This document lists all the changes to each version of TerraGenesis. It is updated for each release, so check back here if you want to know exactly what has changed in each new update.
NOTE: If you're looking for something specific, be sure to check the platforms listed for each update: if 4.1 was iOS-only and 4.2 was iOS/Android, the Android version of 4.2 will include the changes from 4.1 as well.
5.15 (iOS/Android)
- Added Legendary Governors
- Added spaceships to Game screen
- Added Sale functionality
- Added pinch-to-zoom functionality to flat map popup
- Added the ability to upgrade facilities while they are disabled
- Added an explanation popup when trying to use Photo Mode to save a screenshot after denying permission
- Added several new analytics events
- Added individual controls for GP follow rewards per-platform
- Added Leanplum controls for Update popup
- Added tap-highlighting for Governor hex cells
- Added tap-highlighting to Language table
- Added tap-highlighting to popup “Cancel” buttons
- Added tap-highlighting to resource totals on header bar
- Added tap-highlighting to section buttons along the bottom of the Stats page
- Added tap-highlighting to section tab buttons
- Fixed a bug where the music would stop playing at the end of each song
- Fixed a bug that would incorrectly calculate Fast-Forward temperature projections when using the Soletta
- Fixed a bug that would cause abnormally long or short upgrade times
- Fixed a bug where Construction Governors would also impact Upgrade cost and time
- Fixed a bug where the Power Boost cooldown timer would be invisible for some Governors
- Fixed a bug where the same random planets would appear repeatedly
- Fixed a bug where Android 10 devices would fail to upload screenshots through Hestia
- Fixed a bug where city icons in the top-right corner of the flat map popup would block the “X” button
- Fixed a bug here choosing “Upgrade All Mines” in an outpost would check if you have enough credits, but never actually spend them
- Fixed a bug where Trade Treaties with Native Villages wouldn’t count toward revenue-oriented priority missions
- Fixed a bug where demolishing the “socket city” while constructing the Space Elevator would fail to cancel the construction
- Fixed a bug where a city’s population wouldn’t increase, even on habitable worlds
- Fixed an incorrect term in Zhou’s Governor bio
- Fixed a German mistranslation
- Fixed several null references
- Updated Pim Jansson with new Governor portrait
- Updated Edgeworks logos in Connect table to use new company branding
- Updated the link to the soundtrack in the TerraGenesis Store
- Updated Lunar New Year date for 2021
- Improved the metadata of Cloud Save files
5.14 (iOS)
- Fixed a number formatting bug that could cause erratic issues, including unresponsive buttons, menu crashes, and construction failures
5.13 (iOS/Android)
- Boring SDK and third-party plugin updates
5.12 (iOS/Android/Windows)
- Added “Achieve Habitability Level” as an option for LTE missions
- Added “Construct Cities” as an option for LTE missions
- Added descriptions of faction-specific victory conditions to Independence popup
- Added code for cleaning up the save files of deleted games, to prevent filesize from growing too large
- Added facility name to “Under Construction” in facility list
- Added in-app rating prompt on iOS and Android, rather than redirecting to Stores
- Added indication of LTE-only governors in the “?” button from the governor card packs
- Added the ability to get more free Governor Packs by watching ads
- Added a system for recovering victory records if they get wiped out for any reason
- Added app version, platform, OS version, and email prompt to SSOD readout
- Added a “Delete” button to the “Switch Games” list in the Control Panel
- Added better controls for free Governor packs
- Added four FFI-exclusive random events
- Fixed a potential Star Screen of Death cause
- Fixed a bug where people would fail to get the Welcome Back popup, and thus fail to get their offline credits
- Fixed a bug where Hestia diagnostics would always list games as paused
- Fixed a bug with the ratio percentages on the Water Stats page when there is no water
- Fixed a bug where water could appear when there shouldn’t be any
- Fixed a bug that would prevent LTE rewards from being given
- Fixed a bug where new Native villages could appear even if the planet is no longer habitable for them
- Fixed a bug where a pinned priority wouldn’t go away after being completed
- Fixed a bug where starting a game on a Plant-Life habitable planet would give free GP on game start
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't make the app resolution smaller
- Fixed a bug where mines could be built in lava
- Fixed a mislabeled Biospheres random event
- Fixed a nonfatal error with the Victory screen spaceship
- Fixed a minor Cloud Save bug
- Fixed a German translation error
- Improved data loss detection popup
- Improved the Cloud Save Transfer Tool
- Changed “Main Menu” button in Control Panel to “New Game”
- Changed Elle De Leon's name to better fit Chilean naming standards
- Removed some unnecessary code that was ugly and stupid and should just go home
- Removed biomass consumption from large populations on Beginner mode
- Reorganized the code to make it easier for new devs to read
- Rediscovered Kiwiron
5.11 (iOS/Android/Windows)
- Added a “Support” button to the Control Panel for convenience
- Added a control for elevationRange in future LTEs
- Fixed a bug where the Starter, Conspiracy, and LTE packs would fail to deliver properly
- Fixed a bug where you could farm credits by using a “construction cost” governor
- Fixed a bug where the credit count in the header bar would fail to update
- Fixed a bug where the FFI LTE on Gedi would start without the Hab Unit research completed
- Fixed a bug where Biomass Governors would also increase Biomass-decreasing effects
- Fixed a bug where Revenue Governors would also increase Revenue-decreasing effects
- Removed one city name suggestion possibility
- Prevented the “aquifer” random event on planets too hot or too cold for liquid water
5.10 (iOS/Android/Windows)
- Fixed a potential cause of the Star Screen of Death
- Added “Start a New Game” as the current priority once victory has been achieved
- Added both FirebaseID and PlayerID to the Star Screen detection
- Fixed a bug where the LTE pack would stop being available for future events after it is purchased once
- Fixed some overlapping text in the Culture section when playing on the TRAPPIST-1 and Historical Earths worlds
- Fixed a bug where the name of a moon randomly generated would be re-used as the next planet’s name
- Fixed a bug where ice would appear on random planets that are too hot for ice
- Fixed a bug where free GP would be given for achieving habitability thresholds on LTE games
- Fixed a bug where the Governors would fail to populate until you first visited the Governors Store section
- Fixed a bug where players would be unable to collect the unclaimed rewards from an LTE that has finished
- Fixed a bug where LTEs set to start/end at times other than midnight would fail
- Fixed a bug where completing an LTE on a random would would prompt you to purchase a non-existent planet
- Fixed a bug where the “current priority” would be listed as “none” after completing all milestones in LTE games
- Fixed a bug where a random planet called “Random” or “All” would break the game
- Fixed a bug where the FFI could adopt Wealth values
- Fixed a bug where the Change Language system would fail if you don't have an internet connection
- Fixed an internal error with parsing the Leanplum start/end dates for LTEs
- Fixed some text spillouts in certain languages
- Fixed several random events which downgraded facilities based on their functional level, rather than their actual level
- Fixed several mistranslations and typos
- Blocked access to the “?” button if the player doesn’t have internet