. And then they finally do, and it’s such a relief and everybody’s cheering, and I just need to read you this quote from Jim Lovell talking about that moment and why they because that’s not Hollywood that actually happened. There was this really long period where they didn’t respond and they could not. And everybody thought they were dead. This is a quote from Jim Lovell. He says, We are working and work and watching the controls during that time because we came in shallow, it took us longer to come through the atmosphere where we had ionisation. And the thing was, we were just slow in responding.


The entire world was waiting with bated breath to see if these guys were alive and apparently they just didn’t pick up the phone for a while.


Oh, my God, if I was his wife, I would have lost my mind when he got home. When I heard that quote, I would have been like, you’re a dead man. You are a dead man. But, yeah, the moment that there is that reentry and it’s literally raining on them. Yes.


That is just just adding insult to injury. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s raining on them. But outside of the capsule, it’s like three to 4000 degrees I think is what they call it.


Yeah, something like that. Yeah. It’s a number of thousands of degrees in there and it’s getting ready. They’re getting ready Don. And I was just like, oh my God, because I mean we’ve been warned about it.


So I love that they kept that detail. It was I liked that.


Another little cameo right here at the end, the captain of the USS Iwo Jima, which is the ship that picks them up. The captain is played by Jim Lovell.


Oh, really? Huh. I like that. Nice. I it was it was funny, I, I was not expecting a shot of someone in all of their scuba gear, like peering in the window. It was I don’t know, there was something about it that it was just really funny. I feel like in the course of, you know, there just there are window images now and they had and so I have the Titanic and I have an astronaut burning and now I have a goofy scuba guy being like, are you guys OK?


You just got in from space. I’m here to help you. Welcome back.


Yeah, there’s you know, it’s funny these days, you know, we we’re saturated with these images of Space X with these rockets that come down in, like, land so gently on their floating platforms. And even before that, we have the space shuttle, which comes down like an airplane and lands very majestically on a runway. And you sort of forget that in the early days of space travel, it was a little bit goofy getting back to Earth like you were in a little pod that just kind of falls into the ocean and then they have to go find you like wherever you landed in the ocean. And you just sit in your pod until some scuba guy comes up and like, knocks on the door and helps you out.


There was a part of me that was like I kind of. So we scuba dive. Yes. And I’ve always been a little not a lot, but a little interested in doing rescue diving. And there’s a part of me that’s like, I want to be that person. Then we go back to this era and I can just be the scuba diver. That’s like, hey, I’m going to help you get home. Yeah, I don’t know why, but that sounds awesome.


I actually did. There’s a moment where the helicopters hovering hovering overhead and a couple of scuba guys step out and when you go scuba diving, whatever you first get into the water, they always tell you to sort of step onto the side of the of the boat and you either fall backwards into the water or they tell you to take this really big step to just sort of stride out and then let yourself fall into the water. And they were doing that. They were stepping out, but from a helicopter. And so they fall like, you know, 20, 25 feet and then go into the water. And I was like, oh, that’s kind of like fun.


Can I do that? Except go scuba diving leaving because Catalina Island went from a helicopter when we were in New Zealand.


Is that where we were? I think it was when we were in New Zealand and we were canyoning, I was the one who was like, oh my God, I want to jump off that thing. Can we jump off that thing? And they’re like, yeah, go jump off that thing. And you were like, I, I don’t want to do that.


It helps when it’s the ocean. There’s no there’s no functional bottom to that when you’re jumping over really high, which, by the way, was about twice as tall as the helicopter that guy stepped out of. And then it’s like a little, you know, pond of water was about three inches. And just want to put it out there then.


This family, I am not the chicken.


Can confirm I wasn’t expecting that. I mean, it’s true, but I was expecting you to say that, OK.


Oh, I loved all of the reaction shots when everybody learns that, hey, they made it. And I have to tell you, I was really surprised by a couple of that. Ed Harris. I love how he said it and everybody else did. Everybody rises and he drops. Yeah.


And I and I was like, oh, that’s like that makes total sense. And they came back to him later and he was tearing up and I was like, man, Ed Harris, like, I love you.


I’ll give you a hug, which is not where I started at the top of this movie. It was a whole journey. You went on with the virus.


And I was really concerned about the the oldest level boy, the oldest son, because he’s whose only introduced at the eleventh hour. Do we see him in the first act?


I mean, I think we see him when the moon landing happens, but I don’t remember because it’s not that age. Right. It’s only like a year later, like, he wouldn’t have been a little kid at that time. It’s only a year or two then maybe we didn’t. But he’s at, what, a military academy or something? He’s at a military academy. And there was a part of me that’s like they’re all watching this.


And this is the 60s, maybe the 70s. And yeah.


So this is 1969, April 11th, 1970. So it’s so a few months like less than a year after. OK, so.


They’re watching this, he’s surrounded by his male peers, is he going to be allowed to be relieved? Is he going to be allowed to cry? Because, like, I really felt like I was going to have to say something about masculinity of that time. That might still be a thing today, but I didn’t have to because Ed Harris cried. Yeah. And so there was this thing where, like, all of the boys got really excited for him and we didn’t see him cry, but he was mostly just stunned. He was just like in shock, which I still totally acceptable. You don’t have to cry.


But there was a part of me that was like, man, if none of these men cry, I’m going to have to call toxic masculinity because, yeah, you got to show your emotions. And this is just some family tears.


Well, yeah, because, I mean, that amount of stress, you’re going to have a bodily reaction and you just kind of have to. So I was I was glad to see it somewhere. I was really concerned that we weren’t going to see the oldest son’s reaction because they don’t show it for the longest time. Yeah. And I was I was mostly interested in his as a teenager at a military school, but I will.


So I’ve got a few other notes, just sort of in terms of general scientific stuff, unless you want to say anything else about the landing. No, no, no. So I did some research on scientific accuracy in Apollo 13, because that’s our thing here on the synthesis and learn some interesting stuff. So apparently they got NASA was very helpful during all this and they offered the use of many of their facilities. They offered Ron Howard to to let Ron Howard film in the actual mission control. And he turned them down. They recreated mission control in a set so that they could perfectly control everything. But apparently they did such a good job that their consultants kept getting lost because the room was perfect. But obviously outside the room it was a studio. And so there was a one particular way to leave, but it was the other way from where you leave actual mission control. The elevator was over here and the exit from the set was over here and the consultants were so they bought into this thing so much that they kept getting lost because they kept heading for the elevator for mission control. That’s neat. And then they also the headsets that all the extras use in mission control, all of their consoles were actually networked so that as all of those actors, the supporting characters and the extras were sort of shouting over each other trying to solve problems, they were actually talking to each other.


They could carry on conversations, sending information back and forth. They weren’t all just kind of saying things to themselves accurately, just which was another interesting choice. The space suits that they wore were apparently perfect. They were space

suits. They were in every single regard. There were no compromises made to the point where they were even airtight. And when the astronauts have their helmets on in this movie, they also have air hoses connecting them because otherwise they would suffocate like these. These are actual spacesuits and they had to have their air pumped in. Oh, yeah. Walter Cronkite, very famous news personality from that era, does a number of broadcasts, some of those were archival footage from the time of Apollo 13. But apparently Walter Cronkite actually rerecorded some news broadcasts for this film because they needed him to say something sort of concisely for the film, because in the actual broadcast, he sort of spread it out over several minutes and he got the script and then rewrote it in his own voice so that it would sound like a real Walter Cronkite broadcast. I love that. Very interesting. And then the last little bit of filmmaking that I have is one of the most famous lines from Apollo 13.


You’ll see it on every time somebody references this, they’ll show this a little bit of B roll. It’s in every trailer. Everything is Ed Harris walking with purpose through a room full of professionals. And he says failure is not an option. And it’s become this line that is very heavily associated with the Apollo 13 crisis. Apparently, he never actually said that the character that’s not a thing that was said during during Apollo 13 there the crisis. But the writers were talking to several of their consultants who had been there, including a person named Jerry Bostik, who they asked him, did you guys ever just like panic? Did you just freeze with how much stress there was? And his response was no. When bad things happened, we just calmly laid out the options and failure was not one of them. We never panicked and we never gave up on finding a solution. And apparently the writers left that meeting, got in the car, and one of them, as soon as the doors closed, he just started screaming. Failure is not an option. That’s the line. That’s going to be the line that people remember from this movie. We just need to figure out who says it. And they ended up giving it to Ed Harris. And he was exactly right.


I can’t believe that you haven’t brought up the square peg in a round hole.


That is one of my very favorite. Before we get to that, I’ve got one other line, which is Houston. We have a problem which has gone down alongside Luke. I am your father. And and play it again, Sam, as incredibly iconic lines from Hollywood, which never happened. All three of those lines, it’s almost right in actual history. They said, Houston, we’ve had a problem and then they go on to describe it. But Houston, we have a problem is so they just changed a little bit. Yeah, it’s close. That being said, Lacey does bring up a good point, which is probably my favorite moment from this movie, which is getting a square peg into a round hole. The team is presented. The team at Mission Control is presented with a problem because CO2 is building up in the LEM and the air filters for the LEM are not designed to support this many people, but the air filters from the command module don’t fit their two different shapes. And so they dump out a bunch of stuff on the table and they say this is everything they’ve got up there. We need to figure out how to use this stuff to get this filter into a hole that fits this. And it’s a very famous moment. And I just love it because it’s so sort of ground level. Like they’re literally playing with blocks. They’re just doing sort of kindergarten level stuff. But lives depend on it.


Yeah. And I love it. I love that scene. And I I’m definitely one of those people who would have liked to have seen it play out a little bit more and not not like the whole thing. I don’t I didn’t need to be for it to be like 30 minutes or anything like that. But he dumps out the stuff that they have available to them. And then he’s like, all right, we have to do this. And then everyone just grabs for it.


And I’m like, wait, wait, wait. Who’s project managing this? No, no, don’t get organized exactly. Like if you just start grabbing things, who’s going to know what you have?


Yeah. And I wanted I wanted to see it play out like I wanted to see.


Yeah. That is one scene that I wish had been done more.


Yeah. Because it’s, it’s cool to see genius’s attack a problem that you can watch because we, most of us aren’t going to follow a math problem. But this is something that’s so physical that we could have seen how their minds work. And I, and I get that it’s you know, it’s it’s not a problem that you got to keep the story moving. Yeah. Yeah. And I and I hear that, but I would have liked it.


It is also, you know, as we’ve talked about, The Martian is we’re big fans and you can clearly see the influence of Apollo 13 on the concept of the Martian. There’s a there’s a clear lineage there.


And I was reading reviews recently and somebody described The Martian as being the perfect movie for people who wish that Earth air filter scene from Apollo 13 had been the whole film, which I feel like the reviewer meant it as kind of a dig at nerds.

Space Movie


But I read it and I was like, yeah, that yes, that’s me. I’m one of those people I want to see scientists, MCGYVER things exactly what could be cooler than McGyver and real. Yeah.


Yeah. So I think overall. Yeah. Are you done.


Well I’ve got one little sort of addendum, a little epilogue on the story of Apollo 13, which is sort of a good news, bad news situation. So after Apollo 13 was so scary, the Apollo program kind of got wrapped up. And that is one of the reasons we never went to Mars is Apollo 13 is after the Apollo 13 crisis. President Nixon and then those who followed decided that space travel was really scary and they didn’t want a disaster hanging around their necks. And so they decided instead of continuing to push the front. We’re continuing to try dangerous new things and go out into the unknown, what they would do is perfect this and they came up with the space shuttle and that’s why the space shuttle program happened, was it was their attempt to get near Earth travel perfected. And so we’re going to make basically like a space plane that we can reuse over and over. And it’ll it’ll be able to land on its own and it’ll have all these things. And so NASA put all of its effort into the space shuttle and near Earth orbit operations like satellites and the International Space Station. And we we retreated from the frontier.


So that is sort of the I don’t like that humans are not good at retreat. And, you know, I don’t like that our leaders are cowards and cowards.


So it’s good that we are now living in an age when, you know, things like Space X and even NASA are starting to pick up the baton again and start moving forward.


Yes, well, I just want it to be NASA. So, yes, that would be nice. That’s a whole other topic. So we don’t need to end on that note. Let’s let’s also a final thought. Final thought. I think it is devastating that Gary Sinise, his character, I didn’t get his dream, but I think it is even. More devastating, heartbreaking to be that close, you can see it, yes, you can, it’s right there.


But it must have been just a knife in the gut for those three guys flying past the moon and just not, I don’t know, like that.


I just kind of keep coming back to that. Thought of dreams should not.


You shouldn’t have to see them without touching them.


It’s just it’s too much for my actor heart because being an actor has far, far too much has to do with hope then and luck than anything else. So, yeah, my my actor heart didn’t handle that very well in incredible movie.


Yeah, right. Fantastic movie. Apollo 13. I mean, obviously hailed as one of the great space movies of all time. Just an absolute masterpiece. And yeah, I think just a plus on the scientific accuracy score. This is sort of the the thing to beat.


This is the standard by which those good judged, I will say accuracy. Yes. A minus for how much science is in it. Fair enough. I would have liked to have seen it ratchet it up a notch. Yeah. So fair enough. Yeah. All right. Well then I think that’s episode one of the Synthesis. Oh yeah. Look at us. That was fun.


Thank you to everybody who’s been watching and who will be watching in the future. This was this has been a fun little experiment. And unless we were completely in the dark, I don’t think anything went terribly wrong.


Who knows? Maybe we’ll we’ll end this thing and then realize that we’ve been broadcasting calabaza. This all done.


Our our producer will let us know. Yeah. Um, so the next episode we will have watched Gravity. So if you want to kind of follow along, follow along. I would suggest watching it.


Yep. Same that time. Same bat channel which is five thirty Pacific Time on Thursday. I’m going to be watching Gravity and talking about that and you’ll get to see Lacy have a slow panic attack which is going to be fun.


So much fun. I am so excited to show that side of myself to you. That’s awesome. All right. Well, thanks for watching. Have a good one.