NatGeo: Mars – WHY SO SERIOUS?! | The Synthesis

Lacey and Alex discuss the National Geographic series, MARS, episodes 1-3. Why so serious ?! A somber show that clearly Lacey and Alex just LOVE….. ish…

𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•ͺπ•Ÿπ•₯π•™π•–π•€π•šπ•€ is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.


Hey folks, this is Alexander Winn Lacey Hannan, who I think set me up when the video started here with the latest episode of The Synthesis. This week, we are talking about National Geographic’s β€œMARS” episodes one through three. And I have a question to start us off, do you? 


It’s not a nice question. 


Oh God, 


who was your least favorite character? And why? Oh, all right. Good tone. 


You can pick from the people on documentary side as well. Okay. 




tipping your hand. They’re a little lace. 


You know what, let’s just let’s just be transparent about who we are and how we feel. 


Yeah, yep. Yep. And who are you? And how do you feel? 


I hate Captain but I hate him. 


I hate him. 


All right, so National Geographics. Mars is a show that came out a few years ago. And it is an interesting thing because it it jumps back and forth between documentary and narrative. So you know, obviously, like the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, National Geographic, they do a lot of documentary shows. Recently, these kind of networks like History Channel have been getting into narrative shows, like Vikings and  that sort of thing. But this is both. And that is interesting. They’re taking a nonfiction book and adapting it with a fiction story, which was, you know, ambitious. And I 


mean, usually it’s a, it’s nonfiction with reenactment, right? 


So this, this feels like the first I don’t know if it’s actually the first of its kind with documentary and the narrative. 


Yeah, the completely original story. Yeah. 


So anyway, 


but yeah, it was it ran for one season of six episodes, and then was renewed for another season of six episodes, 


we’re doing episodes one through three of season, not that anybody knows why it was allowed to come back. 


So yeah, what do you think Lace? 


Let’s start. We’ll just start with the narrative stuff. Yeah. Okay. Because I listen, I don’t have terrible things to say about all of it. So let’s just, let’s start with the bad and then move on. Okay. Get it out of the way. Okay. Yeah. I do not enjoy the narrative aspect at all, unfortunately, um, I think that we, we have a bunch of characters that are mostly uninteresting, often illogical. One example of that is, we we this is, this is kind of, in Second, the second episode, which they are trudging towards their, the outpost from where they landed their ship. And there, they’ve got alarms going off saying, you know, your co2 is going up and all of this stuff running out of oxygen. Yeah. And the doctor 


keeps talking, the doctor who is presumably the one who best understands the need for air. 


Yeah. And she just won’t shut up. Like, I’m sorry. Captain Ben is passing out. You don’t need to keep talking to him. Like you’re not. Your job right now is not to keep him awake. Your job is to get him to the outpost to safety so that you can work on him. Yeah. And if you can’t work on him, because you’ve run out of air. He’s worked. Sorry, excuse my language. This, I’m gonna try and keep it down. We’ll see how well that goes. So it But anyway, it’s just like, there are all of these little things that are just super illogical. Some of it’s within the character, some of it is within the writing. Another one is while they’re trudging along, someone notes that they’re moving too slowly. And then immediately, the doctor says to Ben, who’s awake at this point. She says, you know, we can slow down. And he said, No, you know, we have we have to go faster. And it’s like, someone just said, we’re not going to make it. We’re going to slow and choose we can slow down. 


No, no, you literally, you literally cannot, you will die. So please don’t be stupid. 


Yeah, I think so. Lacey and I had a lot of conversations after watching these episodes about the show and specifically the narrative side and sort of what what was the problem because I feel like there was a problem and I wanted to love this show so much when it first came out, you know that this is exactly up my alley. This is the hard 


siphon joy enjoying thing. 


Yeah, we love to love things and we dislike disliking things. And but at the end of the day, I feel like really most of the sort of narrative Sins of, of Mars, come back to one thing, which is they’re trying so hard to make it dramatic. And so they lean in to all this stuff about like, hey, what if the what if something went wrong? Just as they were landing? Hey, what if they landed in the wrong place? Hey, what if one of them was injured? Hey, what if you know, it’s like over and over? And hey, what if there was a fire? What if all this stuff and then they start getting in each other’s throats. And it’s like, they just, they kind of reach for every opportunity to heighten the drama. And there’s so many scenes where people are standing around looking, shaken, and looking scared and looking worried. And it’s like, at the end of the day, going to Mars is inherently dramatic, it is inherently scary, you don’t mean to make it scary. And that I feel like it’s sort of this is the story that it’s like they needed to have watched the Martian, which I think this actually came out, either just before the Martian or just after the Martian. But whenever it was, they weren’t able to have watched the Martian when they were making it. But I feel like they really needed to because the Martian is a great demonstration of how your character can be upbeat and optimistic. And you can be listening to the frickin disco music while he works. And it’s still scary, because he’s trying to survive on Mars. And there’s a there’s a line from a show called Studio 60 that I think about a lot in a lot of different contexts. But it also applies to this, which is Studio 60 is a show it’s kind of like 30 rockets behind the scenes of a show like Saturday live. And there’s a moment where one of the performers goes up to one of the show runners. And she says, I got a laugh at the table read when I asked for the butter in the dinner sketch. I didn’t get it at the dress rehearsal, what did I do wrong? And he says you asked for the laugh. And she said, What did I do at the table read. And he says you asked for the butter. And it’s just this great, simple expression of the line is funny when she asks for the butter. It’s funny, you don’t have to make it funny. If you try to make it funny, it won’t be funny. All you have to do is do it straight, do it real and it will be funny. And I feel like that’s what the creators of this show needed to learn is you don’t need to make it scary. It is scary. And there are just so many times through the show that they try to 


they try so hard and like I mean, the bright flashing light of too dramatic is Captain but yeah. And, you know, the whole time his he’s got one mode. And I feel like the writers and the director failed him. And then his acting. I can’t. I can’t say exactly. I think I think it’s probably everyone’s fault. But it’s he was Loki tense the entire time. And you know, I didn’t mind that his first like his monologue to the crew 


about before they even launched. Yeah. 


You know, if you’re not ready for this go like that was kind of a funny line. Because like at this point, 


you’re probably committed at this point. 


Yeah, but the rest of it, I was okay with it being not this big, big pep talk. Like, that’s fine. And I liked it felt grounded. But then that serious tone was his entire character. And I I don’t understand why a leader. I say that with a smidge of sarcasm, would do what he does to his crew, 


which is he doesn’t tell them things. He doesn’t communicate with them. And to me, that doesn’t he doesn’t allow them to save the day. Yeah, he’s so busy trying to save the day that he doesn’t let his team Yeah, save the day by by hiding from them what they absolutely need to know he is failing them. And that’s not what leaders do. Leaders are supposed to be communicative. And we see later that the team is falling apart because he died, which, 


like understandable, but to the same degree. They were never a team. They always felt like a group of individuals. And the Martian doesn’t feel like that. I would say in our stellar felt that way. Apollo 13 


they definitely well, Apollo 13. them not being a team as a plot point. Yeah, exactly. One of them are a team and one of them is the new guy. Yeah. 


But they, but they still managed to end up working as a team. Yeah. So it’s like, these people felt so quickly into sniping at each other or not working together. Or, you know, the, it was another example of how it just felt. The whole thing kind of felt like it was shifting under my feet, was when we find out that the captain is hurt. The women are the only ones who seem to care. And the guys are treated as pack animals 


like the the men carry the heavy stuff and beast, the beast of burden. 


Yeah, the the women are, are fretting over their sick captain and the men are there to carry stuff. 


Yeah. And it’s just like, it’s so it’s so bizarre, to me how they set up this team and I get it, there’s going to be like, when something that wrong happens. Or goes that wrong? Yes, the team is going to be affected. And things might fracture for a moment. But they’re all going to rise up to the challenge of making this work. Because we 


have to, which I think is sort of the the biggest thing that was missing is there are no triumphs. Well, actually, there is one at the end of Episode Three, we finally get a win, which is when they set up the city, in the lava in the lava tube. And it’s great, there’s upbeat music, and people are smiling and like, this is what you want. Like it’s it’s a real win. But it’s it’s three episodes of just grim kind of, like, even the documentary side, they’re talking about how like, everything is everything is trying to kill you. And Mars is a graveyard and like, they’re all these quotes about how awful it is and how dangerous it is and how just What a nightmare it is. And then people are like, it’s gonna be the greatest journey in the history of humanity. And you’re sitting there going, why it sounds like hell. And you know, the no moment exemplifies this better than at the end of episode one. They’ve had a hell of a time landing, you know, like they it was, it’s a wild ride down onto the surface, and they finally land, they realize they’re in the wrong place, like everything’s going wrong. And then finally, at the end of Episode One, they step out onto the surface, and they’re all standing together in their spaces. And they’re in sort of a, like, an elevator kind of thing, and it lowers them down. And they, they open the gate. And the captain is standing in the front, and he steps out onto the surface of Mars. And this is the first time that a human has ever stepped on another planet. And he says nothing. He doesn’t say a word, he just walks forward. And then the next person steps out. And then the next person steps out and the whole thing is silent. And then just in case you thought that it was a mistake. There is a narration line that says there was no speech, no theater. Like it’s this Reverend moment, and I’m sitting here going okay, but like, there should have been, you know, like, Where, where is my one small step for man. Like, you got to have the first words on Mars. Literally, the first words on Mars in this universe, our mission control confirms the rover is 2000 pounds over payload with all of us on board. Those are the first words that humans spoke on Mars, like, Are you kidding me? Come on. This is you’re not going to give us a triumphant moment of the first words on Mars when you’re depicting the first words on Mars, and you’re 


going to tell me that you’re not filming the entire thing, or it’s not being recorded for people back home because everybody wants to be a part of this. This is this is not just SpaceX doing this. No, no, are the SpaceX analog. This is the what is the International Space Agency. This is for all of humanity. Yeah. And it’s bizarre. Yeah, totally bizarre that they just decided to make it about them. Yeah, there’s himselves Yeah, 


it’s it’s very weird, storytelling choice to, to just have no sort of ceremony around any of this. There’s no moment where they’re like, holy crap, guys. We’re on Mars. Yeah, yeah. I feel like it just they were just leaning so hard into making it dramatic, that they missed the parts. 


I’m one of the other things that really kind of drives me crazy through the whole thing is outside of the interviews with the astronauts, we don’t really see anybody smile. And, and even then, it’s not very often. And like, Hannah, the actress who played Hannah has an incredible smile. 


And we find out in Episode Three. Yeah, yeah. 


And it’s like, it doesn’t have to be huge. It doesn’t have to be a big celebration ever. Episode but something that that kind of, like brings us in, so that we’re not just watching them be traumatized over and over. We, we want to see people win. That’s what we want.

And we get zero wins until the end of Episode Three. And it’s horrifying. And like we we see the captain died and you want to know what my reaction was? He’s dead. Good. 


That’s not what will stop getting in the way. 


Yeah, like, like I was sitting there going, we wave who gets their spleen taken out, puts on a heavy ass like, shoot, and then goes, you know, mountaineering? Yeah. And it makes it and then you realize, Oh, no, this is like, his final fantasy. And he died. And I was just like, cool. We don’t have to deal with him anymore. Which I don’t want to say as an audience member, this is a guy that I’m supposed to be rooting for. And they didn’t pull me into his character. They didn’t give me any reason to trust Him, which I’m now realizing, through this show that I need. I desperately need things to latch on to, to trust our leaders. And it, I get it, that’s that’s gonna be true of everybody. You know, we want to trust the people that are leading us. But I didn’t realize how much it mattered to me and entertainment. Yeah, you know, I don’t I don’t deal well with the corruption side. Like I’ve recently learned that through d&d, like I don’t corruption stories super bother me. 


And this isn’t 


when the leader is an obstacle when you’re sort of wishing that this guy would cut the crap. It just takes away. 


How did he get here? Like, why would? Why would anybody make him the leader at all? And then there’s, you know, his backup is Hannah, who’s the pilot, and someone back at Houston says something along the lines, and we’ve got this pilot leading the crew. And I’m like, Yeah, man, you picked her first of all, and second. Yes, the pilot, like pilots often work together with a co pilot, just in case something bad happens. And the copilot takes over. Because that’s what they’re trained to do. It’s they’re trained to lead and they’re trained to handle this. And I was just, I was, oh, I was so mad. I was you guys. I was so mad. Anyway, I, I struggled. Yeah. So I I, let’s see, is there anything else that we need to touch base on the characters? Not great. too serious all of the time. 


I will say this for the narrative portion, which is that the production values are awesome. Yeah, this looks like a movie. It does. It’s beautiful. And it’s, you know, again, it kind of makes it more tragic that I didn’t care more about the story because it looks great. This is this could be a pier to the Martian. It’s honestly like you could sort of view it as the midpoint of the Martian and gravity This is what would happen if if the gravity rules applied to the Martian story where everything goes wrong all the time. Yeah. But they do a great job with you know, the rover looks very convincing. The rocket looks very convincing the hab like they Yeah, it’s, it’s and especially in in Episode Three, when they start exploring this giant cave. There were several moments where I’ve literally like sort of stopped the video and turned to Lacey. I was like, look at that shot, just you know, her dangling by this tiny, thin rope as she descends into this massive environment. Very cool. cinematography, 


I love I love watching people AB sail in film. I don’t know why. And it’s always right before something terrifying happens. So and I don’t do horror. So it’s it’s weird that I enjoy it. But nonetheless, I do. Yeah. But yeah, I think that I think that there are just, you know, one of the last, one of the last things I’ll say about the narrative portion, is it really felt like a lot of the acting was not meant for the show. It felt like it was meant for the HBO or something, you know, it felt like they were in the wrong. They were on a TV show. That was for National Geographic. And it felt like at minimum and needed to be an HBO show for them to be in, or it was a film. There’s different kinds of acting and it didn’t jive well for me at all. So there’s just like, they just they had some odd, they made a lot of odd choices, and they didn’t make things very clear and there weren’t the redundancies that we expect a multi billion dollar mission to have. So and you know, the redundancy, we talked about this in our stellar that there weren’t enough plans and stuff like that. So I just feel like we keep being let down and I don’t want to keep being let down. So I, I don’t have high expert, high hopes for the rest of this season. But it’s kind of where I’m at at the moment, anyway. 


Well, there’s an interesting thing that I found myself noticing throughout the show, but especially after episode one, which is that they kind of so you know, the whole show is, is, is designed around this sort of two sided structure. So we cut to the narrative side in 2033. And then we cut back to the modern day in I think, 2016. And they’re talking mostly about SpaceX. It’s a little bit of an ad for SpaceX, which, you know, is fine, because SpaceX is our best chance to get to Mars. But the odd thing is that they don’t really parallel each other that much. They’ll talk about stuff in the documentary side, and then the narrative side doesn’t represent that, like they’ll talk, you know, the the first time that I think I really sort of bumped on it is, in Episode Two, there’s this big period where on the documentary side, they’re talking about how, you know, on the journey to Mars, you’re going to be in zero G. And they talk about the toll that that takes on your body, and they talk about modern astronauts, and some of the things that they have to deal with, and how, you know, we may not know for years, what they’re sacrificing because of the radiation, and you know, all this stuff. And especially, they talk about how you’ll be really weak when you get to Mars, because you’ve spent so many months in zero G, that you won’t have the muscle mass. But then the characters in the narrative side aren’t weak, that they’re not representing what the documentary is describing, which I thought was odd. Like, I kind of want to learn more about, you know, like, did they shoot all the narrative stuff? And then do these interviews? What was it that led them to highlight these really big things? And then not do that? In the I 


mean, I think that it’s because it’s specifically made to be a a new form of storytelling, because otherwise, it would just be like all of those crime shows where it’s like, we’re going to interview the investigator, and then we’re going to recreate it. Yeah. And I think I think it’s interesting that they weren’t recreating what they’re talking about. 


Yeah. I mean, it doesn’t need to be one to one. But it just, it seems like when you’re when the whole point of a show, is to depict realistically how something would work, you would do that, you know, like you would take the thing that you’re pitching as being an element and make it an element of the story. 


I hear that but I don’t know that the narration is really all that realistic. 


I feel like that was what we were sort of build with a show. Like I agree. What I’m saying is, I think that it isn’t really but it’s odd, because that seems to be the whole point of this show is documentary match with narrative that the implication is that we’re going to be showing you in the narrative what we’re doing in the documentary, but 


that would just but to me, again, that it just comes back to trying to tell a story, while telling the true story of what it’s going to look like to get to Mars rather than recreating the true story. Because that’s, that’s like the true crime stuff. Yeah. And so I imagine that they were trying to figure out how to navigate that. And I wouldn’t mind it if some of it overlapped a little bit more. But I, I, I hear you. Yeah. Just a response to imana economist. So in talking about like, the different styles of acting, 


your mom economist, by the way, asked in the comments, I’d love to hear more about these different types of acting for different media. 


Oh, yeah. Sorry, guys. So they’re, they’re like, you can kind of think of it as breaking it down for different levels. When you’ve got that really, really simple. Simplified acting. You’re talking about something that’s going to be on HBO, you’re going to we’re looking at suddenly, I’m not coming up with any of my what’s the one that recently Oh, shoot, I’m gonna look it up. I’m gonna look it up while we’re sitting here. The the actor from Arrested Development, What is his name? You’re not gonna whatever. But he’s got this really like dramatic TV show that’s in like, the third or fourth season. And that is, it’s really pulled back. The show with Yeah, Jason Bateman. And I We’ll figure out the title of it. But then you’ve got something. So like a couple steps up, you’ve got the CW, which is melodramatic. So you know that’s going to be Riverdale, it’s going to be your DC shows, it’s going to be your vampire shows, where it’s teen drama is really the audience 


heightened emotion. 


And then the next step is going to be your comedies that are over a little bit more over the top, even, you know, even when you’ve got characters who play a lot smaller, like, you’ve got the office, you’ve got Michael Scott. And then you’ve got Jim Wright, and they still live in, they still inhabit the same world. But there’s really big, and then Jim is playing to the camera. And then you’ve got the next step, which would be like Nickelodeon, and Disney and, and things like that. So that’s kind of that’s, that’s what I mean when you’re talking about different styles of acting. And the Jason Bateman show is Ozark on Netflix. And now you know, that’s even Handmaid’s Tale, it’s really pulled back. So you’ve got a couple different levels that you’re talking about. And I felt like this played a lot more in the was the tone of this was a lot more in the three, where it’s it was very melodramatic writing and all of that stuff. But all of the actors were in Ozark. And it was pulled back so much that it made it even more dramatic, in a way that it was like, let us tell you how high the stakes are, without, without really the story owning up to how they would have prepared for this. 


And I guess I guess that’s a good way of putting it for a lot of the things that we watch on the synthesis is, there’s a there’s an asymmetry in the quote unquote, realism that they tried to attribute to the consequences. And the realism that they tried to attribute to the actions of our heroes that like in you know, Mars is trying to sell us the same thing that gravity tried to sell us, which is the stakes are high, but the prep was low. You know that like, in the Martian, the stakes are really high, and things go wrong a lot. But they also prepped for a lot of them, you know, our hero is capable of responding to them. And so there’s a symmetry because the the danger is really high. But the capability is also really high. Apollo 13 was the same way. Everything is going wrong. But our heroes are smart. And they’ve got NASA behind them, and they can handle it. Gravity and the Martian are in this weird zone where they’re trying to sell us on stakes, not the Martian, or Yeah, gravity and Mars are trying to sell us on stakes, that are sort of Apollo 13 caliber. But with people that are not the crew of Apollo 13 caliber, you know, the the it just doesn’t match up. And I think that’s where a lot of this sort of friction comes from here. Yeah. We do have a question from another listener, which is, who should be campaigning planetary exploration corporations or governments? is probably one of the biggest questions in space exploration right now, thanks to SpaceX leading the way, honestly. So Elon Musk has said a number of things that are contradictory over the years about what exactly he plans to do, because on the one hand, he’ll say stuff like we’re planning to build a city on Mars, we want to build a city of a million people by so by by such and such year, there was also that very weird thing where apparently every person who uses every person who buys a Tesla now has to sign a contract, which includes a clause recognizing Mars as an independent planet. This came out like six months ago, and everybody was like, that’s not a thing. Like that’s not gonna hold up in court. That’s not a thing. Yeah. But yeah, I get that I get the impulse. You have the option to do it. You might as well give it a shot. But but you kind of have to ask why, like, does that mean that Elon Musk is already planning on doing some shady stuff on Mars? And he doesn’t want to answer two laws on earth like what is the what is the thought behind this anyway? But on the other side, Elan Musk has also said some stuff about how they don’t want to build cities on Mars. SpaceX is not in the business of building cities on Mars, but SpaceX is not in the business of settling or colonizing Mars. What SpaceX wants to be. He made it very clear, SpaceX is a transport company. SpaceX wants to get you to Mars so that you can build a city on Mars like whoever Are you are you can hire SpaceX to take you to Mars, and then you can do what you want. And so, to me, the the answer to who should be doing planetary exploration is corporations or governments. Governments are, I am not the kind of anti government person that a lot of people are these days, I think that there is a place for, you know, government funding and government action. But one thing that it is hard to argue with is that governments have a lot of waste, whereas corporations are often very tightly controlling their revenue and their expenses. And so to me, the best answer is both. The best answer is SpaceX takes NASA to Mars, that SpaceX failed to Yeah, SpaceX is gonna run the numbers and keep it inexpensive, and keep it affordable and keep those ships moving. And then NASA can do the work on the plane. Well, 


and NASA isn’t going to be as you know, there’s not gonna be as much exploitation. Yeah, exactly. planet that or would do more of the people. 


You know, like you. You don’t have to be some flagwaving socialists to recognize that a lot of corporations really screw over their people. Yeah. And if you are going to Mars and you can’t come home, like there are so many stories of corporations, even with just like bases, you know, in remote areas, where, you know, they basically charge you your entire paycheck just in random, because where else are you going to stay? Yeah, and that kind of thing is just too easy to do on Mars, especially if you have all of the people driving your cars signing waivers that declare Mars to be an independent planet. Yeah, so I trust NASA way more than I trust SpaceX. I guess, I guess that’s the best way to put it. I trust NASA more than I trust SpaceX, but I trust SpaceX as accountants more than I trust NASA’s accountants. Yeah. 


I mean, I think that’s, that, that’s pretty reasonable. I also expect that government governments would clash over who does this belong to? Yeah, in a way that would move the conversation forward? In terms of who should it belong to? Because I think it belongs to Earth until it doesn’t. But maybe, maybe that’s not true. You know, like, it really is going to take a lot of conversations, to figure out the best way forward, and, and actually looking forward long term. And a lot of corporations, they’re going to look long term in in terms of their company and their profits, not in terms of their people. And, you know, again, it just comes back to exploitation of resources. And I think that the government, governments would be a little bit more wary of doing that. 


Yeah, I think that, you know, at its core, again, regardless of where you are on the political spectrum, at their core, a corporation operates on property. That is the thing that a corporation exists to do as it exists to acquire and produce property, and then sell that property to someone else, at which point it becomes their property. Like, the whole thing is about property, whereas a government fundamentally, right, or like good government, or bad government, a government is about rights. A government is about what people are allowed to do. It’s more focused on the people than the stuff. And at the end of the day, I would like the conversation around Mars to be more about people than about stuff. 


Yeah. And I mean, of course, this is a pretty big generalization because we can look at some very specific countries in this world, rather large ones who burn through resources like nobody’s business. Yeah. However, when you’ve got scientists leading the charge on what happens with resources, and then you’ve got governments and politicians arguing over the laws, and who does this belong to I feel like what you’re going to end up getting is something that is better than just any one of those three groups, the scientists versus the politicians versus the corporation’s any one of them, I think, would be doing it for their own powerful reasons. And by working together, it’s it’s a lot more likely that we’re going to get somewhere that’s healthy for a planet. We’re all of those. For those who don’t know, I very much believe in planetary rights. 


I was I was about to say, I keep talking about the the sort of the systems and you keep pivoting it back to environmentalism. 


I mean, I can’t help myself I’m I, I truly believe that a planet has rights on its own. Which we we absolutely believe in because otherwise We wouldn’t have national parks and we wouldn’t have a UNESCO sites. And we we totally believe that as as a collective that the Earth has, to some degree, right. So it’s on whether or not people want to admit it. Otherwise we wouldn’t have these things. 




I will, you sort of you bounced off one more good point, I think, which is that really, you know, if you imagine, like, if you sort of, if you take the extreme of both side, the extreme corporate and the extreme governmental, on the extreme corporate, the people who are going to be going, are the corporate people, like they’re going to be going to set up mining outposts, and, you know, profits, profit generation centers, and like everything in that in that Martian outpost is going to be revenue driven, because that’s how the corporation works. Whereas if you imagined the pure governmental side, they’re not going to be sending politicians, like politicians don’t want to go to Mars, politicians want to be in Washington, they’re going to be sending scientists, you know, the US government doesn’t have a space program, the US government has NASA. And NASA is good. And so I think there’s there’s also an asymmetry in just sort of the on the ground experience between a corporate and a governmental outpost, the corporate is going to be focused on doing corporate things, the governmental is not going to be focused on doing governmental things, they’re gonna be focused on doing science things. 


And here’s the deal, the government can’t do it by itself, because the power power changes too often. So yes, it depending depending on, you know, because we are, we live in the US and we are both American. We talk about it about Washington, but it’s going to be a global effort more, most likely, to some degree, right? One can only have one can only hope. But I feel like the Oh, no, I think it just slipped right out of my mind. Just, oh, what I was gonna say, Sorry, I got there, I got there, I found it. The government would have such a problem. Because every you know, depending on where you you’re living, every for eight years, whatever, you’re going to have politicians going, we’re not making any money. We’re losing money on this. And one of the nice things about corporations is I’m gonna, I’m gonna say its name. Amazon lost money for what, 20 years. And people were still like, this is going somewhere. Yeah, we’re gonna let it It might be in the red now. But the whole point is that it’s not going to stay there. 


Ironically, corporations which come and go are better at long term planning than governments, which can last for 1000 years. 


So you know, this. What do you think actually just kind of contradicts what I said, like five minutes ago, but I think we’re talking about two different things. So you know, don’t don’t question the internal logic we’ve got going here, guys. Does that answer the question? We should move on to the documentary stuff? Yeah, so on the documentary side, and I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry. I know. I just said that. Listen, the reason we can talk about this forever, is because of terrigenesis. Like, these are the conversations we have in the office. These are the the arguments that I’ve had with friends over too much wine. And my stances
have changed. I think I’m in a stance now that’s not going to change anytime soon. But we could have this conversation found your local minimum, you’ve 


worked your way down to the point. Yeah. to the to the base point of your beliefs. 


Yes. Yeah. So anyway, I want you to know that we could do this forever. 


Oh, yeah. We could just have the show about that. Like, we could just talk about the ethics of space exploration and just 


Yeah, and 


it’s 200 episodes, and each one is eight hours long 


as we’re all yelling at each other because 


we’re just getting madder and madder you’ll be able to watch you know, I was about to say you’ll be able to watch our divorce in real time. Except I think that you and I are pretty much on the same page about most of this stuff. So yeah, you’ll be able to watch our murder by our employees. 


Yeah. Listen, for any for those of you who play terrigenesis I am I have a question. Yeah, just I mean not through through it’s like 90 and then maybe 10% something else but do you have you ever settled on faction? 


I love them all. I if I had to pick one I would if I had to pick one I would probably say USA just because I love the the human experience I love the the exploration the sort of that that James T Kirk kind of thing. 


And then we’ve got we have an absolute through and through guy and 


100% raging guy in in the US. 


I don’t know that we have anybody who’s totally horizon. 


Oh, yes, we do. He just works at our publisher. Is is 100% horizon. Yeah, yeah. Are we we’ve got all the TerraGenesis factions represented, and we 


could absolutely just talk your ear off about it. So I wanted I want, I know, we took like 20 minutes to have that conversation. But 


I think it’s almost got out and you have pulled us back. Yeah, 


I know. But I thought it was a really it was really interesting question. Yes. And 


no, it is very relevant to this episode. Yeah. You know, it is the that is one of the things because, you know, I was talking earlier about how there are things that they talked about in the documentary side, and then they don’t do it in the narrative side. One of those that I sort of appreciate is that it’s not SpaceX. They keep talking like the documentary side, don’t get me wrong. I really enjoyed the documentary, but I don’t Yes, the narrative side, I’ve got a lot of problems with the documentary side is super cool. That being said, it’s hard to argue that this isn’t just like an ad for SpaceX, like all they do is talk about how great SpaceX is and how they’re pushing us into the future. And they’re showing like all these, you know, heroic moments and heartbreaking moments and all this stuff, and it’s, it’s an ad for SpaceX, but I appreciated the fact that it’s not SpaceX in the narrative. They made up their own Ilan musk and their own sort of SpaceX equivalent is way easier to look at. 


And not to body shame. I’m 


sorry, that was that was incredibly rude. Sorry. 


But yeah, so getting into the documentary side. Yeah, I think it had a lot of good info, and I really appreciated that it. I liked the fact that they showed SpaceX failing. Like that was Yeah, I mean, they framed it in a very sort of martyr tragic what you know, like it wasn’t framed so much as a failure as just like a tragedy. But But still, 


I noticed there was it What was interesting for me was it’s humans, all I care about are humans. We see at one point, this rocket exploded, we’ve been watching them prep for this launch and all of this stuff, right? And then it takes off. And then it explodes. And it’s, you know, that sucks. But later, we see. Another one must explode, something goes wrong. And they’re focusing on the people. And it’s just this crowd, in some room watching. And you see this woman who’s middle aged, just completely lose it. I’m like, getting choked up, because it was so heartbreaking to watch her. Watch this rocket. And I had, you know, seeing the first rocket exploded. I was like, God, that sucks, man. And then watching another one explode. But seeing the reactions of the people, I was just like, Oh, my God, your life’s work. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. Yeah. And I there’s they brought me into the, the experience, I think more than the narrative side by quite a lot. Yeah. So I, I’m all about the documentary side. I’m all about it. 


Yeah, I did think it was kind of funny that they had Andy Weir, author of The Martian as one of their experts. They didn’t lean on him too hard. You know, like, he wasn’t dominating the conversation or anything. But he was definitely in there multiple times. Just sort of talking about Mars. It wasn’t even, you know, his points weren’t even like, this is why I wrote it. In my book. He was just talking about Mars, he could have just been a guy from NASA. Yeah. Which was cool. 


I, you know, there were there were little things that I really enjoyed. There’s this point where they’re talking about launch pad, she’s like, she’s trying to remember where she wrote this down. And she slides her way through pages and pages and pages of notes. And I’m just like, I’ve just got it like, centered on my screen. I’m just there. Those are my notes. 


Shut up. Anyway. So there’s Launchpad 39. A, and this is, so it’s, you know, this piece of space history is what this launch pad is. 


This is the launch pad of Apollo 11. Space Shuttle and 


SpaceX gets 


to use it. And I all I could think of was how in is it what every Pixar movie, they somehow get a room? There’s a room number like 136? a, no, yeah, that is in its Cal Arts. And this is where you This is the room that you take intro to animation or something that everybody has to take. And so in every movie, you’re going to find this little easter egg because it’s their little, you know, a module. 


Yeah. And I’m just saying you’re going where is 39? A and all of my space movies. Yeah. Because that’s just so cool. And if you’re not going to do that one, then it needs to be what is it by core, which is the Lord Just one that’s the one that was in Russia or the Ukraine. 


Which I Baikonur something. 


Yeah, Baikonur. I didn’t know how to spell it. So I misspelled it is what I did. But yeah, I was I was fascinated. It was so cool to watch people talk about the, you know, the twin, the twins, the guy going into space, and they are studying his twin here on Earth just to help see, as much as they can the differences. I don’t understand. There was a there was a line about, we will probably never know, what, 12 years, 12 years, 12 months in space does did to him, 


like what he sacrificed? 


And I don’t completely understand that. So I need you to explain to me, why is it that we can know so much about the body and anatomy and physiology and your mental space? Like we can know so much about it? And there’s a control in his brother? Yeah. And they won’t probably know. 


Well, it’s I don’t think the quote was, we’ll never know, I think the quote was, we won’t know for years. 


No, they said, We will likely never know just how much Oh, fair like, and I can’t quite wrap my I mean, basically, it’s because zero G is weird. Like, there’s just there’s sort of no equivalent to it. And so who knows, like, you know, we can make estimates about what that would do. The list of things that happened to your body and zero G is, is strange. There are a lot of things that are not what you would expect. You know, your eyes change shapely your bones lose mass, like, there’s their weird stuff. It’s not just like you get weak because you don’t have to stand up, which you would sort of expect. But there’s a very strange phenomenon that has happened to the body. And of course, nobody’s been in space for that long, like 12 months is I don’t know if it’s still the record, but it was up there. You know, there’s there’s never been anybody that stayed in space for five years, let alone 40 years. Right. So it’s just this sort of dot dot dot question mark around what is that going to do long term? And how quickly do you bounce back from it? 


I guess it kind of I guess it not kind of, but it does make sense. There. There are enough things that they’ve been like, yeah, this is true about pregnancy. But we don’t know why. And I’m sitting here going, but how we’ve gotten this far, and it’s been, you know, 1000s upon 1000s of years of pregnancies. Yeah. So well, I guess. Yeah. 


So one thing that I often find useful in that, in those sorts of instances where you you ask how have we not figured this out after, you know, 200,000 years of Homo sapiens of modern Homo sapiens existing? There’s a point that I’m pretty sure. It was made in the book sapiens, which, by the way, if you haven’t read sapiens, read sapiens, it’s incredible. And it will literally change how you view humanity. But there’s a point that they that he makes in that book, which, again, changed the way I view the world, which is that we haven’t been working on this for 200,000 years, we’ve been working on this for like, 400 years, we’ve been working on it since the beginning of the scientific revolution. And before that, people just thought it was ghosts, you know, like they did, there was no, like, people would find their way to sort of herbal solutions, because they just noticed that, hey, I put this spice in my stew, and it helped my acid reflux. So I guess maybe the spice has something to do with it. But there was no kind of systemic approach to the problem, no, real growing of knowledge, in the sense of trying to separate what is true from what is just suspected. And so oftentimes, there are these questions around like, Yeah, what how does this work during pregnancy? Or, or that sort of stuff? Where? How have we not figured that out? Well, it’s because we haven’t actually been looking for that long. You know, you can trace back a lot of things that are just fundamental about our world that, like, they didn’t know about that in World War Two, you know, like, plate tectonics? Well, they didn’t know about in World War Two. And that’s not that long ago, 


even just say, like, people will talk about how there’s been this rise in autism. Well, no, the definition of autism has changed. And if the scope had been the same as when they first decided this, you know, like, yeah, oh, we have a name for this. Then the numbers would have been higher. Yeah. And you have to disseminate the information and you have to get the information to doctors who are going to be able to diagnose this. So like, I guess, yeah, okay. No, I can I retract my question so that we can move on. 


And one last point is just that. The thing about Kelly, that was so cool was that they did have a control group in the form of his brother because they were twins. But even then, I don’t know the exact numbers on how many people have been to space like total, since you know, Eureka garden, but it’s probably less than 100. That’s probably a lot less than 100. It’s, it’s not that many. And with a sample size that small, it’s hard to say, what is the effect of zero G on the human body? And just what is the effect of zero G on him? You know, yeah, like, there are a lot of things that like, if I go to, to high altitude, I’ll be fine. But if you go to low out the high altitude, it’s going to kick your ass because whatever is different in your biology, you know, that sort of stuff. And so it can be hard to figure out exactly what is consistent with that few people to look at. Yeah, so 


just as a for our listeners soflo commented about is there is it they’re drowning. And I want to put this out there that if they can find a way they’re gonna do it to probably do it. 


There is ice. 


Yeah, they got ice. 


I mean, that drama. 


You could argue they did say that the captain’s punctured his lung. So that guy was drowning in his own blood. That that is the thing did comment on how much blood there was. It’s but it’s about the same thing is not my fear. It’s not the way the cliche, so we’ll see if they get there. Yeah, they, 


they might over terraform 


Yeah, exactly. I mean, Lord knows if terrigenesis is any indication flooding your world is a real danger. So my God, also slow soflo calling me out for being in love with my nerdy wife. And yes, I am. 


Hey, I lived with an animator for a while. And it was a weird ride. I mean, I like him, but it was a weird ride. 


So I think just for the last few minutes of the show tonight, you know, we’re we’re here to talk about scientific realism. And that is one area that I think for the most part, the show does really well, which you know, you have to sort of assume because that was kind of the whole point of this shows National Geographic but but at the end of the day, yes, they did a good job with with you know, depicting the landing depicting some of the challenges, it is kind of a highlight reel, you know, like, this is not a normal mission to Mars, this is kind of an What if everything went wrong mission to Mars. That being said, it is a tour de force of all the things that can go wrong on a mission to Mars, you know, you get everything from landing in the wrong place, you know, the really big stuff like landing in the wrong place, or somebody dying all the way to down to the little stuff like, Hey, you forgot to put the cover back on this thing. And now it’s covered in dust and it’s gummed up the works or, you know, the the littler kind of complications that you would have to factor in 


which as we know, if you’re going to take the cover, and you need it for something. You just need duct tape. 


Yeah. You follow Mark Watney? Yeah. Get some tarp? Yeah, 


yeah. That’s, that’s 


how. So yeah, it’s I think, for the most part, they do a really good job. And what I’m excited for is with the introduction of the lava tubes, we are finally starting to get to something new. This is something that even even Mark Watney didn’t do. You know, I, to my knowledge, this is the only sci fi thing that has ever been made, that talks about building habitats in lava tubes, which is something that people at NASA talk about all the time. And that I really appreciate. We are we are finally starting to break new ground in scientific accuracy. At the end of Episode Three. 


Yeah, I, you know, I think that they, they brought up a lot of interesting tidbits in the documentary side. And then we didn’t, we often didn’t get an expansion on those topics, like, you know, what is this going to do to the body? What is gravity going to do the body? What about you’ve got all of this time and zero G? And then suddenly, you’re landing on another planet that that landing? What does that sudden gravity change going to do to you? You know, and then you’ve got the historical things, like I said, about this launch sites. And I really appreciate it getting the I I don’t always understand the science stuff. I really appreciate getting the history, because I feel like I feel like we I have never heard of Baikonur, like, tell me more, man. It’s the it’s the largest one in the world. I would not have guessed that. I would have said the largest one of the world is probably somewhere in Florida. You know, and 


the Soviets go big. I mean, I know the kind of their move. 


I mean, when you’ve got that much land Yeah, 


why not? Yeah. 


It makes me think of the difference between New York and LA, where New York is like we’re on this island and everything has to go up and LA is like, spread it. Don’t get so close to But you know, just talking them talking about the cardiovascular system and the immune system and the muscular system of the twins. And, you know, they talk about how, if you’re going to go up in space, you, you have to be willing to give up your I don’t remember what the word was that they use, but you have to be willing to give up your connection to other people. And just these little tidbits that are just so real, that I, and I know that that’s not science based, but 


sort of like, if you’re going to Mars, you’re going to be alone with these people for a really, really long time. And, you know, there’s not the rest of your life, like, you know, very likely for the rest of your life, these are the only people you’re going to interact with. 


Yeah. And you know, they, they have a quote that actually comes from Captain Ben. I don’t know what his last name is. So he’s Captain bed, where he talks about how we have migrated, we’ve built settlements, we’ve built cities, and you know, will is a double edged sword. And are we pushing too far by going to Mars? And I feel like, narratively, it’s a little too late to ask man, but it’s worth, it’s worth actually saying out loud, you know, the way he kind of glosses over what migrating and building settlements and cities and other countries has done to those countries. And by kind of glossing over I mean, he completely, the dialogue completely glosses over it, what colonization has done and stuff like that. And what does that mean, when we take it to a new planet? But I, they, they bring up good questions, which I, I appreciate it, you know. And so, again, it’s not hyper scientific, but it kind of goes back to that question that weichen asked about, let me know if I mispronounce your name. Was that asked about, you know, who should lead the planetary exploration corporations with the government? And these are the kinds of questions we’re gonna have to talk about? These are the philosophies, we’re going to have to talk a lot about philosophy. Yeah, before we do this. So 


it’s, you know, there’s a, there’s a big thing that gets talked about when it comes to space exploration, which is the opening of a new frontier, and the fact that humanity has been without a frontier for, you know, about 100 years, maybe 150 years, for the first time ever, like human history, there’s always been a frontier, some wild forest, that you don’t know what is in it, and then we ran out. And now we’re going into space, and there’s going to be a frontier again. And I think that it’s going to be interesting to watch humanity, figure the frontier out, again, because we’re so used to a world where everything is controlled, and everything is managed, and everything is connected. That I mean, there’s sort of the obvious stuff like supply lines, and just the psychological effects of going out onto the frontier. But there’s also the cultural effects of going out onto the frontier. Because if there’s one thing that history has shown us every single time, people have left the mother country to go to the frontier, it is always that they have different ideas of the goal. The mother country is always trying to reproduce. And the people who go to the frontier are always trying to get away. And America did not become Britain. and Mexico did not become Spain, and Britain did not become France, and Europe did not become Rome. And like you can go back further and further and further and Iran did not become Greece. And like every time a country has spread into a new area, they were trying to spread what they are, and they ended up either creating something new, or blending into something new. And that was just assumed for human history. You know, like when people went to America, it was America, it was new. But I feel like we’ve fallen into this idea now that when we go to Mars, we’re going to build cities, and they’re going to be fundamentally American, or they’re going to be fundamentally, you know, familiar, and they’re just not and it’s gonna be interesting to see society wrestle with that, as Martian identity starts to coalesce. Yeah, 


because I mean, there’s a there’s a good argument to be made for it will probably be very Western To start with, and that will have 


very Western or very Chinese. Yeah, one of those two, I mean, yeah. 


And there’s a place for it to really not be that forever. I mean, I just think of like little things. Remember that image. In this show, when they’re I think it’s when they’re, they’re walking to the outpost, and you get to see the Milky Way and look all of its glory. Yeah, I have seen the Milky Way, in a lot of glory. And very rarely like that. And I, you know, think of all of the galaxy things that you’ll see in terms of fashion in terms of, like home decor, the the amount of star stuff, and galaxy, backgrounds on things. And that might not be a thing on Mars, because they get to see it every single day. That’s special. Yeah, I mean, it’s, it’s still gonna be beautiful, but it’s not going to be something that a majority of them don’t get to see on a regular basis. And so even just little things like that, I think are going to be really fascinating. 


Whereas on the other hand, a park is going to be the most exotic thing ever. 


And so what what is that? What does that do to a culture? What do you have that? I, you know, I remember, even just like, crying when we went to the southern hemisphere, and we were, we were at one of those dark sky reserves. In New Zealand. 


This is like tech. Oh, my God, 


I love Oh, my God, you guys. 


Go to Lake Tahoe. 


First of all, go to Lake tekapo. Second of all, do a tour. There. There are now four. We’re very lucky in the US. We are now there now for gold star, I think gold level dark sky reserves in the world. And let’s see here. We’ve got I think it’s Ireland, Nigeria, New Zealand. And now there’s one in Utah, 


I believe was in Nigeria. I thought it was in Namibia. 


It might be Yeah, I haven’t looked it up in a long time. So excuse me for not knowing. But I, when we were down there, and we saw it, you know, you get they, they take you. We were there in the middle of summer. And it was still we were in parkas it was for reason cold. And which is great for watching the stars. And they had all their telescopes pointed at different constellations. And of course, they’re ones I’ve never seen before. 


And not constellations, but like things like they’re well under the planets and Nebula and like, Yeah, but there was that constellation that looks like someone had dropped a purse of diamonds. Oh, that’s just like, Yeah, I know something about the Well, I don’t know, eemaan if you know what I’m talking about, feel free to speak up. 


But I, I cried when I saw that one specifically, it just it literally looked like I you know, when you go to fountains, and you throw in a penny, and make a wish, it kind of looked like that. But I’m diamonds and it was phenomenal. And we have nothing, nothing like that in the Northern Hemisphere. And so it’ll be fascinating to see what, what stories we tell about, about that sort of thing. Because at one point, at the very beginning of Episode One, we taught someone talks about how we’re taking our place among amongst the gods, we named our planets after gods and gave them power to dictate our lives. You know, which is a Mars is there, and Saturn is there. And this means this thing versus that thing. And now you’re going to have Mars, which is going to be a community that is mostly scientists. So it’s probably not going to be astrology, but still there’s going to be a culture that comes up around the stars that they see versus what we see. And I it’s just, it’s just little things like that, that make me so I’m so excited to see what the scientific community does with going to Mars. And I think we get a taste of it in this show. I’m more interested in what humanity does with it. It gets me very bright eyed and bushy tailed, 


you and me both. That that is the the number one thing that I love about the idea of space exploration is the development of new cultures and new stories and new mythologies, and just future history. And what people do like I just I love thinking about what are people going to do not not what are what are governments and corporations going to do? But just like people like what urban myths are going to exist on? What cuisine is going to exist on Mars. It’s all what dance is going like, 


yeah, if you’re living in 1/3 gravity, there are going to be different kinds of dance. Like I’m not just talking about different steps. I’m talking about different genres of dance that are not even possible on Earth. Yeah. And yeah, I 


think of once once we get to a city of a million people Think of what happens 400 years later, when they’re, you know, they’ve got a whole story around us, the people who were looking to even get there. Yeah. And you know, that’s hundreds of years in the future, there’s going to be mythology that is what history is. There, there’s going to be, you know, history, the way we look at it. Now, we hope that we have reliable narrators, when we’re talking about ancient history, and it doesn’t even have to be super anxious to talk, you know, Hamilton, the musical you have, there are different takes on all of these people, because who knows who the reliable narrator is. And now, because we have media, the way that it is, his machine and the and the machine of social social media as well, you’re going to have a lot more to dig through and a lot more to work with. But that doesn’t mean that there’s not going to still be mythology and still be people who float to the top of who, who do we care about when we tell these stories and people that get forgotten. 


And we’re sure George Washington was not as important to the American Revolution, as elementary school education would have you believe they sort of attribute everything to George Washington, whereas he was really just one guy. And it’ll be interesting to see as time goes on, if maybe like Neil Armstrong starts to become a bigger and bigger figure in the American space program, just in the way it’s told. Yeah.


So anyway, I again, I feel like it’s gonna be, it’s gonna be fun. And the the documentary side of this, I think we’ll talk more, 


we’ll try and talk more about the science next week. Because that is, that is the fun part of the documentary side and the science side are kind of are definitely the more fun part of this show. Yeah. So we’ll try and hit that more. But this is these are conversations, Alex and I can like we can just do whole 24 hour road trips talking about this stuff. Oh, yeah. So this gets into the detail of what we love. 


Yes. So next week, we’re going to be talking about episodes four through six of National Geographics Mars season one. So be sure in the meantime, be sure to check out our Patreon slash Edgeworks entertainment, where you can grab it, tons of cool extras and rewards for supporting us. And thank you to everybody who’s already doing so you really do make this kind of thing possible. You can also find merch and a bunch of other stuff on our website. Edgeworks entertainment calm, we’ve got terrigenesis merch, we’ve got Edgeworks merch, we got a whole bunch of really cool stuff 


working on new stuff. 


Yep, we’re working on some cool new stuff. And in the meantime, just be sure to subscribe for more episodes. And if you’re watching us on YouTube, be sure to hit the bell so you’re notified when we come up with new stuff. 


I’m going to leave you with perhaps my favorite quote from the show. 


Yeah. Are you ready? 


This is just something for you to mull and chew on for the next week. “Making humans interplanetary is just another engineering problem.” 


Excellent. See you next week. 


Bye, guys. 

Interstellar: SPAGHETIFICATION BABAAAYYY | The Synthesis

Lacey and Alex explore HOW MUCH THEY LOVE THE MOVIE INTERSTELLAR… or do they?!

𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•ͺπ•Ÿπ•₯π•™π•–π•€π•šπ•€ is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.


Hey, folks, this is Alexander Winn. 


Hey, I’m Lacey Hannan. 


And we are watching the latest episode of The Synthesis which started a couple of seconds. sooner than we thought it would. Welcome to the show. This week we are talking about Interstellar, the 2014 film by Chris Nolan. But before we get to that, we have a an exciting announcement, which is that all of you who have been watching the synthesis on YouTube, and especially who have been watching it on YouTube Live, you are going to have a new way to listen to the synthesis, which is that we are releasing it as a podcast. Starting to starting tonight, basically tomorrow, we will be releasing episodes of the synthesis three each week, as we catch back up to where we are now on iTunes and Spotify and all the places that you get your podcasts. So be sure to check it out. If you are listening to this as a podcast, know that we are talking to you from the past. And we hope that the future is working out well. like it did in interstellar. 


My my Notes app is just not killing it today. So we’re gonna see how this goes guys. I know I’m I’m killing it 


to do a bit of backstory for this particular movie, just so everybody knows the journey that we’ve been on. Lacey and I really wanted to see Interstellar in theaters when it when it came out. We were both really excited. And we kept deciding, oh, we’re gonna go this weekend, and then something would come up and then we’re gonna go next week, and then something would come up. And then finally it wasn’t in theaters anymore. And then it came out on, you know, iTunes and all that. And we were like, Oh, we should print that and 


and part of it was really like this. This really seems like a movie we should watch on like the big screen. Yeah. So like, we have to figure out how to watch it on a bigger screen than our TV at home. 


And I think they even like rereleased it in theaters a couple of times. We’re like, Oh, great. We can finally watch it on the big screen. And then we didn’t do that. And 


everybody’s like, you guys are gonna love this movie. Yeah. So this movie was super hyped for us. 


Yeah, it’s I mean, it’s been seven years. Wow. Yeah, that’s crazy. 


And then we started getting to a point where we didn’t really want to watch it because I’d been hyped. Yeah. And, you know, we’d seen some reviews. 


Yeah, yeah, there was there was a little bit of there was curiosity, but a little bit of fear, a little trepidation. The other thing to note, as we talk about this, of course, the synthesis is a show where we not only talk about entertainment, we talk about how scientifically accurate it is. And after we watched Interstellar, I was doing some research on some of the science. And I discovered that there’s a guy out there who was the scientific consultant on Interstellar, and who has subsequently written a book called The science of interstellar, in which he sort of justifies a lot of stuff that people a lot that people generally say was unscientific and explain some things they might not realize they’re scientific. And anyway, he has apparently responded to a lot of reviews about it, talking about the scientific accuracy. So if anybody finds our bodies, dead with a Nobel Prize sticking out of our corpse know that it was Kip Thorne, Caltech physicist and Interstellar consultant, who, by the way, three years after Interstellar, came out won a Nobel Prize, along with ranier, Vice or Weiss and Barry C. bearish and I love the name Barry c bearish for and I quote, decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves. So rock on Kip Thorne, congratulations on your Nobel Prize, and I’m sorry if I say anything that makes you mad. 


I’m surprised that Interstellar had a consultant. So that’s where we’re starting from we we are going to do our best to not just hate on this movie. There. There are things that there there are things that I will point out some of the stuff that I loved, but it’s not the science, so buckle up. 


Yeah. If you’re watching this live, be sure to chime in in the comments and let us know Are you an interstellar super fan? Or do you think that Interstellar was super overrated? Have you not seen it? Where do you stand on Interstellar cars? Yeah, Lacey and I we had decisive opinions.


Wait before we do and I think that we would love to answer what do we think of JJ Abrams? But because this podcast this this episode could go so quickly down the we hate everything. Yeah, rabbit hole. We should not answer. That question. 


Yeah, I went on a bit of a rant yesterday during the terrigenesis q&a about JJ Abrams, which I assume is where this question is coming from. Because in an hour long q&a, I think I spent about 20 minutes of it just ranting about how much I hate JJ Abrams. So if that wasn’t where this question came from, then you are you are really on the ball. But yeah, 


I’ve worked with them. 


What’s not my favorite JJ Abrams? Yeah, Lacey Lacey worked with him as a as an actress. 


So that was my summer. No, it was fine. Yeah. 


Okay, let’s talk about Interstellar. Yes. Okay. So right off the top. I love I really thought that I was gonna love this movie, because I love how many questions that they just like they bring up for the audience. Okay, so we’ve got the some of these quotes. He was a farmer like everyone else. Excuse me what this is not this is not a job that most people do let alone everyone. 


Well, especially because he was a farmer, like everyone else back then, is the full line which is, which is sets up this interesting dichotomy because on the one hand, it this movie opens in a fairly, like, not quite apocalyptic, but sort of, like, bordering on post apocalyptic world, but at the same time, the first line of the film implies that things get better. Yeah, so we’re not actually supposed to think that the world is ending because clearly, this old person survived it and is speaking of it in the past tense, 


right? And like, he, he is he’s farming corn, like the rest of us. What does that mean? The the airforce drone, who just takes off after an Air Force drone like that to the point of ruining crops, and probably your truck, when we’re in a in a world that these are, your truck is going to be highly important. This is this is a valuable, valuable thing to own right. So I found, I felt like I found all of the questions to be fun and interesting, because in our world, if you were to attempt to take down an Airforce drone, the Air Force would come look for you. And so I’m sitting here going, what did they think they’re going to? He thinks he’s going to do something 


and hack it. And especially because of the Indian Air Force, it’s not even the American Air Force. This is clearly something that like they just the airspace is not particularly well patrolled. Right. 


So the fact that we’ve got all of these questions that are just, hey, here’s the thing about this world. I love being thrown into a world I think that is I think that’s one of my favorite things is when people are like, I will help you understand this. But you we’re going to drop you into the world page one. And there’s something about being wrapped up in it that is just really fun. And I don’t I have an escapist so like, give me give me the ability to escape. And this is one great way of doing it. And so I got really excited. Also, I want to know where the film was. Filmed. Yeah. Because it was beautiful. This is not this is not the the corn state that I am used to. Nebraska is flat and boring. Iowa somehow is greener, and so it’s a little less boring. I don’t know. There’s just like it’s you can love the prairie and I do and still think that every so often driving down I 80 through all of the cornfields it can get a little boring right but this was not the mountains of the background. Oh, stunning. Well, 


I mean the visuals in the whole movie are incredible. You know, the the cornfield is is gorgeous, but also is sort of the least of the gorgeous scenes. And it’s like you know, the the ice planet, presumably filmed in like Greenland or something was incredible. The probably the most famous image from this movie is the black hole, which was done using crazy scientific calculations to render what a black hole would actually look like. And it was gorgeous wormhole. 


The images of Saturn I think that was probably my favorite. I almost cried. Yeah, we went by Saturn because it was just stunning. Gorgeous. 


So you know, there, there are some things that I love, but they pretty much show up at the beginning, or they’re the imagery. So you know, there’s that I just from of film thing I am really sick of and I feel like sci fi does this a lot because a rival does it too. But Christopher Nolan did it in Dunkirk, which is the dialogue is so quiet and the action scenes are so loud Yeah. So you’re constantly playing with the remote trying to not like blow out your speakers. 


The audio compression is the I feel like people are sort of not doing audio compression anymore. Like a lot of movies these days, the the loud is really loud and the quiet is really quiet. And I guess it’s supposed to make it feel more epic and real, I guess. But it’s more intimate and the dialogue scenes but for me, I mean, I know that I don’t have perfect hearing, but I want to be able to hear the movie. Yeah. And I mean, I guess I I’ll turn on subtitles. But there’s a certain amount to which we did 


actually watching this movie, like two thirds of the way in, we finally were just like, I guess we just need to turn on subtitles because some of these scenes. Well, I understand that. But you know, we talked about Michael Cera being like the king of mumblecore. But I would like to nominate Matthew McConaughey because oh my god, speak up, enunciate. Like you’re an actor, we are taught how to do these things. And I get it. It’s supposed to be we’re not living in the time of Stanislavski we are living in a time of Hyper Realism in terms of acting and the stories that we tell and stuff like that. So but, you know, we’re also taught by our mothers to speak up. Unless it’s just my mom. I don’t know. But I there. So there were a couple of just like film problems. Script wise. I, I read I skipped the science part four now. 


Yeah, we’re gonna circle back around to the science later in the show. 


But I found that the dialogue was hybrid melodramatic. And I struggled with that because it was just felt unnecessary. That you know that. So we’re not going to do this in chronological order. There’s no point. that argument with Matt Damon, Dr. Ma’am, that his name. Come on. Like, I feel like that was. I don’t I’m trying to find the right word. It’s sort of too hard. 


They tried too hard. And it’s sort of the, you know, people make fun of movies in general, especially sort of spy films and superhero films for bad guys who monologue. And that’s what that was like. It was literally just the bad guy pontificating on his his worldview about instinct and survival ism. And it was practically a soliloquy. 


Like, it was. It was Matthew McConaughey. His character didn’t need to be there. And it just it felt it felt forced and I was not into it. And it’s that’s just one of many melodramatic moments.


I didn’t really know what to do with Anne Hathaway’s speech about how love is the only thing that can transcend time and space and that like we didn’t invent love, it must be an artifact of a higher dimension. 


I mean, I, I get that not everybody’s as into like neuro chemistry as I am. But no, we did invent love, like love is a thing that happens in the brain. It’s you can you can reproduce it chemically. It’s not the the artifact of a higher dimension. And the the one that really just lost me was when the computer tells him that’s not possible. And Cooper responds, no, it’s necessary. And I just wanted the computer to be like, I don’t think you know what possible, man, I don’t care if it’s necessary. That’s not the you you still can’t do it even if it’s necessary, right? 


Yeah, I just there, there were, you know, and there were these arguments that were so like about the poetry that it didn’t really feel like they ever got to their point in a way that made sense. I don’t know how many of you have seen the very old movie Adam’s Rib, which they should someday make a remake retitle it, it’s it’s a men versus women. 


battle of the sexes battle 


of the sexes. It’s a husband and wife were lawyers and are on opposite sides of the same case. And it’s fun. My biggest problem with it is the the woman’s arguments are not well executed. And I feel like this movie continually doesn’t execute its arguments. And I which means that, I guess what people are trying to say, and I think I’m right. But you could have done better, you know, and I just, I wanted it to be elevated and I didn’t feel like I felt like they tried to elevate it by making it. Like really hyper intellectual without actually when you’re when you’re doing that and not making your point. That then you’re you’re failing, and it’s okay. It’s frustrating, 


you know, it’s okay to just be poetic you know, the the thing of speech from Anne Hathaway about love being an artifact of a higher dimension, you didn’t need to frame it in the language of science, like just have have it be a speech about the power of love to motivate people that we are social animals. And love will always be the most powerful driving force in our behavior. That’s all you need. You don’t need to frame it in the language of quantum physics to make it profound. And I just I found that there were, there were a bunch of moments in this that, that they tried to draw profound meaning from things that didn’t mean that, you know, starting with, for example, there’s a very powerful scene very early in the film that used it in pretty much every trailer for this movie, where his daughter is sort of pouting and she asked, why did you name me after something bad and he said Murphy’s law doesn’t mean that something bad will happen. It just means that whatever can happen will happen. That’s not what Murphy’s Law. Murphy’s law means. If something can go wrong, it will. You can’t change the meaning of a thing, and then draw a profound message from the meaning of that thing, like, make up a new phrase. Don’t make it Murphy’s Law. Yeah. 


I have to say, when it comes to the daughter, I loved all of the actresses who play the Dodgers. They’re incredible. I thought, so apparently, it was supposed to be a boy. Really? Yeah, the way that so Christopher Nolan’s brother, john, who has since passed away, he wrote it as, as a son. And when Nolan came in to direct it, which apparently wasn’t just a given, he changed it. Because his thought was, we’ve seen a lot of men and are like, fathers and the way they shaped their sons lives. But we don’t have a lot of fathers and daughters, and you expect to be protected, and then suddenly, they’re gone. And I had a little bit of a problem with that, quote, yeah, but you know, whatever. And so I, you know, I liked this, this relationship that they had built up. A, it’s interesting, especially when in in comparison to the brother and his relationship to his son. I did not grow up with any siblings in the household, and neither did he. So the concept of like, he’s playing favorites pretty, pretty heavily. Which, you know, it’s a movie, whatever. But I was really taken aback by that. And I, I, I had a moment of Oh, my God, like, I’ve heard of this happening, but like, does it really happen? Do people really do that? So, you know, I’m curious if anybody has, if anybody wants to tell me about their trauma, sorry. 


But well, I mean, all the performances in this movie were awesome. You know, the, of course, the scene. Almost all the performances in this movie, were awesome. Of course, the scene of Matthew McConaughey watching 23 years worth of his children’s lives, that is heartbreaking, heartbreaking and perfect. And he just nails it. In fact, I actually turned to Lacey afterward. And I said, I bet and I don’t I have no way of proving this. But my spidey sense tells me that that was the scene that this movie was based on that like somebody had an idea of this guy watching the home videos of the kids, he didn’t get to watch grow up. And they built a movie about that. 


And I would, I would have said that that has to be true, because it’s such an incredible scene, except for we learned that it’s the scientist. What’s his name? Kip Thorne. Kip Thorne, who pitched to the idea he was the one who had the idea first, so 


it’s not actually the case. But it really feels that way as it’s just sort of the emotional pivot point of the whole film. Matthew McConaughey does a great job. I mean, Jessica 

Chastain is great in this movie. Anne Hathaway like they’re all they do good jobs with their characters. 


I just just I don’t like a lot of their characters. I don’t think a lot of their characters are very well done. But I love the Poltergeist stuff. I love that this the daughter is like I have a poltergeist. I mean, I’ve had a poltergeist True story. Our producer knows she witnessed it. I’m not lying. Not terrifying. A little disconcerting. And it happened for I would, I would say, seven, eight years, something like that. So I was really into the idea that that we were going to have a little bit of not not like true sci fi, like horror, sci fi, but just to have a juxtaposition and they pretty quickly took that away. Yeah. Which is fine. You know, it’s fine. I will tell that story someday. Now, it’s not really time. Yeah, but one of the other things that I, I found, just like on a personal note, in watching this movie, it was so bizarre to watch this movie during the pandemic for the first time, because you see them putting on their masks and all of this stuff. And I know it’s because of the dust storms. But it’s a different cause a very familiar behavior. 


Yeah. And it felt really, like, weird. And I felt seen by a movie that was made in the past. And it just kind of, I don’t know, it made me really uncomfortable, but in kind of a fun way. And that’s nothing that the movie could have predicted, obviously. But just a matter of timing, 


I suppose. Well, you know, the Poltergeist, this is one of those things that again, I don’t like saying bad things about movies, I actually struggle with criticizing movies a lot. I like to like things and I don’t like talking people out of it. But like, one of the things that I was just left kind of shaking my head about is they established that she thinks she’s got a ghost. And, and the dad is just not believing it. Because you know, he’s a man of science and all that. And then there’s a gravitational anomaly in that room, that he gets really fascinated by and realizes that its coordinates and he follows those coordinates. And it turns out to be a real place. And so clearly, like, something’s up like there, there is a thing that is happening in that room, some kind of gravitational anomaly with an actual message that leads to an actual place, this is a real thing. And then he comes back, and she says, my culture, my Poulter goat. Poltergeist sent me another message, and he just like, rolls his eyes, and then moves on. And it’s like, what? Like, you already decoded the last message from this ghost, you don’t think that it’s possible that he sent a follow up? Like, how is that that just doesn’t track for me? Like, I want to know how a gravitational pull happens specifically in this room and not in the room below it. Yeah, it’s not that you know. 


I really struggled with a lot of that stuff. Like the the gravitational pull thing because what we get at the end is okay, are there two answers to what’s happening in her room? Is it is it that he is doing a bunch of the stuff he’s, he’s doing the books and whatnot. I guess he’s doing the dust as well. But it sounds like this has been going on for a while. And like other things have been falling off and breaking 


that’s actually an interesting point. He she specifically says this ghost has been happening for a little while at the beginning of the film, and the only things that we see him do in the film are the stuff that we saw on camera we didn’t see him create any effects that she was already he doesn’t do anything to the combines with the combine is common. Supposedly, it’s because of a gravitational pole.  


I guess maybe we’re supposed to assume that it’s, it’s the, the aliens the future humans, like sort of setting up this experiment that they they created the bridge, and so it created some weird stuff. And then he used the bridge to send a message. I don’t know. It’s not explained. 


It feels like we’re reaching. Yeah, yeah. I don’t know. There’s okay. 


I don’t know which one of these four I will say first of all, I do like that they they touched on some real honest to goodness, what we do today science, which we know about firsthand, the the GPS workings of a combine. We have a friend who is a farmer and Denmark and he is a he’s got like his master’s in agriculture, where we were high tech farmer. Yeah. And it’s incredible. We were down in New Zealand and he came down to work on some farms and look at management’s and all of that stuff. And one day he was showing us like how he could hop on to this software. And from 


space like he essentially he could see where these carbines were in Denmark, and he could plan a route for them, then, and he could base that on what he’s seeing from the satellite images, not just what he’s seeing. They had a system where you could tell the computer what is being grown, and the computer knows what shade of green, that plant is from space, and then it would map out the path of the machine to go through the field. And it could put different amounts of fertilizer in different portions of the field based on the green pattern, and where different plants needed different amounts of 


fertilizer and Do you see like a glimpse of that in this because they’re not manned. They, he says that he was able to, like reboot their all of their GPS systems and like, whatever, which is cool. So like, there was this moment of Oh, that exists in the world. And we don’t, you know, I don’t think you see as much of it, at least where I’m from in the US of unmanned combines, but, you know, they’re coming, you know, in 15 years, it’s gonna be 


Oh, that’s gonna just be the norm. Anybody actually in the combine is going to be like, quirky old. Yeah, guy hadn’t updated with the times. 


Doesn’t want to do it. But okay, I have to tell you something I’m really mad about. I know. There’s something every time But listen, you guys, how is it that in every, every fucking space movie, there’s a drowning scene? 


How was this possible? 


I don’t, I don’t, I don’t understand. And I would really like, I want to start calling it a cliche, so that people feel bad when they do it. In movies. I need to get this out there. 


That is just not a fan of drowning. 


I mean, who is 


i? i? 


I am terrified of drowning. Thus, the scuba certification, which I think we’ve talked about when we talked about gravity. I can’t handle it. And I’m, I’m done with it. So if anybody would like to be out there on Twitter with me, mocking the movies that come out with this. Let’s just say we could tag team maybe and just make people feel stupid for putting it in their movies. 


Yeah. No more sci fi movies with drowning? No, loud. 


Crystal Mighty No. 


Guys, I can’t I cannot. They did. Can I, I can I tell you they did something to me that flabbergasted me and I, you know, I kind of appreciate it. And I also totally love it. Which is for the first time ever. I understood the, the how anti science people feel. Like, actively and with great Nxd I had a reaction of like, you guys, oh, this none of the science is believable. So I think you’re full of bullshit. And I, I hate you. 


And to be clear, I think what what Lacey saying is, I don’t buy it. And therefore I think it’s objectively untrue. Yes, that’s, which is what anti vaxxers do. Like, it’s something you know, at a certain point, I don’t believe in ghosts. And therefore, I think your ghost sighting isn’t true. that’s reasonable. But there is a point at which it doesn’t matter. If you don’t find it believable. It might still be true, like vaccines don’t cause autism, right? climate change is real. These are things that are objectively true, they can be proven with evidence and the fact that you personally don’t believe it is irrelevant. But Lacey was saying after this movie, that was her sort of takeaway was a lot of the science in this movie. I don’t believe it. And therefore, I’m just assuming it’s not true. 


And and what I realized, what separates me from people that are anti science is, in the real world, people have built we have built up lots of trusts, the scientific community has, has done their due diligence to prove that they are not full of shit. Nolan did not do that. Yeah. And my, my trust wasn’t there. There was no reason to trust any of the science of this movie. And I am so I’m mad that I understood the anti science people for a brief second before I logic my way out of feeling like I’m a part of that group at all. Well, that is a perfect segue into talking about the science of the Martian. But first, I want to address a comment from one of our viewers, Rylan chimed in that there was no drowning in the Martian. And I just have to correct you there. Actually, there wasn’t in the film. But in the book of the Martian, there is actually a scene where he talks about making the bathtub and taking a bunch of Vicodin to help with his back and he had he expressed his worry that he might pass out in his bathtub and drown on Mars. So he says 


Mark Watney almost drowned space. 


He says, re to drowning. No drowning in the Martian. Okay. Yeah, maybe I misinterpreted if you were saying that. There is a drowning in the Martian then you you go for it. But yeah, this is the fourth thing that we’ve talked about on the synthesis. We did Apollo 13. We did gravity, we did the Martian, and now we’re doing Interstellar. And yeah, there actually is in the book of the Martian, a reference to the potential for drowning on Mars. So that’s three out of four so far. Please is not a fan. Not I can’t watch people. 


But that being said, so when it comes to I have one question for you. Yes. Be so This. This. This is I this is a big question, I think. Before you get into the science, okay, this is philosophy of humans. Okay. There’s this quote, now our brand at edge works is that we are explorers. And we think that it’s innate to, to the human experience. But there’s a quote, that is we’re explorers and pioneers, not caretakers. Cooper says that to his father in law, Father, father in law, whatever, in law, 


I think, when they’re sitting on the porch, I think it’s saying it to his father in law. What do you think of that? 


Yeah, I completely disagree. I think that a big part of the reason humans are explorers, is because we are caretakers, because we are always looking for ways to provide for our family, we, you know, when we say humans are explorers, we don’t just mean that guy wandered off into the forest and was never seen, again, what we mean is that guy wandered off into the forest, and then came back five years later, with all these stories and resources, and, you know, whatever it was that he went off to find, he found it and he brought it back, coming back is a necessary part of being an explorer. Otherwise, you’re just a wanderer. And to me, that is an act of caretaking, you’re bringing things back to society. You know, there’s another quote in interstellar that that dovetails with that nicely, which is, I think it’s Cooper is talking about how, you know, people are empathetic, but he says that empathy rarely extends beyond our line of sight, man, and I just thought, that is Yeah, was that man. So that is the absolute antithesis of the Martian, we actually talked about how the, the ending of the Martian the book, The final thing, on the last page of that book is about how people will come to each other’s aid, people have a natural instinct to look out for each other. And every human is at least a little bit invested in the well being of total strangers. And it’s this incredibly hopeful and optimistic statement about humanity. And I think, born out of objectively by human history, you know, people have looked out for strangers all the time, you can look up any number of stories about like, you know, Native Americans raising $1,000, to send to Ireland during the Irish potato famine, and like all these stories of people looking out for complete strangers. And so I found that, yeah, the the philosophy behind Interstellar was surprisingly cynical. It was like, and it doesn’t, it’s not. 


It’s not truthful to the story itself. Why does he do this? Why does he go into space? He’s not doing it for himself. He’s not doing it to sate his own curiosity. Right now he’s doing it because he wants better for his family. 


Yeah. And for everyone, like, clearly somebody who’s not just looking out for his family and looking out for the world, he keeps talking about how we have to go back and save everybody back on Earth. And that is being a caretaker. Yes, that’s what that is. 


Yeah. So I just, I needed to, I needed to hear you talk about it, but launch into the science. 


So on the science, you know, at edge works, and here at the synthesis, we have this interesting dichotomy where, or not even that interesting, we have what was previously a clear dichotomy between things that are scientifically accurate and things that are not. And obviously there’s a spectrum, you know, there are things that are kind of scientifically accurate, we talked about how on the Martian, it’s mostly scientifically accurate, but the dust storm at the beginning was not, but generally, if you pick out any one thing, it’ll fall somewhere on a spectrum of scientifically accurate or not, and man, Interstellar is kind of all over the place. Like it, this movie is often held up as a very grounded realistic take. It’s got a lot of things that it holds up as being very scientific. And of course, Kip Thorne, out there, Nobel Prize winning scientist, worked on the movie came up with part of the idea for the movie. There’s actually a funny story out there about how the, the image of the black hole in interstellar was the most accurate image that anyone had ever generated of a black hole. Because film studios have more money than universities. And so they were able to get like the computing power necessary to generate this incredibly realistic image that no university had ever had the resources to do. 

That’s awesome. You know, the images of Saturn were gorgeous. Like, there were so many things in this, apparently I don’t know, quantum physics and associated calculations, but apparently the image of the wormhole is pretty much exactly what a wormhole would look like. On the visual level. There are so many things about this movie that are dead on just perfect. And then they do this other stuff that’s just so out of left field wrong. Like, even Kip Thorne I did have to chuckle Kip Thorne. If you read interviews I’ve read like just today I read like eight interviews with Kip Thorne about Interstellar. And you can tell this guy has both professional and emotional investment in interstellar being scientifically accurate. And even Kip Thorne said that he cringes every time he sees the the spaceship brush up against a frozen cloud. 


You guys, you know what happens when water freezes in the sky? It snows. Like this is not an alien phenomenon. This is what happens when when ice forms in the sky. It falls down. Like how did you what is that seriously a thing that is in a in a movie that people are expected to watch and buy into? Like their things? It you keep going back and forth? Apparently so you know, giving credit where credit is due? There is actually the possibility of a planet orbiting so close to a black hole that one minute on. What is it one one minute on the on the nose? One hour on the planet is seven years back on Earth. Apparently, when the movie first came out, a lot of people came out and said, hey, that’s not possible that amount of time dilation is not possible. And Kip Thorne actually came back and said, yes, it is here’s the math, I did the math, and everybody kind of had to retract that. 

So when you read interviews about Interstellar, that is actually a thing you’ll see retractions about the fact that that planet couldn’t exist. But what that’s brushing past is, no one could stand on that planet. If you’re orbiting that close to a black hole, you would die so fast, you would be covered in so many x rays, and the amount of gravity that your body would be just absolutely torn apart. There’s actually, in the world of funny English words, there’s a word called spaghettification, which people talk about relevant to black holes. And what that is, the idea is that gravity gets weaker by distance, right, we all sort of intuitively know that the further you get away from a star, the less the stars, gravity is affecting you, right? Specifically, gravity grows weaker by the inverse square of distance. 

So what that means is that if you double the distance, the amount of gravity goes down to a quarter of what it would be, right? Now generally, that’s not a negligible, you know, amount of change, you know, the, the amount of distance between your feet and the sun and your head and the sun is point 0000000, on and on and on and on and on 1%, who cares. But the amount of gravity that’s put out by a black hole is so huge, that you actually get to a point where the amount of distance between your head and the black hole and your feet and the black hole is actually significant that your head is experiencing a lot more gravity than your feet. And what happens when your head is experiencing more gravity than your feet while your head starts to get pulled toward the black hole. But what happens when your head gets pulled toward the black hole, it’s now even closer to the black hole, which means even more gravity is being exerted on your head that isn’t being exerted on your feet. And so any object that gets within a certain range of a black hole starts to get stretched out. And they literally call it spaghettification because like Slender Man, they look like Slender Man. Yeah, like whatever the object is, you can literally imagine getting stretched out by the by the force of gravity. And of course, people don’t stretch real well. People are not very stretchy. And so what would actually happen is that you would just get ripped apart. That’s what would happen if you stand on this planet. If you go to a planet where the time dilation is so intense because you’re so close to a black hole, which is possible. Thank you for the Kip Thorne. You would die. So that is sort of the weird Lacey’s over here literally crying with laughter I think and how it worked up I’m getting 


No, it’s it’s combination of that and so flow totally seeing right through me. 


Ah, yes. soflo trash panda in the comment says I can see I love this nerd on Lacey’s face it yep, that’s, that’s what that look is. 


Yeah. And also I’m totally laughing at him. So it’s a combination of things, but that’s absolutely good. Get 


I just I found myself bouncing back and forth and having this really weird reaction to this movie because on the one hand, it presents itself as a peer of the Martian. Like, it presents itself as a very grounded, very realistic science fiction story. But then on a really regular basis, it’s throwing stuff at us that is sort of like, I could have told you, that’s not a thing in middle school. Like, that’s not how that works. Everybody knows that if you get close to a black hole, you die. And you know, those sorts of things. And so yeah, and so I was doing research into the scientific aspects. And I’m, I’m, I’m gonna rain in my rant here and address some of the more specific things. I recognize that I am deep nerd. And that is not a standard that I hold a lot of people. Like I recognize whenever I watch a sci fi movie that I am bringing more to it, than the filmmakers mean for me to Yes. And oftentimes, that’s fine. You know, when I watched Stargate, the science in Stargate is a joke. But that’s fine, because that’s not what they were going for. They were going for an epic adventure. And it’s fun, and it’s awesome. But this movie does seem to present itself as a scientifically grounded story. So for example, one of the first things that I bumped on in this movie is the blight. And this is actually an interesting choice. And I feel like part of it was minus understanding, or at least the misunderstanding of people who talked about this movie to me, because I had always been under the impression that Interstellar was set in a world in which climate change had ruined the world. And that’s actually not true. 

They don’t talk about climate change in this movie, the the the dire ecological straits that Earth is in has nothing to do with climate change, or carbon emissions are rising temperatures are rising sea levels, or any of that those things that we all sort of expect to lead to a world like this are pretty much absent. The reason that the world is like this is because of the blight. They don’t go into a lot of detail on what the blight is, but it seems to be some kind of infection or microbe, maybe some pest like a small insect or something like that. But whatever it is, it is systematically killing off entire species of crops. Wheat has been eradicated. okra has been eradicated. Now it’s coming for corn. I did have to sort of chuckle that wheat, okra and corn were the the three big crops that they held up and I don’t know maybe I’m weird for not thinking that okra, like sort of wheat and corn. I would have said peanuts. 


Yeah, something. Yeah. I mean, honestly, because like that’s a huge grab. 


Yeah, like beans or something. I didn’t realize that okra was sort of the linchpin of world hunger, but, but maybe it is maybe I’m just, maybe it’s not where I grew up. But the blight is actually the big bad of this film. It’s not anything that humans did to our world. The blight is specifically described as killing crops, but also, it breeds nitrogen. Michael Caine has this scene where he’s talking about how humans breathe oxygen, which is only 21% of Earth’s atmosphere. This is accurate. Nitrogen makes up almost 80% of Earth’s atmosphere again, accurate, and the blight breeds nitrogen. 




A lot of organisms do interact with nitrogen, and they they use nitrogen nitrates are important for plant life. nitrogen fixing into the soil is an important part of, you know, the lifecycle of many ecosystems. But I know enough chemistry to know that nitrogen is not nearly as reactive as oxygen, you can’t really breathe nitrogen for any useful any useful chemistry because oxygen has a lot of free electrons. Essentially, oxygen wants to bond with things and give away its electrons. Nitrogen is very stable. So the kind of chemistry that goes on in the lungs of any number of creatures on this planet. You can’t really do that with nitrogen. That’s the it’s not interchangeable with oxygen. This is an example of something that I don’t really blame the filmmakers for not integrating because who cares? it breeds nitrogen. Sure, it is a little weird that they tossed that in when they could have just had it be the blight is like a locust plague. Like why did it have to be breathing nitrogen? It seems like if you’re gonna throw in a scientific fact like that, then it should be right. And if it’s not right, then just don’t include that line. But whatever. I didn’t really know what it was supposed to me and like okay, braise nitrogen. So what the implication for Michael Caine’s character is that it is therefore somehow better suited to life on Earth than we are. So it’s going to breed, breed and breed and breed and And then Murphy’s generation, there’s not going to be any more oxygen left. Which again, 


I think it’s just that they’re not enough food basically says, stuff. Yeah, there’s a line where he says the first generation to start or the the, the first generation to starve is going to be the last generation. No, I had it backwards, the last generation to starve is going to be the first generation to suffocate. And that Murphy’s generation, there’s not going to be enough oxygen in the air for them to breathe, which again, I’m not sure how them breathing nitrogen means that we’re running out of oxygen, it seems like if they breathed the oxygen, it would be like if there was some crazy microbe that was using up all the oxygen and the plants couldn’t replace it fast enough, then that would lead to that problem. So that that was sort of the first thing that I bumped on was the nature of the blight. And then, you know, you get into these things around like, NASA is being hidden from the public, because they wouldn’t fund it, despite the fact that it is humanity’s only hope for saving the world. So it seems like everybody would want to fund it. And how do you fund multiple missions out to Saturn with astronauts and keep that seat? You know, it’s like line item budget in Congress $72 trillion for r&d? Like, that’s not really something. 


I do have to say that, that, that takes me back to that scene where the teacher is talking about how the Apollo missions were just propaganda. Yeah. And raise your hand if that was just horrifying. Yeah, like I that made my stomach turn so much to just, you know, to hear it with to hear it as something that is a that it’s this is true, and my lived experiences that that’s 


Yeah, it’s it’s it’s not just believed, it’s, you don’t believe that? Like, it’s, it’s a problem that his daughter doesn’t believe? Yeah, it’s so commonly accepted that anybody who doesn’t accept it is weird. 


And he just, it’s, it’s things like this that make you look back in history at our different misconceptions. The different beliefs that have cropped up over time that have been later quashed or whatnot, that it just kind of freaks you out this mindset that we can get into that. There’s a word for it when we all just kind of follow what’s not mass psychosis? 


Well, I’m sure someone will come up with it, but it’s just like, it’s a psychology term. And anyway, I love hated that. 


I did it. I mean, in a in a world of save the cat, which, for those of you who aren’t screenwriters, save the cat is a phrase about how to get the audience to align with your hero. You know, if you take a character, like, for example, Tony Stark, who’s kind of fundamentally unlikable, like he’s, he’s kind of a jerk and a womanizer, and not in any way, someone that you would actually approve of in real life. How do you make the audience get on his side? Well, you do what’s called saving the cat, which is that you show him doing something good, so that the audience can kind of pin everything on that. Yeah, in a save the cat way. That was probably the moment that I fell in love with Cooper was when he got super pissed off at her. And then she asked, how are you going to discipline your daughter? And his response was, I think I’m going to take her to a baseball game. Yes, that is good parenting. Yeah, that is excellent. Yeah, yeah. And so you know, for example, in this in this dichotomy that Interstellar strikes between scientifically realistic and not, you know, again, if you read interviews, if you read articles about Interstellar from 2014, when it was first coming out, apparently, a lot of people were still unfamiliar with the idea of gravity can slow down time. That was, that was an idea that I guess I’m just nerd enough not to realize that not everybody knew that. But yeah, the idea that you can get so close to a black hole, that times actually slows down. And so there’s this planet where time flows differently than it is back on Earth. That was like this revolutionary idea that a lot of people really responded to. And I, I love that, you know, like, that is exactly the kind of thing that we tried to do here at edge works is introducing people to scientific ideas. 


But if that’s true on the ground, it’s going to be true in orbit too. So like, how did they experience a couple hours, and then they go up to orbit and their buddy has experienced 23 years. It’s not just Earth, that experience point like that would make sense because they’re all near the black hole, but Earth isn’t. But they are literally in orbit. Like the atmosphere is like experiencing time differently than orbit did. And these are the things that I was just looking around going How is anybody describing this movie scientifically accurate, you can’t try You know, 10 miles up and suddenly experience a 60,000% increase in time dilation? Like that’s not, that’s not at all how this works. And, you know, yeah, I love that they introduced time dilation. But you would die on that planet. And and by the way, you wouldn’t be able to catch it. In order to experience that kind of time dilation, you would have to be so close to the black hole, that you’re that the planet would be orbiting, like a hummingbird, like it would just be around the around the black hole. 

And so that, which, frankly, would have made an amazing scene in this movie is how do we catch up to this planet, you know, like we’re coming up, the planet is just blurring past and they have to sort of slingshot around the black hole just to pick up enough speed to land on the planet at all. That would have been cool. And it would have solved several of the issues with the film. It was Yeah, it was just a very strange thing. Another perfectly good example is, I actually loved the representation of the inside of the black hole, and the way it represented time. So there’s a thing that you can look up that is, if you ever want to just bend your mind and really just kind of break your understanding of the universe. 

Look up what a Tesseract is. A Tesseract is a word that gets tossed around in science fiction a lot. It was used in the in the Marvel movies early on. But it is also a very specific thing. And that is if you go in dimensions, and by dimensions here, we’re not using the sci fi term of like parallel universes, like go into another dimension, we’re using it in the geometric turn, like the first dimension, second dimension, that’s a two dimensional image. So the first dimension would be a line. The second dimension is a flat plane. So you can imagine a shape in two dimensions would be like a square, right? And then the third dimension is height. So if you imagine a square on a piece of paper, now imagine it sort of turning into a hologram and it like the square rises up off the paper, and now it’s a cube, right? So you can say that a two dimensional square and a three dimensional cube are the same object in different dimensions.

Okay, right. Yep. If you take that one step further, a four dimensional cube is called a Tesseract. So it’s from square, two cube to Tesseract, those are all the same object in a different number of dimensions. And if you were to ask someone who does geometry for a living, the way they would define this is a square is a set of points where each one is at 90 degrees to the two adjacent, right. A cube is a set of points where each one is at 90 degrees to the three adjacent and three dimensions. A Tesseract is a shape, where each point is at right angles to four other points. You can look up images of tests or acts on the internet, and they will absolutely melt your brain. It’s crazy to look at these things. But the only time I’ve ever seen somebody represent something other than a cube as a Tesseract is Interstellar, the representation of that little girl’s room. In the third act of interstellar looks like a Tesseract, the way it sort of breaks out into these sort of infinite recursive representations of geometry. It’s this, it sort of reads as a cube. Despite having hallways going off in every direction. Your brain wants to say this is a box even though it’s clearly not like it looks like a Tesseract. It’s brilliant. It’s the coolest representation of four dimensional geometry I’ve ever seen. And the way they got there was Matthew McConaughey throwing himself into a black hole. We want not 


No no, not just throwing himself into he flew into it and then ejected himself. Yes, spaceships have rejection buttons, 


like they have ejector seats, like stepping aside from the black hole of it all. What is step two, on a spaceship with an ejector seat? Like if your spaceship is about to blow up, and you hit the ejector seat, and that thing flies off like a fighter pilot and you throws you up into space? Now what man you’re in space, like, you’re, nobody’s gonna come get you, especially if you’re flying away at 60 miles an hour or whatever that was like you would have been better off just blowing up with the ship. And so they fitted this thing with an ejector seat. Why? I don’t know. He flew around a black hole and didn’t get spaghettified Why? I don’t know. He also didn’t get fried by x rays. He also didn’t get burned up with all the ejecta that’s flying around the black hole and falling into it. He flies into the black hole. He’s perfectly fine. He finds himself in a representation of his daughter’s bedroom. And by the way, never questions it. Like there’s no point at which Cooper looks around and goes, What? This is so weird. Am I losing my mind? Am I dead? Doesn’t question things? Exactly. It’s bizarre. And it’s it’s this weirdly frustrating mix of really insightful visuals really beautiful representations of science paired with just what the hell kind of presentation of it. Can I 


tell you? is now a good time for me to tell them about some people’s beliefs about the ending? Feel free? Yeah, I mean, we can always come back to the science if I if I just want to rant some more. 


Listen, I’m not taking part in the science stuff, because I mostly wrote this is bullshit science 100 times next to these are not scientists, and these are not astronauts. So like, there’s just there’s not a lot. I wasn’t concise, because I was so upset. Yeah. But okay, so I did, I had to figure out the ending of this movie. I wasn’t wild about it. And I found some reviewers that posit. I’m not saying this is how you should interpret it. But this is how some people interpreted it. Because, you know, Christopher Nolan doesn’t necessarily insist that you take his work, literally. 


Yeah. He’s He’s a storyteller who enjoys differing interpretations of his work. 


Yeah. And, you know, one of the nice things is he’s he says during an interview with maybe The Daily Beast, that he doesn’t want to tell anybody his interpretation of it, because he doesn’t want that to be held up as like, essentially the be all end all 


be official story. Yeah. 


So what I that is a good thing I can say about Christopher Nolan. Okay, so some reviewers posit that Cooper actually dies after ejecting himself from his craft. And what happens? There are a couple of different versions, but I’ll give you the gist is that weird fight that happens between him and man that doesn’t feel like it belongs in this film. And the soliloquy, queer monologues that man does, about survival and how we we think of our children’s faces, you know, all of that stuff, and how our bodies instinctually Hang on, for as long as they can. For various rebond reasons, I guess. That’s what happens here. And so Cooper is ejected from his craft, he is we’re seeing the embodiment of this conversation. And, and he, his instincts take over, so he lasts a little bit longer. And either he dies, and then in the moment after death, he’s able to interact with this Tesseract or interact in some capacity to communicate with his daughter. Or he’s able to use this higher dimension because we’re told that the day the humans of the future have fifth dimensional beings, yes. 


And we cannot perceive that current living beings cannot perceive this dimension. So in his death throes, essentially he is able to access that because in death, time has no meaning. And it’s not really quantifiable. It stops being linear. So he is able to access that fifth dimension communicate with his daughter, right before dying. So right before or right after his his death. And people say because like, there’s no way that Anne Hathaway’s character is still alive. He’s told to go be with her, we see that, you know, there are these symbolism, these moments of symbolism that we see around his daughter, the baseball field right outside of her hospital door window, which is kind of weird. Anyway, so his body pushes him to survive just long enough so that this can all happen. And and you know, a lot of people really believe that this is actually the story. Yeah, yeah. Which, you know, I can’t really say one way or the other what I’d prefer because I mean, I guess everybody, every most people want a happy ending. I just wanted an ending that I found to make sense. And I and I’m not the only one who thinks that this movie doesn’t make sense because Jessica Chastain said, Yes. When I watched the film now, I still don’t understand everything in it, but the main Part of this film isn’t about science. It’s about love. You have to feel it. If you go into the movie, even though the scope is large with space travel, at its core, it’s a story about a father and a daughter. If you let that wash over you, that is enough. And I’m like, Speak for yourself, lady. Not enough for me. 


Yeah. And I mean, like, that part was good, you know, the part with the his connection to his daughter and his, his daughter growing up bitter and angry, and then ultimately, finding catharsis and then her and her relationship with her brother. And like, all of that stuff was good. I just have no idea why they felt the need to do half scientifically accurate. And well. And even on the human side, like, you know, there, there are a bunch of things that we haven’t gone into, because this isn’t going to turn into a three hour just sort of nitpick, but you know, things like, man, they’ve got some really bad psychological screening processes that this NASA facility like, they don’t know how to pick astronauts anymore, do they? They really, 


they stop. And he doesn’t need to be trained again. 

Yeah, exactly. Like, like, he just shows up. And they’re like, cool. We’re launching tomorrow. You don’t need training. And then there are several scenes in the movie where he’s like, interesting. What’s that? And he’s like, it’s the wormhole. We’re here to go through. And he’s like, what’s a wormhole? And it’s like, you didn’t read the training manual or something. 


There’s a moment where like, he’s mad at his daughter. He’s like, Don’t make me leave like this, because she doesn’t want to talk to him. And I’m like, dude, you don’t get to put this on her. You’re making the decision. Like, and I get why you’re making the decision. But this is not her fault. Yeah, you know, and I. Yeah. I just, I really tired of Chris Nolan. And his time obsession. 


It is it is an interesting thing. I every movie Chris Nolan makes is about time. And except for the Batman movies, even even though I mean, the second and third weren’t about time. But the first one was very noted for the fact that it had a nonlinear story structure. If you if you watch Batman Begins it kind of is about time. It’s about moments in Batman’s life that are parallel to happening sequentially in film order that we’re not sequential in, in story order. 


So he’s playing with the this, the storytelling in terms of time, but the theme is not. 


Yeah, the theme is not time he basically Batman Begins as the same as Dunkirk where it’s it’s a linear story, but it’s represented in a nonlinear way. So he still gets to play with time as a as a storyteller. But yeah, I mean, Dunkirk Tennant. Interstellar momento, Batman Begins, it’s like, time? Yeah, 


I am with Imani economist on this, I think that Alex, you have to produce the interstellar remake. 


I would love to produce the I mean, it’s gonna be different. But I mean, honestly, it might not even be that different. That’s, that’s the thing that I kept getting hooked on was that so many of the scientifically inaccurate things in this movie didn’t need to be like, you could have done this very easily. You know, like, why did they need to hit a frozen cloud? Just cut that line? That’s not you don’t need that. That’s fine, too. Why did blight need to breathe? nitrogen? It doesn’t need to. It’s just a crazy super past. You know, it’s it’s the the planetary version of antibiotic resistant bacteria sold done that is entirely plausible. And it carries exactly the same narrative, you know, storytelling potential as as this version 


when this remake happens, because obviously it just kind of past you now you deal with the science and I’m going to fix some of the some of the character stuff that I couldn’t handle. One of which, Well, okay, first, I will say, Doctor man crying into their arms when he comes out of his cryo, oh, my God, it was so lovely. 


This is what I’m talking about with like, even the characters that I didn’t like as characters, the performances were great. 


Yeah, well, and you know, that was very likely written into the script. So that was like, there were some great things. 


But like, also, 


Murph lights, her brother’s farm fields on fire, and then goes back into the house and like, and also is going to take his family, which is reasonable because his family is obviously being abused by him. And so I’m here for her like taking off with the family. But she hugs him when he comes back out and I’m like, dude, you are taking this man’s life away from him. You don’t get to hug him. Even if he’s in the wrong You don’t get to hug him and be this man is not gonna let you hook him. Yeah, he’s an abusive asshole. 


he’s a he’s an abusive asshole. You’re taking his family, you burned his crops, literally everything of value in his life. You’re taking away from And then you want to hug him because like, you realized your dad’s still alive as sort of. 


Yeah. And as if he’s gonna believe you. Yeah, I don’t know, there was just like that moment I was I gasped out loud. I was just like, How How did this get put into this film? It’s so it doesn’t make any sense. any sense. I think from any point of view to have that moment happen, it was just it was too weird. 


Well, listen, we’ve got a lot more thoughts that we could share. But I think we’ve we’ve made our thoughts known for the most part, and I do love to end on hope. I like to end on an upbeat. And so I adore the fact that our listeners right now in the chat are all starting to chime in. Let’s make it happen. Edge works remake of interstellar TV series Interstellar meets terrigenesis. When can we start talking Kickstarter? Yes. I love it. 


I think we are here for it. Yes. 


We will not use organ music or we will not use organ music. No. No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring it down. What’s one, what’s 


one more thing that we can say about it? A good thing. One. One more good thing that I will say about it is okay. I’ll say this, that it is one more thing, pushing forward. The value that we celebrate at the synthesis. It had a lot of flaws. It didn’t do all the science perfectly right. But the fact of the matter is that a lot of people saw this movie and walked away saying that was an excellent movie that used realistic science. Or so they thought and that is of value. Yes, people walked away from Interstellar saying more movies should have realistic science. You know, 


I think that is a great note to end on a good job for coming up with that I was drawing a huge blank. So well done, honey. 


Thank you. So yeah, that is it for this episode of The Synthesis. Be sure to tune in next week on YouTube live to watch us recording this live or if you’re I think we’re doing National Geographics. Mars, I think we’re doing the first three episodes of National Geographics Mars. So check it out. and tune in next week for the live taping on YouTube Live. Otherwise, you can check it out on our YouTube channel. slash edge works entertainment. Be sure to subscribe and hit the bell and leave us some comments. We are lacking in the engagement. So share it if you would like it. Comment it tell us why you think we’re wrong about Interstellar. Tell us why you write about Interstellar. However you feel that understand. 


Tell us where Right. I mean, obviously, it’s obviously better if if you need to tell us we’re wrong. I suppose we can handle that. 


I guess the best way to put it is if you feel like being wrong. Tell us why we’re wrong. 


But just a gauge. 


That’s all we’re asking. And if you like to listen to podcasts on iTunes or Spotify or Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts, check out the synthesis by antworks Entertainment and be sure to leave a review because we want to get it out as good as we can as fast as we can. 


That would be fabulous. Thank you, you guys. 


Yes, thank you for watching and we will see you next week. Bye. 


Strapped to a couch barreling through space. Honestly, what could POSSIBLY go wrong? We dissect the nuance of The Martian and look back at 18 months of living on Mars…

𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•ͺπ•Ÿπ•₯π•™π•–π•€π•šπ•€ is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.


Hey, folks, this is Alexander Winn and Lacey Hannan and we are here with the latest episode of the synthesis, a show where we check out scientific and historical accuracy in film and television. 


We are excited to get through more of the Martian. Yes, I think this time, we won’t promise to get to the end, 


we won’t because we thought we were going to do the whole movie in one episode. And we did a third of it. Yeah, we’re here to do probably the next third. But who knows? We can aim for the finish line, and then maybe just walk it in? 


Yeah. Well, we’ll retro actively be like, see, we knew it would take that long. of Yeah, there we go. It’s gonna be like me in high school when I decided to take up track again, but in my senior year, and I was barely making it to the finish line. Yeah, it’s gonna be nice. It’ll be it’ll, I will have there will be a nostalgia factor for me. Yes. 


So don’t remember where we were, though. Yeah. 


So we were picking up with hexadecimals. They’ve gotten the they’ve gotten the Pathfinder, working a beautiful Pathfinder moment. And loved it, he gets it back to the hab. And they’re able to connect and yes, are you reading me? Yes. Now point the camera at Yes, he freaks out. And now, as Tim very pointedly says, they’re not really going to be able to have a conversation. And so Mark starts wondering, okay, how can we actually do this, he realizes that 26 letters plus a question card around a circle is, he’s not going to be able to tell what the camera is aimed at. So he comes up with hexadecimals. Right, this is, this is one of those things that is interesting, because I feel like either the making water sequence or the hexadecimal sequence in the Martian is probably the most famous thing from the Martian. But there’s an interesting little thing about this scene in the movie, which is that this is really the only time that we see mark, figuring something out. This is one of the big differences between the book and the movie is in the book. It’s all about sort of doing the math and figuring it out and approaching the solution and kind of talking your way, or approaching the problem and sort of talking your way toward a solution. And that’s not something that really makes it into the movie. You know, in the movie, he mostly has a solution. And then he sits down in front of the GoPro and says, This is what I’m going to do, or sometimes even just, this is what I’ve already done. And this is the one scene where we actually see him chewing on a potato going, what am I going to do? And he goes hexadecimals, and you see the moment of realization. 


And then we get to see him going through Johansen stuff, as he’s looking for, because she’s a big ol nerd, yet his opinion, 


big, big nerd. And, of course, she’ll 


have a hexadecimal table or whatever. Yeah. So 


I like to know, is that a thing that people have? Like I, I’m a I’m a computer developer, but I don’t have a hexadecimal table and a printed out book that seems I don’t know, maybe. I mean, I guess it makes sense that if you if you do like deep code, kind of operating system level stuff, then maybe you would need it on a physical book, because by definition, your computer isn’t working. But yeah, 


yeah, I. So my uncle is a rocket scientist. And he does project management for various experiments. And he goes to these like science conferences, and my mom went to one or something with him once. And she brought back this weird little booklet of just like, deep, deep equations for random stuff. And she’s like, Alex needs this. And it was like, I’m telling you guys, it was some of the weirdest stuff I’ve ever seen about like lasers. And it was just like, all over the place. But apparently, some people need this. And according to my mother, Alex did, I’m not entirely sure why. So I don’t need a 


big book of equations. I mean, come on. 


You have never opened it once and I have opened it multiple times, then I guess you need a big book of equations. 


Anyway, what I’m saying is, I suppose that there are some people out there that would do this. Yeah, that’s fair. Okay. Anyway, I did enjoy the hexadecimal portion. And I like the sped up, like slash time lapse. 


Yeah, whatever it was that they were doing with that. Yeah, watching them sort of build the setup necessary, because that’s actually something that they don’t really talk about in the book is, you know, Mark has his Pathfinder with a bunch of signs around the around the circumference, but they build one on earth to because they need to be able to like, practice, like they need to make the message and figure out what sequence they’re going to send to him to make it to make it work. So it was fun watching them sort of build dummy version and then he’s building the real version. And then he, they pretty quickly go to hacking the rover, which is smart, because watching him watch the thing go round and round is pretty tedious. And so pretty quickly we get to Hey, now I can hack the rover’s operating system and connected to Pathfinder. And now I can just type like a text message. And I have to say Mark’s reaction to getting Vincent’s first message is pretty sweet. He he has a whole sort of he starts to cry and all this and it’s just, you know, Hey, are you reading me or something? And it’s, it’s pretty poignant. 


And then we also have the he asks about, how is the crew doing? Like, yeah, having left me behind? and Vincent has to figure out what to say. And I love that his What the fuck reaction is silenced by the camera because he because he’s in the rover, and the camera is outside of it. So the camera is in a vacuum. Yeah, essentially or near. And so it’s completely silence and you just see him and his reaction just like swearing up a storm. Yeah.   


And I love that. Like, then we cut back to Earth. And we have Mitch, who’s laughing at Mark’s anger because he’s a Greek too. Yeah. Like, 


this is vindication. Yeah, exactly. 


So that was a nice moment of, because it’s always been cat and Mark talking. It’s not really, Mitch and Mark, which actually, I had never considered this in the book. But that’s actually surprising. Seeing as Mitch is the the commander of this mission, right? 


Yeah. Well, I forget what his specific title is. But he’s in charge of this. Yeah. 


Yeah. I mean, Louis is in charge on the ship. But as far as I’m aware, Mitch is in charge. Yeah. So it’s, it’s a little bit odd. And I’m surprised now that I think about not that I not that I mind too much. But maybe, maybe Mitch has other things he has to continue doing. I don’t know. But one of the things that I love about Sean Bean being met is he’s really good at being emotional and subtle. Yes. You know, nothing he does is ever too big. And 


which is funny, because he plays a lot of larger than life characters. It’s not really something I feel like if you said to the average person, Sean Bean is a is a very subtle actor. I feel like you’d have to kind of sell them on that idea. Yeah, because he plays a lot of sort of characters like boromir and Lord of the Rings and right. And yeah, even boromir there’s a lot of subtlety there. You know, like that, that character is very nuanced for for being essentially sort of a meathead. Yeah, he’s got a lot going on. 

07:53 I mean, I think that you could say between this and Game of Thrones, he’s got, yeah, that the subtlety is on on it, 


for sure. His side? Yeah. But 


yeah, so I thoroughly enjoy Sean being in this moment. I think there are some other places where you and I have kind of disagreed, yeah, on the Mitch stuff in this movie. But here, I’m all about it. A change that we get from the book, or I think, are the data dumps. So, you know, they, when the whole crew was together, they’d get emails and you know, those sorts of data dumps from their families or whoever. And we don’t see that happen in the book, when he gets into communication with Earth again, but we know that it happens here, because a, he says it. And then he gives us an example. Because the University of Chicago says he has colonized Mars, he’s not the one to thought of it. 


Yeah. Yeah, I think in the book he mentions, once he’s in contact that, like he got a letter from the president and that sort of thing. But they don’t make as big a deal of it. 


Well, and I guess to me, the reason why it’s significant is because, of course, you get a letter from the president. Yeah, you are stuck on Mars, they are going to make that happen. The President requests being able to write to Mark Watney on Mars, he just can’t, he just can’t. 


And also one of the perks of being president. 


Yeah. And also like, let’s be honest, he’s gonna he, of course, wants to be one of the first people to write a letter to Mars, like, come on. But this is different, because it kind of changes some things you would have, you know, if you have like the University of Chicago, being able to reach him, and if you have various groups being able to reach him and his parents and all of this, I think that really changes the mentality of the character who’s there. Yeah. And it is also going to change what’s happening back on Earth because they’re going to have there’s going to be more conversation. What did they call it? They they had the Mark Watney whopping report the Watney report. And on that they’re gonna say, Oh, you know, we found out that someone so sent him an email about this or whatever. Yeah. And there’s, I think it’s really important that this, this is really important change, because it would change his experience there. And we don’t see a change in his experience between the book and the movie. So I feel like that the psychology is off. Yeah. And I’m surprised by that. Interesting. 


Yeah, that’s an interesting deduction. 


So I’m here to help, guys. 


So next up, we cut back to the Hermes. Which, unless you have something else that you want to 


know, no, I have no, you’re good. 


Suspicious way, 


the note, where are you? Alright, 


so we come back to the Hermes. And you guys, the Hermes is such an incredible ship like that. The design of the Hermes in the movie, I could just go on, like I could spend all day, this whole episode just talking about the Hermes and all the little nuances of how it was designed. There’s, it is, by the way, very different from Andy weirs concept of the Hermes. Really, yeah, and he wears concept of the Hermes is a lot simpler. And I get the sense a lot smaller. His Hermes is sort of teardrop shaped, it’s sort of if you, if you picture sort of the stereotypical space capsule from from, you know, the 60s and 70s sort of looks like a cone with a rounded bottom. My understanding is that Andy Weir’s vision of the Hermes looked like a really big version of that. And so it would spin. And so if you go to the wider end, the spin is creating gravity. But if you go to the narrower end, it’s not. And that’s why they talk about the Hermes, keeping its arrow breaking shape, because it uses its body to break against the atmosphere to slow down. Which, if you use the Hermes from the movie, that would just start ripping pieces off like that, that would look like the last scene of gravity when the when the space station is coming into the atmosphere, and it’s just ripping apart because that’s not an arrow breaking shape. That being said, it’s so cool. It’s like the ultimate manifestation of the International Space Station sort of School of Design. And there are a few instances of ships like this. There’s the Hermes from the Martian. There’s the entire is from defying gravity. There are a few instances of sci fi spaceships built in that kind of International Space Station School of Design, and I just love them always. Okay, 


so my question is, and this goes for everybody out there. I want to know your favorite sci fi ship. I’m like, that is a path that leads to madness. 


No. Well, okay, here, I’ll give you a couple of things to help you with us. Remove the crew from it. So like, 


okay, so it’s not that you love the people from Firefly, it’s that you love the serenity itself? 


Yes, I that’s that’s exactly what I was gonna use. The serenity is not the most beautiful ship you love the crew? Come on. Yeah. And they love serenity. So we love serenity. You know, it doesn’t like, but it could still be the serenity. I don’t, I don’t care what you pick. I’m just curious what it is, honestly, the 


enterprise is it? I mean, it’s sort of, it’s hard to compare. ships have different levels of capability, you know, like, you know, using using serenity, for example, it’s hard to compare serenity to the USS Enterprise, because the USS Enterprise can do so much more. 


That’s not true. But 


I tell you, it’s not true. Because people can pick their favorite cars and their car, their favorite cars could be, you know, something that’s like a muscle car versus a military car or something that’s 


like, a Miata. You know, that’s kind of what I mean is like all cars fundamentally do the same thing. This is more like saying what’s your favorite vehicle and having to compare a Corvette so asking the question, 


I’m not I don’t know, I don’t have a problem if you’d let me finish. Okay. But it’s it’s a little bit hard to compare because there are such big differences in capability but honestly, if we’re just going off of sort of the design of the ship itself, just the the aesthetics I think it might be the Hermes for me, I think is literally my favorite spaceship in terms of just to look at 


interesting Oh, 


okay. I I actually have to think on it. Yeah, cuz I’m not sure 


yeah, I mean, there are so you know, like I love the Normandy for Mass Effect. I love the enterprise like you know, the enterprise I mean, so many enterprises, but the enterprise D and E especially. 


Deep nerd over here. 


Yeah, it’s not even deep nerd. It’s just did you like the the Kirk enterprise or the Picard and bribes or whatever. But yeah, I might be the Hermes I just I love that. I love that realism. I love that scientific like this looks like a thing that could actually exist. This looks like real scientists put work into it. 


I a little surprised that you didn’t say something from 


the expanse. 


You know, that’s the thing about the expanse is, to me. Almost all the ships from the expanse fall into that category of what you were talking about with serenity, where it’s like, they’re not cool to look at. That’s kind of the point is that they’re not cool to look at. They’re purely functional. No, 


I mean, I would still say what’s the the Medina you can still count? Because that was meant to be a generational ship. Right. So that counts, and then you get Mao’s ship at one point. And mouse ship was pretty awesome talking about the Razorback. No, no, not not the Razorback, the like his 


Oh, his personal was the one that we know for him and or Bobby and sarala fighting on. So 


imana economist has weighed in and said maybe the Orville, that’s a good one is a really good design. 


Yeah. Remember it as well as I feel like I should. 


Yeah, it’s sort of like you took the saucer section of the USS Voyager and then strapped a couple of sort of rings to the back. It’s a it’s an interesting, yeah, 


that is a good one. I feel like I should know that one. Just because I’ve auditioned for that show. A handful of times like, Yeah, but no, no, I don’t remember it. 


If you are watching live on youtube live way in in the comments and let us know what your favorite spaceship is. If you are listening after the fact then go straight to the comment. Yeah, 


feel free to leave us a comment elsewhere. Yeah, exactly. Okay. 


So we can move. Yeah, 


I just I just needed. I just needed to know. 


Yes. Absolutely. So yeah, I I love, really. So I wrote this down as the earth gang in my notes, and I legitimately can’t remember if that’s a game that is currently on Earth, like Annie and Mitch and all them. Or if this is the area’s three crew.  


Sorry, I swallow down the rock. 


Lacey Lacey forgot how to breathe. 


Sorry, guys. You’re all good. 


But really both the the NASA crew and also the area three crew. I just I love their camaraderie they did the actors, and the writers do a really good job of seeming like people who have worked together for years. You know, like, yes, the line is from the book when Annie asks them to get a photo of mark with it without his helmet. And van cat says, Well, if he takes off his helmet, he’ll die. That’s a good line in the book, but in the movie, the way that Kristen Wiig and Churchill edge for deliver those lines, it’s not just a funny line, it’s giving your coworker a hard time who you’ve known for a long time, like I don’t know what it is, there’s something in the way he delivers it, that he’s, well, I could ask him to take his helmet off, but then he, you know, die. And then a couple of people laugh in the background. And it just you can you get the sense that they give each other help, they want these to do it. One 


of the nice things about seeing something on screen versus reading the book is that all of these actors are going to bring that to their performance, the history of good actors anyway, bring history to their characters, right. And we kind of forget about that in our imagination, we we we recognize that people have known each other for a really long time. But oftentimes, when you’re writing a work scene, it doesn’t. It doesn’t come across as much as maybe you want it to, because you’d have to write every single detail to get all of that. And an actor is just going to bring that and otherwise, it’s between you and the author to try and do that. So it is they did a really, really nice job. 


Yeah. And unrelated details, especially like, you know, when you’re reading a book, you you visualize plenty of details, but it’s always sort of relevant to what’s happening. Whereas One of the nice things about actors is that they can put some thought into, like, Did this character get enough sleep last night or you know, these sort of random things that happen in real life that add nuance that aren’t relevant to the story, but they just make it a little, you know, more interesting, and that’s everybody in this movie is just so good. 


So I think this is the same part where we see Teddy stressing about the margin of getting there on Sol 868. And the potatoes only last to Sol 912. And he doesn’t like that margin. And then we immediately jump back to Mars. And, like, first thing, 


the hat blows up, 


the crops are dead. 


Yeah, so, which is like, this is one of those things, you know, I love the Martian the book, but there’s some things that movies just do better than books. And one of them is the explosion. Cuz Whoa, I don’t know, if I remember correctly in the book, we don’t even witness it. We just pick up with, hey, this just happened and he’s just telling us about it. But man watching him walk into the airlock and everything’s just fine. And then he presses a button and all of a sudden, warning klaxons starts going off and the canvas rips. And then the whole thing just gets launched through the air. And you’re watching him bounce around on the inside. We get it. And 


yeah, because he’s, you know, is that one of the exposition moments where it’s I believe Mars’s perspective. Yeah, yeah. But oh, 


we get we get a complete change on how this gets handled. Yeah, because he doesn’t do the smoke thing to find the the rip in or the the tear in the air lock. 


We there isn’t one there is just one. He just fixes his suit and he’s got his suit is the only thing that’s losing air. And we don’t see him trying to figure out okay, how am I going to get back to the hab and doing the whole, like throwing himself against the air lock? Because he knows he only has so much time because of oxygen. Right. And so we miss a lot of that, and I totally get not doing the smoke thing. That takes a lot of time. But the the duct tape I felt like didn’t have quite they they did manage to have the tension pretty high, because you have the alarms and all of that going off. But again, we missed seeing him figure out a solution. 


Yeah. And that’s again, it’s just a little bit frustrating. Especially because it affects his physical capabilities for a little while. Yeah, you know, he has to, he hurts himself. And, and he wasn’t super hurt in the explosion itself, right. And it’s really getting the airlock back to the hab. Because if you remember in the book, he throws himself against the airlock and essentially rolls it back to the hab, which is a big deal. Anyway, so that was it was different. It wasn’t terrible. It just wasn’t as interesting to me. 


It’s understandable, but a little less cool. Yeah. I will say though, that seeing the dead potato plants is it’s it’s post apocalyptic. Like the way that scene is filmed. It really looks like the end of the world. And I love that because it is like this is everything he’s been working toward. 


And we get to see the the frost slash snow. Yeah. And it’s kind of hard to imagine it there. Especially inside. And the way that they showed that it was such It was a beautiful, heartbreaking image. I teared up for who were I Go figure. But 


he does get into the rover. And this was the moment where I realized a very important design change, which doesn’t end up having a huge impact on the rest of the movie because they cut out certain scenes from the book. But the rover has no airlock he would not have been able to do the things that he did in the book. Because in the book, The rover has an airlock so he can, you know, be in the rover, fully pressurized. And then like, you know, sort of keep the rover pressurized when he steps out in the movie. There’s just a door. So if you step out you have to depressurize the interior of the rover. Yeah, so that is one of those things that is sort of small but important. 


We also get that he I think it’s about this time in the book that he loses contact with Mars like he Yeah, occasion. And we that never happens. Which again to me, they’ve lowered the stakes of the movie, they found other ways to keep the stakes high. But to me, there’s they’re not as high as the book. Because we’re not having to see him panic ever. Because if you remember him trying to figure out how to get from the airlock to the hab includes like, Okay, I have to get under this canvas. And I’m only doing things with one hand because I’ve messed with the arm of this suit, if I remember correctly, and we had one arm. Yeah, he had a he had a head he’s it closed. 


Yeah, that’s right. And so like there are all of these little things that because you’re not seeing him come up with solutions, or, you know, in a state of like high, high stress. It changes the emotional state of the movie. Yeah. And I found that disappointing. They still did. Good job in a lot of ways, getting around some of this because otherwise it would be a four and a half hour movie. Yeah, at least, at least. But one of those is that he can always talk. Earth. Yeah, 


he never. And this is actually, you know, we talked last week we talked about how they kept the moment where he blew himself up, even though they removed the reason why he blew himself up. And there’s actually another one of those moments coming up, where he, he says a line that doesn’t make sense, because he’s still in contact with Earth. Like, the only reason that that made sense is because he wasn’t in contact with Earth anymore. 


So it was, yeah, it’s about the pirate. It’s about the space pirate. Oh, right. Right. Right. In a bit. Yeah, really, I hadn’t thought about in these terms. But but based on what you were just saying, I think a decent way to describe the movie of the Martian is, it’s the exact same story as the book, if things had been a little easier. You know, if it had just not been quite so hard, if there, if a few more things had just gone well, instead of accidents happening, and you know, that sort of stuff, then it would be the movie. Yeah, it’s just, I, 


we get to see Martinez and Juan Watney talk. 


Yeah. Just before, before we move on to that, I did love the fact that we got Mark breaking, when the crops are dead, he goes into the rover, and he starts to write a message. And Matt Damon’s performance is so great, because you can tell that he’s trying not to lose control. And that is something that a lot of actors sort of can’t do, or maybe don’t think to do is the I’m feeling one thing, but I’m fighting it, but I’m trying not to, and especially when they’re alone, you know, it’s one thing to sort of be keeping a secret from a person you’re talking to. But when you’re alone in a room, and he’s trying to keep it together, and he’s, he, he like, reaches for the keyboard and and stops himself. And he thinks for a minute, and composes himself. And then he reaches for the keyboard again, and he just breaks and all of a sudden, he’s like slamming his hand against the ceiling of the rover and screaming and crying. And it’s just because you’re trying to trick yourself into believing that you can manage without the emotional break. Yeah. But oftentimes, the only way that you can manage is to have the emotional break. And that is one of the changes that we see between the characters of the book and the movie, which is that Mark Watney in the book, cries, and he is he did, we talked about the lack of toxic masculinity now that he has, and I’m not saying that trying not to cry as toxic masculinity. I’m just saying that there’s a difference in his emotional, his his willingness to have a larger emotional capacity. 


Well, and again, his his reasons to because as we’ve established, the movie is sort of playing on easy mode. And so a lot of the things that would cause him to break he just doesn’t, you know, like you were saying he doesn’t hurt his back. And so we don’t see him sort of nursing an injury and taking care of himself because he doesn’t have to, 


we don’t see him getting excited about a bath. 


I know, right? I imagine there are a lot of women in the audience who would have loved to see Matt Damon get really excited about having a bat depends on how skinny he is. 


Yeah, earlier in the movie is better than later. Yeah. One more thing before we get to Martinez note, which is I can’t get enough of long suffering bruising, long suffering. Bruce is like every scene in which they cut to Bruce, and they’re like, Hey, we need you to do this in like three hours. And he’s like, that normally takes 10 years. And they’re like, Yeah, but we need it in three hours. And he’s like, uh, you just like, I picture my mental image of Bruce just always has Pepto bismol in his hand. Like, he’s just, he’s just all the time got an ulcer. And he’s just, I love him in the book. And I love him even more in the movie. He’s love that actor too, because the actor is and Dr. Strange, Dr. Strange and he’s such a delightful character. 


I mean, in Doctor Strange, he’s also kind of long suffering. I think that might be that actors kind of stick. Yeah, but it’s definitely it’s so good at just that. Yes, I’ll get it done. But I’m not happy about it. 


Sorry, guy, like his family life is probably falling apart. 


But he’s, but he’s saved Mark Watney. Yeah. So So Martinez, 


well, yeah, we have that. And, you know, we don’t again, we don’t see it at the book them actually communicating. And this is they’re getting to talk to each other. And you know that it’s exactly what what you needed. Yeah. He’s just being ribbed giving him a hard time and it’s, it’s one of those things that you like Love about your best friend, because your best friend is always like, really knows how to talk to you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So I enjoyed that there’s, 


there’s always when you get that character connection, it’s like the full relationship. And such a brief Santa, it’s always so lovely. And they did a great job here. And in that same vein, again, this is just sort of the the loving on the cast of The Martian our, but every one of these actors is so good. And the director is so good that in that moment, where Martinez is writing to mark, and fundamentally what you’re getting is revelations about mostly Martinez character and a little bit about marks because they’re good friends, you also get a little bit of character from Louis, because as Martinez is writing, and he says, I drew the short straw, so I have to write to you. There’s a shot where it cuts to Louis, and she’s like, leaning over watching him type. And she gets this like, semi scandalized. Look, where she’s just like, I can’t believe you just said that like, and it’s just a great little extra bit of character. You know, it’s not just Martinez, as seen lewis is there and she’s played by an incredible actress, and we get a little bit of Louis’s personality, the basics, the basics of acting, are, well, 


here’s here’s the foundation, acting is reacting. We all learn it in college. And but they’re not wrong. Yeah. Like, it’s that moment that you’re like, Oh, yeah, that’s totally true. Yeah. 


Well, it did. By the way, we have been doing the Martian, starring Mark Watney, for, like 95 years now. And I have a note here, that it took me this long to realize that there is only one letter difference between mark and Mars. This is this is how long it took me to realize that mark and Mars are so similar. 


Okay. Wow. Good note, Alex. 


I know right? 


I have to say that, at around this point, we get the the sound of the air lock fix, because he duct tapes, 


air lock close listening to the storm and 


listening and that storm comes 




Yeah, this is this is another storm that is stronger than any storm on Mars could possibly be. And, you know, we just sort of look past that this is a show about scientific accuracy. But there’s also room for poetry. And yes, we need the moment of him, not 100% sure that his fix is gonna hold on. 


Not only that, but you think of that sound of that thin, thin plastic. And that tape being the only thing that is keeping the outside outside. And the sound that that plastic makes in the wind would have would be devastating for your mental health. Yeah. And that’s not something that you can keep in your head as you’re reading a book, right? Like you don’t, you’re not going to go find that sound effect and just play it on loop. But your brains not going to do it either. You know, and I there’s something about it. That’s, 


and because of the format of the book, where everything we’re reading mark is specifically choosing to tell us, it sort of filters out certain moments that he would have experienced that we get in the movie because we’re just sort of the omnipotent audience watching him and man watching him, ah, just sort of shouting in kind of primal, primate uncomfort discomfort, as that thing ripples is very powerful. Yeah. He also at this point, takes all the dead plants out. And there’s a shot of piles and piles and piles of dead potato plants, which is heartbreaking. But it also occurred to me, the terraforming of Mars has begun. Now there is officially biomass out on the surface of Mars. And I bet that at least one bacterium survived. And is is able to live in those conditions. This is even says in the book that some of the bacteria would have survived. Exactly. And so you know, thinking back to the Mars trilogy, which I absolutely adore, there’s a moment where and who is the the, the read the question, the one who, who wants to keep Mars pure and sterile. She gets so upset because they’ve released microbes onto the surface, and now there’s no stopping them. There’s no getting them back. Those are going to be on the surface and they’re going to spread and they’re going to infect everything, and we will never have a Martian surface without them anymore. And I have a feeling that happened during the Martian, you know, people are gonna look back hundreds, even hundreds of years later and think oh, At this layer in the soil samples on Mars, there’s a row of bacteria that we dated back to the potato plants that Mark Watney grew. 


Oh, interesting. I hadn’t really considered that. So this is the beginning of the terraforming of Mars. Yeah, 


this is there is life on Mars now because these tiny little bacteria that you just know that they’re gonna find a way, right? Yeah. So interesting. funny little thing. Well, we head back to Earth for rich Purcell. Rich Brunel. Oh, excuse me, my autocorrect. Jerk. It’s played by Donald Glover. 


Yes, this is this is Troy doing an op ed in person. 


Do I love community or what? 


I know, right. 


Donald Glover also can do no wrong. Yeah. So I think they did a great job of casting, I cannot get over the casting of this movie 


seriously. He is arguably, the I would argue that rich Brunel might be the biggest change in how a character is depicted in the movie because I don’t remember him having any of this kind of slightly Asperger’s or some kind of, like, the character in the movie clearly isn’t 100% neurotypical he’s, he’s got some kind of something. Right. And I don’t remember that in the book. 


Well, except for you know, we see him, you know, interacting with his boss a little bit more. And he’s a little gruff, and his, and he asks for what can I have time off? And the boss is like, sure. And he’s like, Okay, I’m taking it now. And he goes, like, right back to what he was doing. Yeah. And so some of that would probably be indicative of and probably why Donald Glover chose. Yeah, to play it this way. 


I think it’s close enough that you can sort of see the the antecedents there. But I feel like the character from the book was being clever in how he used his vacation time. Whereas the character in the movie legitimately didn’t realize that he was doing anything weird. Like there’s, there’s a moment there where his boss sort of leaves and then leans back into the room, because you do get that I’m your boss, right? And the way Donald Glover plays that he just looks up and he’s sort of totally innocent. Just sort of nods. Yeah, I know. You’re my boss. And then he just turns back to what he’s doing. And it’s like, he doesn’t get that there’s conflict in the scene. 


You know, right. I kind of see what you’re saying. But I feel like I, my read of rich and the book was a little bit atypical, I guess, of how, okay, well, fair enough. Yeah. 


We do get a very charming explanation of how Oh, I guess this is I think we’re not there yet. We got to really get now Teddy commands the room. So that’s every scene. The Jeff Daniels is in trouble. 


But what we actually have is, we jump back to Mars. And Mark Watney is talking into his camera. And he’s telling us it’s been seven days since he ran out of ketchup. And I about last damn mine. 


We were sitting on the couch together. He says that line and from just to the left of me, I hear this voice Go, man. Like deep heartfelt empathy. It’s all if it’s all you have for seasoning like you want it like I would. I would take what is that weird Australian stuff that nobody else likes just Australians. Vegemite. Like, if that’s all that there was. If there was no salt. There was no pepper. But there was Vegemite. I would learn how to like that stuff. Because anything is better than nothing. Right? Yeah. And 


that’s how I that’s also how Mark feels. Remember, this is the guy who tried to make potato skin tea. 


Yeah, exactly. So I’m saying it’s like, and I get it. Ketchup, I feel pretty sure is like very American. So of course, that’s what Mark has been sent with and would want to eat but I felt for that man, because I’m certain he does have salt and pepper either. That’s, that’s heartbreaking. It’s all heartbreaking. 


Yeah. There is a moment here. When he’s talking about his food in this in the same scene that kind of blew me away. I wasn’t entirely sure how to take this because I feel like I mean, I haven’t actually run the calorie numbers myself, but I feel like maybe this is a blooper like I feel like maybe he misspoke the line or something. But what he says is he’s talking to the camera and he’s talking about how much they are cutting back on his on his rations. Okay. And the line that he says word for word is in. So instead of three of these every one day, it’s one of these every three days and now they’re asking To do this, and he cuts a third off of it, which means that he went from having three every one day to one every three days. That’s 1/9 of what he should be eating. And now they’re asking me to do this. And he removes a third of what’s left. I did the math, that is 7% of what he should be eating. Yeah, that is a one a 13th ration. That can’t possibly be right. Right. 


I mean, okay. If you figure they say that you can last almost two weeks on water alone. Yeah. Then I suppose that that’s not like functioning, that’s before you die in your bed. You can only last a couple. But what I’m saying is like, if you’re still if you’re still getting, because he’s still taking his vitamins. Yeah. And if you’re getting a minimal amount of calories. Yeah, it’s, that doesn’t quite 


the only thing that I thought. Maybe what he means that he doesn’t say this. But this is we established last week. Alexander is really good at filling in potholes. The only thing that I can think of is he’s saying this as he’s slicing up. What is effectively like sort of meatloaf, like it’s a it’s a thing that was clearly sent for the astronauts. He’s not eating potatoes. Yeah. So my thought is maybe what he’s saying is he only gets this much of the food he’s supposed to be eating, and then he’s backfilling the rest with potatoes. 


Yeah, that’s probably true that 


Yeah, I have to assume that because eating 1/13 of a standard ration is just 


because we know that the potatoes are just, like, just calories. He’s no nutrition, like, 


but they’re also their flesh frozen, right? So he can still eat them. 


Yeah. So if what he means is I’m getting this much protein per day, and then I’m filling the rest with potatoes just for rock 


to go with that. Just to make it right. Okay, so we have another change, which is he gives Lewis the mission to talk to his parents instead of Martinez. And I think that this change can easily be chalked up to putting chest pain on the screen more. 


Yes, I think this is a Jessica Justin thing. This and then later, at the end of the movie, there’s a huge change. Yeah, in favor of her. Which I would be interested to know. I don’t know if we’ll ever find out. But I would be interested to know if this was because of Jessica Chastain, the actress like if she requested more screen time. Or if the writers just felt like they needed to beef up lewis’s arc, 


or it’s not. It’s highly unlikely that she requested more screen time. It’s probably she has a name. And the guy who’s playing back. Nobody knows who that is. 


I mean, yes. I just mean, I wonder if it’s based on the actress or if it’s from a writing standpoint, if they felt that Lewis needed to be the one to sort of personally say Mark Watney, for her own character arc. 


Well, yeah, we’ll get there. 


It is interesting, though. And it’s, I mean, I get it like, I totally understand it. I kind of like the Martinez version more. I like the fact that he’s got a best friend that I asked. 


I’m totally here for the way the book tells the story and not the way the movie tells the story. I’m not wild about the idea of sending Louis into the household, where she’s the one who chose to leave him behind. 


Well, that’s actually a good point, like sending Louis is probably a terrible idea. Yeah, exactly. You said Martinez, the one who didn’t make the call. Yeah, that’s so that’s actually a really good point. I am not in love with this change. Yeah. 


So then we get China. Yeah. So the rescue. 


They’ve changed to the scientists to a woman. Because what we originally get is two gentlemen talking to each other. Yeah. And talking about how to handle the fact that they actually could help solve America’s problem. And in this, what we ended up getting is a very old guy. And a young woman. Yeah. Which is not how it was written in the book, but that’s fine. 


Yeah, they basically changed it from Vin cat and Tim, to Annie and, and Teddy. I mean, he’s quite a bit older than that. But what I just mean in terms of their roles, like he is clearly the administrator of the Chinese space agency, and she is presumably, like one of the one of the department heads or something. 


But I Well, she’s a scientist. We do. Yeah, I think we can. I mean, and what I’m going to say is in the book, it’s a scientist, and they don’t tell us what her role is. So I’m going to say that as a scientist, and I think 


I like that they did this because it’s you You know, they went kind of out of their way to put a lot of diversity on screen in with the scientists, but we’re also looking at it towards the future of science. So you put out there what you want to see. Right. And so I enjoyed this little change. It wasn’t. It’s not a huge deal. But yeah, I think it’s important 


shout out, by the way to Andy Weir who wrote a very diverse cast like they did not change the races of pretty much anybody except for Vincent. The, you know, Venkat Kapoor is clearly not a white guy and Bruce Ainge, and I even when I first read the book, I read Mindy Park as Asian. I don’t know if that’s ever actually hinted, just because I knew an Asian person whose last name was Park. But yeah, that’s he did a really good job of portraying a very diverse group. Yeah. And then when Teddy gets the call from the Chinese, this is tying back to what we were saying earlier about subtle acting. I really appreciated the fact that, you know, he’s, he’s very professional. He’s very appreciative on the call, and then he hangs up. And there’s this long bit of silence and then he just goes, yes. And it’s not what a lot of directors would have had him do, which is sort of pump his fist in the air and like really, sort of, you know, be super excited and sort of race out the door to go tell his team. It’s very understated. It’s just just in his chair, tightly contained, sort of in his chest. And then he’s back to tiny like for arm pump. Yeah, exactly. Like he’s, he’s clearly this is a guy who keeps it close to the vest. And this was something that is so powerful that he could not not express it. So he just expressed it a little bit. And then he’s back and I love that. 


So then we’re, we are and the room the L Ron meeting? 


Yes, project l Ron. And 


Annie has no idea what that is, which is so 


awesome. Because Sean Bean is sitting in the room. Yes. That’s 


so great. Was that was a lovely little crossover sort of thing that just that happened there. 


A part of me wonders if that’s how they thought of Shawn is like they were working on this scene with Project ROM and they were like, I wonder if we can get, you know, like, they just started sort of going through the cast of Lord of the Rings. Could we get Ian McKellen for this role? We get Sean Bean. Can we get Viggo Mortensen? like yeah, who would be good here? That’s just a joke. That is too good to pass up. Yeah. 


I will say that this is another place in which Annie isn’t as profane. 


Yeah, and we miss hilarious. 


As she wasn’t the book, she you know, as as profane as she gets is I hate every one of you. Yeah. And that’s it. Yeah, I was sitting here going. No, no, no. 


Any swears there, at least she needed to at least drop fine or something. 


We need more really good foul mouthed women in science fiction. And I say that because Annie, they turned it down. Yeah. And they also turned it down with officer Rolla on the expanse. She’s got some good lines on the expanse, the TV show if anybody out there is watching the expanse of the TV show, she’s gotten some great lines. We love that show. Read the book. She is so much filthier. In the book. She is so foul mouthed, it’s hilarious. Like in the in the show, she’s really just kind of brusque, like she she just doesn’t have time for this. In the in the book, though it is poetry. She just weaves these incredibly profane turns of phrase that are so hilarious, and we just we need more of that like that. And we need to we need to make it onto screen stop filtering it out. It’s hilarious and awesome. And it builds the character of these awesome women. Yeah. And yeah, 


at this point is when we finally learned what Rich pournelle is up to, 


yeah, what his plan is, and I love so this is one of those things, you know, we were talking about whether he sort of picked up on anything in the book that may have led him to this sort of a little more a typical characterization, but one of the things that it really does nicely, in the sort of mechanical sense, is it allows them to be super expositional, because the audience might not know about slingshot maneuvers. But everyone in this room does. This is not something which Brunel needs to explain. I bet even Annie would know, like, you know, she’s, she’s smart. She knows about a lot of this stuff. And he just, he’s walking them through step by step walking around Teddy literally physically, and like stuff out of his pocket. It’s pulling stuff out of his pockets. It’s he’s so sort of the character that he has built. It is absolutely believable that he would be this expositional. Yes, unnecessary. And yet now the audience has got it. It’s the it’s the perfect framing for a tele Donna moment. 


It was an I love Teddy’s reaction. 


Get out. 


Yeah, that’s it. I also, I also love Vincent popping the pan against Danny’s forehead. Just, again, more indication that these people have worked together for a really long time that they, 


and he took the chance because he had like, if you’re gonna, he has the opportunity, he’s gonna do it. Exactly. He doesn’t get the opportunity to do this. Yeah, 


I enjoyed that. But I feel like the bigger the biggest sort of missing thing from Annie is not her profanity. It’s that she leaves toward the end of the scene. And in the book, we get an extra moment. So there’s this scene between Teddy and Mitch. where he’s talking about, you know, it’s it. He says it’s bigger than one person. And Mitch says, No, it’s not, which is sort of the central thesis of the whole story is that it is worth it to bring one person back. But in the book, we got an amazing scene, where when Teddy decides to not do the Hermes return plan, the rich Brunel outmaneuver any rips him a new asshole. If you remember that scene, no, Mitch, makes a big deal about how they should leave it up to the crew. And Teddy decides on not risking the life of the rest of the crew. And they all start to leave and he stays behind. And he starts to say something about like the next press briefing, and she calls them a goddamn coward. And she just rips him apart, we would be able to bring Mark home if you had if you had the balls to let us and she really sort of has the team’s back. And that is one of the scenes to me that is important for Annie’s character, because the Annie of the movie is sort of just a PR person. Like you get the sense that she could work at a Hollywood studios, the fact that she works at NASA is kind of irrelevant. She’s just here to do a job. Whereas in the book, this scene really establishes the fact that she’s one of the team. She is helping to bring Mark home. And Teddy’s decision is hindering her efforts to make this happen. And that is not only a great moment for her character, I feel like it really helps cement the team back on Earth and isolates Teddy from them a little bit. He’s the leader. He’s got that, you know, the the loneliness of wearing the crown. And I missed that. I would love to have Kristen Wiig rip Hammond. Oh, that would have been amazing. 


In the movie. My favorite conflict is Teddy versus Mitch, which is saying something because I think the biggest conflict is Watney versus Mars. You know, yeah. But in the book, that’s my favorite conflict. Yeah. But in the movie, I think it’s Teddy versus Mitch, just because they’re such powerful actors. They’re powerful, powerful characters. And seeing those two sit across from each other sniping at each other. It’s and, you know, just the, the way that Teddy can put down, Mitch, just, I’m boss sort of way. Yeah. Is. It’s fascinating to watch. I 


could watch a two hour movie of them debating what to do. Yeah, like just those guys sitting in chairs, just going at it. Uh huh. So next up, we get this wonderful montage of the Hermes crew talking to their family because they they are doing, you know, the they’re doing the rich pradel maneuver. Which by the way we do we do get the moment where Mitch sends them the rich Brunel maneuver, and then they decide to do the mutiny. Yeah. And it’s a great scene. 


That scene I wrote down as it’s either project King Arthur’s Court, because they’re all sitting around this table just trying to like, yeah, Louis wants them to seriously think it through. It feels like it’s some sort of last supper or whatever. I don’t know. But I loved seeing them all sitting around the table, having this conversation. It needs to be taken seriously. I’m not going to just take your immediate Yes. As a yes. until you hear me 


think about it. 


Yeah. Because Martinez is like I’m in and she’s like, yeah, except for we will be court martialed. Right. So you need and he’s like, I’m in which, you know, he’s gonna say, but, you know, 


they also I love Beck’s response when she turns to the rest of them. And she says, and for the rest of you, I guarantee they will never send you up here again. And back immediately goes good. He just leave like he’s here. You really get the sense that not going back into space as the upside for you know, like, he’s, I’m here for it. Yeah, it’s 


more to me. It’s more like, yeah, I’ve been up here longer than anybody else like, fine. Yeah, you know, and it’s not good as and He would never have jumped at the chance. Yeah, 


no, he would go back. But yeah, yeah, this is 


this was his goal. And he has met it. And, yeah, let’s do this thing and then be done. 


Yep. Yeah. So next up, we get this montage of the crew talking to their families. And this is one of those things. So here on the synthesis, this whole show is talking about talking about scientific and historical accuracy in entertainment. And that is something that we care a lot about an edge works. That’s how we built terrigenesis. That’s how we do everything at edge works is authenticity. And this scene, I really love because it’s authentic to the source material. If you go back and you look at the scene in the book, each of the crew members has a scene where they’re talking to their families. And those are the scenes in this montage is you get Martinez getting kind of reamed out by his angry wife, you get Vogel talking to his kids, each of these people are talking to their families. And they didn’t need to have them be exactly the same scenes from the book, you know, they could have had something where the where the whole crew was talking to their families all together or whatever. Yeah, they didn’t need to cast all these characters that were only going to get in for like one shot, you know, but they did. It’s a little bit more accurate to the book. And it’s better that way. It’s just unnecessarily accurate and good. And I I so love that. 


And then we have the montage of China and prepping for the launch. And it’s a stress relief. Is the stress release of this movie? Because I think it’s where we see. They are is this I think this is the moment where we see one of the scientists fall through this. And Mark that is not later 


I think that’s not quite now. Yeah, but it’s it’s around here. Yeah. 


So but the the whole montage is fun. And that’s what montages are generally made for Yeah. 


Maybe this montage is preparing the rover and then also pre preparing the tie and Shan is the same. 


I think maybe it is Yeah, maybe. But 


in the book, Mark Watney is often the stress relief. Yeah. And so because we’re not getting that in the movie, we have to have it somewhere. And we’re not getting it all the time. And as or rather, we’re not getting as frequently. And so this is a, a long set of here’s the fun of what we’re doing. And I do think that’s where it is because it’s when he’s drilling into the rover so he can make space for the stuff that he needs to put into the trailer or whatever. I mean, they’ve changed this in the movie, but he’s jumping on the roof to get falls and falls in and the site and then we jump back to earth and we see it happen to the scientists there to add it’s or the engineer or whatever. And it’s pretty funny. Yeah. 


This is also in the world of relief. This is where we get the first hint of backing Johansen Yes, and it’s super adorable. I love them in the book. I love them in the movie. I’m a big old softie, and I love romance, and back and Johansen back in your hands, and I just love them to death. They’re both gorgeous. They’re going to make the gorgeous babies ever. And it’s so sweet and so romantic and so awesome. And so unless you’ve got anything else before the time jump. 


Let’s see here. I have two things. The little robot moving around the hab. What is that? 


That is the sojourner rover. So the Pathfinder lander in 1997 landed and the way it worked, unlike the, you know, spirit and curiosity and perseverance and all the rovers that have come after those were just rovers. It was a rover that ran around, the Pathfinder landed and there was a rover and then also a base station. So the thing that Mark Watney is using the thing sort of looks like a pyramid. That is the base station for the Pathfinder rover. And then the sojourner, which is like the size of a kid’s remote controlled car was the thing that went out and sort of did the science and explored and then it would transmit to the Pathfinder, and then Pathfinder would transmit to space. Well, I 


totally missed that, you guys. 


Yeah. So that little rover from the 90s is you actually see him find it and pick and carry it with Pathfinder when he does that, but it’s useless. And so he just apparently turned it into sort of a Roomba. And it’s just driving around because why not? He does mention at one point when he’s doing the hexadecimal sequence. He does mention that for faster communication, the sojourner has three pairs of wheels, and he could put hexadecimal codes on each of the wheels so that they could spin the wheels and That Yeah. And he could get three bites at a time. But he doesn’t. Right, right, just turned it into a Roomba. Which by the way, if there are any, like toy makers out there anything if somebody could make just like a sojourner rover that just wanders around your house, that would be hilarious. I mean, 


I’d rather it be like, I’d rather buy one for like my nephew or something that’s a remote control, remote control to German, that would be 


awesome. Yeah. It’s also funny, by the way, I don’t know if everybody else feels this way. But when that rover landed, I was 111, something like that. And that has just sort of been filed in the area that’s been filed in the brain of Alexander as the size of Mars rovers. And so now whenever I see a picture of perseverance, or curiosity, or spirit, or any of them, I’m always picturing something that’s the size of a toy car. And then every once in a while, you’ll see a picture of the rover like next to a guy, and it’s friggin huge. And it always surprises me every single time I see a picture of these rovers to scale. I’m always expecting them to be the size of the sojourner rover. 


I, my last thing before we did the time jump is the actual sound effect. When you see soul whatever date Oh, that sound effect is saying Yeah, but it’s like, it’s got such a it’s so it’s like, it’s like the sci fi sound effect. Yeah. And I there’s something that it’s the sci fi or the deep sea. 


Yeah, perfect. Yeah. 


And I like that it speaks to the pirate thing. sonar 


vibe. Yeah. 


Anyway, I just, I was I’m really taken with that effect. But also, you know, we just we have an idea of what sci fi needs to look like for it to be sci fi, the the Holograms and the colors that that specific blue, or things like that, or, you know, if if you don’t have the high tech ship, your stuff is going to be like the lower tech green, you know, things like that, where it’s just, we have we have this visual vocabulary, or this auditory vocabulary that speaks to what we what we know of this genre. And it’s, it’s a pretty narrow field. Or space, I guess. I don’t know. So I I both like it and dislike it. 


Fair enough. Well, I think that’s a good spot to end for tonight. Yes. So we did not make it 

to the end of the movie, as we expected as we plan all along. Oh, totally. was our our plan. Holy buckets? Yeah. So we will pick up next week with the time jump. We do and slow folk, slow. I cannot 


say your name. I don’t know why. I always want to put the oil on the wrong place. I’m 




so sorry. So flow trash panda says so Mars is home to roombas. And you know what? 


I guess I’m 


the only planet in the universe exclusively inhabited by robots. 




right? Yeah. Yeah. You know, because Marx, they’re not in the story. But in real life. Yeah. Yeah. So be sure to tune in next week for the next episode of the synthesis where we will hopefully be finishing the Martian. 


Let’s finish this. 


Yeah, that would be cool. 


I think we need to be done. Yeah, with the Martian. So next week is the last week if we don’t get to the end of the movie that’s on us. And we’ll figure it out that but we’re not doing another episode. 


I guess what Lacey is trying to say is that if we don’t finish next week, that’s on j grape. And, yeah, I 


would never say that as a matter of fact. Okay, so we will talk to you guys in a week. In the meantime, subscribe. 


Yep. Be sure to subscribe and hit the bell. So you’re notified about new episodes. Also, check us out on Patreon. And you can check out some edge works and TerraGenesis merge, some of which I’m wearing right now. This TerraGenesis hoodie. Check it out. Some of it is available on YouTube right below the video. And then you can also go to Edwards entertainment calm and buy even more there. 


Follow us if you feel like it. Alex, actually tweets about science and space. I don’t necessarily a whole opinions are my own and not my companies. But you know, join us fine, find us, chat with us and we’re here to chat back. 


Okay. All right. Well, thanks for watching. Have a good night, guys. 

The Martian: Matt Damon is SO sunburned! l The Synthesis

We finally unpack our spaceship and the Ridley Scott film, “The Martian”. Will this film live up to the expectations of Alexander Winn & Lacey Hannan or will they too feel deserted in space as the air escapes their spacesuits, eating potatoes growing from their own poop?!

𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•ͺπ•Ÿπ•₯π•™π•–π•€π•šπ•€ is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.


Hey guys, it’s Lacey, Alexander. And we are doing The Synthesis. welcome back today. And next week actually, we are going to be talking about the Martian the movie instead of the book, which we’ve been doing for weeks. Yep, it is exciting to move into a new medium. So this week, we’re going to be talking about the film as a film, we’re just going to be sort of responding to it the way we would if there was no book. We are also going to be talking about how it compares to the book. And then next week, we’re going to dive into more of the sort of nitty gritty details of the science of the production. We’re all going to we’re going to be talking about the movie as if there wasn’t a book, but we’re also going to be comparing it to the book. It’s exactly how he put it. 


So next week, we’re going to be getting into the production details and the science details and all of that sort of more, more nitty gritty stuff. Yes. So let’s be like the movie and just jump right into the story. I know. Right? Yeah. Which is the first point of distinction between the movie and the book is we pick up in real time. We don’t flashback to the areas three crew, we pick up and they are doing their thing. And you’ve got Martinez, and Watney, just like joshing around, they are obviously the class clowns. Yes, this is it’s like it’s one of those things where it’s funny for the audience, but I imagine that for the rest of the crew, it’s a little obnoxious because like I was always that I was always that person that I could handle the class clowns for a good while, and then I’d get really annoyed. I feel like so so quite clearly. You are commander Lewis on this on this crew. There’s there’s no, I’m the redhead. Yeah, well, that’s part of it. Yeah, but but now I really I feel like the area’s three crew sort of breaks into three neat groups. 

Okay, there’s what me and Martine is are the class clowns? Yes. And then back and your Hanson are the ones who sort of wish that they could be the class clowns who like laugh at the class clowns, but can’t actually keep up with the jokes as much. Okay. And then Lewis and Vogel are the ones that are like, Would you shut up or trying to work? Yeah, yeah. One of my favorite things right off the top is when Louis apologizes to Vogel for her country, man. Yeah. And I was just, and he accepts her apology. Like there’s like it’s not Oh, don’t worry. I think it’s funny. He’s like, yes, it’s, it’s fine. 


Which, you know, this whole sequence just does an incredibly good job of establishing the characters and their camaraderie like yeah, I feel like you’re 30 seconds into the movie and you get the area’s three crew you do. I will say just a little off topic. I I would love to see more female class clowns just in the world. So if anybody is out there writing something just consider it. I don’t you don’t see that very often. I think if there are any female students out in the audience what she’s saying is you have edge works entertainments permission to get on your teachers nerves. That’s no no it’s that’s different to make your classmates laugh. And get on your teachers nerves. Yes. Okay, great. Not tonight. No, yes, it’s Yeah. 


But I will say so then they turn off the radio, which this is a little bit you know, this is a little bit different from what happens in the book but your Hanson just likely turns off Martinez and yeah, she she says, I can do that. And lewis is like, Yes, please. Yeah. 


So yes, I get it.


Yeah. Oh eemaan economist asks if Lacey is commander Lewis then which one is Alex? Oh, God. 


Probably back. Yeah. Why? Because like, he’s super smart. And capable. And and he gets the girl. 


He does get the girl but you’re just not the class clown. Yeah, and you’re also not Vogel? Yeah. Your vocals a little too? Yeah. I’ll take back Yeah, I’m sorry I’m he’s not the most intro he’s not as interesting as Louis but 


sorry guys. Um, so pretty quickly because we’re, we’re moving right along through this movie. The storm happens. And as in the book, this is 


unrealistic. This is not a storm that could possibly exist on Mars. There’s just not enough air. We’ve already been over this but it was spectacular. You know, this sequence in the in the movie I thought did an incredibly good job of establishing a scary storm. Like this goes for everybody laughing and joking to Whoa, scary really fast and the music everything really builds the tension. Well, and one of the other things is and I did not expect this is that Watney pressures Louis tonight 


Leave. Yeah. And like right at the beginning of the storm when they’re talking about, okay, we have to go into emergency procedures or whatever. And we see Watney talking back and pressuring in. I, I wasn’t in love with this choice, because we don’t see this happen anywhere in the book. You know, in the book, the first thing that we see with the storm is Watney go being the solution guy. He’s like, Okay, well, if we do this, which, which you could argue is roughly the same. He’s he’s trying to figure out ways for them to stay on Mars. He’s the voice of we don’t have to leave yet. We can fix this, we can stay. 


And you know that that moment in the movie where he says, Commander Lewis, please, let’s let’s not abort. That’s not in the book. But I feel like it’s in the same spirit of what he did in the book of trying to find a way for them to not abort. Yeah, I don’t know. I kind of disagree. I feel like he was too pushy for that. This is why you don’t make the class clown a leader. But you’re not putting it out there. Yeah. I wasn’t in love with the moment because to me, it felt too much. It was it was too much second guessing it didn’t feel like solution making. You know, there is actually although you know, giving, giving Watney his credit, I don’t think it’s fair to categorize it as second guessing because she hadn’t made a decision yet. 

He was advocating his position. But as soon as she says we’re scrubbed, he got he got to work just like everybody. I don’t know, I felt it felt aggressive to me, or it was like, aggressive is not exactly the right word. But there’s something about aggressive or pushy, kind of not whining, because that that has a certain like, tone, but like the what pleading Yeah, questioning her that I didn’t think was appropriate to his character. Yeah, I feel. I mean, I definitely got a sense that he was pleading to stay like he was definitely making a case with passion. But I feel like, I never got the sense that he was going against her. She when he was making that case, she was still crossed arms thinking about options. And technically they were beyond the level at which she should abort. But she hadn’t said we’re going to yet so I think he was he was making he was advocating for what he wanted. But when she said abort, right, he went for it. Well, I mean, yeah, there is an interesting thing that we haven’t actually discussed, I think in this entire show about the Martian, which just occurred to me, which is in the end. 


Well, no, I guess the math would have tipped, if they had stayed. What I was thinking was the hab wasn’t destroyed, they could have stayed in the hab, and they would have been fine. Except now because I’ve mapped poorly what I’ve typed because the only reason the map didn’t tip is because of Martinez. Yeah, that’s right. Okay. I didn’t notice an interesting thing about the storm as it is portrayed in the movie and also sort of in the book, but especially in the movie, which is that it was a surprisingly, not spacey sequence. 

Like usually, well, usually in things like gravity, when they want to play up how scary space is. It’s all about like, running out of air, and like your hose gets ripped out. And, you know, you can look at sequences in the expanse where there are sequences where there are scenes, you know, in a battle where someone’s air hose gets ripped out, and they’re like, running out of air and all that kind of stuff. The sequence in the storm could have happened on Earth. Like they were all in spacesuits. But that’s that scene would have played out exactly the same way. If they had been 


on like, in a hurricane in Louisiana, you know, it wasn’t a particularly spacey terrifying sequence. It was just a scary storm. The emergency was a rather normal emergency as compared to a space specific emergency. Exactly that like it’s not like a meteor storm or you know, a gamma cloud or anything like it’s just a storm. It’s it’s something that they could have experienced anywhere. And I think that the way that it’s framed in the movie is interesting in how that plays out. Right? Yeah. 


I was a lot less annoyed with Louis for looking up. For what me? Yeah. And I don’t know why I can’t decide. It’s if I think it must be because everybody knows the stakes here. But we’re not, you know, it was pages of her looking for him. And I don’t mean like 10 pages, but two or three, it was still two or three, which takes a little while it takes longer to read it than to watch it and they couldn’t have dragged it out a whole lot longer. But it didn’t feel as long. So I think that I don’t know, there was something about it where I wasn’t upset with Louis and now that might be because of how I know the story ends because of the book. And the a lot of the leeway that I gave, you know, like when you learned, you know, what do you like don’t like somebody 


Or you don’t like the decisions they make? And then you learn something new about them and you, like, sort of can’t hate them anymore. Yeah, like you kind of forgive everything that they’ve done because you’re like, Oh, I get it, you’re actually like a fully fleshed human being a villain. Yeah, that’s kind of how I feel. I mean, without her being an actual villain, that’s kind of how I feel about her is, I now that I see the amount of work she does, by the end to save him. That helps me feel better about the fact that she put the rest of our team in jeopardy up front. So it was a nice journey, it also seeing it in a movie really underlines the chaos that like, it’s, it’s easy to sort of, you know, say, Oh, she should have stuck to protocol when you’re reading it at your own pace. 

Whereas when you’re watching it in a movie, and there’s like dust swirling around, and everybody’s kind of shouting over each other, and she’s, you know, she’s still sort of like right next to the map, she can go back whenever she wants. It’s not like she’s a long way away, but at the same time, she really wants to go find, you know, Mark and all this stuff it, it makes it a lot more sort of palpable and you kind of lose the ability to say you would have done otherwise. Yeah, absolutely. I will say that. You’re Hanson. Now. Okay, hold on. Johansen are yo Hanson? We’ve been saying Johansen from the book, but in the movie, I’m pretty sure they say Yo, handsome. Okay, fine. 


So your Hanson looking at Watney seat that’s empty, is the first moment that it really hits that Oh, fit. He’s got Yeah. And it’s it’s just interesting to see two different mediums and how that moment how those moments differ. 


And we don’t get that moment. Not really. I think we we know that your hands and cries. Yeah. And gently sobbing, I think. Yeah. And I remember that, like really getting to me. But then in the movie, she doesn’t gently cry. She just has this moment of, Oh, my God, you know, that happens. 1000 yard stare. Yeah. And I, I equally loved it. And it’s the first time that we’re really getting the full. Hey, guys, my phone is on. Sorry about that. 


It’s the first time we get that. 


That, like that hit of how it feels. In a similar vein, there’s a line that I really liked from the book, and it made it into the movie and it was delivered perfectly and it could have not been. It’s from back. And it’s when he tells commander Lewis, listen, I know you don’t want to hear this. But Mark is dead. You need to come in. And we need to go. And Martinez sort of worlds on him. It goes, man, what the hell are you doing? Are you know, what, what are you doing? 


And Beck’s responses, my best friend just or my friend just died, I don’t want my commander to die to. And that is something that I’ve heard referred to before as an actor dependent line like that in the hands of another actor. That could have been a really bad line. But it was such a good line because he delivered it with professionalism. Yeah, it wasn’t he didn’t turn it into sort of a testosterone. Like don’t question me, kind of thing. It was, I’m trying to be rational. Louis isn’t being rational. We have to face facts. Let’s go. Yeah, you can tell that this is. This is one of those kids. That’s like the straight A’s takes all the AP classes kind of kid because to me, that’s what like that’s like a personality 


facet of a lot of those people where it’s like, you just start to get that. 


We we have we have things to do. And it’s not that I am being emotionally bereft, or something like that, you know? Yeah. But he’s also a doctor. So he’s sort of the one who’s used to calling it Yeah, yeah. Then we go on to NASA. Yeah. And we get Jeff Daniels Who? Perfect Oh, my God, Jeff Daniels as Teddy, who heads up NASA. Right. Well, he’s the director of the the director of NASA. Yeah, okay. He can do any part whenever he wants. Like, I’m pretty sure the Hollywood can cast him forever. And I will. He is one of the only people that I would accept Hollywood being like, Hey, 


we know he’s dead. But we’re just going to recreate him forever. Please do because you want infinite Jeff Daniels? Yes, absolutely. Otherwise, I’m like no, give other artists a chance. Like there are other talented people. We don’t need to see Audrey Hepburn up there for the rest of everybody’s lives. But Jeff Daniels is an exception to that rule. Yeah, he just exudes command like he’s that 


He’s so perfect in this role, because he’s never sort of loud. He never gets anybody’s face, but he just owns every room he walks into, he’s in charge. And nobody ever doubts that. Yeah. Which is I, I’m gonna say that about a bunch of the actors in this movie because they, they have such an extraordinary cast. It’s, it’s, it’s kind of weird. How extraordinary it is, because it’s definitely, you know, Matt Damon is the lead, but otherwise, it’s an ensemble piece. And when it’s when has Jessica chasteen not been front and center, you know, you’ve got all of these people that are just phenomenal. So anyway, I will be saying it a lot, because I could watch a lot of these actors. For forever. Yeah. 


So then we get back to Mars. And Matt Damon, does an incredible job of portraying pain. Yeah, we’ve got a long sequence, he tries to stand up while he’s still impaled. And he lets out this shriek that is utterly just believable. And then he screams, he does this sort of quick breathing thing. And then he rips the piece out of his side. When he gets inside. He’s covered in cold sweat and pale and shaking and like just the whole sequence, a couple of things are a little bit different. It he was impaled by something that was attached to its its original piece, like whatever that communication satellite was, or whatever. And that’s different from the book. And so which I thought was really interesting, because to me, 


if you’re going to if you’re still attached to the satellite, you probably did a lot more damage to your body. 


It might also explain why he went flying, that he didn’t just get knocked. He got prey. Yeah, I mean, that’s true. 


But did it seem like Watney was out longer in the movie than he was in the book? Like, I mean, we only see a short part of it. But I think that I don’t think there’s any reason to think that that is actually true. But that impression comes across because we cut away we cut to earth. And then we cut back and he acts up so it sort of implies that he was there for you know, a day and I suppose that it feels like we we went from night to day and we did it. It was daytime just on heads. Yeah, it gets really dark because of the dust storm. 

And then we wake up to it having passed and it’s bright outside again. So it’s just later that afternoon. Yeah, okay. Okay. Okay. 


So we get to the hab, which is interesting. This is one of those subtle things that differs from the book because this hab is definitely a building. Not attempt. This is not this is not a structure made of Canvas. No. This is Yeah. Oh, hold on. Before we go to that, I just want to say, I missed like, I, I will struggle like I loved this movie. upfront. I had not read the book. 


Until this read through with you guys. But I loved the movie. And then this time, after reading the book, I don’t love the movie as much and it kind of it kind of bums me out. It’s a bummer. Because it’s it’s not because of the the acting or anything like that. No, no, or the directing. It’s purely because I love Andy Weir’s writing so much. And so, you know, one of the, they have to find different ways to up the stakes of the story. They have to, they have to play with different events to make things feel real to the audience or you know, whatever. But, you know, I feel like that’s probably why they attached 


whatever, impaled him to the satellite. It’s another way to up the stakes. So 


there’s that. But we’re not the big thing for me is we’re losing a lot of the science. Yeah, we don’t get to hear about his suit. back. What is it? What is it? What does he call it when 


he like pressurizes. with nitrogen it he says backfilling. backfilling, like we don’t get all of the alarms and stuff like that, and we don’t get his thought processes. And so 


I that’s going to be something that I try, I’m not going to I’m going to try not to harp on it too much. Because, you know, we all know that that’s how this is going to be we’re not going to be in his head. But part of the problem with that is we don’t get to see him dealing with it. We don’t get to see him later being a solution maker. any of that because, yeah, the movie is definitely still a celebration of science and of capability. But one of the first things that Lacey and I sort of noticed when we finished watching the movie 


He was that this is a movie about someone implementing solutions, whereas the book is the story of someone coming up with solutions. And that is a fine distinction but an important distinction. And it is kind of a shame. You know, you never actually see Watney pretty much at any point in the movie, figuring out how to fix this. He just turns on the GoPro and says, This is what I’m doing. Or and sometimes I succeeded. Sometimes he fails. Like he does blow himself up, like in the book, but he’s never doing the math. He’s never, you know, I think I think I guess the one time in the movie that we do see that is the hexadecimal sequence. We see him coming up with how are we going to communicate with this camera. But in the meantime, we get this great moment where Damon comes into the airlock. This is when he’s been hit. He’s hurt. He’s going to deal with all of this stuff. We get to watch him do surgery on himself. loose, so gross. I mean, it’s not the glorious thing I’ve ever seen or anything like that. But it’s still like, yeah, I actually, I really like the restraint. I feel like that scene does a really good job of portraying this is a situation that sucks. He is in pain. He is bleeding. This is awful. But it’s also not a Tarantino film, like Yeah, he’s bleeding a little like he’s gonna you know, he’s in a lot of pain. Yeah, he’s in a lot of pain. But he’s not like passing out every two seconds. You know? Like, this is an amount of pain that you could handle. He’s he’s essentially been shot with an arrow. And that sucks. But you know, people who have been shot with arrows can like walk to go get help. He’s not just knocked on his ass. He’s, he’s handling it. So when he comes in through that airlock, and he starts taking off his suit, because he has to I David has some pretty sexy arms, you guys. 

Yeah, that guy’s strong. Like we don’t see it. Like you know that the clients over the rest of the movie. This is the moment where we’re supposed to see sexy Matt Damon it’s right off the top and then they kind of let that go through the rest of the movie. You only need the one shot of the the act. Yeah, the action hero shot you only need at once and every movie. Thank God for those actors. But this is this is where we get it and I’m super into his arms. It is also it’s something that I was wondering is I wonder if he beefed up for the Martian just to get the contrast of strong mark to emaciated mark. Or if that’s just Matt Damon’s physique. Like I wonder if they just kept cast Matt Damon, and that’s where he keeps himself as a as an actor. And so that’s what he looks like, right? Or if he went out of his way to be strong at the beginning of this movie. And then they they phased him into it emaciated later. Well, I mean, there, we’ll get to that. I have some thoughts on it. But one, one of the first word he says after being left as fuck, yeah. And it’s who can blame the man? 


The thing is, it’s like that first instance, that we really get into his personality of him alone. Yes. Which I that is going to also be something that I try not to harp on too much. 


Which the the writers are definitely trying to give us his personality. And this is one of the ways is the profanity. Yeah. There is one very important distinction between the book and the movie that happens here. Not terribly consequential, but it does bear mentioning. He’s doing vlogs. Yeah, he’s not writing. In the book, we are told very specifically that these are written journals. He mentions, for example, when he rolls the rover, he says, I’m reaching up to the keyboard to type this. 


And, you know, this was probably the easiest choice in the history of cinema. He’s not going to be writing, he’s going to be talking to the camera because of course he is. Well, and they don’t want to do voiceovers the entire time. Right. I mean, it’s one of the rules of, of writing a script is you want to keep those voiceovers to a minimum. And if you’re going to use them, you better use them better than other people have. They’re often considered a cliche, and they, I mean, that’s the way they come across. It’s not just script writers being jerks to each other. It truly often doesn’t work. So they do this the video logs but did you notice the interesting like, I wouldn’t, I don’t know if you want to call it pixelation. It’s more like a jumper pattern? No, no, the pattern filter that they put over his video blogs 


versus the film itself? Yes, they definitely distinguish these are two different mediums that we’re watching. Yeah. And it was kind of weird, because that’s not how GoPros look. Yeah. 


Although this is the 2030s maybe it will be. I mean, it could be but it’s not as No, it’s it’s like it’s not as good 


Yeah, so But I mean, I get it, they have to, they have to find a way to differentiate and make it look like he’s not just looking straight into the camera, cuz that would get real like fourth wall. Weird. And that’s not the he the thing he’s not doing is breaking the fourth wall. Yeah, he is looking straight into the camera, but it’s not breaking the fourth wall. He is looking into a camera. He’s not talking to us. He’s talking to his Earth audience. And that’s as much as we are all on Earth. That’s not us. Yep. By the way, interesting acting challenge. Like, I don’t know how many of the people watching this or listening to this are actors. But I’ve done enough acting to know that it’s not the easiest thing in the world to just sit at a desk and act a scene. Like with no other actors with no anything, he has to convey a whole range of emotions, without reacting to anything. It’s all coming from him. And without reacting to other people. I mean, he’s got plenty to react to. I just mean, in the scene, like he’s got storybook story beats to react to but in the shot, it’s just him sitting at a desk, there’s nothing happening. I will admit that actually can be super hard. But I think this is a little bit easier. Because the the point isn’t that he’s 


the How do I put this The point is specifically that he is talking to someone he just doesn’t know who it is which helps. 


But not a whole lot. I mean, you’re right, it just doesn’t. It’s not quite the same. I think there is a line right here at this point in the film, that is a flub of Matt Damon’s I am. I am 99% sure that this was not a mistake in the script. This was a mistake of maths. And that is because I remember this line because it didn’t make sense in the movie. And I keep what I’ve watched the movie so many times. And every time I always bump on this line. And so when we were reading it, I watched out for it. And in the book, it’s correct. So I have a feeling that Matt Damon just memorized it wrong. And that is he’s talking about all the different ways that he could die, he could run out of food, the oxygenator could break. And then he says if the hat breaches I’m just gonna kind of implode. 


And in the book, it says explode because if he were underwater, he would implode because the rushing water would crush him. But on Mars, the lack of atmosphere that hab is going to explode outward his body he wouldn’t actually explode in like a, you know, Halloween movie sense. But the pressure would be going out not in so the word would be explode like in the book rather than implode, which is what he says in the film. Wow. Yeah. 


Also here, he says, I’m not going to die here. Yeah, I made a note of that. That is not a beat that we get in the book. No. And I I love that he 


that we see him say that because, again, we’re getting so little of his personality, because a, the vlogs are just, at least to start with. Don’t show off his personality, the way that the logs in the book did. And so by saying I’m not going to die here we learn. 


Like a lot about this guy. He’s, he is determined. He’s optimistic he is setting a goal for himself. Like I feel like there’s a lot to be said and confident. Yeah, like, it’s not just I don’t want to die here. It’s a declarative statement. I’m not gonna die here. This isn’t gonna happen. Yeah. And, you know, 


in the book, this moment does happen. But it happens between chapters. If you remember, chapter one starts with I’m fucked. That’s my carefully considered opinion fucked, and it ends with, I’m really fucked. And then the next chapter starts and he goes, Okay, so I had I had a good night’s sleep, and I had some food and things aren’t looking as bad. And he goes off. So clearly he had that moment of shifting from fatalism to hope. But it’s so great to actually see it in on screen. That is a that is a beat that is good to have. I I wish that they had kept some of those lines like that that very first line that you’ve just said that we get of the I’m fucked. Yeah, that’s my carefully considered opinion. Yeah, that I wish that that stuff that they had brought a little bit more of those lines into the vlogs. Because this is, this is one area where you and I disagree. I feel like they do capture Mark’s personality. We don’t get as much of it. But it I think they do a really good job of capturing the same character. There’s so there’s a there’s sort of a, an ongoing conversation among anybody who gets really into movies, which is do deleted scenes count. Like when you when you cut a scene from the movie, did that scene happen in the story? Like not not does it count as part of the film but like if there was a scene where Mark 


You know, did something, and then they cut it from the film. Did that happen in the story? And some people think, yes that it wasn’t portrayed, but you know, it still happened. And some people say no, if it’s not in the film, it didn’t happen. Another a great example of this for me as a Lord of the Rings fan is Tom bombadil. So Tom bombadil is a beloved character from Lord of the Rings the book, he does not appear in the movie, and everybody was really sad, but they didn’t change anything. Frodo and Sam could still have met Tom bombadil. In The Fellowship of the Ring, the film, it’s just not portrayed. There’s nothing in the film that says that that couldn’t have happened. Okay, so what I feel about Mark Watney is we don’t get a lot of the lines in the book that show his personality. But they didn’t change his personality like they did, he is still the same character, we just don’t get as much of it because it’s only two, I feel like it’s okay.

I need you to back me up here. Essentially, what I’m saying is take my side. But, but seriously, I want to know who you guys agree with, because I really like Mark Watney, his character in the movie, I just feel like it’s a muted version of what we get in the books, because he’s just so much funnier. And let’s see, he has those more. You know, the very next note that I have here about the movie is Mars will come to fear my botany powers, like he has those moments that are his character. He’s just doesn’t have pages and pages and pages and pages of monologue the way he does in the book to pepper them in i but i think that you can, there’s sort of, there’s like a economy that you work within when you’re writing, which is like, I have this many words that I can put into the scene before the timing and the pacing of the scene. no longer works. And you Okay, like, it’s not, obviously, it’s not a specific number. But go with me here, you’ve got an economy of words, and you have to put the words together to give as much meaning and to give as much personality, specificity specificity as possible. And I feel like that was just a little bit off here. And I feel like they got the story. That’s true. They, they just didn’t capture quite as much of 


Watney is optimism, because we see a lot of his like, his fun and his The reason we talk about it in the book, The reason that you see Mark Watney here and not Martinez, or, or back or somebody else is because one he is the guy who can mentally handle this. And that’s the character we want to see. Go through it. You know, we don’t want us to see someone die. Sadly, because it got overwhelming. We want to see the guy who can manage it, who can who can keep his head above water, and we’re not 


like this guy isn’t specific enough. As as specific as the guy in the book to me, just to me, I I still like Watney, this is not me getting down on Matt Damon’s performance. It’s not even me totally getting down on the writers little bit. But I really feel like they could have used a lot of a lot of the dialogue a little bit better to show him off. I leave it there. This is I think this is one thing that you and I are just going to do. 


That being said, you know he he gets to work. And we pretty quickly move into you know, what is pretty undeniably the most famous sequence of the Martian, the book and the film, which is making water and planting potatoes. And we come to one of just a few 


changes for the worse, changed like actual straight up mistakes, straight up things that they didn’t do right? In the movie, which is marks explosion. Mark Watney blows himself up in both the book and the movie, but it doesn’t make sense. In the movie, they changed the story, so that the reason he blew himself up is no longer a thing. So I have to explain that. Yeah. So in the book, when he’s making water, what he accidentally does is he realizes he’s been releasing a massive amount of hydrogen into the atmosphere. And so he sort of looks around and realizes I’m in a bomb. And the whole chapter starts when he’s in the rover because he’s freaking out because if he goes back into the airlock, a single Static Shock and blow up the whole hab, what he ultimately realizes is he can remove all the oxygen from the hab, and start slowly burning it off by releasing little bits of oxygen into the hab and burning it, and the hydrogen will burn with the oxygen but then it will use 


Stop the oxygen and it’ll stop, because you can’t have an explosion without oxygen. And so he does that. And he’s it’s starting to work. And then all of a sudden the whole hab kind of blows up like it doesn’t pop, but it blows up. And his explanation after the fact is he’s wearing an oxygen mask. And he wasn’t accounting for the oxygen that he was breathing out that he had a little oxygen tank that he was releasing and burning, but he was also pouring oxygen into the room from his face, right? But that only makes sense. If he had removed all the oxygen from the room. And what happens in the movie is, he’s just making hype. He just making water from hydrogen in a room filled with oxygen. Yeah. And then it blows up. And he says, Oh, I forgot to account for the oxygen. I was exhaling. And it’s like, you were exhaling the room like that? You weren’t adding anything to the room that the oxygen was already in the room. Right? So that’s, that’s here, like you’re breathing in. you’re breathing in the air and you’re releasing more carbon dioxide. Yeah, you’re you’re a net negative into the sea, not a net positive. That’s true. It’s, you know, it’s one of those things that only the deep nerds are going to care about. But it is funny that they, they sort of they kept the story beat, but they changed the science and the story beat doesn’t make sense, right? I think that I didn’t like is that when we go to the blog, he’s still smoking. Oh, really? I loved that. Oh, that annoyed me. I was like, this is a little bit like he’s not is not like a muppet. But is there a little wisps of smoke? Yeah, it just felt. Yeah, if it felt a little much. And it, it felt like 


they’re leaning on physical comedy, in a way that I didn’t think was necessary in that moment. But you know, whatever. 


The other thing that we see here, as he’s putting together the potato farm, is, we see that the the packets of human waste are and analyzed. Oh, my God, it’s so weird. Oh, yeah. Why? Like, no, seriously? Why? It’s the 

they weren’t going to get back in there. They weren’t going to get into those containers that wasn’t a part of their mission. No, good. 


There are plenty of reasons to do that. I mean, first of all, so I only noticed it on this watch through but it it, it doesn’t just label them. When he when he uses the toilet, he reaches over and touches a panel. And when he touches what is effectively the flush button, the screen flashes up and it does a medical analysis. So it’s it’s not that fast, seriously, yeah. You know, takes a sample packages to the rest and starts processing the sample. 


So that is part of it is it’s it’s not just packaging it up. It’s also analyzing it for any kind of danger signs. But the other reason, you know, remember, they’re only the third group of people to ever land on Mars. And so there are any number of reasons why you might want to go back, you know, for example, let’s find out let’s let’s say that maybe something in the Martian atmosphere starts causing liver failure. And they you know, one of one of the one of the crew starts getting really sick or something like that maybe the the finds the Martian dust get into their lungs, and it starts causing problems, you might want to go back and check what is effectively a stool sample archive, and see when did those symptoms first start showing up, I will tell you that my husband is is the very best at doing exactly what you just saw, which is something 


someone points out either a flaw or a weird detail that you know, plot hole, whatever. And it kind of drives I had to learn how to get used to it. It drives a lot of our friends crazy. Because he’s not the guy that you watch bad movies with. He doesn’t want to hate movies. No, no, no. He doesn’t want there to be plot holes. So he’ll fill them in for like he’s the directors favorite kind of audience because if the director screws up, this guy’s got to help them out. I will just fill in any gap. If there if there is a reason why something doesn’t make sense. I will point out why Well, I mean, it could make sense like they did this two seasons ago. And so now they’re doing this it makes perfect sense. So long as so long as the director has gotten Alex on his side. That’s going to happen. There are a couple of directors out there that Alex is not going to put in the effort. But this so it’s not for everybody. But yeah, mostly I don’t like not liking movies, right. So I just just putting that out there. I don’t do that as much. I mean, unless I super love the movie. I feel like you know I was the person who was I really did that for the Harley Quinn movie. That’s fine. I was I loved it. I’m here to pray you defended the hell out I did. I really did. Don’t start with me. 


But anyway, 




is the moment where we have to take a moment to appreciate Harry Gregson Williams score for the Martian. This is one of my favorite movie scores of all time and this is coming from a guy who listens to basically nothing but movie scores. So, yeah. 


Harry Gregson Williams score for the Martian. I have probably listened to 


two or 300 times, like just on repeat. Eyes. Why make him wear headphones? Yes, yes, I will often start on the song making water, which is I think the third song in the album and I’ll just set it on repeat. It’s great music to work to. It’s very sort of like quietly upbeat, it’s not gonna, it’s not gonna wear you out, but it’s still, you know, makes you want to work. Also, this is all I’ll say because Lacey is already rolling her eyes at me. But one more thing I will say is, if you ever go read Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars trilogy, listen to the soundtrack to the Martian, as you do it, they pair perfectly. They are exactly the same vibe of sort of beautiful and fascinating and majestic, but also lonesome and solitary. I will say that on long drives, like when we drive cross country something the Martian is definitely on pretty frequently. And I enjoy it too. It’s like it’s a good thinking music. Yeah. And if we can just get a little bit of reaction from the audience. J Patel has weighed in and said, this is Jay gray has weighed in and said that he too basically only listens to movie scores. And I’ve got no I’ve got a I’ve got to say I think you need to stop giving Jay grapes such a hard time. Okay, like I just I he’s one of our dedicated listeners. I think you just need to stop hating on j grape. quite deep. J grape is good people like good taste in music. I think you just need to get off Jay grapes case. Anyway, so mango on Earth. 


We you are in so much trouble. Listen. 


I know you know. Oh, oh, yeah, we Alright, Lacey is gonna go away. I’m gonna finish this episode. And she’ll be back next week. I hope he won’t be. 


So yeah, we then we finally cut back to Earth. And I’ve just got to say, I’m not sure that Lacey is with me. Oh, same thing. Oh, we have a thing you guys. We miss something. We, we, your Hanson’s poop her very odiferous poop. I’m going to murder you 


don’t say that I’ve had 


the the crops we get to see. Oh, yeah, the moment that well, it’s the first time you see green and the movie. Yeah. And I mean, seriously. And we’ll talk about that. We’ll talk more about the coloring of this movie at another time. But 


this movie is bookended by green plants. I mean, little sprout? Yes. And so I just it to me, I think it’s a really important thing. Because I mean, a it’s important to him. But seeing that green I was I was a little shocked. Yeah, this, this movie is overwhelmingly orange, white and blue. Those are the colors of this movie. And then that shock of green is which is funny because like you don’t think of shock of something as ever being green. I mean, I guess maybe if you live in a desert, maybe you might, but coming up over the dune and seeing in a waste. Probably a shock of green imana economist tell us like living in Western Australia, right. Like there, there are some major. I mean, ochre is, I think of ochre. When I think of Australia, specifically because of a book that talks about colors, and what they mean to different groups and the dreaming and all of that stuff. So tell me, 


I want to know what a shock of color would be to you as someone. And you know, I don’t know exactly where you live. You don’t have to tell us but 


i think you know, like blue is can be a shock of color. We think of Oasis or something like that. But I guess it just depends on by on where you live, right? Just context. Yeah. So it was just kind of funny when he said it that I was like, green is not usually the thing that I think is shock of, but so unless you have anything else from ours, now we can move on. Alright, so we get back to Earth. And, you know, so there’s a conversation that we’re going to need to have today or next time about some of the characters are a little bit different. I still think that mark is pretty much Mark Watney. But there are a few characters specifically on earth that have shifted a little bit from their characterization in the book that being said, they’re all awesome. Like, you know, Mandy, Annie Vincent Teddy Bruce 


long suffering Bruce. They’re they’re all done. So Well, they’ve got it’s it really is just sort of an all star cast. And it’s whoever is the the casting director for this movie. Just I think it’s Amina gold who, if I remember correctly, Nina gold does like Star Wars movies. I mean, she just I think she’s based out of the UK and she does some of the biggest stuff out there. Yeah. And she, if you know, if you enjoy Ray, you know, she’s the one who has who found all of these people from Star Wars. And I think she’s brilliant. So, and just, you know, it’s not it doesn’t feel like a movie, like these actors are all so good. It just it feels like a bunch of people working on NASA. And they’re just every one of these characters is so individualized. And they just, even when they change them, you know, Mindy is not quite as meek at the beginning. And she’s not quite as strong at the moment. She’s a little more of just sort of, kind of meek and snarky throughout the whole film. But even then, I feel like she still is Mindy, you know, like they they captured the spirit of most of these characters are really well, even if it’s sort of an alternative universe. Mindy. I disagree. 

On the Monday front, I think I mean, I think the actress does a great job. I just don’t think that they capture it, because there’s no point at which she talks back to her superiors, which is absolutely what happens in the book. And I don’t mean and like, getting really angry or bitchy sort of way. No, no, we’re just pushing back pushing back or, you know, kind of telling her truth about being Papa Razzi, you know, that sort of thing. And I enjoyed that. And she, you know, there’s a point at which she could push back we get we get a moment later in the movie between her and Ben cat. And she just agrees with him because she’s supposed to because he’s her boss. Yeah. And I was just like, dang it, they had the opportunity to let her let her be this fully fleshed out character, and they held her back and that bummed me out. 


But we also get, you know, we get Sean Bean. And he is awesome. He’s Mitch angry, angry, Mitch. Except, and this is one of those things that I would argue that Mitch is probably the biggest departure from book to movie. Because Mitch in the book is a just a bull in a china shop. He is he is alienating everyone, he is stubborn. He is angry. He is like, you know, they go to they go to China. And there may have been an eyeball in the soup because they hate you. Like he just nobody likes Mitch because he’s so just pigheaded and just yeah. And, man, I have never seen Sean Bean play a character this meek. Before he is just every scene he’s drawn in and his shoulders are kind of hunched. And he’s just, he’s very soft spoken. And even. Even when he is putting his foot down. He’s kind of 


it’s like, he’s kind of bad at it. You know, there’s, there’s a moment where Teddy says, You’re saying this because Vincent isn’t here to defend himself and Sean beans. delivery is like, I shouldn’t have to argue with fincen like you’d like he’s kind of petulant, you know, but that’s kind of that’s kind of the Sean Bean thing. Because like, if you think of Game of Thrones, he gets pulled back to King’s Landing specifically, because he’s asked to and his wife is sitting there going up, please don’t like let’s not do this. And he’s like, Well, I have to put the kingdom Well, he’s usually sort of the honorable man, you know, he’s, he’s the, he’s the, you know, again, boromir. And Lord of the Rings. He’s, he’s, he’s never, you know, sort of angry, but he’s usually he just sort of projects a little more. He’s, he’s more of a leader, more of an authority figure a little more like Teddy in this movie, frankly. Whereas this character is very soft spoken. And just, I mean, I guess to me, it feels like a different facet of some of something that he plays relatively frequently, which is kind of the the quiet. The like, thinks before he speaks sort of, sort of character. Yes. I just I think that the the main difference is most of Sean Bean’s characters choose to be that way. Whereas I get the sense that Mitch from the Martian the film, 


he’s the kind of guy who wishes that he could speak up more, right? Like he seems like the kind of guy who kind of hates how quiet he is and gets mad at himself. I should have said that in the in that meeting. I mean, I guess it’d probably be really hard for the director to pit Shawn being against Jeff Daniels and not just have every one of those scenes be a shouting match. You probably you have to give different levels. Which one of the things about reading a book is that you are already you are automatically doing it that your brain your brain pitches you ideas on how 


Each character sound like the tone of voice and, and the emotional range and all of that. And so, but a movie takes away all of that imagination and gives it to you on a platter. So the director has to decide who has the power each time. And who gets to hold all of the energy. Yeah. And actors. You know, you have to go with it you have in and oftentimes you kind of figure it out. And Jeff Daniels is going to hold all of the power. I do wonder if this was a choice of Shawn beans or if this was a 


choice of the directors or, you know, like, where in the process was it decided that Mitch was going to be quiet instead of loud? mangry? Right, right. Right. That would be an interesting thing to ask someone. Yeah. 


We get. We get this moment here. Where they? We’ve got Let’s see here. It’s the ven cat. Right? 


Yes, he talks about how it I think it’s him right, that says, you know, we, we have to get the money now for all of this because people forget, you know, we can’t ask for money from Congress and a year. We need it now. Like he’s when he’s asking for satellite images. Yeah. And Teddy’s like no, we’re not going to get satellite images of Marc’s body. Right. And it’s one of those moments that is just kind of horrifyingly true. In this movie, where we, we get Ben Katz, saying, like, hey, 


this, this, there’s a major thing in human history is going to pass us by like, we should at least use it while we have it. Because humans are so desensitized things are changing so quickly, that like we’re living in the 1600s, and a thing happens. And that’s all anybody talks about for an entire year. That’s not the world we live in. As we can see by current events, like the number, people would roll out lists of like, Oh, this guy said all of these horrible things in the past couple of years. And you’re like, holy shit, I forgot about all of these. Because it’s already. Yeah. And so I it was one of those things that when I watched as just like, God, that is a compelling argument about how quickly people stop giving a shit. And it makes me really sad. And it’s not like we can hold it all in. Like we can’t hold everything at all times. We can’t be emotional about everything at all times. Like we have a limit. It makes sense. But it’s also simultaneously really sad. I thought it was great. It was it was a poignant moment, for sure. One thing that is worth mentioning, by the way, is we have changed Vin cat’s race. Yeah, as as you just indicated, the character from the book is Venkat. couture. The character in the book is Vincent couture. They did not cast an Indian character. And 


then cat the entire time. Yeah, so bear with me, because, and notably, they did keep part of his heritage. He does mention in toward the second half of the film, he mentions that I think his mother was Hindu and his father was Baptists. Yeah. And so it explains Okay, clearly this guy has, has an Indian parent and, and a black parent. ciutadella. g4 is perfect in this movie as he is in most movies. So I don’t I doubt anyone can fault him. But it is interesting that they changed his race. And this might be on me. But the first time I read this book, Mindy Park was Asian in my head. I don’t know if that was the intention. But yeah, I mean, as we all know, she’s just Mindy, what’s her name from the office and my head? So bear, she’s Indian. 


So pretty quickly, we move up to trying to figure out where is Mark going in the rover. Yeah. And they have this great moment, just like they do in the book where he where Vincent figures out where he’s going using the map in the in the cafeteria. It’s fun, and it’s fun. It’s so much fun. 


And he does a good job by the way of sidestepping the tired old movie trope of not telling his scene partner what he’s thinking until the grand reveal. That’s something movies often do. And it’s often a little cliche, but he does a really good job of portraying like, No, he’s thinking it’s not that he’s like waiting for the grand reveal 


about it. He’s He’s busy looking for a map and like, Where Where is this? So to me, it still felt like it was part of that cliche, poor communication as a way that directors like ratchet up tension. Yeah. And for all the great communicators out there, it’s like really frustrating but let’s be honest, if everybody on screen always had 


Communication, we would not get decent stories. We would just get happiness all the time on screen. And how boring is that? 


But I, you know, to me, it’s it’s one of those things again, where short, he might be thinking but you, you still people often still try to communicate even if they’re poorly do Oh, I agree he could have communicated it What I’m saying is the actor I thought did a really good job of portraying someone who was so busy trying to remember the exact topography of this region on Mars that he sort of couldn’t bring himself to talk, you know, like, there were even some lines along the way that he sort of didn’t finish the sentence because he was trying to think through this. And, and he just kept saying to himself, yeah, I know where he’s going, I know where he’s going. And so he finally reveals it, I say, there’s a, there needs to be a shout out to the editor. With this Pathfinder part, yeah, because I love that we see, we don’t know what most of us aren’t going to know what it is, when he goes to when they go to JPL. And they take the tarp off of the replica of Pathfinder. 

And meanwhile, Mark is digging through the dust looking for he picks up a parachute. And he sort of follows the line forward. And then what we end up seeing is, we see the closed up pristine version of Pathfinder. And then we cut back to Mars, and we see it all laid out. And we see it in a different position. And it’s not as it’s not pristine, right. And so we get to see it’s two different, like in these two different phases or stages. And I don’t know, I thought it was a, it was super lovely. Because we, I think that it’s a great way of communicating without telling us exactly what’s happening. These are the same items, which they do, say, but it’s it would have been something easy to miss. And getting to see that it was like the flower in its open stage. You know, and I don’t know, there’s just something really pretty about it. There’s also a very beautiful moment from sort of a filmmaking and storytelling standpoint, finding Pathfinder is one of my favorite moments in any movie. And it’s kind of goofy to say, because it’s not that big a moment, you know, it’s not like, you know, everybody’s showing up at the end of Avengers, endgame or anything. But it’s really beautiful, the way the the music and the editing and these two characters come together. And the thing that is especially interesting from sort of a subliminal standpoint, is, 


Pathfinder is how mark is going to communicate to Earth. and discovering Pathfinder is the first moment of connection that he has with someone on earth, He and Venkat. He and Vincent are sharing this moment. And it’s probably not happening at exactly the same moment in real life. But in the story in the editing of the film, he’s uncovering this machine, Vincent uncovers this machine. And then he gazes at it and says Pathfinder, and then it cuts to Vincent, gazing at it. And he says, Pathfinder, and it’s this great moment of, it’s like Mars and Earth have finally been bridged. Vincent and Mark are connected. They just haven’t sort of realized it. Yeah, they are sharing a moment, even though they haven’t gotten the radio working. And it’s just beautiful storytelling. We also get Nate the great hair. We did Nate the great. And if you guys haven’t seen Teddy lasso, Ted, Ted last, I don’t know why. Why don’t I just whatever, who cares? If you haven’t seen it, just go watch it find a way. It’s phenomenal. And there’s a character in it. called Nate the great. Yeah. And an actor plays Tim. He does play Tim, who, not because of the actor. I mean, probably a little bit, but it’s, again, the difference between your imagination and then seeing someone else do their version of the same thing. And it’s a lot easier in your imagination to give 


a little bit of charm to someone who wasn’t necessarily written that way are supposed to be like, it’s easier to find someone charming. That is a noxious. And like, I mean, an example of this is okay, there’s Tim who is is an asshole. 


And then you’ve got house and you get to see so much of obviously not in this movie house like the TV show, you get so much of his character, that if you only got a slice of it, you’d be like, this guy is just an asshole. But you get to see the charming funny parts of him too, even though he’s still kind of being an asshole almost the entire time. So you’re just just getting a slice of Tim. And you don’t get to see as much of him as you do in the book and you don’t get like the kind of funny lines so it’s 


Not entirely on the actor. Again, it has a lot to do with what you can do with your imagination that can’t be put out on screen. Well, and I’m, I’m pretty sure he has one line in the entire movie. I think the only thing that Nate says aside from like, we’re getting a signal. I think the only real line he has is when he says, 


you know, 26 minute round trip. This isn’t going to be an Algonquin Round Table of snappy wrap party. And then Vincent snaps at him. And then we just move on. So there is like, that’s, yeah, he we don’t get enough time. This good accent though. Yep. That is true. 


Yeah, so 


I say so we are coming up on the hexadecimal sequence, which is probably going to have a fair bit of commentary. So I just as part of that. 


I mean, yes, we do. We could, we could pause now. Do you want to? I think that’s probably a good stopping place. By my by my notes. We’ve gone about a third of the way through the movies so bad at this way. Yeah. Listen, we have words, we have lots of words, we really, we really enjoy stories. And we have a hard time not discussing every single detail. Believe it or not, this is us rushing. Yeah, we were skipping notes here to keep the time down. So we’re still working on our pacing, we will get there. 

So next time, we’ll see we’ll see if we just go through more of the movie. Or if we do a little bit more of the Deep Dive stuff that we talked about. Because I want to get to that. Yes. Because we’re from the film industry. And this is like, he went to film school and I am a theater kid. There’s so much that we can talk about that is not just the science. Exactly. So I think it’s worth Yeah, worth using. Let’s use our degrees that we paid a lot for them. So those of you who are watching this or listening to this in the future, you can probably look at the episode list and see the 17 part series that is Lacey and Alex talk about the Martian the film, we will do better. We are not on this movie. I was so I was going to say at this rate, it’s probably going to be three episodes, but I feel like that’s a trap. because inevitably it’s gonna be nine. We’re just not gonna we’re just gonna say Tune in next week for the next installment of the Martian the film here on the synthesis. If you have questions about anything film industry wise or whatever, yes. Shout it out to us. We will find it eemaan economist I’m sorry. I got what part of Australia you are from incorrect. I cannot say that. I know Australian geography very well. And that was noted. 


But yes, if you have any questions if you have anything you want us to talk about, in terms of filmmaking, in terms of adapting the book in terms of science? post in the comments and let us know and we will try to address it in the future. Yeah, we can do we can do a little bit of research. Why? Why make you do it? Right. Yeah. Okay, thank you guys. Have a good weekend. Oh, subscribe, but do all of the things. Yep. subscribe and hit the bell if you’re watching us on YouTube. And be sure to check out our slash edge works entertainment, which helps us make this show and everything else we do. And it works. And, you know, you can follow us on Twitter or Instagram. So Alexander for the win, or Alex for the wins. Sorry, Alex for the win on Twitter, and I’m just plain old lacey hannan. And or you can find us settle the stars or edge works entertainment or edge works. We’re all gonna make this we gotta make this a little bit more streamlined, easier. Whatever. We’ll see you guys next week. Thanks for watching. 


Strapped to a couch barreling through space. Honestly, what could POSSIBLY go wrong? We dissect the nuance of The Martian and look back at 18 months of living on Mars…

𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•ͺπ•Ÿπ•₯π•™π•–π•€π•šπ•€ is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.


Hey folks, this is Alexander Winn I’m Lacey Hannan and we are here for the synthesis where we examine real science and real history and entertainment. This week we are talking about chapter 26. The final chapter of The Martian. 


This is this is how you know are married because we can finish each other’s pie sandwiches. It was supposed to be a Brooklyn nine, nine reference and you totally missed it. 


I made it a community reference. Oh, our right. So this week, we are talking about the end of the Martian, which is very exciting. We’ve been doing this for a number of weeks. Now. 


We we have and yeah, we’re wrapping it up. Okay. So next week, we’re going to talk about the movie. So get on renting it, watching it, buy it, whatever you have to do. 


Yeah, so we’re not quite done with the Martian. We’re going to finish the book next week, we do the movie. And yeah, 


compare different media’s takes on it. 


Yes, indeed. So jumping into the book, we pick up where we left off with the last chapter, which is Mark, sitting in the nav waiting to take off. And he’s pretty much done with Mars, which is a big deal for a book called The Martian. And yeah, it’s kind of all out of his hands. There’s nothing left for Mark to do, 


which I would think would totally suck after, after, like a year and a half of everything being on your shoulders. And yes, NASA is like, both the angel and the demon sitting on your shoulder chatting with you. For some of the time, like, everything’s on your shoulders, and you have all of the control, and even thing, even when things go awry, like it’s up to you to fix it. Right. And now he’s just helpless. Yeah. And I think that, that even more than the way NASA is feeling helpless in this moment, which we’ll get to in a minute. I think it’s gonna be significantly worse. 


Yeah, I’m kind of, you know, one of the nice things about this book is that we’re sort of keeps it light. He keeps Mark Watney upbeat and keeps us morale high, they could, you know, anywhere could have taken this book in a much darker direction, where we’re wanting starts dealing with like, symptoms of depression, maybe even symptoms of like psychosis, because he’s been alone for so long. And, you know, obviously, some serious trauma responses and all that kind of stuff. And this is definitely one of those moments where if this was that kind of story, there would be a little bit of a freakout, because he can’t control anything anymore. There’s nothing to do, and he’s so wound up in the need to sort of fix problems that he can very much like, get wound up. 


Well, that’s what I mean. It’s like, we don’t have a character that’s going there. This isn’t the story that’s going to go there. But, you know, for example, in the expanse, they deal with the fact that Martians, people who live on Mars are sort of categorically agoraphobic when they, when they visit Earth, they can’t handle the giant open spaces, because they’ve never experienced them. They’ve lived in tunnels their whole lives. And there was an opportunity to do that here with Mark Watney. And I’m glad they didn’t. Yeah, opportunity. 


He has perseverance. Yes, he does. 


And so yeah, we actually, the first two things that happened in this chapter, I thought was sort of interesting, we get kind of a one two punch of things that they didn’t really comment on, which I was surprised that that I didn’t 


I didn’t write any write any notes for the very beginning of this. So tell me what you’re talking about. 


So we pick up with effectively a montage like this is very clearly taken from movies. It’s, it’s called, they gathered, and it’s all about people in like, Times Square and in bars and living rooms, and they’re all watching this. And it really sets the stage for this sort of global, you know, viewership of what is about to happen. And one of the things that we get is this couple in Chicago. Yeah. Which is clearly Mark’s family. 


Okay. I thought you were just talking about Mark I.  


Okay. So, so I thought that was interesting that we are finally getting Mark’s family and it kind of made me look back and go, Yeah, why have we heard from Mark’s family in any of this? Like, 


what are they going to say? What are they going to do? What what newness? Can they add to the story? 


I mean, we all put ourselves in those shoes. I agree with that. But what I’m saying is that like nobody talked about it, like nobody. We didn’t, you know, for example, they established that Mark’s family is sitting with a representative from NASA, who was specifically there to answer their questions. This is something that as I understand it happens in in situations like this sort of national security importance, they will often give the parents a representative from like the Army or whatever to tell them how this is going. And we don’t know who that is like Unlike for another writer that would have been, you know, Bruce, or somebody that we know. And it’s just interesting that, you know, this whole, this whole story is about rescuing this one guy, and we finally get to see his family. And that’s not like he didn’t do a thing with I 


feel like, I feel like that’s how it would go though like it. I think that is realism of this world, because it’s not like, Oh, 


I totally agree. 


If you have a kid in the military, they’re not going to send his CEO to go sit with you. They’re going to send someone who is who knows how to do this. Yeah. And so you don’t want Bruce there. You don’t want that cat you want. You want the the type of rep who knows how to handle your breakdowns or handle your questions? 




Yeah. And who can talk in layman’s terms and all of that stuff? 


Yeah, I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. I just thought it was interesting that I mean, as much as anything. It’s interesting that I didn’t notice that we haven’t met his family yet. Like, we haven’t heard from them. He even wrote even talked about sending Martinez to go talk to them. But the parents were absent. Yeah. It’s, it’s sort of for me, it’s sort of like, Sal, Ron and Lord of the Rings. It’s just sort of notable that this very important character. 


Okay, as I say, I totally disagree with you. Because, for me, I filled in those gaps. Yeah, you know, quite a few of these episodes I have talked about like, oh, what would his parents be feeling or like, you can empathize with this or that or with the other thing, and for me, I’ve already filled that in. So I don’t need the story to tell me because it’s easy to fill in where I can’t fill in for venca. I can’t fill on for man, Mindy, or Annie or any of these other people. So to me, it’s that would have just been padding between the storylines that I really care about. Because as much as I would empathize with his parents, it’s not that I don’t care about their storyline, it’s just that their storyline cannot possibly be as interesting. As Annie or Lewis or Martinez, you know, like, it just it can’t be okay. 


What else have you got about the parents? They gathered? And then we’ll get to the other thing that surprised me. I 


will say that with the parents. I might have gotten very congested while reading that part, coincidental allergic reaction or reading. But the the moment that we’re talking about the crowd, crowds that have gathered in different areas of the world, right. And there was a, I think they they say, like a minor cheer for hearing Mark’s voice. Yeah. And I love. It’s just it’s really great reminder for how much the public hasn’t heard from Mark. They have seen Trent, like transcripts, they have heard from Annie, and you know, Bruce, like they’ve they’ve heard from other people. This is what Mark had to say, or whatever, and they might play clips. But they’re not actually the public isn’t hearing that much from him specifically. So getting to hear his voice has to feel like how much closer like we’re on that last step. And I think that there’s like this precipice moment that you don’t really get in the book, because you’re seeing it from the people who it’s either your hearing mark, or you’re hearing from the people who are hearing from Mark, right? You’re not, you know, you’re not getting the outside point of view. So I had kind of forgotten how much these people don’t know Mark, like, we know the audience do. 


Well, that’s actually the perfect segue to the other thing that surprised me, which is, we after the after they gathered, we get mark, sitting in the nav talking to Louis on the Hermes. And they’re talking through, you know, the launch and getting ready and all that kind of stuff. And I realized, when Mark got to the mhv, he could do voice communication for the first time. There was a there was a what, what would have been a very powerful moment for Mark Watney that we just completely skipped, which is hearing another person for the first time in like two years. Oh, and because he’s been typing this whole time, he’s been communicating through the rover and sending it through Pathfinder. He’s been writing emails and texts effectively. And when he got to the nav he would have talked last time. And you imagine how did we not get that moment? Like That is such a powerful moment that I’m really surprised. 


So milk, now that you say that? Yeah, you know, there’s a book called The room or room that they turned into a movie with Dakota Johnson. And it’s about a woman who gets kidnapped and she’s putting this tiny, tiny, tiny shed, and the kidnapper also rapes her and she gets pregnant, and this child is like, five years old before he ever leaves and when he leaves he Can’t see properly. And so because if if your eyes never developed the need for long distance vision, because he 


never had access to that, right? I wonder if there’s any anything along the lines of like auditory changes that would happen if you’re not hearing anything outside of a hab because you’re not hearing anything outside of it. You hear stuff from your suit. Or if you were to lose if you were, if something were to happen to your suit, you’re not hearing anything outside because it’s like, 


yeah, the air is so thin. That doesn’t carry sound. He did still have his disco music and his 70s 


it’s all still so like, Yeah, but yeah, 


I guess I don’t think his if he would have experienced any kind of deterioration. I mean, if he hadn’t had that, I would be curious to talk to physiologist about what that would do. But, you know, those don’t talk back. Like that’s not communication. You’re just passively listening. And so, yeah, the opportunity to actually talk to Louis and have a conversation back and forth, is really huge. Yeah, that’s huge. 


Okay, so 


those two things really jumped out at me is like, oh, wow, these are these are big developments. 


So then we head back to the math. Mark Watney is almost last words are. He’s he’s talking to commander Louis. And he’s talking about Martinez. When he says, tell the asshole no barrel rolls, because Martinez is the one who’s piloting the map. Yeah, right. 


Yeah. So gwatney has literally removed the control panels. He’s sitting in an empty room just in a chair. 


Exactly. So and I that cracks me up, because at the time when I’m reading it, I thought those were his last words. And I was like, those are hysterical last words. Like, 


if this doesn’t go, well. That will be the last thing that Mark Watney ever said. And tell that as well. No barrel rolls. 


And that’s just pretty funny. So my question, one of my questions for this episode is, what would you want your last words on Mars to be the last thing you say there? Because you know, they’re gonna put it in the history books. And so feel free to be as Mark Watney about it as possible. By which I mean, be profane. Be whatever, I don’t care. But I want to know what your last words would be. I don’t. I’ve been thinking about it all week, and I can’t figure it out. Because I’m such a sentimental pers on, that there’s a part of me that would probably say something super lame, and like sentiment, sappy, and yeah. But simultaneously, 


there’s something to be said for just being like, Fuck you. 


Oh, wait, he then which he later says there’s, you know, another thing that that makes me think of is, you know, and this is less surprising, but we didn’t really get any information on areas one or two in this book, which makes sense. We’re focused on areas three. But this is a world in which someone has already said the first words on Mars. We’ve already gotten our one small step for Mars. Yeah. And there’s a there’s a TV show that I very much enjoyed that I think I might be the only one that is called defying gravity. It’s very soapy. But it’s about a mission through the solar system. And there is something that always sort of makes me chuckle, which is in this show. They have already landed on Mars. And so somebody already had that one small step moment, and every character on the show agrees that that guy blew it. He had really dumb first words on Mars. His first words on Mars were the Red Planet conquered. Oh, stupid. Exactly. And everybody’s just like, that is the worst. 


Take him to come up with 


exactly. And it just makes him sound like a muscle head. And you know, it just, it sort of makes me wonder all of a sudden, I wonder what the first words of the area’s one crew on Mars. This is you know, as Mark Watney is leaving, he gets a quote, but somebody else had a quote before this. Yes. 


So well. And speaking of firsts, this is the first crew who that has ever been back to me. Yeah. And they have that they have that little moment. 


Yeah. Look voegelin back are talking about 


and not even Mark can say that. Yeah, Mark will have been there once and will have never gone back 


to the first to revisit Mars. 


So that’s interesting. Yeah. Yep. Okay, 


so in that conversation, Vogel and back are talking about the procedure for getting Mark Watney. And this is sort of an echo of the resupply mission when they were back at Earth where they had to launch the rocket and then Beck’s job was to go out and actually like, grab the thing like with his hands, and guide it in and so again, they’re launching Mark into orbit. And he’s you know, the the Hermes is traveling and the map is going to come up and their hope is that their paths will intersect and then back can actually to go out and get him, but of course back is connected to the Hermes by effectively a rope. And that rope is only so long. Yeah. And we have this interesting conversation where he tells Vogel, if I can’t reach him, I want you to detach me, because he has one of those things that you see, like Apollo astronauts. And that looks sort of like chairs that have. We saw 


George George Clooney had one. Yeah. And grout and gravity. 


Yeah. And so he could theoretically detach and go get mark and then come back, which is what he wants to do. And Vogel seems to say no, mostly. 


So. Okay, I’m gonna put a little pause on here. We’re gonna we’re gonna put a little pin in this conversation, because we’re coming back to it. Yeah, but I have to say, slow trash. Panda. There response to what they want to say for their last words is, How the fuck do I have a rock in my booth already? And I? If I if 


I were choked? I think trash panda wins. 




So I am here for that. That’s really funny. 


I also, Charlie town, weighed in with finally no more red dust. And I immediately got a flashback to the Mars trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson, because there’s a scene where all of the when they first arrive on Mars, all of the astronauts are complaining about the Red Dust. And the She’s like a micro geologists, basically, she’s geologists, and she gets really upset because it’s not dust their fines. Okay, difference between dust and fines. So Charlie, it’s not dust there finds finds. 


Whereas my brain immediately went to the problem that all women pretty much have when they go to the beach, and you’re there for too long. And suddenly, there’s sand in your underwear, or like the bottoms of your swimsuit. And so now like, you feel like a baby, who’s whose diaper is just slowly like, falling off of them, because it’s really embarrassing and awful. And our producer has her hands over her face. Did it? So anyway, that’s where my brain went, Charlie. So thank you for that. Lovely image. 


So do you have anything else before lunch? Well, 


I wanted to go back to the Vogel. Oh, yes. And Dr. Back, because what, so there’s something kind of peculiar here. Vogel still calls back. Dr. Beck. Yeah. After all this time together? 


Well, I mean, he’s a very formal guy, you can tell in the way that Vogel is written that he’s, he’s a very formal, you can call 


people by their first name, but like they have been, it’s five, six people in a tiny container for 


a couple of years, 


two years now, almost two years, and they’re going to be gone for at least another six months. And you can’t you can’t bring yourself to call it by the first like, these people are your family, man. And if you can’t get on board with that, what are you doing here? Why did the psychologist let you come? Like it really kind of freaks me out and I was not wild about it. Like I get it. There are people out there that, you know, I had a teacher who if anybody got it wrong and called her, Mrs. Hale, or miss Hale. She’d be like, it’s doctor. You know, like, she worked for that. That’s what you call her. Okay. I totally get it. But her friends didn’t call it Dr. Hill. You know? I don’t know. I just, I just feel like I just 


kind of, uh, you know, got to stick up his butt. A little bit. Yeah, he balances out Mark Watney. You know, like Mark Mark is the fun one and vocal. 


I mean, Tuesday, Tuesday, but I want to know, the other question that I have for people is, would you agree to let go of the tether? 


No. Would you let back go out untethered to get mark, why 


would you do it? 


I honestly don’t know. I feel like Probably not. But I feel like I would probably do exactly what Vogel does, which is say no. And then when back, calls him out and says, I bet in the moment, you’ll change your mind. Vogel just doesn’t answer. 


See. Okay. So my response to this is that I know that I like I have a problem with authority, but I do follow a lot of rules. And so I probably would be like, I’m really uncomfortable. Why are you asking me this? I don’t I don’t want you to say this to me. I wouldn’t know the answer is no. And then in the moment, I would absolutely do it. Are you kidding me? Like I know this about myself that I follow the rules up to and be potentially 


responsible Killing two people. Yes, 


I because I, that’s that’s who I am as a person, I follow the rules up to like a certain point, and then I completely completely throw them out the window. 


And that’s who I am as a person. That’s whenever I get the opportunity to kill two people instead of one. I just jump at it. I you know, that’s just how 


do you think I have all these freckles? 


Yeah, seriously? Okay. All right. Moving. Oh, so then the launch a lot. And yeah, wow, that rocket has some power. It pretty much immediately makes Watney start to space out and kind of lose focus. 


But he does notice 


does notice that something in the back of his mind told him that that flapping was bad. Yeah, 


he’s got the canvas over the nose of the map, because they’re launching him in a convertible. Yes. 


And so you know, which is, by the way, something that I feel like Bruce is going to need to answer for, because they specifically asked if taking the nose off the ship was going to be a problem. And he said, No, because Martian atmosphere is so thin, that as soon as you get higher, as soon as you’re going fast enough for air resistance to matter, you’ll be high enough that there’s basically no air 


is created so much drag. Exactly. That 


ends this is a problem, man. Yeah, 


they I mean, what they, what did they prepare for? For back to go out and get water. I was like, 


he said he could do it as long as they’re going 10 meters per second, 


right. But there was like a gap that they had to meet. Like they they had to get within a certain 


distance. I don’t remember what it was. I forget what it is. 


But by the time by the time Mark gets up there, they have they he is 68 kilometers away from the Hermes as 150 meters or something is like 


for all 


of the Americans out there, that is 42 miles away. And they have 39 minutes and 12 seconds to get there. I’m not going to have to alter their course to Anderson. Yes. Yeah. Which is obviously not a thing. 


So prepare for that. 


I did think it was very cool to see mark, kind of going through, you know, not enough brain blood getting to his brain and starting to get obsessed with his bolt with five sides. There’s a very interesting representation of what it feels like to be almost passing out. There is a, I realized after the fact, there’s an interesting sort of writer trick that is happening right here, which is, on the one hand, the power of this rocket, making Mark Watney blackout, really under underlines the power of what he’s going through and sort of the danger and raising the stakes of like, Oh, they almost killed him just by launching this rocket. But the other thing that it does that is genius, is it takes them out of the picture. Mark, you’re stuck in an empty room, you’re strapped to a chair, you can’t do anything. So we’re just going to make you go unconscious, while our other heroes do their thing. So that you don’t have to explain why mark is just like spending half an hour spitting out ideas on the radio and like, you know, he would not just be sitting there quietly while they worked. So let’s just knock him out. 


Yeah. Well, and because then he can’t do anything like Martinez wants to know why this is happening. Yeah. And he doesn’t have any answers. And it’s because Watney is passed out. 


Yeah. And so as Martinez says, it’s like flying a cow, which is hilarious. Yeah. 


So they decide well, by they, I mean, Louis, and I’m totally taken with this, is they decided that they’re going to use their attitude thrusters to get to mark. And they’re going to blow the nose off of the army. But 


that is not quite yet. Oh, at first, at first, they use the attitude thrusters. And so these, if you’ve seen movies, like you know, gravity, or like Apollo 13, these are the little bursts of air that come out to the different sides of the ship to turn it. They’re just gonna burn all of them in one direction, yeah, to get them moving. And that fixes the intercept range. But you still have the problem with the intercept of velocity. So the idea is, again, that back is going to go out and literally grab mark with his hands like this is they’re not doing a docking procedure here. Yeah, these two spaceships are going to fly past each other. And Beck’s just going to go out and get him. He says that he can do it. As long as it’s moving less than 10 meters per second. They hit all these thrusters to get close enough to him. But having done so they’re now going 42 meters per second. And for those of you from America, that is 94 miles an hour. So imagine that you are standing by the side of a highway and your job is to grab a hold of someone in a passing car and that car is going 95 miles an hour. It’s not gonna happen. It’s a joke. Yeah. And so they start talking about how do we slow down? 


Because the whole thing is that the like he, like Alex said, the attitude adjusters rotate the ship. But they’re, they’re not. They’re not what they say in the book is they’re not made for rotating is exactly what they say. which means that it’s a misleadingly named part. Yeah. If, if they don’t adjust the ship, but whatever. The, what I like here is they’re talking about this. They tell NASA what they’re going to do. And then Annie is like, wait, what did any of that mean? And so we get what Alex and I would refer to as a tele, Donna. Yeah. For anybody who watched the West Wing and then listen to them, listen to the West Wing weekly. They came up with they coined this term, which is pretty funny. But it’s, it’s based on in the show, you’ve got this character who’s a very smart woman, but doesn’t know. She, she’s, she’s essentially like a secretary to one of the main guys is one of the assistants and her name is donnatella. 


Yeah, Donna, 


and she asks the questions that the audience would ask, and then someone explained it to her. And, you know, the she’s not always the person who asked, but she’s usually the person who asks, 


yeah, and she’s, she’s smart. It’s not that she’s dumb. It’s just that she’s new. And so she’s the character who doesn’t know how this thing in government works. So another character can explain it to her. And in the process, the audience learns, yeah, it works. 


And because her name is donnatella, that the hosts on the podcast call it Tella Donna. Yeah. So we’re getting a tele, Donna, but it’s to Annie. And it’s which, by the way, 


I love we cut to we cut from the Hermes and all this stuff happened. And we cut back and the quote from Annie is, whoa, a lot of shit just happened really fast. Explain. Yeah, it’s just like, the most straightforward. What is going on? 


Yeah. And essentially, everything that is happening is they’re dealing with the Hermes, which has ion engines, which are slow and steady. And so essentially, they’re trying to turn this tortoise into a hair. 


Yeah. And you got to move fast with and how do you do that? so slow? Yeah. Of course, Mark comes up with his own plan, because he wakes up. He wants to be Iron Man. He wants to punch a hole in his suit and use the escaping air as a thruster, which is insane, which is totally insane. Crazy. And of course, Lewis tells him No, but it does give her an idea. 


Well, in in pretty much the same breath that he says he wants to be Iron Man. He also tells Mars, Mars, fuck you. Yes. And I love that again. I’m a very sentimental person. So it would be 


it’s a very sentimental person, so fuck you. 


Well, it’s why it’s funny, but there’s a part of me that’s like, but dude, he lived like you want? 


Yeah, Maurice did right. Like your man. Yeah. 


Exactly. So I don’t know. I mean, it was really terrible and traumatizing and Oh, my, all of the awful things. But it’s just kind of it’s funny that we get this fuck you to Mars simultaneously. I’m like, that’s the last thing you’re gonna say to it. Huh? 


Well, and also like, you’re not quite done, man. Yeah, well, but don’t piss off this planet. Still has one more shot not. 


It’s not Mars that would be doing base. So I, I enjoyed that. And then the other thing I enjoy here is we’re watching the crew do what he’s been doing. And they’re figuring out how to handle this new problem on the fly. 


Yes, creative problem solving from someone who isn’t Mark Watney, which is fun. 


So now, Louis is like Wait, wait, let’s not have you puncture a hole in your suit. Let’s breach the hole in the Hermes. They’re gonna 


they’re going to breach the vowel which is the vehicular airlock. 


Yeah, that’s, that’s what it is. Yeah. And I absolutely as a, as a, as a person who’s afraid of space. And who’s not the world’s biggest space guard. I don’t think I understand the full consequences of of breaching this spot. So I, I felt like I did not get as worked up about it as maybe I was supposed to. 


Yeah. So basically, you know, the most important thing in space is air. You know, everything else you can sort of work around, but if you run out of air, you’re gonna die. And the nice thing about physics is that it’s very predictable. And so the idea here is they have a whole ship that is full of air, and if they puncture a hole in it, all that air is going to rush out of the hole. But because of Newton, the air rushing in that direction is going to push the ship in the other direction. And so they’re going really fast. So all they need to do is point their ship in the direction that they’re moving, and then pop a hole in it in in a very specific spot. And it’s going to push the ship backwards, which effectively decelerates it, yeah, but that means that all their air is going to get sucked out. And that is just a really scary thing to do. And there’s actually a moment it’s kind of dark moment. But it’s interesting, in which Martinez asks, should we go get in our spacesuits like, just in case the door doesn’t hold and the air in our, you know, on the bridge gets sucked out to and Louis’s responses don’t bother, because if the, if the door doesn’t hold, we’re gonna get sucked out of this spaceship at the speed of sound. And we’re all dead. So just don’t even bother. 


And there’s, there’s something about this moment where they’re, they are brainstorming together. And they’re figuring out this problem. And lewis is such as being such a risk taker. And I think there’s something fascinating about her as a leader, because I was frustrated with her at the beginning of the book, staying out there so long looking for Mark, when she had this whole team that she had to be taken care of. And their lives were on the line, and she wasn’t coming back. Yeah. And that was really frustrating. But then here, she’s sitting there, and then there’s all of this guilt that we’re dealing with, which is reasonable, and I wasn’t frustrated by but it’s hard to watch. But then she does this, where she’s like, Alright, Johansen, you’re going to be the one who lives you’re gonna eat us if necessary. Okay, now, we’re going to blow this hole in the Hermes. And I’m just sitting here going, big moves, lady, holy shit, like, Whoa, I wouldn’t. She’s, she’s the worst kind of person to gamble with, because she’s gonna be the person who has probably been counting cards. And maybe she doesn’t know how she actually probably hasn’t because her morality, her ethics would point her in a very specific way. And she’d be like, No, I’m not going to do that. Even though I know how. And she would just like, I think she’s so smart that you wouldn’t want to go up against her. And that’s what go all in. Yeah. And I think it’s fascinating to watch her do it because it’s not even though she did stay out there for mark for so long. I thought it was for sentimental reasons. I didn’t realize it’s because she’s such a risk taker. And it’s what makes her a good leader. Is she she balances those two things really well. 


Well, I’m just the the absolute focus in a crisis like Yeah, man, you know, listen, rich personnel, maybe a steely eyed missile man. But commander lewis is the steely eyed missile woman like holy crap, that is 


I want to see her. 


like, Whoa, I am, by the way, Jessica chasteen friggin perfect casting for next when we get to this in next week, she everybody in this movie is perfectly cast, but man, she is perfectly cast, she’s, that’s true. So they’re gonna do this, they calculate it out. And interestingly, you know, this is one of those areas where science is a little more forgiving than people often realize, it doesn’t actually matter how big a hole they blow in the towel, because if it’s a big hole, all the air is going to shoot out at once. And it’s going to be a massive kick to the chest, and then they’re done. If it’s a small hole, it will just leak out for a while. But it’ll still have the same effect. It’ll just be drawn out, you know, yeah, it’s just a nice little bit of wiggle room. But the effect is, it’s going to drop them from 42 meters per second down to 13. And back immediately says, I can work with that, I can do that. But again, just to give everybody a sense of what that means, picture yourself on that highway, that car that you’re going to try to grab somebody, you’re going to grab on to that car effectively. That car just went from going 94 miles an hour, which would kill you to 29 miles an hour. He’s jumping onto a car going 29 miles an hour. And that is I would not want to be in charge of grabbing onto a ship flying by at 29 miles an hour. 


And I like it. I don’t like it at all. I I do like want nice response to this plan. It is so it is so perfectly written, which is he objects because he and he makes a joke out of it. He says he wants all the memorials to himself because he’s afraid of everybody dying for him. And that seems stupid. And so I I don’t want you to share the memorials with me I want to offer myself and I just it’s funny. And then 


her was irreverent and also sweet 


and then her response is even better because she’s like I I’m looking at the shoulder patch. And it turns out, I’m the commander. So like, Fuck you, I would do what I want, you know, and it’s just like, we get a little bit of her humor because she doesn’t seem to have a very big sense of humor, which is fine. Her humor 


only shows up in the form of slapping him down and like, asserting her command. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Andy Weir has said in interviews that the character of Mark Watney was very easy to write because he’s the same kind of snarky as Andy Weir himself. So I think this is a little bit of Andy weird snark coming out of Louis’s mouth for once. Yeah, that is such a great exchange. And in the meantime, Annie is watching from Earth, and hears that they’re going to blow a hole in the ship, and her immediate response profane as hell because it’s Annie and we love her is, fuck me, rah, I’d better get to the press room. And she’s like, Is there anything else I need to know? And everybody’s just like, Oh, my God. Oh, my God. And she’s like, sounds good. 


Yeah. And that’s one of those great moments where it’s like, Annie is not going to get down about this. She’s like, Oh, shit, okay, and then deals with it. And it’s like, 


she’s the only one on earth who can do something. All the scientists are unable to act. But Annie, can this is her moment to act. 


Yeah, we get to see her be at the top of her game. Same with Louis. So we’re getting to see some badass women doing badass work. 


Everybody gets there Here a moment. 


It’s so great. Well, not everybody. No, no. We’ll get there. Okay. So now we’re on on to how are they going to blow a hole. And 


so they’re going to make a bomb. And the bomb that they’re gonna make is with sugar. Because Vogel is a chemist, and he knows how to make stuff blow up. In fact, as the book talks about, a lot of his training revolved in learning how to make things not blow up. So yeah, basically, he takes sugar, and he puts it into a pure oxygen environment, he takes an oxygen tank and fills up a particularly strong beaker. And it needs to be strong, because if you just put it in a weak beaker, it’ll just, you know, just kind of fizzle. But if you put it in a really strong one, the idea is that the explosion will build and build and build and build and build until it finally cracks the container. And then that concussive force is what’s going to blow the hole in the ship, right? 


I like that. He’s talking to himself in German. And he says xeric fairly, which means very dangerous. And just like, 


just sitting there making a bomb going, this is bad idea. This is a bad idea. This is bad. 


And I just I just like that. There’s he walks you through how sugar makes a bomb. 




you’re not gonna try and you want to tell us? 


Okay. Oh, yeah. So the idea behind combustion just sort of in general, this is what happens to the sugar is the same thing that happens to gunpowder when you fire a gun. That is that a solid becomes a gas very quickly, that you burn a thing and that becomes a gas and all of a sudden the gas wants to expand where the solid was perfectly happy to just sit where it is. And so you burn it, it becomes a gas and then it immediately wants to expand really fast, and that creates force. And so in a gun, you use a spark to set off gunpowder. It. gasifiers, basically it becomes a gas and that pushes the bullet out of the barrel because the bullet has to get out of the way of this expanding gas. Right. Same thing happens with cannons. Interestingly, the same thing happens with Meteor impacts. When the meteor hits the ground. The Rock vaporizes, which is why fun little fact here, which is why Meteor craters are always circular. You never have a meteor crater that is like at an angle as if the meteor came in and hit you know, like if you throw a rock into the sand it’ll be sort of a an oval shape. Meteor craters never are because it’s not the rock hitting the ground that makes the hole it’s that the rock hits the ground and then the ground explodes it the rock acts like gunpowder guys, 


okay, so you might sometime look up and be like wow, Alex is really the one who does all of the explanation of science on this on this here show. And it’s because he’s really good teacher, and I enjoy it. So I appreciate that. I just I just wanted to put it out there. So all of you know that I actually request this Yeah, we’ll be going on hikes and like these beautiful places where like in New Zealand I’m like okay, so explain the difference between velocity and speed. Again, and Then he explains it to me for the third time and completely different vocabulary than the last two times. So that maybe I retain all of it. So he is a he’s a great teacher. And I asked for this. Okay, so I asked for it on your behalf to sorry, if you don’t like it, 


I promise I’m not a blowhard. It’s that she requested that I talk 


about Sure, I really 


do. But yeah, so you know, obviously, one of the important ingredients in combustion is oxygen. And so he actually talks about how the spark that burns the sugar, if it had happened on Earth, it would have like, sizzled a little bit, it wouldn’t do much. But Vogel is putting this in an all oxygen environment. And interestingly there and zero G, which means this is not a pile of sugar, like you can picture in a bowl. This is a cloud of sugar, it is filling the jar and floating in zero G, which means that there’s an incredible amount of surface area, every single grain of sugar is exposed to oxygen on all sides. And so when that fire starts, it spreads incredibly quickly through that space, and all the sugar burns up, which creates this concussive force as the gas tries to expand, but it’s contained by the beaker. And it grows and grows and grows as more of the sugar burns and burns and burns in a fraction of a second until finally, there’s enough pressure that it cracks the beaker. And now the pressure differential between the air that was outside the beaker and the gases inside the beaker are so great that it creates effectively a shockwave expanding out from the beaker and that’s what’s going to tear a hole in the wall. Yeah, fast. And so that’s Vogel’s sugar bomb. 


All right. Well, that’s interesting. 


They do it and they slow down. 


Yeah, I’m, my mind is I’m reeling at the moment. Also, I’m reeling because for the first time ever imana economist and I don’t agree on something. Well, I know, we all thought that we were just the same person. I’m over here like typing, and I’m pretending I live in Australia. I’d rather live in Australia anyway. Because she says, hell no. And astronaut and the Hermes is worth two in the vacuum of space. I hear you. I hear you, girl. I hear you. I also wouldn’t stop me. Yeah. But she also says that it, it’s hard because, yeah, she sees where he’s coming from. So anyway, back to Okay, we’ve done the sugar bomb. And he keeps talking about how dangerous it is. And at one point back says, this has been kind of a weird day. 


And I was like, Dude, that is 


the most that’s the biggest understatement of this entire book 


that like if this had really happened, and this was all on sort of the news feeds that would be the memorable moment. Yeah, it would be the moment that everybody turns into stuff on kind of a weird day. 


And then we find out that they have 28 seconds to intercept. They’re cutting it so close. It’s like as much as like, yeah. To to cut it that close. And have the juxtaposition. Ben be it’s been kind of a weird day. Yeah, it’s like it all happens on the same page. And it’s just like, you’re reeling from it, which is just I don’t know, I liked that. 


That, that that happened so know what I like, I like soflo trash panda is take on the synthesis, which is he explains the science, and you explain the humanity and the Snark. Which Yeah, yeah. Oh my god, it’s 


our relationship. 


Oh, it’s it’s science and entertainment. It’s It’s It’s the the nerd in the snarky one 


yellow fo gets it. Yeah, exactly. But I love that name. I can’t get over it slip up. 


So yeah, they they’re able to slow down and then back goes out to get Watney. He goes to jump on that 30 mile an hour car. 


Okay. But before we even get there, you guys, I don’t know why I have this written down. Something must have happened in Oh, they go they we go back to earth, where they’re all just sitting there and like Mission Control, and everybody is helpless. There is literally nothing they can do. And even if they had an idea of like, Oh, don’t blow the thing, do this instead that they can’t because because of that, that time difference. The light delay, the light delay. 


So I mean, really, at this point, it’s over, but they’re still hearing about it. But the events have already. 


This is where I wrote the note, Alex, okay, this is what we’re talking about. Okay. So let’s say the whole world has to feel like this. And can you imagine the whole world feeling the same emotion like seriously, take a moment to think of the billions of people we have on this planet, right? And not everybody has stopped for this. That’s just not the way the gets to work. There are too many people who still have a Starbucks shift, or something else. 


Don’t care about the guy stuck on Mars because they have no soul, 


or they have bigger problems to deal with. Okay? No, we’re going with the humanity here. Listen, I just can’t imagine having that many humans, at the same time, having pretty much the exact same reactions, because you’ve got the helplessness, you’ve got the anticipation, you’ve got fear that’s mingled in there, you’ve got this stress, because like, I imagine that a lot of people The first thing, like when they find out whether or not Mark gets saved or not, they’re going to cry, because they have all of this pent up emotion, right? So one way or the other, there’s going to be crying and cheering or crying and dropping to the floor, cuz you’re sad, like whatever it is, but you’ve got all of this built up, and it’s gonna look the exact same for almost everybody. And I can’t, I literally can’t think of a time in history where that would have happened. Because we’re in a, we’re in a time where communication is so much more accessible. 


There are a few candidates when we landed on the moon was definitely a global event. Yes, I but I think this would be even more so. because like you said, more people have like, televisions at this, you know, in the 30s when this is set, and of course, they’re just more people. But yeah, I think there are a few candidates landing on the moon, the end of World War Two, I think was probably celebrated pretty much in every corner of the world. Yeah. 


But for people getting that that information at the same time. 


Yeah. I mean, by radio, like a lot of people would have, but there were still plenty of towns that were, you know, in the middle of nowhere, Australia that didn’t have a radio. Yeah, 


I guess. I guess that’s just what it kind of keeps coming back to for me is, and we’ve just got so many more people in the world. Yeah, that 


is, this definitely would be an unprecedented event. 


And I just like I don’t know, I, I tend to, like, what are aliens gonna think of us when they encounter us? Right? And can you imagine encountering humans in this moment being like, 


oh, like they’re a hive mind? 


Exactly. I don’t know. So this is where my brain goes. I it’s a little weird. But anyway, I I was I had I had a really big moments of like, I can’t imagine that many people feeling that many that that one emotion together. So that was really cool. So now we have back going out. And Vogel is fascinating because he is pulling on or he’s, he’s breaking on the tether. And he has to do gut feel physics, quote, unquote, which is terrifying. So 


bet goes out to get Mark Watney and then they come back. But the thing that is that you have to keep in mind here is they’re still not like Mark Watney, his ship is still moving relative to the Hermes. So there is a version of this where Beck could get to Mark Watney touch Mark Watney and then get yanked away like a fish on a line. Because the Hermes is just going by, and he didn’t have time to actually grab one. And so Beck has to work fast, get him self attached to Mark Watney. But then even when they exit Mark ship, and he’s got him on the line, there is still the risk that if they do if they if they stay out there so long that the line snaps taut, it could rip the line out, it could they could break the line. And now Watney and back are stranded in space as the Hermes goes sailing off into the distance. And so Vogel has to reel them in, he has to start accelerating them back up to the Hermes of speed, but not so fast that he will break the tether, but also not so slowly that they will run out of tether before he gets them up to speed. Because 


if they if, if there’s too much force on the tether, then the that it would break free from back suit, but if there’s too little pressure on or force on the tether, then they jerk to a stop, and it rips from a suit. So the same thing happens essentially either way, which is, 


but not good. But it’s the needle because anytime he pulls him with his gut feel physics with his gut feel physics terrifying. 


Yeah. And they pull him in, and they’ve got mark, and Wow, what a moment when she radios back to earth and says six crew members safely aboard. Ah, that is such a great 


and then we jump straight into the NASA rep getting a hug at the Watney household. Yeah, and I was just like, yeah, the 


parents pulled him in for Uh huh. 


I was just like, oh my god, how often do you think that the reps get like to be there for the good news? Yeah. 


This big of good news like this is this is a career like highlight, 


you know, and story to tell later for sure. Yeah. 


I also couldn’t believe that Teddy didn’t make a red folder. He only made one folder, which means that he, he gives he has one speech prepared for this moment, and it’s only if something goes right which I’m sitting here going, dude. Yeah, there wasn’t a great chance way to tempt fate, man. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. 


Yeah, they’re there is a great moment. So this whole sequence we’ll get into it more next week when we’re talking about the movie. But this whole sequence does have several significant changes. I haven’t done the math. But my expectation is that this sequence probably changes the most from book to film. And no spoilers. But there are some big changes. But I did have to laugh, because there’s one moment that is a little present by Andy Weir, which is he talks about how when Mark gets pulled into the airlock, it’s just having back and back immediately whisks him to the hospital, which is really just Beck’s quarters. And he mentioned that if this had been a movie, everybody would have met me in the airlock. And there would have been high fives all around and all that kind of stuff. And lo and behold, a few years later, they turn the Martian into the movie. And everybody meets him in the airlock. And there are high fives all around. And I just have to believe that the filmmakers on set that day were like, Well, I mean, he told us what to do. 


Yes, yeah. Yeah. 


And then, yeah, we pretty quickly move into wrapping it up mode. 


Yeah, we 


mark talks about why the earth, the Terran community, would put millions of dollars into saving him. And he says something he’s this, he says, they did it because every human being has a basic instinct to help each other out. It might not seem that way sometimes, but it’s true. And I was like, can you we can you be real and our mind to the world of that right now? Because, like he said, it might not seem that way. But it’s true. And I I basically am the person who I believe that I believe that people like to help. We are Lucy and I are both deep optimists. Yes. And it can be frustrating and painful when the world doesn’t live up to our standards. But I really liked that he put that in there. Especially like, it follows him saying, in space, no one can hear you scream like a little girl as he’s being pulled along. 


There’s also a great moment where he’s talking about mission day versus mission soul and the different time on earth versus on Mars. And then he says, but it doesn’t matter what time it is on Mars, because I’m not there. 


Yeah. And then, you know, really one of the last things that we find out is he stinks to high heaven, and no one in a long time in a long time. Which can you imagine how itchy he has probably been. And he hasn’t said a word about it. The other thing that hasn’t been said is they don’t talk about his weight. And the book and movie. Yeah, his weight. His his weight loss is very, very apparent. And I’m guessing it’s because it’s, you can communicate smelt pretty easily at a book. Yeah, but not in a movie. So it’s just, it’s it’s another indicator of how much he’s gone through. But yeah, we never we never touch on his weight loss, which is interesting. 


That is interesting. 


And then he like, he’s essentially like, whatever is the happiest day of my life. And the end, the end, and I was just like, like, Oh, fuck, we 


couldn’t use a little more data. And 


yeah, I I found this very frustrating. And I discovered that people who listen to the audio book got something that people who read the book did not. And so I’m I would now say, anybody who wants to read this book should do the audio book, 


because there’s an extra chapter at the end of the audio book that has sort of like not exactly short stories, but they are moments from the world of the Martian. So for example, you get the moment that Mark Watney learned he was going to be on the Aries three crew. And you get mark and Martinez talking in a bar and like you get these moments from the from the larger world which is cool. 


Yeah. And for me, we have been through so much With this guy that I wanted to rebel in his safety, we had so much of lack of safety. Yeah, that I needed to sit in that longer I needed to see more reactions, I needed to know how more people were feeling. And guess what? I can guess what those feelings are. But I want to be told because I need it as an audience member. And I didn’t get that. And so for me, there was a letdown because it was like, have you saved by? No, okay. Well, and 


by the way, he’s not actually saved yet. Like, as they specifically say, in this book, space travel is actually more dangerous than being stuck on Mars. And you know, the the tagline of the movie is bring him home. And he’s not home yet. Like, you’ve still got several months of spaceflight to get through in a ship that was already deteriorating a little bit before they got back to Mars. 


And like, we don’t have to go through all the details of it. But also his body has been running on multivitamins and potatoes. 


Yeah, what is it? What what is happening nutritionally? And 


what is the cause for this? Because we all know that, like, you come across a starving anything, and you can’t just give them the food you would normally eat. Like, that’s not how it works. 


Very, very dark. But interesting stories from World War Two of feeding Holocaust survivors, and it killed them because you have to ease them back into food. You can’t go straight from starving to not 


Yeah. And so like, I don’t know, there’s just all of these questions. I wanted, I wanted him to see, I wanted to see him see Earth. Yeah, if not step foot on Earth. I just, I felt like, there was something missing. I didn’t get to have the ease. We got the joy of saved, but not the ease of safety. Well, and especially, you know, 


there’s also from the scientific standpoint, you know, one of the things that I was thinking in this chapter is I want more stuff in space from this author, you know, like, I want more stuff, the the space dynamics, the intercept, velocity and intercept range, and all that kind of stuff was fun. And I would be very interested to hear what was Mark’s reintroduction to Earth gravity, like he’s been in space and on Martian gravity for a couple of years. That would be an interesting retraining regimen. Like he probably had a hard time breathing when he landed. 


And the other thing is like, they have a hole in the ship, and they use a lot of fuel to do this last. Yeah. nuber. 


So Martinez probably had a pretty cool time, like bringing them into Earth orbit Exactly. Because they talk about 


that in the chapter of like, Okay, if we do this, how much of our field do we use? And how much do we need? And now they’re going in the wrong direction? Yeah. So how do you deal with that, like, to me, there’s so much more of the story. That just I needed an epilogue. Yeah. And there wasn’t an epilogue, and I’m mad about it. 


Well, aside from the lack of epilogue, I think this is the point where we sum up the Martian. What are we? What do you think of the tale of Mark Watney? 


I mean, I you guys, I fucking loved it. I don’t know if you could tell. But I loved it here. Big, big fan. I think my biggest problem literally was not enough. Not enough. So I am here for it. I want more of this type of literature. But I want to see it outside of just like science fiction. I want to see it you know, Okay, I get it. I get that there’s like alternative history where you get a lot of actual real history and things like that. But I want to in like my fantasy, I want it in my mystery novels. I just want? 


Well, I think I think heavy read having it in your fantasy as an example of why Lord of the Rings is so popular, because that is a fantasy story with this kind of aesthetic, where the languages and the history and the architecture and like everything has this incredible attention to realism and detail. 


Yes, but the differences into it. I think I think there’s a difference there though. Okay, which is, if you don’t know much about languages, Tolkien isn’t explaining languages to you. That is true. And the Martian is explaining science and making science cool. The thing about, you know, learning the Elven language that Tolkien makes up, is that you because you are a fan have decided it’s cool. And so you’re going to go learn this. 


And Tolkien curricular. 


Yeah. Whereas Tolkien isn’t token didn’t make it cool. He was just like, I think this is cool. So I’m going to put this in my story. Where’s Andy? We’re made science. Cool, right. Like, you know, I think that’s the difference. 


Yeah, the educational quality, that sort of showing you how it works, not just showing you that it works, 


and Not making you not making the audience feel stupid. Making it understandable. Even if you feel like speed reading it, you’re like, I probably could have understood that. I just didn’t feel like it. Right? I had moments like that. But anytime I slowed down, I was like, Oh, no, I get this. And so you’re reminding the audience that they’re smart, you’re teaching them something new, how much they’ll retain? Who knows, I now know that LCDs have water. You know, there’s water, there’s like, right in the back. Yeah, I can’t operate in a vacuum. Like, I’m not gonna retain a bunch, but I retained a little bit, I know that I can learn this, which is not something I learned at school. Like, there’s just something about bringing, like elevating your audience. And I don’t think a lot of artists do that. They talk to the people that they think are already at their level, whatever that level might be, or they play to the lowest common denominator, that’s something that people talk about a lot. And entertainment is playing to the lowest common denominator, which is ironically, a mathematical term. 


lowest common denominator being you know, the the number that is a multiple of both of these things, the lowest number and you know, you can make a good argument that the Martian is a is a shining example of playing to the highest common denominator, which is to say, he’s not aiming it at experts. He’s aiming it at what everyone can understand. He’s just aiming it at the top of what everyone can understand this is the most 


you can understand stuff 


that anybody could pick up. Yeah. And I just love that doctrine. And that is just to bring it full circle, the aesthetic of the synthesis. That is what we are talking about on this show is using science using history using realism and accuracy in entertainment, not educational content, in genuine entertainment, but aiming it at the highest common denominator. And 


you know, not everybody has to be the Marshal. Not everybody has to be like, I’m only going to do one thing that isn’t real. You can you can zoom for fantasy in this. Yeah, you can have a lot more breathing room than the Martian than Andy. We’re allowed the Martian to have. That’s okay, too. But the amount of realism that he injected into it makes it special. 


Yeah. What about you enhances the fiction? No, I, I feel exactly the same way. I mean, I’ve said before that the Martian was a big inspiration on terrigenesis. And, I mean, you know, the Martian, along with other things helped inspire terrigenesis, the success of terrigenesis helped us found the edge works, entertainment. And now this is the doctrine. 


Our branding is essentially what we just explained exactly 


what this company does, yeah. And so we, I mean, that’s what I’m dedicating my life to do, you know, like this is, this is not just something I enjoy, this is something that I’m, I’m trying to emulate in everything I do to one degree or another. And I just 


Alex, it, like Alex and I had this interesting conversation last night where I learned like, I’ve always known this, but I had never really pinpointed it. Just how passionate he is about authenticity. Like I’ve always known that this is he loves this stuff, right? But you know how you have that one thing that you would love to just bring to the world? This is this is the passion thing. for him. It’s authenticity. And I I think I didn’t understand how deep it went until we were talking about it last night. And so you know, here we are bringing Alex’s passion to the world. 


Oh, thank you. It is and and specifically the thing that I’m the most passionate about is something that Andy, we’re just absolutely males. And the Martian is often the example that I use when I tell people about this is you know, on one end of the scale, there is educational content. There is textbooks there, you know, the things that you see in a classroom, and a step up from that is edutainment, you can hear this term edutainment where, you know, it’s meant to be kind of fun, but it’s also meant to be educational. This would be something like the History Channel, where it’s not just nonfiction. It’s not a documentary that like dramatize certain scenes, but it’s still meant to be educational. And I don’t really like edutainment. What I like, is authentic entertainment. I like things like the Martian. I like things where the entertainment is informed by the science. And it’s not about teaching you, but you learn along the way anyway. I mean, how many people have learned things about World War Two from watching movies like Schindler’s List and Saving Private Ryan, but nobody would ever call Saving Private Ryan, an educational film? Like, it’s probably been shown in a lot of classroom Yes, but it’s not an edgy occasional film it is entertainment. And it is filled with authenticity 


thing. Glory was the one that we watched. Is that the name of it? 


Yeah. Glory from serving the Civil War. 


Yeah, I think I had three different teachers. So that to me between middle school and high school, exactly. 


The Assassin’s Creed video games are another example. People love the historical authenticity. But nobody would ever describe Assassin’s Creed as an educational game. 


So yeah, this leads me to, I want to make a request of everybody. Tell us what you want, like what you want to see. And don’t feel like it has to be American entertainment. Yes, you know, if if you’re not if you don’t live here, and what you’re seeing on TV, like if you’re seeing an episode of something or a movie, or you’ve got a book that you want to put out there, please let us know. Like, find us on Twitter. Find us on Instagram. 


We are at edge works entertainment, basically everywhere. Yeah. 


And feel free to reach out to me and Alex as well on any of these crazy social media sites. 


I am at Alex for the win. 


I think mine is just Lacey Hannon. 


Yep, super boring. 


But you know, 


yeah, we have a we have a list of things that we want to do next next week, we’re going to be doing the Martian the feature film, but we have a list of things that we’re going to do after that. You know, things like the expanse, things like first man, things like Interstellar, we have these stories that imbue that put real science and real history into the entertainment. But we want more. So if you have a movie or book a television episode, yeah, it’s really good. And 


the thing is, is get specific if you if there’s something that you really want people to see, like, if you know if it’s defying gravity, like tell us which episode because I don’t love defying gravity. And I only want to watch one of the episodes. If I have to. It will be one. But yeah, he’ll watch all 11 of them whenever. I think it’s 11 it’s whatever it was canceled. But you know, good 


smug about this show being canceled, 


oh, I don’t want anyone to 


lose their jobs. But no, seriously, we are. We are looking for suggestions, movies, books, television shows. If you are watching us live, feel free to put it in the chat. If you’re watching this after the fact on YouTube, posted in the comments. We check them out all the time and respond. And 


oh, last thing my mom wants everybody to know, that they need I know that they need to go watch the most I think the most recent episode of PBS, PBS is show Nova, which has been on the air for ever 1000 years, and they just did an episode on perseverance. And she said it made her cry. And you get to see. So you get to see like apparently a super multicultural, awesome group of scientists who made this happen. And she said it was super inspiring. So if you need to see something that is not meant to be as entertainment, go watch it. And it apparently if you have amazon prime, you can access it. So cool. My little tip for the week. 


Well, that is it for the Martian by Andy Weir. Next week when we check out the feature film, yeah. And then we’ll be going on from there. 

The Martian Ch. 23-25: LAUNCH ME INTO SPACE IN A CONVERTIBLE, BABY! | The Synthesis

Get locked & loaded as we dissect Mark Watney’s slow decent deeper into the depths of Mars. We cruise through the drama of surviving on Mars while Lacey goes off about some pet peeves and Alex succumbs to her witchy charms!

𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•ͺπ•Ÿπ•₯π•™π•–π•€π•šπ•€ is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.


Hey folks, and welcome to the synthesis. I’m Alexander Winn. 


And I’m Lacey Hannan. And this is a show where we talk about science and entertainment. So get excited. Yes. 


This week we are talking about chapters 23, 24 and 25 of The Martian by Andy Weir. 


We have a little book club going through 


this. But first we need to talk about the news of the day, which is the landing of the perseverance rover, it touchdown just a couple of hours ago on the surface of Mars, and I think that’s pretty cool. 


I I don’t know who said it today. But it’s a it is a planet of robots, which I think is fantastic. I mean, in real life, it’s a planet of robots. And the Martian. It’s a planet of one one botanist, 


one botanist. Yeah, I especially. So perseverance is cool for a lot of reasons. First off is it’s a rover on Mars. But it’s also the it’s carrying a helicopter that is going to try to be the first powered flight on another planet, which is cool. And especially tricky considering that Mars’s atmosphere is only half of 1% as thick as Earth’s. So 


I heard today that the engines are based on 50 year old technology, like it was so good then, that they’ve just kind of reiterated a little bit, but it’s, it sounds like it’s pretty much the same thing, which I think is really cool. Like good on those scientists. 50 years ago. Yeah, I’m gratulations series. What was that? Like the 70s? 


Yeah. The other thing that I really enjoy about the perseverance rover is where it got its name. Have you heard about the male perseverance? So they held a contest among K through 12 students all across the country to name the new rover and a seventh grade student named Alexander Mathur, in Virginia, just got the ring of trustworthiness and genius. He wrote, he wrote an essay about how other rovers on Mars Curiosity, insight, spirit, opportunity, these are all qualities that we possess as humans. But the most important thing, the thing that will take us into space is perseverance. That’s the actual trait. You know, before curiosity before insight before spirit before opportunity, you have to have perseverance. 


Yeah, that’s all explorers have to have that. 


Exactly. And I just that is such a great little. 


Yeah. Nice little insight from a seventh grader. Good on you. That’s like 14 years old. Okay. smarty pants, 


doing good. 


I don’t really know what it plans on doing. 


It’s going to do a lot of the stuff that Mars rovers often do. It’s going to look for signs of life, it’s going to look for signs of past life, it’s going to be that test to try to see if I can get something to fly. It’s going to do some chemistry tests to see about supporting human life, you know, see if it can produce oxygen from the Martian atmosphere and things like that. Oh, yeah. paving the way for people like Mark Watney. terraforming. Yes. For terraforming ha 


and in case you would ever like to try your hand at terraforming? Yes, we have a game for 


terrigenesis on iOS, Android, and Windows. Not really good. I just had to be done. There was no there was no getting around it. No, 


there wasn’t. 


That being said. Let’s go ahead and jump on into the Martian. 


Okay. I have a question. Question of the day. Listen. Okay, you guys, I just just to preempt the rest of the show. I’ve still got some major pregnancy congestion, so bear with me. And also a little bit of pregnancy brain where sometimes I don’t feel like doing the work. So Alex, why don’t you explain to us why what he’s doing with the solar panels and figuring out the dust storm and all that. 


Yeah. So the problem that we face as we start chapter 23 is Mark Watney has been driving to skapar le crater in the rover, and the people from earth who can no longer contact him have seen from satellites that there is a giant dust storm heading Marc’s way. But he didn’t know that because dust storms are very gradual things you don’t really notice that the air is getting easier and easier until you’re in the thick of it. So they were worried that this might be the end of Mark because he might not be able to get power for his rover power for his life support through this dust storm because he’s powering everything from selection they should have known wasn’t going to be the case because there’s like eight more chapters after he enters the dust storm so of course he’s not going to die. None of these characters check to see how long the book is, but whatever. So Mark finally figures out that there is another Storm because he’s standing on the edge of a crater and he looks out and it’s super hazy that way. It’s not hazy that way. He sort of does the math, he realizes, hey, there’s a dust storm. But the problem is, he doesn’t know the shape of the storm. He knows that there is one he knows it’s that way. But he doesn’t know if it’s like, he knows it’s to the west, I think. But he doesn’t know if it’s to the northwest or the Southwest. He doesn’t know it goes to West. Okay, so east. So yeah, so it’s on the east. So he doesn’t know which way to go, should he go north around this crater or South around this crater, you know, he’s, he’s up against a crater, so we can’t go straight, which way to go, he doesn’t want to go the wrong way, in which case, the power loss is going to be even worse. Yeah. So he needs to figure out a way to measure the density of the dust storm at three different places. And then compare them. Okay. So the idea is, if you if you measure it here, you measure it here, and then you measure it here, you can compare the numbers or those who can’t see what his hands are doing. It’s 40 kilometers between panels, and it’s straight north to south exactly line three points 


on a line, then you can get a sense that like, you know, if the northern one is a lot is is seeing a lot lower performance than obviously the dust storm is thicker to the north. And I’m not sure go south, if it’s the opposite, then he goes north, right. Okay, so what he does, you know, because there’s only one of him. And so his problem is that he can’t be in three places at once. And you have to measure it at three places at once. Because otherwise, the the information is invalid brainstorm, I’d be moving. So what he comes up with is, he’s going to drop three solar panels in three different places, or rather, drop two and then he will have one with him. And he takes a camera that is attached to the arm of the his spacesuit. And he just plugs the camera into the solar panels so that it has power. And he just records the whole day. So he doesn’t have to be there, he can just film it, and then go back and look at the tapes. 


So there are two cameras and his in his extra he VA because he has to have his three cameras and he can be at one. He has 


to have two cameras and then his eyeballs right third. So he he drops one with a camera, he drops another with a camera and then he drives to the third spot and just stands there and looks okay. And then he goes back, he records the the thing, the levels where he was and then he goes back collects the other two cameras checks the timestamp looks at what the levels were now 


Do you remember why he needed the resistors? Because that was the other thing that I was like, What? I’m slowly reading this. 


So without going into a whole lot of electrical engineering resistors basically reduce electrical current and turn it into heat. They’re basically deliberately inefficient. Okay, and so the problem is, if you just drop a camera on Mars, it’s going to freeze. Oh, yeah, cuz it’s really cold. Yeah, exactly. But what he knew was, he’s attaching this thing to a power source. And he’s not using the power for anything. He’s just checking to see how much power it is getting right. So he can just put a whole bunch of resistors together and basically make a heater. So he’s just going to string these things together, each one generates a tiny little bit of heat, but you can put so many of them together, that generates enough heat to keep the camera warm. 


Okay, so the resistors are connected to the solar panel. So that the solar panel has it’s, it’s sort of putting out power. 


Yeah, it’s putting out power to generate basic or to run basically a heater in a camera. Okay. Yeah, great. So that is where we pick up in chapter 23. is Mark is figuring this out, as he does going through the steps figuring out how to address this problem. And he’s thinking of the storm in terms of percent power loss. Yes, he knows that if the percent power loss drops below a certain point, he’s dead. And if it drops below a much higher point, he’s basically dead, because he won’t be able to get to the area’s foresight in time, 


right. And by the last to be there at a very specific time. 


Yes. And I love this, because this is one of those things that, you know, with the real science in the Martian, Andy Weir has built this world in which it feels like everything is just sort of inevitable. Everything is driven by physics, and not by story. And yet, what he has done by giving himself these physical, these physics based restraints, is that there’s a ticking clock. Yeah, he’s got what every great story needs to have in its third act, which is a deadline, because he has to get there they can’t slow down. And that is so perfect for the story. So he has to keep the power generation above a certain level in order to have enough time to get to Aries for so at this point in the story or, or the chapter we are, he goes into talking about how much he hates potatoes, and I have a question for everybody. Is there anything In this world that you hate as much as Mark Watney hates potatoes. 


I would I put this question to you? 


Yeah. My answer is J grape. No, no, my I actually I thought of a better answer. Yes, I have a thing that I hate as much as Mark Watney hates potatoes. And that is when my phone autocorrects correctly spelled words. It drives me up a while you get so mad. Yeah, I will be writing a word. And I’ll write like so. And then it’ll, it’ll autocorrect it to do. And I’m like, No, I wrote. So because I want to write so why are you changing this word that is perfectly correct and perfectly common. into some other word. Just stop it. 


I think that for me, it’s, there’s, there’s this. We see and design a lot like the core right now. trite sayings, trite phrases, live, laugh, love. Like, I hate them with an undying passion. And I don’t mind it if you have it in your house. Just don’t bring it in to mind. The right now the way that I’m encountering it the most often since I’m obviously not going to people’s homes is a dove chocolates. They’re, they’re delicious. They you open it up, and it’ll say something stupid, like, live laugh Dev. And I’m just like, oh, it contributed contributed to like, it says, Oh, that’s from dawn out of California. And you’re like, Oh, shut the fuck up. Dawn. 


Yeah, it’s like, let’s take fortune cookies and make them worse. Yes, 


exactly. I would rather you know, I remember when fortune cookies were good. Like the fortunes? Yeah. When we were kids were like funny or, you know, actually had a fortune or something. And now they’re kind of dumb. I would rather the dumb fortune cookies than the trite phrases. So yeah, I I get outraged. And I always read the dove sayings. And Alex is like, you don’t actually have to 


read those. You can just eat the candy. You don’t actually have to unwrap it and read your candy. 


I mean, I have to unwrap it. But I don’t. I don’t have to read I do have to it’s it’s a compulsion at this point. 


You know, the thing that I like about this question, oftentimes people ask like, what do you hate as much as you know, like, what makes you want to kill people or whatever? And you know, they’ll answer like, Oh, you know, I hate fast food. And you’re like, you don’t hate fast food enough to kill people. 


That that would make you you’d be in prison. 


Yeah, but I like the fact that your question how much What do you hate as much as Mark Watney hates potatoes? You know, he’s still eating the potatoes. Like, he doesn’t hate them so much. He’s still he’s still consuming them. He’s just really annoyed by them. And so you can actually answer this question reasonably. 


I don’t know. I think that he he might just absolutely hate them. But also, we just got a comment from Emad economists. So that hasn’t been 


soflo trash panda weighed in and said broccoli. eemaan economists said zucchini is what she hates. And then she said I had to turn auto cucumber off on my phone because that annoyed me so much. Listen, yeah, that’s, that’s a mana economist you can stay. This is why we keep 


like to that. 


Like literally made lasica. For those for those who can’t see the video here she is literally dabbing her eyes with a Kleenex. 


That was so good. Now, okay, on this topic, Mark says that when he if he gets back to Earth, obviously when if he ever returns to Earth, he’s buying a place in Western Australia because it’s on the opposite side of Earth from Idaho. And I’m just saying for a scientist, he was very imprecise about this. Because he’s wrong. It is not Western Australia. It is the Okay, so the antipodal point of not Yeah, I had to I had to pick a specific place. I couldn’t just use Idaho as a whole and Idaho’s rather large. So I picked I picked Blackfoot, Idaho because it’s the county seat of Bingham County, which produces the most potatoes in Idaho. fun little fact, it produces as many potatoes as Maine does. On the whole. 


I know nobody cares how much research you did and it’s reminding me why I’m married you. 


So I put in Blackfoot, Idaho and the antipodal point of Blackfoot is actually just out in the ocean somewhere but the closest city would be a port of francais of the French Southern territories. Which is, it is like I think straight north of Australia, but like, quite a ways away. So I would just like to point out that Mark was not as precise 


mark. brilliant man and a dumb. 


No, I didn’t say that. I did not say that. I said that. Okay, whatever. So 


Oh, so he Yes. He goes 


on to talk about something else that is driving him crazy. And it also drives me crazy. 


Okay, go ahead. 


He is driving the same path three times. And that sort of in an inefficiency is one of my least favorite things. 


I think that’s that’s one of those very insightful pieces of writing where he talks about, you know, how when you miss your exit on the highway, and you have to drive to the next exit, and you hate every second of it, because you know, that you’re just going to have, you’re getting further and further away from your goal. That, yeah, I felt that. Yeah, I think everybody knows what that feels right, 


inefficiency. And it’s not just in driving. But oftentimes, it is it it, like eats away at my soul, I think of like, if my soul had edges, and it would just started burning away the edges of my soul. I think by the time I die, there will be nothing left, because inefficiency makes me rage out that much. So just in case, so I guess I have two 


that that I hate as much as markets. And they’re both a little goofy. But I can’t help myself. I can’t help myself. Oh, man. 


So he is he measures the three points and he’s able to figure out good news. The storm is to the north, which is what he was hoping because he’s traveling south. This is another example as we’ve talked about before, of when you base everything on real science, and you make it make sure that everything makes sense. You get to throw yourself a bone every once in a while and it’s totally believable. Yeah, we totally buy this is not contrived writing. You know, it was a 5050 shot anyway. And it happened to break his way. Thank God. Yeah. And it just it works. And I love it so much. These are the kinds of things that I wish that I could just like sit Hollywood executives down and just like tape their eyelids open and make them watch so that they would stop doing stupid things and movies, cliches, yes. 


His next thing is he goes on to talk. So he decides his route, and how he’s going to quickly get there. And he’s going to drive due south for a while. Because he has to get around this. Yeah, this crater well, and just get away from the storm. He needs to be heading southeast. But he’s just going to go straight south for a long time to try to get away from the storm because he needs the power. Yeah. 


And then he’s going to travel essentially do E’s. Yeah. To get to the Huskers go, whatever. I don’t know how to pronounce this cap rally. skapar rally. Yeah, I know someone named scarpelli. So that’s where my head goes. 


But yeah, he’s basically making a triangle instead of going straight there. He’s going yeah, one way and then taking a right angle. And he mentions one of my favorite lines in today’s chapters. He says for every 90 kilometers of travel, he’s only making 37 kilometers of progress, because Pythagoras is a dick. And I just I just love that so much. 


I detail it was 


that and the next moment where he talks about reading Agatha Christie, that I just loved these two moments back to back first of all, Pythagoras is a dick and then he puts his murder his murderer prediction on paper. That takes a lot of guts because 


I’m not I’m a guy who does crosswords and pen Yeah, 


and I was sitting there going I didn’t know you were such a gambler you know because this is I am not a person who I cannot stand being wrong so while I often guess you know we’re we’ll watch procedural or a murder mystery or whatever I will often guess who it is and I’m often rate I’m pretty good at it. But I don’t like to I don’t like to tell anybody if if I’m wrong, I’m gonna feel foolish which is dumb like that’s not that’s Alex doesn’t make me feel that way. I will tell Alex who I think it is. But I will tell almost nobody else. The only i the only time I remember recently being wrong was knives out, which was a really well done movie. 


So he does mention, you know, he says at one point who knows how far south this storm goes, and I it was very humorous because I immediately thought, everyone knows who you are the only human alive right now who doesn’t know how far south this goes. Everyone on earth knows. They just can’t tell you. But he gets a very interesting opportunity, which is, which is a great little moment, he realizes that he’s going to be passing pretty close to the opportunity rover. And that is very interesting. You know, he’s already cannibalized one rover to talk to NASA. And here’s an opportunity to do another he could get a heads up if there’s any other obstacles in his way. There’s a lot of reasons to do it, he ends up not doing it. And I like the way he says that he says, I’ve defiled enough future historical sites for now. Yeah. Which is a great because I actually really appreciate that, like I love, you know, preserving historical sites. It’s very, you know, sort of important. But I also like the fact that he just tosses it out, like, he’s not going to defile this historical site, as if the entire route that he’s driving isn’t one giant historic, you know, like, as soon as there are people living on Mars, there’s going to be like an annual, you know, long distance jog along the Mark Watney route. Yes, every single spot he did a urine dump is gonna have a flag next to it. Like he is making history, every single step he takes, and he’s just like, No, I’m gonna leave the rover. We’re gonna need something for the people to look at. Like, like, man, man, you’ve made so many of these already. Yeah, 


I think he calls it the Mars highway. One was one. Yeah. 


Which I liked. Now. I need. I think actually, NASA has one. And I meant to bring it today. And I’m sorry that I didn’t. I will bring it next week. You guys. There is. Apparently NASA made a map of Mark Watney his rounds. Yes. And you can find it. Right. You didn’t tell me that? Did I not tell you you needed to tell me that? No. Oh. 


But yeah, you can look it up his exact route. You know, Andy, we’re being Andy Weir. He mapped it out. Well, Andy 


Weir has one and a NASA has one. Oh, I think they’re two different ones. And then I think the one on on the NASA website, I think that you can, like plan your own trip. Yeah. Which I think is hysterical. NASA’s This is actually pretty funny when it comes to 


that sort of thing. They’re cute little things a lot. Yes. By the way, an interesting fact about Mars. That is intriguing. Anybody who has played terrigenesis will know that Mars if you were to terraform, it is not like Earth in the sense that it’s got multiple broken up continents. Mars would have one giant ocean that dominates the northern hemisphere, and then the whole southern hemisphere basically be dry land. And one of the interesting things that that allows is something they talked about in the Mars trilogy. Once they’ve terraform to the planet enough for people to actually breathe out on the surface. There is an annual competition of people who jog around the world. They it’s a long distance running competition, a long distance, you know, ultra ultra marathon? Yeah, exactly. ultra, ultra, ultra, ultra, ultra marathon, as you run around the entire planet Mars, which is just such a cool tradition that could only exist on Mars, you can’t do that on Earth. 


So one of the reasons that he doesn’t go to opportunity, is he realizes that he believes he will get to the map. Yeah, it’s another psychological milestone. Again, I’m going to start harping on psychological milestones, because I think we should set them for ourselves because goals are good man. And we don’t talk about mental goals. So he does that. And I love this for him. I love that he, he realizes I really think I’m gonna get there. Yeah. Which is great. I was so annoyed that we didn’t get to see NASA’s reaction to seeing him outside of the storm, because we know that they lose us. And we don’t get to. That was a missed opportunity. Yeah, we didn’t see what I did. 


Yeah, I did. It was very obvious. 


Yeah. That’s called opportunity. Okay. 


So I think they did miss this window. To tell us how everybody was relieved. We know everybody would be relieved. But I just want to know what people have to say about it. Like, yeah, what does Annie say about it? What is Mindy say? Anyway, 


so he gets to skapar rally, and he decides that he’s going to enter it the next day. And then we get a delightful little line where he declares because he’s going to be going down. He’s going to be dropping elevation a lot going into this massive crater. He talks about how tomorrow morning, I’m going to be at rock bottom. Now, tomorrow, I’m going to be I’m going to descend to a whole new low and he just keeps riffing on it. I’m going to be in skapar Ellie’s favorite hole, and it’s, I appreciate it. Those are the kind of dad jokes that I’m here for. 


Listen, we went to a place in in New Zealand. called Jack’s blowhole with some friends of ours Jack’s blowhole is amazing. Thank you very much. 


Jack’s blowhole is awesome. It’s in the catlins in southern New Zealand that anybody who goes to New Zealand should visit Jack’s blowhole because then you’ll get to come home and tell people that you visited Jack’s blowhole. 


Okay, so 


yeah. And then at the very end of this chapter, 


we scary exposition again, I’m developing like an exposition phobia from this book whenever you cut away from Mark Watney or the people on earth, and you start getting a third person narration. Yeah. Oh, it gets scary. 


So it seemingly seemed like a geological history. Yeah. Yeah. But no, no, it’s about mark two. And suddenly, we see Yeah, the traveler is how the narrator the narrative just talks about him. We see that he hits some soft ground. And after after being on you know, this, this harder surface, and he flips the rover. 


Yep. And is a scary thought. 


Yes. And, of course, NASA is gonna be horrified. 


Yep. talks about how the solar panels get spilled like a deck of cards. And he, the torque rips apart the rover and the trailer and then he rolls and rolls and rolls rips them apart from each other not. 


Yeah, not, not in half. But yeah, rips them separate. And yeah, it’s a pretty brutal fall. And that brings us to chapter 24. 


At which point, because this is going to be probably the last opportunity that I have to force Alex to do with me. didn’t want to miss that opportunity. 


Oh my god, shut up. 


Love you stop. Um, 


I’m going to make him read this Convo with me because it’s, again, so well written. And you’re going to play ven cat. And I’m going No, wait, hold on. Is it Venkat and, Mitch, who is it? Hold 


on, hold on. 


We’re gonna get there. Just 


Just give me a second God, 


you know that nobody is rushing you right now. 


I don’t want to talk about Oh, it’s a little bit further along. You can start you can. 


Alright. So we pick up on Earth as the as they are reacting to the rover flipping and that is just got to be rough. That is, you know, to have him get so close to the end and then you don’t know if he’s okay. And like probably isn’t, you know, like this is he flipped his trailer. This is you know, there’s so many things that could have gone wrong. And yeah, that would be a very scary moment. 




This is by the way a sequence that got cut from the movie that isn’t they never did it in the movie is the the dust storm and rolling the rover, which is a shame because it would have been very spectacular. But yeah, it would have been good to see in the movie The people reacting to this Marlon. 


So and he talks about like the you know, NASA talks about how the rover is designed to handle a role. And Mark talks about how he was thrown around quite a bit but he thankfully wasn’t hurt. 


He says like curled into a ball and coward because that’s the kind of action hero I am. Which is a great line. 


Yep. And then we cut back to NASA. You ready for this? Alex? Right. Okay. So again, yeah, let’s let’s not just do the dialogue, like read the read the descriptive bits. Oh, yeah. Okay, hold on. We got to get our mics closer together because this is okay. Okay. 


All right. Your Monday. 


Yeah. Monday read the Morse code aloud. Rolled fixing now. What? 


That’s it been cat said over the phone. 


That’s all I said. She reported cradling the phone as she typed out an email to the list of interested parties. 


Just three words. Nothing about his physical health, his equipment, his supplies. 


You got me? She said. He left a detailed status report. I just decided to live for no reason. 


Funny. Venkat said, Be a smartass to the guy seven levels above you at your company. See how that works out? 


Oh, no. Mandy said I might lose my job as an interplanetary boy year. I guess I’d have to use my master’s degree for something else. 


I remember when you were shy. 


I’m space Papa Razzi. Now the attitude comes with the job. 


Yeah, yeah, just send the email 


already sent. 


Yeah, nice. 


I like that she 


calls yourself spade spots 


or paparazzi it’s just so good. 


You know, there’s a thing that I was actually thinking about in this chapter, which is in in writing in screenwriting and Novel Writing. there’s a there’s a belief among writers and they teach you this when you learn how to write is That it’s all about character growth, the character needs to change from the beginning of the story to the end of the story, they need to be a different person in some way. And that’s almost always true. There are some exceptions, I often point to Captain America as the exception that proves the rule 

because Captain America, the whole point of his character is that he doesn’t change over and over, he is confronted with the with a reason to change. And he holds his ground, he has exactly the same character in every movie as he is, in the opening scene of the first world changes around him. Exactly. He’s the guy who isn’t going to move. That’s his character. And, you know, interestingly, the Martian is kind of like that, like, this is a story about someone persevering. Perseverance. And not someone who changes really, I mean, like, obviously, you know, he changes in the sense of, of rising to the challenge. But this is the story of someone who is equipped to handle problems, not who has to change to, you know, sort of respond to problems. And so we don’t really get that, except with Mindy. Mindy is the one who grows over the course of this story. She is a different person than she was when we first met her, you know, Mitch, and the area’s three, crew and Mark, they’re all basically the same characters at the beginning and at the end, but Mindy has changed. 


Okay, I’m gonna see if I can poke holes on that by the time we’re done with this. All right. I’d like to see if anybody else has changed. Let us know if you disagree. I mean, you’re welcome to disagree with him. He is not in fact, always right. 


The woman who, like 10 minutes ago was talking about how much he hates to be wrong. I do hate to be wrong. So Mark sets about trying to flip his rover back over. Which is, by the way, another thing that I would have loved to have seen in the movie, because one thing that movies just don’t really do in space is depict lower gravity very much they depict zero G. And really, I think the expanse is the only time I’ve ever seen anybody tried to depict what it’s like to be in a lower gravity where you know, somebody pours a drink, and it takes longer, because it doesn’t come out as fast. I would love to see Mark Watney trying to flip his rover because on the one hand, it’s huge and heavy. But on the other hand, it’s in like, 1/3 gravity. Yeah. So he could probably do some sort of Superman kind of stuff. It would be interesting to watch. How much can you lift on Mars? 


Yeah. I mean, I like the way he does it. Yeah. So he takes his murder drill. 


Yep. And he has lucky cable 


and his lucky cable, which I just think is another great indicator of his sense of humor, because his lucky cable is the longest cable and he specifically picks it for that reason. And this is the cable that he had attached to his murder drill that murdered Pathfinder, Pathfinder. So I just like that he he has a named these things or given them some sort of designation. And he’s he is still making do with them. Which is funny. He’s not superstitious, this man. Yeah. Because otherwise he would not be using that cable. But anyway, he takes to the murder drill, and he takes a drill bit and he goes out to a rock. And he does what, like half a meter he drills in half a meter. And then he takes the cable back that’s connected one and two, is connected to the drill. He connects the other end to the rover. And then he just starts pulling on the cable, which is very taut. And it helps him bring the the rover back down on to all of its wheels. Yes. 


And he says he has Archimedes on his side. Yep. And I don’t know who Archimedes is. I’m Archimedes was from ancient Greece. He’s sort of the pioneer of simple machines, like very basic physics, how levers work and how pulleys work and that sort of thing. 


I probably learned about this and like sixth or seventh grade, very likely. And I had Mr. Lemke who was really rude to me. So I mostly tuned him out in science class. So I feel like I should know this, but I don’t sorry, Mr. Lucky, you’re lucky. Dick. 


Yeah, seriously. This is what you get. She doesn’t know what Archimedes is because you were announced. He does mention I there was a nice little cross connection here. Not that it was intentional. But in my head. He talks about drinking nothing tea, which is where you heat up water and you have nothing. And Lacey and I have been making our way through some TV shows recently and it occurred to me that you know who would enjoy nothing T is Ted lasso. Ted lasso is a fantastic show. on Apple TV, be sure to check it out. And it’s about an American who moves to England through various reasons, but one Other things that’s funny is he despises tea. He’s incredibly polite. He’s incredibly friendly, but just anybody who offers him tea he just doesn’t understand why anybody would drink this. It’s terrible. He would 


like some really, really funny and sweet and if you are Brooklyn nine, nine fan or a good place fan, I think you would scrubs, 


the showrunner of scrubs. So it has a similar kind of heart. 


So he also says 


he says something about buying beer for people when he gets back Oh, he’s gonna buy all the the guys help source and, and all of Bruce’s team. He’s going to buy them beers. And I thought it was really funny that he thought he was going to be buying anybody beers. Because if this man ever has, if this man gets back to earth and ever has to buy another beer in his life, yeah, I will lose. I would lose all faith in humanity. Yeah. 


Ever buying another baby shouldn’t have to come though. Yeah, 


he does. There’s a nice little moment where Mark has to go to horny jail, which I really appreciate. You know, bonk, go to horny jail. Because, you know, it’s literally been years since he has laid eyes on a woman. And by the way, the year before that was basically flying out to Mars where he wasn’t exactly hooking up with anybody. So I appreciated the the bit of humanity here that you know, like, he’s not a saint. He really, really, really just, it’s not just about survival. It’s also about getting laid. 


Yeah. Now, is there a label for being attracted to aliens? Because I feel like Star Trek would have addressed? 


Probably xeno sexual. Yeah. 


So he’s okay. Yeah. 


All right. I like that. 


Yep. So we also talked about how light works differently on Mars. Yep. I enjoyed that. tidbit. Would you like to go over it? 


Yeah. So it’s actually even more extreme on the moon, which Andy Weir goes into in his novel, Artemis, which is great. But yes, also a great book, which is that there’s not as there’s not nearly as much air on Mars, the atmospheric pressure is half of 1% of Earth’s. And the lack of air means that there’s less stuff in the air, there’s less dust and just, you know, general things, which means that the light doesn’t diffuse as much. As soon as it gets dark. It’s dark, and the shadows are black. It’s not like Earth where the sunset takes an hour of gradually diminishing light. It’s like the sunsets and you are instantly in night like you round a corner. Yeah. And 


you go from light to dark. 


Yeah. And they talk in artemus, the main character is actually able to hide in shadows behind boulders from people who are pretty close by because it’s just pitch black in the shadows, because there’s no air to diffuse the light. 


I hadn’t considered this the entire time we’ve been with Mark, which is like a year and a half at this point. And I thought it was I thought it was interesting that we’re just now hearing about it. I like that. I like that Andy Weir has he didn’t do all of the science upfront. Yes. You know, he didn’t Front Load it and then just tell you the story. He has been 


given goosing it. Yeah, 


yeah, rolling it out slowly. 


And I just feel like that’s a that’s a good way to keep my interest. Because I probably would have been like, No, I’m not reading this. If it had all been front front loaded, for sure. But by by divvying it up, he has, he gives us these interesting tidbits throughout, which also, show show off Watney, his, his his genius, his brain, whatever. And this isn’t like this isn’t one of those intelligent Yeah, 


this isn’t one of those pieces. That’s like a really big deal. It’s just not something that probably most of the audience has thought of. This is I’ve actually thought before, as much as I love live action adaptations of things like the Martian, or the expanse. I’ve actually thought before that what I would really love for somebody to tackle is an animated movie set on Mars or set on the moon. Because in an animated movie, you are able to change a lot more, you know, it’s totally understandable. You know, there are people who who sort of criticize, you know, Mars movies for filming in Morocco or filming in Arizona. And it’s like, you know, what are they going to do? Like, they’re not going to go to Mars to find it? Yeah, like, you got to do this. You know, it’s it’s impractical to film the whole thing on green screen, just because you didn’t want anybody to recognize that one mountain in the middle of nowhere, Morocco, like, come on. And you know, with the expanse, if you read the expanse books, they spend a lot of time on the float, as they call it in zero G where they’re moving through the rooms and through the hallways of their spaceship just floating. And in the TV show, they’re walking around, they they make much heavier use of mag boots where they are magnetically clamped to the ground and you just sort of like ignore the fact that their hair isn’t floating, whatever, they filmed it on Earth, it’s a TV show you move on. But this kind of thing, you know, the the low gravity level, the shadows on Mars, things like that would be so easy to do in an animated setting where you can just change the gravity level and all of your fluid site simulations, as you’re animating change to fit that gravity level, you can just change the light diffusion value, these sorts of things. I would really love for somebody to take a crack at telling a story on Mars in an animated venue, and integrating all this stuff. Because I think it’d be very unexpected for a lot of people what Mars looks like, or how things move how people walk on Mars. You know, in the Mars trilogy, they talked about how people new to Mars, when people first arrive on Mars, they’re constantly slipping, because they don’t weigh as much. And so they’re choose don’t get as much traction. So they’re always falling down. And so you can you can tell who’s new on Mars because they’re the clumsy ones. That’d be great to integrate into something. 


Yeah, it would be. 


Yeah. Okay, so back to the actual Martian. Mark goes into a reverie about Thanksgiving driving to Sandusky, and how his dad, a cautious driver always drove with his hands on tended to and I want to know. So I have a cousin who’s about 10 years younger than me. And so obviously, and then her state, you can’t get a driver’s license until later than my state. My state allows it at 14 which is 


sorry. Sorry, 


what were farmers in South Dakota? What can I say? Yeah. But she said that they now teach four and six instead of 10. And two, and I’m sitting here going? Yeah, because it’s apparently about the about the airbags going off your arms are a lot more likely to like be shattered. Yeah, I guess at 10 and two, then at four and six. And first of all, I want to know if this is just like a one off place that teaches it? Or does anybody know? Is this what they actually teach? I meant to look it up. But again, it didn’t happen. 


But we have any like teenagers in the audience or people in like their early 20s, who just recently learned how to drive 


or just like across the world, like what do they teach what is what is considered the norm? 


Because I’ve heard that I’ve heard the foreign seven or whatever, but it doesn’t, but it’s not to me well, and I’ve never seen anybody actually doing well. That’s not a thing that anybody I’ve ever seen in movies or in real life does as they drive their car. 


It probably because it probably doesn’t feel as like relaxed. Yeah, but I would like to I have tried to decide what would this dad would dad Watney changed his hand position if he had no, no. I’m gonna say no. 


Because I’m gonna say yes. Because clearly he’s a rule follower. I mean, he does. So 


when you’re like in your 50s do you? Do you change? Do you really change? I mean, look at our No, never mind. 


Never mind. I feel like this is the week that we get off on on diversions. I like how I was like, Alright, back to the Martian, let’s talk about driving techniques in South Dakota. This is this is the week where we go, don’t call me out. Oh, alright. So End of Chapter 24, he gets a very exciting moment, which is when he picks up a hab signal from the nav he they have reprogrammed the nav to be releasing the Aries three signal so that it can guide him in which is very clever. You know, like, he didn’t have to do that Andy Weir didn’t have to put that moment in. But it’s just a cool little thing. Yeah, that NASA is still helping however they can they can do this one thing to help mark out. And so they’re gonna do it. And it was just a nice moment. Yeah. And then and then we ended with, as I put it in my notes, scary exposition. Or maybe not so scary. Yes. I think it’s literally the first time in this book that we get third person. NARRATION sort of from the point of view of Mars. When it’s not impending doom, 


I feel like this is Mars. His first dance party, a dance party of one. Yeah, little rave. Yeah. Minor rave. Because he celebrates. Yeah, he’s super excited. Yeah. And you know, 


and I love these little these moments. I love how it’s written where it refers to the traveler instead of Mark, it really feels like it’s from the perspective of Mars, that it’s not just a book. It’s not from a character’s perspective. It’s, it’s the silence of this environment, which is very cool. It’s the 


fly on the wall, except for flies can’t exist on Mars. Yeah. metaphorical. Okay, so we’ve got chapter 25. And we are reading the math modifications. And I read it like a fiend. And I was, 


well before I find before we even get to the math modifications, I do love the fact that as Soon as Mark is back in contact with NASA, they’re like, what have you been doing with your urine? And he’s like, I’ve been dumping it outside, and they’re like, preserve all water, don’t do any more urine dumps, and it’s like, Guys, he’s got this. Like, he’s gonna be leaving in like two weeks. 


Well, but he’s fine. I don’t know 


that that urine is important. 


Oh, no, I’m not saying that they don’t have a good point. What I’m saying is that it’s the instant they can communicate with him, they are back to like ordering him around. He was complaining about this earlier, that he, they they sort of won’t shut up with telling him what to do. And he’s like, I guys, okay. And it’s like the first thing they say to him, it’s like, stop doing that.   


I too, don’t like authority. So I have major problems with authority. And I would, thus I could not be in the military or be an astronaut or a police officer or anything else like that. It would not work for me. 


So again, it’s okay, because she’s the leader of a company with a bunch of employees. So you know, 


the answer to 


I do like this line that when Mark realizes all of the modifications when they send him the list of what he’s going to do to lighten the load of the Mavs. He sums it up best by saying you’re sending me into space in a convertible. 


Yeah. And that I have to admit, this scene in the movie, I think is my favorite scene in the entire movie, just the way that bt long and short allergy for a play this scene is so just sort of dry. Hilarious. It’s it. They do a fantastic job. 


I mean, I believe you, but we’re going to watch it next. So like, yeah, leave something imagination. 


Yeah. So the next thing we so they jump to, 


to the Hermes, and they have a rescue plan in place. I didn’t. So from what I understand, they are going to get into a specific spot. And they’re going to get very close like to that they need to get within a certain trajectory. Right? Yeah. And then the mave for gets into a certain gets a certain distance. And then one of the guys has to go out and get Mark from the map. 


Yeah. So basically, imagine in your mind, sort of like look around the room, wherever you’re sitting and draw a line, like something is flying through the room, and then draw a diagonal line across the room. Somewhere in the room, those two lines are going to intersect. Yeah, except maybe not. Because they could be higher or lower than each other. There’s a point at which they intersect on two dimensions. But you’re wondering where they’re going to be in three dimensions. Right. Okay. And so they are when they talk about the intercept point, it’s where in space is the Hermes is trajectory, going to intercept with the Mavs trajectory, launching from the surface of Mars? And so there are a few considerations. The first is the intercept distance, which is when one of them gets to that point, how far apart are they going to be? And the other is the intercepts velocity, which is, I mean, if they cross each other’s paths, and they’re only within 10 meters of each other great, but if one of them is going, you know, 15 miles an hour faster, it’s like, okay, you just wave at him as he goes by. So what they’re doing is they’re having to figure out how can they get to the right intercept distance, but do it at the right intercept velocity, so that back can go out and grab him that he’s not just gonna fly past and, you know, just be a blur as he goes by? Yeah. Yeah. So Martinez is piloting the math, he’s going to remote pilot, the math Mark isn’t even going to have controls, he’s literally stripping the control panel out of the math, Martinez is going to fly it up. And they’re just going to have to hope that the the trajectories line up properly, so that back can go get him in, because giving some ranges, you know, he’s like, if it’s if it gets up this high, it’s like jumping onto a moving train. And I don’t really know that I can do it. But you know, as long as we keep it within the certain range, we should be good. 


I can’t imagine like, I feel like everyone would be so nervous. I mean, I know that they’re all experts in their field, and they’re, they’re highly capable, and they’ve been given weeks to prepare for this. But simultaneously, yikes. Yeah. 


They better be game day players. Yeah. You know, but the other thing about this is one of those things that I I tried to tell people whenever I can about science and math, which is that on the one hand, yes, it’s incredibly complicated to calculate the trajectory. The spaceship through space. But on the other hand, in a weird way, it’s kind of simple. Because being in space means that there are so many factors that you don’t have to weigh in. You don’t have to weigh in air, like air resistance, you don’t have to weigh in, you know, gravity as much you’re in freefall, like there are all these things you don’t have to worry about. Yeah, so really, it just becomes this. You care about velocity and distance. That’s it. Those are your two tools that you have to play with. And so in a weird way, it actually becomes simpler. So I feel like yes, these astronauts would be super nervous about this. But on the other hand, I feel like, you know, they’re experts. They’ve trained in this and so it’s probably not too overwhelming because they know how this works. They met last year Martinez, unless you’re Marty Martinez, 


who’s like, just so frustrated at the beginning of this chapter, because, you know, he’s only given a couple of shots at dealing with something even remotely similar in his training before they left Earth. Yeah. But as Louis points out, they’ve got two weeks. And what we know is by the end of it, he’s, he’s successful every time unless it’s a failure. Like, 


it’s just as there’s nothing you can do. It’s just like, oh, what if the math blows up halfway? 


Well, okay, okay. There’s nothing you can do there. That is a that is a that is a pointless, 


pointless exercise 


exercise. So we get an we get him. We get we go back to Mark Watney. And we see him separating hydrogen again. 


Yes. And this is why a different way to do any urine dumps because they actually do need the water. 


Yes. And he is doing a hydrogen. He’s separating it in the trailer, and then using the hose to get the hydrogen to the rover where he can just take a tank of the hydrogen over to the map. Yeah. Which I thought like I thought the way that they explained it now, I just kind of did an overview. I don’t know if you really want to deep dive into it. But I thought it it’s on page 335 in case you want to read it. I thought it was really well written. I thought it was understandable. Again, just the real science and this book I love I love how it I would consider myself like the ultimate layman. And I understand that so neat. That’s all you need. Yep, yeah. And so he’s pissing rocket fuel which I 


enjoyed phrase. 






we have him talking to Johansen 


Yep. who promises to Roy his body through love making wild passionate love, wild 


And really it’s Martinez who’s just like an excellent best friend. Yeah, it’s it. So what is happening is Johansen is talking to Watney. And she leaves for a minute and Martinez takes over. And he doesn’t tell Watney that he has taken over the communication, because they’re not talking. It’s not like voice 


Yeah, it’s a text conversation done to johansens account. 


Yeah. And so she gets mad at him, especially especially because Johansen is what sleeping with what’s his face back with back. So I just thought it was cute. And I was like, oh, Martinez, you’re such a good friend just to like, you know, harass her and him and just make light, which is good. Um, 


so mark is doing modifications to the nav and finally he looks up and he’s done. Yes, that’s weird. It is. I feel like we’ve been through so much in this book with Mark that I feel like that’s almost as weird for us as it is for him. He’s He’s so busy all the time. The idea that there’s literally nothing left to do. There are no problems left to solve. It’s just time to sit in a chair and wait for Martinez to rock at you off this planet. Wow. That’s, that’s heavy, as it were. Heavy. 


I think that what is really 


I what I really enjoy about Martinez is to me, I think he has the most faith that they will see Watney and what and he will survive this. In my words, not not Martinez, but he’s talking to Lewis. And he essentially says, you know, we’ll have him in our hours and 24 hours. And I was just like, 


oh, you sweet, sweet, gentle, faithful man. Well, I 


loved it. You know, the other thing that’s nice about Martinez is he’s he is established as the one who sort of has faith. You know, he’s the one who’s religious. And there’s a whole conversation about him telling Louis you need to have faith. And she says, you know, I’m not religious and he says faith and mark. You know, he’s the one who has faith. And oftentimes, faith is represented, especially in media. But even in just in real life, faith is represented as a passive thing. Faith is something that you just, you just release your your sort of your power, you know, I have faith that it will work out. I’m not going to do anything about it. I’m just going to trust that it will. But I like the fact that Martinez is specifically set up as the one who has the most faith. And he is also set up as the one who’s like, sort of kicking his own ass to make this happen. 


Yeah, he’s very active in his faith. Exactly. And the faith is not just in, in God, it’s in the people around him. 


Yeah, he’s faith and capability. Yeah. 


So he’s saying that he has faith in Watney. But in saying that, and saying Watney will be here in 24 hours, he’s also saying he has faith in the rest of the crew. 


Yeah, faith in himself, process faith in the tools. And I just I love that. Even the religious guy in this incredibly scientific story is a scientist, you know, he has faith. And he’s going to do it again and again, and again, to make sure he gets it right. 


But what is of fun little parallels, you have the Hermes three prepping themselves to, you know, get mark. And then you’ve got all of these scientists back on Earth. And you’ve got Mitch, who’s totally nervous. He is the other person outside of Martinez and Lewis, who’s probably the Who is the most invested and wanting safe return. And he’s hyper nervous. And if he is, because he’s got nothing to do, he’s helpless. Yeah. And I feel like if he had something to do if he had a way to contribute, at this point, he would be less nervous, and it’d be more focused on this is what I can do. These are the steps and it just speaks to how helplessness, the feeling of helplessness can completely change your emotional capacity, because you’ve got Mark Martinez, who is who has, he has his job cut out for him. And things could go awry, and he has to be able to be there to deal with it and fix it. Whereas midges sitting, and wherever, 


everybody, nothing, everybody on earth is helpless because of light delay, because they literally could not help even if they wanted to, because they’re not going to hear about what happened until it’s already too late to respond. 


Yeah, it’s like a 12 minute light delay, 


I think 12 minute one way one. So if they hear something and respond, it would be 24 minutes, which means it’s already over. Yeah. Yeah. So that’s got to be a real feeling of helplessness. And also, by the way, something that is sort of new for NASA. I mean, like in the world of the Martian, this is the area’s three missions. So they would have had to, or really three massive launches that would have gone down like this, that they would not have been able to respond, they would have just been able, they would have just been watching. But you know, in, in real NASA, that’s everything we’ve done has been launching from earth or from the moon, which means that you’re close enough to interact well. And, 


you know, up until this point, even when they haven’t been in communication with Mark, they’ve had something to do. Yeah. And now, the time has passed for them. Yeah, their work is done. Now we can we go back to mark, and we learned that he has 41 potatoes left until starvation, which is and he was eaten. 


Yeah. Oh, my soul, like four days worth of food. 


I just that like makes me so sick to my stomach. Yeah. And you know, he probably would have cut it back. The thing that we are not that we have not seen anybody talk about yet? Is his weight loss. Yeah, you know, he hasn’t said anything about it. Nobody from NASA has brought it up. So I don’t know if in the book they kind of reveal like, Watney is a skeleton walking, or if it’s just something that because movies are such a visual medium that that’s why we see it. Yeah. And it’s terror. It’s It’s so 


like, jarring in the movie. Yeah, 


it’s grotesque and a lot of ways. So he is now facing his own death. Which I think is interesting because he has been on a death trap of a planet for, you know, over a year and a half. And this is he’s he’s encountered lots of deadly situations. But this is the thing that could ultimately kill him. And nothing you can and there’s nothing he can do about everything every other time. There’s pretty much something he can do about it. If he lives through the thing, he can do something right. And this time, if the mave goes off course if anything bad happens his only option to him is to suck down nitrogen until he falls asleep and dice. Which is it’s just like, luckily, there, there are two ways he could go out here he either explodes and doesn’t obviously doesn’t know what happened instantaneous. Yeah, it’s instantaneous, or he has to do this nitrogen thing, which is sad and depressing and all of that. But I will say that at least it’s not painful. It’s like the it’s like the way people talk about drowning, where it’s which I’m terrified of drowning you guys like no joke. The only reason I learned how to scuba dive is because I was hoping that it would get me over my fear of drowning. It didn’t. But I do love scuba diving. It. You know, there’s there’s something nice about knowing that it’s not dying by fire. Yeah, you know, seriously. 


But we are left with this sort of finality of the chapter. He says I am leaving Mars today, one way or another about fucking time? And that is just Yes, 


it is. It is a beautiful ending. But you skipped something. Oh, good. I yeah, he talks about the jobs he’s had. And I think it’s funny that he brings the blue collar to a white collar explorer story. No, because he’s an astronaut. He’s an engineer. He’s a scientist. These are the some of the first labels that you would give this man. And he talks about how he has been a modern day farmer, a trucker, and a construction worker. Yeah. And I love that he is acknowledging all of this physical work this blue, this more blue collar work that he’s had to do, in an effort to keep himself alive. Yeah. And I don’t know, to me, there’s just something there’s something very human like, it’s, it’s kind of all encompassing, but in one person, have, we live in a world where you have to have the blue collar workers, you have to have the white collar workers, you have to have these people who can do all of these different jobs. Because if suddenly you don’t have people working at the laundromat, or at the at the fast food places, there’s a whole section of life that you no longer have access to. And it’s important to these people are important. their jobs are important. And somehow, Andy, we’re recognized to that, and put it into what Mark Watney said, and I just thought it was a little bit of beautiful philosophy. Yeah. And then he, and then we get the end of the chapter, which 


I loved. Drumroll, please. So, 


and he’s not shedding a tear for Mars, which I love. Yeah. Because he’s, he’s done. Yeah, he’s ready to go. And I like that. He’s not being sentimental about it. Yeah. 


That was fun for a while. Let’s go home. 


Yes, we’re done. And 


I wanted to read ahead. So bad, but I didn’t do it. 


Yep. And that brings us to the final episode. Next week, we are going to be reading the last two chapters of the Martian, it’s probably going to be about the same length of episode, if not maybe a little bit longer, because one of these chapters is more than twice as long as the average chapter. Okay, great. So, yeah, two chapters. So 


not the final episode of the synthesis, just a book. 


Yes, we we here at the synthesis, we’re going to do one more chapter of the Martian novel, and then we are going to do a special episode about the Martian the movie, we’re going to be talking about how it differs from the book and what changes they made, what they kept and how they represented realistic science in a film medium. For something that requires so much exposition in the book to explain how things work. I’m sure it was a huge challenge to adapt that into something where you don’t have somebody writing for pages and pages and pages to tell you about the process. 


And did we talk about? Does the one you like by the movie or something Do you get behind the scenes? Or like is there a director’s cut, or there is a director’s cut, which I think is probably the one that we’re going to watch, but I’ll need to check what I own. Okay, I think I own them both. And yeah, we’re gonna be talking about the movie, we’re going to be talking about some deleted scenes, as well as the area’s three promotional videos that they made. And 


so it might take more than one episode to do all of that. Maybe we’ll see. We’ll see. But we’ll keep you apprised of the situation. 


Yep. So be sure to tune in next week, same time as always, 530 Pacific on YouTube live for the next episode of the synthesis. 


Exciting now, guys, 


we’re almost done. Indeed. 


Okay. All right. That’s it for today. 

The Martian Ch. 20-22: HIGHWAY TO THE SCIENCE ZONE | The Synthesis

The creators of Terra Genesis bring you The Synthesis: A show where we discuss how popular entertainment portrays realistic science. Today Lacey and Alex are discussing “The Martian” by Andy Weir Chapters 20-22.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•ͺπ•Ÿπ•₯π•™π•–π•€π•šπ•€ is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken. Join us!

[00:00:04] Hey, folks, this is Alexander Winn. 

[00:00:07] Hi, I’m Lacey Hannan, 

[00:00:08] and we are here with the latest episode of The Synthesis. This week we are discussing The Martian by Andy Weir, chapters 20 through 22. 

[00:00:18] And yeah, we discovered yet again that I took all of the notes and Alex took next to none. 

[00:00:26] Comparatively, I took this many notes and Lacy took six pages of notes. 

[00:00:30] And I was a debater. I don’t know. I don’t know how many of you were debaters, but if I didn’t come fully prepared, I might not win. And that was totally unacceptable. 

[00:00:39] All right. Well, the odds are you’ll win tonight 

[00:00:43] when it’s a time and then I can accept. Oh, that was sweet. It took me a minute to catch that one. That was good. 

[00:00:50] All right. So we start out we start out this week in Chapter 20 as Mark is making his Rovere modifications. He’s still at the HAB, but he’s going to have to make the long and arduous journey to the Aries four launch site. And so he’s having to do a lot of updates to the rover to get it to carry everything he’ll need. 

[00:01:10] Yes. And he skips a bunch of the construction stuff, which is fine because that’s not what I’m here for this time. I mean, like, well, I mean, if this was a book that wasn’t about science, the engineering and all of that stuff, it’d be totally fine. But I’m I’m not here for construction when it comes to the Martian. So I don’t want to put down any construction workers because their jobs are hard. And I’d actually be curious about the jobs 

[00:01:34] if he does mention, by the way, tickled the heck out of me. He mentioned that he’s doing these modifications with the Pathfinder murdering drill. Yes. Which is very charming. Yes. 

[00:01:47] Yeah. Yeah. So I like the explanation of the Eric the atmospheric regulator external component, which is what freeze dry freeze separates the air and it and he puts it outside instead of so that Mars can cool it. 

[00:02:05] So it’s sort of like a air conditioning unit in your window. It’s part of it is inside and part of it is hanging outside. 

[00:02:11] Yeah. So I enjoyed that. I also like that at the end of that first log, he he says I’m essentially I’m going to do my logs every day and then he waits for days. 

[00:02:22] Yeah. I do a log every day and jumps from three seventy six to three 

[00:02:27] and I was like oh that’s me. Whenever I say when I start like a new like habit in my morning routine, like I’m going to journal every. No I’m not, I’m not going to. 

[00:02:37] That’s simply not happen. 

[00:02:38] It’s not how it works. 

[00:02:40] He does mention that he’s working four hours a day and then relaxing. Plus he’s taking days off, which, you know, is nice, like, you know, with with this kind of story. If this were a movie trailer or whatever, you would probably frame. This guy is sort of working all night, working all the time to try to survive. I really appreciate the fact that. No, it’s like that’s how you hurt yourself, man. It’s going to work for a few hours and then he’s going to go watch TV and he 

[00:03:04] literally does not have the time or, you know, help to get hurt. 

[00:03:09] Yeah, exactly. He cannot afford to get hurt. It’s better to take it slow, take days off, relax in the bath. 

[00:03:14] And shouldn’t we all be able to work like that? I mean, all right. We tried four day work weeks and it only didn’t work because everybody, like all of the other companies we work with, are on five day work weeks. And it was such a huge pain in the butt to communicate with anybody. 

[00:03:30] So the four day work week, we could all 

[00:03:32] just agree to do four day work week. Yes. 

[00:03:35] Yes. I guess the lesson here is approach self care like you’re stranded alone on Mars. 

[00:03:41] That’s right. 

[00:03:43] I like that. It’s a good lesson. We should we should get a get a sign. Yeah. Yeah. Get a sign made. Take care of yourself like you were stranded on Mars. 

[00:03:51] OK, so there’s a point where he talks about in his soul. Three hundred and eighty. Yes. Blog where he talks about the heat reservoir. Yes. And I read it and then realized I had skimmed, read it, skim read it. My goodness. Words are hard and didn’t understand it and didn’t feel like going back and reread it. So that’s why you explained. Yes. 

[00:04:13] So the problem that he has is that he needs to reduce the electrical requirements for the equipment that he’s bringing. Yes. And he realizes that several of the machines super cool the air for various reasons and then warm it back up because otherwise it would be pumping air at like negative fifty degrees into the half and that’s going to kill them. So they have a heating mechanism to heat up the air. But what he realizes is that the vast majority of the electricity that these things pull goes to heating the air. So if he can get that heating component to be unnecessary, he can radically drop the electricity needs and that means more power goes 

[00:04:55] to the road. We discovered that. Right. 

[00:04:57] So his solution is he has the RTG, the big box of radiation, and that is CONSED. Only putting out heat, yeah. And so what he’s doing is he’s taking the RTG, which you can picture is just sort of like a really big sort of cylinder. Right. And he’s he puts it in a in a Ziploc bag, basically. And I actually really love the fact that he struggles to get a vacuum seal. He struggles to get all the air out because if there’s any air in there, it’s going to get superheat and it’s going to melt the bag and it’s going to cause problems. So he just uses the airlock. He’s just like, oh, right, I’ve got an airlock. So he goes out into the airlock and sucks out all the air and. Right. 

[00:05:34] So wait, wait, hold on. I have a question about that. Yeah. So why is it that it would superheat the plastic with air in it, but not the plastic without the air in it. 

[00:05:43] So it’s I’m not a super expert in thermodynamics, but basically, 

[00:05:48] you know, everything there is to know. Why don’t you? 

[00:05:51] But the basic idea is that water is a very good conductor of heat and solid objects are often very good conductors of heat. Air is actually a pretty bad conductor of heat. That’s why, for example, if you fall into a freezing lake, it’s so much worse if you have on wet clothes because that water is going to conduct the heat away from your body really fast. But if you drop the wet clothes, if you dry off the air doesn’t conduct the heat nearly as fast. So if you have air pockets in this heat source enclosed with plastic and then water, that air is going to heat up. The heat is going to be distributed through the air at a different rate than through the plastic in the water. And so you could get a differential that could cause problems basically. So if you have one, if you have the metal against the plastic, against the water, the heat is going to distribute much more evenly. Whereas if there are pockets of air, it’s going to distribute unevenly and it could lead to certain parts of the plastic getting hotter than others and melting. And yeah, 

[00:06:53] let’s go back in your analogy, OK? If you fall into the water, you mean after you get back out of the water, take off your coat? Yes. OK, you get to not start 

[00:07:01] not stripped down while you’re in the 

[00:07:04] water. I mean, you might want to do that. So you don’t like drought, but that’s a whole different thing. I was very confused. OK, you skipped right here. 

[00:07:12] I’m here to confuse. That’s that’s my goal. But anyway, so he so he puts this the RTG in this plastic bag and then he submerges it in a basically a big tub of water. So now the RTG is spreading its heat out into the water. You’ve got sort of like a sink with a heating source in it. And so it’s radiating heat out into the water. So his goal is to heat up the air that is coming out of these things. So what he does is he takes the hose that would normally go into the heating component and he lays it down. You can picture like a hose going into a tub of water and then just coiling at the bottom of the tub. So the hose is just sort of in a spiral at the bottom of the tub. And then he pokes a whole bunch of tiny little holes in the hose so that this tub full of water, you pump air into this hose and it’s a whole bunch of tiny little holes bubbling up er into the water. OK, right. And so what that does is all those tiny little holes are all those tiny little bubbles are now moving up through very warm water. Yes. And so it heats up the air in those bubbles. And then by the time the bubbles reach the top and pop and join the atmosphere, it has warmed up sufficiently that it’s not going to be a danger to him. 

[00:08:31] Oh, it’s so fascinating. 

[00:08:34] And the other thing he says that he realizes is that the tiny little bubbles are agitating the water. They’re basically stirring the water all the time. The water is sort of bubbling and frothing like a like a boiling pot of water. And so it helps distribute the heat. You know, normally if you have a heat source in a in a sink, one side of the sink is going to be warmer than the other. Except he’s got all these tiny little bubbles constantly, like shaken up the water and stirring it around, which means that it’s much more evenly distributed. And so it’s it’s perfect. He’s just bubbling the air up through this warm water and now he doesn’t have to worry about running the heater. 

[00:09:13] OK. Well, yeah, fascinating. Very clever. It is very clever. I mean, they even say Mark is a clever man. 

[00:09:21] Yes. Yes, they do. 

[00:09:22] Um, I also like that in his cleverness that he discovers he’s a space pirate. 

[00:09:29] Yes, he does. And Mars is international waters and he’s going to be taking command of the areas for and because he lost connection to Earth, nobody can give him permission to do that. 

[00:09:40] I mean, so long as he is in the hab, he’s on American soil, essentially. But as soon as 

[00:09:45] in the rover, he’s on American 

[00:09:47] soil. Yeah, but as soon as he steps out onto Mars itself. Yeah. He’s in international waters based on what the the 

[00:09:56] an international treaty. 

[00:09:57] Yeah. About it. It’s the same international treaty that’s like it’s based on Antarctica. Is that right. Something like that. Yeah. Whatever we didn’t we didn’t like this type of research, but I do like that he kind of walks us through why this is true and he is so excited, very proud. Now, not only is he the king of Mars. Yeah. 

[00:10:18] But and the greatness about greatest botanist on this planet. Yes. 

[00:10:22] He is also a space pirate and. Oh, and he’s the first one. I mean, let’s be really clear here. Space Pirate. 

[00:10:28] It’s actually a funny little thing. This is deep nerds who are into the Martian will often point out that this line is kept in the movie, but actually doesn’t make sense because in the movie, he never loses the connection to Earth. The Pathfinder never gets killed. What? Yeah, he they just skip over that part. He’s still in in connection with Earth. And so why didn’t they give him permission like he he’s not a space pirate. He’s still in connection with Earth. So they probably would have given him permission. 

[00:10:59] Totally forgotten that. And I don’t like that at all. I know, right. It’s such a great obstacle, 

[00:11:03] to be fair. It is one of those things, if I if I remember correctly, it’s one of those things very much like Tom Bombadil in the Lord of the Rings movies where they never actually say he does still have a connection to Earth. He just they just don’t show him losing the connection to Earth. There is a point at which he stops talking to Earth, and 

[00:11:19] I wonder if it’s in one of those, like, deleted scenes 

[00:11:21] or something. Yeah, it could be. 

[00:11:23] We’re going to see OK, when we say, OK, let’s all make a pact right now that when we watch the movie, we go and find all of the deleted scenes. We can just 

[00:11:32] oh, I own The Martian and the Martian directors edition, you 

[00:11:36] guys. Yeah. This man is such a nerd. I someday someday I’m going to let you in on all of the little secret things that make him one of the weirdest people I’ve ever met. So I don’t know that you’re going to fully enjoy it. All right. We’re going to I’m going to play an order there. But, um, but I think that we I think we should. I think we should. Yeah. And if we can find it on YouTube and we’ll get kind of get everybody in on this, maybe we’ll do it via Twitter or something, but we’ll drop links to 

[00:12:08] deleted deleted scenes. There’s also, in addition to deleted scenes as part of the marketing campaign for the movie, they made a series of short films about Mark Watney that are not like they were never going to be in the movie. But they’ve got the cast of the area’s three. Yeah, what what they are. It’s actually kind of cute. They are Aries three promotional videos. So it’s like the videos that NASA made for the Aries three mission where they’re interviewing the astronauts and all that kind of stuff. And so you see the candidate selection. You see they’re like psychological profiles. You’re charming. I know, right? There’s a there’s a video that Mark Watney makes sort of like for the kids back home when they’re in orbit around Earth and he’s like giving them a tour of the Hermes and like introducing them to all the different crew members of Aries three. And notably, a lot of people’s favorite line in this entire book is when Venkat is wondering, what does it do to somebody to be so alone like that? What must be thinking right now? And then it cuts back to Mark Watney on Mars and he says, How come Aquaman man can talk to whales? They’re mammals. It doesn’t make sense. Yeah, that line isn’t in the movie, but it is in one of those marketing. 

[00:13:13] Oh, it was in the trailer. Right. Because people are like, where’s this line? 

[00:13:18] I don’t think I don’t think it was in the trailer, but it was in these videos that they released ahead of time. It’s reframed as a psychological profile. He’s talking to a shrink and he’s like, you know, these are the things that I think about, like, why can I come and talk to whales? You know, 

[00:13:32] I must have imagined that, which I mean, to be fair, I’m very imaginative. 

[00:13:37] It is true. 

[00:13:38] I guess you live in a world apart. OK, why don’t I hold are you guys why don’t you talk about your next. No, yes. I am super congested and you don’t want to hear this. So I’m going to go over there and grab some Kleenex. But you keep talking. 

[00:13:52] Yes, I did have to laugh. There’s a line that we came up with, came up to right about here where he talks about how the quote is. I spent a lot of it, a lot of his time sitting around on my lazy ass wall to me, but so do you. So don’t judge, which I really appreciated. That’s a very humanizing thing. That being said, he starts talking about his route that he’s going to take to get to the areas for launch site. And specifically he’s going to be going through a valley called Martha VALIS. Now, valleys on Mars are often named in Latin, so you’ll hear things like the VALIS Marineris, which just means Mariner Valley Martha, which just means Martha Valley. So this is one of those things where it’s an interesting kind of coming full circle with Martha VALIS because he talks about how, you know, he’s he’s currently in Sedalia, Polynesia, which is very flat and it’s very smooth. There’s not a lot of obstacles. It’s sort of the perfect place for him to be. But to get to areas for he’s going to have to cross a lot of really rugged terrain. But he’s been looking at the maps. And Martha VALIS, this valley takes him pretty much right where he needs to go. It is exactly the highway that he needs. And this is something that I thought was so fascinating because as we’ve been talking throughout this entire show about how using real science is such a boon to this story and how so much of it is real and so much of it is how you would really have to deal with things on the real challenges that you would face. And usually 90 percent of the time, the real science comes in the form of obstacles. You know, you can’t just make water. You have to figure out how to create water. You can’t just find food. You have to grow food. All these things are real challenges. But this is the kind of stuff that I love because the commitment to real science here actually created an opportunity. This is going to be easier than it could have been. Marvelous is going to take him right where he needs to go. And it doesn’t feel cheap because it’s real. 

[00:16:00] It doesn’t feel like a an author created coincidence. 

[00:16:03] Exactly. This is a real thing that really exists on a real planet and it just happens to be perfect. And so he doesn’t get dinged for the convenience. 

[00:16:12] And I love it. And I love when he talks about the geography like I had written this down to is I. I enjoy that. He tells us. OK, uh, Acedia, how do you pronounce it? Sedalia, Sedalia. Polynesia is 650 kilometers. Right. And then the mark that marvelous. OK, you guys, I’m I’m not I’m going to butcher these. So those are the only times I’m asking. 

[00:16:37] As far as we have mentioned before, Lacey is reading the book with her eyes, and I am listening to the book in audio book form. So we have a slightly different experience on it. 

[00:16:45] Yes. And and he talks about how combined that’s three hundred and fifty kilometers, which is just under half of the distance. Yeah, right. And so he just even hearing him talk about that, hearing him talk about how Martha, um, VALIS is a a an old river bed and then all of it. Not even a river. Not even a it’s a what is he. It’s a it’s a mega flood. Yeah. Yeah. Bed. Well he calls it a river bed the first time, but then he goes on to explain that it’s not a river that has been 

[00:17:19] it was a one day 

[00:17:19] river. Yeah. Yeah. And essentially it was like a flash flood on a major scale. But we’ll get to that. 

[00:17:26] Carved its way through. 

[00:17:27] Yeah. But I’m a person who I love maps. I’m not the world’s best at geography, but maps are fascinating to me and he does a great, great job of painting a visual picture of a map. And I think most people are really awful at it or are really boring about this, really. One of my one of Alex’s favorites, which someday we’ll get there. Yeah, we would love to. He would love to do the master spelling correction. 

[00:17:55] Yes, I would love to do the Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson. And one of the things whenever whenever I recommend the Mars trilogy to somebody, I always tell them it’s an incredible story. It is not paced quickly. It is a slow story. And what I often liken it to is when you’re on a road trip and you just sort of gazing out the window, you’re watching the landscape roll by and it’s simultaneously really boring, but also like kind of fascinating. Like you kind of can’t take your eyes off the window watching these hills go by and these beautiful images, you 

[00:18:24] know, I mean, that’s true depending on where you are. Well, that’s true because like, let’s take West Texas or most of Nebraska. Who cares? This is really, really boring. Yeah, right. 

[00:18:35] But if you’re going through, you know, like Utah or Colorado. Yeah. There’s some gorgeous landscapes rolling by it. It’s fun to watch. And anyway, that’s what the Mars trilogy feels like is is, you know, very slow but beautiful sort of scenery. 

[00:18:47] Yeah. So, um, uh, I, uh, I just I want you to know that I am appreciating the how he explains scenery and this and also I am super flattered, an economists that you’re hearing the book and my voice. I’m sorry that it’s probably a congested voice, but I’m still super flattered. 

[00:19:12] Well, she’s a very talented actress, don’t you know? Oh, yeah, very much. Like, well, we we 

[00:19:16] have gotten almost nowhere in this time and we are like deep. 

[00:19:20] So have a long welcome to this four hour episode of the episode. 

[00:19:26] This is what we this is what happens. And we have a lot of tangents and a lot of energy. Yes. 

[00:19:31] But moving right along, he decides to make a bedroom, which is so cute. He’s going to be driving and like crammed into this little rover that’s full of stuff. And he decides that he needs a personal space, which is totally understandable and also really scary. 

[00:19:44] So one of the things that I love about this is he actually takes the time to design something. And it’s not surprising from Mark Watney that he would do this. But whenever I’m doing any DIY project, I always wing it and then expect it to be 100 percent perfect, which is one hundred percent of the time, never the case. And then I get mad when I. Doesn’t work, and here he is, he’s going I’m going to test this three different, like I’m going to triple check my work and then I’m going to make a model of it. And and I forget that’s even an option. I just I don’t I don’t I don’t want to do all of that. And my my impression of things designing anything is you wing it or you don’t do it at all. And I forget that there’s a third option that you can be like an engineer about it. Repair. Yeah. And so there’s there’s just something there’s something awesome about watching this person do something for himself. This is absolutely self care. 

[00:20:42] This is not a survival priority. 

[00:20:43] Yeah, it is a it is it is mental survival. That’s that’s what it’s moral. It’s up quote unquote. All it’s about. Right. And so I love that he does it, but he really does take the time to make sure he does it right so nothing goes wrong. And I, you know, 

[00:20:57] taking pieces out of a have, which is terrifying. Yeah. There is another quote which I really like and I want to make a sign out of which is he’s talking about the canvas and when you inflate it, he says it wants to become a sphere and that’s not a useful shape. And I just I love the blanket. Just like spheres are not useful. That’s not, you know, I mean, unless I know that he’s talking about in this context, but I like thinking of it. It’s just like spheres suck. Just. Yeah. Oh, he does set aside a few meals, which is cute and totally understandable. He’s got five meals left that are actual meals, not home grown potatoes. And he sets them aside for departure when he leaves the hab halfway, when he’s halfway to areas for a rival, when he gets to areas for hilariously survived. Something that should have killed me which is. Yeah. And last meal, which I just 

[00:21:53] I love that it is it’s it’s like he said, I think it’s maybe a bad title for that meal. But one other thing before I know that we said we were going to move a little faster, I just meant tangents. Yes, I do. I have a lot to say. So here’s the deal. I like so so the whole triple checking and doing the model. He’s just such a Boy Scout and it’s like he’s a Boy Scout who’s who’s got a scholarship from for some prestigious engineering school. And then he undervalues it because he talks about sleeping in the hab and having a hard time sleeping because he it’s a terrible thing to have my life depend on my half assed handywork. And I’m sitting here going, dude, this is the last thing you can label. 

[00:22:41] In what world are you? Have asked, man. 

[00:22:43] Yeah. And so there’s a certain amount of like I wonder if undervaluing or understating his work is a sort of defense mechanism against against something. Just, uh, I don’t know what it would be. 

[00:22:58] I might be an indication of a little bit of imposter syndrome that, like, he’s a very smart guy, clearly, but maybe he doesn’t have as much faith in his knowledge as we do. Yeah. 

[00:23:07] And I like that, that there’s still this confident this this in perfect confidence. Yeah. You know, he’s he’s confident that if he does all of these things, he will probably live. Yeah. But, um, in in our reality, we know that he’s he’s going to live through this. This is this is not where he dies. Yeah. So it’s I don’t know, there was I, I think maybe I got too caught up in this whole cutting up the hab and making this room for himself. But for me it was very, very telling about who he is and what he needs and how he’s going to accomplish things. 

[00:23:43] So there’s also a nice little touch, which I really appreciated, which is that when he when he seals up the hab again, he’s taken some pieces out and then he he sort of patches it up in this kind of Frankenstein form. He’s looking for leaks. And so he pressurizes the hijab a little bit and he looks for, you know, leaking air. And the way he does it is with dust. And I really appreciated that because we’ve actually already figured out this problem, how to find a leak when the airlock blew up and what he used was smoke. 

[00:24:10] Yeah, but 

[00:24:11] smoke was not a great thing to use. Smoke was a last ditch option and it was hard. And so now he uses dust, which is just a great you know, it’s it’s another one of those things where a lesser rider would have just done the thing that they already figured out. But this guy has thought about it enough that he’s found a better way of solving the same problem. 

[00:24:30] Yeah, and I love that. I do have a problem with the fact that he used the word ghetto again, but this time he did it in quotations, which is weird because he didn’t do that the last time. And so I’m wondering what in the writer’s head, what designation and doesn’t he 

[00:24:47] was doing this as a blog, so maybe somebody called him up for it, maybe first time and now he 

[00:24:53] just didn’t get caught a second term. Yeah, well, there’s you know, there’s later he calls something an abomination. And I think he’s talking about the hab just like. What he’s done to it, I think he’s done with it. Yeah, he’s down by the river. And so there’s a part of me that’s like, you know, I just really am here for the idea that we get, like, you taking the term ghetto and getting rid of it from our vocabulary and using, like, the word Frankenstein or, you know, because it indicates the same thing. It’s something that, if 

[00:25:24] anything, it’s more applicable because ghetto just means, you know, sort of like poor and not not that great. But Frankenstein is specifically a crazy science experiment. Yeah. And it is something that was engineered. Yeah. 

[00:25:36] He’s talking about something being an eyesore. So for me, there’s like a vocabulary thing kind of going on, a little bit of this vocabulary war in my head that I, I would like to see play out a little bit in society as a whole. 

[00:25:49] But he does mention I don’t know if I’ve just been missing all of these references, but he drops a number on how many potatoes he has and whoa, it’s way more than I thought. He has one thousand six hundred and ninety two potatoes. That is a lot of potatoes. Like, I feel like he must have given a number earlier that I just missed, but that’s like picture seventeen hundred potatoes. That’s a lot of. 

[00:26:16] Yeah. And it’s amazing that he’s going to actually be able to take them all with him. Yeah, he’s going to do it. But you, you think of those five pound potato bags at the grocery store and yeah. 

[00:26:26] These have got to be a little like little or fancy restaurant potatoes or something, because he doesn’t mention that he’s eating ten of them a day. So they’re definitely not the big russets. 

[00:26:36] Yeah. 

[00:26:37] And then I have I have a note on the ending of the chapter. 

[00:26:41] Um, so hold on before we get there. I like that he he asks himself, oh, is this the Apollo. Yeah. Yeah. We’re in the same place. 

[00:26:50] Yeah. What would I what would an Apollo astronaut do. And then he answers his own question. He’d drink three whiskey sours, drive his Corvette to the launch pad and then fly to the moon in a command module smaller than my rover man those guys were cool 

[00:27:05] with said, let’s talk about Mark Watney is like concept, like his confidence and his concept of cool because Mark Watney is going to be the coolest guy on Earth. What do you get like 

[00:27:17] this, Daniel Armstrong? 

[00:27:18] Like, oh my God. Yeah. And like the fact that his concept doesn’t include himself. I’m sitting here going, man, you you have like I don’t know what happened to you in, like, middle school, but you have really put that into your, like, self aware and whatever. 

[00:27:35] But I mean, they do undeniably have more swagger than he did. Like, they’ve got they’ve got more style. He’s a little more practical. But man like this guy is surviving on loan on Mars for years on nothing but his own wits like there is. There is no like astronaut groupie who loved the guys in the sixties who isn’t going to love you, Markwayne. Like, come 

[00:27:57] on, I feel like, OK, so I feel like any time I’m in a jam now, I need to ask myself, what would Watney do? Yeah. And I know that the answer is like, I have no fucking clue, but I’m going to come up with something and and I’m going to triple check my work and be meticulous. And that’s. No, no, hold on. Yeah. This is important because we have those sorts of questions in our societal, um, you know, vocabulary. Oh, what would Jesus do with, like, a big thing in the 90s and early 2000s? I think it’s kind of fallen out of favor, which is, you know what? It is fine mostly. Um, but what would what you do is just kind of a fun one. Yeah. And for me, there is something very specific, which is the thing that I don’t do, which is be meticulous and triple check my work well 

[00:28:44] and and just work. The problem is sort of the constant answer to that question. What would Watney do? He would work the problem. He wouldn’t panic. He wouldn’t just give up. He would break it down into steps and work the problem. 

[00:28:56] Yeah, OK, so when the when the end of the world happens, we know that this is this is the starting point. Yeah. I’m just so you know, I have a lot of points about when the apocalypse happens. And this is entirely Alex’s fault. And I’ll explain that later. 

[00:29:13] Tune in next week. No, no, no. It’s later. My husband is going to destroy Western civilization. 

[00:29:19] Oh, I will warn you guys before that happens. Yeah. OK, so chapter twenty one. 

[00:29:25] Yes, great. I think you have like nine pages. I don’t. You take it away. 

[00:29:29] Oh my God. Oh my God. Sorry you guys. So much 

[00:29:32] to say. I’ve got like nine lines. 

[00:29:34] All right, listen, I thought chapter twenty one was way more interesting than chapter twenty, and I still like chapter twenty. So here we go. It’s fair. I will move 

[00:29:42] into our 

[00:29:42] six. I told you. Shut up. I told you he’s a Boy Scout and he’s such a Boy Scout because he’s packing and arranging his rovere and his trailer like it’s Tetris with these really high stakes variables. Yeah. And all I can think of is like all of the Boy Scouts that I grew up with and I mean, I learned how to pack a. Our camping trip because of them, so I’m I’m pretty exposed to this skill set that I have, but yeah, I need to know if Watney was a Boy Scout, like just putting it out there. If if Andy Weir has ever said anything about it or if I missed anything about it in the book, someone pointed out for me, thank you. Um, second. Mm hmm. He has made himself a makeshift toilet. Yes. And I say 

[00:30:29] it’s a bucket 

[00:30:30] list. OK, speaking of camping, we went to that. We went to that cabin that had this weird toilet that was just like I had never seen one. I know that. I know that they obviously I know that they exist now, but apparently they’re pretty prevalent in the camping cabins, which is it’s like just it’s a toilet seat on a bucket with a plastic bag and then like a trash bag. And then it’s got kitty litter at the bottom and then it just like winds up and then you go again. And then when you want to, you take it out and you hang it outside. And that’s what it made me think of. And I was like like I, I was I for someone who grew up in the country and can handle a lot of things, I hated that toilet. Yeah. But I was like, good for you, man. You made a makeshift one, you know, good for taking care of you. I don’t know. Uh, it took me back. 

[00:31:22] So I do love. So we cut back to Earth and Mindy Park, who is just so I love her little guy. Yeah. She drops a little bomb, which is fascinating, which is that the NSA has been using their image enhancement tech, which is fascinating and cool. Right now. They’re everybody’s pulling in to help Mark Watney here. And the NSA is chiming in with their satellite in. 

[00:31:49] It’s wildly creepy, but you’re like, yeah, me. I’m like, 

[00:31:53] good for you. 

[00:31:55] Yeah. Thanks for helping out. I don’t 

[00:31:57] know. We’re going to meticulously not try to think about what this was used for before. But, hey, you’re helping out the good guys now. 

[00:32:05] So essentially, she gets demoted, which really sucks. Yes. But as far as Venkat says is she calls herself a glorified peeping Tom because Benkert says, you know more about him. You know, like you can you know, all of the areas, three stuff. And you can you know what it is, right? 

[00:32:25] Nobody is better than you at identifying what we’re looking at. Yeah. 

[00:32:28] Satellite images. And so we need you to have eyes on Juani at all times and everything else we’re handing off to other people. She’s not happy about it. And she’s like, there’s nothing we can do if Watney falls behind on his modifications and he responds with how long have you worked for the government? Yeah. And I was like, oh, yeah. Like, the government wants to know every little thing. And that paired with the NSA thing just kind of gave me the heebie jeebies. I totally get why they need to know what is up. 

[00:32:58] Well, and I think that comment is not just the government wants to know everything, it’s also protesting. Inefficiency is not a winning argument here. 

[00:33:06] Yeah, it’s many things, but that was just one of the indications for me. So anyway. 

[00:33:11] Yeah, so next up, we we end up coming back to Mars and Mark is doing a series of tests to prepare himself for this drive. And in particular, he is now testing the machines in the rover overnight. And that is scary. He spends a night with no anything going on. 

[00:33:32] You have. Yeah, he has taken out the atmosphere regulator and the oxygen eater just to see if he can get them into the trailer, see how it works, bla, bla, bla. And and he and he says, quote, There wasn’t much room left for our intrepid hero talking about himself, obviously, and it’s in third person. And so this third person joke is just kind of interesting because he hasn’t spoken in third person. And I get that it is a joke based on, you know, things we read in science fiction and stuff like that. But it feels like it might be an indicator of something like that. 

[00:34:07] He’s like he’s de socializing a little bit. Yeah. 

[00:34:11] And then we learn that he’s been leader. We learn that like a reminder, hey, I’ve been on this planet for a year and a half, which 

[00:34:21] I had almost entirely alone. Yeah. You know, there 

[00:34:24] were fourteen days, 

[00:34:25] not even I think they were like six days. 

[00:34:28] So there’s just I don’t know, I wonder if it’s an indicator of anything. Yeah but what, what does like another thing that feels like an indicator is he reminds us how often he’ll have to use the oxygen later and how often he’ll have to charge it when he is on his way to the other to the Aries forsight. And he says one out of three souls he’s going to have he’s on the fourth day. He’s going to have to charge. He’s going to have to get out the solar panels so he can charge all of the stuff. And that feels like a. Cop’s gun is what I wrote, so anyway, 

[00:35:07] so about that, we cut back to Earth and all the big NASA bigwigs have been called in for a meeting and there’s some bad 

[00:35:16] news. Yes. 

[00:35:18] And the bad news is the weather. They have a Martian meteorologist come in and they’re talking about a new development, which is that there is a dust storm that is growing right in Marconi’s path. And these things are huge. Dust storms on Mars in real life can cover the entire planet. They can last for months and months and months, years, and they just choke out the sun. And Mark is working on solar power and there’s nothing they can do to tell him. 

[00:35:49] And they they know that it’s going to take him a minute to even recognize that he is in a dust storm because it’s not like you’re driving into a blizzard where, bam, suddenly you can’t see anything. No, this is one of the gradual it’s very gradual. Um, so I thought that was I thought that was interesting that, um, that they that that they have all of this fear for him. Yeah. I mean, you would of course. But, uh, yeah. 

[00:36:19] It’s that’s got to be a helpless feeling knowing that he’s just going to barrel into this thing that he couldn’t possibly know about. You know, it’s not like he has any kind of connection. 

[00:36:29] And and here this is the did I not say there’s a Chekov’s gun? And later in the chapter, you figure out how it’s rigged to go off in this guy. You know, it’s like he’s got it in his holster. He doesn’t it’s not his fault that this gun is going to go off, but it is, um. So I thought that was interesting. Uh, yeah. Before we move on to the HermΓ¨s crew, do you have anything else about that? Go for it. OK, I this there’s this thing that he does that just, um, it kind of killed me. He was triple checking the ammo regulator in the rover. And so what he does is he puts on his EVA suit and he cracks a canister of CO2 into the vents to see what happens. And, you know, as he hoped and expected, the computer panicked. And because, you know, CO2 poisoning and the regulator kicked into gear and fixed the levels. Voila. And I’m just for what my manager brain, just like all of these alerts went off. I’m going, man, I wonder what this man’s performance review is going to look like, because I feel like it’s going to say, uh, this man takes too many chances, but per usual, it all works out. So I guess we’re going to keep him, you know, something like that because he’s such a genius. But simultaneously, like what? 

[00:37:54] His break and stuff left and right 

[00:37:56] break and stuff all the time. And he compares himself to Q and he says very specifically, he’s not a James Bond. Yeah. And I want to know. Yeah. Are you a Q or a James Bond. Uh, that’s a good question. You guys, are you Q or James Bond or. There is there’s I will give you a third option is the third 

[00:38:18] option, which is m m I the commander. 

[00:38:21] I would love to be m I would love to say that that’s who I am. But I’m not. 

[00:38:25] I’m James Bond. Yeah. You’re James Bond. I’m an. 

[00:38:28] I don’t like this. Why? Well, because you don’t get to swing around. 

[00:38:35] You get to be James Bond. 

[00:38:39] Well, that’s true. 

[00:38:39] Who’s like, I’m James Bond and you’re em and screw you for being. I just don’t want to. Everybody wants to be sure, you know, who else doesn’t want anybody else to buzzing around James Bond. 

[00:38:52] I really do like martinis with gin. Thank you. I don’t care if they’re shaken, not stirred. I just. I don’t care. Well, I put 

[00:39:02] all of juice in it. I am, by the way, on the side of Jed Bartlet, who thinks that James Bond is being snooty because the reason that you stir a martini with a special spoon is to keep the ice from chipping. So a martini that is shaken but stirred is just a watered down Marginson. 

[00:39:18] Listen, you only agree with that because it makes sense. You don’t even like martinis. So I do not think that you get to have a real opinion on this. 

[00:39:26] I have found that in life one of the best doctrines that you can follow is to agree with Jed Bartlet wherever possible. 

[00:39:34] OK, you know what? I don’t think you’re wrong. 

[00:39:38] Fair enough. OK, to the HermΓ¨s. 

[00:39:41] So but I do want to know. Yes. James Bond, Q or M countrymen. 

[00:39:46] We are, by the way, seeing your comments. We got a comment from so fellow Trash Pande saying that the Mars The Martian takes place in twenty thirty five and loved hearing about Mars, its closest approach last year until 2035. And my immediate thought was that’s when the Martian takes place, which you 

[00:40:02] know what that’s really like. Good observation. And second, we’re of course, of course, he placed it when Mars was at its closest orbit and I just didn’t catch that. So thank you for pointing that out. 

[00:40:16] Not only did he place it when Mars is at its closest orbit, Andy Weir built a solar system simulator so that he could chart the path of the HermΓ¨s through the solar system. So I needed to know not only that, it was happening in twenty, thirty five. He knows exactly what day the Hermes took off, how long their flight plan was, how long they were in orbit around Mars. You can look up these videos on YouTube that he ran these simulations for the flight path of the HermΓ¨s through the solar system and the positions of the different planets as it flies. 

[00:40:44] Seriously, what on Earth? And then Jay Patel, I just I just really enjoy four spheres. Me and the boys like triangles. Yep. 

[00:40:55] Just like there’s are not a useful shape. 

[00:40:57] It just I really like globes. I’m a maps person, so globes I’m here for. So I disagree with you, Jay Patel. But I would join a triangle. 

[00:41:08] By the way, people are huge group or do we have to j. 

[00:41:12] I think we have to just really. So you must always when you are pointing out your nemesis, you you make sure that you use the whole day. 

[00:41:19] It’s got to be OK unless Jay Patel is J grap, in which case me. So back to the HermΓ¨s 

[00:41:28] then last thing I promise, he points out that pressure vessels hate right angles and I don’t know why it’s good to know, but it’s it’s it it feels good to me. Like I, I learned that thing today and I will retain it. And then here’s honestly why it’s important to me, because I feel like trivia and knowledge are going to be the things that get anybody through the apocalypse if anything happens. And like more than guns and barbed wire wrapped baseball bats and you know, knowledge is power and brutalities for those the powerful are willing to forfeit. So be smart, not strong. And I said 

[00:42:12] she’s enjoying the Martian from the perspective of a survivalist, 

[00:42:16] I guess. OK, we were talking about the apocalypse. And my my problem with it has always been, listen, I don’t know enough to live like I could. I could take a bat out there and, you know, live for half a second. But I don’t I don’t feel like I have the knowledge for, like, rebuilding radios and things like that. But apparently there’s a Kickstarter for a book on how to rebuild all of that stuff on Kickstarter. And so I think we have to buy it just to make me feel good. 

[00:42:45] Here’s Jacob, like Microtel tell is Jacob, 

[00:42:51] uh, Jay Patel. Why didn’t you tell him that? You could have said you could have had two different personalities going and had him totally confused and he could have loved one and hated the other, and then he could have, like, surprised him. Surprise. 

[00:43:06] And if anybody is doubting that I’m married to a supervillain, 

[00:43:10] I’m a jerk. So anyway, 

[00:43:13] so back to the Hermes 

[00:43:15] Hermes screw. 

[00:43:17] So they’re doing some repairs. You know, they’re they’ve been in space for way longer than the Hermes was meant to be without this round of repairs. And, you know, they’re going. Through some stuff, it’s all it’s all very interesting, but then the bomb drops. First off, I love the fact that Martinez can’t sleep in his room anymore. There’s just something kind of charming about the fact that his room is overheating. He says it keeps trying to cook me and he can’t go stay in Marquart in his room because it’s right next door, because they’re best buds and it has the same problem. So he so his solution was that he’s been sleeping in airlock, too. And it’s just so like I can just picture Lewis being like, you’ve been what, like, no, you’re not sleeping with one door between you and the void. He’s like, it’s the only place where people aren’t stepping over me. 

[00:44:06] He’s he’s being very conscientious of the crew’s needs, which is like, I don’t want to be. Yeah. And I want to sleep. 

[00:44:13] That being said, Lewis reveals that she is aware. She says you can sleep in the next room and Beck can go sleep with Johannsson because it’s the cutest love story ever. And the whole thing plays out in probably what amounts to like one page in the book if you if you total it all up. But it’s just so cute. 

[00:44:32] I was like, yeah, get it off, guys. 

[00:44:34] Like Million Mile High Club. 

[00:44:36] Yeah, I love that Lewis isn’t pissed. I like that she gets that people 

[00:44:42] and she mentions that she would have been like if this was a normal mission she 

[00:44:45] would have. Yeah. But she’s like just don’t let it interfere with your work and it’s fine. 

[00:44:51] And I love the Johannsson is just blushing and it 

[00:44:53] creeping into her shoulder. Thank you for this entire scene. Well except for OK, so I think it’s interesting that everything is kind of breaking down on the HermΓ¨s, so much like our cars and computers, less so much longer than this. And I’m just 

[00:45:12] well, it’s I think, you know, the ship isn’t breaking down because as they mentioned, the Aries, the Hermes was supposed to last for the entire Aries program. So it’s only halfway through its life. But what it is, the car equivalent here is that they’ve driven for fifty thousand miles and they haven’t had an oil change like they haven’t they haven’t been able to bring it into the shop. 

[00:45:30] Yeah, that’s true. OK, OK, I can I can get behind that a little bit more. I was just sitting there going, is this what we have to look forward to in space travel is just like constantly these essentially oil changes, but it does kind of feel like it’s a little bit faster than it should have happened. 

[00:45:43] But yeah, you know, they’re just they’re doing almost three times as much space travel as it was designed to do between Pitstop. 

[00:45:50] And I suppose that in our idea of what future space travel would be, you would have the replacements. Yes. Yeah. OK, so moving on. 

[00:45:58] Yes, I do. One more thing about back in Johannsson that I will never get the answer to, because this isn’t real life and there are no more details than there are included in this book. But I’m kind of desperate to know if Beck and Johannsson have been sleeping together or if they’ve just been flirting. And this is Lewis’s way of saying cut it out and just just. 

[00:46:19] No, I think they’ve I think they’ve been doing it well. 

[00:46:22] A part of me feels like they have been. But then also a part of me feels like they specifically said that Lewis told the guys not to hit on the hot chick. And they and so they were all being kind of standoffish. And so Mark knew that Beck had a thing for Johannsson and he was advising Beck to tell her. So clearly it had been going on long enough, unlike without actually coming together, it had been obvious that they wanted to. So the question here is who? Yeah, but I so the question here is, is that have they progressed since then or is this a matter of people looking at these two and going, like, stop fighting it, be together? 

[00:47:02] OK, here’s my head. Canon Martinez complained about talked about how his wife complained about not being able to get sex and johannsson. I was like, dude, yeah. And then she came on the back because 

[00:47:15] I’m willing to believe that she had to come on to him because he was under specific orders not to come on to 

[00:47:19] her. But if anybody finds any fanfiction out there about this, I’m here for it. 

[00:47:24] Martien fanfiction. How I not searched for the Martian. 

[00:47:27] I don’t know. But I am I’m here for some hot and heavy romance fan fiction for this. I’m not usually here for that. But yes. Yeah, absolutely. Um, so what now we go back to Mars. Yes. And Mark has a room. Yeah. And I like how there’s it’s just this small parallel that we are has created of on Hermes. Mark does not have a room that works through and he has, he has a room here, he has a room on Mars. And it’s very exciting. And it’s the thing that made me really like this little parallel is it’s not clichΓ©d. A lot of books would have like weird cliched parallels that are really 

[00:48:11] be really heavy handed. I didn’t even pick up on the parallelism there. 

[00:48:14] And then there’s this one. So the lack of cliche is really fun. Yeah. The other thing we I’m I feel like a lot of people know this, and I am late to this knowledge. I didn’t know that cooked food had more calories and a lot of things are starting to click around, you know, veganism and things like that. Yeah, I did get it 

[00:48:40] partially why we cook food in the first place. 

[00:48:42] I mean, yeah, I see that now, but I just I did. So anyway, I think that’s about the end. 

[00:48:51] That is also, by the way, why vegetables have crazy low calories. Oftentimes it’s not that there isn’t sugar and stuff in those, it’s that you actually end up spending as much or more calories digesting the thing than you got from the thing. So there is a lot of calories in like broccoli, but you have to spend a lot of calories digesting broccoli. So it comes out to be very low carb. 

[00:49:15] I obviously know nothing about dieting or tracking calories. So, um, this is fascinating. OK, all right. Chapter twenty two. Well, I do 

[00:49:24] want to just mention at the end of chapter twenty one, there’s a very sweet and kind of solemn ceremony where he takes down the hab. Yeah. And he says he could have just left it there but at the end of sole thirty one at the end of Thereas three mission they were supposed to take down the hab and so he takes it down as sort of a ritual of the mission that could have been. And I just there’s something about that that just got to me this this sort of poignant moment disassembling the hab alone, which he shouldn’t have had to do alone, but just kind of honoring the Aries three. That could have been. And, you know, we’ve talked on this show about different ways that the Martian could have gone. What if Lewis had been stranded there with him? What if he had died before he contacted anybody? And one of the ways that we actually haven’t mentioned yet is what if there was no storm? What if Areas three went perfectly and they were there for thirty one souls and then they left? And I know it’s a very beautiful moment as he takes down the hab, 

[00:50:20] so he takes nine days to write to us and I’m sitting here going, yeah, take your time Mark seriously. But one of the first things he mentions is psychological milestones and I thought that was fascinating. You know, we we talk about milestones in our lives, how, you know, like millennials aren’t meeting the milestones that other generations have had before them, buying houses, getting married, having kids like all of these things. But these are like very in a lot of ways, physical milestones. Um, we don’t talk about psychological milestones. And I would be fascinated to start setting, like, psychological milestone goals, because you can if you have the support or the help you need, you could totally do this. And I don’t know, there was just something really lovely and beautiful about that. And I was like, man, I want to start noting those and like putting them in my journal or which I never writing or putting them on a calendar or something just because I feel like they’re just as important or more important. Um, but we don’t note them. So I, I just thought that that was a good reminder to all of us. Psychological milestones. Note them, see them. 

[00:51:37] He does at this point talk about Martha or Martha Valley. He’s going into Martha Valley. And we come back to what Lacey and I were mentioning earlier, which is that this is not a river basin. This is a flood basin. This is a mega flood, a mega flood basin where something broke and this whole valley was carved out in a single day. And it actually made me recall one of my favorite facts about Earth’s history. Oh, this is, you know, people if you were to ask somebody like what’s the one historical event that you wish you could have witnessed? You know, a lot of people would say, like, you know, the crucifixion of Christ or I wish that I could have witnessed, you know, like D-Day or, you know, different things. Well, that’s right. I don’t know, you know, listen to Beethoven perform or something. Yeah. Mine pretty much without any rivals is actually from way before humans were around. And that is if you picture a map in your head of Europe and Africa, in between is a giant body of water called the Mediterranean. But it was dry. The Mediterranean was a dry basin, and the point between Spain and Africa was a dam of rock. And one day that dam broke. Oh, my God. And the Mediterranean filled in over the course of a few weeks or months from the Atlantic Ocean, a massive mega flood coming in between Spain and Africa and filled up the entire Mediterranean. 

[00:53:15] And so I take it this is before like any sort of human. 

[00:53:20] Yeah, this is hundreds of thousands or millions of years ago. But whoa, that would be incredible. To watch and for those of you who are deep nerds out there, and this is a digression, but I apologize exacty the webcomic that a lot of people love one day posted a comic that sort of wasn’t anything. It was just a couple of characters, like sitting on the ground staring up at stars. And it took a while to realize that every hour the image was changing slightly. The stars were moving every hour. And then at one point one of the characters moved a little bit and then a little bit more. And then a few hours later, they had stood up. And what people realized was Randall Munroe, who does concede, was releasing a short film frame by frame on his website. And it is a future story, but sort of postapocalyptic. You know, it’s humans, but they’re living like cavemen and they’re witnessing something like the the flooding of the Mediterranean. And so you get to follow these characters on this journey that took months to release as they realized that their home is about to be flooded and they try to get their village to move to higher ground because this mega flood is about to happen. And you can tell what year it is because the stars in the sky are like the stars have moved relative to each other. And it’s all accurate to how the stars would look in like 50000 years. And as they walk their passing trees that are specific trees with specific leaf shapes. And so you can tell where in the Mediterranean they are. And it’s absolutely incredible. 

[00:54:58] Oh, my God. That is that is super, super cool. I, I was thinking about how I would love to have seen this flood and apparently that one too. And I would like to be a different cue, the one from Star Trek just to see it happen. Like I don’t want I don’t wish to be a God very often. I think it actually sounds really boring, but you get to see sights that we will never lay eyes on as a sole observer. Yeah, and I it’s not even about being the sole observer. It’s just being able to be an observer to these events that I think would be fascinating. 

[00:55:39] Um, yeah. I think, you know, to dig deep into nerd culture, I think what you want is not to be cute. You want to be the watcher from Marvel Comics. There’s a character who exists sort of between universes and watches the the universes unfold. And so the superhero sometimes deal with him because he has so much immense knowledge of the multiverse. And that’s yeah, being the watcher would be interesting for like occasionally. 

[00:56:06] Yeah, not very often. Not for eons. Yeah. Um, OK, 

[00:56:11] so we come back to Earth with the Warhola 

[00:56:14] for one second. Um. Oh yes, yes, yes. We can do 

[00:56:18] that. So we come back to Earth with the Watney report and it’s kind of depressing because everybody kind of thinks that Mars or Mark is just going to die 

[00:56:27] in a dust storm 

[00:56:28] and a dust storm. And it’s just are we are we just watching a tragedy? 

[00:56:32] And, you know, when things randomly hit you really hard and you’re like, what the hell was that? Where did like? What about that for me? I had one of those and I haven’t been able to dissect it or unravel it now in a way that makes a lot of sense. But when Venkat says Mark Watney is now an expert at living on Mars, I was just like, oh, I need to take a second. I need to take a long second. As I as I teared up and I was just like I was I was I was Wickland. And we’ll just say that, um. But yeah, that was a that was a good little scene. And then we jump back to Mark. 

[00:57:15] Yes. And he’s using 16th century technology. He’s using a sextant on Mars, which is 

[00:57:21] he made it under an hour. And I think it’s yet another thing we all need to learn before the apocalypse whenever that happens. Yeah. So we don’t know when it’s going to happen. So we should probably just learn it now. And, um, I feel like school should teach us about surviving in the world. So like taxes and sextants. Yeah. Um, it doesn’t do that for some reason, but I want to know these things seriously. 

[00:57:47] We need more sex and education and he’s using 

[00:57:51] what 

[00:57:52] she says. She doesn’t like buttons, but she likes you know 

[00:57:56] what I like. No, I don’t. But I do like your two today. Maybe I’m just in a kind of a mood. Yeah, um, 

[00:58:03] well, I’m very punchy. So there is this slow build up to him realizing about the dust storm. And it’s kind of like it’s not as terrifying as the slow build up to the Iris probe being destroyed, but definitely raises the tension. Yes, he’s like, you know, it’s kind of weird. And like, my solar panels aren’t working as well as they should, but 

[00:58:26] like before that. He explains to us he doesn’t know about the dust storm, but he explains to us what all of the obstacles are going to be. So we’ve heard from Earth about the solar panels, but he tells us he has to be able to see Phobos to work out his longitude and that he needs to be able to see Deneb Deneb, 

[00:58:48] Deneb, 

[00:58:48] Denpa. That’s a that’s I don’t like that. Yeah, he needs to see it specifically at night to work out latitude. And it’s just one more way that we see that this dust storm could start to screw him over 

[00:59:02] if you can’t see the stars. 

[00:59:03] Yeah. And then he talks about how he admits that it’s really, really bad to get off course in Arabia, Terra where the dust storm is, because if he ends up on a crater, he could, one, roll over his rover or he could spend a lot of energy going up in elevation. And so he wouldn’t notice immediately that you’re going up. So he has to navigate both longitude and latitude and by careful observation, which is also going to be impeded by the dust storm. And he needs solar panels for power. So there are three things here and way in which three ways in which the dust storm is going to screw him. Yeah, and I love well written obstacles. When we go through books together, you guys, you’re going to notice that this is something that I bring up a lot. I don’t like stupid obstacles. I, I think it’s really important when authors put in obstacles and put in lots because it makes the story more interesting. It’s true to life. I mean, come on, there are very few people who get through life just like super easy. Um, and if they do, they’re boring. And so. And if you like fantasy. Jim Butcher in the Dresden Files. Yes. Does it does obstacles super well. So I am again, yet again a huge fan of Andy Weir’s writing. Yes, indeed. 

[01:00:32] We have a couple of viewers, by the way, chiming in on Economist says, oh, I’d love to see the construction of some of those massive buildings that are now ruins of the Palatine Hill in Rome. That would be awesome, although it would take a while, because, as we know, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Jay Patel is also known as Jay Grap says, Maybe I would want to see the asteroid hit Earth, the one that yielded the dinosaurs. And, you know, I just have to say, it’s so fitting that Jay Grap wants to watch things die. That is just pretty on Brand for the the monster that is Jay Grabe. 

[01:01:07] Listen, Jay Patel, I like you. Don’t let him get to you. 

[01:01:12] She’s got terrible taste in people. God you were going to say man I. Well yeah. Just terrible taste in men, terrible taste in people. She’s just, she’s terribly untrustworthy. 

[01:01:23] So one of the one of the other things that I super just like it’s a little thing. Mark Watney is gathering rock samples and he he does it in case he can bring them home. And I didn’t realize that when he got to the to the MAV that he was going to be able to talk to Earth again. Yeah. And so I’m very excited for him. B, I love that he’s he’s doing this as a just in case. And because he knows that it would make all the science geeks at home really happy. And it just it shows what a good guy he is 

[01:02:02] and what a scientist like he as much as this is about survival, it is still about the science. He still wants to explore Mars. He wants to learn. He wants to gather samples. That’s who he 

[01:02:11] is. And to me, I was like, oh, acts of service. Yeah, I love you. This this Mark Watney is totally my kind of guy. 

[01:02:20] Yes, yeah, yeah. Mark Watney is deep huff and puff and 

[01:02:24] hot to trot for Mark Watney. 

[01:02:26] Yeah. Yeah. And I yeah. I love that he’s he doesn’t forget the science. He could just make this all about his survival, but he doesn’t. And the other thing that’s interesting about that is, you know, eventually there’s going to be injuries for and an area is five and you should go back for those rocks. Like that’s that is a treasure trove, because if you just land in this one spot, you’re going to have samples from for, you know, thousands of kilometers just already cataloged. You have to do is pick them up. 

[01:02:57] Can you imagine the geologist like if he has to leave them and he you know, because I would imagine that Aries four is still going to go to this spot because that’s where things are being dropped off. Could be. So can you just imagine the geologist being like, oh, 

[01:03:11] right, exactly. Yeah. Whoever whoever deals with the rocks on Aries for just being like a kid in a candy shop like Christmas morning, because here are the big pile of bags for Markwayne. Yeah. Yeah. 

[01:03:23] Um, awesome. So then we hit a premise again. Yes. And. Martinez and Lewis are talking about Mark’s survival. 

[01:03:29] Yep, and I just I love Martinez Martinez like there’s something, you know, for him. It’s obviously at least somewhat religious faith, like he has faith in in Mark. But he does specify that it’s faith in Mark. He’s not he’s not trusting in God. He’s trusting in Mark. And that, you know, Mars has tried to kill him so many times already and he’s still here. And so Luis is really concerned. And Martinez just in Martinez, just like now, he’s going to be fine. 

[01:03:55] What’s going to be Lewis when he says to have faith? Lewis is like she I think I think it’s written that she kind of looks at him sadly, and she’s like, you know, I’m not religious and I love that it’s written with this kind of sadness because she wants to you can tell that she wishes she had this right now, that it would help her feel good about about Mark living. But Martinez still points out you think he’s going to live like underneath a 

[01:04:25] hundred bucks now. You know, he’s 

[01:04:27] going to you know, he’s going to let 

[01:04:28] you give it. You get it. 

[01:04:29] Yeah. And I I’m I’m so Lewis and the smile and in that moment because not because of the religious thing, but it’s I’m an optimist like through and through. However, I often fight against it because 

[01:04:43] I’m a reluctant optimist. You don’t want to be an option. I know you 

[01:04:46] are, but I am and and idealist. And it’s because I don’t it’s because I don’t like 

[01:04:53] seeing the good in life. 

[01:04:55] I listen, I hate getting my hopes up and I hate being wrong. And so if my optimism leads me to be wrong, it really makes me mad. So I kind of feel like in this in this scene, I would totally be on Lewis’s side of I cannot put all of my eggs into this basket of believing that he’s going to make it out alive. And it’s sad. But also, on the other hand, when we go back to Mark, he’s an optimist and he’s so excited about the easy, quote unquote, navigation that he has to look forward to. 

[01:05:30] And I love. So, you know, he stops and he’s he’s trying to hit the crater in a specific spot and he stops because he thinks he’s in the wrong spot. So he walks up to the rim of the crater, which first off, what an awesome view on Mars. Lacy and I recently visited Meteor Crater Park in Arizona. And that alone is all inspiring. 

[01:05:52] You guys. They’re like, hey, can you see the flag that we planted in the middle of this crater? And you’re like, what in the world are you talking about? And then they’ve got those, like, telescope things. And you’re like, oh, my God, there’s actually a flag down there. Oh. And they put like crater 

[01:06:04] is so much bigger than I realized. 

[01:06:06] Oh, when the rock over there, that’s not a tiny rock that rocks the size of a house. But humans, our eyes are just they suck. Yeah. And it’s fascinating 

[01:06:15] to go to that depth, you know, but perspective gets out. He walks to the edge of this crater. And I love you know, everybody’s been talking about how is he going to figure out about the dust storm? How is he going to figure out in time about the dust storm? And this is such a plausible way to figure out about the dust storm, because he looks out on the rim of this crater and he can’t see the far end. And he’s like, that’s weird. And so he looks back at the path that he came and he can see like 50 kilometers away. There’s that, you know, that thing he passed. And it looks this way and he can’t see that far. And he starts thinking, why would that be true? 

[01:06:50] And that thing that’s 50 kilometers away, he’s like, I should be able to see that more clearly. 

[01:06:55] Yeah, but but it’s way hazier this way. And that means that there’s more haze in one direction than in the other. And then the power cell or the solar panels haven’t been working as well. And he starts putting it together. And it’s so plausible that he would have figured it out this way in time. Yeah, he didn’t have to go deep into the dust storm to figure it out. It’s absolutely the view is obscured that way. Not that way. 

[01:07:23] Dust storm and brilliant. And it speaks to his observation skills. Yes. What I I was tallying up Mark’s confusion about the dust storm, because first he thinks that the reason he’s not getting as much power out of the solar panels is because the equipment is aging, which is reasonable because we know that Hermes is struggling with equipment malfunctions because it’s aging. Right. So totally makes sense. And then he thinks he’s fucked up the navigation and what it could be because he ends up at the top of this crater and he’s like, wait, crap, how did I get here? And he he blames it on himself. And it could be a him thing. It could also not be he he can still see Phobos and the Knibb, whatever the star. But he’s he’s working by observation, as Venkat said, and it so it wouldn’t be terribly noticeable that the visibility is down. And that’s why he’s not as observing as well as he should be able to. So I think it’s interesting. So he’s got these two. He doesn’t have a third like assumption before he realizes now and there was something really lovely about the the observation skills 

[01:08:36] and the deductions. 

[01:08:37] Yeah, the deductions that he’s he makes a couple of reasonable assumptions and then realizes he’s wrong. Yes. It’s not him and it’s not his equipment. 

[01:08:47] So much scarier. 

[01:08:49] It’s so much scarier. Yeah. 

[01:08:51] Um, he does there’s a great line. It’s not even the whole sentence, but it really stood out to me because I feel like it’s sort of the the undercurrent of this entire book, which is I need to figure out how to figure out. And then he keeps going. But that that is the margin that is. Markwayne, I need to figure out how to figure out. Yes. 

[01:09:08] You know, one of the quotes that I love is he talks about how he can’t wait to be a grand parent because he will get to say to his grandkids, when I was younger, I had to walk on the rim of a crater uphill in an EVA suit on Mars. You little shit. You hear me? Mars? Yeah. 

[01:09:28] Wil Wheaton, by the way, makes an absolute meal out of that. It’s hilarious. He does this old crotchety grandpa thing like that or whatever, you know. Yeah. On Mars, you little shit. 

[01:09:40] It’s hilarious. I just there is something like I imagine my grandpa saying that and I feel like eventually it would get old, but there’s a certain amount of it gets old because jokes can get old and 

[01:09:55] jokes, but not puns. 

[01:09:57] And but there’s like this there would be a pride, there’d be a certain amount of pride. It’s like, OK, Grandpa, shut up. But yeah, you’re right. You know, 

[01:10:06] for the rest of Marquart in his life, he gets the the absolute trump card on anybody complaining about hardship. Oh yeah. Mars past. Just absolute. There’s no competing. 

[01:10:18] Um, then we have we go back to Earth and we’ve got Mindy and OK, you guys, I love her because she is changing her sleep schedule every single day by 40 minutes to keep it. Keep up with 

[01:10:34] Margaret. Mark. Yeah. This is, by the way, a thing that NASA employees really do. People working on, like the the Spirit and Opportunity rovers and these sorts of things will maintain a schedule of Mars time where, you know, a Martian day is twenty four hours and forty minutes. So they will every day they’ll go to bed. Forty minutes later they’ll wake up forty minutes later. And so I actually saw a video where they were talking about how like the employees at the Denny’s close to mission control know all the people who are working on the Mars missions because they’ll show up for breakfast at like two a.m. and then they’ll show up for breakfast at three a.m. and then show up for breakfast at four a.m., which just like rotates through. Yeah. And, you know, every month or so they’ve done a full cycle and they come back full circle. They’ve just lost a day. 

[01:11:20] There’s I have this like a little heart swells for her. I was like, oh, a water hero points, hero points or something that I’ve randomly handed out since high school. I don’t currently remember how they started, but yeah, she gets she definitely gets some hero points for for her sweetness. I don’t know, there’s just something lovely. And of course, wanting to get some to you for figuring the dust storm out before NASA thought he would. And I have a little bit like this. I have this conflicting feeling about NASA here because it seems like they should trust it by now. Yeah. That he’s he’s overcome so many things and he’s figured so many things out and he has defied them. You know, I’m going no, I’m going to take apart the water reclaimer. Screw you guys. Like he he is confident and capable and simultaneously it’s reasonable for them to be like, no, we’re going to check his work that he’s already checked because it means they make a ton of backup plans. And so there’s this like I had this conflicting feeling, you know, the feeling. 

[01:12:27] It’s interesting, you know, as we’ve talked about before, Andy Weir has talked about how the Martian was meant to be sort of science’s answer to the religious film. You know, you see these movies made by Christians for Christians in which the answer to the solution is to put your faith in God. And so it sort of reinforces this religious message, message that the way you handle a situation is you reaffirm your faith in God. And so that was the Martian. But for science, that every time he comes across an obstacle, the the solution to that obstacle is you figure it out, you go back to the math, you go back to the science, you figure out a solution. And that is sort of the constant affirmation of the Martian. But that being said, you know, religious communities often have a downside to their to their teachings. And the sort of the blind spot of science is that they don’t have faith. No, they don’t trust anything. And if they don’t see how it works, then they are they tend not to believe that it does work. And so. I like the fact that this is a community of scientists and they don’t know how someone could detect a dust storm, so they’re going to assume that he won’t detect the dust. Yeah, and you know what? That’s sometimes. Well, it’s true. And sometimes you haven’t thought of a way in this instance. You didn’t think of what if he takes a grand vista in and notices that it’s hazy? Yeah. 

[01:13:51] And you know what? That’s actually that’s a really lovely way to put it. Every community has its upsides and downsides. And this is science. And yeah, I, I would not have considered that. 

[01:14:01] So I am and I am loathe to say bad things about science. Science is my my homeboy. But that being said, one area that science does have a blind spot is scientists and doctors. And basically anybody who lives their life by science generally has a blind spot which can be described as if I don’t understand how. I don’t think it does and. Yeah, yeah. 

[01:14:27] Fascinating. Well, I think that wraps it up for 

[01:14:29] it for this. Not too much longer than normal. 

[01:14:32] A little bit longer. Thank you for sticking around. 

[01:14:34] Thank you for watching 

[01:14:36] for this slightly longer episode 

[01:14:39] and welcome to YouTube Live. Thank you for tuning in for our first episode on YouTube live. I think it’s gone. Well, we might turn off the camera and be told by our producer that everything was on fire this entire time and we didn’t realize it. But I don’t expect that’s the case. Know we’re going to be doing YouTube live for a little while longer, just trying it out. So be sure to tune in next week here again on YouTube live 

[01:15:01] and just know that we’ll be doing chapters twenty three, twenty four and twenty five. Yes. We’ve only got a couple more episodes before we’re done with more. Oh my gosh. And then we’re going to move on to something else and we’ll let you know what it is. Yeah. Feel free to blow up our socials with ideas of what you’d like to see. I can’t promise that we’re going to do it. We’ve already got a couple of ideas up our sleeves. 

[01:15:23] We’ve got some good ones, but we always want to know about more movies and TV shows and books that we don’t know about. The Synthesis is all about analyzing scientific and historical accuracy in film and television. 

[01:15:35] Think at this point it’s also psychological. Yep. 

[01:15:38] So if you know of any movies or TV shows that are really scientifically accurate or really historically accurate, be sure to share them. We would love to check them out. 

[01:15:47] And if we are ever in like a group funk together, we can pick one that we can just that’s just chaos and roast it, right? Yeah. So, um, you know, let us know what you’d like to see and we’ll see if we feel like accommodating it. 

[01:16:02] In the meantime, tune in next Thursday, same regular time, five 30 Pacific, for chapters, 23 through 25 of The Martian here on the Synthesis. 

[01:16:12] Great. We’ll see you then, guys. 

The Martian Ch. 17-19: PIRATE NINJAS & MARK’S BATHTUB | The Synthesis

Alexander Winn and Lacey Hannan are back discussing chapters 17 through 19 of Andy Weir’s The Martian! This episode, they’re probably gonna fight. IDK yet, I haven’t finished listening to it, but man things get heated. The book is also present.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•ͺπ•Ÿπ•₯π•™π•–π•€π•šπ•€ is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken. Join us!

ep. 8.mp3

[00:00:04] Hey, folks, this is Alexander Winn 

[00:00:06] and I am Lacey Hannan, and we 

[00:00:08] are here for the latest episode of The Synthesis. And right now we’re reading our way through The Martian by Andy Weir. 

[00:00:15] And I’m just going to put this out there. You guys. You guys, I’m so sorry. I’m still so congested and so disgusting. So bear with me. There’s nothing I can do about it. 

[00:00:27] Well, this there this week we’re talking about chapters 17 through 19. And let’s dove right in. Let’s do it. So Chapter 17 starts and Mark has been told that the Hermes is coming back for him, which 

[00:00:45] on its own, it is a very sweet moment, really. This chapter we start with a really this this sweet the sweet little couple sentences and then we get into some boring shit for a couple of pages 

[00:00:58] and then things get worse. 

[00:01:00] Yes. 

[00:01:01] This is a very this whole episode has a very sort of downward trajectory. Yes, it does. Yeah. And, you know, the funny thing is I hadn’t really clocked this the first time I read The Martian, but there’s this funny sense that the Hermes is coming back and now all of a sudden he has to hurry. You know, the whole problem in this entire story is that he’s stuck there. He has all the time in the world. And all of a sudden he doesn’t he has to get going, which is a funny little inversion of the of the norm there. It says it. He has two hundred and fifty seven souls before he has to leave for a 100 soul journey. And just for those out there who aren’t familiar with the jargon, a soul is the word for a day on Mars, which is twenty four hours and about 40 minutes long. So it’s not the same length as an Earth Day. So they distinguish between days and souls. 

[00:01:51] Yes. 

[00:01:52] So twenty four and a half hours. Yeah, approximately. That’s what he 

[00:01:55] says. So we’re just going to 

[00:01:56] leave it there. He has a lot of stuff to carry to the rover. Yep. And he makes a Granny Clampett reference about the Pathfinder Pathfinder writing on the roof. And I don’t understand. I’ve heard that name, but I don’t understand that reference. So I feel like that is a reference for the Gen-X and older crowd. Sorry, I’m not there. 

[00:02:22] I’m pretty sure that show was in there like the 70s. 

[00:02:24] I think so, too. But I feel like people that are even. Yeah. Five to ten years older than us are going to understand that. And I just want them. So, um. And then at what point. Yeah, I don’t remember why I have this in my notes, but I write that this is the part of the book where you get to imagine Venkat Kapoor as one of the prices. Right. Models and I don’t remember why, but reading that note gives me a lot of joy and I 

[00:02:59] write, I don’t know, I’ve no idea what you’re referring to. 

[00:03:03] I think this might be a fever dream or fantasy. 

[00:03:05] I’m going to figure it out. 

[00:03:06] He’s got a crush on Venkat Kapoor, apparently. But that’s fine. 

[00:03:10] Yeah, I’m 

[00:03:12] fine. Don’t we all have crushes on shortly before? 

[00:03:14] I mean. 

[00:03:15] Yes, absolutely. 

[00:03:16] Um, so we do also get introduced to a very important and potentially horrible piece of equipment, which is the drill. Yes. Mark has to drill his way through the rover to make some extra room and do some modifications. And so NASA has told him to basically drill a whole bunch of tiny holes. We’re talking over a thousand holes. So he wires it up to have power so he doesn’t have to recharge it constantly. And that is a decision that is going to be consequential. 

[00:03:53] That was. Yes, yes. Foreshadowing. I mean, OK, so I’m not I’m not finding it fast enough, but there’s something in here because when goes on to explain how he’s going to use the rock sampling drill for the construction and they need to step down the voltage and the rover so it can act as a battery charger for the drill. And it’s yet another way that Mark could very easily kill himself. 

[00:04:17] Yeah, the quote that I had to just write down in its entirety is I’ll be playing with high voltage power tomorrow. Can’t imagine anything going wrong with that. 

[00:04:25] He yes. 

[00:04:26] Because, I mean, come on. 

[00:04:28] Yeah, yeah. 

[00:04:30] Well, um, I don’t I would like someone to tally up how many times Mark has been in a situation where he could get killed. And then I would like. You mean aside 

[00:04:45] from just the constant danger? 

[00:04:47] I mean, yes. Just just take out the constant danger because like in a lot, because for me, it’s about a comparison. I want to know 

[00:04:55] who is 

[00:04:56] consistently the most likely to die, just in general. Is it Mark Watney or is there somebody on Earth? Like I get it, I hear that he’s on Mars and that super sucks, but my job puts me in danger multiple times, you know, like I want to know because he 

[00:05:15] does, Mark, have the most dangerous job in all of humanity. Exactly. 

[00:05:20] Because in the world. Right. But like being on Mars, you might compare to a war zone every single day. You could die, you know. So I mean, yeah. 

[00:05:30] I mean, I imagine soldiers have it worse than Mark Watney because there are people actively trying to kill him instead of just an environment that is passively trying to kill him. 

[00:05:38] Right. 

[00:05:39] So so for longtime viewers of the Synthesis, you will have picked up on a tradition, which is Alexander talking about how this is just one of the things that makes this book great. And here’s your latest episode of this is just one of those things that makes this book great, which is how boring the drill is. I really appreciate I mean, like, it’s boring and it’s kind of boring to read. 

[00:06:02] But I like I like I like the word choice because it bores. 

[00:06:07] Yes, because it bores. That was intentional. That’s not something that I stumbled into sideways. 

[00:06:14] That was a good pun. And those are hard to come by. 

[00:06:16] They’re not. Lacey loves ponds. Don’t believe her. I don’t there’s. But the thing about the drilling that I really appreciated is, you know, he’s under constant threat of death. They’re all these big, crazy, exciting things happening, like the hand blowing up and all these crazy storms. And, you know, like there’s so many big, scary things. The have is filled with hydrogen and it’s a bomb. I really appreciate that. You know what? Sometimes you just have to spend like two weeks drilling tiny holes. And that’s part of this. It’s not a nonstop adventure. He’s not Indiana Jones. Sometimes he just has to drill a whole bunch of really tiny holes. Yeah. And it’s just it adds to that sense of realism. It makes everything else more powerful because you recognize that he’s not a superhero. He’s living a dangerous situation and this is his life. And I just so appreciate how that is rendered 

[00:07:09] so that I don’t seem like a total crazy person being where 

[00:07:12] you are 

[00:07:14] or 

[00:07:16] so because I. I put that image of Venkat Kapoor in a 

[00:07:23] cocktail dress and. Yeah. 

[00:07:25] And a beautiful gown on prices. Right. Yeah. Doing the arms. Yeah. Yeah. Now that I’m throwing thanks. Because it’s at one point they’re talking about how is he going to eat. Marc says how is he going to make this whole and the rover or a.k.a. the trailer. And he says I’ll let my lovely assistant Venkat Kapoor explain further. And that’s where I started. And then when it does. Yeah. And, you know, it’s it’s actually a lot more interesting. So how do I put this? I Mark must feel really good about not having to be the only person to problem solve. Like there must be a huge weight off his shoulders to not have to do that. But as an audience member, I can feel that way for him and also recognize it’s not as interesting. Mm. And I feel like that that is seen. Yeah. This the beginning of this chapter. So yeah. Anyway I, I imagine he’s relieved I as an audience member I’m not. 

[00:08:37] So before we started filming this episode today, Lacey warned me that she was going to ask me a question but aha. I Schoop to you, what’s your theme song. 

[00:08:46] RWD We’re not even there yet. I’m there yet. OK, but like go ahead, you just skip to the end of the chapter 

[00:08:52] and this is the middle of the chapter. 

[00:08:54] This is listen I write so many more notes than he did. I was obviously a better student, which she’s not wrong. 

[00:09:02] It’s not wrong. 

[00:09:03] I’m an overachiever. Yes. OK, fine. We can jump there, but we’re going back at some point. 

[00:09:10] You think do your thing, take it away. 

[00:09:12] OK, OK. But I want to hear what everybody else is. Theme songs are too. So just. Yes, just consider for 

[00:09:19] those who maybe haven’t read the Martian who have only seen The Martian. By the way, we are referencing a scene in which Marquart may take some time to decide what his theme song is from the huge library of disco music. He goes through options such as Life on Mars, Rocket Man alone again, naturally, but ultimately he settles on staying alive. So what do you want to talk about? What did I pass over? What interesting thing did I not notice? 

[00:09:48] OK, so to me, dazzle us. Oh, my God, we’re going to fight first of all, I have a reminder note to myself, yeah, duct tape is magic and should be worshiped, so says Mark Watney. And I need to stop procrastinating and putting duct tape in my car because it should always be in your survival kit. 

[00:10:13] It’s just not even your car, not like you. You don’t have a thing to repair. You just need to have access to. 

[00:10:18] Now, I might have told you that. Yeah. If I had gotten into an accident, but I thought I could repair duct. There’s another thing he makes a that’s what she said joke. And I got really mad at them 

[00:10:33] because they’re like Mark 

[00:10:38] clutching their pearls and 

[00:10:40] sitting here going, listen, dudes, as stressful as your lives are right now. Yeah. This man needs an outlet and you’re the only people he has. You can go home and you can make off color jokes to your significant others are your roommates or whoever. And and you get to do that. This man has you. 

[00:11:01] So you deal with whatever jokes 

[00:11:03] and whatever he wants to say. You deal with it even if it’s going to be public, because this man needs an outlet and defense mechanisms are important. Yes, actually, 

[00:11:12] that’s an interesting point that I had never considered before. I all of a sudden, I’m kind of wishing that Andy Weir had gone into this a little bit, because we are told specifically that NASA is a public agency, which means that everything that they find has to be turned over within 24 hours and that all of their conversations with Mark are being broadcast all over the world. But I’m suddenly realizing that if this were real, if this had actually happened, they would have passed some like exemption or some executive order from the president or something. That guy needs the ability to make private statements, Mark. What he needs to be able to send messages that are not broadcast all over the world, some message to his mom or like, you know, something that is personal. That’s a that’s a that’s a need, 

[00:12:00] except for, you know, the the things that the rest of the crew talk with their SOS with, those probably are private, you know. So I’m I’m guessing that there’s probably a certain amount of privacy depending on what the topic is. 

[00:12:14] I would imagine so. But we are specifically told that all of Marquart in these conversations are public, which is why they keep critiquing him when he draws boobs. 

[00:12:24] Yeah, I like it. By the way, 

[00:12:27] we’ve got a question from everyone’s favorite EMON economist. Is Lacey the note taker in your days and games? No, Lacey likes hitting things with axes. 

[00:12:38] I mean, that is mostly what I do. But once she’s there, I also never remember the storyline, not not for the life of me, actually, not for the OK, whatever 

[00:12:49] the the note taker in our DNA games is the wife of our game master. 

[00:12:54] Yeah. Because even he doesn’t take notes half the time as pretty funny. But yes I, I get too into my character. 

[00:13:03] She would like to rage. 

[00:13:05] Yes she would like to rage most of the 

[00:13:06] time except for this character is not a barbarian, which is maybe why I’m not in love with her. There’s a moment in here where he says, oh yeah that’s right, I’m either getting rescued on Sol five hundred and forty nine or I’m dying. That means I have thirty five souls of extra food I can indulge once in a while. 

[00:13:27] Mm. 

[00:13:28] And I was like, that is the brightest silver lining I can imagine. And in what is one of the most terrifying lines in the book. 

[00:13:37] Yeah. That’s some Ted Lassos style like optimism. That’s really, that’s, that’s candid right there. 

[00:13:43] Oh I was 

[00:13:44] just my, I just, I had a whole heart and gut clench when that happened because I was like, you only have thirty five days. That’s worth it. Yeah. 

[00:13:54] Like oh boy. 

[00:13:56] Well and like maybe keep your margin. We don’t want to cut this one too close just in case something happens. 

[00:14:04] Hard labor is hard labor. You got to you got to take care of yourself. Yeah. Which he does in chapter eighteen in a way that I super enjoy. But OK, we are now up to the theme 

[00:14:14] song Mark theme song is Stayin Alive. 

[00:14:17] But did he or did he pick the right one. 

[00:14:19] Yeah. Yeah. 

[00:14:21] Stayin Alive by the Bee Gees just annoys the hell out of. 

[00:14:23] I’m not a fan of the song, but what I’m saying is life on Mars, Rocket Man alone again. Naturally, these are all songs that are relevant, but staying alive is both relevant and aspirational. That is what he’s working toward. 

[00:14:36] But OK, so I feel like this man is enough of a hero that he should at least get a soundtrack like he. His life currently warrants a soundtrack and not just a theme song. 

[00:14:45] He has a soundtrack. It was written by Harry Gregson Williams. But, you know. Oh, my God. 

[00:14:50] Oh. 

[00:14:52] Sorry, excuse me, I have something stuck in my throat. 

[00:14:55] It was a husband. 

[00:14:57] Uh oh. Let’s ended it. Sorry about that, guys. 

[00:15:02] That was a cannibalism reference and nothing else. 

[00:15:06] Oh, my God. Oh, you make everything worse. 

[00:15:10] How do you do that? Oh, I’m going to be terrified. 

[00:15:15] It’s going to be our tombstone’s Alexander Wynn and Lacey Hohnen. Oh, my God. Somehow you make everything worse. 

[00:15:22] It’s, uh. 

[00:15:25] All right. So what’s your theme song? 

[00:15:27] I actually referenced it earlier for anybody who’s a a Broadway musical fan. Yeah, it’s called Not for the Life of Me from Thoroughly Modern Millie. It’s when she gets to New York and she knows it, she’s like, it’s one block north to Macy’s and it’s two brothers, Brooks. And she she has figured it out. And she comes from this tiny town where nothing’s over. Three stories high at which this is my life. You guys, South Dakota to L.A., this is. But she has a one way ticket back home and she pulls it out of her pocket and she goes, 

[00:16:04] no, no. 

[00:16:06] And it’s just like, yeah, I’m going to figure it out. And that’s nice. 

[00:16:09] Nice. Yeah. Well, I only had like forty five 

[00:16:12] misleaders students, so just sorry guys, 

[00:16:17] I only had about forty five minutes to think about it and I mostly listened to movie soundtracks. So it’s ultimately what I settled on is a Jonathan Coulton song called Code Monkey. Do you think it’s about a developer, no shit. Yeah, totally. 

[00:16:33] Yep, I can’t believe it. 

[00:16:35] Yep, that’s boring. I know you are so much more interesting than that. 

[00:16:40] I know. 

[00:16:42] I thought about I thought about going showtunes as well and saying that my theme song was anything you can do, I can do better. But I decided I didn’t want to get punched on Twitch. 

[00:16:53] So you would have I 

[00:16:57] would have thrown myself at you and wrestled you. 

[00:17:00] Yeah. And not enough on way. So some of the bacteria in the soil survived. 

[00:17:04] My God. Oh. 

[00:17:12] So we one of the one of the interesting moments that I really appreciate in this chapter is Mark Watney is talking about how just to pass the time he did some soil tests because he’s a nerd and he noticed that some bacteria in the soil survived, which is kind of cool. I loved that. I know, right? Just like resilient. He actually even says life is amazingly tenacious. They don’t want to die any more than I do, which is. Yeah, it’s a great little 

[00:17:40] fun, you know. 

[00:17:43] And then 

[00:17:44] I have. 

[00:17:45] Oh, my God, Pathfinder now. 

[00:17:48] Yeah, I have sold one. This is the beginning of the section. So one ninety six. I fucked up, I fucked up big time and you’re just like oh no. Like my blood pressure. Just shut up. Oh man. What happened. 

[00:18:03] It was a gut punch. So what happens is now. Yes. I don’t totally you know, so, so. 

[00:18:12] So it starts with a small observation. As he says, the worst moments in life are heralded by small observations. And the small observation is that the breakers have tripped on the drill, which is odd. And so he just replaces the breakers and moves on. But that’s weird. 

[00:18:31] Yeah, I, I found the ending of this chapter so so we won’t go into exactly what happened. But the Pathfinder is no longer transmitting. Yeah. So he can’t, he can’t deny not just say we weren’t going to go into what happened. 

[00:18:51] No more concerned about spoilers. 

[00:18:53] Hey you don’t know. We’ve never gotten an answer from them. I know who’s reading with us and who’s not very helpful. 

[00:19:01] So really I guess what he’s saying is that this is on, you 

[00:19:05] know, that wasn’t it at all. 

[00:19:09] Anyway, I’m sticking by it. 

[00:19:11] OK, whatever. So Pathfinder is no longer communicating, so he has no way to communicate with Earth and while he can communicate with Earth through Morse code, that’s the thing that they had decided to set up. 

[00:19:25] You send messages by putting blocks on the ground, 

[00:19:26] but he can not hear back from them. Um, so I, I, I found this to be one of those moments of like, do you just collapse in a heap and just cry and curse the universe? Like the way I feel like an animal there would be like a whole bunch of this streaking lines. 

[00:19:46] Yes. Yeah. I’m on my own is the end of that chapter. 

[00:19:52] And you just got so excited for him because he didn’t have to problem solve all by himself. 

[00:19:57] Oh yeah. 

[00:19:58] And so then Chapter 18 starts and I felt entirely like this was my own fault for jinxing it, as if this wasn’t written years ago 

[00:20:08] because I was like, 

[00:20:09] it makes you feel any better. I blame you too. 

[00:20:11] You are in what is you you were. Oh, my 

[00:20:17] God. I’m an economist and I’m not going to be able to pronounce solice. They have both read the book so well. 

[00:20:25] We’ve got to. 

[00:20:26] Yes, yes. Yeah. 

[00:20:28] Um, so Chapter 18 is back to making his own plans. It’s sort of a return to form from our Watney. He’s got to figure this out himself. We are back to the Martian. 

[00:20:39] He’s figuring it out. It is so much more interesting to me as an audience member to watch him go through the mental process of figuring out how he’s going to do things rather than just getting instructions from NASA, because we’re not seeing their thought process and their scientific process, which they get to have more fun than he does. So I was I was kind of losing interest with all the back and forth. 

[00:21:06] Yeah. It became less about problem solving and more about solution implementing. 

[00:21:10] And I mean, the things that kind of kept you interested were the character development, the the underhandedness that different characters had mej and, you know, like that sort of stuff still kept you interested. But I for me, the bread and butter of this is who is Mark Watney and what can he do? We know he’s not a superhero, but he’s a badass scientist. Yeah, he’s an engineer. Like what what is his brain capable of? And we’ve had a return of that, which is I don’t know. For me, that’s the most interesting. So I’m here for it. 

[00:21:46] Uh, greed. 

[00:21:47] Um, I don’t understand some of his plans with the regulator. 

[00:21:54] OK, like what? 

[00:21:56] No, I don’t know. I just I read it and then put it aside. I was like, to hell with this. It was it was all about the the regulator. And it’s making everything cold to do something and then having to heat it back, like, I don’t know how with that. 

[00:22:11] So the the short version is that the the oxygen and the atmospheric regulator, uh, they each draw a lot of power and he has to reduce how much power they draw so that he doesn’t kill his batteries because as much as possible has to go toward traveling in the rover. But what he realizes is that each of them have heating functions, which are important parts of the process. So the way that they strip the carbon out of the carbon dioxide to make oxygen, they freeze it down and then they run it over a catalyst and it strips away the carbon. But once you freeze it down that cold, if you just release it back in to the air, it’s the air conditioner from hell. So you need 

[00:22:52] like a model for this because I just don’t see it. But, you know, whatever 

[00:22:57] I mean it just from the outside, it just looks like an air purifier. It’s bringing in air and it’s blowing out. It’s bringing in carbon dioxide. It’s blowing out oxygen. But in the in the meantime, it takes that carbon dioxide freezes it to super crazy cold, runs the super cold gas over some chemicals, some some catalysts, and that strips the carbon atoms out of the air. And then now you have O2. And so it just blows it back out. But it doesn’t just blow it back out because it’s way too cold. So it has to warm the air up, which takes a lot of electricity. So Mark realizes, hey, he’s still got the RTG, as he puts it. As with most of life’s problems, this one can be solved by a box of pure radiation, 

[00:23:43] which I did find, which is very funny. 

[00:23:45] Awesome. And so he’s going to use that to heat up the air by bubbling it up through hot water. Basically, you take cold air like in a fish tank with a bubbling oxygen to the fish tank, super cold air. You bubble it up through hot water. By the time it comes out of the top, it’ll be warm enough that it’s safe. 

[00:24:05] I so appreciate that he’s explaining. All of this to me, but I hope someone else caught it because I stopped paying attention a long time ago, my focus is not here. And I apologize because normally I love your explanations. I really do. I am just I’m I’m incapable today. But what I hear I liked the first portion of this plan was, hey, I don’t have to have the water reclaimer and it’s justice. There is justice in this because he’s like, I’ve got enough water. I’ll just bring the water with me and I can just shit and pee on this planet that’s constantly trying to kill me. And I was like, yes, man. 

[00:24:45] You tell them. Yeah, uh, 

[00:24:48] I mean, you’re not going to tell the planet much, but Mother Nature. Oh, that’s an interesting question. Does Mother Nature exist on all planets or does every planet have a different 

[00:25:01] character, different 

[00:25:02] character? 

[00:25:02] Yeah. 

[00:25:03] Oh, I mean, I think probably demonstrably Earth has Gaia and Mars has Mars, Mars as 

[00:25:11] like 

[00:25:12] what about other planets, which, by 

[00:25:14] the way, makes sense that this planet is trying to kill him, considering it’s named after the God of violence and awfulness. 

[00:25:20] I really now need a short story about all of the different versions 

[00:25:25] of 

[00:25:26] all the different characters of the planets. 

[00:25:28] Yeah, yeah. 

[00:25:29] I somewhat do this for me. Listen, when I request things in here, people, people do them. I you guys, if you have not read, I’m an economist. Forty five tweet thread on her barbarian that she plays. You have to do it. I got choked up. There is, it’s so, it’s so good and I cannot thank you enough. I cannot thank you enough for sharing it. 

[00:25:57] Oh that out there. 

[00:25:58] By the way while we have you I’m an economist and everyone else chime in with where you are. Yeah. Because I’m an economist mentioned that she watches us on her lunch break, which is odd because for us here in L.A., it’s five thirty in the evening. So either you have a weird shift or you are somewhere else. So everybody chime in. We love to hear where everybody’s from. If you’re watching this after the fact on YouTube, comment with where you are, 

[00:26:23] I want to know. Yeah, it’s 

[00:26:24] just it’s just fun. 

[00:26:25] The world is big and interesting. Right. 

[00:26:28] Um, you know what else is big and interesting? Marc’s bathtub. 

[00:26:32] Oh, and pirate and just pirate ninjas. 

[00:26:37] Exactly. Mark joins a new unit of measurement, the Pirate Ninja, because of course he did, 

[00:26:43] because he didn’t want to say 

[00:26:44] what 

[00:26:45] kilowatt hours per soul 

[00:26:47] that yepp, that 

[00:26:49] which is, by the way, not even a fifty percent reduction in syllable count, but whatever, 

[00:26:55] you know. But it’s way more interesting. Yes. And it’s fun. Yes. And I appreciate it. 

[00:26:59] Yes. Because what is the only thing that could make his situation more dire, the arrival of pirate ninjas. 

[00:27:06] Yeah, but yes, he takes a bath. Yes. And I love this for him personally. 

[00:27:12] I love that. Like, this is one of those things that I’m I love the how in character. Andy Weir writes, because he spends a lot of time talking about his bathtub. Like this is clearly a very important project. Yeah, exactly. He goes on and on and on about his bathtub and how he made it and how much he loves it and how often he uses it. And it really feels like a guy who actually cares about this. It doesn’t feel like a novel. It feels like you’re actually this guy really loves his about 

[00:27:38] listen, he deserves it because, like he said, there are no chiropractor’s on Mars. So he’s got to take care of himself and his body and he can’t just take Vicodin forever. Yeah. 

[00:27:48] Which, by the way, we’ve had a running list on this on this show of the sort of alternative universes of the Martian, different ways this could have gone. What if it had been Mark and Lewis stranded on Mars or, you know, those sorts of things? And one of the interesting little versions, that sort of a nightmare to imagine. But it’s one way this could have gone is Mark Watney hurts his back and it doesn’t get better. Yeah. And like, he’s just stuck on Mars for hundreds of days and there’s no saving yourself. 

[00:28:26] Well, yeah, 

[00:28:27] like, yeah. 

[00:28:28] Yeah. This is that is too depressing. Can we not go there. Yeah. Um, I personally I’m just very excited for him to take a bath. I don’t actually enjoy baths myself. I don’t understand. I don’t understand sitting in. In it, it just it doesn’t it doesn’t appeal to me, but I love that he got to pamper himself a lot. 

[00:28:53] As Chandler Bing says, why don’t you just sit there stewing in your own filth? 

[00:28:56] Yeah, kind of like no. OK, serious. You know, I’m just going to ask the question. You wash your hair and then you, like, try and rinse it off. But there’s already like you’ve had your shampoo in the water and now you’re trying to get your conditioner out and now your hair just feels like, 

[00:29:13] yeah, 

[00:29:14] I don’t know, baths are great for washing your hair. 

[00:29:16] Like, I feel like you’re supposed to be able to do all of this. I don’t know. I just think it’s weird. I am I am outside side tracked, but I just I have questions for the ladies. I think it’s just sounds awful. 

[00:29:30] OK, hey, you know what? We all wash our hair. Thank you very much. I spend so much time 

[00:29:35] guys from hair, 

[00:29:37] his shaved head. I have hair jokes 

[00:29:41] are delightful and she can never get enough of them. Anyway, Mark Watney is smiling. A great smile, the smile of a man who fucked with his car and didn’t break it. I myself have never smiled. The smile. 

[00:29:57] I’ve. I have. You have. I have had to do. You’re a 

[00:30:01] car thief. 

[00:30:02] A couple of things with cars that I’m just like I’m quite proud of. Listen, I came up with the El Brackett’s a couple log entries ago and obviously I’m a genius. You should be working at NASA and not in Hollywood. But yeah, I just wanted to put it out there. When he brings up the brackets, I was like, yeah, do dah. And I was quite pleased with myself. And so I think I should be Hollywood’s genius at Girl personally, but 

[00:30:30] I’m here for it. He does bring up at the end of the chapter an interesting point, which is sort of upsetting. But, you know, that’s just where you are, which is that he’s not going to know how the launch, when he’s he hopes that Hermes is going to get him, but he doesn’t actually know if it’s going to work. Yeah, he might be working for the next, what was it, three hundred and fifty seven days and show up and then there’s nobody 

[00:30:57] waiting for him. Yeah, because because because Pathfinder isn’t working. Yeah. He can’t, he can’t know. And he, you know, he’s concerned about the HermΓ¨s Re-supply not for himself so much but for his crew because he could die. But if his crew dies like that really upsets him. And I find that just so sweet. It’s just another way of pointing to Mark being a superb human being, superb character, just very well written in the fact that the audience never doesn’t want to root for him. Yeah. And he can have his his breakdown moments and he can make off color jokes like all of these things. But ultimately we’re always there for him and he’s always there for his crew. And it’s just so sweet. 

[00:31:46] Yes. 

[00:31:47] So we come to chapter nineteen and there’s an odd thing that happens. I don’t know if you if you picked up on this. We’ve had about a chapter and a half since Mark Frid Pathfinder and is no longer in contact with Earth. And now we come to Chapter nineteen and chapter nineteen has a structure where we’re jumping back and forth between the HermΓ¨s, where the crew is prepping for the supply launch and they’re all talking to their families back home. And we get this another one of these interesting tableaus where each character gets highlighted individually and you get some insight into who they are. And then it cuts to Earth as they’re preparing for the launch. But they don’t mention the fact that Mark is out of contact. We never actually get Earth’s response. We never get anybody reacting to the fact that they can’t talk to him. 

[00:32:38] Oh, peculiar. 

[00:32:38] Well, they just sort of like continue on with the law. 

[00:32:41] And I have it’s far enough beyond when it happens. Yeah, it’s probably 

[00:32:45] why it’s just interesting that we never get that moment. That scene 

[00:32:49] doesn’t 

[00:32:49] the closest we get to it is in chapter eighteen when he says, Oh man, I haven’t left the Hab in six days because of my back. Yeah. And they don’t know what’s happened to me, so they might be panicking essentially. So he, he kind of fills in for us with is. 

[00:33:10] But I feel like it would have been interesting to get Venkat. I like realization of what’s going on and get and we 

[00:33:16] weren’t going to get it for the moment because they were going to stay on Mark. Yeah. So I’m, I’m OK with it. Yeah. 

[00:33:25] I think it’s the right call, but it’s a shame because I would have liked to see Annie being like, are you fucking kidding me. Right. But yes, we go back to the Hermes and Lewis is talking to her husband who has found a mint mint, you know, quality version of ABBA’s greatest hits because he’s a nerd. 

[00:33:45] I have it right. 

[00:33:46] He was talking to her husband, knew ABBA’s greatest hits, period nerd. 

[00:33:50] It’s so cute. Oh, I love that. Like the rest of the world is probably on Mark Watney side making fun of disco. And here is Lewis and her husband being like, 

[00:34:03] we still love it. Screw you guys. All right. 

[00:34:07] She’s she’s going to be the most infamous disco fan in human history. 

[00:34:11] She’s I will I will put this out there, you guys. All of these chats with their significant others or their family members or whatever some of them had one of them in particular had me in real tears. And I cried on the book, Sorry, honey, and I couldn’t read my notes. And so just stop taking them. But it might come up again because who it really got, it just so got me. 

[00:34:34] It’s something that they do a really good job. You know, we get a few of these moments where over the course of a chapter, each character gets the spotlight. You know, there were marks, notes to each of his crew members or his crewmates. And then in this chapter, we get each of them talking to their families. And it’s interesting how anywhere does a great job of individualizing them, because they each have their own thing going. They each have their own relationships, but they each have it’s like each character is in their own genre. You know, Lewis is talking to her husband. She’s very much in love. Vogel has more of like a family medical drama thing going on. It’s like each character is has a very different tone in how they are sort of reacting to all of this. And it really helps bring them to life. 

[00:35:22] Yeah, he did a very good job of not making he’s not putting them on too similar. Andy Weir is not writing them on like these parallel paths. It’s yeah. It feels very independent of each other. It doesn’t none of the conversations kind of echo one of the previous conversations or anything like that, which I’ve I found charming, that he could write so many different voices. Yeah, I 

[00:35:51] agree. He’s a great writer. Yeah. 

[00:35:53] As we keep talking about. 

[00:35:54] But anyway but we come back to Earth and the NASA folks are heading to China. Yes. And they are arriving, they’re getting ready to launch the resupply probe on the tank and the Chinese rocket. And it’s not 

[00:36:12] easy. And Venkat is being a reasonable whiner. Yeah, jet lag about jet lag and tells their guide, Mr. Su, that he loves him. And I found it, darling. He’s just so tired and so, like, doesn’t because Teddy is like, yeah, just don’t forget, man, we have to go through customs. You, Shina, 

[00:36:33] you get the sense that, you know, Teddy, the director of NASA, is probably the guy who like, visits the White House periodically and he like goes to conferences and he’s done a lot of networking and all that kind of stuff. And Venkat is more of a stay in the lab kind of guy. And he’s just not used yet. 

[00:36:47] No. And I just I, 

[00:36:50] I find it just kind of funny. Yeah. 

[00:36:53] From there we cut back to the Hermes and we get Vogel, the German astronaut, and talking to his wife about their monkeys, which we have already established, is what they call their kids, which is very sweet. And then he asks, how is my mother doing? 

[00:37:08] And what we learn is he’s a he was afraid before they even left that it was the last time he was going to see his mom. And now they’re going to be on the HermΓ¨s for over five hundred more days. And his wife does tell him that, you know, they think that, you know, she’s stable. She doesn’t always recognize her daughter in law and blah, blah, blah, but nothing has changed. So hopefully nothing will change by the time he gets back. And I was just like, oh, like my mom’s one of my very favorite people. So I oh, 

[00:37:43] I yeah, I was a 

[00:37:45] mess. And it didn’t even come up when he was saying that we have to go back and get Marquart. Watney. Yeah. Like you retroactively realize how hard a decision that was for Vogel because he is again risking never seeing his mother. Yeah. And it’s uh. 

[00:38:00] Yeah that’s. 

[00:38:02] And then so we cut back and Teddy is talking to the Chinese space administrator and there’s a very darling exchange where he the the Chinese guy describes Mitch as, you know, very, very passionate or something like that. And Teddy says Mitch is a pain in the ass. And he says, You can say that. I can answer. 

[00:38:26] Yes, I 

[00:38:27] did really like that. The thing that I thought you were trying to say that I just truly loved was someone says love of science is universal across all cultures. And I don’t know, OK, listen, my pregnancy hormones are out of control. This entire chapter made me want to cry and that. Line, I was just like, I’m getting choked up thinking about, I don’t know, there’s something about, OK, OK, take it away. 

[00:38:52] All right, if if I can just provide you with something that will harden your heart and make you stop feeling the feelings. J Group lives in California. 

[00:39:03] Oh, so do we. 

[00:39:04] Yeah, I know he’s so close, I need some distance from grape. Oh, please. Like I’m on economist lives in Canberra. In Australia. That’s awesome. Like, why can’t I can’t. I’m an economist b around here. We got to have Jake listen. 

[00:39:20] And she says it’s the greatest city in the world and I’m just putting it out there that I have not been there yet. And it we’ve got to go to go because Australia was awesome. 

[00:39:30] And we’ve also got the eastern United States. Yes. Represented. So keep them coming, folks. Post in the comments. Let us know where you are. It’s excellent to learn unless you’re age group and now you need to go away. 

[00:39:43] J Grape, please excuse my husband. He is a jerk. 

[00:39:48] Oh, it’s, uh, 

[00:39:50] it’s not a jerk when you take shots at your nemesis, 

[00:39:54] OK. 

[00:39:54] Oh, Grape and Valley are locked in an epic duel. 

[00:39:58] Listen, you could be like the Joker and you could love him like the Joker loves Batman. 

[00:40:04] I am clearly Batman in this relationship. 

[00:40:06] I mean, come on. Uh oh. 

[00:40:10] Uh, clearly I am Batman in so many ways anyway, 

[00:40:16] so that 

[00:40:17] we need 

[00:40:17] to back. Yes. We jump back to back 

[00:40:19] who’s talking to his sister, who 

[00:40:21] I might argue is sort of the least developed of the of the crew, I think is the one that I feel like I have the least of. Yeah, but talking to a sister and 

[00:40:31] it’s kind of funny, he quite 

[00:40:32] clearly a little like kind of little sister, not not like five 

[00:40:36] but. No, but she’s she’s younger and but she’s worried about him. And then she has a lot of questions about Martinez. 

[00:40:44] Yes. And the cute one. 

[00:40:46] He’s like he’s married with kids. 

[00:40:49] Yeah. Home wrecker. 

[00:40:53] It’s just that got me. But then there’s a moment where she says, well, what did you know? She’s asking what everybody’s jobs are. And he tells her that everybody has to be able to do multiple things. And so she asks him, what did Mark Watney do? And he says, don’t talk about him in the past tense. Yeah, of course. I get choked up for that, too. 

[00:41:14] Great. See, these are the things that, like a lesser writer, wouldn’t have thought to do that. But that is so true to who back is just that. That’s the kind of thing that wouldn’t be particularly important to the sister, but is important to back. 

[00:41:30] Yes. Yeah. All right. All right. 

[00:41:34] We’re going to we’re going to read you guys. 

[00:41:36] So this is this is Lacey’s, I think, favorite scene in the entire book. 

[00:41:40] I mean, it’s not totally 

[00:41:43] because there was that other guy who kind of made the jokes about you can never tell with managers. Who’s that again? 

[00:41:51] Was that Rich Purnell? No, that was not him. 

[00:41:54] Yeah. 

[00:41:55] So far, so good. Yeah. Uh, no. So this is one of my favorite exchanges, so I’m just going to have us read it. Of course, we’ve only got one. Thanks. Yeah. Good luck to us. Uh, do you would you like to take Mitch or Venkat. 

[00:42:12] Uh, why don’t I take Venkat. 

[00:42:16] OK, so you are you going to read just the line. Are you going to do the. He said, she said 

[00:42:22] not just just did OK. 

[00:42:24] Uh, all right. They’re a weird bunch these Chinese nerds, but they make a good booster. 

[00:42:31] Good. 

[00:42:32] How’s the linkage between the booster and our probe. 

[00:42:34] It all checks out. JPL followed the specs perfectly. It fits like a glove. 

[00:42:39] Any concerns or reservations? 

[00:42:41] Yeah, I’m concerned about what I ate last night. I think it had an eyeball on it. 

[00:42:46] I’m sure there wasn’t an eyeball 

[00:42:48] that engineers here made it for me special. 

[00:42:51] There may have been an eyeball. They hate you. 

[00:42:54] Uh, why? 

[00:42:55] Because you’re a dick, Mitch. A total dick to everyone. 

[00:43:01] Fair enough. So long as the pro gets to HermΓ¨s, they can burn me in effigy for all I care. 

[00:43:06] I just I think Lacey’s been cackling every time she thinks about that scene. 

[00:43:10] I just love 

[00:43:12] the idea that Venkaiah is like this. They’re you’re just saying there is an eyeball on it because in China, they eat things that we might not necessarily eat in America. Don’t worry about it. And then he’s and then Mitch says, well, the guy’s made it for me, you know, I’m special, special and homey. And then banquettes like, oh, yeah, there was definitely an eye on it. 

[00:43:34] Definitely not all in it. Yeah. Because you’re a dick. Yeah. 

[00:43:38] And I just there’s something so charming about that and I love it. I mean not charming, it’s, it’s horrifying but I like that Mitch is like, OK, whatever, so long as this all works out they can, they can hate me, they can, you know, do your voodoo, whatever you want. I don’t care which which then turns around and shows the dedication that Mitch has and. Do you take it back to that quote about, you know, Ted says he’s a pain in the ass and Ming says, You can say that I cannot. And the whole reason they’re saying that is because Mitch has a has like the workers the Chinese engineers have mentioned. Yeah, Mitch is a work ethic. Yeah. He’s very dedicated. And so I think it just kind of all comes together that all of the Chinese engineers are probably on Teddy’s side, 

[00:44:40] like, yeah, screw this dude. I would fire him if I could. 

[00:44:44] Um, so there’s I don’t know. There’s just something lovely about it to me. Um. All right. Then we go back 

[00:44:50] to we come back to Martinez. And I’m glad that somebody wasn’t perfectly selfless. Martinez’s wife is pissed that he’s going back to Mars. And you can tell that it comes from a place of love. You can tell that it comes from a place of worry. You can also tell that he comes from a place of wanting to get laid, which is hilarious. Yes. But, you know, it’s it’s nice. It’s one of those human things that, yeah. Not everybody is, like, selflessly telling their their spouse, yes, you have to spend another year and a half to go back to Mars and save this guy like, no, I’m 

[00:45:22] home because, you know, Martinez is not going to have his kid is not going to have any memories of him. Yeah. And he’s going to be going into kindergarten by the time Martinez comes home. So, you know, 

[00:45:31] if he comes home at 

[00:45:32] all. Yeah, exactly. So there’s like this you kind of understand the power of what they’re dealing with because Vogels kids are in high school. It’s not to say it’s anything that’s got its own hardships, essentially being a single mom of of teenagers. Like, I can’t I’m sorry to my mom, but, you know, Melissa’s dealing with a toddler at home. And that’s just got to be really hard, especially when you weren’t expecting to have to do all of this. So to me, the the different. I love that they’re all kind of different stages of their lives and that they have different concerns. And this was this was lovely. I love that they’re high school sweethearts. 

[00:46:15] Yeah. 

[00:46:16] Um, I don’t do we jump back to China or do we just go straight 

[00:46:21] and I don’t have any notes from China. So if we did, it was uneventful. And so now we come to Jill Hansen Johansen, who is, you know, the the the cute girl of the crew who nobody’s allowed to hit on and, you know, posters all over, you know, college students, bedrooms and all that. And you get dark, so dark. 

[00:46:47] And she’s like talking to her dad. Dad is like, where did we go wrong? You were such a good kid. And now you’re doing this and your mom is worried sick and she can’t even like this is a person who’s obviously like her anxiety or depression or whatever she’s dealing with is so bad that she can’t even come to the phone. 

[00:47:07] Yeah. 

[00:47:08] You know, and the father is characterized, interestingly, because, you know, you get the sense that he’s not 

[00:47:14] he’s kind of a 

[00:47:16] hard ass. Like he’s not necessarily the kind of dad that you would want. Like, he kind of hits her over the head with guilt over all of this. 

[00:47:23] And he’s 

[00:47:25] pretty rough. And she tries to reassure him in these vague terms and he’s not getting it. And she keeps trying to reassure him. 

[00:47:33] I mean, I wouldn’t get it either. She’s been very good at being vague about why it’s going to be OK. Like, I will 

[00:47:39] be not going to die. She just keeps saying I won’t die. And he’s like, what are you talking about? And she says, I won’t die. And finally he gets her to tell 

[00:47:48] him, which I thought this was this was kind of telling I hear you on the hard ass thing. But he says, I have never I’ve always thought you had your privacy. Yes. And you I’ve never pushed you. And I need to know what you’re talking about. 

[00:48:03] And clearly not an abusive father. 

[00:48:05] No, no. 

[00:48:06] But he’s calling in his his favor to know what she’s saying. And what she’s saying is that if the resupply mission goes wrong, they’re going too fast. They won’t be able to slow down and stop at Earth. They’re going to Mars one way or another, but they might not have enough food. So Lewis brought them all together and told them the plan, which is that if the resupply mission fails, everybody but Johansen will take suicide pills and then Johansen will survive and eat through the stores of food. And then when her father asks, is that going to be enough? She says, no, but the food won’t be the only sustenance available. And oh damn, that gets dark. 

[00:48:59] Oh, my God. I just like I just. Sobbing Yeah, I was 

[00:49:06] he didn’t notice I, 

[00:49:09] I was working on other things, I 

[00:49:11] was like I did collect for this was 

[00:49:13] it. This wasn’t his fault. But he’s like sitting across the table from me and I’m just, like, trying not to be noticed as tears are just streaming down my face onto the as I’m just like, oh, this is horrifying. But now I have a question. 

[00:49:25] Yeah. 

[00:49:26] Can you eat a body that has had a suicide pill go into it? 

[00:49:31] I’m sure Lewis knows what you know, something that something that expires after a little while so that it would be safe or 

[00:49:40] whatever, maybe just doesn’t get into the muscle tissue or 

[00:49:43] something like that, or he or she would probably need to freeze the body. So maybe it breaks down and in cold or something like that. But whatever it is, I’m sure Andy Weir has thought through every single detail of this absolute horror movie that could have been this is the darkest timeline of all the alternative universe, Martian stories. 

[00:50:02] And like I, I obviously could barely handle it. Still can barely handle it. Yeah. But then we get to the launch. Yeah. And we get through the piloting, the great piloting that Martinez does. 

[00:50:18] You and the masterful bringing you back from the brink of darkness. Andy Weir knowing exactly how to lead his audience where they need to be. Martinez sticks the launch. They get the supplies, they’re good to go. And he turns around to Joleen’s and says, So who would you have eaten first? 

[00:50:38] Like, Oh, my God. And she doesn’t 

[00:50:40] want to she she will not engage. And he starts chasing after her going, hey, I’m free range. You know, Cornfed, come on, I thought you liked Mexican. 

[00:50:49] And I was just like, that’s such dark humor. 

[00:50:53] It is so dark, but like smell, taste. I am so glad that we are included it because I needed. 

[00:51:00] Yeah, it takes the fangs out. Yeah. 

[00:51:03] And we don’t just get Johanson’s reaction to it. Yeah. We get, everybody else has you know, essentially agreed to it. Yeah. Green dish. Yeah. And this, it’s a release of the tension and a way that 

[00:51:20] I 

[00:51:21] did that. 

[00:51:22] Yeah. 

[00:51:23] Anyway the only person who could have had a worse time of this than Mark Watney is Johanna Johansen. 

[00:51:30] Yeah. That Oh no I don’t do postapocalyptic. So this that is not the storyline that I can 

[00:51:38] engage 

[00:51:39] with. Engage with. Yeah. No, no, no, no horror, no apocalyptic anything. Which is what that would be. I mean if you’re in space. Yeah. 

[00:51:47] They go God 

[00:51:49] and kind of zombies. 

[00:51:51] Guess the worst part of everything. Yeah. Anyway so that’s the end of chapter nineteen. So that is the end of this episode of The Synthesis. Next week we’re going to be doing chapters twenty, twenty one and twenty two. And important note, everyone make a note that starting next week we are going to be shifting venues we see and how that works where rather than streaming live on Twitch and then mirroring to YouTube on Friday morning, we are going to be doing YouTube live, same bat time, different bat channel. We are going to be doing the same five thirty time slot that we always do, except we’re going to be doing YouTube live from the Edge Works Entertainment YouTube channel, which is which is YouTube, dotcom, Edgeworks entertainment. 

[00:52:38] If if that turns out to not be true and we can’t do it next week, we will let you know. We will put it on all of our socials. Yeah, but we wanted to we’re going to try and make that changeover pretty quick. Yeah. So join us, please 

[00:52:52] join us on YouTube and everybody except DJ Grape DJ Grape tune in on Twitch next week. 

[00:52:57] God damn. I’m just. 

[00:53:00] Oh, all right. I don’t I don’t know what to say do I? I’m sorry. 

[00:53:05] Lacey literally can’t even, um. So tune in next week. YouTube live and we’re going to have a dabba doo time. So in the meantime, be sure to check out our Patreon on Page Edgeworks Entertainment. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and YouTube and everywhere in the world really 

[00:53:27] apparently, apparently Edgeworks is moving the Tic-Tac. 

[00:53:31] Yeah. 

[00:53:32] Lost our marketing people because. Yeah, there’s not you could not get me on there. 

[00:53:37] I’m too old for that shit. 

[00:53:38] Yeah. 

[00:53:39] Except for the sea shanties 

[00:53:41] except for the 20th centuries are amazing. They might give me that one final note for everyone to keep in mind, anybody who is a long term Edgeworks fan knows that every year the anniversary of America’s founding is February 9th. And I’m next to be not ready to tell you anything about it. But the smart money is on. There being an announcement of some kind on February 9th, so 

[00:54:06] let’s 

[00:54:07] be 

[00:54:07] sure to check out our social pages or, get ready.

[00:54:13] Yeah, get get your popcorn and get ready for a cool announcement. So, yeah. 

[00:54:19] All right. 

[00:54:19] Otherwise, we will see you next week on YouTube. 

[00:54:22] Bye bye, guys. Bye. 

The Martian Ch. 14-17: That’s IT! I’ve HAD IT with these MFKN SNAKES on MFKN MARS | The Synthesis

Alexander Winn and Lacey Hannan return yet again to discuss chapters 14 – 17 of Andy Weir’s The Martian. The pair debate on which is deadlier, Martian Snakes or Martian Vampires, and whether or not the fabric is wracked with guilt over letting Mark Watney watch his potatoes go extinct on its watch.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•ͺπ•Ÿπ•₯π•™π•–π•€π•šπ•€ is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.

[00:00:03] Hey, folks, this is Alexander WinnΒ 

[00:00:06] and I am Lacey Hannan, 

[00:00:07] and we are here with the latest episode of The Synthesis, reading through The Martian. This week we’re doing chapters 14 through 16. 

[00:00:16] And I actually want to know just to kick us off. Yeah. Who’s reading with us? 

[00:00:22] Yeah. Chime in in the comments and let us know if you’re reading along. 

[00:00:25] Also, you guys, I’m super congested, so I will try not to just, like, sniff the entire time, but give me some leeway because it’s a lot up my bed. 

[00:00:40] So jumping right in. We are picking up in Chapter 14. 

[00:00:45] And there was a there was a cliffhanger. 

[00:00:48] There was a cliffhanger. Exactly. Mark Watney has been having some good times. Things have been looking up. He’s finally in contact with Earth. He’s got his potatoes, girl, and everything’s going good. And so one day he walks into the airlock and it explodes. It rips off of the side of the hab. And once again, we are reminded that the hab is not a building, it’s a tent. And so the hab canvas rips all the way around the airlock and essentially becomes a cannon. And the force of the air pressure inside launches mark in the cylinder of the airlock, 50 meters across the Martian surface. And he lands and just he’s about had it. And that picks up with Chapter 14, which I think is a long overdue tantrum. 

[00:01:42] Well, yes, but I will start by saying that this chapter, more than any other one that we’ve read so far, is the most fun to quote. 

[00:01:52] Yes, there are 

[00:01:54] so many great lines. Yes. So just bear with me because it’s so fun. I’m going to read, like, practically the entire chapter to you today. Yeah, I’ll restrain myself. 

[00:02:06] Oh, no, I’ve got a few, too. But yeah, he has a tantrum, which I think is, you know, it’s good to see it’s good that this guy who is in this incredibly deadly situation is constantly under threat for his life. And, you know, everything keeps going wrong and then he solves it. And then another thing goes wrong. It’s nice to finally get him just being like, you know what, fuck this. 

[00:02:26] And he just he just drops f bomb left and right. It’s great. 

[00:02:31] Leans into it. It’s very cathartic and it’s totally understandable. You know, it’s one of those things where it’s like you sort of amazed that it took him this long to get to this point of frustration. But he can’t be too frustrated for too long because he is actually in a crisis situation. Which brings us to the very first quote that had me laughing out loud because he realizes that the air is leaking as he as he puts it, there’s a hissing sound and he says either it’s leaking or there are snakes in here. 

[00:03:05] Either way, I’m in trouble. 

[00:03:07] Either way, I’m in trouble, which is the idea. Like, how could it get worse if you’re stranded on Mars? What could be worse? It would be worse if there were snakes in the air. 

[00:03:17] Yeah, yeah. I that that is also one of the ones I wrote down. And I am now imagining the things that could make it worse. Vampires, vampires that. Yeah, yeah. I’m just putting 

[00:03:30] it out there. There’s, you know, we’ve talked before about how Lacey is reading the book and I’m doing the audio book and every like for the most part, whatever it’s equivalent. But every once in a while I do really feel bad for you that you’re not getting Wil Wheaton’s delivery because his delivery on, you know, it’s leaking or there are snakes in here is just so I 

[00:03:52] don’t need Wil Wheaton. I am an actor. I don’t need him. 

[00:03:56] You don’t always make the same choices that he does. He’s making good choices. 

[00:04:00] Maybe mine would be better. Maybe. I don’t need a 

[00:04:04] man Darton shit in here, 

[00:04:09] OK? 

[00:04:10] You know, I expect this kind of grief from Jacob, not from you. 

[00:04:14] You’re already starting it, are we? 

[00:04:16] It’s necessary. 

[00:04:17] No, it’s 

[00:04:18] part of the fabric of this show is how terrible geographies. 

[00:04:22] Oh Lord, yeah. OK, well enjoy it guys. I can’t stop that train. Yeah, it will go on until the joke is dead ten times over. So I like that he gets his little tantrum and then he goes straight into problem solving mode just full on. And he’s like, things aren’t as bad as they seem. I’m so fucked, mind you, just not as deeply so. 

[00:04:50] Yeah, and, you know, the first challenge is there’s air leaking, and that is a tricky thing when it’s a small amount, which is an interesting thing to think about is the sort of it would be easier if it were scarier, you know. And so what he does is and again, this is a great little bit of self-awareness. Mark decides to set something on fire and he has a moment where he’s like, yes, I know that a lot of my solutions deal with setting things on fire. 

[00:05:23] He calls himself a determined arsonist. Yes. And I just I love. I love that 

[00:05:29] that’s a good band name the determined arsonist’s, 

[00:05:32] that’s a good like early aughts IMO. Bad name. 

[00:05:38] Fair enough, just to point out that I don’t know my band name genres and eras well enough of Ali. 

[00:05:45] Get it together, man. Oh, I, I, I like to that I also like the the quote NASA never considered what would happen if it the hab or the the airlock was launched 50 meters Lacey bums. Me, I’m just like I love that he just calls them names. Yeah. And everybody can like this is this is just. It brings me joy and happiness, which is the same word, so I’m being repetitive. Yeah, OK. 

[00:06:18] But this this chapter, I confess that even for me, this chapter did start to drag in certain places. But I did also have to stop and really appreciate the fact that this chapter is kind of a tour de force of all the all the ways that Andy Weir’s writing is better than it could have been. Because, for example, you know, a lot of writers when when writing this prompt would make Mark sort of a superhero. And I really appreciate the fact that, no, Andy Weir does take the time to be like there’s a leak. What if I just, like, put my hand over it? OK, it’s getting cold. Getting really cold. It’s getting pretty paint. All right, I’m not doing this. And, yeah, we just we took that moment to have him just like see if you can do it the easy way. No, you can’t do it the easy way. And then he does a little smoke thing. It creates a little fire. He starts producing some smoke and he has to do it like four or five times. Yeah. Because he keeps like breathing and or 

[00:07:19] smoke or something else happens. Yeah. And I, I love the amount of patience that he has to have while not panicking, you know, to to be able to say, OK, I’m on a time limit here, I’ve only got so much available to me, I keep screwing up. He doesn’t do it as third time’s a charm, which I appreciate because the rule of threes gets a little bit boring sometimes. So fourth time. All right. No panicking. He just got the work done, which I don’t know, there’s just something about like, no, he’s not a superhero, but this man is capable and patient and that’s why he’s here is because he threw his he threw his tantrum. He had the emotional outburst and then he got to work. And I think all of it speaks to why he’s he would obviously be picked to be an astronaut. So, um, but I do like that. Before he even tries, he says, um, if in fact, this is exactly how Apollo, the Apollo one crew died, wish me luck. And I’m just like, whoa, yeah. That like Worf, um, that was that it was it was both funny and also. 

[00:08:36] Um, it’s a little 

[00:08:37] dark, it’s really dark, little dark 

[00:08:39] Vermaak Yeah, yeah, 

[00:08:40] yeah, um, so that I appreciate that. I also apparently put a note in here to myself that I used to carry duct tape in my car and I should carry that shit in my car. And also don’t forget to put scissors or a knife in there, too. 

[00:08:55] So just in case your airlock gets launched 50 meters, 

[00:08:59] listen, now we see if NASA trusts that we should trust it. Exactly. So it used to be a part of my emergency kit. It’s no longer there. And why. Yeah, why. 

[00:09:09] So it’s a clear mission, clearly. Yeah. Um, so he’s able to patch the hole. He’s able to get his suit to stop leaking, 

[00:09:21] not without losing his hand to the helmet. Yeah. Which I think is great. And he tells us to stop laughing and I didn’t. 

[00:09:31] Disrespecting Martin. So the next thing I’ve got is rolling the airlock. 

[00:09:38] No, we have to talk about how he actually did the EVA suit, EVA suit, pressure, math, OK, and just how dull that was. I appreciate listen, like we’ve said, appreciate all of the fine detail, the extras, because most entertainment wouldn’t include that. I think this may have crossed the line just a little bit because it got really it got dull and I was like. I’ve been working really hard not to skip. And this is this is one of those moments where I just kind of. Skim read it because it was it was a little too much, 

[00:10:17] we like hearing that he did the math, we didn’t actually need to see the math that’s calculating it out 

[00:10:24] for whatever reason. It has worked in the past, but I can’t quite figure out why it didn’t work here. I think maybe it was because the tension, it didn’t add to the tension, but the tension was there, too. It wasn’t really high, but there was this level of tension that wasn’t being challenged by this math. We knew it had to be like, yeah, to be done to a certain point. To a certain degree, he needed to know, but we didn’t actually need to know. And there have been times that he’s skipped the math and science. And I think this would have been a good time to do that. 

[00:11:00] There’s also something to be said for the fact that it’s sort of secondary math. You know, a lot of the time in this book, you know, the problem is he needs water. And so here’s how I made water or hey, he he needs to, you know, set up the rover properly. And so here’s how I set up the rover properly. Whereas in this chapter, the problem is that the hab just blew up. And so spending a lot of time on the nitty gritty details of how he patched his suit is a little bit missing. The point of what’s happening right now, like it’s important. And to Marc, it’s obviously very important to to deal with these nitty gritty details. But to us, I found myself kind of wanting to. Go address the fact that the whole hab just blew up, you know, the nitty gritty of patching the suit kind of paled in comparison to what was happening in the background. So let’s get to that. 

[00:11:52] Yeah, yeah, I do like that. The one thing I will say for the math is that it’s set up why he needed to roll the airlock. Yes. And I found that to be pretty interesting. I found it to be really smart. He’s not taking chances. He’s he’s doing the math. And he figured out what’s doable and what isn’t. So he has this plan and he knows it’s going to hurt his body. But he has to do this so that he can do the rest like he’s not and he’s not coming up with plan B, he’s OK. This is what I know. So this is what I’m going to do. That’s it. 

[00:12:31] Well, and that sounds painful. Rolling the airlock, he talks about having to jump diagonally and sort of body slam up into the corner, which, by the way, one of the things that is always a shame when there live action movies and TV shows set on Mars is that I don’t think I have ever once seen any movie try to accurately render low G. You know, every once in a while on The Expanse, they’ll do something where somebody like pours a drink and it pours real slowly. But for the most part, it’s just actors and the actors are on earth. And so they just deal with it like it’s earth gravity. But, you know, if you were actually on Mars, it’s low gravity all the time, which means that like every step you take, you would fall a little bit slower and like every every thing you pick up would fall a little bit more slowly. And so when he jumps, he would be able to get way higher than would sort of seem. Right. And that would be fun to see in a movie. And they don’t do it, which is a shame. But yeah, the idea of sort of launching yourself up and forward to body slam a wall over and over and over just to keep rolling the airlock just sounds awful. 

[00:13:40] I now need that. I feel like maybe it was an outtake and I feel like it’s important that we find the scene and then. The soundtrack to it would be every step you take. 

[00:13:56] Yeah, I could see you just waiting for me to shut up so that you could listen. 

[00:14:00] It’s now stuck in my head and it’s going to be here for a week. 

[00:14:03] You’re welcome. 

[00:14:05] So everybody can join me in this hell and I will be living in. 

[00:14:10] So he does ultimately get back to the deflated hab. 

[00:14:16] Not without skipping. OK. He says that it is it is more efficient to skip than run. And I felt like, man, there was more humor to explore there. And I really enjoy the mental image, which maybe Andy Weir is like, hey, I did all the math. You can do the heavy lifting of imagining him skipping after all of this work. And I suppose I’ll give that to him because he’s doing so much math. But I, I really enjoyed that. He included that little tidbit. It’s more efficient to skip. Yes. Good to know. So next time you guys are on Mars. Yep. 

[00:15:00] It’s important to keep that in mind. Yeah. Good tip. That being said, he gets back to the lab and I was surprised by how hard it hit me that the potatoes are dead, the farm is dead. I mean, it’s like it’s sort of a given, you know, the high blew up. But there’s a line where he says potatoes are now extinct on Mars. And that was a moment that was, you know, he he worked so hard for those things and I think he only got like two harvests I and 

[00:15:30] see for me. OK, as soon as everything went wrong and the air airlock was launched 50 meters, I my first thought was the potatoes. Listen, we’re only halfway through the book. Well, a little bit more, but pretty much only halfway through the book. We know Mark Watney survived. So my first thought was the potatoes. I have been grieving for the potatoes for all of this math and all of this physical labor. He’s doing so. 

[00:16:03] And, you know, obviously, like I knew to, there’s no way that they could survive. You know, when you’re watching the movie, there is a shot of when this thing launches. There’s specifically a shot of all the potato plants and they all kind of go as the wind just blasts out the room. 

[00:16:18] The other thing that I grieved, weirdly, was the loss of the bacteria. Yeah. So hard that bacteria so that he could even soil bacteria. Yeah. And like, dude, he lived with that smell in the rover. Yeah. 

[00:16:34] Although one could argue he could make the bacteria again. 

[00:16:36] Sure. But like what’s the point now. Right. So there was a. There was a part of me that also grieved the bacteria, and I don’t exactly have a good reason. That’s kind of weird, 

[00:16:49] a little bit, but it’s understandable. That was a that was a real sort of. Yeah, exactly. And I just I really appreciate, you know, so on the one hand, this chapter is kind of storytelling 101 when things are going really well for your hero, especially when it’s a survival story, you have to just throw a rock at him, like you just have to do something to keep the keep the tension up, keep the the audience on their toes. But at the same time, I really appreciated in this story that it wasn’t totally random. Like it’s not like he literally got hit by a meteor or something like this is this is something that was always kind of lurking in the background. What if the hab breaches one of the breaches and you know what it did and it just really does a good job of keeping us from ever feeling too safe? 

[00:17:41] You know, I kind of wish that we got the perspective of the fabric and like, how do I really. Yeah, listen, 

[00:17:51] as the fabric wracked with guilt that it has let Marquart me down like. 

[00:17:54] Yes, yeah. I don’t know why that sounds funny to you, but I as as a once pronounced Catholic. Yeah. I’m feeling the guilt for it. OK, ok, ok. See I am I was raised an only child and so I like to, to, you know, make everything around me come alive and I want to know all of its thoughts and feelings and I want to know about this fabric. 

[00:18:20] And also the fabric feels terrible. It should. 

[00:18:23] But more importantly, I want to know I’m maybe not. More importantly, I want to know the people who made it. What happened to. Is that a publicly traded company? 

[00:18:35] Yeah. 

[00:18:35] Because what happened to their stock. Yeah, right. It’s not going to save it. No. Um, just 

[00:18:44] somewhere off screen there’s like a tech who worked on that had fabric that was like, oh this is my moment to work. 

[00:18:53] So I definitely wanted to know ancillary thoughts and feelings around it because even the NASA guys don’t really comment on it. They’re like, yep, there’s always a possibility. There’s always a possibility. And, um, yeah. 

[00:19:07] Thanks for leaving the little he writes OK with rocks. Morse code message for NASA just so they know he’s alive because that must have been a very scary thing to wait, you know, like how smart do it. And the image comes up on the big screen and it’s a blast. 

[00:19:20] So I wanted to see I wanted to see the gal or what’s his name that I fell in love with. That’s like we’re waiting on a picture. Oh, shit. Like, I just, uh, I wanted to hear their perspective. We know what it is. It’s ours, too. But the gist 

[00:19:37] of it, there was a period of time there where they didn’t know if he was alive and. Oh, damn. 

[00:19:43] Um, so at the end of this chapter, at the end of Chapter fourteen, we know that he knows that he has to be rescued by souls. Six hundred instead of soul. Eight hundred and fifty six, which is a big deal. 

[00:19:57] Yeah. That’s, you know, almost a year. Yeah. 

[00:20:01] But then we start chapter fifty and with now he actually has to be rescued by so five hundred eighty four, not so six hundred. And I was like oh those 16 days are a big deal. Like that’s a lot of potatoes because what they said that’s like one hundred and sixty potatoes he couldn’t find because later we find out the math is he has to eat ten potatoes a day. Yeah. Maximum. To get to function, yeah, 

[00:20:31] you know, one of the things that jumped out at me about the beginning of Chapter 15 is we suddenly switch to a dialog transcript. And, you know, it’s an interesting thing in this story that we kind of jump story types a lot. You know, it starts out as a first person narrative and then several chapters in it jumps to a third person narrative with the characters on Earth. And then all of a sudden we’re getting a flashback and then we’re getting a computer log from the Pathfinder and now we’re getting a dialog transcript. And it kind of it’s an interesting choice to keep switching it up. I feel like it kind of gives some of the gravitas that stories like Game of Thrones have where it jumps from character to character to character to give you the sense of the whole world. I feel like this is a much more narrow story in the sense that it’s really just everybody focuses on one person, but it still gives you some of that breadth to have all these different perspectives on the same situation. 

[00:21:26] I mean, it keeps it interesting and in some ways I almost don’t notice it. Yeah, because for me, it’s just the story is moving along. And so I almost I it took me a minute to remember what you were talking about. Yeah. Um, because it kind of doesn’t matter. I, I need to know how they’re communicating. I need to know who’s communicating and so long as I know all of that. I can get to the next page. Yeah, so 

[00:21:54] so we pick up on Earth and they are trying to figure out how does this affect the planet? Like what do they need to change? What do they what can they do? And one thing did jump out at me, which, you know, if I ever get to talk to Andy Weir, I’ll ask him. This seems like the kind of thing that he would have an answer for. But they’re all sitting around and they’re talking about how they can only send food. They can’t send any complex machines like the oxygen or the water reclaimer or anything like that. And my overwhelming thought was like, yeah, but guys, you could send parts, right? Like you can you can IKEA that ship and just send them a whole bunch of stuff that he can build a water reclaimer and oxygenate or at least repair the one he has, like he’s got nothing up there. At least send him some baggies of washers and screws and stuff just in case something gets stripped or a hose gets punctured. You know, 

[00:22:46] I don’t know for me. I’m just sitting there thinking he needs he needs food. And yeah, all he had, like, why why swap out food for parts when they think that the more food. Yeah. Yeah. Um, which we’ll see what comes of that. They have forty eight days to make a probe 

[00:23:05] which is nothing 

[00:23:07] insane. Yeah. And OK, so I kind of love that Bruce is being a good leader here. He is communicating clearly. Here is the deadline, here are the problems we have and here are here’s what we have going for them. And so I just like I was like, this is a minor morale boost. Which is better than no morale boost, since these guys are going to have none in forty eight days. Yeah, but I 

[00:23:38] yeah, it is a funny character. He doesn’t have a lot of personality, but I appreciate, you know, he’s sort of Bruce is probably sort of the most realistic character in this entire book because he’s the one who’s like, you know, he probably lost two inches of his hairline over the course of this book. Like, Bruce is kind of the long suffering guy who’s always getting bad news and is just like, you know, we’re already working around the clock. I don’t know how much faster we can work know he’s he’s the guy who actually works at NASA and isn’t a superhero in a novel. And I appreciate that. You know, I appreciate that this guy is he’s working the problem, I. 

[00:24:13] OK, so then they name it Iris. Yep. Which she’s the goddess of Something In Rainbows. What was the first thing. 

[00:24:20] Oh, if you haven’t asked me, I could 

[00:24:22] have told you something about the wind, right? She makes things. Yeah, so whatever. 

[00:24:26] And North Wind or something. 

[00:24:27] Yeah. And, um. I love that Mark Watney says, you know, cool, the gay probe is coming to save me. Got it. Gay probe. I like that more jokes could have been made off of that phrase. Yeah, and some writers would have done it because it’s low hanging fruit. Yeah, but in more characters have like lots of characters have been written to go for that low hanging. Yeah, but I liked the exercise and restraint. I appreciated that the level of humor is a little bit higher than that. Not always, but he’s funny without being derogatory and that’s kind of what you backed out. 

[00:25:14] So I saw an article talking about the humor of Brooklyn nine nine because the captain in Brooklyn, nine nine is gay. And they do make kind of a lot of gay jokes. But it’s a different kind of gay joke than you really see in a lot of television because it’s not making fun of him for being gay. It’s playing with humor about being gay. And it’s interesting. And I feel like this falls into that same category, like he could have made a joke about gay people and instead he just made a joke about rainbows. 

[00:25:44] Right, exactly. It’s like this. There’s something to be said for. We can make fun of ourselves. We can you know, we can make these jokes can be brought to a higher level while still in some ways being based on stereotypes. Yeah, and that’s what it’s from. But the fact that some people know how to elevate that humor is just really fun to see, because I feel like we’re kind of entering into this era of, you know, like the good place. You know, there’s just a higher level of humor that doesn’t appeal to everybody. It doesn’t have to. But I just like that it’s out there. And this is another good example of it. 

[00:26:21] Yeah, for sure. So so we do meet one of the last big character additions in this world. Apparently, he’s very happy to meet Rich Pournelle. 

[00:26:33] It’s Donald Glover. It is Donald Glover. And it’s 

[00:26:36] Donald playing. Playing Obied. 

[00:26:38] Oh, Donald Glover’s so great. He can do no wrong. And I say Donald Glover. Twenty twenty four maybe. I just I Rich Pernell is my job and he’s played by Donald Glover, which means he’s even more my GM. He’s my jam times too and I’m just. 

[00:26:59] Awesome, yeah, it’s interesting, I think Rich Pernell might be the most different between the book in the movie, and obviously we’ll get into this more when we get to the movie. But he’s he’s much more specific in the movie and the will. We’ll get into some of the inspirations there. But I was kind of surprised when I read the book that he he’s the one who doesn’t match up quite as well, but he’s a very fun character. And, yeah, he’s just, you know, great at what he does. Rich Pournelle calculates orbital trajectories, and that’s a cool job for I mean, if you love math, if you hate math, it would be a nightmare. But if you love math, like, that’s cool. Calculating orbital trajectories go on. So, yeah, he’s 

[00:27:42] he’s a guy that I would absolutely be interested in talking to at a party. I know he wouldn’t be there because, as he says, he doesn’t have friends. Yeah. But I would want I would want to I would just 

[00:27:54] latch on to him and like the whole party would go by and you just be like, tell me about you. 

[00:27:58] You know, how like you introduce a dog to a party and everybody’s like, oh, the dog. That’s how I would be with rich poor. Now I’d be like. 

[00:28:08] Just so excited to hang out, just 

[00:28:10] tell they’d be like, you’re obnoxious and weird and please stop talking to me and asking me stupid questions. And I’d be like, but you have to tell me everything. I’m not going to understand even half of it, but I need to know. Yeah, I, I listen, it’s dog lover. Um. OK. OK, are you ready? OK. So. I have a little thought experiment. 

[00:28:36] OK, take it away. This is. 

[00:28:40] And he talks about the Watney report and how it’s like the number one show in its timeslot, in its timeslot for two weeks running, I need including you. I need everyone to just close their eyes. Do it, OK? Close your eyes and I want you to consider the most likely deadly situation you based on who you are as a person that you could ever be in. Like for me, I like to climb mountains. I like to climb things I shouldn’t. I most likely going to climb something someday on a mountain that I can’t get back down and it will be a life or death situation. So find yours kayaking, hiking, something to do with an airplane. I don’t care. Pick something where based on you, maybe it’s a zombie apocalypse. OK, now. You are there by yourself and you have only your wits and the supplies you brought with you, and for God knows what reason, no one can get to you right now. Maybe a drone can see you, but it has zero weight capacity. Now, imagine there’s a show. How about all of this, can you imagine the amount of armchair quarterbacking, the amount of picking apart every single thing you do and you know this. You know that? The people you love most, like put yourself in your mother’s shoes or your partner’s shoes or whatever, and they’re watching you every cent, like it’s not even every second because they don’t have access to that. They are only given what the news gives them. And they see what everybody else does and everybody else is treating it like reality TV, but there you are sitting on your mountain or whatever, and you’re trying to figure this out while also knowing that everybody is watching 

[00:30:46] you do it. Yeah, that’s one part that got left out of this book. And thank God is all the people on the Internet who would be I mean, first of all, the people on the Internet who would be calling it a hoax, calling it a conspiracy. And then also all the people that are like, what a dumb ass. Why didn’t they, like, keep some of the potatoes in a plastic bag in case this happened? 

[00:31:04] Right. But like. Yeah. And then can you imagine the other stuff that the kind of tangential stuff, you know, who people buying ad space during the Watney report, how much money they’re spending on it. This is kind of the moment she said Watney report. This is everything that hit me. I was fascinated and horrified. But as we know, it’s it’s important that it’s happening because as as is noted in the chapter, this is how they’re going to get their emergency funding is because everybody’s interested. So while it might be horrifying that his life is being put out there like this, it’s how they’re going. It’s part of how they’re going to save him. I don’t know. I there’s just something so fascinating about. 

[00:31:55] Some yeah, some of the people in the some of our viewers have chimed in, Emon economist says she would be negotiating with a white dragon, which is pretty awesome. Jay Graps says, Get me into a pit with a ranko and see how fast I die. And all I can say is, if only, 

[00:32:11] oh, my God, first of all, rude. And I feel like I’m an economist. You and I are on the same page about a lot of things. And I appreciate that you are here just. So, yeah, 

[00:32:27] so we get this conversation about how to buy more time as they’re preparing the Iris probe because Bruce is running behind and we need to buy a few more days. And there’s one of the you know, every once in a while, Andy, anywhere does something that I just sit back and I was like, and I’m just going, how did you do that? And one of those things is, you know, normally in any other context, inspections are an annoyance. They are a bother. They are something frustrating that the bureaucrats require or at the very worst, that that that is a necessary evil or whatever. But he somehow wrote a story and maneuvered us into a situation where skipping the inspections is the scariest thing that anyone could possibly suggest. And it’s I’m just blown away in this scene. How when when Teddy asks basically what would happen if we skipped the inspection? How often do the inspections find a problem? Everybody goes silent. And even I was like, what 

[00:33:33] would my first thought was, you know, someone should have warned me of this when I was younger because I skipped a lot of oil changes and then put six holes in my engine. And then you were there. My car gave out on the freeway one hundred miles outside of L.A. So, like, inspections are important. People are get your oil changed. I know you need it done. Um, but yes, I they they made it strangely scary. Yeah. 

[00:34:01] Um, especially because they gave very honest numbers like they say, how often do we find something wrong. And it’s like one in twenty. And then how often would that cause a mission failure. It’s about half. So we’re talking about one in forty which is a pretty low chance. And yet it’s still so scary, huh. 

[00:34:21] What they say it was like three percent chance. 

[00:34:22] Yeah. It’s like yeah it’s just uh. 

[00:34:25] So yeah that was. Yeah. See lovely math. Yeah. You’re cool man. That was, that was good. 

[00:34:32] Exciting math. Yeah. Um, in the meantime Rich Pernell has an idea. Yeah. And he’s going to take the time necessary to find out about that idea in one of the funniest scenes maybe in this whole book, Rich Pernell asks if he can take a vacation and his boss is like, yeah. And so he just starts working on what he wants to work on. And his boss is like, are you going to give me that thing? And he’s like, I’m on vacation. 

[00:34:59] I was cackling. Yeah. You guys, I love Donald Glover. That’s just not 

[00:35:07] Donald Glover in the book. But yeah. 

[00:35:10] I can he can be whoever I want him to be. 

[00:35:13] True, true, we all have a little clever inside ourselves. 

[00:35:18] That’s not true. I don’t believe that at all. Yeah. 

[00:35:22] I am glad that somebody mentioned that this is the best bonus Mar’s experimentation time since opportunity. Like, that’s one of those things that I’m kind of amazed that we got this far into the book with B before someone said this is awesome. Like it’s scary as hell, but it’s also a huge opportunity. 

[00:35:40] I like what Mark had to say in response. Yeah, opportunity never went back to Earth. Sorry. Bad analogy. Yeah, it’s like. Oh yeah. You didn’t think before you typed man. Yeah. That’s so um. I have. Oh. Oh right. Because they do so. All I have written here is no Desco. 

[00:36:03] Yes. Yeah. They’re sending a USB drive with music 

[00:36:06] from all time period. 

[00:36:07] No disco disco. It’s a great little touch. 

[00:36:10] I just that made me laugh pretty hard. Yeah. Uh the next thing I have is another quote. I don’t remember who’s asking him, but someone says, Do you believe in God, VANKA? Sure, lots of them. I’m Hindu and I don’t know why, but that also just got me giggling because it’s just so. I don’t to me, I heard it dry, yeah, it’s like Yemen, duh, and there is I don’t really know anything about. Hinduism. Yeah, like, I don’t really know anything about it at all. I do love that. I mean, that’s like about the thing I know. Yeah. You know, 

[00:36:58] I really like that line for a very particular reason, which is that, you know, in the movie, Venkat Kapoor is changed to Vincent Kapoor because they cast the actor whose name I can never tell you for, I think. Yeah, but he’s black. He’s not Indian. But I really appreciate the fact that they kept a little bit of that in this line is in the movie says, do you believe in God? And his response is, yeah, my father was a Hindu and my mother was a Baptist. So I believe in a bunch of them, which is it’s just nice. You know, they kept they kept the fact that he’s part Indian. Yeah, he’s he is he does still have that Hindu back story. Would’ve been so easy for them to just make a black guy and just cut off that entirely. But I really appreciate the fact that they didn’t. It’s just that that kind of, you know, dedication to authenticity, dedication to accuracy, that it’s like the same way that Andy Weir is being accurate to science. They are being accurate to the book with the same level of focus. Right. 

[00:38:05] So we get is is the lunch. 

[00:38:08] Well, the next thing we yeah. We get the launch. And specifically, it’s always scary when Andy Weir goes into exposition mode. This is hearkening back to the hab canvas right before the explosion when Andy Weir started zooming in on certain objects and the ominous music starts playing and you’re like, why are we talking about how the Iris probe was packed in here? This is scary. 

[00:38:34] And then they go through, you know, they’re they’re doing all of the checks and you don’t even know what they’re talking about. They’re not telling you what any of these words stand for. Yeah, but you know what’s happening. OK, we’re going through the launch sequence. Yeah. And it’s taking up like three pages. What’s what’s going to happen? And you have Venkat is watching. He’s like, I’m an administrator. My work is done now. So he’s leaning against the wall. And at one point talking about the iris, he says he’s thinking about the outright outright lies and borderline crimes he committed to put this mission together. And it would be worth it if it worked. And you’re just like, yeah, but I sense it’s not good. 

[00:39:20] And there’s that ominous music playing in the background. 

[00:39:24] Exactly. I will say they also talk about how every single employee is there and present for the launch. And that made me tear up. I like it. It is get. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There is just something about the amount of heart and soul that people are pouring into this project. And it’s not just because, hey, I’m good at my job or I’m getting over time. It’s people people are putting their whole lives on the line to help this man get back to Earth. And it’s just there’s something so beautiful about that. And I need that and this crushing time of day where people are not working together. So, yeah, 

[00:40:09] I was fascinated by how the Iris probe fails. Like he walks you through step by step. It’s very interesting talking about how the food was packed, the food particles getting compressed to half their size, but the oil doesn’t. So it starts to slosh liquefaction. And, you know, there’s something that I’ve always sort of hasn’t exactly bothered me. But in in sci fi stories and fantasy stories and superhero stories, there’s a thing that I noticed years ago that I sort of can’t stop noticing ever since, which is that nobody ever deals. How do I put this? Characters are whole objects. Characters are not a collection of organs. And so whenever you see a for example, if there’s a supervillain who has the ability to move things with his mind, he will pick up the hero and throw him. But he will not pull his arms off of his body like he’d never just reaches in and squeezes the guy’s heart. He just deals with the person as a unit. And so he throws the person. And then the same thing, like with Tony Stark in his armor, if his armor gets punctured, he will get injured. But as long as his armor is intact, he can hit the ground, going one hundred miles an hour and he’ll be fine. There’s there’s this sense that like, you know, Darth Vader can reach out and choke you, but he’s never going to just crush your ribcage. There’s always an external force that he’s applying. And so when I was reading about this, this liquefaction, it was very interesting because that’s the whole thing that’s happening here. It’s not the. The IRS probe breaks, it’s that the internal particles are moving relative to each other, the internal structure of the food that is being packed gets changed, and that’s what throws it all off. And I thought it was a fascinating sort of microscopic effect, having a macroscopic effect. Very cool way of of blowing up this probe, frankly. 

[00:42:14] Your brain did a whole different thing that 

[00:42:19] I went off in a hole. 

[00:42:20] Yeah, I mean, that’s fine. I’ve done that before. I do that plenty. But it’s just funny that that’s where you went. Yeah. Whereas I went more in the direction of I wonder if it’s just the audience that gets to know why this happened. Oh yeah. Or if NASA figures it out, like 

[00:42:38] if they figure out exactly what went wrong. 

[00:42:40] Yeah. Because you imagine that those scientists, they’re scientists, they’re their whole job is to figure out like how to fix things and end to to discover new things. And all of this stuff like don’t you have to be innately curious to be a scientist? And so I just wonder how much this just drives them crazy that they don’t know what went wrong. Yeah. And the likelihood is they probably never figure it out. 

[00:43:09] It’s probably I mean, they probably have a they probably they probably end up with like here’s one of the three things that could have gone wrong. And one of them is that the food, you know, sure. 

[00:43:20] I like I like the idea that they don’t quite figure it out. And like 20 years later, some physics students still at university is 

[00:43:32] like writes his dissertation about 

[00:43:34] like their theory on it. And everyone’s like, uh, I’m glad my dad’s dead. So he doesn’t know that this is what threw off the IRA. It’s like, yeah, that would be so infuriating that it’s the oil itself. Yeah, I, I don’t know. 

[00:43:50] I mean, one screw that was weak that would have made it’s so heartbreaking. He specifically says if they had had more time for inspection, they would have found it. You know, it’s not often that God gets to weigh in on how this could have gone. Well, usually it’s just whatever happens, happens. But we are told it was it almost got caught. 

[00:44:10] There are two things that if if these two things had changed, this would not have happened. It’s the bolt. And then also, if the if there had been during the sequence, if there had been two seconds or so, that the bar could have re solidified. But there was only a quarter of a second. Yeah. And you’re just like, it’s amazing how a second like one point seventy five seconds could do all of this and that a bolt fails and it’s like these are all reasonable things. Yeah. 

[00:44:43] But they’re all totally and they’re totally like quantifiable. You know, it’s not one of those things where you just kind of throw up your hands like, oh, well, what can you do? It’s like, no, that could have we could have figured that out if we just had time. That’s so fixable. Oh, yeah. Heartbreaking. And it’s just that that’s the ending of the chapter as Iris just disappears. It’s just a gut punch. Yeah. So he does such a good job of making you feel the weight of that failure. And that leads us straight into Chapter sixteen, which has this very interesting framing system of Mark’s notes to the areas crew. Yeah. Keep cutting back and forth between things happening in the story. And then the next note to one of the areas, three crew. And it’s interesting, he’s got very different tones with each of the different characters. And I really appreciate that he didn’t just write one letter to all of them where he sort of singles them out. Now, these are different notes and they’re very different types of notes. And so he starts out with his note to Martinez, which is to talk to his parents that you’re my best friend, man. 

[00:45:48] So I know that this is hard. I’m sorry that I’m asking you to do this, but but I need you to do it. 

[00:45:55] Yeah, and that’s that’s so. Powerful, notably, it changes in the movie, notably, he asks Commander Lewis to talk to his parents. Yeah, I wonder why they do. They do a few things. They take a few things that other crew members have and they give them to Commander Lewis, I think, to to sort of bolster her character. Right. But, yeah, it’s very poignant. And then welcome to China, of all places I love. We are suddenly introduced. An entirely new character is totally unrelated. 

[00:46:27] I love this part because it’s so pragmatic. Yes. And I love the idea that. OK, so. There’s this pragmatism, there’s this capability of like, OK, but if we if we go this route, which is the route we’re supposed to take, this is what’s going to happen and it’s not going to go our way, OK, or we’re not going to get what we want in the end. So we’re going to take this alternative route to get what we want. There’s just something underhanded about it that but in a very 

[00:47:01] real 

[00:47:01] way. It’s still within the rules set, for example. OK, I know we’re behind, but I, I too am watching Bridgton and there’s this, there’s this point in the second episode where, yes, I can totally relate it. Listen, there’s this point, the second half in weird 

[00:47:17] ways 

[00:47:18] episode where you know, the lead character, Daphne, is that our name, whatever she’s like, no one’s going to listen to us about this information because we’re not mad at her mom is like, we don’t have to be men. We will. We’re ladies and we can we’ll just talk because that’s all they have to do. Like they’re thero is not to be direct and be the man who says this is how things are going to work. No, no, no. They’re going to they’re going to do the route that was available to the women at the time, which is we’re going to gossip and ruin someone’s reputation so that we get what we want. Yeah, exactly. And that’s exactly what they’re doing here. They’re like, yeah, if we just talk straight to NASA. 

[00:48:00] Yeah. Keep this between scientists. 

[00:48:02] Yes. And it also is the guys at the top are going to eat it up if we save the Americans. Yeah. And it’s just so it’s so I thought it was brilliantly written. 

[00:48:13] Very much so. And the other thing that I really thought was fascinating was it’s a very different kind of organization, you know, that we’re we’ve been living with NASA for so long and they’ve made these comments about how, like, you know, once they have the photos, they have twenty four hours to release them because they’re a public agency. This is not something that we can just keep secret because we’re not allowed to. And now all of a sudden, we cut to China where NASA doesn’t even know we have this rocket because it’s a state secret and we can’t share this and we can’t share that. And they don’t even know about this because it’s all state secrets. We don’t 

[00:48:43] remember anything. 

[00:48:44] Yeah. Here I am filling out a form where I have to provide enough information to be helpful, but also hide enough information because this is all state secrets. And it’s interesting to watch the sort of political machinations and the different way that this fundamentally similar organization has to operate. 

[00:49:02] And he even says this isn’t actually a state secret, but we keep everything secret so that nobody knows when there is something that’s worth being hidden that would make it more obvious. Yeah, I just I appreciated the little insights that they give to the way another and another culture and government would handle this. So, yeah, it was it was really nice, very cool. 

[00:49:25] And and a great statement about international support. Yeah. At the end of the day, it’s just awesome to see another country coming in and helping out with this effort to save one man. 

[00:49:39] And that that. These scientists and this and this space. Um. Group also feels the same way. Yeah, you know, 

[00:49:52] they’ve got the same spirit, they’ve got a very different structure and very different requirements, but it’s the same kind of person that’s working 

[00:49:57] here. And I love that they say, you know, the American people are sentimental, but their government isn’t. Yeah. And it’s like, yeah, yeah. 

[00:50:04] Just yeah. Before before you write this off, as the Chinese are the practical ones and the Americans are the idealists. No, no, no. The American Space Agency is ideal as the American State Department is not. 

[00:50:15] Yeah, exactly. Which I really enjoyed. Yeah. 

[00:50:19] Next up, we have marks note to Joe Hansen, which was hilarious. I love this one. Aspire to a level of cool known only as botanist cool and talking about how Lewis pulled him aside and made a rule that there’s no hitting on the hattrick 

[00:50:34] to all of the guys. Yeah, well, and then. Well, the other thing that I love is he’s like, you’re really pretty. How did you get to be a nerd? And don’t get me wrong, you are a nerd. He’s like underlining that you’re very smart. And I don’t I’m having to do what you did and I don’t get it. Everybody has to walk me through like word for word. What needs to be done. Yeah. And dude, you’re a nerd and I am not a nerd botanist. Cool. Yeah, he’s cool school and he’s like, so when I see you again, let me give you a wedgie. Like, oh, remind me to give. 

[00:51:12] Yeah. He’s not asking for permission. Yeah. 

[00:51:14] Like I just said, there’s something so validating about him being like, yeah you’re pretty but dude you’re a nerd. Yeah. 

[00:51:23] It’s so good. I can very much empathize with this, considering that when I started dating Lacey, she introduced me to her weekly Dungeons and Dragons group. And yeah, you’re pretty hot, but you’re a big nerd. 

[00:51:35] So, you know, I just want to rage barbarians forever, my friends. Yeah. 

[00:51:43] So we come back to Earth. They’re talking about the new probe. How do we get food? And there’s no landing system is one of the first things they drop which holy crap, this thing’s going to hit the ground going three hundred meters per second for the Americans out there, a meter is roughly a yard. So if you imagine three hundred meters, imagine three football fields every second. That thing is moving the same fast and they’re just going to slam it into the ground and be like, go eat it. 

[00:52:12] Yeah, find the food in there. Yeah, hopefully it hasn’t disintegrated. I mean, they’re going to work to make sure it doesn’t, but. Right. OK, I just have to point this out. I’m not in love. I’ve never been in love with the use of the term ghetto. Yeah. It’s just I’m pretty anti that. Um, and I could have gone to the source and found a couple of other words that could have been used, but I didn’t. There’s a thesaurus out there. Could have been used. That’s all I’ve got to say about it. 

[00:52:45] There is a you know, I feel like I say this multiple times every episode, but I really appreciate the limits that Andy Weir puts on genius, that even in a world of super geniuses, a world that is competence porn, this is a world in which, as Rich Pournelle says, you can’t make a Mars probe in a month like, no, there’s just not a thing like even the super genius Rich Bernell is like, no, that’s what this is about. This is not how this is going to work. And it just keeps it grounded, you know, it keeps it to where he’s not. Tony Stark, you’re not just going to, like, whip this thing out in a weekend. No, it takes longer than a month to make a Mars probe. And, you know, it’s one of those things that I feel like a lot of people, even in the real world, would be sitting there going, why? Like, you just pack it. It’s like a you know, it’s like a box. You just put a bunch of food in there and you launch it. It take an afternoon. But it’s not this stuff is hard. It’s complicated. It takes a lot of work. And that’s just not a thing. Even in this universe, 

[00:53:48] if I had told him beforehand, I would have made Alex read the conversation between Venkat and and Rich. We would have yeah, we would have done a little voice acting. Yeah, I, I won’t do that today purely because I didn’t give him a heads up that that’s what I wanted to do. Yeah but you guys, if you can find it I recommend. Going and reading it again, we’re in Chapter 16, and it’s when Rick comes in to vent Katz office with his idea and it is just a French kiss. So delightful, so delightful. Again, I love him. I love him. 

[00:54:37] Next up, we have Mark’s note to Vogul, which again is hilarious, accusing him of being a supervillain. You’ve got a base on Mars. You’ve got a German accent. Like it’s just so there’s. 

[00:54:48] You bought me a beer for breakfast? 

[00:54:50] Yeah. There’s a special place in my heart for humor that is based on being just flat out confrontational. And, you know, if there’s anybody who knows about that. It’s obviously Jacob. Because he’s terrible. 

[00:55:07] That’s all. So Annie is not a nerd, 

[00:55:13] I know what the heck I mean, like I liked you so much you haven’t even seen Lord of the Rings. 

[00:55:17] Come. Listen, I love her despite this. I love that she’s the only person in the room that is like, what is this Elrond thing? Like, what the heck? And I say, 

[00:55:27] why does Elrond mean secret meeting? Yeah. 

[00:55:30] And I was dying because obviously I know what this is. And I, I love Lord of the Rings. And Annie is not a nerd. Yeah, I am. And I love her like there’s 

[00:55:42] something written in my notes. Annie hasn’t seen Lord of the Rings because she’s lame. 

[00:55:47] Yeah, I mean, OK, but rude, like, true, but rude, you know, talk about confrontational, 

[00:55:55] she can take it. She’s tough as nails. She is, 

[00:55:58] uh, but I she does move back to the top of my list of favorites immediately after this. Teddy decides, yes, so the whole thing is they they brought in select people to decide, OK, are we going to do this Rich Pernell maneuver and get the HermΓ¨s crew involved or are we going to do this, um, backup iris mission? OK, and. Teddy decides he’s going to be a chickenshit coward, Bozek, and 

[00:56:39] and it’s just not having any of it. And Mitch calls him out as a coward and 

[00:56:43] storms storms out and it’s beautiful. And then but I was hoping. 

[00:56:47] But it’s yeah, it’s kind of expected because Mitch has been pushing for this the whole time. And so you sort of allow yourself to fall into this belief that really it’s just Mitch that’s pushing for this. And then Annie pulls one out of left 

[00:56:58] field and it’s beautiful. Yeah, I just. I love how forceful she is, I love how like. You can just you can just kind of feel the rage pull thing off of her, you know, you felt it like it was just wafting off of Mitch. But Annie, she’s she’s also a little barbarian. Yes. And I love her. Awesome. 

[00:57:21] So I also have I don’t know why, but it always tickles me when women tell men if you had any balls, you would do this. It’s just it always lands for me. It’s just it’s I that line isn’t in the movie. But I can just picture Kristen Wiig telling Jeff Daniels if you had any balls, you just like. Yes. 

[00:57:45] That that works. Exactly. And, um, so anyway, she tops my list again, just because she’s red. 

[00:57:51] You know, one of the things that I again, if I ever meet Andy Weir, I would love to sort of talk to him about is I wonder how revolutionary an idea it is to have the HermΓ¨s go back like it’s presented as like this incredible course that Rich Pournelle has calculated and all this stuff. But, you know, we’ve all seen Apollo 13. We all know about slingshot ing around and coming back faster, like I wonder. So some of the backstory for The Martian Andy Weir worked, I think, at NASA or at JPL for years. He’s he’s done all the math. He actually programed a simulator, a physics simulator and calculated the course of the Hermes. The you can actually look up videos of the HermΓ¨s flight flight plan and how long it took to get to Mars, how long it took to get back. You can actually see its course through the solar system. And so I I wonder how hard it was to find a course that got them back to Mars, because on the one hand, it seems really, you know, complicated. But on the other hand, it’s like. Can you get there, cool, do it, you know, so it’s I’d be curious to know, 

[00:59:00] yeah, there’s this moment in there that I just wanted to shout at Mark to lay off the disco hate. And it’s the happiest. It’s literally the happiest music on Earth. And I am new to love of disco. And that’s purely because learning about the history of disco. So someone just needs to teach Mark a little bit. You know, go, I’ve said it before, and I will say it again. Go listen to the you’re wrong about episode about this disco, because it’s just he’s just. He’s just as wrong about as the whitest person. He’s just too white to understand this, obviously. 

[00:59:42] By the way, we’re we’re in Mark’s note to Commander Lewis right now, but we did skip over the very sweet note to back, which I don’t know how a romantic subplot got injected into the Martian. This is such a out of left field thing, but I really appreciate that Beck is in love with Johannsson. And Mark’s like, you got to tell her man. Like, that’s 

[01:00:03] got to wait, but you have to tell her. 

[01:00:05] Yeah, that’s how did we get romance into this. 

[01:00:09] Incredible. I love that. OK, so here now we’re at the vocal. Got the email from Mitch 

[01:00:16] that which, by the way, is there anything that Andy Weir doesn’t know? This whole discovery hinges on the nuances of German grammar, like who is Andy Weir and and who built him? 

[01:00:28] Um, so I guess this part of the book becomes so stressful, but it’s like a fun stressful for. Yeah. Uh, and I was I was actually at the office reading this and I was so bummed because I was wishing that I was at home curled up with my with my London fog tea and my chocolate and just like trying not to hurry through this portion of the chapter because this chapter is so beautiful that matches like, screw all of you. I’m going to I’m going to tell Commander Lewis this way, that there is an option. Well, and gets to choose. 

[01:01:06] And that speech, the the we die speech. If this happens, we die. If this happens, we die. If this happens, we die like it’s very good at setting the stakes for the rest of the story. 

[01:01:17] And she brings up the fact that there’s mutiny. You were so used to mutiny stories actually being about men and he or she is a a military woman who is talking about are we going to do this or not? And there’s something that I found really like I don’t know if any of the other ladies found it this way, but I, I really appreciated it because, um, you know, rebellion is not one sided. It’s not it’s not one gender. It’s right. You know, and I felt like it was very true to her character. It was very well written. She talks about the consequences. And then she lets everybody leave and as they’re filing out, we’re seeing, she tells us essentially that they’re back to them, they’re on their old selves, they’re being their authentic selves. And they’re it’s like authentic mutiny is on the table. And I’m so excited. 

[01:02:17] Well, and it’s it also injects some of the gravitas back into mutiny. You know, oftentimes in movies, mutiny is just the thing that you do when things get tough. But like, no, this is bad. Mutiny is intense and you need to take some time to think about it. Yeah. 

[01:02:31] You have twenty four hours. 

[01:02:32] I love I love how individualized their responses are to Martinez. Sort of plays it off as a joke. Hellyeah I’m in. Whereas Johannsson it’s all about trusting Commander Lewis and Voegele is very practical about it. I’ve already had enough space like. Yeah, very individualized responses. There is a quote. I’m down to my last three notes here, but I did want to make a note of Eagly. The listeners may notice a line. Rich Pournelle is a steely eyed Misael man is the code that the Aries team sends back to Earth to indicate that they’re following the Rituparno maneuver. That phrase gets used in Apollo 13. You are a steely eyed missile man. And I just assumed that was an Apollo 13 reference. But it turns out I looked it up. It’s actually a thing that people say at NASA. It’s a it’s a NASA compliment and nobody’s entirely sure where it is from. But the common belief is that it goes back to flight controller John Aaron due to his resolution of an electrical system failure during the launch of Apollo twelve in nineteen sixty nine that somebody called in a steely eyed missile man. And ever since then, it’s been a phrase that gets used at NASA. 

[01:03:42] That’s awesome. I love that nice little tidbit of history. Right. 

[01:03:46] Of course, you know, scientific accuracy. Let’s get some historical accuracy in here. Do I love how smug Mitch is when when Teddy calls him in and is like, you know, you leaked the thing and Mitch is like, I don’t know, somebody did in there, like, so not trying to hide it. 

[01:04:04] Yeah, it is like you’re not Annie is just going to tell tell the public that you decided that. Yeah. This is what NASA’s going to do. Right. Oh, well, then you can’t charge any of them with mutiny and 

[01:04:15] just absolute salute checker. 

[01:04:17] We’re all off the hook. So and then Teddy’s like, I will find out if I figured out how to point this at you, I will fire you. Yes. And Mitch is like Mitch ever. 

[01:04:30] Mitch has one of the greatest mic drop lines of all time, which is if I wasn’t willing to risk to take risks to save lives. Well, I guess I’d be you. Oh, man, 

[01:04:47] like eat shit, man. Yeah, so good. 

[01:04:50] It’s actually, you know, it’s interesting because in the movie, Mitch is played by Sean Bean and it’s interesting. It’s the meekest that I’ve ever seen Sean Bean play a character. He’s he’s always kind of like sullen and kind of in drawn. And it’s not the character that Sean B. normally plays. And it’s actually Mitch in the book is a little bit tougher than Mitch in the movie, and I appreciate that. But, man, that that walk away line is just perfection. 

[01:05:18] I don’t know if we’re all seeing the same thing, but I, I need everybody to read, reread emon economists’ uh, little hurt her chiming in that Lewis’s mode is her dead character’s mode. And now I need to know the whole story. 

[01:05:36] Yeah. We’re going to need backstory on your dad. Yeah. 

[01:05:38] So if you could just like write it out maybe as like a little essay or something. I want 

[01:05:45] you to know we mirror all these episodes to YouTube, so why don’t you write it up and post it as a YouTube comment so that people can come back later and read it 

[01:05:53] so I can read it. Yeah. 

[01:05:55] This is mostly just for this. This is from I want I’m 

[01:05:58] and I don’t care about anybody. 

[01:06:00] I care about humans other than myself. 

[01:06:02] I don’t. So no, I wish that were true. That’s how it here first folks, I shut up. I want it, I want to read it. I will voice over it when I’m not congested. Um. All right. So that is this week. Yeah. No that’s it for you. Oh. What do you got. I just want to say last thing is. Again, we’re in Chapter 16, even if you’re not following along in the book, and so anybody following along the book just curious. I want to know I want you to go and read the last page, page and a half of this chapter, because I think it’s holy and marvelous and I just feel like you will do your best if you’ve been following along with us. And even if it’s not with the book, you’ll still know exactly where we are and it’s worth it. So absolutely right it guys. 

[01:07:02] Yeah. So that’s it for us this week. Be sure to chime in and follow us on Twitter so that you can see these being broadcast live. Be sure to subscribe and hit the bell on YouTube. We also have a patreon page so that you can join in and get some excellent benefits and special content. We are all over the place on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and Reddit. So sign in and let us know what you think and follow along the. 

[01:07:35] OK, we’ll see you guys next week. 

[01:07:38] Talk to you later. 

The Martian Ch. 11-13: And so we’re back FROM OUTER SPACE | The Synthesis

Alexander Winn and Lacey Hannan are back again to discuss chapters 11 – 13 of Andy Weir’s The Martian! The L in LCD stands for liquid, Kristin Wiig is the best depiction of what a PR manager is like (editor’s note: it’s true), and that fabric stuff is OMINOUS AS HELL (apparently).

𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•ͺπ•Ÿπ•₯π•™π•–π•€π•šπ•€ is a live talk show that aims to find the relationship between science and fiction in pop culture. We’ll discuss a book, movie, or show each week that’s science-focused and talk about just how realistic it is, where reality is cooler than fiction, and exactly where certain liberties were taken.

Alex [00:00:04] Hey, folks, welcome back to The Synthesis, yes it was. I’m Alexander Winn and this very loud person is his wife, Lacey Hannan. 

Lacey [00:00:16] Yes. Who is going to throw a book at him today. 

Alex [00:00:20] And we are so glad to be back. We had some technical difficulties last week and before that was the holiday. 

Alex [00:00:28] And we’re just so happy to be back with all of our beloved fans and great, super, super duper sorry that it’s been so long. Seriously, you guys, thank you for your patience. Appreciate you. Just felt like I need to put that out there. 

Alex [00:00:44] Yep. So we are picking up where we left off. We are doing our read through of The Martian by Andy Weir. We are currently doing chapters 11, 12 and 13. And yeah, picking back up. We are in within the story. 

Alex [00:01:01] We are on Soul 97 and souls are Martian days. So probably about a hundred and two days, something like that, into the adventure. Mark Watney has been getting the Pathfinder up and running in the hopes of using it to contact Earth. And he doesn’t know it. But the people back on Earth have picked up on what he’s doing and they’re working on it, too. 

Lacey [00:01:26] And so far, we’ve had them switching back and forth between chapters and chapter. Well, Chapter 11 is the first time that we have Mark’s point of view and the earthlings point of view. 

Alex [00:01:39] Yeah, it’s it’s intercutting for the first time. And that is not the only format change that we’re going to have this episode. Things are shaken up. He does a lot of fun stuff. This we are this weird guy. He’s a very weird guy. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, we start out Chapter 11 and we are back on Earth and we’re huddled up with the NASA and JPL folks trying to get Pathfinder to connect or trying to connect to Pathfinder on Mars. And we just have to start out with with Tim being a jackass because he’s like one of my favorite, right? 

Lacey [00:02:19] Yes. Because hit like him expressing like, OK, this is this is about we’re going to talk about time lag here. And he goes through all of it. And then the response is, hey, Venkaiah is. Yeah. Got like a degree in physics man. He knows how to do this. And Tim’s responses, you can never tell with managers. 

Lacey [00:02:38] And I’m just like sitting here going, this is a good indication that in real life people get promoted past their ability all the time and their subordinates have to deal with bullshit a lot. 

Alex [00:02:50] And it’s also, I thought, a great way of conveying exposition, because that’s the kind of thing that you can’t actually count on the audience to necessarily know. Yeah. And so you need somebody to say it. And it’s always tricky. You know, if if anybody out there is a screenwriter or or a novel writer, you know, conveying that kind of information without it being clunky is always hard. 

Alex [00:03:11] And, you know, you watch TV, you watch movies. There are plenty of times where people do exposition really badly. And I really like this sort of elegant solution, which is you have a douchebag conveyance like he’s got he’s going to spag those kind of a douche bag. 

Alex [00:03:26] I mean, that that is a perfect example of it. But he’s kind of a jackass. 

Lacey [00:03:30] I mean, he’s a jackass, but that’s different from their their degree, their degrees here. 

Alex [00:03:35] But I just I love that. Like, if you need to if you need to risk talking down to the audience, the way you do it is you just lean into it and you just talk down to people. You just have a character who’s willing to talk down to people. 

Lacey [00:03:47] And yeah, I feel like this is a good, honest snipe and I just appreciated that a lot. I also appreciate that Venkaiah is not a manager who is promoted past his ability. Yeah, I mean, obviously he’s highly capable as as we have touched on multiple times. 

Alex [00:04:04] This book is very much competence porn. This is all about the experts doing expert things. And I guess Tim just doesn’t believe that he he he still needs to be convinced. 

Alex [00:04:15] Yes. So we hang out with them for a little bit. And then, like Lacy said, we jump back to Mark Watney on Mars pretty quickly. Yes. And this was one of those moments. There are few moments in this book that the the relief is just palpable. It’s so he wakes up and Pathfinder is pointed at Earth. And as he says, Pathfinder has no way of knowing where Earth is. So the only way that it could pick Earth’s location out in the sky is if it had connected to Earth. 

Alex [00:04:48] And he’s got a line back to Earth. And just the way it’s described and, you know, I’m doing Lacey’s reading the physical book. I’m doing the audio book narrated by well, narrated by Wil Wheaton. And just the delivery and everything is so. Like, I jumped in to Chapter 11, I had not been reading through to here, I just started Chapter 11 and I was already just like, oh, so palpable. 

Lacey [00:05:13] I, I loved that. He cried. Yeah, I mean, and it makes it obviously makes total sense, but. Like the crying and then the immediate, like, I would like to delete things that I’ve written. I don’t go there and delete. Yeah, but is writing that he’s crying, it means that he’s not embarrassed about the crying. And I feel like he’s a man secure in his in his emotional masculinity. And I love it. And to me that is that is Andy weir taking time to write the future he wants to see and I say all creators out there take note because that’s what we should be doing. Yes. And but anyway, I just I love that, you know, it’s just such a human thing. He’s got this big emotional thing and then he’s also got logic going. Oh, I wrote a couple of things that I thought nobody would read until I died. Yeah, exactly. So it was it was nice. Yeah. 

Alex [00:06:11] And then at that at that point, we cut back to Earth again and we’re you know, we’re jumping back and forth pretty quick and we are in a press conference. And so one of the things that I thought was interesting is there’s a fairly lengthy section here in the press conference where, again, it’s a very elegant way of doing exposition because one of the experts is just being interviewed. What does this mean? What are we going to be able to do? How is this going to change things? You know, this whole story for 10 chapters has been about someone alone. And then we also had these characters over here who are trying to get to the guy who is alone. And so we are totally changing the rules of this engagement. Like this is a totally different kind of story. Now, it’s not somebody who’s alone. It’s somebody who can talk to Earth. And so we just sort of step through that in the press conference. What is this going to mean for the story going forward, just to sort of set the tone? 

Lacey [00:07:03] See, now, I didn’t write anything about this because I jump straight back to the Tim. I mean, I read this part. Yes. Don’t don’t get me wrong. But Tim Tim is my. 

Alex [00:07:13] Oh, yeah. I’ve got a note here. The very next line on my notes is waiting for the waiting for the panorama. 

Lacey [00:07:19] Tim is a douche and that’s fun is so you got it. You got to find a better word because to me it’s him being a smart ass. 

Alex [00:07:29] Yeah. I like him and I want to keep him for this reason alone. It’s dry and I love good dry humor. 

Lacey [00:07:35] But, you know, I think he’s talking to Venkat and. When it comes up and says, you know anything to him because they’re waiting to get a response and Tim says totally, but we’re staying at this black screen because it’s way more interesting than pictures from Mars. 

Lacey [00:07:53] And I feel like if you’re an NCIS fan, that’s where he would get swatted in the back of the head, or if your grandpa does that. Um, this is where this is where Tim would get swatted. And anyway, I just. I enjoyed that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 

Alex [00:08:10] So one of the things that, you know, we’ve talked over and over throughout The Martian about things that are sort of fun challenges, things that are oh, that’s a that’s a fun kind of world to play. And a little bit how do you make water? How do you grow food, you know, these sorts of things. 

Alex [00:08:24] And for me, communicating through the camera falls into that category like you’ve got a camera. It can rotate 360 degrees. They can obviously see you. So one way of communication is taken care of, but how do you get a message back? 

Alex [00:08:39] The camera turns, that’s all go. 

Alex [00:08:43] And it’s fun to watch him sort of walk through. Well, I could put little letters around, but then that would be a lot of letters. So, you know, and sort of playing with all these different ways of doing it before he finally settles on the one that he does. 

Lacey [00:08:56] I personally am right before that. Like, you know, he’s he asks them a question about like, can they. Are you reading or are you reading me, you know, and they can point at yes or no and he’s very excited about the yes because this is the most exciting yes. Since prom night. And I about lost my mind when I read that. First of all, so funny. Second of all, I was like, yes, get some makhaya nerd like a part of me. That’s like, yes, yes, I want the nerds to get. This guy is a charming, nerdy guy making it work. And then of course, I want to know, did you get some money from me? Uh, I did not actually. Neither did I. I mean, I was I was pretty devout at the time, guys, so that wasn’t going to have to be fair. 

Alex [00:09:42] I didn’t actually go to prom with my girlfriend. I went to prom with a friend of mine who had no date. And I was like, well, that cannot stand. So so you so I went with my friend and that’s very sweet. Yeah. So it wasn’t really it wasn’t something that I was hoping for, but yeah, I just, it just I like it. 

Lacey [00:10:02] And then when the nerds get there. Yeah. Not theirs, it’s not theirs. 

Lacey [00:10:07] Whatever, I just, I want all nerds to have a little something. Yeah. Yeah. OK, great. Very good of you. 

Alex [00:10:16] So yeah. You know, so what Mark does, he’s got this camera that can rotate and spaceplane this because I don’t know what this table is. OK, so the you know, the initial thought obviously he’s got a he’s got a camera that can rotate. So the first thing he does is he sets up yes and no. That’s cool. But that doesn’t really allow communication just allows you to respond to questions. So he’s got to have some way for them to convey complex information. So his first thought is I could put letters all the way around. But, you know, there are twenty six letters in the English alphabet and you also probably going to need ten numbers. 039 And then you might need a question mark, like there’s kind of a lot of stuff that you would need and at a certain point you would have so many things around the circle that each one has such a narrow degree of arc that you wouldn’t necessarily be able to tell. Is that camera pointed at the M or the N? You know, so he’s he’s gone. How can I get this in a way that has fewer options basically around the circle? And what he settles on is ASCII. Now, Askey is a way for computers to store text, basically, so, you know, computers work on ones and zeros and so what they have is a system where hexadecimal. So I’m suddenly sort of backtracking through all the weird math nerd stuff that I’m going to have to give to describe this. All right. So a base 16, no system so hexadecimal are a way of storing 16. 

Alex [00:11:53] Digits at a time, so, you know, normally we use 10 digits in numbers, so we go 039, this is hexadecimal use 039 and then ABCDE, AEF, OK, and so with pairs of these characters, you can store other information. So Hex Colors is a way of doing colors if you do webdesign, that sort of thing. But what he’s using it for is an alphabet table. Right. So each letter of the alphabet has a different hex code. 

Alex [00:12:23] So for example, a might be zero zero and B zero one and then C is zero two. 

Lacey [00:12:29] So he’s essentially cutting down the symbols he has by like 10. 

Alex [00:12:36] Well, no, because an ASCII table doesn’t just include letters. It also includes numbers. It also includes symbols like he probably has emojis as an option that they could send him. That is all laid out in this ASCII table, depending on what kind of like depending on how it’s formatted. 

Alex [00:12:53] But the idea is that he can now have every letter of the alphabet, all the numbers, punctuation marks, whatever he needs that they can send him. All he has to do is go through and he’ll see the camera turns like a six eight four zero two. And so these pairs, he can then take compare to the table and he can see O zero two is the letter C and then. Right. 

Lacey [00:13:20] But that’s what I’m saying is instead of having you have 16 symbols instead of your normal. Yes. 

[00:13:27] 16 symbols plus. Plus it’s all that was a question card. 

Alex [00:13:30] Yeah. OK, so he will scratch them into the sand as he is watching the camera turn around and then he can take this undecipherable gibberish and go compare it to the ASCII table and turn it into letters and a message. Right. Yeah. 

Lacey [00:13:49] Yeah, OK, I get it, it’s just real boring, so I’m glad that they didn’t go into it too much because I thought it was awesome and fascinating. I was I was actually way more interested in Cannes and how the Pathfinder was going to how they were going to actually communicate back and forth. Yeah, I like to the OK, the Pathfinder can talk to Earth, A.J. Journal, but this journal isn’t working. So how do we do this? And then getting the rover to have to work with the HAB instead. And I just I found like I found that all a lot more interesting than the ASCII table. Yeah. And I wanted to move on, which I did. 

Alex [00:14:27] I did notice another thing that we’ve mentioned before. I really like the fact that, you know, Mark is clearly a genius in sort of the McGyver sense. But I really like the fact that he’s not always the one with every solution. And in this particular case, it was actually johannsson that had the ASCII table. Johannsson is the the computer specialists. She’s the software nerd on the team. And so she was the one who had this vital tool. He didn’t know it. He just he didn’t know it. But he he came up with the solution. He had the idea. Yes. But she was the one with the information that allowed him to do it. And I just I appreciate that even though the the crew of Aries three aren’t here, that they’re still contributing. You know, he’s still you still get the sense that it wasn’t sort of a one man mission to Mars. They were a whole bunch of really competent people here. And now he just has their stuff. But it still helps. 

Alex [00:15:20] Yes, I have to say so. 

Lacey [00:15:24] Going back to Earth. Yeah, yeah. Jack annoys the shit out of me. He’s the one who comes in and starts talking to Venkaiah and Ben. It’s like, dude, like I don’t care about all of these extra things and I’m just sitting here going, thank you, thank you, thank you. Be concise, get to the point and then get out. And there are nobody cares about this extra stuff. We’re trying to get Mark home and we don’t have to you know, you can’t act like you’re in an emergency for the next however many years he’s going to be there. But get to the point, we are actually on a mission right now. So I. I love Tim and I hate Jack. 

Alex [00:16:04] Fair enough. So, yeah. And but his idea is brilliant, which is the software patch that will allow them to I mean, sure, you can be brilliant and still be hated. 

Alex [00:16:18] All right, we’re going to be tiptoeing around Laci a little bit tonight. 

Lacey [00:16:24] You don’t have to tiptoe around me. Just don’t be like Jack, be concise. Get to the point. You say that like it’s something I. He’s terrible, you guys. This is probably why I can’t handle it. And anybody else I like, I maxed out with me. Yeah. I just I’ve learned to have all sorts of patience with his. 

Lacey [00:16:42] Talking and then, wow, I mean, everybody else, I’m like, OK, no, no, no, you get to the end. We will see. The way you feel about me is the way I feel about Jay Grape. 

[00:16:54] Hey, you’re ridiculous. 

Lacey [00:16:57] OK, so the other person I love is Annie is Annie. 

Alex [00:17:02] Annie because they’re because they’re going to meet in the middle. They’re going to meet one of the greatest lines in this book. She’s talking about how some people are crawling up her ass and some people are looking at her throat and they’re going to meet in the middle Venkat. 

[00:17:16] And that’s fantastic. I just I love her so much. The profanity, the power, the. She’s just she’s my kind of gal. 

Alex [00:17:27] We’re going to get to the movie after we finished our read through. And so I’ve been trying to keep the movie references down. But that being said, Kristen Wiig was the absolute perfect casting, which is funny because I don’t remember it. 

Lacey [00:17:38] I don’t remember her. I probably will once I start watching it. This is this is an ongoing thing, though. You guys like this is not putting anybody down. I do not remember books and movies after I’ve seen them. 

Lacey [00:17:50] I just they kind of. Disappear because I think I read too fast. Yeah, or something, I don’t know, but I just don’t I don’t retain it. It’s not because of anybody’s performance socks or anything like that. Kristen Wiig is great. Yeah, OK. I, I, I have noticed. 

Lacey [00:18:08] So this is this is true for me and all signs things. I don’t retain a lot of it. Like I’ll learn what it is and then I’m like, oh that makes sense. And then I just don’t keep it in my brain. You sort of verify but don’t store it. Yes. Well L in LCD stands for Liquid and I will absolutely retain that for the rest of my life. That is because he ruined the laptop because he. Yes. And his zero out of 10 consumer review had I was cackling. I just I appreciated that. 

Alex [00:18:39] Yes, I, I really appreciated there’s a line that was one of those things. You know, there’s there’s a special category of knowledge, which is the stuff that you sort of knew but didn’t properly appreciate. You hadn’t actually stopped to think about it even though it was already in there. I really love that point that they make where they’re discussing whether or not to tell the rest of the HermΓ¨s crew about whether Mark is alive. 

Alex [00:19:02] And the point that gets made is, you know, nobody’s focusing on it, but they’re actually in more danger than he is right now. You know, he’s stranded on Mars, but at least he’s on a planet there in space. And that’s scary. And that’s the argument that is made from not telling them yet. And that’s an interesting argument like that. 

Lacey [00:19:22] I buy it, though, because he’s in. Ahab that could somehow get destroyed or like he’s doing everything on his own, he can’t last forever, whereas these people are in in yeah, he’s he’s definitely in more long term danger in terms of like, will this have survive until his four gets here and that sort of stuff. But in terms of the day to day basis is harder. Died more times than any of them have. 

Lacey [00:19:57] I just like emotionally, I get where the argument part of the argument is, hey, this will put them in danger because their emotional state will get in the way of their work. And that is dangerous. Right. And I get that. But simultaneously, like. 

Lacey [00:20:16] You don’t buy it. I don’t buy it. I don’t buy it. And I and I guess it kind of. I get the I get that the argument is there, I just don’t I just don’t buy it I. 

Alex [00:20:29] That being said, I think another person who doesn’t buy that is Mark Watney. And I love how much he won’t shut up about absolving his team. Yeah. That’s like a really it’s one of those things that sort of the writer didn’t need to do. Say it once. It’s not the crew’s fault. You’ve established that you can move on, but. This is a portent. It’s important to mark that no, seriously, it’s not their fault, and really driving that point home is is great and it takes us into Chapter 12. 

Lacey [00:21:02] Well, we are. We are not done with Chapter 11 because we’re not done. Because why don’t you take us through the rest of Chapter 11? 

Lacey [00:21:09] It’s it’s just this portion where he has like he he does this long message, right. That he’s sending back. And I’m not going to find it. But he’s already been told to watch his language because the world is reading what he’s writing. And at the end, the morning has been made. And how does he end this message? 

Lacey [00:21:33] Look, a pair of boobs and then he does what does open parentheses, period, CAPPOTELLI Period, close parentheses. And I was just like, oh, you’re such a high schooler. 

[00:21:44] But that’s funny. It’s so funny. That is that’s like it’s like, what are you going to do? He’s on Mars. Like, you’re going to come fire me, you know, you’re going to leave me here. 

Lacey [00:21:55] So anyway, it’s just again, Andy Weir is so good at at bringing this character to life and keeping the humor alive for the sake of the audience. He could have taken this to such a dark place and reasonably, but he chose not to like and it’s more fun, not just reasonably, but that’s sort of like the the right way to do it. 

Alex [00:22:18] And you’ve got a guy stranded on Mars. The way you do that, right, is to raise the stakes. You make it dramatic, you make it scary. And he went completely the other way. And it works. 

Lacey [00:22:29] It does total death. I it’s it’s not following in falling into the stereotype. And I think that’s part of why this is such a standout story. All right. 

Alex [00:22:40] Now, so in Chapter twelve, he’s absolving his crewmates, which takes us into Chapter 12, Chapter 12 again, shakes up the formula of this book, which is a lot of fun because all of a sudden it’s a flashback and it’s not a it’s not Mark Watney giving a dialog. It’s actually sort of a fictional third person narrative featuring Mark Watney. We flashback to the Aries three mission and the whole team is there on the ground. And we finally get to meet the Aries crew. And this is something that I had kind of forgotten because I you know, I’ve seen the movie. I’ve read the books before. It wasn’t really in the forefront of my mind that we hadn’t actually met them yet. 

Lacey [00:23:20] Yeah, we think I was like, why are we doing this? Because in my head, I do have most of the crew members in my head as stand ins for these for these characters that we’ve like that we’ve heard about. Yeah. And so I I guess. I got really bored in this chapter because I was like, I already know all of this, so I don’t have very I have a couple of things. Yeah, I really enjoyed it. 

Alex [00:23:46] I thought it was cool to go back to sort of plan A.. You know, to see how was this mission supposed to go and collect any rock samples. And they’re doing all this stuff. It was great to see their banter. Some of the some of the lines that get tossed back and forth between different characters are great and again, are perfectly captured in the film. And, yeah, it’s just it’s cool to see how this went down. Now, to be fair, The Synthesis is a show where we talk about scientific accuracy. And so it is necessary to bring it back around to Chapter one and talk about how this storm is impossible. This is the one thing in this story which is very grounded in real science. This is one thing that anywhere gave himself permission to just make it wrong. 

Alex [00:24:29] Just go with it. Mars’s atmosphere is about half of a percent as thick as Earth’s atmosphere. You could get hurricane speed winds and you would not be able to feel it through your spacesuit like it might kick up some dust. There’s no air on Mars. 

Alex [00:24:48] And so the like the kind of wind that they are experiencing is the kind of wind that would you would need to set off a nuclear bomb to get that kind of wind. It’s not realistic. That being said, it is dramatic. And I thought this chapter did a really good job of portraying a crisis. This is a scary situation and it’s a bunch of people who are very professional and very well-trained and very good at not freaking out. Yes, it’s scary. 

Alex [00:25:18] And that really comes across. Nobody loses their cool. Nobody freaks out the way you would and, you know, some zombie movie. But you can tell the way people are handling things, the way they’re moving quickly. 

Alex [00:25:30] And it’s this is high drama. Yes. Yeah. I will say that once. 

Lacey [00:25:38] Mark Watney is out of the picture and we’re just following the rest of the crew actually super struggle with Commander Lewis really, and I’ll be interested to hear your take on it. 

Lacey [00:25:48] But she took so much time looking for Mark that she put everybody else’s life lives in danger. And I struggled with that because her job is to get as many people off that planet as possible. And I recognize that when you become a family, you don’t want to leave anybody behind. But with information she had and and you know that the rest of your team is going to have a hard time following your orders to leave you behind, you are putting them all at risk of dying there because they don’t want to follow the commands because you are taking too long. And they keep telling her, like, you have to come back. The you know, it’s going to fall over. What is it called? The map. The map is going to it’s going to tip over and then they’re all screwed. 

Alex [00:26:40] The idea is the map of you can picture it like a building or a tower and the wind is pushing it so that it’s starting to tilt. And they’ve calculated that if it goes past a 12 percent tilt, that’s the tipping point where it’ll just fall over another all stranded on Mars. So the risk is we have to get it before it starts tilting past 12 percent and it’s getting closer and closer and closer. And in fact, it actually goes past 12 percent and they have to use the thrusters to push it back up. 

Alex [00:27:06] Right, right. And and and so to me, I feel like part of the commander’s job is to do a risk assessment. 

Lacey [00:27:16] And so it was her job to not let the temptation of not following her orders happen at all. Yeah, and I know that means she spends less time looking for Mark, and that’s awful. But what would have been more awful is what would have happened if that if the map had fallen over. And so I really, really struggled with her decision. 

Alex [00:27:39] You know, I I thought that that was human. Like, I thought that I thought it was believable because, you know, he gets knocked away. She doesn’t know if he’s dead. Like there’s a bio monitor reading that read zero. But, you know, there could still you could still resuscitate him, like there’s still hope. And she’s, you know, her. You said her job was to get as many people off of that planet as she could. Really her job was to get everyone off that planet and say that there’s a point at which you triage. But I thought that it was believable. And I do think she waited too long. Like if I was her boss when she got back to Earth, I would have been like you. That was not what you were supposed to do. But I thought it was very believable as a as a commander not wanting to leave someone behind. 

Lacey [00:28:24] And I get that. I think I think it was very human, but I think that the. That the risk assessment of he he could be resuscitated versus how many people are going to die just by the massive falling over to me, there is a balance there that she did the math wrong. Yes. And I, I just I super struggled with it, especially because the team is struggling with it. 

Lacey [00:28:54] And, you know, the yeah. 

Alex [00:28:59] There’s a little bit of infighting between a couple of people on how we should handle this situation and should we even follow our order and. 

Lacey [00:29:05] Exactly. 

Lacey [00:29:06] And so anyway, I guess it’s totally it is worth mentioning that Beck is on your side. There is somebody on the crew who’s like, commander, you need to get in here. This is not how you should be handling the situation. And so it’s like it’s not you know, that’s that’s Commander Lewis’s mistake, not Andy Weir’s mistake. 

Lacey [00:29:22] Yeah, exactly. Well, that’s and there’s a certain amount of OK, you’re you’re playing the hero. You said leave. She said to leave her behind, except for nobody wants to lose two people. Right. Because then somebody else is having to pull the trigger on that decision. And it’s your job as commander to be making the decisions that keep as many people alive as possible. So you’re kind of passing off this responsibility that I I struggled with it again, good writing, human choice, but I really struggled with I will say there’s a great moment that, you know, it’s one of those things that, like, if it hadn’t been there, it would have been fine. 

Alex [00:29:58] But the fact that it is there is so great, which is that Mark Watney, who has not yet been stranded on Mars and has not yet had to learn how to make water and grow crops and all this kind of stuff, even during the storm, he’s suggesting solutions. He’s coming up with. He’s like, well, we could we could use the the cables to pull the MAV back up. Right. We could we could brace the MAV against MAV, against the wind. We could he’s coming up with all this stuff and his teammates, like, OK, man, like, you know, whatever. And they kind of move on. But it’s this little bit of sort of retro foreshadowing the character that we know well. 

Lacey [00:30:30] And it also shows how he responds to stress. Yeah. His exact his reaction is not emotional. It’s very logical. And Problem-Solving. Yes. As a yeah. And some and I and I’ve watched that happen. I’ve done it before. I’ve seen other people do that. So again, it’s, you know, anywhere is just I guess one of my favorite writers and I think I didn’t notice that. Right. 

Alex [00:30:53] Yes, there is. You know, we’ve talked a couple of times on the set. This is so far about sort of the alternate universes of the Martian, different ways that this could have gone and one of those alternate universes. That is very interesting. I’m sure there’s like some fan fiction out there that somebody has tackled. This premise is what would have happened if Mark Watney and Commander Lewis were stranded on Mars. The map takes off. They follow her orders, the map takes off, she goes back to the hab mark wakes up. 

Lacey [00:31:22] I’d like to see him to the map. OK, see, I’m not particularly Fanfan. Yeah, I’m not particularly into fan fiction, but I would almost be interested in seeing someone do that because, you know, the potatoes aren’t going to last as long. Exactly. Things might go smoother, know just like what works and what doesn’t. 

Alex [00:31:38] Having two hands on some of these problems might really help having somebody to bounce ideas off of. But at the same time, yeah, the food won’t last as long, you know. So, you know, when the airlock blew up, one of them probably would have died. Yeah, absolutely. Although I guess we haven’t gotten there yet. Oh, don’t don’t spoil. Sorry. I mean, it’ll be this episode, you know. 

[00:31:59] OK, hold on. First of all, I want to say that I’m really into Eiman economist because we have the same person. Well, I mean, we’re on the same page. First of all, the not remembering the books and movies and whatever, like. Thank you. And also, you know, just it does I think that I think you make a great point about how it seems like he almost wants to be there more than anybody else. Everybody else is like, oh, crap, we’re going to die. 

Lacey [00:32:28] And he’s like, let’s stay. Let’s make this work. It’s OK. So I thought that is that’s a really good point. Yeah, I hadn’t noticed. Excellent observation. 

Alex [00:32:36] Yeah. So Commander Lewis does in fact come back into the have they take off. Everybody’s real sad obviously and then gentle sobbing. Yeah. It’s such a good job. 

Alex [00:32:48] Like these are characters that we don’t even barely know. But he does such a good job with these little moments that tell you who they are. You know, Johannsson I think we’ve already established that Johannsson is hot. The Johannsson is like way prettier than your average is. 

Lacey [00:33:03] Actually Hansen played by Kate Mara. Yeah, OK. 

Alex [00:33:07] We’ve established that she’s particularly good looking. She’s she’s the only one who’s sobbing. But at the same time, like Beck is clearly a little more practical. He’s the one who was saying, Commander, you have to come in like, you know, my friend just died. And he’s the first one who’s willing to say that Mark is dead. Yeah. And, you know, they’re just these little nuggets that sort of give you a taste of who these different characters are. Yeah. So we flash forward now back to the present day and they’re finally telling them we’ve it’s this great moment where we keep when are we going to tell? When are we going to tell them? When are we going to tell them? And then we meet them. We see them. 

Alex [00:33:43] We see how it happened. Now we’re going to tell them it’s great timing. I left I left him behind just like that’s when I just broke for Johanes or for Lewis because I was just like. 

Lacey [00:34:00] You worked so hard, put and put everybody else at risk, and this is, you know, your worst fear wasn’t wrong. 

Alex [00:34:10] Exactly was alive. He wasn’t dead. You left him behind. 

Lacey [00:34:15] And it just there’s let’s everybody else, everybody else off the hook, too, because she’s like, you didn’t do it. You were following orders. I left him behind. 

Alex [00:34:23] Yeah. And that is, you know, they they tell writers that, you know, every character is the star of their own story. And, you know, one of the marks of a good writer is that you can look at secondary characters and be like, oh, this story could have been about you. You know, it’s not this isn’t just James Bond where all the other characters in the movie are just sort of cardboard cutouts for him to play against. You know, when you look at a really good story, every character has their own desires and their own sort of struggles and that sort of thing. And that, to me, really jumped out as Commander Lewis is the star of her own story. There is a Commander Lewis movie happening in the background of The Martian, and she has a really powerful redemption arc because everybody is celebrating. And then she’s over here with her own motivations and just a writer who is capable of setting up a scene like that where everybody’s on the same page and then you realize that one of them isn’t there, having their own personalized response instead of the sort of group response. 

Lacey [00:35:25] And what’s so beautiful about that is, is really we are all the stars of our own show. Like, that’s just kind of how we tend to live our lives. Yeah. And that doesn’t mean that we’re all egocentric or whatever. That’s just it’s hard to imagine everybody else’s motivations. And your reality is different than the person next to you, their reality. So I love that that is built into this story. 

Alex [00:35:51] Yeah. Yeah. It’s just it’s so great she’s she’s responding the way she would. Yep. And that’s Chapter 12. So you found that boring? 

Alex [00:36:02] I found that incredibly chaotic. I,. 

Lacey [00:36:04] I did this start with purely because I mean I think I kind of wasn’t having it the night that I read these because I was real bored with part of Chapter 13. Yeah, that doesn’t stay true for very long. But I think it’s because it is the part of the movie that I remember is is the beginning is how it happened that he’s there. Yeah. 

Alex [00:36:28] I as a bit of a synthesis back story, while Lacey was reading Chapter 13, I walked in, I was like, hey, how are you doing? 

Alex [00:36:36] And she looks up from her book and she looks at me and goes. 

Alex [00:36:41] I’m reading about fabric, and then she just went back to her book and I was like, OK. 

Lacey [00:36:50] And then he got all, but he got a little excited about it. And I was like, because that fabric stuff is ominous as hell. 

Alex [00:36:55] OK, so get their Chapter 13 again. The first note I have is ominous backstory. We start with the hab canvas was produced at a facility. 

Lacey [00:37:08] What we do is that the first thing I think it is wrong, it’s the first thing I noted. 

Lacey [00:37:13] OK, well, I noted about Mark getting pissy. 

Lacey [00:37:18] OK, listen, listen. He’s in communication with Earth and he’s been he’s been desperately trying to do for four months. 

Lacey [00:37:27] Exactly. 

Lacey [00:37:28] And it’s just so human to get so annoyed with them so fast. I mean, he he calls them dipshits. And I cackled. I was out loud just yet cackling because it is so human to get just to do that 180. And I love it. I love that. It’s not like overly you know, it’s not too sentimental. It’s not like like they’re annoying me. But, you know, I’m glad that I get to even talk to them. No, he’s like he a different way. Yeah. I am the best botanist on this planet. Yeah. Like I don’t need you I don’t need you to tell me that I’m doing it right. Yeah. I fucking know. 

Alex [00:38:08] I feel like this is one of those things that that is very plausible coming from an astronaut. You know, like not not everybody could make it through an astronaut program. I feel like astronaut programs like the they select for the kind of people who don’t want to be micromanaged, who are a little bit Hot Shots, are very confident in their own abilities. And so I like the I have a feeling that any astronaut who read this book would have been like, yes, that they check in to see when you go to the bathroom, go away, you know, leave me alone. 

Lacey [00:38:41] Yeah, yeah. 

Alex [00:38:43] But I’m ominous back story setting up something about the hab canvas. Weird. Like where was it manufactured and how was it manufactured and when was it inspected? And then we just intercut back to March and then we just got back to Mars. And hey Michael, what? He’s doing his thing. And we go around for a little while and then it comes back. The Hab canvas was loaded into the rocket and did it. 

Lacey [00:39:03] It this is like this is where my mother would be like blah blah, blah, quote unquote. Yeah. 

Alex [00:39:10] Um, she said to me this this recalls an old onion video that was released like ten years ago, which is Nation Panic’s as ominous music heard across the world. 

Alex [00:39:24] It’s just about weird creepy music coming from nowhere and everybody freaking out because they feel like something’s coming. That’s how I feel about this. Like, why are you talking about the hab canvas, this incredibly important thing that is vital to our hero survival? Why are you drawing our attention to it repeatedly? You keep coming back to it. What is going on? 

Lacey [00:39:45] The onion are probably tense. Kind of makes me think of stranger than fiction. Isn’t that the one where Will Ferrell is? Yes. Yes. His life starts being narrated. Yeah. By Emma Thompson. 

Alex [00:39:55] He’s a character in a book and he can hear the narrator. Yeah, so he did. So he’s growing his crops. And there is a particularly funny mention that you will know if you ever saw a trailer for The Martian because it was in like all the trailers, which is that when you grow crops in a place, technically, you have colonized it. And so Mark Watney gets to be the guy who colonized Mars. Yes, which is interesting because that’s not the definition of like. Yeah, I wonder where that comes from, where that definition comes from. Because a colony, you know, one of the things that we sort of worked through a little bit in Terra Genesis is the word colony and colonies, because not only does it have a pretty sordid history in terms of the age of colonization and very sort. It has. Yeah, like what all that meant. But also it’s a specific legal term. You know, a colony is a thing that has a specific relationship to the mother country. And you, you know, not everything is a colony. And so that’s one of the things we wrestled with in Terra Genesis is, you know, the whole point of Terra Genesis is declaring independence, at which point you are no longer a colony. 

[00:41:09] But even if it’s a mining outpost, doesn’t it have something to do with like with they’re already like being people there oftentimes. 

Alex [00:41:16] Yeah. A colony is like a it’s I forget the technical definition, but it’s like it’s a group of people who are away from their mother country who don’t have any legal control over their own sort of well-being. So, for example, California is not a colony of the United States because California participates in the government of the United States. But, you know, there there’s sort of a point by point thing of what is a colony. And so I’m surprised that Andy Weir, who I trust, like presumably he put this in there because he found some definition, but I’ve never seen a definition that has to do with growing crops. 

Lacey [00:41:51] So, yeah, well, and so I think I mean, I think the scientific community has come up with different words because because to go out onto other planets does, like you said, doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re of colonizing it. So I think they’ve come up with I think they just you settled generally, which is kind of boring, if you ask me. 

Alex [00:42:12] There are a few terms. Bill Nye and the Planetary Society likes to use subtle. I’m actually not that big a fan of settled because first off, it’s boring to settle literally means like to stop doing stuff. 

Lacey [00:42:25] It feels very small just based on the way that we’ve kind of used it historically. 

Alex [00:42:29] Yeah, a settlement is like you wouldn’t you wouldn’t say a settlement on Mars of one million people. Yes, it is only like a few dozen people. 

Alex [00:42:37] But and then the other thing for me, and this is sort of a nit picky point, but I feel like it’s it will be important in the adoption of the term is it’s kind of ambiguous in certain ways. Settlement is the act of doing it, the settlement of Mars. But then a settlement is also the place. So if you talk about the settlement of Mars, are you talk about the act of colonizing it or are you talking about the colony on Mars, the settlement of Mars? So it’s you know, it just sort of it’s kind of hard to use, really, which is why in Terra Genesis, we ended up reviving a word that is very old and doesn’t really get used very much. But I think it’s sort of the best word. And I would very much like it if everybody would help spread it, because I would like to make an impact on the zeitgeist, which is harmonize to harmonize a place it is to bring humans to a place, to make a place suitable for humans. And in addition to just being right, that is a better description of what we are doing in space. 

Alex [00:43:39] Wherever we go, we’re going to be bringing people. So whatever the legal definition of how that relates back to Earth is, you’re bringing people, you’re harmonizing it. 

Lacey [00:43:47] What are the different forms that you use? 

Alex [00:43:49] Which is the other thing that I really like about it is it’s very parallel to colonize, harmonize and colonize. You can have humanists just like colonists. You can have harmony just like a colony. It sort of fits the same kind of linguistic niche as colony. But it’s a better definition. 

Lacey [00:44:09] It’s kind of definition and doesn’t have the the baggage. 

Alex [00:44:13] Yeah, it does have the weight of history. You know, a lot of people, you know, if you go to a lot of places, but just to pick one, for example, India has a huge problem with the word colony because they were a colony. 

Alex [00:44:23] And that’s a bad thing. They don’t want to be a colony. And so when you look at science fiction, worlds like The Expanse, if you went to Mars in the Expanse colony, would be a very dirty word because they had to declare independence from Earth. They are not a colony. And so if you talk about colonizing Mars, I have a feeling those Martians would have a strong objection. 

Lacey [00:44:44] Yeah, so and people have often had that objection, you know, for for their various histories of their their ancestors and whatnot. So if I think back to the ancient Greek colonies. Right. Sort of never good to be a colony. Yeah. And to be colonized. So I think I think that there needs to be a better word. Yeah. I don’t know what he’d be the first. What’s the word. Instead of being the first colonists reharmonized monarch but the first commonest of Mars. Oh I like that c I like that better. Right. 

Alex [00:45:15] OK, it just said, you know, the other thing is a lot of people like the word colonize, like they grew up with a sci fi, like we’re going to colonize Mars. I like the word colonize, but it’s again, it’s got bad history and it’s not legally right and so harmonized. Done so easy. Yeah, I harmonized Mars sold so spread the word harmonize. That’s the one. That’s the one we should be using. Yes. Let’s go with that. Next up, there’s a great little moment that made me laugh, even though it’s not actually that funny. But just like come on man, which is he talked about how he established a secondary communication system with NASA of placing rocks on the ground for Morse code because using rocks to do dots and dashes is a lot easier than using rocks to actually make like big old English letters. And he says hopefully it won’t come up. And I’m just sitting here going, Dude, have you been paying attention? It’s absolutely going to come up. This is again for the writers out there. This is something called Chekhov’s Gun, which is a principle in writing, which is that if you introduce something, you have to pay it off. If you introduce a gun in Act one, the gun has to go off by Act three. And so when Mark Watney says, hey, I’ve got this other system for communicating with NASA, just in case the Pathfinder breaks, hope I won’t have to use it. 

Alex [00:46:34] That is absolutely Chekhov’s gun. 

Alex [00:46:35] You’re going to have to use it, man, if you like. You jinxed it. 

Lacey [00:46:41] Yeah, I felt like a lot of this chapter early on at least, is just getting everyone in contact and on the same page. So it’s like Lewis to want Watney to Lewis, NASA acknowledging that it is that it has more time to deal with things than expected because he has crops like it’s just it gets a bit boring. But I did find that the that the fabric interludes were bizarrely interesting because the rest of it was boring. And I kind of got mad about it cause the interludes are weird, but very specific. They’re very specific. I didn’t read as ominous for you. Well, of course. But like. 

Lacey [00:47:26] Listen, there just I had some questions by the end of it that I was like, OK, so we’re going to jump a little bit ahead just because it’s all about the fabric. Why, why, why? Why would you put it on a plane specifically just like this and store it just like this? And then you’re going to take the plane up even higher than you normally would because you want it to have, you know, the the smoothest flight possible. 

Lacey [00:47:52] And then you’re going to take it through there, getting through multiple atmospheres. And it’s not smooth at all. Like, it’s it’s totally I think it’s just minimizing risk. 

Alex [00:48:04] It’s going to have to go through those two atmospheres anyway. So let’s minimize whatever we can, you know. 

Alex [00:48:12] Lacey’s not having it. I’m not having it, I don’t this is going to be the closest she’s not having. That’s our new tagline. I don’t buy it. I think that’s what it is. 

Alex [00:48:21] There was a moment that I really enjoyed which or rather I would have enjoyed. He didn’t go there, but I feel like it was interesting. It would have been interesting if he had, which is he talks about how he’s got potatoes now. 

Alex [00:48:34] He’s growing potatoes. He has food that he has grown himself and not just potatoes for replanting. He actually has now potatoes for eating. And he talks about how am I going to store them because, you know, I’m not going to need him for a while and I don’t want them to rot. And the answer is, you just throw him outside because Mars is going to suck all the water out of them instantly. 

Alex [00:48:54] And the whole planet is one giant freezer. So you just throw them out the door and that’s where he keeps his potatoes, presumably just in like a big pile out by the airlock so that he’s going to have dried potatoes. So he’s going to yeah, it’s going to be dry, but they’re going to be preserved. They’re not going to rot, which is great, but very dusty. Like we’ve already established this. This is a world where he has to go out every couple of days and blow dust off of the the solar panels. And he don’t want to eat that dust and you don’t want to eat that dust. And so you have to wash that, by the way, radioactive dust. And so, yeah, I’m kind of surprised that any weird didn’t go into, like, you’re eating, OK, you’ve got potatoes, but they’re covered in red Martian dust. Like he doesn’t I don’t think he has like a faucet, like a kitchen sink. But, you know, like I wish they had gone into that. That’s the kind of thing that he does go into a lot in this. 

Lacey [00:49:44] Yeah. So then you notice that it’s missing some of that detail. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. 

Lacey [00:49:49] I just want to say one more listen, just one more thing about that, that fabric thing with the with the plane and the and the atmospheres and all of this stuff. OK, see, this is why it doesn’t make sense to me because it’s like it’s like you’re giving a baby a bath and you’re gently sudsing it. Right. Just imagine this and then you throw the baby out the window with the bath water like it doesn’t make sense. Why would you treat it like this perfect, precious little baby and then just throw it out the window because they didn’t throw it out the window? 

Lacey [00:50:23] This was this. 

Alex [00:50:24] They did they did everything they could to protect it, recognizing that they can’t do everything, recognizing that it’s going to turn into a teenager someday. 

Alex [00:50:33] That’s some weird hot canvas, but OK, I’m just saying it just it seems bizarre to be so over the course of the episodes that we’ve been reading The Martian, we’ve established a number of things that Mark Watney is Mark Watney is a genius. Mark Watney is very upbeat. Mark Watney is the greatest botanist on Mars. But now in Chapter 13, we have definitively established one thing that Mark Watney is not, and that is the urinating champion of all time. 

Alex [00:51:04] And that made me laugh so hard, I know I’m not the urinating champion of all time, he’s talking about water usage and how much water is getting sucked up by the water reclaimer. And he says, no, I’m not the urinating champion of all time. And I got flashed into my head like an Olympic stadium, urinating competition. And a whole thing sort of flashed through my mind in an instant. And it was thoroughly hilarious. 

Lacey [00:51:31] I so I and I don’t even remember it. So I’m I am more taken by his expletives. So. Yeah, because again, your girl loves expletives. Yes. Yes, she fucking does. Huh. 

Alex [00:51:47] So coming back around to the dust on the potatoes and that kind of little nitty gritty thing, he actually does do one thing which I really appreciated, which is maintenance on the water reclaimer. Turns out that the efficiency has been dropping and he wants to repair it. And NASA’s like, no, you’re going to kill yourself. And so he does it anyway. 

Lacey [00:52:05] Yeah, just to be ornery, I think I think what’s interesting is in this chapter, we get Mark’s new perspective on what is life threatening and what is not. And that is a fact that’s it’s fascinating that we’re managed to anticipate that psychological change, because when you are in the used to it. Yeah. If you are going to be in a long term, high risk situation, your idea of what is worth being concerned about is going to change. Absolutely. And so I just I think I might be in love with Andy Weir’s brain. And so I need to check in with him and see if he’ll be my plan B. 

Alex [00:52:55] All right. Well, you heard it here first. My wife is leaving me for Andy Weir. 

Lacey [00:53:00] No, not not not really. Just just if it’s an option, if you have to in the future. Yeah. 

Alex [00:53:09] So throughout Chapter 13, we’ve been establishing hab canvas where it was produced, where it was inspected, how it was shipped to Mars, how it was thrown out with a baby and grew up into a teenager. 

Alex [00:53:20] And now at the end of the chapter. We see why. 

Lacey [00:53:25] OK, but you hold in, OK, go ahead, we can jump back. Do your thing. 

Alex [00:53:31] That was that was my big sting, OK, commercial break, we’re going to come back now, we’re going to do your your stuff and then we’ll get to the payoff later. Oh, OK. 

Lacey [00:53:39] I just it’s about the water reclaimer, OK? It’s all of that stuff because he says that he talks about why he’s being adversarial and that, you know, and what NASA looks for and astronauts, kind of like you said before, is independence. And if he was afraid of touching everything or literally anything, he wouldn’t be alive. So I love that he wouldn’t go against his orders from Lewis, but he will absolutely flout the requests of NASA bureaucrats. And I just I want to be like, Mark, when I grow up and have that sort of confidence to just be like, no, I’m no, I’m not going I’m not going to wait on you. You’re doing it stupid because you don’t understand what is life threatening and what is not because you’re not here. And, you know, he’s the expert. So, I mean, not on waterer claimers, obviously, but, you know, the water reclaimer story is another great moment of we’re going, OK, what would go wrong? And let’s go through the details of it. OK, we’re going to take it. And he’s going to mark every single piece. And he’s doing he knows it’s probably a clog. It is mineral water. OK, that’s smart. Like, it’s that is such a normal thing. Yeah. And I, I loved going through the detail of that. I loved the emotional reaction he has to NASA and the screw you guys. I’m going to do what I want and I don’t know, just, um. I like that NASA called them a dick. Yeah, that’s maybe one of my favorite things, because probably not all of NASA’s messages are being read and so they can do that. 

Lacey [00:55:30] So anyway, onto the fabric. 

Alex [00:55:33] Yes. So it’s worth revisiting here. The hab in the world of the Martian is not the way it’s often pictured in a lot of science fiction stories. Oftentimes, haboobs on Mars are depicted as buildings. They’re sort of built off of the same model as the International Space Station. They’ve got the white walls and sort of steel beams wrapping around, you know, often some kind of cylindrical kind of thing with a little hatch doorway sticking out. 

Alex [00:56:02] And that’s not what we have here over and over and over. We are reminded that the hab is basically a tent. The Hab is made of canvas. It’s something that ripples during the storm. It’s not a rigid structure. 

Lacey [00:56:15] Thus he is in more danger than the rest of the crew. 

Alex [00:56:20] So the hab is something that can, for example, deflate. And we’ve been following this hab canvas throughout its life cycle. And now Mark Watney steps into the airlock and pressurizes it and it explodes. And the way it is described was so just like breathtaking in sort of the literal sense and just this like kind of like, oh my God, it just becomes a cannon, the whole thing. 

Alex [00:56:55] You can just picture the cylinder sticking off of a sort of Half Dome tent and all of a sudden it just becomes a cannon. And the full force of the atmosphere in this building launches the cylinder and he’s inside. Just as it rolls across, the landscape finally comes to a stop. 

Alex [00:57:14] And he’s just like, are you fucking kidding me? Just when everything was starting, he was starting to get a handle on it and the whole hab explodes. And that’s where we end. 

Lacey [00:57:26] And Chapter 13, that’s when I was like, oh, remember when I said the fabric was marginally interesting because the rest of the chapter is really effing boring? Well, a way to prove me wrong. 

Lacey [00:57:36] Wier, you jerk. Seriously, so much for being my plan B. 

Alex [00:57:42] Sorry, Andy. She’s breaking up. 

Lacey [00:57:45] I just do 180s left and right. I don’t want to be with me. So that is it for this episode of The Synthesis. 

Alex [00:57:52] Next week we’re going to be picking up with the next three or four chapters of The Martian and taking it from here, seeing how do you what do you do when you’re hab blows up on Mars? 

Lacey [00:58:04] What do you do when you’re Mark and not everybody else? Yeah, because that those are two different answers, probably. 

Alex [00:58:11] I mean, we all know that, for example, Jacob would probably just die as he should. Oh, my good. I mean, we can I hope at least you’re a jerk. 

Lacey [00:58:21] I have. 

Alex [00:58:23] Listen, there’s only room for one jerk in this relationship, and it is absolutely Jacob. I was going to say it was Tim. But whatever Tim and Jacob, you know, Tim probably is Jacob. Like, this just seems like the kind of like that’s probably. Yeah, dumb. All right. So that’s it for this episode of The Synthesis. 

Alex [00:58:43] Tune in next week. We’re going to be here on Thursday, as usual, and we really mirroring it to YouTube. So if you’re watching us there, be sure to subscribe and hit the bell. So you’re notified about new episodes? Yes. Last thing worth mentioning is Imageworks Entertainment has a new show on YouTube, so be sure to check it out. It’s called Slice of Science. It’s a one to two minute series of just cool little facts about space and science that you may not have known about. Animated with some really cool animations by Tarnya, who works here at edX Works Entertainment. 

Lacey [00:59:14] And she’s so excited that they’re out. Yes, because she’s been working on this on these for ages, ages. And so we’re super proud of her two episodes out. 

Alex [00:59:24] And they are, I think, the most popular videos that we have released on YouTube so far. 

Alex [00:59:28] So definitely not nearly as popular as Tony. Heartbreaking. So check out slice of science knife falls on YouTube. Subscribe and hit the bell and tune in next week. 

Lacey [00:59:45] OK, bye.